Newspaper Page Text
mUS-rUi ADVANCE. ... U. .nTw IX months . Three months... rex daily. 6 00 a oo tiree months 1 50 duppli, 1 by carrier at 12 cents per week. "0U WEEKLY. nree months. ,,, r, .. 0 x months . So n Year $ 1 50 FOB TBI-WEEKLY. Six months . j.o, on One rar i 4 tui B' " ' . EVAN SVILLE MORNING- DAIL 1 JOURNAL. EDITION. ADYEKtfSWC KATES IJf BAJLI VOLUME XVI. EVANSVILLE, IXLl FRIDAY, MBKK 'Oil -19jslNII YO KHiOJlT rf , . '- - - - a . LIQUORS. ctrmm a hit ---, -r- ' 1 " """"" " " ESTABLISHED, 1831 Business cards (6 Urn ortasa),uss jnmr:. "x months.. n. r. CASE. T. T. tlODOS Rectifiers and Waofcealo ),... r la eI,r? (. oription of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c, B WV1 TO CALL Tir ATTKNTTON of tbjtUrads pf the City f Kreaarilla, South ern Indiana, Illinois mod Kentucky to out exteo sive stock. It being Urge and complete, we caa oiler to our stmrs and the trade, goods that not fail t,, ooth in quality and price irnr stiA hiving lieen bought for cash, before the rKtit anVaj(ce.iUenabj9st.iciui)ete with " went in prices, Ac. KVt,rji;t',Lm.inei thAt BO necessity shall exert rtJenl.T . so either to Cincinnati, I.ouisvilk, or st I.rstvfa. to.rmv their Liquors ' ,' . l vu a ir tnat. we are certain we s""bmuu wneu yon risit wuuiu oe pieaa.ii to see yon at Bread for the Hungry ! NEW STEAM BAKERY, WATER STREET, KVANSVILLE, INDIANA. MlT . iT. AT. . T tionand arrangement of War memorial Uf: Mill H UU-llLllW relics and curiosities, the care ,fsucli articles as may be sent fijr exhibition and the sale of such as may be donated' for the benefit of the Com mission, un bracing Trophies of the present ttdke'- DRY GOODS STOVES, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES. t our city. We No. 28, FIRST STREET, Next door tw Ilolilti'-irwnrth A Bro.'s Qoeeasware Store, avd show yon our stock, coasts! log in part of Foreign and Domestic Brandies, Wines, "Bias, Earns, &e. Of -V hi?ki8, Best Bourbon, Rye, Mononeahela, Robinson Conaty, Kimel, Irish, Scotch, if- many other brands. Of Common Whiskies we have Anrora. Old Vir ginia, Mountain IVw, Orange Valley, and "Bully for You." Of Bitters we have Plantation, " Ba va iaa Stowton," Cocktail, tc. Punch, Essence, Absinthe, tv-lipapna, Smokine and Che win" T. i - ireo. Cigar, and A. S. Bonn's tnuff. K.'taeml r the place, So. 28 Ftrat Street, four ! ryi:a:uore Street. IXJE DESIRE TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of KvatuTHlc, aud the community in gen eral, that our . y . , , B NEW STEAM BAKERY, PfO. 11 WATER STIREKT, la Bow in successful operatlou, and we shall keep eonatanily ou hand and make to order, nn .hf uorice, all articl.s made at like mauufacti ri. iuch a Bread, UsAcs, pies, Crackers, Ac, Jr.. Being supplied with all the modern machinery to facitiate us iu our buaiuesa, we flatter ourselves that we c.,n givo the most ample satisfaction in the quality of our goods and In prices. We will also keep on hantl a large aud choica tk of Confections, Euiiti, Nuts, Cigars, Ac , to which we rail atteution. .Orders (or public or private Partiee, Festivals, Balls, Ac , Ac , promptly ailed on reasonable tern. eefl&tf A. WELD A CO. DRY GOODS. THE NEW PUBLISHED BY JAilES H. McNEEL Y. r. M. THAYKK. JNO. H. McNKELY. ' rSDSK THE riKK OF THE Evansville Journal Company, j Jouiriial" 1 5liildinfr. LOCUST STREET, BETWEEN FIBS5C AND WATEB. 0 lion, or of any former war, the battle- yd Mo. 10 x TS FBIDAY...,.. ..DECEMBER 11 Letter from Dixie. Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 5th, Editors Journal : 1863. de rovll N. F. ( ARK A CO. INSOLUBLE CEMENT. T SKFIL and VALUABLE iJ BISC0VERY! j HILTOX'S a , 'INSOLUBLE CEMEHT! Applicable to thuuael'ai arte. " n,ore tral practical utility Own any invention bow before the jp-.Mi . It lias keen thoroaghly , U sted duriflg the laat two years by 'practical men, and pronounced to no SUPKRlOa TO ASY Adhesive Preparation known. DRY UMl Mil INTENSE EXCITE M E N T a r A new thing. fl,7 Insoluble Cement Is a new thing, and the remit o! years oi atudy; its combination is ou Its Coinbina-! Scientific Principles, tion. : And under no circumstances or change of temperature will it be i Borne corrupt or emi t any offensive Boot A Shoo Maun&iirurars xawfBo3 Jwer,. ft tijL BOOT 5fc HHOE Maoufacturers, usiog Machiuea, win nua it tne nest article known tier Cementing the Channels, as it :works without delay, is not affect - ed y any change of teniperafure. JEWELERS Will find it s afflr ien tly adhesive for their use, as has been proved. ;iHir Nos. 14 & 1C Firt Street. WITHOUT DELAY, It is a Liquid. It t capeelally adapted to hratner, r And wc claim as an. especial merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to 'itoots and Shoes hb cietitly at ong without stitching. IT U THE ONLY LIQUID CEMENT Extant, that ia a nci thing for mendirg BvnmniRE, CROCKERY, TOYS, BONE. w rvoRY, And articles of houaohold us . REMEMBER ,20S 1 3MBdW4 Insoluble Cemen Is in a liquid form and a ea-ily applied as paste. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is insoluble in water or oil. HRtoit's Insoluble Cement Adheres oily snbetances. Supplied in Family or Manufactur ers' Packages from 1 ounces .-!' to lWlbe. TO COOUDGE'S, Where yoa will find thorn opening the largest assortment of aciaambr. iliw iB 5- ' ftW mtt&'ti' tliis market in tiyf at st tl l A T '"a-1". ?i' Rich Silk and Dress Goods. ivESM a ansava a n 10 They have no. Competitors this side of New Yorlc City. According to 'promise, I will giro yon a few items on my way to Diaie. I left on the Bowen at noon, Tuesday, and ar rived at Cairo Wednesday evening. We were run into by an upward bound boat, Tuesday night, but no serious damage was done.eicept that our "jack-staff" was kaocked iluofii - e . - - out of,, bed,. and a few women scared. I Wft Cairo Wednesday evening and arrived here Friday 'morning on the Liberty No. 2rone of the fastest running boats now on the Western-waters. We had on board several preachers and several gamblers, fine piano and a band of jrie gro minstrels, so all could find the so ciety nnd amusement congenial to their taste and education. At one time, in the front part of the cabin, three tables were surrounded by card-players, one. by men playing for money, and a portion of them drunk. In the other end of the cabiiiiat the more educated and refined of our-erew, who were reading, or listen ing to a lady, who was a perfect master of the piano, playing " We Shall Know Eitc-h Other in lleaven," accompanying the music with 'an uncommonly sweet voice; Here we had in fiill view, in min iature, a Paradise and Pandemonium. I could, not help reflecting on the future, and imagining .that here was both the condition, to some extent, of the blessed stained and bulleWiddled flags of our own noble Kep,ments. the captured col- - ors of the Rebels, balls, shells, torpe- ' IRST ETEET, aoes, sworas, or any other manonau oj our contest on land or water; Indian Wholesale and Retail relics, curiosities from foreign countries ; -.!. J . ?J j ij ,j t t , I (7) "I to O M fcr- A' fur .. ml j.uic!,-;,,. tliis fall of everything in our ling that is Rich at- AM) nr which will be found a i i ment of JB3 3T EI DE3 U I LION, BROS. s ( (.. PaoraiKTOas, PBOYIDENCE, B. I MEDICIAL. A Valuable Medicine FOB. EYERY FAMILY. TTVUIinriTSTS IN VI. T. - XJ sectioafl of t nd -i t.mi Embrotderctl Kdsrinsrs and Insert ltifra. Real I.rtces, Ureas Trimmings, liadiea' Cloth and Beaver Cloak., Point Lace Collars and Bets, fcc., eke. CHR.n;llei,!s; Bloclit, No's. 14 & 16 First Street, (Two doors. West of Post Office,) LEVANSVILLE, INDIANA. n.yix J. T. St S. A. COOL1DOE.' r n CLOTHING. The Best is always the Cheapest. sections of the city and count rr leep on hand buy, sell aud e i comswnrl as a stimulant aud appetiser, Roback'a ttoraai ii Bit ters. APOTHECARIES IS all sections of the city and country keep in stock, sell sod dispense as - a tonic Ro back's I- Stomach Bitters. PHYSICIANS in all action of the city and country appro. . and re commend as a a nic Ro back'a Stomach Bitter. UROCKB8 ia an sec- tloua of the city and country keep constantly ' supplied with and deal fa Ro back's Stomach l.tters. HOTELS in all tac tical of the dtv aad Fcountry are supplfed ' with aad "caa not keep Hotel,-" without a stork ot Bohacs s tnomacu nuiera. HOSPITAL hronghont the army of the North have indispensable tonic, ami an using, he soldiers iotarck'i.' totuacU Bitsers. TLER9 iu rvery regiment onght to have and many aasw Jntrodoced, and -highly recom mend iJUkaiW's Stmirh Bitters. LABfKS, old and fbcuf. for Billiousnesa, Liver Comphdua. Languor. W eakness and general IV tulitv, are raeommsnded to use Ro sack's Stomach KYKRYBODY who desires a good tonio for giving tone to the spirits, a healthy appetite and strength to the system generally, should not fail to tuy a bottle of BobacVs Stomach Bitters. TJll. C. W. BOBACK, Proprietor, Cincinnati. Office and Manufactory Bos. &C, 58, GO and, C2 l Thtrt Street.. " Vot sale by all Druggigta everywhere. m i jj - NOTICE TO FARMERS. PBICXS PAID FOR Especially is this true of O T 3E3; I 3ST G- Gents' Furnisliing Goodc Test it by calling on J. H, GARLIN, FIRST STREET, SKA It POST-OFFICE,) lYANSYILLt, 1 IND. BE - rPHX HIGHEST CASH HIDES, FEATHERS, BEANS, CL0YER SEED, GRASS SEED, GINSI2JG, And all Ua'lt of Country Produce by A. Ot FURS, WOOL, DRIED FRUIT, FLAX SEED, BEESWAX, A. OCMBERTS. rpHK UNDERSIGNED HAS JHST X turned inom the Bast, wliere he has laid in one of the. bast stocks of Clothing and Gents' Fur uiahinx Gooda ever brought to this Cltv. My I Cloths, CasaissBres, Veatiugs. Ac., were selected 1 with an eye siagle to quality and style; and hav i. ing become coarorsaut with the taste of our peo ple, aiu sali tied that in this particular my Goodi 1 will give excellent satiHfactioii. Gents Furnishing Goods of every descriptios ! will also be found at my establishment snch as . Gloves, Hosiery, Meek-Ties, Shirts, Collars, Sus , penders, Ac. My facilities for manufactoriu Clothing are i excellent; and as for Cutting Gaciueute to fit no 1 satisfaction no pay. I ask no oua to take a mean ' fitting garment off my hands. Over-Coatings of every variety nd style will be found at my establishes v.i-.. Though it may , sound unreasonable to. k Overcoats during tiie " neateii term, we must remember that in "peace is the timeto viv re for war," and in Summer make our preparations for the cold blasts of Winter. No better preparation can bo devised than the ordering of a good reliable Overcoat, such as may be found at No. 8 First Street. Orders for Clothing of every descrjption wUl receive the personal attention of the niittersigned, aud will le promptly attended to. The motte at No. a i., " Promise pnnctnally fulfilled." Before orderiug Fall or Winter suits Gents will cousuit their own interest by examining my Goods and Prices. Remember the place No. 8 First Street, (near Post Office.) .1 and the damned The -authorities are conscripting in this military Department The cities and towns all along the iver are full of men who have no visible means of sup port loafers, gamblers and non-residents who have fled to escape the draft. Many of these men, no doubt, belong to guerrilla bands. Gen. Hnrlbut's Order declares that tUa people of West Tennes see, and the Northern counties of Mis sissippi, have made no attemptsjto pro tect themselves from marauding and guerrilla bands, but submitted to these petty tyrants, and even assisted the pub lie enemy; hence they have proved them selves unworthy of the induigenceshown them by the Government It further provides thftt all able-bodied men in this Department, Jittble to mititary duty, be immediately pressed into the service, sufficient to fill up the existing regi ments and batteries to their maximum number. This order has caused consid erable fluttering among those liable to its-provisions, but it will no doubt be a chfok on the predatory bands that curse all this lower country, as it will use up much of the material they are composed of. Mci.tpU,,. beginning'. i;a 1 Memphis betorij. the war, agnin. Busi ness is quite brisk. I saw thirty steam l.oats at the luntling yesterday. In the afternoon the Welcome came into port, cn route from New Orleans to St. Louis. The Welcome, the Fanny, and the Sul tana at Waterproof, below Vicksbnrg, were fired into by guerrillas. Little damage was done to the last named boats, but the Welcome was struck ten or twelve timeF by ball and shell from two or three pieces of artillery, and at least fifty musket balls struck her. The firing was done in the night, and as soon as possible, after the firing, a gunboat below came up and shelled the woods on both sides atf the river. 1 learn here that a mighty effort is be ing made to bring Arkansas back into the Union, by an act of her own people. The people ask for an election, that they may choose a Governor and other State officers, and once more secure peace, stability and security under the flag of the Union. Hon. W. K. Sebastian, and Q. K. Underwood, Esq., were in the city last evening, en route for Washington. Judge Sebastian, it will be remembered, was representing Arkansas in the United States Senate when the rebellion com menced, and two years of his time are yet unexpired. Many are urging him to claim his seat, that he may assist in a return of Arkansas to her allegiance to j the Union. Mr. Underwood has been a i prominent man in Arkansas since 1838, has been editor of the Shield, at Helena, for a quarter of a century, and will, it is thought, he made Military Governor of the State, if it is not organized by an election of the people. The people of Arkansas ar$ sick of rebel rule, and are very anxious to get clear of the influ ence Qf such men as Hindman and oth ers, who have governed them since 1861 with a rod of iron. I called on Gen. Veatch yesterday, who kindly gave me a j pass to Mississippi, and a letter ot credit, stating "He is known to be worthy of any favor which can properly be extend- ; ed to loyal men." When I explained to him my peculiar mission, and that it j woull take me beyond the Federal lines, i he replied, " You will have to use con- ; siderable caution, or von will go home by way of Richmond' Gen. eatch is giving general satisfaction at Memphis ft his administration of affairs. He keeps a vigilant eye on the interests of -the Government, and although he wears the stars of a General, is still "Jim Veatch" a clever, obliging Indiana gentleman. I remarked that tne last time 1 saw htm was in 1861, when he presented a large gilt spread eagle to the Indiana Legislature. He replied, "We have had considerable trouble with that bird since." I shall leave to-day on the Metropolitan. Gen. Grant has made several movements ou her, so 1 conclude she ia a pretty safe boat Napoleon B. Bisingkr. Rain French Merinos, Fancy French Merinos, Fancy French Cashmers, Plain and Fancy Delains all Wool, RICH objects illustrating the natural produc Hons and natural history of our own or other lands; rare oriinique coins, mi topraphs, manuscripts, books d-c. Any thing, indeed, which will give an inter est or prove an attraction to our BpXHqa or by their sale or exhibition further the great object of onr Fuir. .Articles for exhibition only, shouM be of value and of general interest. The Room3 assigned to this Committee, in Mozart building, are fire-proof: an coin tributions will be insured; every ppssi- oie care win be taken ot them, and m 1 BTfeirTltCi fTBI v n a w-w the close of the Fair they will be seeurtdy ! XISJImiL AJol - packed, and returned to the owae-tw. ...s-' - partment may be anything which will come nnder any of the heads enumera ted above, which '.an be sold for tae benefit of the fund,, even it .of trifling value. ; 'ti atT There is scarcely a family in which cannot spare some little article ot ornament or value from their parlors or libraries, especially when donated for the enlargement of the fund to afford re lief and give comfort to our noble band of citizen soldiers, who are offering up their life's blood ou the battle-field, or more sadly, in the hospital for us and for our posterity, in their efforts to save our country and perpetuate the free in stitutions and the free government con fided to us by our father ' To the kind hearts and' willing hands of the Ladieawe especially. nppeul for a response to our call... Even the "little ones at home" can add their mite. To Western men in the Eastern cities, and to the friends of the soldier every where, we also appeal for co-operation and assistance; they van do much for the cause, if not in contributions of mattri als for the Fair, at least in donations of mouev, which can be addressed to Rob ert W. Bcrx&t, Treasurer. All contributions should be lalnslled with the name and residence of the do nor or exhibitor, carefully packed and addressed to the " Committee on Relics, Sanitary Fair, Mozart Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio," Heavy articles Bhould be sent by freight lines; lighter and more valua ble packages by Express. The various Railroad and Steamboat lines centering in Cincinnati, and all of the Express Companies, have liberally offered to transport articles to and from the Fair free of charge. Whatever is done let it be done quirk- "Every man according as he purpoi eth in his heart, so lethim give; not grudgingly for God loreth a cheerful ftjiver." tfto? UKOKUE GRAHAM, Chairman. T. T. KecKELer, Secretary. i 12! a o o o -t o Co n9 H r m e o m Aud all the New Styles of WINTER DRESS GOODS. O fiiCinrrtoH 3 Also a splendid line of eiegant Black Cloth Cloaks. SCARLET AND BLUE CLOAKS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS DftUGS, &c. P. STODDARD, WM. H. No. 1 7 main Street, KV.VcVS VIIiI.K, IXU. ARTISTS Ambrotype and Pkotncrapli T. ras, Chemicals, Cases amrFraliies ; a larife variety constantly on hand and for sal at rc:ionald prices at - jnO WM. H. T. STODDARD'S. 17 Maltf srr.Wv SODA ASH AND for making Soap, ceived at MATTINGS, "O" O & a. WINDOW SHADES, Window Hollands, Curtain Damasks, LACE CURTAINS, Curtain Fixtures CURTAIN CORNICES; And ahnost everything in the HOUSE FURNISHING LINE my2o-lv JAtlUEgS fc FRENCH, No. lO First Street. Kvansvllle. 3 o 3? m SB p. o S 0 o e z H 73 S5 - 0 s . et I m H t W w d a d to rH M 3 o e-5 M o !2S BOOl AND s 0 9) BIG g SHOE HOUSE, mm, m i MAIN STREET, I Have now in store the .a: 7m Ana aaaiaaa 1 1 Mi - iWJ vuc dusud v w nun ! irvut oac inter 'ion " three ! " " et; ; 75 " A 0M mmt, ,6 60 IN WEEKLY". One sqaare, one Iijsertien......... (j For each sulMeqnetrt hwrtion &n -Spectet Notices retained on inside of paper, will be charged 20 per cent, additional above Bates. LIVERY STABLE. O X c I AMERICAN STABLE, On Third bet. Main and Locnst Sts, TBTS LITERr E.-TA BLi?HMK'T. WIOCH Is well kaosrn throuchoo: sae country, pos sesses Stable advantages superior to auv similar establiifcinent In tits City, having arrangements lor the accapuan of private hawses at live of the most elaaaut and complete deacriptiun, and at the lowest rates. 1 " -r'7 T t Mrriages for Viaftltiff to rat. CoacTtes, right wajreus, and evcrv kind of rnH rehtct tUt L Horses sold oo commission Scceud hand Bssriry's 'or sate at tire very loirest prices. Passengers Jor rarded to all rarts ef the nmtrtrv br spvrarfca Tcysnoe. RICHARDSON, BRITTON 4 Ob. an 14 taa ' SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J. SMITH'S SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No,8 Second St, I IBAT'6 BtOCTt.) WATCHES & JEWELRY. J. L. BITTROLFF, JR., No. h North First Str 3t. .toY yall moil An entirely new Stock of Watches and Jewelry, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, 4c. T WOULD BKSPBCTFDLIiT IKFOBM THE I public that 1 have opeasd an entirely .W fad fashionable stock of the above goods, arMch, hav. insi been bonghtfbr cash, I am prepared to sell at prices as low as the lowest, aud warranti every article to be just as represented. From long ex perience ra the 'btHriness, I am confident Of giving satis Qkctioo, and hope to merit a share ef the pub lic patronage. PersonaF attention paid to repairing Wats In , Clocks and Jewelry. :r J. L. BITTROLFF, Jr., octl7-lmdAw No. 1. North irst Stnmt. CLOTHING. larg- House in the United States, j and of the best makes to be I found. Their stock was pur- rt Tjrti.l Wc J I I itoiSinJ '. chased before the recent ad- ri virm.i r -. h i. n - . ' Yajjjge, at 10 per cent less than they can now be bought, and we will sell them for lesa than any House in the West will sell the same character of goods. We sell BOOTS 3c SHOES, not " scabs." Call and ex- - S ' - amine our goods. MORGAN, READ & CO. P. S. No charge for Boxes. s & Caps b T"fi. -'.H'.'P,. Z. tiJ'i ' : SKIRTS MADI TO . arment and a fit ORDER FROM Ml? AS warranfiwl A iliMk n ready.maJe fltistM asul Co'lsra alwavsmi UuLuH fii ices mai will anil US pOTCtl Mtm- WBBJJ'AS -- rovJ,"a(4i.. :, -e -e ea BbbbI I liberally bestoaefl ir t&e hast Ave years. octas .XCXJO. j SMITH LAW CARDS. TT v. y i i REMOVAL FOR GREAT BARGAINS IN CONCRNTRATKD LYK A superinr article just rc- 17 MAIN STBKKT. HOSTETTER'S PLANTATION BIXXJtB3ss4 German Bitters, together with a great variety of Patent Mediciaes, at 17 MAIN STIIKET, PURR AND UNADUrTBRATEDCliEAM Tarter for family use; also 8oda and Spices pure, at 17 M AIN STREET. COCOINK, AMBROSIA, KATHAUIUN, TKI CAPHEROGS, Zylabalsamum, aad all the best preparations for the Hair at WM. H. P. STODIsABD'B. OAL OIL AND BURNING FLKID BY THE gallon or barrel at 17 MAIN STREET. .aoraaw Ai .a tx IF? V (- L S .SitlAB 8HOTTJOS:2:a GO TO GOLDMAN, BERG & CO., Wholesale Clothiers, nave remoted to the corner of FIRST & SYCAMORE STREETS, ttffl K1 kt Ja Ytt! ilTOV .TBn.l" 1 (frppaslto tire OnicOry Store of Boment Viele,) where theyoaas? to tneir irunum ana roe trads generally a very large stock of . .1Btt& 8'tt;-'U3 j Hat WfiT. H. WALKER, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, ETAXS VILLRr lil&r Office ou Third Street, octij-ly . Opposite Coart House. CHARLES DENBY Attorney at Law, das rssnmed the practice af Law. Office on Third Street, middle of ttaU'a Blask, ssa sSsiss, Ma JAMES REID, Attorney at Jl N. rtaltrainasj v.. JSH C O L LECTING AGENT. OKFICT On Third Street; third dor sVom Main Street, la the Crescent OityBank Building, IsYANSYHiUb, INDIANA Ja. T- V'alskeij JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND Agent for obtaining Pensions, Back Pay and Honut FOB PIP CHARGED SOLDIERS, , AND FOR the Widows ana other legal representatives of those who die lu the service of the 1'nltirt latsV " Olllce c n the NoHh-West sid of Third Street, near the Washington House isat arsrlv OMMsita the Court Ileum, EvaiisTlDe, ladbma. All biutiBSSa entrusted attended to. if " to alia will be promptly JJ ia-iy MEDICAL. .1, CLOTH eoK ti9 I TV C PRINTERS INK, BLACK AND COLORED, in small cans Wade's raanrrfiu tore for sale at STODDARD'S, 17 Main Street LAMP8, LAMP-CHIMNEYS, GLOBES AUD Shades; a large and varied assortment at 17 MAIN STREET. W" "iZZABD Oil THE OL D OliltiTNA I. kind ; a supply just received at STODDARD'S. 17 Main Street. E. A. COOKE 8l CO., AT WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY, $50,000 WORTH Of the most fcshionable styles of HAT and CAPS Now in store, that were pur- chased 10 to 30 per cent, less va n-Lvy ctiii now be pur chased of the manufacturers. We are determined to make Evansville a jobbing point, and to. aid in doim? so will sell goods for less than any House up the river. We said and so it shall be; Nd KIO M"t-- ' ' a" 1 -e" trouble to show -Hfif ff . "Quick sales and small S. W. THOMPSON, M. D.. PHYSICIAN & SURGETJN Orncr awn BEnPCKri Ko. 35 WautyT 8rirr (At Dr. Donald's Old Stand.) EVANSVILLE, IND I ANA. : is2syiUS . ' J ' ' Who have just completed their winter stock of Goods, ooosistrng in part ol NEW SONGS. WE'RE PASSING THE BRIDGE, MOTHER A new and hcantiful song. OUR GOOD SHIP SAILS TO-NIGHT. I'M BLIND. JENNIE, MY LOTE. KISS ME GOOD-NIGHT MOTHER. WINNIE, DARLING, .I'LL BE WAITING. ASK IF I LOVS THEE. THE BANNER OF THE STARS. I'M LONELY TO-NIGHT. The above songs ars all new and good, aud for sale at WARREN 4; COSYNGTON'8, nov7 No. 1 Main Street, Evansville. French Merinoes, Checked and Plain Alpacas, Silk Striped Lustres, Wool and half Wool Delaines, and Children's Ladies' Misses' Hoop Skirts, Ladies' Misses' Balmoral Skirts, i r -r iu-.ri i f oi. Every article of Which lielng manufactured by themselves at 80s Market Street, Philadelphia, buyers will have B ; qi-i it! MJsth noJa - 1 Only One Profit to Pay. Also a full line of OXOtjayt-lXXSa Gentlemen's Fnhiishing Gds, and Children's BOOTS & SHOE?. Retail Dealers and Manufactures of BOOTS 8l SHOES, No. 38 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, INDIA N A. WE HATE NOW ON HAND A LARGE and well selected stock of Eastern aud home made Goods, consisting of all descriptions of Ladies', Misses', Men's and Boys' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, Which ws offer for sale as low as any house iu the city. AH our work is warranted. seplB MILLER CO. GROCERIES. CA dozen PINE APPLES, in bottlos; tJU 75 doz Pine Apples, in tin cans ; 1K) dozen Peaches, ' 100 " Blackberry, " 100 ' Tomatoes. " L'.S " Strawberries," ' 10 " Kng' ish Plums, in bottles ; S " Quinces, in bottles ; At HLLIOTT'S Family Grocery. f 31 s VGAB 10 hhds fair N. O. Sugar ; 20 bids extra brown N. U. Susr.n ; 15 bbls Clarine.1 N. O. Sngar ; libhls " N. Y. Sugar; 15 bbls Powderea do ; At HLLIOTT'S Family Grocery. Hoods, Nubias and Misses' Fancy Knit Coats, Sontags and Alexandras, Lambs Wool, Merino and Bal moral Hose, And a great variety of Notions, &c. Alsojast received by cxpres A fall assortment'of Cloaks. All the novelties of the season, comprising Red Biding Hoods, Blue Circulars, Black Cloth Circulars and Sacquea Various Prices ; Styles to suit the most fastidious. Come and see for yourself at No. T FIRST STREET, We Sell at Eastern Prices Transportation added. with WATCHES & JEWELRY. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, jutousnin i .hmeio TJnic jW jfittiir AT -' Wholesale and Retail. goods. SASH AND DOORS. .riVIES STEELE, (successor t srrsaa.B Hirss c) 19,1 SECOND ST., BIT. CURSTNLT AND rHJERBV. EVA yS VILLE, ISX)IA SA. avujs, WINDOW BLINDS Dressed Lumber Boards, Laths, Ac, of every description constantly on hand. Packing Boxes of all kinds made to or erder. Sawing fit evert kind dona on the shortest notice. , . ... apltt-ly W. HUNNELL, OOBNTiR WALNUT STREET AND ( ANAL, fcii-ii air! riHnfi!i it'iUJii "M I N B . , Has on hand the largest lot of Sashes, Boors, Blinds, Frames, ., Ever Manufactured in the West. i-rtiftOS li DO MFsTW 31; -Ifi illsTO tll CHEY ABB 0? MY OWN MAKE. k .. . I , Ti 4.aaassxt i sj M I have also a fine lot of White Pine and Popular Flooring. Moulding of all kinds madeac! sawtag ot an descriptions done at the shortest notice. . EVANSVILL H , p&in iif profits " is our motto. MORGAN, BEAD & H .1 1 CO. Ladies' Hats! MORGAN, READ & CO., 1ST o 63 35V3Ca.33. Street, Have in store a splendid as sortment of Ladies' and Misses' TrimmedHats of the latest and styles, viz : .IHOW'V.'i 3H 'jl Sftu ''II most approved HOTEL. (frescentCity Hotel. Mrs. A. Webb, Proprietress ON WATER, BET. MAIN k LOCUST STS. , (Opp. Steamboat Landing,) EVAHSV1XL.K, IJTDIAJf A. it - A watch for Steamboats kept at all hour,, MBS. WEBB TAKES PLEASURE IN AN nousoiag to tks public geserally that she has not sold oat the Crescent City Hotel, as re ported, but is still carrying en at the old stand . eu Water, between Main aud Locust streets, afkd would unit solicit a snaje oi me puiuc pairon- novl-oVa NEW SALOON. SHAEFEB S SALOON. BILLIARD AND RESTAURANT, On Third Street between Main and Sycamore. EVANSVILLE, I If D I A TT A .' oct3-lm CHANGE OF EXCHANGE A NEW ARRANGEMENT. tfatn J" t auglS H. CARL1X. of Main smd L. Luewenthal k Oe.'s Stars, coynor Mrst Streets. nov5-3m VARIETY STORE. PD8HEE S VARIETY STORE, No. 20 Main Street, TS THE PLACE TO FIND. FAKOT GOODS, 1 Cohibs", Brushes, Pocket Wallets, Card Cases, Tabl-ts. 8c Mors, Knives, Watcb Keys, Guard Chains. Thimbles, Needles. Pins, Tape Measures, itwmetor-FreiJr'narp'if Pop cSins,'vory Rat tles, Marbles. Chessmen, Dulls, Corset Clasps, Stssa. Peas, Pencil., Games, Bobber Balls, Toilet Soap, Jewelry. Violin strings, Work Boxes, Writing Desks. leather Dusters, Bird Cages, Children' Carriages, Ladies' Fancy Work and Traveling Baskets, Ac, Ac., at wholesale and re tail. AJ .VTTTi -K7 Mp21 Y5fc .ViW issts e.lTr .jK'.-iuH STOVE WORKS. r. W. BBINKMSTSB. . Z , rr, A. BBLBLINa SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS. BRINKMEYER St CO., Manufacturer of Stoves, Hollow Ware, Iron Ballings, House, Fronts, Verandas, Balconies, Castings In General, COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Arc tfJF Sales Boom Main Street, opposite Court Hume. KsTFonndery Near the Mouth of Pigeon Creek EVANSVII.I.E, ISD. ORDERS SOLICITED." my 9 Brest Western Sanitary Fair. CIRCULAR OF THE COMMITTEE ON WAR MI- ! M0RIALS, RELICS AND CURIOSITIES. Cincinnati, O., Dec, 1S63. The Great Western Sanitary Fair, un der the control of a General Committee, appointed by the citizens of Cincinnati, , will be opened ou Monday, December the 21st, aud continue through the Holidays. ! The proceeds will be donated to the Cin cinnati Branch of the United States San- itary Commission, to aid them in their ; good work of alleviating the sufferings of our brave Soldiers in he Union armies of the West and South-west, both i in Camp and Hospital, an object which appeals to the patriotism and liberality j of every family and every individual in the natron. The special duty of th Committee, wmcn new addresses you, is the collec- J0WDER 500 ksgs Blasting F F Powder; .WO kegs Sporting Rifle Powder ; 100 cases assorted Canister Bifle Powder; At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. FLAVORING EXTRACTS 10 dozen Essence Lemon j 16 10 " 10 " Pine Apples ; 10 Peach ; At HLLIOTT'S Family Grocery. Vanila; Rosef- -X I s-I 1HA BBLS, TUBNIPS 1UU At ELLIOTTS Family Grocery. s ALT 100 bbls Pomroy Salt At HLLIOTT'S Family Grocery. AMPS All in want of a Lamn rail i At ajLLiOlT"8 rahiilv Grocery. GEO. A. BITTROLFF Has just opened at the old stand One of the largest and test selected stocks of WATCHES, CLOCKS Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Guerrabella ; Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Coquette ; Ladies' and Misses Felt Trimmed Eugenia; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Eugenia; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Coquette; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Guerrabella; Besides names and numerous RECRUITS WANTED. HORSE AND COW FEED 30 tous of rich country Bran just received At HLLIOTT'S Family Grocery. For the Old 14th. Indiana Volun tc6rs. HPH1S BEGTMENT HAS PARTICIPATED I in tbo following named battles.: Oheat Moun tain, Greed Briar, Brrrt-V'tJap, Bloumery Furnace, Winchester, Harrison's Landing, Antietani, Fred ericksburg, Chanceilorsville, Gettysburg and Bristow Station. Three hundred 'arid two dollars bounty given te new recruits, ffrj suveD to veteran soldiers who re-enHst. S72 of tlie bounty money given them sa first payment directly after being mustered in. Any one wishing to lv..m a meat bar of tsis tried Regiment, will nnd Headquarters Ibtcruitiug Office on corner Tif l;;-i- and 1 Market streets John Dtinnnfe!!'- r,r.. Pv. CfLAKLES H. MTRBOFr, .13. r vj XX jjt LiertTftTTUIna., novlldlm Racru'tiuic Officer HIED FRUIT 100 busheld Dried Peaches, pealed ; 'J00 bushels Dried Apples ; At HLLIOTT'S .Family Grocery. : ' i":m . C'TRir S bbls Golden S:yrup; 5 bbls Honey Syrup ; 5 bbls Beehive Syrup; 20 bbls Plantation Molasses; 10 bbls Sorgum ; At FiLLIOTT'S Familv Grocery. if, DRY GOODS PRESTON A LAB6B AND KEEN & TJAVE Jl ST RECEIVED XX g'.-neral assortment oi Desirable Dry Goods, Wnleh thej Invite :be ' trade " to call and ex amine prices and iftiallties; believing, knowing, they can save dealers additional freight and ex penses in guiug further Eastward. janlfi T IE- Diamond Rin?s and Pins, Silver Ware, Silver Cups, Soup Ladles, Table and Tea Spoons, Napkin Rings, Butter Knives, Childrens' Setts, &c. &c. Plated Ware, Full Tea Sets, Castors, Pitchers, Cups, Butter Dishes, Salt-Cellars, Goblets, Jewelry, A full assortment ot all kinds of Spectacles, Watch Materials, Watch Glasses, dee., &e. Having bought ray stock for Cash, I can sel' at the lowest figures for Cash. Gall and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. GEO. A. BITTROLFF, sep5 No. 46 Main Street PIANOS. other styles. Also, Children's Fancy Trimmed Hats, all of which we will .vLiS.lvi sell very cheap indeed. Call --. ' v : ' j..t ana examine our sduck. MORGAN, READ & CO. SOAP AND CANDLES. SAM GRAMMEB tfc HARBT JOHXSON having purchased Theodore's Exchange, ARE FITTING IT UP IN KX ."ELLEN"! style for a first, class BILLIARD SALOON and RKSTAI RAXT. They will keep at the bar the best brail ds o Lhruors aad their larders will at all times be ailed with the richest dainties from the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and the waters of the vasty deep will be made to contribute of their richest stores. Especial atteation will he given to the cat sine, which will he under charge of the most competent at tista. ; Their Billiard Room is large and their TABLES FIRST CLASS. The establishment will re-open on Tuesday next. A liberal share of public patronage is respectfully SUcised. mvauoam NEW BOOKS. STRANGE STORIES OF furiosities ot mmi. REJECTED WIFE. By Ms. SVpbeus. THE AGS O? FABLE. By Batancn. A DETK 'TI V E ; Or, rst i.U TWO SPLENDID PIANOS JtWT RECEIVED from the manntacturers, and for saW at WARREN A CONYNGTON'8, nor!5 No. 1 Main street. Pliilip Ieclj:er, (Successor tc Decker A Kramer), Manufacturer of Lard Oil SOAP AND CANDLES. Also, an extra article ot B UBS I Sit, ESGISE, AND CAB OIL Dealers ia Rosin, Soda, Ashes, Ac. Also Pure Catawba Win Of our own raising, la quantities to suit pur chasers, 116 Main Strut, I sties e. Pint and Second, Evansvills, Indiana. T Terms cash, or 60 days' paper negotiable la ank. janao-1 THREE TEARS IN JAPAN. By Alcock. TOLCNTEEB'S B0I.L OF HONOR, 25c. PEPB, THE BCOUT. MABTIN POLE. By the aataor of Abel Drake. Wif. SILVER STAB. By May Carleton. LOST BANK NOTE AND MABTVN TEMPTATION. SHADOW OF A9HLTDTAT. ELEANOR'S VICTORY. By the author of Au rora Floyd, 25c. .:'-'s!LK "i SYBIL CAMPBELL. By May Carleton. ALL DICKENS WOBXS (In Pamphlet Tnrm. TESTAMENTS WITH NOTES AND PSALMS, j FLOWER OF SPRINGTIME A pretty Present GET SLADIES1 BOOK FOB DECEMBER. , tKTHCR'8 HOME MAOA.INE, Do. NEW SUPPLY OF PHOTOGRAPH BIBJ.E6. I NIW SUPPLY OF PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. NBW SUPPLY OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS. i For sale at IK1BELL - CLOCKS. WARE'S Jim CatVi Thnr.ioi Hlnnbi TUST RECEINED, AN ASSORTMENT 0 O Seth Thomas C locks, and for sals at No. Second street, by novae C. F. BOStNKBASZ ,F 13 at