Newspaper Page Text
TKUMSL ADVANCE. TOR DAILY. ne rear ... 6 06 Six months 3 00 riiive mouths 1 50 .supplied by carriers at 12 cents por week. TOE WEEKLY. n roe months , . 0 x months 8"' He Year $ 1 50 FOR TRI-WEKKLY. Six months - 2 00 One year 4 00 ADVERTISING BATES H DAILY Bnsinsss cards (5 lines or less), one year.. ...f 13 " ix months..". 7 ot " " " three " ... 4 One square (10 lines or Ins) one insertion 75 " " " 1 25 " " one week.... 1 76 " one month & so IN WEEKLY. EVANS I? 3AILY JOURNAL. JUL. MOENING EDITION. One square, one ii;scrtnn. , 1 00 For each subsequent insertion so Special Notices retained on in- He of paper, will be charged 20 per cent, additional on above rates. VOLUME XVI. i.VAsVlLLE, IND., TUESDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1863. ESTABLISHED, 1831 TA 7 V II 5 MEDICAL. S. W. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Qmci asd Kf.idbnci Ko. 25 Wai.sit Stbxbt (At Br. Ronald's Old Stand.) EYANSVILLE, INDIANA. n&Ti)-lT IYORYTYPES, PHOTO 6BAFS AND Offtxca Pictures. ALSO, WEDDING CARDS, Mounted in Beautiful Style, A T Adam's Photographic Gallery, OYER POST-Or ICE. LAW CARDS. WfiJ. H. WALKER, Jr , ATTORNEY AT LAW, EVANSVILLE, IND., Office on Third Street, eatl3ly Opposite Court House. CHARLES DENBlT, Attoi'iiey at Law, Has resumed the practice of Law. Office on Third Street, middle of Hall's Block, up stairs. fcb2 JAMES RE I D , Attorney at Law AND C 0 LLECTING AGENT. OFFICE On Third Street, third door from Main Street, in the Crescent City Bank Building, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA fel25-ly .Ins. T- Walltei, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND Agent for obtaining Pension, Back Pay and Bounty FiR DISCHARGED 80LDIER, AND TOR the Widows aud other legal representatives of those who die in the service of the United States. Office on the North-West side of Third Street, near the Washington House and nearly opposite the Court Hon', Evansvilie, Indiana. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. jyis-iy SASH AND DOORS. JAMi:S STEELE, (Successor to Steels A Hcxwai,) SECOND ST., BET. CHESTNUT AND CHERRY, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. SASH, DOORS, WTJTDOW BLINDS Dressed Lumber Boards, Laths, Ac, of every description constantly on Land. Packing Boxes if all kinds made to or erder. Sawiu of every kind done on the shortest no'lee. aplS-ly W. HUNNELL, COR NEK WALNUT STREET AND CANAL, EVANSVILLE, IND., lias oa hand the largest lot of Sashes, Boors, Blinds, Frames, Ac. Ever Manufactured in the West. CHEY ARE OF MY OWN MAO. I have also a fine lot of White Pine and Pi.pnlar Flooring. Moulding of all kinds madeand sawing of all descriptions done at the shortest notice. BOOTS & SHOES. c3 CO., Retail Dealers and Manufactures of BOOTS &, SHOES, No. 38 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. IX'E HAVE NOW ON HAND A LARGE V and well selected stock of Eastern aud home made Ucods, consisting of all deacript'ous of Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boy s' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, Which we offer for sale as low as any house in th city. All our work is warranted. BfplC MILLER A CO. MARBLE WORKS. TT1ST Rocoived, Direct from the Quarries, the The Finest Stock of Marble Ever brought tn this market, and for sale at STREET & YOUNG'S American and Italian Marble Manufactory. WARS AND SALES ROOM - KTo 134 MAIN STREET, Near the Canal. Onr facilities for furnishing those wishing KOM'MKNTS. GRAVESTONES, TOMBS, HAHT1KS, 1 r anything else la ear lias, sre unsurpassed In he West Our Stock of Marble ia complete, having been sleeted wttS great -re at the quarries. myCdAw fJHL HORN & BR I N KM AN, (Successor to M. A. Lawrence,) Dealers in AMERICA nana MARBLE. Main Straaa Near Court House. EVANSVILLE, - - INDIANA sBrMoTjacHnts, M ties. Tombs, Vasos, and all iods of FurnitareW Vneatly and promptly ex -cataci in tie- latest an I eat stylo. dart WATCHES & JEWELRY. J. L BITTROLFF, JR., No. 1, North First Street. An entirely new Stock of Watches and Jewelry, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, &c. T 5 lput 'ThTi R F. P K' 'T F r L LT INFORM THE nublic that I havi onenl an entirely new and fashionable sto.-k of the above goods, srMeh. hav -tne boen bought for cash, I am prepared to sell at prices as low as the lowest, and warrant every article to be just as represented. From long ex-p-ri- :ire in the Imsin-s., I am confident of giviug satisfaction, aud hope to merit a sharo of the pub lic patronage. Personal attention paid to repairing Watthas, Clocks and Jewtdry. J. L. BITTROLFF, Jr., octlT-lmdAw No. 1, Nurth Viral Street. WATCHES & JEWELRY. WATC AND JEWELRY, AT Wholesale and Retail. GEO. A. BITTE0LFF Has just opened at the old stand INTo. 48 Ouo of the largest and best selected stocks of WATCHES, CLOCKS an I !E3 W 13 Hm jES. "ST, Diamond Rintjs and Fins, Silver Ware, Silver Cups, Soup Ladies, Table and Tea Spoons, Napkin Rings, Batter Knives, Childrens' Setts, &c. &c. Plated Ware, Fall Tea Sets, Castors, Pitchers, Cups, Butter Dishes, Salt-Cellars, Goblets, Jewelry, A full assortment ot all kinds of Spectacles, Watch Materials, Watch Glasses, &c, &c. Having bought my stck for Cash, I can sell at the lowest figures for Cash. Call and examine my stock before purchasing eUewbero. GEO. A. BITTROLFF. sep5 No. 48 Main Street. STOVES, &c. g NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. o r Tallow, Lard, Grease & Oils. Tho undersigned pay their Particular Attention To the sale of the above articles, and SOA1 STOCKS CEHERALLY. Consignments sent to them will be PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF and Quick Returns Made on very advanced term. Wo mail onr Weekly Circnlar strati to all nendiug their address to ABKAM KNIGHT &. SONS, 3 AVater Street, N. Y. City. iylOdfim HARDWARE. HARDWARE AT LOW PRICES. M.-at Cutters and 8ausage Snif fers; 3 o a Patent Meat Cutters and Stuf fers, (combined) ; Axes, Lippiucott's, and Taneyck's ; White's Axe Handles and Wedges ; Wood, Hand and Ripping Saws ! of Spear and Jackson. t);s3 ton's and others ; Cross Cut Sa'.v, common and I patent ; 8 Q Hid Mill Saws, Rowland s, e. ; Butcher's Files, Chisels and Razors ; Table and Pocket C-tlery ; Shears and Scissors ; Tea and Table Spoans ; Tea and Counter Scales; Scale Beams; Butchei Knives and Saws; Wilson's Steels ; Cleavers and Choppore; Molasses Gates and Cedar fau cets; i Hay and Straw Knives ; Grain and Coal Shovels ; ' Shovsls and 5pades ; Chains Log, Traeoand nalter; 1 2 5" Nails; jeives and Bat Traps ; Brushes and Curry Corns ; ' Door Lce'ts, Hinges and Screws bv" 1 1 ws "As W s u Chain Pumps ; O Ohio Tool Ca. Truss Hoops ; Pianos and S3 I Er B 3U S Barton's Cooper T ;ols ; Cabinet Hardware ; Shovels, Tongs and Stands ; Steel Fire Setts. For sal by - JACOB 8TBACB A SON. n a 35 H o A ssS P SOr; 1 q IT i f ?1 l 69 NOTICE. 7T. PUBLISHED BY JAMES H. McNEELY. F. M. THATF.R. . JNO. H. IXDEB IHI FIKM OF THE KcNESLY. Evan8Vllle J OUnial Company. 1 Journal Bnilclinsrs LOCTJST STREET, BETWEEN FIRST AND WATER. TUESDAY DECEMBER 1 Berry It. Suljirove, editor of the Indianapolis Journal, in a letter from Washington pays the following nice and deserved compliment to two Indianians, now filling responsible positions in Wash ington City : Thh National LiBiunY. The Con gressional Library is now an interesting j - TV . , . T , institution to a uoosier, as ine Librarian, I Colonel J. G. Stephenson, is a Hoosier, I formerly of Terre Haute, and the princi j pal assistant is Mr. Spnffbrd, formerly of tne Cincinnati omviercial, wtto was made bv nature for a librarian. Mr. Stephenson has completely broken up the ' 11 old fogy" crust which had hardened j and thickened over the Librav during the , , . , V . 1 .1 twenty or thirty years of the administra tion of his predecessor. It is the mov ing thing now, with a spirit and aim which in a very few years will make it the best library in the nation. He has selected his assistance with a merciless disregard of all considerations but fitness, and has thus obtained the means to add to th'e li brary greatly while administering it sat isfactorily. Mr. Spafford, who knows the size, dress, appearance and contents of more books than any twenty of the usual class of erudite men, is always watching for available pnri.-hases, in Kurope and at home, and has already secured several, of which there is but one or two dupli cates at all on this side of the Atlantic. The Library contains now 82,S75 vol umes, exclusive of duplicates, public documents, and everything bus) those works which are usually me;i!it in speak ing of a library, and the Law Library contains over 18,000 volumes, arranged as conveniently as the confined quarters assigned them in the building will admit, in a number of SDiall rooms aud passa ges adjacent to the main hall, and in the main hall of the library, but no arrange ment can show them to advantage with out light and more convenient space. In the main hall, which was once thought ample for all the books Congress would ever use or need, the stalls or recesses, about ten or twelve feet square, decora ted with bronze columns, and ranged above each other in three stories or gal leries, present a very handsome appear ance, and there is always an abundance of light in them, but there is a sugges tion of want of room, of confinement, about the books piled up ou the heada of columns and around on the floors and railings, which detracts from proper ef fect. Mr. Stephenson is working his way as rapidly as possible to a complete and convenient arrangement of all the un packed books, atd a general re-arrangement and enlargement of the Library, and when he succeeds, as he surely will, there will be few better in any country. I must not close this lettar without congratulating our city on the promotion i. , r i r tar . 1 1 i oi one oi ner oovs, unaries .m. m aiKer, to the position of Fifth Auditor of the Treasnrv. It is a very important post, j and his speedy accession to it is a com pliment to his ability and character which ! he may well feel prond of. In this de- partment are nndited all the accounts growing out of the foreign relations of j the Government, the salaries of our min i isters, consuls and the like, and in a short ! time it is to be charged with the ac counts of the collectors and assessors of Internal revenue, which will greatly in crease its business. The responsibility of such a position is no light matter, but Mr. Walker has the brains to appreciate and the strength to support it. Memphis Item. From the Memphis Bulletin of the 24th, we clip the following: Gobbi.ep. Wo are informed that some fifty or sixty of the thieves and gambling fraternity were picked up at a horse race on Sunday, and transferred to regiments quartered in Fort Picker ing. Rough ox tiie Rouohs. The plug uglies of town must think by this time the military are after them pretty sharp. On Sunday another ltrze haul of them was made at a dog fight. They are all learn ing Hardee's tactics like nice little men. Bear and for-Ber The steamer Progress has two half grown cubs chain ed upon the guards. They are engaging playful little pets, and the htvorites ot all the passengers. i j i-fij eaterday a dandified chap became interested in their pranks, and was so kind as to cut up an apple for them. He then tantalized them for several minutes by offering them anoth er tempting one, but always cheating : them when they offered to take it. At I last he put it in his coat tail pocket, and turned away. Before he got out of ; reach, however, one of the cunning lit lie scamps who had been watching the proceedings, caught hold of his skirts and tore them off, securing apple and all. He looked around and saw trouble was Bruin, and then retreated at douale quick. We heard he was a wholesale man, but when he was last seeu he want ed re-tailing badly. The Hawk-Eye fired into. We learn from Captain Browers, of the steamer Maria, that the steamer Haw-Eye State was fired into on her passage from Cairo at Hale's Point. About one hundred mounted guerrillas were seen. Xo per son was injured, but some cattle were ' killed. The Maria passed about an hour previous and had some intention of stop ; ping at the same point to wood, but things : looked so suspicious that they fortunate- ly proceeded without stopping. Business in Paducah is at a stand still goods and every thing else having been : - prevented from going out by military or- j , ders. ! A man named Thomas Craig, a resi-, ; dent of Gallatin county, Ky., was taken . to Covington, Monday, by Provost Mar j shsl Faris, of Gallatin county, and lodg- ed in the military prison, charged with I making enlistments for the rebel army. Accused was formerly attached to John Morgan's command, and accompanied I that chieftan in his raid through Indiana ' and Ohio. He was arrested in Tennes see, a short time ago, and brought to Louisville, where Provost Marshal f itch 1 furnished him with release papers. The last arrest wa3 made by order of lien, j Boyle. Death of Hon. James Dick. This , gentleman died at his coal mines, iu j bullivan county, on the R. & ('. Railroad last Wednesday. Mr. 1., was a native of Scotland, but had been a resident tUia fiAJBsdsr for n niiinhi.r rf vmm .,,,,1 ' 5 ti i ' , naa nueu a nuutwir in important nad 'responsible positions having been mrniljor of (he State Constitutional Oon vention, Tos master in this place under President Fierce, and Mayor of our city. He was a gentleman of more than usual ability and force of character of excel lent judgment, and strong will and de terminations. He was remarkably wel'- it mil! nn all rronfipal ciil.iafttc . , r : , genial in his social intercourse with menus, ins sudden and unexpected death has left a void in our community which it will be hard to fill. Vin. Sun. A curious phenomenon occurred re' cently at the Courde ed Brie. 41 Last evening," says a correspondent, from that place, "just after dark, at the moment the public square was crowded with tl e usual Sunday audience of the military band, a very curious incident occurred. The day bad been cloudy, with a' steady breeze form S. S. W. ; some rain had fallen, and the sun was very red in a wild sky : still nothing prepared us for what actually happened. ' S 1 . Just as the raaire and his party were returning "home, raw leg of mutton fell down from tl e sky! The raaire called the municip 1 1 authorities together at once to consult i about this meteor." The explanation may be found in the fact that Mr. Nader, ! in his great balloon, sailed over that place at an immense hight, and by some mig- 1 cnance lost overooara one ot the legs ot 1 . I . . M . . mutton he carried up. MANTUA MAKING. HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOAK, MANTILLA AND MRS. ELIZA SPEIGLEBERG, TN THE OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING, ON 1 First Street, has just received fresh supplies from the East, of the richest fa-Tics, and Is now prepared to make up to ordor ou the mot reason ithle terms. Cloaks, Mantlas, Circles, and Sacques of tho best material and of the most beaatiful styles. Her stork is so complete, that with the assist ance of the most competent Dross and Cloak m ikers in the country, she is able to defy all com petitors in both styo and prices. Mrs. Spigelberg also has bought a large as sortment of Silks, Head Dressses, Hair Braids and Curls, Ladys' Porket Handkerchief of every style and a great many other articles for the conve alencs of the Ladles of E vans vi lie ai.d vicinity too uumi tous to mention. riiH K'st Sewing Machines of Orover & Baker manufactory for family use, for sale by Mrs. ELIZA SPIEOKLBERG, No. 13 First Street bet Main and Second. scp28 SOAP AND CANDLES. IPliilip Decker, (Successor to Decker k Kramer), Manufacturer of Lard Oil SOAP AND CANDLES. Also, an extra article of OUBNING, ENGINE, AND CAB OIL Dealers ia Rosin, Soda, Ashes, Ac. Also Pure Catawba Win Df our own raising, in quantities to suit par chasers, 116 MVitn Street, betieten First and Second, EvansriLLC, Indiana. Terms cash, er 00 days' paper negotiable ia lank. jau20-lv HOTEL. Crescent City Hotel. Mrs. A. Webb, Proprietress. ON WATER, BET. MAIN A LOCL'ST STB., (Opp. Steamboat Lauding,) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. A watch for Steamboats kept at all honrs. TUS WEBB TAKES PLEASURE IN AN- IvX nonnclns to the public (?erally that she htw lint sold ont the Crescent City Hotel, as ri I'rd hnt is still rsrryins; on at the old stand, ! eft Water. Iwtweeu Main and Locust streetB, and ' would still solicit a sharo of the pullic patrou i age. noVJl-fim NOTICE TO FARMERS. '!h HIGHKST CASH PRICKS PAID FOR HIDES, FURS, FEATHERS, WOOL, BEANS, DRIED FRUIT, CLOVER SEED, FLAX SEED, GRASS SEED, BEESWAX, GINSLNG, And all kinds of Country Produce by A. GUMBERT9. Omen At L. Loowenthal It Co.'s Store, corner of Main and First Streets. nov5-3m GROCERIES. HENRY LUTZ, Dealer in anooBRiBs PROVISIONS, Cor. Chesnut Street and the Canal EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. I HAVE RETURNED HOME FROM THE army, and am resdy to see my old customers, and the public generally, at the old stand. The highest market price paid for PRODUCE. I am also prepared to accommodate people attend ing Market with board and lodging, and will alio taKe care o i tnetr uorses ana wagens. Having a : gUxl)li; and wn.yaxd. Mj gar is also oten j for customers. H. LUTZ. octC-lwd&lmw jAUVBL E. GlLBBBT. WlI.UAM R. BaKCB. S. K GILBERT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Sycamore 8trt, bet. Water and First, EvANBVItlB, Ikd. A full assortment of Groceries always en hand, od for salo at the lowest prices. GROCERIES. COTTON YARNSr-25 BAGS MAY3VILLE v 50u'b and 000's ; for sale by S. E. GILBEBT & CO., oc22 No. 4 Sycamore Street. IXTRA FLOUR 100 BBLS. ON CONSIGN - l'j incut ; for salo at s. E. GILBEBT A CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. oc22 ,xxt' STAB CANDLES 100 BOXES; FOR SALE by S. E. GILBERT A CO.. 6cS9 Fo. 4 Sycamore Street. CINNAMON 200 MATS FOR SALE LOW TO j th e trade by S. E. GILBERT A CO., or 22 No. 4 Sycamore Street. FKKSH FIGS 500 just received by lrums very choice quality & E. GILBERT A CO. "UKN BROOMS 150 dozen Just received and for sale by 8. E. GILBERT A CO. No. 4 Sycamore Street. SYRUPS i'ij whole and half barrels for sals ow by S. E. GILBERT A CO , No. 4 Sycamore Street. f 1 OVEBNMENT NORTHERN PITCH 10 bbbj for sale by E. GILBEBT A CO., No. 4 Sycamore 8treet. WrCLL BUCKETS SOdozen for sale by 6. E. GILBERT A CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. COTTON BATTING 50 bales for sale low by 8. E. GILBERT ft CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. Q LIVES Z5 dozen assorted for sale by 6. E. GILBERT ft CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. sOAL OIL 10 bbls. best refined white for V sale by S. E. GILBERT ft CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. SWEET CIDER lObirrels choice Bweet Cider, made from selected Winter Apples, at H. A. COOK'S. AUCTION & COMMIS'ION Old Auction House and a New Auc tioueer. JJ. C0HN, HATING RENTED THE OLE . Auction Boom en ths corner of Main and Third Streets, Evanaville, for a term of years, will sonriuue tne anction sns commission ousiness, ; ind attend to selliag all kiadssf 4Vods, Furniture, OI Wagons, Buggiss, Carriages, Horses, Cattle, all i kiails of Manufactured Artistes, Ae. Liberal ad- , vaii.-.-:-iit made ua consignments j prompt attention win bo rfren to all good on- a - rusted to my saw. (inarf. j. j. corns' , BOOTS AND SHOES. 3? 2, 3 M i AND SHOE HOUSE. MAIN STREET, Have now in store the larg est stock of Goods of any House in the United States, and of the best makes to be found. Their stock was pur- j chased before the recent ad vance, at 10 per cent, less than they can now be bought, and we will sell them for less -than any House in the West will sell tho same character of goods. We sell BOOTS & SHOES, not " scabs." Call and ex amine our goods. MORGAN, READ & CO. P. S. No charge for Boxes. Hats & Caps n50,000 WORTH Of the moHt (ashiooabb styles of HATS and CAPS Xow in store, tbat were pur chased 10 to 30 nor nnnf Lr . than they can now be pur chased of the manufacturers. We are determined to make Evansvillc a jobbing point, and to aid in doing so will sell goods for less than any House up the river. We said it and so it , shall be. No trouble to show goods - ' Quick sales and small profits " is our motto. MORGAN, READ & CO. Ladies9 Hats! MORGAN, READ & CO., Have in store a splendid as sortment of Ladies' and ' j Misses' Trimmcdllats of the ; latest and most approved styles, viz : Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Guerrabella; Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed i Coquette; Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed i Eugenia; Ladies and Misses Leghorn Trimmed Eugenia; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Coquette; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Guerrabella; Besides numerous other names and styles. Also, Children's Fancy Trimmed Hats, all of which we will sell very cheap indeed. Call and examine our stock. MORGAN, READ & CO. NOTICE. To the Ladies of Evansvilie and Vioinity. MBS. ROWLANP IS PREPARED TO DO all the latest styles of Embroidery and Brtid Stamping at her residence, on Second between Mnlbery and Gum Streets. acp27-Sm ' I INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. : 1 HPHE rxPWBtiTeNET) aTAI OPENED AN j X Intelligence Offise, on Third Street, feu r doors 1 west of the Washington Hotel, where he will give strict and prompt attention to all huiincxs in thai line. JOHN WAYMAN. Zeitnng copy apl5 mm m & co., HARDWARE. Jobbers and Importers. Hardware and Cutlery Our Pall Stock being very large and complete, we can offer to our Customers and the Trade, Goods that can not fail to please in Style, Quality and Price. Our Stock is now bought for Cash, and prices reduced. We offer the following in large quantites: TABLE CUTLERY, Inglish. TABLE CUTLEBY, American. TABLE CUTLEBY, English. TABLE CUTLEBY, American. POCKET CUTLEBY POCKET CUTLEBY POCKET CUTLEBY. POCKET CUTLEBY. CIIOPPTXG AXES. CHOPPING AXES. CHOPPING AXES. CHOPPING AXES. SHEARS AND SCISSORS 8HEAB8 AND BCISSOBS SHEARS AND SCISSORS BHEARS AN I SCISSORS TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. BITI.L AND CUT SAWS HILL AND H CUT SAWS WOOD AND BAND SAWS. WOOD AND HAND SAWS BI'ILDER'S HARDWARE. MECHANICS TOOLS. BUILDER'B HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS. GUNS AND PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS. CARTRIDGES ASP GUN CAPS PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. SCALE II EA MS A ND S TEEL YABDS. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. tiKO. S. SON JIT AG fc CO., No. It) Main Street. QUEENS WARE, &c. China, Glass AXD I jftueensware. I have now on hand, and am daily receiving additions thereto, one of the Largest Stools. O F CHINA, GLASS AND 't-j! ta ' !-, I QUEENS WARE Ever Drought to the West, and am determined that no necessity shall exist for Merchants to go East for their dueensware. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine for themselves, at No. 18 Main Street. ! Common desired. oe26 Ware furnished alone If M. A. LAWRENCE. STEAM BAKERY. Bread for the Hungry ! NEW STEAM BAKERY, No. U WATER STREET, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. WE DESIBE TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Evansvilie, ar.d the community in gen l eral, that our NEW STEAM BAKERY, NO. 11 WATER STREET, Is now iu successful operation, and we shall keep . constantly on baud and make to order, on short ; notice, all articles made at like manufactories ; l such as Bread. Cakes, Piss, Crackers, Ac, Ac. Being supplied with all the modern machinery to faciliate us iu our business, we flatter ourselves that we can give the most ample satisfaction in I the quality of onY goods and in prices. W.j will also keepoa band, a large and choice ( stock of Confections, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Ac, to which we call attention. Orders for public or private Parties, Festivals, , Balls, Ac, Ac, promptly filled on reasonable terms. ei'18tf Jl. WELD A CO. DRY GOODS XT IX E S T O N KEEN & TJAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND JL A general assortment of Desirable Dry Goods, Which they invite the ' trade " to call aad ex amine prices and qualities; believing, knowing, they can save dealers additional freight and ex penses in going further Eastward. Janl5 trade" to call and ax- INSOLUBLE CEMENT. Gil- v : DlSCOVBT. USEFUL auc VALUABLE DISCOVERT ! HILTON'S 7"r snT.TrRT.'J? nriwPvnM v""'J WA..UAX2A- a; the useful arts.: J" "f "'ore (reneral practical utility ....... j i.i.ruiiun now oetorc tho jpnolic. It has been thorouichly I tested during tho last two years bv practical men, and prononuced to SUPERIOR. TO AWT Adhesive Preparation known. A new thing. nillon's Insolubk Cmenl Is a now thin?, "in" the result of years of study, its combination is on Its Corabiua-i Sclentlllc Principles. Hon. lAnd nmlf.r - change of temperature will It be come corrupt or emit any offensive smelL Boot A Shoo j HOOT fc SHOE Kannfactursrs 5Umi,aclDIvrSi Vwhlnn, (will find it the best article known for CcmentiuK the Channels, as ft worts withont delay, is not affect ed by any change of temperature. Jewelers. JEWELERS jWiil find it snfflcientlvadhesiTs for itheir use, as has been proved. It Is esprelnlly adapted to Leather, I And we claim as an especial merit, that it Bticks Patches aud Liniuss Families. to Boots and Shoes bp - strong without stitching. IT IS THE 0XLT It is a Liquid LiaUID CEMENT Kxtaut, that is a sure thing for mendirg FTTRWITTJRE, CROCKERY, TOYS, BOIfE, IVORY, And articles of housohold us 3. REMEMBER Hilton's Insoluble Cemen Is in a liquid form and as oaily applied as paste. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is insoluble in water or oil. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Manufactur ers' Packages from 2 ounces to 100 lbs. HILTON, BROS. & CO., Proprietors, PBOVTDEKCE, E. I Eemembcr. Flu is. I Zt-1y INSURANCE AGENCY. INSURANCEAGNCY J. W. NEXSEN, Marble Eall, Main Street, EVANSVILLE, IND., Underwriter and General In surance Agent. Adjuster of Fire Losses and Notary Public. All business connected with Insurance attended to with promptness and fidelity. the "oldest and most reliable Companies in the Union. FIRE, LIFE and MARINE. Combined Caah Capital Ren resented over $ 5 , 0 0 0.0 00 00 PREPARE IN TIME AGAINST THE THE FIRES OF FALL!! -BY Prime A No. 1 Insurance IB TUB Phoenix Insurance Comnanv OF HARTFORD. CONN. The Fruits of the PhcBnix Are manifest in the following statement of Fac ts eft? Figures Showing the amonnt eqnallied to public benefit in the shape of losses paid in the West and Sonth, during the past four years ; a line of valuable ser vice, honorable as well as commendable, and which should suggest ma 0 every man who desires to bestow his iBinranc patronage upon a WELL TRIED CORPORATION. 540,277.45 OHIO f4l.377.4S --7.fija.94 INDIANA . 27,1.22.91 fi t, 174.56 ILLINOIS (.9,174.56 32,670,08 MlCfllGAN 32,S70. 34,220.13 WISCONSIN 34,91.13 19,323.34 IOWA 1,323.34 8,653.10 MIKXESOTA. 8,3.10 1,167.00 NKBEASKA 1,167.00 9,765.00 KANSAS 9,765.00 31.054.36 KESTICKY 34,054.30 4:1,054.9"...., TENNESSEE. 43,"."H.!) MISSISSIPPI 20.M2.55 MISSOURI 27,698.83 20,832.55.... 27,698.83.... 2-2,839.43 ARKANSAS 22,839.4;i 3,bfil.8 TEXAS 3,901.91 555.55 ALABAMA 556.66 a the eeatmble odjwtment, find prompt Cath re iponee to losses, the PHCENIX Hand pre-eminently at I he head of Ut profession ; while its extensive, practi tioai, nd Ant-cia bwines system of tocxJ agencies, is not excelled sy oajr similar corporation in the world. iHsurancies solicited, and policies issued and re newed in this leading Corporation, at fair rates by J. W. NEXSEN, Resident Agent, OfSce, Marble Hall Building, Main street. Cash Assets, January 1st, 1862, $1,992,585.89. ' Losses Paid, Upward o J?j.l4,000,000. The great public service, promptness and relia bility of this well-tried and sterling Company, re commend it to preference with those neediag In ; surauce. BST Insnraace solicited and Policies issued by J. W. NEXSEN, Agent, febfi Marble Hall Building. Nn. it. Main st. VARIETY STORE. PUSHEE'S VARIETY STORE, No. 20 Main Street, FTHE PLACE TO FIND FANCY GOODS, Combs, Brashes, Pocket Wallets, Card Caaes, : Tablets, Scissors, Knives, Watch Keys, Guard 1 Chains, Thimbles, Needles, Pins, Tape Measures, ; stead., rsell Jiasps, uopgies, rtpf-ciacies. a iter I mometors, French Harps, Pop Guns, Ivory Rat i ties. Marbles. Chessmen, Dolls, Corset Clasps, I Steel Pens, Pencilea, Games, Bubber Balls, Toilet I Sour. Jewelrv. Violin Strings, Work Boxes. i Writing Desk;. Feather Dusters, Bird Cages. Childrens' Carriages, Ladies' Fancy Work and Traveling Baskets, Ac, Ac, at wholesale and re I tall. eepH nr ' SADDLERY. Charles Babcock, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Coach and Saddlery Hardware, MAIN STREET, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. HAVING COMPLETED MT ARRANGE menu with European aud American manu facturers for a direct supply of all goods in my line I am enabled to offer indue' ments tbat can not fall to be to the interest of all engaged in the busint ss to give me a trial. I nass in part : Axles, Springs mads oft ne best Sii ' Bauds, enameled as all kinds of Leathe. Cloths, Linings for Carriages , Varnishes, Castings of all kinds ; Saddle Trees, Euglish Bridle Leathers ; Bits, Stirrups, Spurs, liar,.. .. dns Silrer Haaies of all kinds ; Jenny Liud Gig Trees) ; self-adjusting Pads; Taylor's Patent Hamea ; Fly Nets ; Shoe Threads : Horse Blankets ; London Girth Webs, American GU;h aud Reia Webs, loth cotton and worsted ; Lou- . don WeltSkias, asaperior article; Ivory ; Gntta Percha and Brass lined Martengal Rings; superior Kerseys for Horse Covers , tile best quality of Carriage Bolts; Patent Gig Trees. Ac, Ac, Ac, Ae. I keep in fact everything appertaining to either t-ranch of the business, aud understanding bath ) ranches thoroughly, we would respectfully invite f our attention before purchasing elsewhere I am also Agent for Ward's Patent Spring 8 WwNlnv REMOVAL. THE TNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVE BB moved their Saddlery establishment to ths Corner of Main and Second Street, In the room oc cepied by Fred. Krone, deceased. C. W0LFP&T.K110EPSCH, MAJirr acturxbs or and dials. as ia Saddles, Harness, COLLARS, &c, &c., Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store formerly occuppied by Fred. Krone.) M9.AU orders attended to with dispatch Work warranted. novlft-ly w. r. cobwis. J. B. MAGUS THE NEW FIRM. WE, THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHOLESALE manufacturers of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Harness, Ac, desire to inform the public that wa DM-re largely increased our stock on hand, and by closo application ourselves aud the employment of good workman in our shops, we are able to fur nish on short notice any and all kinds and quanti ties of work to suit the trade. Those who will favor us with a call, can satisfy themselves, that they can procure, at lower prices, good substan tial, fancy and durable work of us than they can anywhere else, (and far better than the Eastern shop-work.) The members of the firm being practical work nifn themselves, attending personally to all cr iers with promptness, care and dispatch, deter mined that none shall excel in style of finish or quality or work, give better satisfaction to those patronizing ns; feel confident It will be to the interest of all to come and see for themselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. Store ou Locust Street, above the Sherwood Hon-, between First and Seoond Streets, No. 25. N. B. Guarantee all we sell. "''P- W. T. COBWIN A CO. NEW SALOON. SHAEFER S SALOON. BILLIARD AND RESTAUBsUs'T. - ana. sycamore. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. oct9-lm CHANGE OF EXCHANGE' A NEW ARRANGEMENT. SAM GRAMMES & HABKT J0H Vi0 having purchased Theodore's Exchange, ARE FITTING IT CP IN EXCELLENT style for a first class BILLIARD SALOON and RESTAURANT. They will keep at the bar the bast brands o Liqnors and their larders will at all times be Slled with the richest dainties from ths animal and vegetable kingdoms, and the waters of the vasty deep will be made to contribute of their richest stores. Especial attention will be given to the euitine, which will be under chargv of the most competent BTtlStS . Their Billiard Room is large and their TABLES FIRST CLASS. The establishment will re-open on Tuesday next. A liberal share of public patreuage is respectfully gllcited. mv30d3m VOLUNTEERING ! $302 BOUNTY For New Recruits! $402 BOUNTY For Veteran Volunteers ! MEN OF TnE FIRST DISTRICT OF INDI ANA, the Governor has called for seven or more Companies or Infantry and five Com panies of Cavalry from this District. Shall he have them ? I call upon you to give the answer. My answer is, " HE SHALL." Will you endorse it? I think you will. Your country needs yonr services in the army, and oflers yon inducements which will enable you to leave jour families amply provided for. Any one wishing to recruit for the Regiment by raising Companies, or parts of Companies, will receive commissions for that purpose by applying to mo in writing, accompanied by proper recom mendations,, directed to Mt. Vernon, Posey coun ty, Indiana, until the organisation of the en campment. JOHN A. If ANN, Commandant 1st District. Other papers in the District please copy. octBtf DRUGS. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK of Pure ud Fresh Drugs, Herbs, Extracts aud Patent Medicines Just received at SCHLAEPi EB S Drug Store. SULPHITE OF LIME FOR THE THE FEB mentation of Cider and Wines. Just received I and for sale at 8CHL AE PEER'S Drug Store, j gODA ASH AND LIME JUST RECEIVED SCLAEPFSR'S Drag Store. M RS.. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORATIVE AND Zyrobalsim just received and for sale at dCHLAKPKEB S Drag Store. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOOTH AND A Hair Brushes iost neceited at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF BARREL I. Ball's Worm Confections; abo Cary's ! Brown's Troches ; Just received and for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store. ARTI0 L0TIAN, FOR FROST BITTEN Limbs, for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store. ! "yACCINK VIRUS FOR SALE AT SCHLAEPFER'S Drag Store. LIVERY STABLE. AMERICAN STABLE, On Third bet. Main and Locust Sts, THIS LIVEBY ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH is well known throughout the country, pos esses Stable advantages superior to any similar establishment in the City, baring arrangements for the seception of private horses at livery of the most elegant and complete description, and at the lowest rates. Carriages for visiting to lot. Coaches, light wagons, aud every kind of road vehicle to let. Horses sold on commission. Second hand Buggy's for sale at the very lowest prices. Passengers for warded to all parts of the country by special con veyance. RICHARDSON, BBITTON A CO. apli