Newspaper Page Text
w. STRAYED OR STOLEN. FROM THE BARN OF C. SPENCER. OX THE corner of Ingle and Carpenter Streets, on the night of the '26th, a sorrel Horse, with a white strip on the forehead ; also lightmane, tail and tect, and nearly blind. Any one giving informa tion or returning him to ute will be literally re warded. no30-3t C. SPENCER. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A HOUSE AND LOT ON THE river bank, south of Gum street. The hous -is almost new, contains 0 rooms, hall, pantry, Ac. Good stable, wood-shed, outbuildings, Ac Lot 62 (ret front by 150 fcet deep. A bargain will be given Inquire at Shis office, or of JKO. S. McCOBKLK. FOR SALE A FARM OF 40 ACBES, LO CATKD about 4 miles from the city ; in high it ite of cultivation; of the best soil, Fraftie House, good fvii.v-.; ou reasonable terms. Apply to JACOB 8INZICH A SON, nov23 Water lret. Sycamore and Vine. House and Lot for Sale. ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE RESI DENCES in the city for sale ; in complete order, containing ten Booms with Chandaliers and Bracketts for Gas, two brick Cisterns, Stable, Wood, Coal and Out-Houses, a good dry brick Cellar 18 feet square, well lighted. The House Is wood heavy oak frame stands back 40 feet from the street, leaving a beautiful front yard. Corner Lot 75 by 300 feet, enclosed with a good substantial fence. Corner of Oak and Mater streets, above the residence of Bobert Barnes. Esq. Enquire of octlO-tf COABLTS BABCOCK, No. 8 Main Street. Ij'OR SALE A TWO STOBY BRICK DWF.L LING, containing nine rooms, a good celler, aud cistern, and out-buildings, together with the lot on which It is situated. Said lot is situated on Second Street, the next square aboTe Mr. R. RUeih's dwelling. Said lot fronts 62 feet on Second street, and runs back 150 feet to an alley. The lot is high and well improved. For terms apply to 0. K. LEWIS. nov2tr FOR RENT OR SALE. FIR RENT OR8ALE ABEATJTIFULI.Y situated Besidence, near the Salt Wells, with abont two acres of Laud. Enquire of E. E. MINGST, cor. Main and First. WANTS. VITANTED A competent p. rson as bar ten V iter at the St. Nicholas. Good wage will I e paid to a man who can cume well eecommended. decl-3t 8. CRAMMER TXTANTED TO BENT A small house contain 'I iug three or four rooms, by aprompt paying tenant. Apply at this office. deel COOK WANTED -A good Paltry Cook. Good wages will be given. Apply at deel AMERICAN HOUSE. 117 ANTED A good steadyBoy to learn the " Jewelry business. Good references required. P. L. GEISSLEB A CO., deel No. 28 Mai n St ree t . TANTED. A few hundred dollars of "Rick- et's Checks " wanted to fill an order, at the Saving's Bank, No. 4. First street. ocl30 PAINTERS WANTED. TWO GOOD PAINTERS WANTED. Enquire of C. H. CHUBB, Locust bet. Second and Third streets, Evansville. declw FOR LEASE. FOR A TERM OF TEARS, BLOCKS 45, 45, CO, G3, 38, 92, 93, 142, and a part of block 14ft, fronting on the river, next to the Marine Hospi tal. Also for sale or lease, blocks 114 and 157, con taining over seven acres. All of said prcperty be ing in the town of Lumasco. For further information, inquire at the office of decl-tf LAW A ANTHE3. TCESDAT DECEMBER 1 M. THAYER, Editor. J. ft. SILVERTHORS, Associate. NEWS SUMMARY. BY TELEGRAPH. Morning Report. By telegraph yes terday morning we learn that Meade'a army ia still successfully pushing Lee back toward Richmond. He crosred the Rapidan with but little opposition, Lee having been entirely deceived as to the point at which he purposed crossing. For this reason Lee was compelled to abandon the long line of formidable i - - -rtrewT and fall hastily back to prevent Meade getting between him and Richmond; On Friday Lee attempted to turn our right, but was met by General French, and, after an obstinate fight, in which we lost some 1,500 killed and wounded, Lee was handsomely repulsed with heavy loss, including 700 to 900 prison ers. Meade has cut himself loose from Washington, and, with sufficient provis ions to last beyond the 10th of this month, is determined to strike a desper. ate blow at the vital part of the rebellion. Heavy and continued firing was heard all Saturday afternoon, and there is scarcely a doubt that a decisive battle has been fought Lee's force is reported at 49,000, and his movements clearly in dicate that he desires to avoid a general engagement. Noon Report. By our noon dis patches we have the usual weekly Phila delphia sensations to the effect that Meade had captured two corps of Lee's army. As Lee has but two corps, this would indicate that a "solitary horse man " might be seen somewhere wend ing his way toward Richmond, which' needs confirmation The Post Office at Chattanooga is to be at once re-opened, with the old Postmaster presiding This will be a great convenience for the soldiers of the Army of the Cumberland, and is an unerring index of the progress of our arms. Last Nights Report. By our latest reports by telegraph we learn that no general engagement had taken place be tween Meade and Lee up to Saturday night, that while we had been tempo rarily checked and worsted in skirmishes, Lee had been defeated in general, and compelled to fall back. It was believed a general and decisive battle would be fought on Sunday or yesterday John Morgan has arrived savely at Toronto, Canada, and now rests, no doubt, in the bosom of his friend, Vallandigham. Our news by mail last night is of a highly interesting and generally encour aging character. It is reported that Bragg has recalled Longstreet from be foreKnoxville.and that that officer was to try to rejoin Bragg by a circuitous route. General Banks is meeting wuh great success in Western Texas, having cap tured many important places, with a large number of prisoners. Hon. Lucicn Anderson. Yesterday, we had the pleasure of meeting with this gentleman Congress man elect from the First Congressional District of Kentucky. He was on his way to Washington to take his seat at j the opening of Congress. He gave us some interesting particulars of his late ; capture by the guerrillas under Faulk net near Mayfield, Ky. Mr. Anderson, , Dr. Landrum, State Senator of Kentucky, and others were taken as far South as Jackson, Tennessee. They were treated with all respect until Faulkner ascer-, tained that his own father-in-law and , other prominent secessionists had been seized by the Union authorities and eon- ; fined as hostages for the safe return of Mr. Anderson and party, when they were j t.oated with more severity , the guerril la chieftain apologetically informed his j prisoners, that it gave him great pain to use them ill, but he was compelled to re taliate on them the usage his friends were receiving at the hands of the Fed eral authorities. The retaliation dodge struck Mr. Anderson as a little odd, es pecially as Faulkner had commenced the game of seizing civilians. The guerrillas, who were divided into everal predatory bands, numbered in all about 3,000 men, many of whom were poorly armed, and some without arms. : They had no artillery. It was their pol- i:y to avoid a fight, unless they outnum bered their opponents eight or ten to one. Their mission wa3 to conscript peaceable citizens and rob. They ap peared to be apt practitioners in their j profession. A good deal has been said about the ' rebels using blood-hounds to track and - catch Union men, for the purpose of forc ! ing them into the rebel army. Mr. An derson informs us that Faulkner's men had blood hounds with them. He saw the dogs. He conversed with conscripts who had been chased, caught and lacer ated by them, their wounds being yet un healed. It is enough to freezo one's blood to read of such atrocity. A portion of the time Mr. Anderson was a prisoner he was given the freedom of the rebel camp, on parole. He made no concealment of his views, but talked to the men plainly of their rebellion against the best Government the world ever saw, and pointed out to them how the thing was likely to end. The men listened to him patiently, and seemed to be impressed with the troth of his state ments. A rebel Lieutenant urged Mr. Anderson to make them a Union speech. Mr. A. said he would, provided Col. Faulkner's consent could be obtained. When the Lieutenant applied to the lat ter officer to get his consent to the ar rangement, Faulkner became greatly enraged, and placed the Lieutenant un der arrest, and revoked Mr. Anderson's parole. An arrangement was finally entered into by which Mr. Anderson was released, oa condition that the rebel Congressman, Trusten Polk, who had been arrested by tha. Union forces, should also be set at liberty. We are highly gratified to state that Mr. Lincoln's Administration will have no warmer supporter, in all of its meas ures for the suppression of the rebellion, than Mr. Anderson. He informed us that if he lives to get to Washington, he will cast his vote for Hon. Schuyler Col fax for Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. Those of our conservative friends, who made such a fuss about Hon. Sam. Casey misrepresenting that Congressional District last year, may put this in their pipe and smoke it. The truth is, slavery is a doomed in stitution, even in Kentucky, and the wisest of her statesmen recognize the fact, and are prepared for the issue. No outside interference is necessary. Her own citizens will take up the matter and settle it in a manner that will add to the prosperity and future greatness of that commonwealth. DIED. Ofconjestion of the lungs, on Sunday morning, Novembcr29th, at ten minutes past 3 o'clock, Mrs. PARNA S. JAQUESS, wife of Jonathan 8. Jaquesi, Esq., of this city, In tlio thirty-eighth year of her age. The funeral will take place from the family resi. deuce, corner of First and Cherry Streets, on Tuesday, Decembtr 1st, at 1 ..'clock p. m. The friends of the family arc invited to attend without Inrtber netice. AMUSEMENT. LAKE & CO.'S Great Western O I liri. O XT S3 ! Will exhibit at EVANSVILLE One Evening Only, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1863. THE STAR TROUPE OF 1863, And composed of all the known talent, respecta bility and excellence in the Equestrian profession. The followingi well-known Stars have beon en gaged at an immense advance of salary, from the elite of other Circus Companies, and will appear in the grand exhibition. Among the most promi nent features of this unexcelled troupe are LITTLE ALICE, The beautiful and Fascinating Equestrienne; the best, and only Female Rider in the world who has accompli.-ih.-d backward riding-. MADAME AGNES, Who will introduce her celebrated and highly trained, thorough-trained horse JOIINSTER, In an act entitled La Manage, or a lesson for ladies. LA BELLE JEANNETTE, The beautiful Sylph of the Circle. LA PETITE EMMA, In her patriotic Songs aud Speeches. MADAME AGNES, In her beautiful and graceful act on the slack wire excelled by none. Mr. E. W. PERRY, The celebrated two and fonr horse rider. Mr. J. M. L0WL0W, The Dyronic Clown and Scenic Rider. Mr. WILLIAM LAKE. The greatest Wit, Satirist and Clown of the age LAZELLE BROTHERS, In their thrilling aud beautiful acts of Groupings, La 'irupozc, L'Echelle rerilleuse. Etc. GEORGE CUTLER, The best Contortionist extant, whose feats have astonished even the oldest artists. MARK READ, Tbo great modern Gymnast. The African flying TRICK MULE! Introduced by Mr. LAKE. , The performing Horse, "DON JUAN!" Introduced and performed by Miss LAKE. THE "GREAT WESTERN" Silver Cornet and String Band Will execute at each exhibition. Admission 50 cents ; Children under 10 years 25c. '' ' Pn at 7 o'clock ; performance at 8 o'clock. Jl F. II. DAILY. NOTICE. Notice to Heirs of Petition to Sell Real Estate. STATE OF INDIANA, Vanderburgh County. J ' "JSJOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ROBT. i v T. Hull, Executor uf the last will of Emanuel I. ill, deceased, has filed hi petition to sell the estate of the decedant, his p-raoual being in sufficient to pay his debts, aud that said petition jilt bo beard at the next term of the Court of Solomon l'leas of said county. ' Awl ,., Attest: LOI IS RICHTER. , decl.3t.Ugtw ,rk c c y y t,n AUCTION SALE. I WILL SELL ON THUllSllAY, THK 3d day of Deoemlrer, at the corner of Sixth and dies, nut streets, a lot of Household Furnitaie, Front and Dining Boom. Also Chamber and Kitchen Furniture, 3 good Ingrain and Home-made Car pets, Ac, Ac. Sale at 'J a. m. Terms cash. dccll-3t M. H. HALL. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. BY THE E. W. LINE. Ezclnsively for the Journal. ' . ft s I LATEST FROM MEADE. Severe Battlo Gen. French Repulses the Rebels. 1,200 Prisoners Captured. UNION LOSS 1,500! THE FINAL STRUGGLE AT HAND. GEN. MEADE AT THE FRONT. Rebel Strength 49,000. GEN. LEE TRYING TO ESCAPE. Operations in Virginia. Detailed Accounts of the movements of the Army ox tile Potomac Con siderable Fighting Lee trying to get away Meade pressing him hard. New York, Nov. 30. Detailed ac counts of the movements of the Army of the Petomac are published in the Her ald, Times and Tribune, but are fully covered by those of the Associated Press, transmitted last night. The Tribune's correspondent reports having left the army at noon Saturday, when it was advancing, lie heard heavy cannonading till nightfall from the direc tion of our left and center. Nine of Mosby's pirates were captur ed Saturday at Catletts' station with one of our officers and four privates, Sunday near Brentsville. The Tribune account says Friday a deserter who came into our, lines reports mat L,ee neid the line ot the Kapidan last night, but fell back rapidly this Fri day morning to his present position in our front, a distance of some 16 miles. He also asserts that the rebels had not used any of their artillery in response to our assaults, but were running it to the rear for the purpose, as he supposed, of getting a better position. Gen. Meade entirely deceived the en emy as to the point of crossing. It is reported that Lee had his entire army in battle line all day Tuesday, fronting Morton's Ford, supposing we were to cross there. He has abandoned the long line of formidable earthworks on the south and southwest banks of the river. On Saturday Gen. Meade advanced to the front. Picket firing soon commenc ed, and continued at intervals up to noon. The enemy had fallen back some two miles, and the impression prevails here that he is retreating. Our lino of bat tle, now, must extend about nine miles, in the form of a triangle. The whole army is ready and impatient. Large numbers of prisoners continue to come in this morninw. The Worlds correspondent, under date of Nov. 27, says that late in the af ternoon it was evident, from what could be observed at the front, that the enemy was making a demonstration on our right. Heavy firing was heard, but as we had no communication, it was not possible to get any particulars. It is as certained, however, that the enemy made a most determined attempt to turn our right wing, and Gen. French had re pulsed them and taken 900 prisoners. Gen. French is reported to have lost heavily it is said from 1,000 to 1,500 killed and wounded. Nov. 28. A thick fog and rain has set in. We have advanced oar picket line at the front, but up to noon nothing more than skirmish firing has taken place. Items via Washington. A Battle Suposed to have been Fought Washington, Nov. 29. A messenger from the army thinks a general enga e ment between Lee and Meade could not be delayed much beyond yesterday P. It. While he is quite confident that the heavy firing which he heard till nightfall on his way up was the result of a general en egagment It was too heavy and contin uous for a skirmish. The rebel army is stretched just in front .of Orange C. II. but the disposition of our various corps is spoken of as excellent, and calculated to make the enemy fight yesterday or re treat beyond Orange Court House. Herald's Dispatch Rappahannock Station, ) Nov. 29, 9:15 p. m. J It is understood that Gen. Meade in Lis present movements is left to exercise his (am discretion, and he has declared it to be his purpose to strike at the most vital point in the Southern Confederacy, wherever in his judgment that may be! His supply of rations will not be ex hausted until after the 10th of Decem ber, and before that period he can make heavy reconnoisances upon the enemy. Since Gen. Meade has the supplies of his army with his command, no dan ger is apprehended from flank movements to cut off the usual base of supplies. A Refugee Story Railroad between itappanannoclc and Rapidan de stroyedRebels falling back. Washinuton, Nov. 29. A refugee from Richmond, has rer-pntlw or,-;,-,.,! within our lines and is now confined in prison here, furnishes the following esti mate of the present firce of Lee's army: Swell's corps now commanded by Early 20,000 to 21,000 infantry and 6 batteries! A. P. Hill's corps 20,000 infantry and 5 batteries flying artillery, making in all 41,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry and 78 cannon, provided the batteries are all complete. He also confirms the death of the rebel General Posey. Times' Dispatch. Washington, Nov. 29. The rail road between Rapidan and Rappahan nock is being destroyed by our force, and the iron sent to Alexandria. Up to this morning the rails have been remov ed to within half a mile of Rappahannock Station. Army of the Potomac, ) Nov. 2810 p. m. J The enemy is apparently falling back; some skirmishing but no cannonading this morning. The same correspondent says that on Saturday morning our whole army was in position, and ready for work. Every body seems to be in good spirits. The whole country, hereabouts, is the worst conceivable for field operations. It is a wilderness of small growth bushes. Over nine-tenths of the whole surface of the country is so densely covered, that it is Impossible to penetrate theui except where paths are cut Through some mistake the 3rd corps did not get into position as soon as ex pected, which gave the enemy temporial ly some advantage. They 3rd, however, promptly met the enemy and captured between 700 and 900 of the euemy. Some 300 prisoners were taken at other parts of the line. A Philadelphia Sensation Reported Capture of two of Lec'i Army Corps The Report needs confirmation badly. Philadelphia, Nov. 30. A dispatch has just been received by the board of Brokers, that Meade has caprnred two corps of Lee's ArinyJ This needs confirmation. Pittspurg, Nov. 30. River 6 feet 1 inch by the pier mark and at a stand. Weather freezing. From Washington- Ml health ImprovedThe Chattanoo- a Post Office to bwre-opeiied. Washington, Nov. 30, 12 M Nothing received this morning from Meade later than furnished by the Associated Press last night and this morning. Much dif ficulty attends the reception of news, there being no regular communications with vVashington. The President's health has improved, and he will soon be able to attend to offi cial business. The Chattanooga Post Office, will soon be resumed under its old Post Master, J. R. Hood. He leaves here to-day to enter on the duties of the office. Cincinnati, Nov. 10. The river has fallen 15 inches since yesterday morn ing with 14: feet in the channel. Weath er clear. Thermometer 26. very cold last night, and hogs slaughtered on Sat urday were badly frozen. OFFICIAL Evaxsvili.e, December 1, 1SC3. A LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE Post OSes at Evansville, Indiana, Nov. :H), 1863. Persons calling for these letters will pleas say " Advertised," and give date of list. Advertising fee, one cent. LAP IKS LIST. Maker flattie Bruffee Sarah Bell Mary I Barael Martha Bo Jfl a Lucy Janada Mis Chambers Mrs G S Chuhh Mrs Chester Croffs Sally Carington Huth Ann Dowling Mrs M Daton Lou Dc-rington Suan Edwards Amanda Jano Kilni. hi Sophia Elkins Maria Ellsworth Elnnie Fairrhild Mary Ann Klaghcr Sarah A Fisher Margaret Fitz Mrs J Groed Ellen Guuton Betsy GolT Presilla Griffee Martha Gray Elizabeth C Gilaskee Mary nought L Hayhurst Mary Jane Hutchison Maria Ham J A Jiuister Elizabeth Jackson Mary Jessee Amanda Kelly Hannah Kline Lizzie Lawrence Louisa Ledltter Eliza Laughiiu CS Mills Emily Mahau Maggie Moftitt Maria 2 Morgan Sarah II Miunis Mary 'I M urphy Lihliy .E Mar.hall McDoirnell M C McLeish Mrs Wm McC'alister L Nightingale Ilattie Norton Merica A Patterson Mary Pruit Mary Palater K. ' i Patterson K P lly A Minsy Pruitt Annie Bobbins A Koggi-rs Luciuda J Bowlson J L Bobins Julia Bourk Mr Wm Shook Ann L Sheldon Manda Server K J Stilu Beta Stevens Eliiaheth fftratton El zabeth Sti-ward C'athrine Secft rs Sarah Hcribuer Mrs The Shouhust Elizabeth Thrap Harriet Taylor C'athrino lisery Blartha Viiuncss J D Vaugrin Mary Vial Sarah Wells Eliza J Wiggin Lturie Walk.-r Mary Ann Willis Julia Wilson Theresa Warrea Martha Wills Fran -is E Yeetoian Mary A OF.NTLXHLN S LIST. Atherton Benson Miller John G Armstrong Chas Miller Heury or Bobt Mitchell Lewis Morton K W Mit-ks Wm Mealhan Willis Martin John F Marquest Johu Mari n Joseph Mattinglv D K Murphy James Mining J W Murphy Peter L Marks Joseph Blartiu Johu II Magahau George McGiil Dr J. V Mi1....! James McCntaaea James McKeiina M McCrcery Joseph Newman Master Chas Newman Geo J Noble Koht Nelson E 0 Oldham Joseph Paul Charles A Palmer K H Parker Wesley 3 Pollard Wm Painter Oeo K Boss P E Kebinsoii L Simon John tests M Shields E W Seeley E B Suider Joseph Smith John M Smith Michael 2 Suit lrm ire A T H'r'llv'4 W.i, T. Anderson Howell Bacon Do L W Blown Patrick Bacon W D Beal George Bloxon Win Boyn James B Beatty Alexander 2, Beal Joshua Ball David O Bright Wm A Brown T Creek W W Cotton Mt-lburu 2 Cay ton K P Clark Mathew Cland Davis Carson Wm Chuttc Law i once Coats John Caldwell Isaac Cubrilson Azariah Clark Moses & Chambers Alouzo Chet-k S Carroll Uhas Q Davidson Jehu C Dyson Bennett Downen John Puunlap Peter Dunning Q II Fletcher Sam I P Fitzinimons David Fleming John Graham W K Gainos Wilson K Grammer Jack Gunton Bobert Girviu John uotBSs J It" Graves Ja A Gordon Ednar.l M Gardner Suml B Uuggle Wm II Hill Franz C Hawkins B.-v Hrnrv Homer Di U H Halney John Hogan Kichard Batehiaa D C Ilollister L L Harris John J Johnston I)r Jones Orl Serg E.luiu JoliBSou Sylvester Johastoa l)r John Jack Alexander Johuson W II II Knight Wm Keuuedy Michael Lockwood E B Little Frank Mai-hum John Martin Jacksou Mellau Gastavus Miller Geo Peter - i : I li n .i.n i, i Scott C C Simonsoa Col J S Simiucrmau J M Sears A Smith Thos Sekoiii John Seccnmbo Johu Soelev 0 B Stillwell B Sutton BP 2 Stuart John .'1 Staines Win F Strand B F Taylor & Brothers Trvin James, I'sery John Welch Wm Wattors Wm White John Wat is P 2 West Win Wilson Adam F White Ueo 2 West Alfred Williamson Sainl Yates Edward JAMES II. M'NEELY, p. M. NOTICE. llEAIxirAKTKKS PBOVI.ST MABSHAL," S1IAL,) id., I iisTBii-T. nvaiMvnie, Ind. November 27, lyrOTICE IS IIEKEBY GIVEN THAT ANY -Ll Ierson enrolled in the First District as sub ject to draft, may appear tha Board of JgaW roll meat, al Evansville, Ind, and claim to have his name stricken oft" the list, if he cau show to the satisfaction of the Board thai he is not, aud will not be liable to military duty at the timo fix ed for the draft, on atvount of, 1st, Alienage; 2d, Non-residence; 3d, lliisnitableuew oi Age; 4th, Manifest permanent Disability. The Board will hear cases as above shifted un til the-2)th December, 18H.1, after w hich uo cases will ha heard . By order oil he Prcrosl Marshal General. B fir THE HYNES, Provost Marshal nov?K-t, And Pr sident of Board. ltfOTJCa IS UEKEBY GIVEN THAT the citl 1 I'.-ns ot Evansville and vicinity will confer a great favor on ANNE NELSON, who will be f und at the Washington House, who is in search of her son, Wm. Nelson, who lives somewhere near this place. By so doing, you will confer a favor on a lonely widow. nnv-Js-Jt ANNE NELSON. THANKS. THE PA BENTS OF JULIUS KKOEPSCn desire to return their thanks to the Brothers of the Odd Fellow Lodges, members of the Maen erclior, and many other friends who attended the funeral of the deceased on Sunday afternoon last. novl7-lt c. WOLFF. BANK ELECTION. rpHK STOCK HOLDEBS IN THE EVAN8 X VILLE Branch of the Bank of the State of Indiana are hereby notified that the annual elec tion will be held at tire Banking House, in Evans ville, on Tuesday, January 5th, MM, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. m., for five Diructors to serve the ensuring year. By order of the Board of Directors. no-io.lawtt SAM'L BAYARD. Cashier. NOTICE. T N PCKSUANCE AT THE BECOMMENDA X tion of the General in command of the national forces at Little Bock, trade stores will be author ized at that place on aud after the 2.".th instant, bv Mr. Lotal Cask, Assistant Special Agent of the Treasury Department at Little Rock, or upon his recommendation by the Assistant Special Agents at Helena, Memphis and St. Lonis, or at my office in Cincinnati. W. P. MELLEN, Sup. Sp. Agt. Treas. Dept., nov21-2t in A goner. NOTICE. Public Sale, AT THE LATE RESIDENCE OF W. G., we, his administrators, will, on the 28th day of November, 18C3, (Satur day), sell to the highest bidder, who will give bond with approved security, all the aiachiuery and apparatus r the Saw and Grist Mill of the said Hughes, together with all the lumber in tha mill yard. The lumber will bu soil on a credit until the 1st of March next, ahd the mill, ma-i-hmeryand fixtures will be sold on a credit by equal installments, payable ou the 1st of March, and the 1st of September, m'4. There is a large amount uflumU-ron hand, and the mill is the best in the county. AH those i .. ... . ; to the estate are for tha last time invited to come forward and settle. JONA R. HCGnES. DANIEL 11. HUGHES. Novemlrer .1. 1864, THANKS. HAVING SOLD OUT OUR 8TOCK OF DRO CEB1ES t Mr. J. P. ELLIOTT, we return our sincere lliauks to our numerous friends an I customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon us doling the past nine years. Wo take pleasnre in recommending a continu ance of the same to our successor, believing him iu every way worthy of the samo. oct230 V1CKEBY BROS. GROCERIES. I. K. WHEF.LIE. AS. BIOGS. W. J. SCOQ WHEELER, BIGGS & SUGG, Wholes le dealers in SALT. COTTOW YARNS Nails, Window Cllass, Sash, Doors, Ac. No. 1. North First Street, Corner ot Sycamore. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. COPARTNERSHIP WE HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH TJS WM J Sugg, lato of Cniontown, Ky., in the Wholesale Grocery business. The style of tho firm will be Whoclsr, Biggs A 8ugg. WHEELER RIGGS. riYBrps 3 Hi bbls XXX Bertrand Svrup ; bb 6U lo gsl. kegs CS bbls Excelsisr " " 40 y. bbls " ,; ' 10 bbls Honey " 25 " N. O. Molasses. For sale cheap bv "ov28 WHEELER, RIGGS k SUGG. G LASS! GLASS 100 boxes 8X10 Glass, City;" IO " IUAI2 " 25 " 9X13 " 25 " SXU 25 ' 9X15 " 25 " 10X15 " 25 ' 10X10 " 15 10X18 " 25 PiBt Flasks ; 2' " Quart Flasks; 10 " ' Jars; 15 " gallon Jars : 20 - 1 ' " On hand aud for sale cheap by WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE CHEAP 50 boxes a sorted Candy ; 05 ' assorted Gum Drops ; 25 " Lozenges ; 40 " Fancy Candy 25 " Fire Crackers And a variety of Christmas Fixins By WHEELER, RIGtiS A SUGG. FRUITS AND NUTS 50 boxes Laver Basins ; 50 " M. R. 75 y, bx Layer . loo y. bx " 500 lbs Currants ; 1000 lbs Fresh Figs ; 10 trails S. S. Almonds: 10 bbls Filberts ; 5 ' Cream Nuts ; 10 " Ilecaus All fresh aud for sale cheap by WHEELER, BIGGS SUGO. s UGAR i'. choice N. 0. Sugar ; iu rorto Rico " 25 bbls A. Coffea " 25 " B. " 60 ' Yel. 20 " Cr'd " 15 " ft " Bought before the advance, and for sale by WHEELER, RIGGS ft SUGG. COFFEE 110 bags prime Rio Coffoe ; 50 ' Fair " 25 boxes Ground " 100 " Essence " On hand and and to arrive by WHEELER, BIGGS A SUGG. SODA 100 kegs "New Castle" Soda 5i i lbs Sat. Soda; 25 lbs A. M. Soda ; 25 bxs, 1 lb papers. Just received and for sale cheap, try n n r.r.L.bK. JllliUS ft SUGG. O1 ILS AND PAINTS " " 5 bbls Linseed Oil; bbls Coal " 250 cans Wagon Oil, a new article ; 300 kegs White Lead ; 10(10 lbs Putty; 500 lbs Venitian Bd. All for sale at lowest cash prices, by I. II r. h I. h It, RIGGS ft SUGG. CUNDRIF8 100 boxes Soap, assorted ; 40 " Powhvjtan Pipes; 400 dozen assorted Brooms ; 500 reams Paper ; 100 boxes Washing Blue ; bOti lbs Twins, substitute for Cotton ; .Ton lbs Hemp Twine ; 1000 boxes Sardines, li's ; COO " 76 " 1 lb can Oysters ; 50 2 lb can And a thousand things too nnmerous ta men tion, for sale as cheap as the cheapest, by nov28 WHEELER, BIGGS ft SUGO. TAKE NOTICE. 'piIE FOLLOWING ARTICLES REMAINING X on hands In the Adams Express Office at Ev ansville, which, H not called for before tho first lay of Deceaiber next, will be sold ou that day at public aactioti, at 10 o'clock a. m , to pay freight and charges: I pkg, J W Jarrett, Jarrettsville, Ind. 1 do, J 8 Johnson, Evansville. 1 do, J J Rriss, do 1 do, Kate Kellans. Morgaufleld, Ky. x hm 1 II Kennedy, Kvansvllle. 2 pkgs, D B Kitchen, Polk Patch, Ind. 1 do. M Krautc, Evansville. 1 do, P k 1 .,.,!-. do. 2 pkgs. Col B Kirk ham, Shawneetnwn, Ills. 1 pkg, J Lynn ft Co., Lyunviile, Ind. 1 do, Samuel Listen, Evansvilie. 1 do, Andrew Laiigmuester, Evansville. 1 do, Dr A Mayer ft Sou, do. 1 do, W Muck, do. 1 bdl. Wm McCluro, do. 1 keg, B Morris, do. 1 pkg, Merlins ft K ranger, do. 1 do, W T Mounts, do 1 bx, S H Mentoa. Carml. Ills. 1 pkg, Mrs Martindale, Newton, Jasper co In1" i rr r morse, evansville pkg, J W Norton. Shawneetown, Ills. 1 do, Mrs S R Neale. Kvansvillo. In.l 1 C bag, "Owner" Miss V H Hunter, Evansvilh, 1 pkg, P G O' Riley, u i an, mco neicsb, 1 lJl. W Powers, " 1 bx, 2 scives. Jonathan Parker, Rockport, lud. 1 C bag. A Ueasman, Evansville, Ind. 1 bdl, K Perigo, Boonrille, Ind. 1 C bag. H Bichman, Evansville. 1 pkg, J W Spain. . 1 do, C Schowenna, 1 do, M S Sanson, ' do, J Snener, ' 1 tr.achiue Scantlinft Co , Kvansvills. 1 pkg, J W Stormonnt, " 1 lull, Lucy E Simmons, ' 1 pkg, J B Stephenson, Caseyville, Ky. 1 do, I) S Anderson, Evansville. 1 gun, G W Ashcraft, " 2 pkgs, D S Anderson, " 1 trunk, E Bockstein. " 1 pkg, Mr Brauu, ' 1 C bag, P D Bichman, " 1 bx, W S Bracket!, Carlow, Ky. 1 pkg, G Bowman, Evansville. 1 C bag, Henry Baldwin, Kvauavillo. 1 pkg, C W Bradley, ' 1 do, Mary Bruer, I do, W Runts, Santa Clans, Ind. lbx. Fielding Calvin, Calhoou, Ky., 42d lad. Begf nieul. 1 pkg, Mayer ft Cohn, Evansvills, Ind. 1 trunk, W ( rassland, Shawneetown, Ind 1 pkg, S H Campbell, Oakland, Ind. I do, N .T Cowner, Stewartsville, Ind. 1 do, Sarah Cslemberger, Henderson, Ky. 1 do, M J Carroll, Evansville, Ind. 1 do, W II Dixon, Oakland, Ind. 1 do, Jno Dailey, Equality, Ills. 1 do, J Downend, Eldorado, Ills. 1 casting, J 8 Davis, Evansville. 1 package, M Demberger, Stewartsville, Ind. 1 do, K J Dobell, Evansville, Ind. 1 do, J Emerick, " 1 do, Graham ft Bro, Phillipstown, Ind. 1 bx, S Goodman, Evansville. 1 do, Jas Hopkius, Henderson, Ky. 1 pkg, Wm Haynes, Evansville, Ind. 1 bdl, F Heranul. " 1 pkg, Henry Hohl, Santa Claus, Ind. 1 do, J Henze Evavsville, Ind. 1 easting, J M Indlcutt, Evansville, lud. 1 sack, Ph Inglebrandt, " 1 pkg. Journal Co., " 1 do, G Jang, 1 do, J J Jarret, Jarrettsville, Ind. 1 do, G Thompton, Evansville. 1 do, W H Thompson, " 1 bx. Col. Von Traboa, " 1 pkg, W W Ware, Hopkinsville, Ky. 1 do, Thos Watson, Evansville, Ind. 2 do, 0 8 Wells, do 1 trunk, J H Wilson, do I package, Capt E T Wallace, Evansville, lud. 1 do, J Wise Henderson. 1 do, J P Wilson, Newbnrg, Ind. 1 do, W J Whiting, Oynthiana, lad. 1 do, J K Waaaer, Poseyville, Ind. 1 do. P Zenthofer, Evansville. 1 pair boots, no mark, Evansville. noTl CHAS. 8. WENTZ, Agent. PROPOSALS. OFFICE C. 8 ft A. A.Q. M ,1 Etaxsville, Ind., Nov. 23, I83 f SEALED PBOP0SALS WILL BE RECEIV ED at this office until Dec. 1st, 1863, for the fol lowing supplies : 600 tons Timothy Hay, in bales ; IM " " loog,, . 5,000 feet Poplar Lumber ; ' 1,000 " Mat " clear common : 500 H Scantlin, 4X4 Poplar. ALSO 50,000 pouuds Bacon Sides ft Shoulders ! 30,000 Potatoes; ,jo ' Onions. Bids will bs governed by specifications hereto fore published. Those not acquainted with the same, and intending to bid for stores will re receive further information by applying to the uu dersigned in person or by letter ... r H. EHRMAN, novfX-dtq Capt. C. S ft A. A o M A' l. ASST. y. MASTER, I Evsksvilie, Ind., Nov. '23. '63 f THE UNDERSIGNED DESIERS TO secure lie service of a person competent to take charge of the steamer "Lue Eaves," as Captain. Also an Engineer, Pilot aud Fireman, togetlier with two (z) deck hands. For particulars apply at this office immediately, y. fj KHRM N nov24-d3t Capt. 0. 8 ft A. A. Q. M. Stalls Zeitang please copy. SEWING MACHINES. FM. SELLMAN HAVING FITTED UP AN . otlce. No. 35 Main Street, will keep, as here tofore, a good assortment or Wheeler ft Wilson's and Singers Sewing Machines and Needles, Silk Thread aad oil, and everything that is connected with the business, and will repair all kind of Sew ing Machines aud put on new improvements. jy24 F. M. SELLMAN, Ag't. CLOCKS. Seth Thomas Clocks. JUST BECEINED, AN ASSORTMENT OF Seth TliODiss Clocks, and for sale at No. 13 Second street, by nov2f. C. F. KOSENKBANZ. PIANOS. TWO SPLENDID TIANOS JUST RECEIVED from the Eiauufacturers, and for sal at WARREN ft CONTNGTON S, nova No. 1 Main street. AN ORDINANCE. A N ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO JEN Ix. nie Lind Tables, Pigeon Hole Tables, and all other tables upon which games are played with sticks or balls, eithor for amusement gain or re ward. Sxction 1. Be it ordained by the Common Coun cil of the City of Evansville, that hereafter it shall net be lawful for the owner, keeper or possessor of say Jennie Lind Table, Pigeon Hole Table, or any other table upon which games are played with sticks or balls, either for amusement, gaia or re ward, to suffer or allow the same to Ire used for hire or reward of any description or kind what ever, or for the purpose of deciding or determin ing who of two or more persons shall Is. liable to pay lor any refreshments or other article, until a Linseso to use such table shall have been pro cured according to the provisions or this Ordi nance. Sec. 2. The price of a License so to use any such table shall ls Ten Dollars for one yenr or any shorter period, aud uo License shall be granted under this Ordinance for any period less than one year, or If ss than the time ihtervenlng between the time of making the application and the first day of August next ensuing: fYiifsW. That any person or persons now owning, keep ing or possessing any such table, and wishing to procure a License to use the same, may make ap plication for such License at any time on or before the 15th day of December, l!fi.-j "ec. 3. Any person or persons wishing to pro cure a License nnder this Ordinance, shall pay tho price thereof to the City Treasurer, and take his receipt therefor, which receipt shtll be filed with the City Clerk, alio shall thereupon mako out and attest a License, which shall Iw sigued by the Mayor and delivered to the appli cant. Sec. 4. Any person or persons who shall violate any provision or this Ordinance, shall for everv and any such violation, forfeit and pav a sum uo"t less thaa.iteeea nor more than 6flg dollsr, WM. BAKEB, Mavor. Attest: A. Pfafflin, Clerk. uovi", CITY ADVERTISE MENTS. COBPOBATION NOTICE. ORPKE FOB A PLAN'K SIDE WAPK. Nov. 21. IMS. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the common council of the city of Bv ansuille that the owners of all lots or parts of lots fronting on or adjoining the north-east sida of Front street, from Sixth Avenue to Pearl street, in said city, cause tho side walks thereon to lie brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk of Class No. 2, to be laid down thereon with in thirty days from the publication of this order , A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. COBPOBATION NOTICE. ORDER FOB A PLANK SIPS WALK. Nov. 21, 1863. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Councilor tho City of Evansville that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, frontin on or adjoining south-west side of Fourth street between Vine and Division streets, so fiir as it is situate in front or lots 170, 171 and 172, Donation Enlargement in Baid oity, cause the side walks thereon to be brought to tho prorer grade, and that they eanse a sidewalk of Tl i-. No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication or this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Cicrk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. COBPOBATION NOTICE. OBDKB FOR A PLANK SIPK WALK. Nov. 21, 18G3. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville, that the owners of all loti or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the south side Sixth street, from Fifth to Sixth Avenue. In said City, canae the said side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that tls-v cause a side walk of Class No. 2, to be laid down" thereon wlthiu thirty days from the publication of this rd". . A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Not. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OSPFR TOR A PLANK SIPS WALK. Nov. 21, Is- And ,.., it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville, that the owners or all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the south side of 8ixth street, from Fulton Avenne to Fifth Avenue, in said City, cause the side-walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cans.-a side walk of Class No. 2, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of thisorder. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. COBPORATION NOTICE. OBPF.B FOR A II INK glPE WAUt. Nov. 21, 18c.t. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of tho City of Evansville, that the owners of all lota or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining tlie northwest side of Lliesnnt street, from ( anal to Church street, iu Baid City, cause the side walks thereon to Ire bronght ta the proper grade, i.n. I that they ranse a aside walk of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down then-on within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 20, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OBDKB FOR A PLANK SIDE WALK. Nov. 21, 1863 Aad uow it is herebv ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville that the owners or all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the south-east side or Chestnut street, from Church str.s-t, in said City, cause the side-walks thereoa to be brought to the proH'r grrrde, and that they cause a side walk of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publicatiou of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 26, IMS, COBPOBATION NOTICE. OROEB FOR A Pl.ANK SIDE WALK. Nov. 21, 1863. And now it is hereoy ordered aud directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville, that the owners of lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the south-east side erf Mulberry street, Iretween Third to Fourth streets, in said City, cause the side-walks thereon t., be to be brought to the proper grade, aud that they cause a side-walk of Class No. 2 to Ire laid down withiu thirty days from the publicatiou of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 2fi, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OBDEB TOB A PLANK SIDE WALK. Nov. 21, 1863. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of tho City of Kvansvillo that the owners or all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining southwest side or Church from Walnut to Caesnat said city cause tbe side walks thereon to be bronght to the propel grade, and that they cause a side walk or Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereou withiu thirty days from the publication or this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 26, 186;!. THANKSGIVING. 100 CHOICE FAT TURKEYS WILL BE found at H. A. COOK'S. 200 CHOICE FAT CHICKENS WILL BE found at 11. A. COOK'S. OYSTEBS Choice Monnmental Oysters; ex pressly for Thanksgiving Dav, at H. A. COOK'8. o RANGES Choice sweet Havana Oranges for Thanksgiving day at II. A. CooK'8. CBANBERRIKS 3hbls. Express,- for Thanks giving Dinner at II. A. COOK'S. 1ELERY 100 fiIU heads Celery at ' U. A. COOK'S. GROCERIES. WASTED-DRIED PEACHES ONE THOfr " SAND bushels Dried Peaches wauted, for which the highest market price in cash will be paid at ELLIOTT'S Family Grorerv, No. M Main Street. TURNIPS 200 BUSH"ELTNICK SWEET Turnips for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. JWEET POTATOES .So bushels choice larg-j ) Sweet Potatoes for sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. PPLES, APPLES 100 bushels choice apples l fur sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. CORN AND BRAN 200 bushels Corn; Six tous choice Countrv Bran lor sale at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY Wmn SBBHASIC POTi,TJOR8-l,000 bare rels choice white Neshanic Potatoes ; 1.2irO sacks choice White Nesbanic Potatoes; for sale on consignment at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. JOHNSONTS1 UNlOjTWASHINGM ACU I N KS. which are now in use throughout the length and breadth of the land, and have been thorough ly tested in the prioripal hospitals nrDients, as ylums and families generally, and are r-e-jrin" everywhere the most unstinted praiss. All fabrte. from a collar to a blanket, cau be washed per rectly without soaking, boiling or rubbing, and a boy or girl can operate it. Clothes ran be washed, wrung and rinsed with out inhaling steam or spilling slops, or even put ting the hands iu water. Price of machine aud wringer $25. For sale onlv at Z. ELLIOTT'S FAMILY OROC'ERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. W. H. WALKER. DE C. EVANS. WALKER & EVANS, Retail Dealers Xxclotirbly in BOOTS&SHOES No. 81 MAIN STREE1, Evansville, Ind. We devote our whole time and attention to the Boot and Shoe Trade Exclusively Consequently can give yon better bargains than those who are " dabbling " in Boots and Shoes in connection with other business. City and County Orders taken at par for Goods. sep5-ly NEW SHOE BOOT STORE. F. M. SELLMAN Has just received, at No. 35 MAIN STREET A large and carefuny selected stock of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S WEAR, OF THE LATEST STYLES, WHICH HE IS selling as low as any house in the city. The public are invited to call and rxamiue Good and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. He warrants his goods to give satisfaction. No trouble to show geods. Mending done FBEE O CHARGE, should they premstnrely give way. F. M. SELLMAN, Evansvill Sept. 15, 18i. 35 Main Street. w Ph O M EH co o o ed M I Q 5 EH Hi" H IH M o o EH xn xn H m 0 u 0 H h 0 t U 0 3 & sv o 8 j o O H 0 O X o M o n n o EH M v 0 u a O CQ pq o o - V o c 0 - s o o No. 15 STREET. mm & G WITH MET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALESS IN BOOTS A NO SHOES, AND Hats & Caps, No. 15 Main Street. EVAN SVILLBJfDIANA SPECTACLES. v L EITTebe M snof&ctnrfr of tbe newly inTeote! PERISCOPIO I Spectacles AND Army Field Glasses, Superior lo all others now lm use, SPY GLASSES, Microscopes, OPERA GLASSES, Marine Spy Glasses, SIMPLE MICROSCOPES, Iliintins? Glasses, And all kinds of OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS , Can be had only of No. C7 TSL ain Stroot, i AJSS 11, LB, INDIA NA. T RITTENB-TRG HAS NOW OK HAVDS X. splendid assortment or Optical Instruments. wiikmi he will dispose of at greatly reduced! prices: Ins coods beinc all of th. w.'i.. ... .- . provements m manufacture, consisting or a v,.rr lar-o var.ety of Spectacles from the most court-Sun to the very best, Tis: The finest quality or Gold Spectacles, these Glasses being constructed on tbe mot accurate adaptation of the Convex Concave ..l ,., iiinm. aiso, ."liver or tbree dif- rwe niiffl oi i,iases, ,-o. i being on the saaael principle a- tbe Gold Spectacles. No Jj., jjfj. iw-ai uruse ; no. a oeing a nne Achromatic Lens mirror shape. In addition to the above I htTe a fine ment of Steel, of the verv lwt ni;i. c the frames being grooved into the Glasses. iraracs ar o nne as to bo scarcely visible. No 31 - i roe glODUIes It smoked Lease, adapted for weak sight where! .... .... ....... ri,,. , iuu anerts me vision These frpectaclcs are a perfect preventative by oae-l ..... wu.uuj, amusing in.-eye to gain its liea'.tliv Lower unit retnf,. It t a Having had very considerable experience also in 1 cstcraet eyes, in adapting glasses to such visijn. ,.... . ui an persons Ceed-i lng glasses or any description, to apply for sorb ""'j " n-euiu "Ion ian, masing that bis sole i",i"cri mi years, ue alone being aM to know- fi-oin the peculiar anatomy or the eye th natnr.-of tlie defect, whether rr. .. i i. nessof s ght. flsttenins; of the pupil, or other misfortune occurring to the Tisiea. The eye be ing the most delicate organ, and of the most Tital importance to the happiness and prosperity of man, should never Ire tampered with, either by .... ... ...... ... ,..e Wno, ior mere profit, take lltkin 1 henrlves the cu.ll',,.- m a - . w vt!icai in struments, and who knov Lothiag of the anatomy of the eve. or linv to itltyA... (k. , . . .7 . . .. fiuper glasses io suit the perulurity ot t le different sights or those. or jvrf.,1.- Tl . . , ..... .fc, "i", . -. i uuitfwiu.- nave lost their vision entirely from not applying to those oaly qualified to know the different defects in each in dividual's sight and how to remedy it br wearing the proper kiad of spectacles. I. Kittenberg, having had over twenty-five years experience as a regular practical optician, can assure those givin' him their patronage that by applying to him thev can get the very right kind or glasses adapted to their caar, and ia almost every one secure good eye sight to old see. Netr sighted persons can also obtain of him th Litest improvement in spectacles suited to them, being a new invention 1 have also the most recently new Field Glasses, with Astroinical eye pieces, being Tery saperior to the old opera glass arrangement. All kinds ot Optical Instruments repaired at the shortest no tice, aud having purchased spectacles of sae, and having had the misfortune to break one of tho lenses, can liave it replaced gratuitously by api- I. RITTENBERG, 67 Main Street, Bet Second and Third SU., EVANSVILLE, IND sep. 29. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. Great Sale of Choice City Prop erty. r ON TUESDAY. DECEMBER 15th, ISffl. W will sell at public auction, at ;he door of the Curt House, in EansTiIle, the old and long es tablished STEAM FLOORING MILL. Ntnated immediately on the bank of the Ohio River, iu the city of Evansville, aad well and fa vorably known as TUE INDIANA MILLS, Together with two acres of ground, including the bank of the river to low water mark, and the offios, warehouse, and other buildings apnur tenant. B The machinery of this Mill, though at present out of repair, is of the most saperior character, haviug been manufactured to the order of tho former proprietor, Mr. James Hewitt, with the vie ..r maltiug a first class Mill, and withoot regard forosf. Sinee it was put iu, tbe mill, though rondacted by agentrt, iu the absence of the owner, has been nne of the n.oef .!!...... r.. I - - . . hi.'.iv, -uidKiiig nuu- liflunenti or Uie kind in Southern Indiana. For me iruin oi inis, we iase trie liberty or rererring to Mr. Geo. Wolflin, Sheriff of Yanderbnrg conn- ij .nr. noxion koss ot Princeton, Gibson coun ty , and Mr. Lyman T. Bayless, now of Mt. YernoB, who have r. , lively managed tba mill tor the late proprietor. This property, being centrally situated just at tbo lower line ..( the Citv Wharf, p;eseut a rare opportunity to purchasers, either ror Mill punroses, or as a abas desirable investment in i-esl estate, which must rapidly enhance in Talne. At the ame time and place we will sell 28 Lots in Mr. Richard Atkinson's Subdivision or Bl cks Nos. lJir and lit, according to the plan or La masoo City (now EvaasriUe.) See hand bills for a plan of said subdivision. Also Lot No. ,'S, In Block No. 171. Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 3, in Block Wo 172, and Lot No. 2, in Bi.xk No. 174; according to tbe plan of Lamaaco City. ;- . feet Iront on Water street by SO feet deep, Ciyi feet froot ou L--rt street, by 98 feet deep, parts of I,ots Nos. 7 and 8, In the Lower En largement of the Citv of Evansville. Also 20 lots in Mock 44, according lo the plan of Laniaaco City ; said lots b-.'ng 25 by 119 feet, with a 12 foot alley in real. Also the following lots in the Southern Enlarge ment or the Citv of Evansville: Lots 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15 and IB, in Block No dL Lots C, 7, 8,9,10, II, 12, 13 and 14, in Block No. A. Lots 30, .11 . 37 and 38, in Block No. 9. Lots 16 and 16, in Block No. 10. Lot 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, In Block No. 11. Lots 13 and 14, in Block No. 14. Lots 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, J3, 18 and 19, in Block Be. 15. Lots 4, 5, 10, 11, 35, 36, 37 and 38, in Biock !o. 16. This will be one of the largest sales of Evans ville Ciiy property ever made, and wiU be positive and without reserve. Great bargains will be had The title fs perfect, and general warrantee deeds will be given. TtiCSIS OF SALE -For the Mill tract, cash. For the residue of the above named r.rv-ertv one-fourth casfa, and the balance in one, twTand three years, lor which the notes ol the purchasers, with interest and without relief, secured by mort gage on the premises, will be taken. CHANDLER a HYNES. Real Estate Agents. Hibaji Nelmix, Auctioneer. no!7ids PAPER MILLS. evansville PAPER MILLS, -IKICH k CAR1STIDT, Agents. TX E MANU FACTURE WRAPPING PAPER IT equal to any made, and at Cincinnati prices. 522 ' ou ri'Hcation to the Agents, -" jyiodom ss DISSOLUTION. qllfc PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE RX- M istmg under toe linn of Orr, Dalaell Co. being dissolved on the 2d or November, all parties, haviug claims against tbe old firm will present, them lor settlement, and all owing will call ami settlu up their accounts. ORR, DALZELL k CO. HAVING PURCHASED THE INTEREST OF my former partners, I will contUMse in tbe wholesale Grocery business at tbe I stand, on Water Street, ami would solicit ror the new i. .,,. the patronage so long bestowed on the old nov4 MATTHEW DALZELL. sasss mmwm mm NOTICE. Real Estate at Private Sale." THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR sale the pren.uaw roriu.rly occupied by tbe Crescent t ity Bank, Mtuaie ou the corner li .. .i tli streets, in the Ciiy of Evansville The lot is f t on Main street and ao leet on Third street. Vuu the building is three stories iu highi, covering the whole lot. Also, a first-rate bariur-proof Bab,. For terms, enquire of JOHN A. REITS, i THOS. R. GAKVIN. or noT2s W. BAKER. BSKfl ph ae- VK re- , ind ety RI tbe a HR fc. ED. sals . tND T. 1AL It. 9t