Newspaper Page Text
EVANSVILI IND. THURSDAY. DECEMBER iO, IS '3 JOURNAL BINDERY The publishers of the EeawvUle Journal have oat added to their Newspaper and Job Printing j Establishment, a TIB.ST CLASS BINDRY and , HxaXTACTOET or Blxkx Bnu. Having secured the service of gome ot the boat workmen ia the j West, they are prepared to execute orders at Cin- j Cinnati and LooisvlBe prices. Every descriprtoa of Blank Books, such aa ' Railroad, County, Banking, Mercantile, and For- J "warding Books, manufactured to order and from . I be boat quality of stork. Ruling a4 Blanks, and Bm1-HmI Printing, ; executed in a superior manner. All kinds of Printed Work, anch as Magazines, Law and ' Medical Works. pamphlets and ell books re- , bouii'i In every varietj of style from half-bound to Antique and Fall Gilt Work. CITY NEWS. t&For Commtrciml and River News tee fourth page. Hi? The new organ for the Walnut Street Church arrived a few days ago It is said to be a charming instrument. The main stem of the Locust Street sewer was completed yesterday to the point across Second Street The aide drains will be at once completed, and it will be ready for use by the end of the week. We give most of our space up to day to the President's Message, which was delivered at nooq yesterday. It was transmitted through by telegraph, occu pying about 7 hours in its transmission. There are doubtless some inaccuracies in it, but our readers will, we think, find it in general, true to the text, and will read it with great interest. Getting Hot. The loyal men of Vigo county, outraged by the vallainous at tempt to ignore their will as expressed through the ballot-box last fa.l, and the infamous and revolutionary attempts by the Copperheads to steal an office from a faithful and loyal public servant, haved determined to stand by Auditor Allen to the bitter end. The whole plot of the Copperheads is so akin to the acts of the traitors of the Sonth, who attempted to break up the Government, and who have involved the country in this terrible civil war, that no honest or intelligent man 'can doubt that the actors are in full sympathy with John B. Floyd and Jeff. Davis. This treason against the people of Vigo county, for it is nothing else, was deliberately planned and stealthily execu. ted. There was no vacancy in the office, no election was ordered, no intimation of the purposed fraud given until the morning of tbe -election, and then the the villainy appeared so monstrous that no one thought it necessary to take any steps to defeat it. It was not then known that one of the Judges of the Supreme Court was in the plot, and had already pledged the court to sustain the plotters. Knowing that all the eourts were com posed of Copperheads, who owed no allc gance to any country, or right, or honor, except to subserve the interest of the Confederate Democratic party, they went boldlv to work to steal from an honest man his living, and to set at naught the will of the people. The decision of the Copperhead courts have been formally rendered, virtually deciding that to be loyal to the Govern ment is to forfeit the right to hold an office given by a large majority of the sovereign people. Again the people decided on the ques tion, and by more than 1,000 majority declared the Auditors office should be held by Allen. But this decision is in like manner disregarded, and the Cop perhead plotters are'now striving to reap the fr tit of their villainy. The people of Vigo, now believing that forbearance has ceased to be a virtue, have solemnly determined that this treas on shall be defeated. The Copperheads have offered to com promise, bet the Union men rejected the offer with scorn, declaring they will make no compromise with traitors. The question is growing interesting, and is one of momentous importance. Xotlce to Recratlng Officers. Headquarters 1st District Ind. ) Vinceknbs Dk. 7th 1863 j" All officers recruting in this District for the 120th Regiment Indiana Volun teer Infantry, and Cavalry companies, now being raised in this District, will report immediately to these Headquar ters the number of men so recruited, and whose report shall show a greater num ber than fifteen men, will make immedi ate application to these Headquarters for transportation, and as soon thereafter as possible report with recruits to camp at this place. By order of W. H. Walker Jr. G. W. Gorhan. Post Adjutant Comdg. Dist Personal. We had the pleasure yes terday of meeting our esteemed friend, Mr. Wm. White, chief of White firm, on Green river, who has just returned frcm New York, where he has been so journing for some months. He returns in fine health and spirits, ready to re- enter upon his annual duty of taking in he tobacco and handing out the green- acks, which he will commence doing as soon as Congress determines in reference to the proposed increase of the tax on tobacco. " Gone Glimmering. The 257 bales of cotton left here on Tuesday by the Lib. erty No. 2, had all disappeared yesterday evening. Over 2tM' baJs went forward yesterday morning, being shipped by the Cotton Express Line by Crane, Brown ft Co., and the balance, after being re-covered and put into fair order, will follow this morning, and in ten days will be in New York City. Piano Sale Postponed In conse quence of delay in receipt of the Piano at Mr. Pushee's store, the sale ia post poned until Saturday next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The Piano is now at Mr. Pushee'3 store on Main street, two doors below First street, ready for in spection. Sale as aboMtv, without re serve. H. Nelson. Bursette'u Cocoawe defies imi tation, and is the most perfect hair prep aration of the age. This fact has caus ed numerous worthless imitations. Sold by Kellrr At White. dec. 8. HOME INTERESTS. To Puv3U iass. If you wish to purchase- pure j Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals at a small si ! vauce on Eastern prices, go and examine Kellek A White's stock, w'-.eri vou will find every arti cle that is needed by the profiler, and aa prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Thoir ore is at No. 34 Main r-ct niaylduM WILLIAM EEAVIS, Attorney at Law and U. S. Claim Agent, Is authorized by the Government to procure Pen sions, Bounty Money, Back Pay, Bounty land Claims for House and other I'r pf.rtt destroyed while in tkc service of the Government, and all claims, of whatever kind i.r niitnre against the L'uited State. Bounty for Discharged Soldiers! By an amendment to the Bouuly Law, passed at ', j tin- hist .11 of Coiiajaess, " AH soldiers or ! I ot her persons who hone been' or shall hereafter be i j discharged within two years from the data of their i enlistment, by reason of wounds received in battle, shr.?l re t-ive tho same Bounty as though they I served two years." " Office Main Street, over Keller's Gun 8tore, opposite the Court Honse, Kransville, Indiana. Correspondents must enclose stamps. vjCood references given if required. Inh23 The American House Still Lives! w Improvements. Having I ased the above naaaed hpuse for term of years, I hare spared no pains itt exionsa in putting every department of this popular hotel in tnot perfect repair. I have also fitted up a nice bar adjacent to the office, at all times the choicest of wines aud liquors will be kept, and a polite and attentive man to wait upon my patrons and friends. A strict watch will at all times be kept dnring the night; and particular (Mention will be paid to gu sts arriving aud deperti.-ft on boats, both day and night. My table shall at all times be amply supplied wih the best the raurket affords, and by strict attention to business and the wants of the public, I hope to obtain a large share of the public patronag, of, which I shall emlunvor to render myself worthy. J. J. Pillsbubt. Ciiaelie Hall, Clerk . atig6-dtr Gold, Silver, Demand Notes and U. S. 5-20's, Cou pons due 1st November, bought at the highest mar ket price at Copeland's Sav ings Bank, No. 4, First Street. SS. D. A H. W. SMITH, sole manufacture; h of the NEW AMERICAN ORGANS with tremole attachment, finished in fifteen different styles; elegantly pifllshed in Rosewood for Parlor use Also, in Dlack Walnut and Oak for Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc. Also, Smith's unrivalled Melodeons, warranted for five years. For sale by WARREN & CONYNGTON, oct24-Cm No. 1 Maiu Street. Cloaks at Cost Mrs. McC -rmlck has on hand a large assortment of ready-mado Cloaks aud P.on nets, which she will sell at cost, for the next two weeks. AW Da. Flcaceb still continues to be the only lawful agent In this city for tho Artificial Rubber Teeth. After furnishing nearly a hundred sets in the past five Vearn, he lias do hesitation in recom mcu ling them as the best ami cheapest material in it-.., being worn in the most dillkult mouths, with comfort aud esSvieiiry. Persons suffering with bad fitting mettle plates are especially re quested to call at the Booms next RittrollTg, Main Street. ' ' ' . V. 8. Pension Agency. Established Ivy Govcrunieut authority, for pro curing PKXSIONS for Invalid Officers and Soldiers, deceased Officers and Soldiers' Widows or Orphau Children, De pendent Mothers or Orphan Sisters. BOUNTY AND ARREARS far Deoaased Soldiers' Widows, Children, Fathers, Mothers, or Brothers and Sisters. Also for dis charged Soldiers, who have served two years, or been discharged by reason of wounds. BOB STY LAND AND BACK PAY for Widows ar other legal chvtmniits of Soldiors of 1812, Xexicn.i, and other past wars. This Agency adjusts claims for parties aud sol diers of Indiana, Illinois nnd Kentucky, in accord ance with the only forms and instructions upon which their claims are granted at Washington, and Is the only Agency thus located, and Solely and oxelwiively employed. - Persons writing their can plainly, and enclo sing stamp, always answered. Orricr Third street, near Main, Evansville Ind. JOHN TENNIS, octlS Pension Agent TOYS & FANCY GOODS. Toys and Fancy Goods AT Wholesale and Retail. TH LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Toys and Fancy Qoodswill be found at WARREN & C0NYNGT0N S, No. 1 Main Street. Having bought our sto.-k at first hands, we will duplicate Cincinnati hill. We invite tin trails to call- aud look through our establishment. Every iuuuagiiiable kind of TOYS Tin, Wood,.lron, &c. DOLL'S Ot nil sizes ftti lkimis-Wax, Linen, (Jhina. Paper and Wood. MACHINE TOYS Steamboats, Monitors, Engines, Carriages, &c. India Rubber Toys, Rocking and Spring Horses, Wagons. Carts, Sleighs, Velocipedoes and Children's Cabs. Baskets of all kinds, China Tea Sets and Figures. Beautiful Christmas Presents for Ladies or Gentlemen of the mo3t ex quisite workmanship a line of goods never before offered in this place; Pearl and Silver Card Cases, New and Beautiful Portmonies, Velvet and French Kid, Steel Trimmed Bags and Wire Purses, Cornucopias, Paper Boxes, &c, for Candies ; Wax Candles and Moss for Christ mas Trees ; Musical Goods of every kind always on hand : I I --3LNr013, M E L O DEONS, VIOLINS, a--JLita.isi , Flutesj ACCORDEONS, MUSICAL BOXES, &c, &e. WARREN & C0NYNGTON. no21-2m PURS! PURS!! PURS!!! WE ABE NOW REGEIVING A VERY large and well assorted stock of Ladies' an d Misscs's fcocv Furs, comprising in part the fol lowing : Sable, Mink, Russia FHeh, stone Mar tin Fisher, Lyns, German Fitch, Siberian Squir rel, Ermine, Genet. Swans Down, and fur trim mings of every descriptions. Gentlemen's Fur Collars and Glovs, Children's Purs, Muffs, Cuffs either separate or in sots. . Having selected the goods ourselves, customers can rely on getting the very best grade of goods and at prices as low as the lowest. HATS AND CAPS. Our stock of Hats and Caps for Men snd Boy's, la now complete, having just been replenished with the very latest Winter styles, gotten up with care under our own supervision. MISSES' WlT HATS. Latest New York styles. INFANTS HATS. Fancy and plain, a very lage assortment, new styles. All ' FANCY CAPS, Of which we are receiving a splendid assortment. VAUTIKR A MARCONNIER, No. 39 Main Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. $1,000 Reward. Th above reward will be . given to any person who can furnish a prescrip j tion for conghs, colds, whoop-cough, asthma, and consumption, which is equal to Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam. This balsam will : cure the above complaints, also spitting of blood i and night swells. One fifty cent bottle is sufflr- cent tur any one to try. The worst cases of chronic cough, asthma; whooping-cough and primary cas-n of c maiimptiou are cured by Dr. I Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam. It can be h id at any druggist's. It is different from a:iy other cengh mediciue we have known In this country. nov301w To C oils unit Ives, The advertiser, having been restored to health in a sew weeks, by a very simple remedy, after ; havlai suffered several years with a severe lung ! affection, and that dread disease. Consumption i is anxio ji to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To nil who desire it, he will send a copy ef the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find n sens rn roa Cowscarnox, Asthma, Buoncaitis, Ac. The only object of the advertiser ia sending the prescription is to benefit tho afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be Invalnabl, ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his retnocy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the proscription will please ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Villiamiburgh, Kings County, New Tork. The above remedy may be obtained in Evans rilleor Me srs. KELLER k WHITE, Druggist. Call for pamphlet, free of charge. Caution. W nivs this day obtained a Patent for our ManuVacturics, known as ' FAMILY DYE COL ORS." The Dyes manufactured by other persons, under the name of " DuMES-rlc DrRS," Ac, are made In violation or oar Patent. We caution all persons making or selling the same hereafter, that we sluill prosecute for all in - tfriugements of our rights. KOWE A STEVENS. Boston, Oct. 13, 1883.-no'r24-3w One of Hnnnewell's Great Remedies. HUN XE WELL'S T0LU ANODYNE. This most wonderful and reliable preparation which has earned its true name aud fame by results which has baffled every other attempt at relief in Xenralgia, Kheumatirm, Govt, Serraus Head Ache, TXA ami Ear Ache, Voice' Complaints, Hgteria, Didrens after Eating, Lots of Sleep, fleneral Nervous Debilit'j, Paroristas in Whooping Cough, and Asthma, now dec lared to bo largely Kercous. For the pains iu itenlhly Meatlruation a psrfect relief, while na ture's aftcrwork is undisturbed, and one of its most important points. This valuablo preparation should be in every Family, as no description equals Its real necessity, or its splondid results. J. L. HCNNT3WELL, Proprietor. Commercial Wharf, B uton. Jfsr-for sale by all wholesale and retsil dealers. KELLER i: WHTTK, Agents. ' Evansville, Ind. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID, Published for the benefit, and as a warning and CAfJTION TO YOUNG MEN who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, etc., supplying at the same time, THE MEANS OF SELF CURE. By one who has cured himselt after being put to great expense and injury through medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope siugle copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MATFAIB, Esq., Bedford, Kings County, N. Y. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. This astonishing preparation will, by Nature's own Process, Re store Gray Hair to the Original Color. Will make it grow on Bald Heads. Will restore the Natural -Secretions. Will remove at once all Itching. Will remove all Dandruff. Will cure all Eruptions even Scald Head. Will mako tha Hair Soft and Olossy. Will preserve the Color of Hair to Old Age. Will always Fasten it, and stop it Falling. And U one of t he beat Toilet Articles for the Hair now fa rrae. Thousands or Soldiers In the Arm Have testified to the above, who had become gra and lost their Hair by sicknecs, change of climat and inattention, while performing camp duty. As a Restorative and dressing it has no equal. KELLER A WHITE, Wholesale and Retail Agents for Evansville. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! Batchelor's Celebrated Hair Dye Is the Best in the World! The only Harmless, True, and ReliabU Dye Known. 'This splendid Hair Dye Is Perfect changes Red Rusty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Olossy Black or Natural Brown, without Injuring the Hair sr Staining the Skin, leaving tho Hair Sort and Beautiful; Imparts fresh viUlity, frequently re storing its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WIL LI AM A. BATCHKLOR, all others are mere imi tations, and shonld be avoided Sold by al I'ruy-ists, Ac. Factory 82 Barclay street, N. BATCHELOR'S NEW TOILET CREAM FOR DRESSING THE HAIR. jylMwly DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, 8EMINA L Ckinaky ail Sexual Svstssjs. New and reliable treatment in Reports of the HEWARD ASSO CIATION Sent in sealed letter envelopes, fre of charge. Address, Dr. J. 8KILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. H an27-3m CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORTIF.K FOB A PI.AKK Sim WAPK. Nov. 21. 180.1. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the common council of the city of Ev ausuiile that the owners of all lots or parts of lots fronting on or adjoiuinir the north-east side of Front street, from Sixth Avenue to Peart street, in suid cl(y, cause the side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk of Cl ias No. 2, to bo laid down thereon with In thirty dava from tho publication of this order A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OBDEli FOB A PLANK SIDE WALK. Nov. 21, lSi',3. And now It Is hereby ordered and directed by tho Common Council of the City of Evansville that the owners of all lots or nart's of Iots,frontln on on adjoining south-west side of rourtii street uetwwn Viue nnd Division streets, so far as it is situate in front of lots 170, 1T1 and 172, Donation Enlargement in said oitv. cause the side walks thereon so be brought to the proper grauc, ana inur iney cause a siuewaiK ot Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to lie laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. J . ji f I (ii i ; i A. PFAFFLIN, Cierk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER TOR A PL ASK PIPE WALK. Nov. 21, 18G3. And now It is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville. that the owners of all lota or Darts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the sonth sido Mxtn street, trom JMttn. to Sixth Avenue, in said City, cause the said side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk ef Class No. 2, to bo laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDRR FOR A PLANK 81DC WALK. Not 21, 1863. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville, that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the south elds of Sixth street, from Fulton Avenue to Fifth Avenue, in said City, cause the side-walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk of Class No. 2. to be mid down thereon within thirty davs from the publication of this order. A. 1-FAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 18C3. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER FOR A FLASK SIDE WALK. Nov. 21, 18fi3. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville, that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the northwest side of Chesnnt street, from Canal to Church street, in said City, cause the aide walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they causes a side walk of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 2C, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. OKDKK EOR A PLAVK SIDE WALK. Nov. 21, 1863 And now It is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville that the owners of all lots or parts of lota, fronting on or adjoining the south-east side or Chesnnt street, from Church street in said City, cause the side-walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a side walk of Class No. 2, with woods n curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 26, 1863. RAILROAD REGISTER. K Sk- Cm R R. DEPARTS: Way, Freight and Accommodation S: 45 A. . Mail 9:25 A. , ARRIVES Accommodation. Mail 5:24 p. Jf. 6i40 P. m. T. H. DEPARTS R. R. R. FROM T H. Day Express JS-.M r. n. . 7: 3o A at 12:50 A. si. T. K 12:25r. M. 5:10 a. it. 1:25 A. . Accommodation Aignt Kxpren ARRIVE AT Day Express Accommodation Night Express These two rosds make good oonnettiom at Terre Haute. River News. ARRIVALS. Little Grey Eagle, Leu. Norman, Nashville. St. Cloud, Memphis. Jewess, Memphis. Areola, Louisville. Nevada, At. Louis. Aurora, Pittsburg, 8. B. Touug. Lou. Big Grey Eagle, Lou Effort, Henderson. Armana, Cairo. DEPARTURES. Little Grey Eagle, Nash Norman. Cin'ti. St. Cloud, Cin'ti. Jewess, Cincinnati. Areola, Nash v. B. B. Youug. Nash. NeAada, Cin'ti. C. Bowen, Cairo. Big Grey Eagle, Lou. Aurora, St. Louis. The river continues to fall steadily at this point, with faint hopes of a speedy rain and a consqquent rise. There was but little business at the levee yesterday. The Charley Bowen went out at 2 o'clock with a moderate trip of freight, but plenty of passengers. The big Grey Eagle came down at 4 o'clock and returned early to Louisville. There will be great attractions at the levee to-day. The famous Armada, with Cant Josh. V. Throop in command, and Billy Dunn in tha office, will bo the ele gant packet for Cairo. The fast Liberty No. 2 will be here this morning, en route to Paducah. She is lightning on a run, and is commanded by two as affable and polite gentlemen as navigate the lower Ohio. Capt. V7. S. Conner and Geo. A. Hort are house hold words. The new and splendid Tarascon wil be the choice packet for Henderson and Louisville this evening. She is superb in all her departments, and Capt. Buncei and Geo. A. Williams are the very beau ideal of popnlar officers. FOR LEASE. FOR A TERM OF TEARS, BLOCKS 45, 45 80, S3, 3S, 92, 93, 142, and a part of block 14S, fronting on the river, next to the Marine Hospi tal. Also for sale or lease, blocks 114 aud 157, con taining ovsr seven acres. ATI of said prcporty be ing In the town ef Lamasco. For further information, inquire at the office of deel-tf LAW A ANTIIES. BOOTS & SHOES. MIXjIaHR. cfc CO.. Rets'.l Dealers and Manufactures of BOOTS & SHOES, No. 38 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A LARGE and well selected stock of Eastern and home mads G ods, consisting of all descriptions of Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, Which ws offer for sals as low as any house In 1 the city. All our work is warranted. spl MILLER A CO. PICTURES. AND BREAST-PIN Pictures COPIED TO IFEI SIZE And all manner of Styles of AT Adams PhoDgraph Gallery, (Over Post Office.) deef FOR SALE. THOSE IN WANT OF GOOD WOOD CAN BE supplied by leaving their orders at Charles Mcjohnston's Store, on Main street, near the Ca nal. To Insure prompt delivery, leave the cash with the order. dec THOS. D. SMTTH. 1,500 Bushels Apples for Sale. I HAVE ON HAND AT MT FARM, 2V miles from. Rockport, 1,500 bushels of good eating Apples, which I will sell cheap for cash. MATH1AS 8HARPE dec-lw Rockport, Ind. FOR SALE A H0U8E AND LOT ON THE river bank, south of Gum street. The house is almost new, contains 6 rooms, hall, pantry, Ac. Good stable, wood-shed, outbuildings, Ac. Lot '. feet front by 150 feel deep. A bargain will be given. Inquire at this office, r ef JNO. 8. McCORKLE. TTOB r ca SALE A FARM OF 40 ACRES. L0- ATED about 4 miles from the elty ; in hlirh state of cultivation ; of the best soil, Frame House, good fences ; on reasonable terms. Apply to JACOB 8INZICH A SON, nav2S Water bet. Sycamore and Vine. IX) R SALE A TWO STORY BRICK DWEL LING, eontaiatng nine rooms, a good celler, and cistern, and out-buildings, together with the lot on which it is situated. Said lot is situated on Second Street, the next square above Mr. R. Raleigh's dwelling. Said lot fronts 62 feet on Second street, and runs back 150 feet to an alley. The lot Is high and wall improved. For terms apply to O. E. LEWIS. nv2tf GRAND BALL. rpHERE WILL BE A COTILON PARTY AT ' a,a mm v mm Aa w S a UV1V M. SBS. X K. X A 1 e of W. Elmondorf A Bro , In Baby jrday Evening, Decombex 36th, 1863. to the ball and supper ff 50. Music A the store of n town, on Satui Aanuasion to tee nan and ssppei commences at S p. bb. dec3-lw SEWING MACHINES. FM. SELLMAN HAVING FITTED UP AN . office. No. 35 Main Street, will keep, as here tofore, s good assortment of Wheeler A Wilson's and Singers Sewing Machines and Needles, Silk Thread and oil, and everything that is connected -with the business, and will repair all kind ef Sew ing Machines and put on new improvements. JyM T. MT8ELLMAN. AVt. MARBLE WORKS. UHLH0SV BR I N KM AH, (Successor to at. A. Lawrence,) Dealers In 1MERI0AV 4KB ITALIAN MARBLE. Halm Street Near Court House. TANSTILLX, INDIANA aWMonuments, H ties. Tombs, Vases, and all rods of furniture W knestly and promptly ex cuted ia the latest an J 'est styles. deel HARDWARE. GEO. S.SOHHTAG&CQ., Jobbeis and Importers. Hardware and Cutlery A VI Our Pall Stock being very large and complete, We can offer to our Customers and the Trade, Goods that ean not fail to please in Style, Quality and Price. Our Stock is now bought for Cash, and prices reduced. We offer the iollowing in large quantites: TABLE CUTLERY, English. TABLE OVTLBUY, American. TABU: CUTLERY, English. TABLE CUTLER T, American. POCKET CUTLERTY POCKET CUTLERY POCKET CUTLERY. POCKET CUTLERY. CHOPPING AXES. CHOPPING AXES. chopping' AXES. CHOPPING AXES. KHEARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS ANB SCISSORS TABLg AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE A VB TEA SPOONS. MILL A ND CUT SA WS MILL AND H OUT 8A W8 WOOD AND HAND BAWS. WOOD AND HAND 8AWS BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MECHANICS X0OL8. BUILDER'S HARDWARES MECHANICS TOOLS. GUNS AND PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS. GUNS ATD PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. PLATFORM AND COUNTEn. SCALES. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. GEO. S. S(lTA(i . CO., No. 10 Main Street. CIGARS & TOBACCO. JOSEPH FENDRICH & BROS. No. 155 Forest Street, tfe 49 South BALTIMORE, MD. JOHN FENDRICH & BROS., COLUMBIA, PA , AND f. FENDRICH & BROS., Evansville, Ind., Brandies of the Unit I more lions HAM'TACTCBERS 0E TOBACCO. yTB ARE NOW THE MOST EXTENSIVE Manufacturers, in our line, in the State. We offer tho following Tobacco and Cigars, of our own manufacture, for sale : 200 Boxes of Five Lump por pound.-... 60 Cts. 200 Boxes of 10 Lump per pound 60 Cts. 200 Boxes Frank's Orange Lump tb. 65 Cts. 300 Rose Bud, iu Caddies, per pound 60 Cts. 300 Boxes Barow's, in Caddies. 300 Caddies Peach Leaf, per pound 60 Cts. 200 El Dorado, Light, per pound $1 00 900 Caddies Pancake, Light, per pound 80 Cts. 100 Boxes Snn Cured Tobacco lb 65 Ota. 4,000 lbs Home Spnn Twist Tobacco ; 1,000 Barrels Smoking Tobacco ; 200 boxes Bond's Scotch Snuff ; 60 Half Barrels Fine-Cut Chewing Tobacco; 100 Mencliaum Pipes ; . 100 Gross Briar and Wood Pipes ; 2W,iim Clay ripes, assorted ; 100 Gross Rubber Pipes ; 10,000 assorted Pipe Stoma ; 25,000 Conha Cigars ; 24,000 Henry CIy Cigars, first's ; 26,000 Henrv Clay Cigars, Second's ; 2S.000 La Napoleon Cigars ; 30,000 El Brutus Cigars ; 200,000 Half Spanish Cigars ; 200,000 Segareets ; 220,000 La Salvadina Cigars ; 4OW,000 Packs Smoking Tobacco ; 60 Drums Turkish Smoking Tobacco; 1,060 Rales Kin nicanick Smoking Tobacco; 50 Drhms Shahgnte ; 2,000 Pounds Mackaboy Snuff; 2,000 Franco Smut. Merchants and Store-Keepers, look to their interest ; examine our large stock. No. Main Street, Sales Boom Factory, Cor. Locust fs Water Sts. We manufacture all the above goods, and will eel 30 per cent, cheaper than auy House in our State. We would call the attention of Merchants who deal In our line, to buy from the manufacturers, where tney can save 30 per cent. F. FENDRtCH A BROS., ap21 Evansville. Indiana. NOTICE. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. o r Tallow, Lard, Grease & Oils. The undersigned pay thoir Particular Attention il To the sale ofT?ie above articles, and SOAP STOCKS GEHERALLY. Consignments sent to them will be PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF ana Quick Returns Made on very advanced terms. We mail our Weekly Circular gratis to all sending their address to ABRABI KNIGHT fc SONS, 83 Water Street, N. Y. City. iylUd6m GROCERIES. X. K. WHEELEK. AS. SLOGS. W. 1. SCGO WHEELER, BIGGS & SUGG, Wholes le dealers in GROCERIES, SALT. COTTOW YARBTS Nails, Window Glass, Sash, Doors. Jt c. No. 17 North First Street, Corner ot Sycamore. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. COPARTNERSHIP WE HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH U8 WM J Sugg, late of Uniootown, Xy., iu the Wholesale Grocery business. The style of thr Urm will be Wheeler, Riggs A Sugg. WHEELER A RICG8. QYRUPS O 41 bbls XXX Bert rand Syrup ; 50 bb 5010 gal. kegs " ?r. bbls Excelsior " 40 y, bbls " 10 bbls Honey 23 " N. 0. Molasses. For sale chean bv uor28 WHEELER, EIQG8 A SVGO. CI LASS! GLASS T 100 boxes 8X10 Glass, "City 75 ' 10X12 " 25 IXII ' 25 ' 9X14 ' 25 " 9X15 ;i .. ..;-Ta'i! JI3 Vi 25 M. 10X15 " 25 ' 10X16 " 15 ' 10X18 " 25 " Pint Flasks; 20 " Quart Flasks; 10 " Jars; 15 " 3-j gallon Jars ; An hand .nil fi.r a.U.liuin I, W .H. , 3wmc WHEELER, BIGGS A ?7OQ TCST RECEIVED AND FOB SALE CHEAP if s i boxes a sorted Candy ; 65 " assorted Gun Drops ; 2S " Lozenges; A vJT d lid A 40 " Fancy Candy ; 25 " FlmC'rackeW. o rf) . Aud a variety of Christmas Fixina. By WHEELER, BIGOa A SCOG FRUITS AND NUTS BO boxes Layer Basins : 50 M. R. 75 y. bx Layer " 100 Jbx " " 500 lbs Currants ; 1000 lbs Fresh Figs ; 10 trails S. S. Almonds ; 10 bbls Filberts ; 5 " Cream Nuts ; 10 " Heeans All fresh snd for sale oh sap by WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG. SUGAR 25 hhds choice N. 0. Sugar ; 10 " Porto Rico " 25 bbls A. Coffee " 25 " B. " " 60 Yel. - " 20 " Cr'd " " 15 ' fc " 10 JC rfstfatclo ti Bought before the advance, and for sals Vv WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG. COFFEE 110 bags prime Bio Coffee : 50 r yiit 25 boxes Ground " 100 " Essence On hand and and to arrive by WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG. SODA 100 kegs "New Castle' 600 lbs Sal. Soda; 25 lbs A.M. Soda; OS IkKM. 1 lh rumtra 1 Soda; 151 id. J received and for sale cheap, br ! WHEELER, KfOGS A SUGG OILS AND PAINT8 6 bbls Linseed Oil ; 10 bbls Coal . 250 cans Wagon Oil, a 300 kegs White Lead ; looo lbs Putty ; , 500 lbs Venitisn Rsd. All for sale at lowest cash prises, by WHEELER, BIGGS A SUGG. SUNDRIES 100 boxes Soap, assorted ; 40 Powhsitau Pipes; 400 dozen assorted Brooms ; SIX) reams PspiT ; 100 boxssWsshing Bias; 500 lbs Twine, substitute tor Cotton ; 300 lbs Hemp Twiue; 1000 boxes Serdtnw, Vs ; 000 St-- si 7s P i 70 " 1 lb can Oysters ; 60 " lb can ' And a thousand tniags too numerous ts man- 1 tlon, lor ssle as cheap as the cheapest, by nov2S WHIELER, RIUGS'A SUGG HARDWARE, &c. WELLS, KELLOGG &C0., baa ' DIALERS IN H A. R. I W A. H Iu i C3 m sJ AND mm ; ... .11 ik CUTLERY A rrt i : soi .'l x;,c I v. J No. 13 FIRST STREET, (SIGN BIG MILL, SAW,) Have received a complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Purchased aud Imported direct from the L U Manufacturers Enabling us to offer inducements to Pur chasers rarely found in the West We call the special attention of Dealers to our large and well selected Stock, con sisting in part of Axes All the celebrated brands, Chains Lor, Trace and Halter, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shovels and Spades, Cotton and Wool Cards, Wheel Heads, Weaver's Reeds, Spinning Wheels, Locks, Latches, Butts and Screws, Gun Trimmings, Brass Kettles, Shot Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, Chain Pump Fixtures, Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, Gum Belting, Japanned Ware, Notions Large Stock. WELLS, KELLOGG ft CO., No. 13 First Street, DRY GOOD8. Arrival of Goods Much Needed. TK HAV JUST BKCHVIl A LOT 01 SHAWLS, BLANKETS. FlAld T n 1 ti aeye.) usnaonrgB and " Kernels." For sale at tfiLEMM at FBRSTON'S. i nov21 l -Vjj, p . . . ... ...Ii. , . sew article : I 1 LYON'S COLUMN. 35 D m p B cr S3 55 S. 2 s era a s. S . m 5f S3 5 3 mm, Saw a ft Net P 3 - OR base li I bx I (ft ! 9 p 5 ft P 5 a rr 3- mi s 3 5 1 H Bssafcst 5. 3 3- ft ST ft O s o - ft X CD B ft ft ft 2- D o ft ft fc- ft . - B- as B B 5 ft "a v JbssS ft & O O ft a 0 sr B H a? 2 20 H H TO, QfQ sssse 2D 5 ft 1 ft ft ft c OR ft ft B ZL ft SD B A 0 mm P mm P ft mmmi b C9 ft . c B- OB H I' ft rxt P x t mi t B 2 b. 2 B 2 ft ' .;oa te st S ran w 'vST-i e B d ft B 2L b- ft P OB 3D ft B- "B ft B P B B Pa P B ft B 5 ? B ' - ilT . I HOI GOLD, S1JLVER, Demand Notes, Eickett's and James' Checks, and all other uncurrent money bonght st the highest market value. LEI LYON. THE RURAL AMERICAN The Best Pa; 'a per for Farrai ana rtiit -Klerlit Dollars Premium Growers for only Twenty Subscribers. I WANT 10 rW CLIXB AGENTS TO CIRCC htte the Rus.w Asukas, TTtica, New Tork. Volume TUT commences January 1st, 1864, paper free to club inbscrfbers in December ! This is de cidedly the best snd cheapest farmer's and fruit grower's paper in existence, at only SI a year, and svery subscriber receives two of the best UBAPE VINES known to exist, sent free of all expense, or oi not t a's worth of RUSSELL'S GREAT PROLIFIC STRAWBERRY PLANTS the largest aad moat productive In the world, many of which a re actually as large as UKSg' laosl SasT" Every person who remits 81 will receive the paper rsrr to January next, and through 1864 for his money ! Sample copies sent free to all appli cants, with fall details. Positively I offer the best terms to Postmasters and other club acents of any other publisher in this country. SIGHT DOL LARS in premiums for every club of twecty sub scribers ! I have an immense supply of the choic est grape vines, sll of which are to be rui to my sabscribers I Send for specimen copies immedi ately, and address T. B. Mian, Clinton, Oneida County, N. Y. novl-8w COW PEED. TONS OF CITY BRAN JUST RECEIVED Bring I lay our orders. Also, 2,000 bbls whit Meshauaoek Potatoes. For ssle at aovzl ELLIOTT'S Faanils Grocery. SPECTACLES. I. RITTENBEEG, Manufacturer of the newly invented PERISCOPIO Spectacles A K D Army Field Glasses, Superior to all others mow in use. SP7 GLASSES, Microsc opes, OPERA GLASSES, Marine Spy Glasses. SIMPLE MICROSCOPES. Hiintinp; (Classes, And all kinds of OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Can be had only of I- Hittonter;, No. 67 Main Strootj EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. IBITTEVBERO HAS NOW ON HANDS aalendid assortment of Optical Instruments. which he will dispose of at greatly reduced prices ; his goods being all of the very latest im provements la manufacture, costetsting of a very large variety of Spectacles from the most common to the very best, vii : The finest quality of Gold Spectacles, these Glasses being constructed on the most accurate adaptation of the Convex Coacavo Periecopic principles. Also, ei(rer of thro dif ferent grades of Glasses, No. 1 being on (he same principle a the Gold Spectacles. No. 3 is a Peri focal Lense ; No. 3 being a One Achromatic Lease, mirror shape. In addition to the above I bars a fine assort ment of Steel, of the very best quality of Lenses, the frames being grooved into the Glasses. The frames ar so fine as to be scarcely visible. No. 2 of steel is Perifocal. No. 8 the globules of a smoked Lense, adapted for weak sight where strong light, snow or wind affects the vision. These Spectacles are a perfect preventative by use ing them coaslautly, causing the eye to gate its healthy power and retain it so old age. Having had very considerable experience also in cateracteyes. In adapting glasses to sack vision, would impress on the minds of all persons n-d-ing glasses of any description, to .apply for such only to a regular Optician, making that his sole study and business for yoars, he alone beiag able to know from the peculiar anatomy of the eye the nature of the defect, whether arising from weak neosof s gbt, flattening of the pupil, or other misfortune occurring to the visioa. The eye be ing the most delicate orpan, and of the most vital Importance to the happiness and prosperity of man, shonld never fan tampered with, either try ' the invstvidnai or tjw those who, for mere profit, Uke Uflbn themselves the selling of Optical In struments, asd who know nothing of the anatomy Of theeyo, or how to discover the proper p lasses to suit the peculiarity oi the different sights of those needing spertactes, Thousands have lost their vision entirely fro la not applying to thine only qualified to know the uiITt-reut defects in each in dividual's sight, and how to remedy it by wearing the proper kfndi of spectacles. I. Rltteaberg, having had over twenty -five yoars experience as a. regular practical optician, can assure those giving him their patronage that by applying to him they can get the very right kind of glasses adapted to their case, and in almast every one secure good eye sight t old age. Xesr righted persons can also obtain of him the latest improvement ia spectacles suited to them, being a new invention. 1 havealso the most r.-oeutly new Field Glasses, with Astromlcal eye pieces, being very superior to the old opera gtase arrangement. All kinds or v Optical Instruments repaired at the shortest no tice, 'aud those having purchased spectacles of me, and having had the misfortune to break one of tha lenses, can hare it replaced gratuitously by apply -lug to L RITTENBERG, 67 Main Street, Bet. Second and Third Sts., EVANSVILLE, IND. sep. 29. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. Great Sale of Choice City Prop- ON TrESDA Y. DECEslBEB 15h, 1S0.1, WE will sell at public auction, at thesloorgf the Court House, in Kvansville, the old and lone es tablished : STEAM FLOCKING MILL, Situated immediately tke bank ef the Ohio River, in the city of Kvansvlll,-, aad well and fa vorably known as THK INDIANA MILLS, Together with twb acres of ground, including the bank of the river to low water mark, asd the office, warehouse, and other btahtingx appnr teaant. The machinery of this Mill, thaagh at present out of repair, is of the si out superior character, having been anaunfactured to the order of the foraeer proprietor, Mr. Junes Hewitt, witi the view of making a first class Mill, and without regard to cost. Since it was put in, the mill, though conducted by agents, ii the absence of the orn.-r, ass bar one of the most successful money-making estab lishments of the kind In Southern Indiana. For the truth of this, we take the liberty of referring to Mr. Geo. Woiflln, Sheriff of Vanderbnrg coun ty ; str. newron nrea oi mnceion, utosnn coun ty, and Mr. Lyman T. Bay lees, now of Mt. Vernon, who bsve respectively managed the mill for the late proprietor. This property, being centrally situated Inst at the lower line of the City Wharf, presents a rare opportunity to purchasers, either for Mill purposes, or aa a most desirable investment In real estate, which must rapidly enhance in value. At the san tisae and place we will sell it Lota in Mr. Richard Atkinson's Subdivision of Blocks N'-js. 130 an : 134, according to the plan of Ln maaco City (now Evansville?) See hand bills for a plan of said subdivision. Also Lot No. 3, in Block No. 171. Lots Hesv 1, S, 3, t and 5, Id Block No. ITS. aad Lot No. 8, in Block No. 174 ; according to the plan or Lessaeeo City. Also 44U feet front on Water street bv 80 feet deep, feet front on Leet streets by' 9 feet deep, parti of Lots 'awjs. 7 aad 8, 1, the Lower en largement of the City of Kvansville. Also 20 lots in block 44, according to the plan of Lamasco City ; said lots being 25 by 11 feet, with a 12 fool alley in real. Alto the following lots in the Southern Enlarge ment of the City of Evansville : Lots 10. U, 12, l.i. 14. 15 and 1C, la Block No. S. Loss 6, 7, 8, , 10, 11, 12, 13 aad 14, In Block No. 6. Lots 30, 31, 37 and 38, in Block No. . Lots 15 and 16, in Block No. 10. Lots 11, 12,13, 14 and 15, In Block No. 11. Lots 13 and 14. in Block No. 14. Lots 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, la, 18 and 19, in Block No. 15. Lota 4, 5, 10, II, 35, 36, 37 and 38, ia Block No. 16. - This will be one of the largest sales of Evaas vTHe City property ever made, aad will be positive and witbew rt w rve. Oreat banrstns will be had. Thi title is perfect, and general warrantee deed will be given. TEH .MS OF SALE For the Mill tract, cash. For the residue of the above named property, one-fourth cash, and the balance In one, two aad three years, for which the notes of the purchase!, with interest and without relief, secured by mort gage cn the Baaanisee, will be taken. CHANDLER 4 HTNE8, Real Estate Aero. 11 ISAM kelson, Auctioneer. noli- PAPER MILLS. EVANSVILLE PAPER IVIILLS, LEICH 4 CARLSTKDT, Agents. "Ijrj-K MANUFACTURE WRAPPING PAPER VV equal to any made, and at Cincinnati prices. Prices sent on application to the Agents, jy lOdfim DISSOLUTION. HE PARTNERSHIP HERETO FORM RX- i sting under the firm of Orr, DalzeU at Co. Iwing dissolved on the 2d of November, all parties having claims against the old firm 'will present them for seulemaat, and all owing will call aad settle up their accounts. ORR, DALZELL A CO. HAVING PURCHASED THE INTEREST Of - . . . .. i , k. 1 -as. my lormer partners, l win wnwuw. I wholesale. Grocery business at the old stand, on i nr.... . . 4 i j if..;. f.,r th np. hi.nse the patronage so long bestowed on the old. noVl MATTHEW DALZELL. NOTICE. Seal Estate at Private Sale. THE UNDERSIGN EB OFFER FOB ssle the premises formerly occupied by the Crescent City Bank, situate on the corner slain and Third j streets, in the City of Evansville. The lot la 22V, leet on 3iain sireel iiiu jki ri uu iuiru street, ana the building ts three stories in hight, covering the whole lot. Also, a first-rate burglar-proof Safe. For terms, enquire of JOHN A. REITZ, THOS. E. GARVIN, or novio y W. BAKER. sSeVlftfM