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ADYEKriSI.NfcBATEg 15 DAILY EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL. MORNING- EDITION. FOE DAILY. njr 00 8 ix months 3 00 rhree months 1 60 a applied by carrier at 12 cents per week. FOE WEEKLY. arm months 1 i n 0 x oaoaths ,, , - 85 ne Year S 1 60 FOB IEI-WWK LY. x monthi -.. 2 on One year 4 00 B n cards (5 lines or last), one year. ....US " " six months-. 7 Of " , '' " tan ... i so- One square (10 Hues or less) one Insertion . 75 .eiu. ... three - Of. - lifc.1. 5 i Ti 5 50 One For VOLUME XVI. EVANSVILLE, IND., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 1863. ESTABLISHED, 1831 Special Notices retained on inside of paper, will be charged 20 percent, additional en above rates. TERMSIX ADVANCE. Its LIQUORS. m r. cars. F. I. HOBOS F. CARR, Bectiflers soul W2 o.esale Dealers la eTerjr des cription of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines snd Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c, BEG LEAVB TO CALL THB ATTENTION -1 the ti i le of the t'i-.y ,.f Evansville, South em Indiana. Illinois and Kentockr to om exten sive stock. 1 1 houi larue mod coinleto, wro can olfer tn nr cn-tumen and the trade, goods that cannot fail tn plea? trh In quality and price. Onr stock haTing been bought for cash, before the rwnt advance, will enable rat to compete with any koine In tlss West in price, Ac. We ar determined that no necessity shall exist for dealers to (to either to Cincinnati, Louisville, or St. Louis, to bay- their Liquors. We ask of you a fair trial. We are certaiu we can srfve' satisfution when you visit our city. We woald be pleased to see you at No. 28, FIRST STREET, Next door to Holllsgsworth A Bro.'s Queensware Store, and fhow you oar stock, consisting in part of ForeL-ri and Domestic Brandies, Wines, Gins, Earns, &c. Of WbMlea, Best Bourbon, Eye, Monongahela, Robinson County, Kimel, Irish, Scotcb, many other brands Of '. inn...!, WhHkieewe haye Aurora, Old Vlr (riuia, Mountalr. Dow, Orange Valley,' and "Bully for Yon." OfBittfrs we have Plantation, " B va- ian Stowton," (' ic tall. c. Punch, Easesco, Absiuthe. SchrKT-?, Smirking snd Chewing To Imicco, Cigars, and A. 8. Bonn's Snuff. - Bemetnber the place, No. 28 First Street, four doors lieiow Svcanore Street. norll i-tuEX- Wl H. Y. CASK CO. INSOLUBLE CEMENT. fikKST DtSCOVCBT. ilSKFUL and VALUABLE DISCOVERY ! INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Applicable to t :,. ojK-ful arts. Ts of more general practical utility ..nil awjr tuieiikkou bow ueiore too public. It has been thoroughly testod during the last two years by practical man, and pronounced to SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparation known. Hilton's Insoluble Cement U a new thing, and the result of vears of study; its combination si ess Scientific Principles, And under no eirrtrmsfanre or A new thing. Coniblua tioiu. jchanire of temperature, will It be jcome corrupt or emit any offensive rtsxkW. Boot A Shoe Manufacturers BOOT & BHOE Manufacturers, using Machines, Ail! find it beet article known for Cementing the Channels, as it aorks without delay, is not affect. Md by auy change of temperature.. Jewelers. JEWELERS Will find it suffieieutly adhesive for ! their use, as has been proved. It la especially adapted to Leather, And we claim as an especial merit, kbat It .cicks Patches aud Liuiun to Boots aad Shoes sw lciently strong without stitching. Families IT IS THE ONLY LiaUID CEMENT Extant, that la a sure thing for mendir; piHvrrniE, CROCKERY, TOYS, BONE. It Is a Liquid. 1 IVORY, And articles of household us). Kesaeuber . REMEMBER Hilton's Insoluble Cemen Is tn a Uqnid form and as easily applied as paste. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is insoluble in water or oil. Hilton's Insoluble Cemznt Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Manufactur ers' Packages from ounce to Um De. Finis. HIXT0S , BROS. & ( 0 PaoeniETOBa, PBOVIDENCE, K. I I 2TW1y MEDICIAL. A Valuable Medicine FOR EVERY FAMILY. DBCGGISTS IN A I1 sections of the tin ind country ioep band bny, sell and re -commend as a tonic , stimulant and appetisei , Boback's Stomach Bit -ten. APOTHSCABIES TN all sections of the city and country keep io stork, sell and il isiroe as a tonic Boback's Btomarh Bitters.. PHYSlUIANt, in all section of the city and country appro re and re commend as a. tonic Bo back's Stoma ch Bitters. CBOCKB3 in all sec tions of tb e city and country kee 9 constantly supplied tth and deal in Bobac k's Stomach Bitters. HOTET ,s in all sec tions of the city and country are supplied witn an J cannot keep a Ho'iel." withont a stock of Bo hack's Stomach Bit ters. -HOSPITAL? throuehoot th urtay of the N'orth have found an indispensable t juic, and are using, for the soldiers Boback'i Sto sack Bitters. SUTLERS in every regir sent ought to have and. many have introduced , and highly recom mend Boback's Stomach Bi iters. LADIES, old and young, for Billiouaness, Liver Complaints, Languor, Wr akness aad general De bility, are recommended to use Boback's Stomach Bitters. EVEBYBODT who desires a good tonic for giving tone to the apr t, a healthy appetite and strength to the syste m ntenXy, should net foil to uy a bottle of B' back's Stomach Bitters. I 1U C. W. ROB AC K, Proprietor, Cincinnati. Office aad Man a facte ry Nos. 56, 58, 60 aud 2 East Third Street.. aarFor sale by mil Druggists everywhere. aus25 a NOTICE TO FARMERS. rjj-IBF. HIjQHKST CASH PBICKS PAID FOB HIDES, P'tJES, FEATKEE.S, "WOOL, BEANS, DRIED FRUIT, CLOVER SEED, FLAX SEED, GRASS SEED, BEESWAX, GINSING, A ad all kinds of Country Pradnce by A. OCMBEBTS. Orncs At L. Lo"wewtaaI A Co.'s Store, corner of Main and First. Streets. nov5-3m VARIETY S TORE. PUSHES' 8 VARHiTY STORE, No. 20 Main'. Street, TS THE PLACE TO FIN3J FAXCY GOODS. 'jeans. Bras' ea. Ptvt.t w.n.t. rrA ( Tablets, Sensors. Knives, Watoh Keys, Guard Chains, Thimbles, Needles .Pius, Tape Measures, Bead", Belt Clasps, Goggles , Spectacles. Ther mometors, French Harne. Ps d Guns. Ivnrv Rat. use, aaimea. utsaasm.a, IHdls, Con Steel Bans, Pencilss, Oasaes, llabber B Soap. Jewelyy, Violin etritsa, W Wririrg Desks, Feather Duvstars, B ties. Marbles. Chaesmea, IMiIli, Corset Clasps, Balls, Toilet r'ork Box.s. Childrens' Carriages, Ladles" Fanev Worfcinil i:.. (raveUng Baskets, Ac., Ac, sjt wholesale aad re if fBana kIX :aB STEAM BAKERY. Bread for the Hungry ! NEW STEAM BAKERY, WATER STREET, KVANSVILl.E, INDIANA. w T DESIRE TO INFORM TITE CITIZENS of Eransviilc. aud the community in min eral, that our NEW STEAM BAKERY, NO. 11 WATER STREET, Is now In succeufnl operatiou, and we shall keep constantly on hand and nuke to order, on short notice, all articles' made at tike manufactories; ueh as Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Ac, Ac. Being supplied with all the modern machinery to faciliate us in our business, we llatter ourselves that we can urivo the innst ample satisfaction in the qna'ity ,.f onr good and in prices. We will also keen uu hand a larife aud choice stook of Confections, I'mits, Nats, Cigars, Ac, to which weoall att-ntion. Orders for public or private Par: i n Festirals, Balls, A , 4o , promptly hllcd on reasonable terins. se18if A. WELD A CO. DRY GOODS. THE NEW tsi 1C XLr 3E3L dry imi mm INTENSE E X C I T E MENT JL T Nos. 14 & 16 Firt Street. WITHOUT DELAY, TO COOLIDGE'S, Where you tvill find them openiug the largest assortment of !F,T2H"2s3 goods Ever offered in this market In Rich Silk and Dress Goods. Tliey have no Competitors this side of New York City. S3 E3E Embroidered Edgings and Iusert Ibsth, Real Lacea, Dress Trimmings, Ladles' Cloth and Beaver Claaks, Point Lace Collars and Bets, &c. Ace. Chandler'ss Block, No's. 14 & 16 First Street, (Two doors West of Post Office,) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. myl8 J. T. fc S. A. COOLIDCB. CLOTHING. The Best is always the Cheapest. Especially is this true of O X O T 3E3C I KT AND Gents' Furnishing Good Tefit it by caliiug on J. H. CAR LIN, No. 8 F I R ST STRE ET, (NEAR POST-OFFICE,) EVANSVILLE, IND. : fTIHE VNTKRSIGNED HAS JCST RE X turned troni the East, where be has laid in one of the best stocks of Cloth i or aad Cents' Fur- i nisbing Goods ever brought to this City. My Cloths, i 'assi meres, Veatiugs, Ac, were selected with an eyesiutrle tonality and style ; and hav ing become conversant with the taste of our peo ple, am satisfied that in this particular my Goods will give excellent satiefaetlen. Gents Furnishing Goods of every descriptlot will also be found at my establishment such as Gloves, Hosiery, Neck-Ties, Shirts, Collars, Sus penders, Ac. My facilities for luanufacturia Clothing are excellent ; and as for Cutting Gar menta to fit no satisfaction no pay. I ask no one to take a mean fitting gafraeut off my hands. trver-Coattngs ot every vanvly end style will be found at my istablishnrrttt. Though it may sound unreasonable tek k Overcoats during the "heated term,"' we must remember that in "peace is tbe time to it re for war," and In uoinier mase our preparations lor tne cold blasts of Winter. No better preparation can be devised than the orilerinir of a rood reliable Omrrn.1. such as may be found at No. S First Street. Orders for Clothing of every description will receive tnejersonal atteutlon of the undersigned and will be promptly attended to. Tbe tuotte al lirc:nptly attended to. The :imtta at ! Bo. is, rroruisea puuctu.illy fulfilled." Before orderiug Fall er Winter suits Gents will consult their own interest by examining my Goods and Prices. Remember the plaee No. 8 First Street, (near Post Office.) auglS J. H. CAR. LIN. STOVE WORKS. w. sarxaxr.TEK. - a. SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS. BRINKMEYER Sl CO., Manufacturer of Stoves, Hollow Ware, Iron Railings, House, Fronts, Verandas, Balconies, Castings In Ceneral, COPPER. TIN AND SHEET I BON WARE, Ae tar Sales Boom Main Street, opposite Court House. WFoundery Near the Mouth of Pigeon Creek EVANSVILLE, IND. ORDERS SOLICITED." my PUBLISHED BY JAMES n. McNKELT. F. M. THAYER. JNO. H. McNKELY tTODXa THE HBS OF TBI EvanSVille Journal Company. ; I Journal, I LOCUST STREET ' BETWEEN FIRST AND WATEE. , I TIIIBSDAY , ......DECEMBER 19 Encouraging Volunteering. We were informed a few days ago that the Vincennes Sun had promised to I do all it ceuld towards filling ud the ranks of the 120th Regiment. The an nouncement took us somewhat by sur prise, but as our informant claimed to to know whereof he spoke, we accepted hia statement as a gratifying indication of returning reason on the part of the little copperhead organ. Well, the last number of the Sun, sure enough, has something to say about volunteering That our readers may know with what enthusiasm it enters upon its new work, we copy its article in full. The Sun says: " In various counties throughout the State, the Commissioners are adding large sums as additional bounty to vol unteers. The Government has for a long time been pandering to the pocket in stead of appealing to true patriotism to fill up the depleted ranks of the armv for the prosecution of the war, that which has become distasteful on account solely of the iniquitous policy upon which it has been carried on. Very well. We would much rather see those go willing ly to the war who feel that they can do so, than to see men forced to go who have no faith in it as practiced. Those who, voted to sustain this policy had ought to go, and it should be a stain upon them forever if thny refuse. We are in favor of giving them large bounties, but we want them to go they endorse it, and we want them to go and help fight it We trust our commissioners will aid them to the necessary funds to support their families until they make a draw, that is if they prove their loyalty." The Snn urges those who voted the Union ticket voted to sustain the war policy of the Administration to volun teer, but no others. Its friends under stand they are to remain at home and vote the Copperhead ticket When it is remembered that the Sun has no circulation except among the more vio lent type of Copperheads, the benefits the 120th regiment is likely to derive from its efforts to persuade Republicans to volunteer, may be fixed at its true value. It has no influence outside its own im mediate organization, and it urges th members of that organization to let those who sustain the Administration do the fighting. Verily the fothor of Albert Sidney .Johnston's namesake is doing valient service in filling up the ranks of the army! ProfllablP Investments... The "Fire Twenty " Loan. We publish to-day the advertisement of J. Cook &.c., of Philadelphia, in re gard to the United States " Five-Twenty'' Loan. This is beyond all question, we think, the safest, best and most profitable investment In addition to that fact it has the advantago of being patriotic It is .'emphatically the People's Loan, and has proved beyond all expectation the most popular enterprise of the kind ever undertaken by any people in any country. It isstill open, and open to all, from the capitalist to the day-laborer who has but fifty or a hundred dollars that he can spare for some safe and profitable investment. It is a load to his couatryi in time of his country's need, and is amply safe and secure. We shsjuld like to speak further of this subject; but instead of giving our own views and advice at this time, we prefer to copy the following able article from that most reliable of Americanjournals, the Philadelphia North American, to which we invite the reader's attention: PROFITABLE IXVKSTM1NTS. The Philadelphia North American gives some excellent advice to those who wish to invest money. It is well for all who are in funds to heed the connsel : " Though money has been temporarily scarce, capital continues abundant; and the recent tumble in the stock market has brought capitalists to a realizing sense of the unreliable character of many of the securities dealt ia. It is greatly to the credit of ;he Government that its loans, of all the securities daily delt in on the market, have maintained their integrity of price better than almost any thing else. Its rive lwenty year six per cent loan, the interest on which is promptly paid in gold, has been subscrib ed to, although the pressure in the money market, at an average of more than two millions per day. And what is not the least gratifying fact in connection with the daily large subscriptions to this pop ular loan, scarcely any of it is returned to the market for sale. It is taken for invest ment, and is held in unfaltering confi dence in its reliability. And why should it not be? It is seen that the Govern ment now, after two years of the most gigantic war that the world has ever known, experiences no difficulty in com manding tbe necessary means to prose cute it, or in paying regularly the inter est in gold as it falls due. If this can be done while the war is being wazed, who can anticipate any difficulty in readily 1 i; i "u " , .- accoraphshinff u when the War shall be ! pnrtPii? ended? "What better investment then. for capital, than the "Five-Twenty" Government loan? Bnt if anj doubt, let them refer to the statistics furnished bj the census tables of the various nations of the world. The facts which they pre sent will prove the most satisfactory mode ol dispelling the numberless gloomy apprehensions which are being continually conjured up by those who are disposed to exaggerate the extent of the calamity occasioned by our rebellion. A reference to the state of most of the prosperous nations of the old world clear It disproves such a position, and shows ' that the highest conditions of national j advancement have not been materialy i affected by the extended wars in which j : those nations have been immemoriallv j engaged, and that a heavy national in i debtedness has not proved an anmitiga- ted evil. "For instance, Great Britain, France j and the Netherlands will undoubtedly j be conceded to represent the highest stale of prosperity that has been attaiu ed by any of the European nattouF. Aud yet no nations bave been called up- 1 on to endure fiercer and more prolonged I wars, domestic and foreign, than the v. The effect has been, unquestionably, to incur an enormous iitiuuiiaa luucwru- ness: but neither their war nors their indebtedness have had the effect to de- ' atroy their elasticity, nor to check the progress of their general prosperity. i Tbe result would hare been different, ! prooaoiy, it mese nations naa oeen ran- lag into decay, instead of being, as they ' really were, in a state of development; and in this respect their case resembles oar own, with enormous advantages iu our favor. These nations, while nnder- i going the trials of war, were oppressed by tBe evi8 of an immense exodns of their people, caused by the density of their population, the impossibility to pro vide occupation for them, the low price of labor and the scarcity of territory. Compared with oar own country, they possessed slight room for future devel opment; they were settled in every part, and no vast territory lay invitingly open to encourage enterprise and settlement. Their great problem has ever been what to do with their surplus population. which, in its turn tins smirch naur fiolrlc for adventure and self support in coun- ! tries like our own, where an illimitable territory waits to be developed, and where incalculable resources invite industry and energy. The enconrtigentent to be derived from these facts and comparisons of circumstances is vtry great, and to the mind of any dispassionate reasoner is conclusive that the course of this great country is onward and upward, and that its credit will live unimpaired to the end." Arrested for Embezeklino from the Adams Express Company. About three years since tbe safe of the Adams Ex press Company, at Vincennes, Indiana, was broken open and $3,200 in money was abstracted therefrom. Suspicion fell upoa the agent at that post, Mr. James Reynolds, who was arrested, but, for want of sufficient evidence to con vict him, he was discharged. Reynolds was afterward elected Sheriff of the county, served one term, and was re elected for. a second term. Since the robbery took place the company have been active in ferreting out the offender, and a few days ags Mr. Reynolds, being in the city on business, was taken into custody by Deputy Sheriff Adams, upon an order of arrest, in a civil action for debtby embezzling the $3,200 as above stated. Not being able to give the $6,000 bail required, Mr. Reynolds was lodged in the county jail to await the action of the court ioutstt7t'tr Journal. LIVERY STABLE. " AMERICAN STABLE, On Third bet. Main and Locust Sts, THIS LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH is well known throughout the country, pos sesses Stable advantages superior to any similar establishment ia the City, having arrangements for the aeceptloB of private horses at livery of the most elegaat and complete description, and at the lowest rates. Carriages for visiting to let. Coaches, light wagons, aad every kind of road vehicle to let. Horses sold oa commission Second hand Bnggy's for sale at the very lowest prices. Passengers for waraea u aii parts ei tnetouokry ny special con veyance. RICHARDSON, BRITTON A CO. awl. M ! DRUGS, &c. WM. H. P. STODDARD, .No. 17 Hala Street, EVAJtSVILI-E, IND. 'po ARTISTS Ambrotype and Photograph X stock of every description, including Dune ras. Chemicals, Cases aud Frames j a large variety constantly on hand and for sals at reasouable prices at WM. U. P. STODDARD'S. 17 Main street. SODA ASH AND for making Soap, celved at CONCENTKATED LYE A superior article just re 17 MAIN STREET. TTOSTETTXTt'S PLANTATION BITTERS an l. M.JL uerman flitters, together with a great variety of Patent Medicines, at 17 MAIN STREET, PUBS "AND UNADULTERATED CREAM Tarter for family use ; also Soda aud Spices pnrs, at 17 MAIN STREET. COCOINE, AMBROSIA, KATHABION, TBI CAPHEROCS, Zylabalsamum, and all the best preparations for the Hair at WM. H. P. 8TODDARD'S. i flOAL OIL AND BURNING FLFID BY THE w gallon or barrel at 17 MAIN 8TRE ET. PRINTERS INK. BLACK AND COLORED, in small cans Wads' s manufacture for sals at STODDARD'S, 17 Main Street. LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, GLOBES AND Sha les j a large and varied assortment at 17 MAIN STREET. WIZZARD OIL THE OLD ORIGINAL kind ; a supply just received at STODDARD'S, 17 Main Street. QUEENS WAKE, &e. China, Glass AND Queensware. I have now on hand, and am daily receiving additions thereto, one of the i m: twiz't .'. taHl iiirx n a -A si .bnc O T CHINA, GLASS AJfD QUEENSWARE Ever brought to the West, and am determined that no necessity shall exist for Merchants to go East for their Queensware. Purchasers will rind it to their ! advantage to call and examine for themselves, at No. 18 Main Street. CM mm on Wars furnished alone If desired. oc26 M. A LAWRENCE DRY GOODS. KEEN & PRESTON HATS JUST BICXIVXD A LARGE AND general assortment of Desirable Dry Goods, Which they invite tbe "trade" to call and as. amine prices and qualities ; believing, knowing, they can save dealers additional freight and ex penses in going farther Eastward. Jaul5 DRY GOODS tsui 3& & FIRST STHHT, Wholesale and Eetail DRY CS-OODS. Otirsccond pnrcliaae this fall of overything to our line that is New, Rich AVD DESIRABLE, Has now arrived, nainmg which will be found a complete assortment of - D1iw xt-u Plam. French MennOS, Fancy French Merinos, Fancy French Cashmers, Plain and Fancy Delains all Wool, And all the New Styles of EICH WINTER DRESS GOODS. Also a splendid Hoe of elegant Black Cloth Cloaks, SCARLET AND BLUE CLOAKS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES, Window Hollands, Curtain Damasks, LACE CURTAINS, Curtain Fixtures CURTAIN CORNICES; And almost everything in the HOUSE FURNISHING LINE my3r)-lr JAdUKSS 4t FRENCH, No. IO First Street, Evansvlllr. FOR GREAT BARGAINS IN 1 It "V li o O 1 s 00 TO E. A. GOOKE 8l CO., Who have Jost completed Uieir winter stock of Goods, consisting in part ol French Merinoes, Checked and Plain Alpacas, Silk Striped Lustres, Wool and half Wool Delainea, Ladies' Misses' Hoop Skirts, Ladies' Misses' Balmoral Skirts, and Children's and Children's Hoods, Nnbias and Misses' Fancy Knit Coats, Sontags and Alexandras, Lambs Wool, Merino and Bal moral Hose, And a greatvariety of Notions, &c. Also just received by express A fall assortment Cloaks. All the novelties of the, season, comprising Red Riding Hoods, Blue Circulars, Black Cloth Circulars and Sacques various Prices ; Styles to suit the most fastidious. Come and see for yourself at Wo. T FIRST STREET, GROCERIES. iAMUKL K. OlLBEST. WlLLIAV S. BaKXB. S. E GILBERT ft CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Sycamore Street, bet. Water and First, f-V ANKVII.I.E, IH. A full assortment of Groceries always en hand, ad for sale at the lowest prices. SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J. SMITH'S SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No, O Second. St, (in skat's slock.) S1 HISTS MADE TO ORDER FROM MEA8- urment and a fit warranted. A stock o ready. made Shirts and Collars always on hand, and at prices that will snit the purchaser. Tucking taiita, etiching Bosoms Ac, done with neatness and despatch. ' Thankful for past favors, tbe subscriber respect fully solicits a contuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed for the past fire years. cct2i J, SMITH. STOVES, &c. H O to ; ft xm 9 f M B d H a w M o w Q H w 4 o M o 5z Q O O a 13 B o a o 0 t. "3 a o 3 pa o p E3 e a 5S o o -t o p OB o c H e I s S 0 o g p 3 GQ i e-t- r-r X o r- I O m 0 3 a B o B 9 WATCHES & JttWELRY J L. BiTTROLFF, JR., No. 1, North First Street. An entirely new Stock of Watches and Jewelry, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, &c. I WOULD BESPECTFCLLT INFORM THB public that I have opened an entirely new and fashionable stock of the above goods, which, hr ing been bought for cash, I am prepared to sell at prices as low as the lowest, and warrant every article to be just ss represented. Front long ex perience 1b the business, I an confident of giving satisfaction, and hope to merit a share of the pub lic patronage. Personal attention pain to repairing Wats-he, Clocks and Jewelry. J. L. BITTROLFF, Jr., oetVMmdAw We. 1, North First Street. CLOTHING. REMOVAL GOLDMAN, BERG ft CO., Wkolooal OlotLioro, Have removed to the corner of FIRST ft SYCAMORE STREETS, (Opposite the Grocery Store of Be meat A Vleic,) where they offer to their friends and tbe trade generally a very targe stock el OLOTHITV AT tVHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY, Every article of which being manufacture! by themselves at JIK Market Street, Fhtlaoei; .ila, buyers will have Only One Profit to Pay. Also a full line of Clotnlng, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, We Sell at Eastern Prices with Transportation added. WATCHES & JEWELRY. WATCHES A V D JEWELRY, AT Wholesale and Retail ,, -. , ; .. .. GEO. A. BITTROLFF Has Just opened at the old stand TVo. 4 , One of the largest and best selected stocks of WATCHES, CLOCKS Diamond Rings and Pins, Silver Ware, Silver Cups, Soup Ladles, Table and Tea Spoons, Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, Childrens' Setts, fte.. ftc. Plated Ware, Full Tea Sets, Castors, Pitchers, Cups, Butter Dishes, Salt-Cellars, Goblets, Jewelry, A full assortment ot all kinds nf Spectacles, Watch Materials, Watch Glasses, ftc, ftc. Having bought ay stock for Cash, I can sell at the lowest figures for Cash. Call aad examlae soy stock before purchasing elsewhere. GEO. A. BTTTBOLrr, 3 No. Ag Main street. PIANOS. rrTO SPLINIMD PIANOS JUST RECEIVED from the manufacturers, and for sale at WARREN A CONYNGTON'S, ovs5 Me. 1 Main street. BOOTS AND SHOES. BIG B001 AND SHOE HOUSE. - fcQL MAIN STREET, Have now in store the larg est stock of Goods of any House in the United States, and of the best makes to be found. Their stock was pur chased before the recent ad vance, at 10 per cent, less than they can now be bought, and we will sell them for less than any House in the West will sell the same character of goods. We sell BOOTS & SHOES, not " scabs." Call and ex amine our goods. MORGAN, REAP ft CO. P. S. No charge for Boxes. Hats & Caps . $50,000 WORTH Of the most fashionable styles of HATS and CAPS Now in store, that were pur- -.1 1 tl A. QO r- . . ... lwr than they can now be pur chased of the manufacturers. We are determined to make Evansville a jobbing point, and to aid in doing so will sell goods for less than any House up the river. We said it and so it shall be. No trouble to show goods. 1 . " Quick sales and small profits " is our motto. MORGAN, READ ft CO. Ladies' Hats! MORGAN, READ & CO., No. 68 BLek.xx Street, Have in store a splendid as sortment of Ladies' and Misses' TrimmedHats of the latest and most approved styles, viz : Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Guerrai. ella ; Ladies.' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Coquette; Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Eugenia; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Eugenia; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Coquette; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Guerrabella; Besides numerous other names and styles. Also, Children's Fancy Trimmed Hats, all of which we will sell very cheap indeed. Call and examine our stock. MORGAN, READ ft CO. SOAP AND CANDLES. JPlxilip Decker, (Snccessor to Becker A Kramer), Manufacturer of Lard Oil SOAP AND CANDLES. Also, an erra article ef B UBNIllO, ENGINE, AND CAS Oil Pawliirs ia Resin, Soda, Ashes, Ac. Also- Pure Catawba Win Of oar own raising. Is quantities to salt saw chasers, 11 Mass Barest, liasiin FVraf aad Beam, EvANsrtLLt, Indiana. Terms cash, er 60 days' paper negotiable la JanSO-ly READ DRUGGISTS. BR0UGHT0N & WOODS. CBKSCEXT CITY DRUG ST011. ikizMi lt?ti at Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Window Glass, Sand Paper, Perfumery, Soaps, Coal Oil, Lamps, Fruit Jars, Sealing Wax, Patent Medicines, Dye Stuflfe. Sole Agents for Whit field's Pile Cure. FAMILY II STORE WM. E. HALLOCK, Druggist and Apothecary, SO. 10, F1B8T ST 11 BET, NEAR POST OFF 10 K, Has Just received another large and splendid as- eertnent Wfwrtl r)n Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, : Pomades, Brushes, Combs, Toilet Articles, p-aps, Flavoring Extrujts, &c, &c Brandies and Wines, for Medical Purposes. jIi.flmeAl AU the Asareeed Patent Medicines kept cos taiktlv ,,n hjttirl anil for sale at N'orth A utAri.. srtees. Particular attention paid to the coast: er nrescriimuns at au boors. WM. B. HALLOCK, No. ltSeaith First Street, Bear Post OfBrv nov?7 Evansville. lnd. INSURANCE AGENCY. J.W. NEXSEN, Marble Hall, Main Street, EVANSVILLE, IND., underwriter una u-enerai in surance Agent. Adjuster of Tire Losses and Notary Public. All business connected with Insurance attended to with promptness and fidelity. Polices issued in several ot the oldest and most reliable Companies in the Union. FIRE, LIFE and MARINE. Combined Cash Capital Ren resented over $ 5,0 0 0 ,0 00 00 PREPARE IN TIME AGAINST THE THE FIRES OF FALL!! BT Prime A No. 1 Insurance IN THE Phoenix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD, CONK. The Fruits of the Phoenix Are manifest in the following statement of Facts db Figures Showing the amount eonslised to public benefit ia the shape of losses paid In the West and Sooth, during the past thur years ; a line of valuable ser vice, honorable as well as commendable, and which huuM fucceet o every man who desires to bestow his iaiursoo . patronage npon a WetL TBIKi) COBPOSATfOS. 140,277.46.... 27,822.94 69,174.56 32,670,08 34,2.13 . 19,323.34. 8,663.10 OHIO . 4,377.4S INDIANA ILLINOIS... , MICHIGAN.. ... WISCONSIN., IOWA MAMVESOTA. . wO.174.4S 32,67.e8 34,920.18 . 18,323. 9C BrSMJ 1067JW 1,' 67.00. NEBRASKA.. S.7S5.00 KANSAS 9,765.(V 31,054.36 KENTVCKY 84,64.3S 43,054.90 TENNESSEE.. ... . 4S.064JM 20,832.65 MISSISSIPPI. 20,832.56 27,98.B3 MISSOURI. 27,698.83 22.S39.43. ABKANnA. 22,839.43 -ui . a nm vim, 655.55... ALA1 555.65 la laeamUohie aijntUnrnt, aad prompt Coth re- rpoase U tone, Hit PHCBXIX ataads prt-emimenllf at the head of it projtmkru ; while tft atwtw, praett tieai, tmd trtt-cUm fraaaseat ayetess of haul oyesetes, I u aot aceiled by any sassaar sw'jrernnVsaia the teorld. Iasurancias solicited, aud policies Issued and re newed in this leading Corporation, at fair rates by J. W. NEXSEN, Resident Agent, Office, Marble Hall Ruilding, Main street. Cash Assets, January 1st, iobs, $1,992,585.89. Losses Paid, Upward o 14,000,000. The great publie service, promptness sad relia bility of this well-tried and sterling Company, re commend it to preference with those needing In - "SariBSBTaace solicited and Policies issued by 3. W. NEXSEN. Agent, fchS Marble HaljjlujldlMNo.J CLOCKS. 1 1 Seth Thomas Clocks. TUST RECEINED, AN ASSORTMENT OF J Seth Thomas Clocks, and for sale at No. 13 8econd street, by uov26 C. V. ROSKNKRANZ.