Newspaper Page Text
- s FOR SALE. THOSE IS WAHTtrr GOOD WOOD CAS BE supplied by leaving their orders at Charles McJohns ton's Store, on Mi in street, near the Ca nal. To insure prompt delivery, leave Jnee with the order. dec4 THOS. D SMYTH. 1500 Bushels Apples for Sale. I HAVE ON HAND AT MY F ABM , 2V miles from Rocknort. 1.5W bushels of good eating Annies, which I will sell cheap for cash MATU1AS SHARPK, Bockport, Ind. dec4-lw X)R SALE A HOCSE AM U LUT u tub river bank, south ol oum sireev. im ui.ubo U nlrvost new. contains l rooms, naii, pantry, 4c Good stoV. wood-shed, outbuildings, Ac. io'tUiV, tt front by laO feet deep. A harcaia will h gien Inquire at this office, orf " 8- McCOBKLK. FOR 8ALE-A TARSI OF 40 ACRES, LO CATED about 4 miles frem the city ; la high ' , tat of cultivation ; of the best soil, Franje House, s-eod fences ; on reasonable terms. Apply to JACOB BINZICH ft SOS, nov23 Water bet. Sycamore and Vine FOR S LIN LIN'G, containing nine rooms, a good eel ler, and cistern, and out-bnildings, together with the lot on which It is situated. Said lot is situated on Second Street, the next square above Mr R Ralaieh'a dwelling. Said lot fronts 02 feet on Second street, snd mas back loO feet to an alley. The tot 1 high and well improved. For terms apply to O. liBWIB. novgif House and Lot for Sale. ONE OF THf MOST DESIRABLE RESI DENCES in the city tor sale ; in complete ordor, containing ten Booms with Cbandaliers and Bracketts for Gas, two brick Cisterns, Stable, Wood, Coal and Oui-Hoiiees, a good dry brick Cellar 18 teet square, wall liejhted. The House Is wood heavy oak frame stands back 40 feet from the street, leaving a beautiful front yard. Corner Lot 75 by 300 feet, enriosrd with a good substantial fence. Corner of Oak and Wa-er streets, above the residence of Robert Barnes. Esq. Inquire of octlO-tf CHABLFS BABCOCK, LOST. OS THE ROAD BETWEEN NEW BURG sad Evaaavilla, a Po.ket-Book, contain ins about $50 in money and a number of papers of value to the otnar. (will pay $1" to any person who trill retain tlie Toeket-Beok and contents to ma at Nawborgh, or ft 1. ft I). Heiman. at their store in Evansville. . A. J; TAYLOR, decT-lw Newburgh, Indiana. FOR RENT OR SALE. FIR BENT OR SALaT-A BEAUTIFULLY sitoated RsJldet.e"e, near the Salt Wells, with about two acres of Laud. Will trade for goad sity property . Enqniru of E. K. MINGST, cor. Mala aud First. WANTS. .. u - A FURBISHED ROOM AND B'JARD FOR A JTV Gentleman and Lady. in a pleasant part of town. Reference given, lor particulars, apply - d. at this office. "DOTS WANTED. TWO OB THREE GOOD 0YS Bo? JL Buys, having souo knowledge of type-setting. Apply soon. FOR RENT. RENT A THREE STORY BRICE X' atom. ua Main Street, now occupied by the Wallbolla Saloon. For particular inquire of Mrs. Elizabeth Krou, on Fourth Street, between Walnut and Chemut. dec8-2w FUR REST TWO LARGE STORES, FOUR Stories high, in a good condition, to rent sheap, on the corner of First and Tine Streets. dec8 lw CONVERSE CLEMENTS. TB1DAY IT-"."...! , DECEMBER 11 - - T-r . M. THAYER, .. .Editor. J. . SaVBRTHOBir, Associate. Tbe 42d Indiana. We have received a communication signed "A Soldier," givingleiigthy details of tbe part taken by the gallant 42d in the battle of Chattanooga. The crowded state of our columns will not permit us to copy the- letter in fahL We will, how ever,endeavor to present that part of it re lating to'tbejlmmediate doings of the regi- ade of the first division, in which is the were ordered to take a position in the rifle pits in front of the Federal for tifications, with four days' cooked rations and their blankets. On the 23d tbe or der was executed, the brigade shifting its position several times during the fore noon. During this time Gen. Hooker was making his memorable assault upon Lookout Mountain. The 42d boys had a lair view of the struggle, from the time Hooker began the ascent of the moun tain until his flag waved on its summit. In the afternoon an order came for the first brigade, first division, to reinforce Gen. Hooker on the mountain. The brigade immediately started, crossed Chattanooga Creek near its mouth, and commenced the ascent of the mountain, which was very difficult The difficulties were by no means diminished by a severe artillery fire, hich the nbels turned upon them. By dark the brigade reached the farthest point to which the rebels had been 'driven, and was placed in line of battle. During all' this time the regi ment was under a heavy artillery fire, bat the boys paid little attention to it While getting into position, several of the regiment were killed and wounded No sooner was the regiment in line than a magnificent .night battle was fonght The enemy could only be distinguished by the flash of his guns, to which our boys directed their aim. In this strug gle in the dark, raany on both sides were killed and wounded. During tbe night the enemy retreated, abandoning Lookout Mountain altogeth er. The first brigade immediately re ceived marching orders, descended the mountain, recrossed Chattanooga Creek, and again came into line of battle, but this time in front of Mission Ridge, where it was evident tbe rebels were pre paring for a desperate resistance. About 2 o'clock on the 24th the bri gade was ordered to advance and charge the rebel works. Charge it did. Tbe rebels were driven from one line of in trenchments only to take refuge in an other, followed by our noble boys, who, driving them from the second line, saw them fall back tostill a third line. Noth ing daunted by these obstacles, and en couraging each other with hearty cheers, the first brigade fiercely assaulted the third and fourth lines of the rebel forti- n'cations, not pansing until they reached tne top ot the ridge, when a short t that ' shook the old mountain to its foundation, ! announced that the victory was won. In this immortal charge the 42d was among the foremost and bravest. That night tho brigade rested. The next morning it drew a new supply of ammunition, and fonr days' rations, and started in pursuit of the rebels, the 42d in advance as skirmishers. All that day skirmishing was kept up with the rebels, many of tbem being captured. Night brought no rest Chicamauga river was to be reached before the command to halt would be given. In this pursuit, a rebel battery of artillery and several traa sportsaion wagons were captured." Half a mile from Grayville, the pur suing column was challenged by rebel picket. A short parley ensued, which erided by our boys firing upon the pick ets and chasing them into the town. Several prisoners, including many offi? cers, v.-r-re cai lured nt thispoint. AtGrayvlUe, a hndge crosses the Chickarhauea. To this the rebels set fire, but the 42d boys put out the fire, and savel the bridge for their own use. After taking possession. of tbwtown, Gen. Palmer called on the 4t& for four volun teers three enlisted men and one Bar- geant for a specific and dangerous ser vice. Four men promptly stepped for ward -Jatttes Bolin of Co. H, Barton Ditamitt and Jaeob Erb of Co. B, with, Sargeant McClary of Co. F. These men were directed to proceed in the direction of Ringgold and ascertain whether the enemy had evacuated or was still hold ing the plare. Their instructions were to return, if they met the enemy on the way, ana report, mey nan gone um . few steps beyond their own picket line when they were halted by the rebel pick et Without heeding the challange they immediately commenced fa'.Bng back. Bolin, however, imagined the challen gers were not rebel pickets, and deter mined to remain and see who they were. The others had not retreated far when v '1-1 1 .1 U .. 4 they heard a shot Fearing tbat liolin was hurt, the party again advanced and discovered a cavalry scout standing in pnwn fired, but, "wheeling his horse, the irebel made his escape. The boys then returned an announced the result of their movement The next morning, the brigade took up its line of march toward Ringgold. Lying near the road side, thev discovered the body of poor Bolin, who had bem foully mur. dared after he was captured. His face wa3 powder burnt, and he had a severe sabre cut in the breast His mnrtfeTer is supposed-to be Lieut. Roberts of the 2d Kentucky rebel cavalry, and it will fare badly with any of the men of that regiment if they fall into the hands o'" th.42rL, , ff fr. j 7 At Ringgold the rebels attempted to make a stand, but a 'chargo again put them to flight From Ringgold trio 42d returned to Chattanooga. During the entire campaign the regiment lost eight men killed and 3S wounded. Tbe Township Trustee desires us to acknowledge, for him, the receipt of three hundred and sixty-seven dollars from Richard Hornbrook, Esq.; as the net proceeds of the Tableaux recently exhibited at Mozart Hall for the benefit of tbe poor and destitute in our midst who are-riot otherwise provided for. This is a noble donation, and worthy the young gentlemen and ladies who de vised, prepared and exhibited the Tab leaux by which the money was obtained. Mr. Greek also acknowledges the re ceipt of five dollars from Mr. Danl. Akin, of Knight township, for the same praise-. Ameng the many gallant regi ments which won imperishable renown at the battle of Chattanooga, none did more heroically than tbe 73d Illinois. IIIIS niuiaa. v, Jaquess, brother of Mr. J. S. Jaquess of this city. The regiment was in the ad vance, and charged three successive lines of the rebel works, capturing more rebels than it had men in its ranks. The 73d, as the boys express it, "covered itself all over with glory." Grakt Guards The Company, for which Cap! Tom. Williamson has been recruiting for some time past, now num bers 7 "men. It was organized on Wed nesday last, under the name of the ,f Grant Guards." The following officers were elected : . , rfal Captain T. J. Williamson. 1st Lieutenant. G. W. Bell. 2d. Lieutenant Edwin Jones. Orderly Sergeant O. Babcock. Q. M. Sergeant Daniel Alton. Com.' Sergeant G. A. Barret Duty Sergeants Enoch Greathouse, F. M. Cash, John F. Kennett, L. F. Wil son, Casper Hurlbert, in the order named. fllilftaa t Vorporals Cbas. Jolly, W. S. Brown, Marion Alton, D. H. Rutherford, and G. T. Gregley. The Greyrl Guards only lack IS" men of being full. Young men will bear in mind that only 13-Jchances remain of getting into this crack company. . FeJulb SuncciLERS. The Memphis Bnlleton of the 5th says : Yesterday the provost martial had rn his custody sever al ladies, some of whom were of great respectability, who were suspected of be ing engaged in smuggling goods across the lines to rebeldom. They were sub jected to a search by a lady who is en gaged for that purpose, and some strange developments made. One lady bad a bolt of finest linen, so adjusted as to ans wer tbe purpose of that article of apparel known as a bustle. Her corset was fill ed with" pieces of gold coin, quilted iu, to the amount of $1,200. Another lady, who was naturally of rather spare proportions, had her torm well rounded out with padding made of the best of dress silks, worth $5 and up ward per yard. Her hose were found to conceal a quantity of gents' cravats, which were swathed carefully about her limbs. A third lady's ample hoops were found to cover a number of yards of broadcloth, which had been arranged for the time into a sort of underskirt. Her bust was filled out by a nruseum of articles, consisting mainly of jewelry, silk thread, needles and mrji:,o"a in ere was a vanetv of other artiplna fouud which we do not remember at pres ent, ine lair smugglers were detained in the Irving Block for trial. DIED. On Wednesday night, of Lung Fever, Mrs. MARTHA SLLENOR TAYLOR, wife of C. Tay lor, aged i years, 4 nontht and IT days. The fuuernl will tek- place from the residence orher husband, onlocast tr. ct near the Canal, this (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. EXPRESS. Bellefontaine Cotton Express ! OSXY TEN DAYS TO SEW YORK. TIME GUARANTEED! THIS LIGHTNING EXPRESS the transmission of c tton to dif-natch, is now fully (-8 tab lis bed. LINE FOR the East, by sF f inW Bills of Lading will be given. TIME THROUGH, TEN DAYS. SssF" Consignments solicited. CRANE, BROWN Jr. CO., Agerits, decll-dtf KvansTille, Indiana. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. BT THE E. ft W. LINE. Exclusively for the Jottrnal. Washington Gossip. Meade's Army Q,ulet Le Erecting Winter Hats Jeff. Davis' Message dolorous Meade to be superceded i, Thomas or Hooker House aud Senate Committees. Special to the Tim. Washikoton. Dec. 9. Meade's army in nnietlv eneamoed in Culpepper county, Vn the south baajt of the Rappahannock. Lee occupies hi old" position at Orange Court House. His advance line is guard ing the RapidanForda The pickets are again on friendly terms. But Hale duel Hag and .ew casualties on either, side. Bushwhackers are beginning tj swarm asain on our flanks and rear. Jeff. Davis issued his message to the rebel Congress on Monday. The docu ment is mournful. Deserters say Lee's army does ntgpex teed 35,000 men, and is raising huts for winter quarters along the line of the Rapidan. Meade will soon be relieved of his command. His successor has not yet been appointed. However, it is known that the ""President and Mr. Chase fayor the restoration of Hooker; while the Sec retary of War hesitates between him and Thomas. In tbe event of Gen. Inomas taking command, the general impression is that Hooker will succeed him in com mand of the Army of the Cumberland. Ti ... r. .utii in ...trip rumor that qpmmaad of the Army of the Potomac. It has been determined to reorganize that army. Speaker Colfax is bnsily engaged in making Bp his committees. There is great pressure for positions on the Com mittee af Ways and Means. It will be selected with unusual care. Mr. Colfax is alive tothe importance of placing upon tithe best' financial and business talent vtx the Heuse. Probably Stebbins, elect ed as a democrat, and conceded to be one of the most skillful bankers in New York, will be offered the place on the committee mad vacant by Coming's resignation. Stevens will probably re tain his place as Chairman. The standing.couimittaes of the Sen ate agreed upon by a sffb-committee, and will be announced to the Senate to-morrow. Material changes ara made. The Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, of Pennsyl vania, wUl probably be Chairman of the House Naval Committee. -a ; From New York. Great Flre-Twenty-flrs Vessels Dc Ueslioyed, New York, Dec. 10. Yesterday after noon the canal boat Campbell, loaded witlrhay at the bulk head between piers 55 and 54, at the foot of Charles street, caught lire from a spark from a stove pipe. Tbe fire spread rapidly from ves sel to vessel until it reached pier 57, en veloping about 25 vessels in a sheet of flame. The firemen worked well, but were unable to do more than stay the spreading of the devouring element. The vessels on fire ware nearly all totally destroyed. . . - TO New York Items. Foreign Newt by Steamer Elvia Peace Congress Discussions Gen. Meagher not a Prisoner Rebel Jfcws. New Yore, Dec. 10. The steamer Elvia from Liverpool 25th, Queenstown 26th, arrived here this morning. Cabinet Councils are held about daily in Loudon. Russell is present. Tho Russian reply to the invitation to a Con fess i? received. It asks for the objects La France savs all the continental powers except Austria have acceded to the call for a Congress. Liverpool, Nov. 24. Flour good finality scarce and fully as high as ever. Wheat very firm aud generally l2d higher. Corn steady at Is 19d for mix ed. Lard more active but Cd lower. Provisions quiet but steady. Consols for money S'2J. American se curities firmer. Gen. Meagher is not. a prisoner as was reported. ' g r r The rebel Congress met on Monday at Richmond. Bills were 'introduced to prevent the employment of substitutes. The Mobile Dispatch reports the Yan kees defeated by Gen. Green, at Plaque mine, Louisiana, with a loss of 2,000 men, on the22d of November. The navigation of the river is virtually closed. , On the 29th 200 Yankee cavalry were driven iuto Port Hudson, with 13 killed and 2 wounded. Charleston dates of the 7th report no change. A slow fire was kept up. Shells were thrown into the city on Mon day night and Tuesday of last week. The Richmond Enquirer of the 8th protests against allowing any more pro visions to come to the Yankee prisoners. 'f rnoont-vT TtAm- Additional Tax on Whisky, Tobaeco and Petroleum -So more Paper Money to be Iaaucd. New Yore, Dec 10. The Treasury Report recommends a duty of 2$ per cent, on bank note circulation; : cts. per pound on cotton; 10 cts. per g-. !an on crude petroleum; 60 cU. per gailou on diatilled spirits; 20 cts. per pound on leaf tobacco; 5(&22 pta. per pound on manufactured tobacco. The Secretary recommends the issue of no more parjer money, but asks leave to borrow $300,000,000 for the current fiscal year.and $600,000 for the next fis cal year, Cincinnati, Dee. Hi River fallen 6 inches. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 45. Dr. F. HUTCHINSON, DENTIST, HAS removed from his eld ofllce on the cornsr of Second and Main streets, to his new room on First st , two doers below Main, next to the Mercantile Library, old Masonic Hall. Ha has nrwi no ezpensa for the comfort and convenience of his pationts bavins enlarged and Increased his fa cilities, u odsesased the assistance of one of the beat workmen In rhe Slats. He can now supply the wants of those desiriag his services. DR. nrTCHINSON HATING FOR THE last seven years received Uis Unlimited pat ronage of the citizens of EvansvilU and surreand inf towns and country, would revnrn most sincere thanks for their appreciation of hia skill as a Dentist, hoping, -kylnhth-ing energy iu secur ing for his patients all the LATEST IJIPROVEMBSTS AND INVENTIONS, to merit a continuance of the same favor. Personal Attention Given in Every Case. His facilities for doing good work equal any Establishment In tbe United States. Every style of Artificial Teeth made in Eastern Cities are made by him. Ref'renre at all times given by referring to persona now wearing the BEAUTIFU SETS OF TEETH I prepared in his office. Having had much exped ience lu treatment of irregulartiy of CHIL DREN'S TEETH, he would have no hesita tion in saying the most irregular cases can be entirely corrected by him. Casus can be seen in this city and county entirely corrected by him. Cleft, Palate or openings in Palate sucoesfully treated. Scurvy, Neuralgia affections and all dis eases of the mouth successfully treated. Those desiring ARTIFICIAL TEETH would do well to consult him. sWTerms very moderate. "The beat Anearthetics for alleviating 'pain when eatraciing teeth. Chloroform given when requested. June 22. MUSIC BOOK. Mr. Bradbury's New Music Book. (trpHE KKY-S0TK," A NSW COLLECTION JL of Church and Singing Music, by W. Bi r.RAntrrST, is ready at last, aud tne puoiisners believe wiU well repay the many Singing Sahoels aud. Choirs which have been waiting., for it. Some indication of Blr. Bradbury's popularity as an author Is afforded in the fact that the whole of the first edition often thousand copies of this book wereorder-d in ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION. Other editions will foUow immediately. One hun dred parts are devoted to the Elements of Music, with a great amount of new Singing Schoel Mn iic, and nearly three hundred pages to Sacred Mu sic, as tunes of all metres, Anthems Chants, and other set piece-,, mdstiy new. The work is print ed throughout from large -plain typo, one part on t staff. Price per doien, Sin. A singla copy to any teacher, for examination, by mail, post-paid, for $1. Address Mam.i A Hamlin, 274 Washing ton street, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, Publishers, declt-3tw 57, Mercer St., New York. . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT of nicely decorated French China Motto Cups and Saucers all sizes ; Cut Glass Gilt Colognes ; Alabaster and Gilt Toilet Bottles ; For sale low by M. A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street TOY TEA SETS. ti-it RiTUVKli A VISE ASSORTMENT OF aud for sale clieap by A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street. BOHEMIAN CLASS. JUST OPENED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of rich Cut Bohemian Glass, Consisting of Cnt IX-canters, Cot Wins Bottles, GobleU, Wines, Tumblers, Cordials, Colognes, Toilet Bottles, Wine Sets, Celeries, Spoon Hold ers, Card Receiwrt, Ac, 4c., and for sale law by M. A LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street, PARIAN WARE. JDST OPENING A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT of Parian Ware, suilabla for Christmas and New Tear Presents, consisting of Vases, (rail ens sizes,) Pitchers, ToiUt and Ji-welrjr Boxes, 4c., 4c. For sale low by M. A LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street. LAVA. WA.HH. JUST RECEIVED AN ASSORTMENT OF the celebrated Lava Ware; consisting of Tea pots, Sugar and Cream Bowls, Cups and Saucers' Sugar Stands, Tebacco Boxes, Card Receivers, Ac, 4c. For Sals low by M. A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street. SILVER PLATED WARE. aTss&tiMfgffil If .VienlMGT.. . .ZP THB Mated! Ware, eitra quality, and of the latest slyles and pstterns, consisting of Tea and (.'offce Sets, Grecian styles; Coffee Urns, Grecian style: Pinner and Breakfast Castors, Bell Castors Call Bells, Table and Tea Spoons, Table and Desert Hooks, Soup Ladles, Pitchers, Ac, Ac. For sale m A. LAWRENCE, a V"t ': 18 Main Street. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Executor's Sale of Real Estate. fTUIE UNDERSIONKD EXECUTOR Or THE X last Will and Testament of Samuel Hall, late of the county of Gibson, iu the 8tate of Indiana, deceased, by virtue of power in him vested by said last Will and Testament, and of an order of the Court of Coamou Pleas made at the November Term, will expose to public sale at the Court House door, in tliu city of BvansviHe, in the coun ty of Yandorhnrgh, In the Bute of Indiana, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1864, as the property of said deceased, tho following real estate, situate and being In the city of Kv ansville, in saidconnty of Vanderbnrgh, to-wit : The undivided one half of ont Lot No. 16, in the subdivision of the northwest quarter of Section No. aa, in township No. 6, south, range No. 10 west, containing 4 75-100th acres; and, The undivided one half of part of ont Lot No. 16, in said subdivision, being the northwest corner of said out Lot, lying north of tbe Wabash and Eri- Canal, containing one half acre. 18 4-12 feet front on First street by 15n feet, being part of Lot C8 .f the old plan of the city of Evansville, lieginni jg ou Firt street twenty feet from Vine, thence along First street 18 4-12 feet ; thence to the alley; thence-18 4-12 feet towards Vine street, and thence to the beginning. Part of Lot No. 134 of the old plan of the city of Eransville, being S6i feet ou Main street, and rnnning back eighty feet more or less to the line of the brick bloak of offices which front on Third street, being t arts of the sonthrly quarter of the Public Squire, tbat is, the corner part of said quarter. Sixty -fonr feet more or less npon Third street ny Met deep, bring the south easterly part of tnesontberly quarter of the Public Square, and being flic whole of the premises known as Hall's -Block, on Third street of said city. Part of Lot No. 69 of the old plan of the city of Evansville, being .S( feet by 75 feet on the north, east or alley end of said Lot. Part of Lot No. 169 of the Donation Enlarge ment of the city of Evansville, being fifty feet by seventy-five feet on the southwest or alley ead of stid Lot. Lot No. 24 in Block No. L In Goodsell's 3n largement of the city of Evansville. Lot No. 25 iu said Block No. 1, In said En largement. Lot No. 26 in said Block No. Urgement. Lot No. 27 in said Block No largement. Lot No. 28 in said Block No. larcemeat. 1, in said En 1, In said En 1, in said En- Lot No. 16 in Block No. 8, In Stockwcll's En- largement or aid city. Lot No. 17 in said Block No. 8, in said En largement. Lot No. 18 in said Block No. 8, in said En largement. Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 80, 81, 82, 83, 81, 85, 86, S7, SO, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95. 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, all in Isabella Place, in the city of Evansville TERMS OF SALE. A credit of twelve months will be given on one-half of tbe purchase money, and of two years on the other half, on the pur chasers executing notes with approved security, bearing interest from date and waiving relief from valnatiou or appraisement laws; and also exe cuting a mortgage over the property sold . o se cure the payment of said notes. JOHN B. HALL, Executor. Alex. C. Donald, Att'y. H. Nelson, Auctioneer. dec9-tds V"0TICE. The undersigned Executors of the y last Will and Testament of Samuel Hall, de ceased, will offer for public sale at the Court House door, in the city of Evansville, on the 13th day of January, 1864, ISO shares of the Capital Stock of the Evansville Insurance Company. Terms of sale, Cash. JOHN B. HALL, Executor. Alex. C Donald. Att'y dec9-tds BANK ELECTION. THE STOCKHOLDERS IN THE EVANS VILLE Branch of the Bank of tbe State of Indiana are hereby notified tbat the annual elec tion will be held at the Banking House, in Evans ville, on Tuesday, January oth, 1864, between the honrsof 10 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clockp. m., for fivo Directors to serve theensueing yoar. By order of the Board of Directors. no25c?awtt SAM'L BAYARD, Cashier. COMMISSION HOUSE. W. K. H. DUDLEY, Memphis, Tenn. J. B. WOODWABD, Formerly of St. Louis. DUDLEY & CO., Commission Merchants, NO. 3 FRONT ROW Office up Stairs, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Shipments of Produce respectfully solicited. Liberal alvancea made on shipments iu store. Refer to Merchants of Memphis generally, norl9-3m COMMISSION HOUSE, i A. 8. B ATHUBSt. 1 'J. J WIU7TABk:E HAYHURST & WHITTAKER, Produce and Commission Meroliants, No. 6 Water St, (next to R. .Barnes,) i g EVANSVILLK, INDIANA. i HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR Wheat, Onta, Beats, Flax Seed, Lard, Dried Fruit, Tallow, Beeswax. (Tatts, Qivih 4 Co., 1 f Crani A Baows, Padueah.Ky., J ( EvansviTIe, In Hacking, Gives A Co., St. Louis, Mo. WATTS, CRANE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 15 Bboad Stbkzt, YOBK BITT. W hare opened a House iu the city of New Yori for the sale of robacco and Western xToduce, Under the name of VATTS, CRANE 4 00. Mr. D. Writs, of the firm of VTstts, Given 4 Co. yf Padacah, 'ong familiar with Tobacco, will talu .harre of thai department of our business, and Mr. t. Crane, of Crane and Brown, EvansvilU), will take charee of the Produce business. mayil WATTS, CRANE 4 CO. T Cox E- M. HuMpausY. COX & HUMPHREY, Forwarding & Commission Mexcli&ivts 9 - Steamboat Agents, WHARF -BOAT PROPRIETORS, KVANSV1LT.E, INDIANA. We have taken theOrey Easle WhnrfBoat, and ask of oar friends a continuance of their patronnge. dav auuoiln 1DAMS EXPRESS COMPANY New Arrangement. THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY RE SPECTFULLY snnennce to their friends and matrons, the pablic of Evansville und vicinity that. aith Increased facilities for the transportation of Freight. Packages, Money and Valuables, Fhey solicit a contluuafice of former favors. Es pecial care taken in the collection of Bills, Draft Notes, and the trsiuvjertaiion of small and valua ble packages. All persons wishing to avail themselves of tit mcilities of the Express, can obt:iin any desired; in formation In reference to the. routes and details of the business, at their ofllce on First street, bi twee Bain and Locust. JyS , CHAS. WENTZ, Agent H". B. CLIFFORD, Commission Merchant EXCLUSIVELY. T HAVE DISPOSED OF MY STOCK OF GRO X ceries, Produce, Ac, as I find that I cannot, nor can any one else, do jnstic to themselves and their shippers wbeu they bay, for it is natural that they will sell their own. goods float. As I have maov shippers, I will hereafter confine mv -self strictiy to tho COMMISSION BUSINESS, And hops, that T will find a continuance of the many favors shown me dnritu the past eight years. I shall give personal attention to all con signments, aud will make liberal cash advances on produce in store. My motto Is, Quick Sales and Prompt Returns. Dealers in Cotton cannot do bettor tana to leave their orders with me. Mr. F. M. .COPELAND, late oY Copeland, Edmonds ft Co., wiltgivc the Cotton business his personal attention. He is oue among the best judges in the State. Orders solicited. H. B. CLIFFORD, sep25 No. 7 Front Row, Memphis, Tenn. L. A. CRANE. WM. BROWN. ft. K. DVSK EUSl'H CRANE, BROWN & CO., Forwarding and Comimasiofi AND Special Railroad Agents. Oive through receipts and make liberal cash ! inceg on shipments of Produce and Tobacco to Sew York. cbank; Biiovvr, ;u. Eransville, Nov. 20th, 1861 w. . extra. . r. EAti.AKh. c. arrtiTKE. w. o. wvoiivniHa, oo PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR TIIE SALE OF Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Beams, Peas, Dried Fruits, Flour and Provisions, QSO Fulton St., Op. Washington Market, NEW YORK. REFERENCES. Gee W. White, Cash. Mechanic's Bank, Brook lyn. New Yoik. Hon. Horatio Ballard, Sec. State of New York. Wm. Crlpps, Pres. Standard Ins. Co. New York. A. H. Ballard, Ypsllaati, Michigan. J. L. Kelly, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. . R. n. Huntington, Adam's Irff Co. N. Y. i J. U Reed, Utica, New York. Hon. Henry 3 Raymond, " New York Tiroes " C. H. Wheeler, St. Albans. Vt. D. Ward, Lancaster Grant Co. Wisconsin. JelOdly n .. . . .i . , .GEO. W. GRAHAM. WM. tMTBAHAM . (Lata of nslllday, Graham Je Co., New Orluaus, and Graham A Co., l'air, Illtaote.) G. W. GRAHAM & CO., Wholesale Grocers GENERAL COMMISSION Meroliaiits, No.'s 46 & 47 First Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA. tfV Consignments of Western and Sent kern Produce, and orders for the pftrrha.-m of Cotton, Sugar and Blolasses, solicitc-d. Refer to Messrs. Bemcnt & Ylefc, Etansvillp : J. L. Dallam, E-i-i , Cashier, Pailucah, Ky. noil -2m SCHNEIDER & ZTJBEEBIER, (Successors to Schneider A Wise.) Commission Merchants V . r the sale of a 1 ! kluds of . Western JProdLxice, ElaOTJR, BACON, PORK, IJAJ,ij; Hay, Corn, Oafs, Butter, Eggs, dec. Corner Lafayette, Ntw Levee and p -j Fnlton Streets, QQO NEW ORLEANS, LA augJ5-Cm niBlH. w .OTL PICTURES. IfA 9 i AND 5S BREAST-PIN Pictures COPIED TO And all manner of Styles of AT Adams' PhoUgraph Gallery, (Over Post Office.) fc'TT'iMJ i I K deed WATCHES & JEWELRY, 4 j o CO p -si s r t- o p S3 pi. & P 3 .0 p. H 9 m P 3 P. B P o S3 P 1. i o I e-e- "-3 a 4 S3 CIS O 05 W o W d w a ' O P (6 U ft i 0 O S s 21 a 0. w H a P H 0 0 sal K 0 ft 03 K M P o on a Q o i Pa P 00 a Q ' sirs . P i ft P e-e t DO o p SO ai cn oo ts o w P Q 0 25 s i o p m B o y s o e a e o j s or O & cr o Pa oa Va 9? ts , NOTICF- 1. S. S-20's. TUB- SKCRKTABY Ot THE TREASURY has not yet given hot Ice of any intention to withdraw this popular Loan from sales par, and hut il ten days notice It given, the undersigned , as "Uenerai Subscription Agent," will continue to .u p nl y too public. The whole nmount of the loan authorized is five hundred millions of dollars. Nearly fonr hundred millions have beeii already aubserrbeil for and paid into the Treasury, mostly within the last seven months. The large demand from abroad, and the rapidly increasing home demand for use as the basis for circulation by National Banking Associ ations now organising in all parts of the country, will, in every short period, absorb the balance. Salra havo lately ranged from ten to fifteen mil lions weakly, frequently exceeding three millions dally, and as It Is II known ll the Secretary of the Treasury has ample and niffiiitlng resources ia the Duties est Imports and Internal Revenues, and L.i th- i'sno of the interest beariug Legal Ten der Treasury Notes, ft is almost a certain! v that he will autaud it necessary, for a long time to coipe, to seek a market for any other long or per manent Loan, the Interest and Principal of which are payable in GOLD. Prudence aud sulf interest mutt force the minds if those contemplating tho format ivu of National Bank o .- AsK?iations, as well as the minds of all who hav idle money on their hands, to the prompt conclusion that they should lose no time in subscribing to this most popular Loan. It will soon he beyond their reach, and advance to a haudsome premium, as -was the result with the "Seven -Tb i rty " Loan, when it was all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at par. It is a six per cent. Loan, th Interest and Prin cipal payable In CO!N, thi s yielding ovarnine.per cent, peraunuta, at the (irsent rate of premium encoln. The Government requires all duties on Imports to be paid iu coin ; these duties have, tnt m long time past, amounted to over a Quarter of a Mil lion of Dollars daily, a sum nearly three times greater than that required ia the payment of tha interest on all 'the K-20's aud other perjnanoat Loans. So that it is hoped that the snrplns Coin m the Treasury, at aodiataat day, wMI enable tho Unite.1 Mates to resume specio payments upon all Its liabilities. The Loan is called 5-20 from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run for twenty years, vet the Gov ernment has a right to pay them off in Gold, at par. at any time after five years. The interest ia paid half-yearly, via: On the first Bays of November and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds, which ara payable to hearer, and are $50, JUKI, $600, and S10UI: or Registered Bonds in same denomina tions, and in addition 5,000 and $10,000. Por Banking purposes aid tor investments of Trust moneys, the Registered Bonds are preferable. Ihrse5-20's cannot lie taxed by States, eities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on tliein is only one and a-half per cent., on. the amount of ioceme, when the income of the bolder exceeds six hundred dollars per annum; all other investments, such as income from mortgages, railroad stock and bonds, etc, must pay from 3 .. 5 per cent, tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the conntry wlll continue to dispose of the Bonds ; and all or ders, by mail orethcrwiio, promptly attended to. The inconvenience of a few Awm ,1-t..- ;.. v- delivery of the Bonds Is unavoidable, tho demand "inn so great; nut as interest commences from the day of subscription, no loss is occasioned, and every effort Is being made to diminish the delay. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGKNT, xi OOUTII IBUD OT., fHlLADIL-'HIA. Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1S3. W The above Bonds are tor vale at par at the Branch Bank In sums to suit purchasers. GROCERIES. SUNDRIES Well Buckets, Strawberry and Lemon Syrup, Almonds, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Essence of Coffee, Wooden Bowls, English Walnuts, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Rock Candy, Oysters, Shoe, Horse and Scrubbing Brushes, Lob sters? Sardines, Alum, Epsom Salts, Roll Brim stone, Sulphur, Copperas, Madder, Extract, of Logwood, Wasbiug Bluo, Indigo, Cream Tar tar, Sada, Bed - Cords of all kinds, Tobacco of all kinds, Biaccing, Battlug, Nutmegs, Cigars of all kinds, Jrrto and Cotton Wrapping Twine, Blue Tit-, riol, Camphor. Carolina and Wagon Tar, Brooms, Cotton Yaru, Race and Ground Ginger, Castile Soap, Playlug Cards, Glass Jars. Lanterns, Tum blers and Flasks, Pepper Sauce, Matches, Pickles, Mnstard, Fish of all kiods, Tomato Catsnp, Powder, Safety Fuse, Soaps of ail kinds, Starch, Teas-, Vin egar, Letter, Note, Cap, and Fancy Paper, Wrap ping Paper, Envelopes. Salt Petre, Gum Drops, Toys and Letters, TaWe Bait, Hemp Sack ing Twine, Wooden Bowls, Jujube Paste, Cin namon, Coal Oil, Clothes Pius, Bonnet Boards, lak, Cloves, Nails, Glass, Spirits Turpentine, all spice, Sal Soda, Pain Killer, Licorice, Pitch, Seivcs, Ac , 4c, Ac. A supply of the above kept constantly on hand and for sale low by 8. E. GILBERT k CO., DOT-jl tf No. 4 Sycamore Street. NOTICE. To the Ladies of Evansville and Vicinity. MRS. ROWLAND IS PREPARED TO DO all the latest stvles of Emhroiderv anrl R.Nia Stamping at her residence, on Second between Mulbery aud Gum Streets. eep2T-Sm j BURNETT' T0ILl SETS, COHTAININU 1 UotfW Cix-oaine, I bottle Oriental Tooth Wish, 1 bottle Florim laa 1 bottle of Kallistan, or otlHwwi! caltt-d ih- T- i ! i CVTmrcrrnraV Just re ceived at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store, Cor. Main and Second Streets. ALSO A LARGE LOT OF BURNETT'S COCO A IN E and Elorimet just received and for sale at ' 1 " SCHLAEr KK S urug store. i TV V TltT.'K L AND S VEGETABLE TURIFT- 17 INO Auti-Billioas Pills. . Just receive and ING far sale at qfvT Till j, 8CLAEPFER S Drug Store. STRICKLAND'8 MELLIFLI'OCS Balaara, one of tlie best Cough reme-. For saw at SCHLAEPFER'S D'Ug Store. DOCTOR CougH : ies in net). A LARGE STOCK OF LAIRD'S BLOOM OF Youth.. Just received and for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store. ANOTHER LARGE STOCK OF Nail, Tooth and Clothes Brnslies. HAIR. Just re- ceived and for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store ANOTHER BDPPLT OF FINE SHOl'LTER Bracesjust received at SCHLAEPFER'S Drug Store. rpOLU AND THE PUREST OF PARAFIXE 1 1, -wm.' Gam, enough for every one. Just received aud for sale at SCHLAEPFER'S Drua Store. GROCERIES. rrO! FOR BICKWHEAT CAKES 1,000 lbs 1 1 fresh Buckwheat just received at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. C0, OKV MEAL Too cusneis ot Tresn ust received at ELLIOTT S FAMILY GROCERY APPLES -"00 bbls of Win tor Apples for sale cheap to clow consignment, at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROOKRV. )OTTOES 1 4,i in ' nshcis white Neshanu l.idObbU do dt V TotatDes ; d I. T.i close consignment, at : 11 : Ti i tu r-r-a r ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. FLOUR 500 bags of Lot XX Family Flour, all warranted, at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERT YJVXTRA FAMILY Hi Family ramily F FLOUR- .200 bbls of extra Flour at S ELLIOTTS Family OroDery. C CITRON CURRANTS, Ac J rm lbs fresh (Mrrou ; 1 '00 lbs ' Currants ; 6i bxs M. R. Raj ins. For sals at , ' ' I l. tLI6Tl Fahilyr.csy. SHoL'IiDERS AND HAMS 15 000 lbs plain City Cured Haras; S.OSjO lbs Cincinnati sugar cur d Bams ; lo.ouo lbs Shoulders; 2',UoO lbs clear Baron. Forea'cat ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. PICKLES 5 dozen plain 1 gallon Pickles; hi l do do ; m gal Ian plain dauj . da mixed do; " -"- Chow Chew. For sale at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. OHOE BRUSHES 100 dozen assorted kind-i of Skoe Brushes at KLLIQTT'S Family flTocerv. CKAN'BEKBI ES . bbls Cultivated Crallber. res Just received by Express at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. f APLE SUGAR o00 lbs Maple Sugar at 1X ELLIOTT'S Famil- Grocery. E. K, DI RKEE'S PCRF. GROUND SPICES 50 dozen ' f lb pkgs Ground Popper; 011 ao ao Alsptce; 50 do do Cinnamon ; Ml do do GJngor; Ml Jo do Gloves. F6r sale ttt KLLT0TT3 Tamlly Grocery. CIDER VINEGAR Pure Cider Vinegar can only be found at ELLIOTT'8 Family Grocery. TEA8I TEAS ! TEAS! 5 chests Yonng Hyson Tea ; 4 do Imperial: do; 4 do Gunpowder do: 3 do' Japan do; 5)OD 'J do extra Oolong do ; o do Black do. i BLLIOTT'8 Family Grocery. TT'EATHFR Dl'STERS 18 dozen assorted sizes a iu roceirett at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. T3AKING POWDERS, Sale rat us and Soda can XJ 1 be f-auel at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery . FBJWH BCTTBB, Euus, urimbd ens, Turkeys and Geese can be had at HICK- NO. 2 MAIN STREET. 'PHU SECRET OF A CLEAN HOUSE CLEAN can be hi 18 A JL good Broom. Thev ran he had at dec n ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. CORPORATION' NOTICE. order roa a flank side wapk. Nov. 21. 1863. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the common council of the city oriCv anHiiille that the owners of all lots or parts of lota fronting on or adjoininc -the north-east slow of Front street, from Sixth Avenue to Pearl street, in "aid city, cause the side walks thereou to be brought to tbe proper grade, anrf that thev cause a side walk of Class No. 2, to be laid down tbenvn ' with in thirty days from tho publication of this order A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Offloe, Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ' ORDER FOR A PLANK SIDE WALK. Nov ov. 21, 1SI13. And dow It is herebv ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City Aif EvausvUle that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, frontin on os adjoining south-west side of Fourth street between Vine and Division streets, so far as it ia sitvate in front of lets WO, IT! and 172, Donation Enlargement In said jit v. cause tin. side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they canse a sidewalk of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER FOR A PLANK SIDR" WALK. taOV. 21. A rwl ir.m- i- 1- V..V.. and directed by the Common CouneJ! of the City wi ciauBMuc, iuu ids owners ot ail lots or parts of lots, fronting on or aljoining the south side Sixth street, from Fifth to Sixth Avenue, in said City, canse the said side walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a eid walk of Class No. 2, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from the publication of this rder. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER FOR A PL AM UI WALK. Kov 11, 1803. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of Evansville, that the owners of all lots or parts of lots, fronting' on or adjoining the south side of 8ixth street, from Fulton Avenue to Fifth Avenne, in said City, cause the aide-waeks thereon to be broaght to the proper grade, and that thev canse as hie walk of Class No. 2, to be laid down thereon within thirty davs from the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 26, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER. FOR' A PLATTE SIDE WALK. Not. 21, 1863. And now It is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of A,vausviue, mat tne owners or all lots or parts of lots, fronting on or adjoining the northwest side of Chesnut street, from Canal to Church street, in said City, cause the sido walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a a aide walk of Class No. 2, with wooden curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days ttom the publication of this order. A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 28, 1863. CORPORATION NOTICE. ORDER FOR A PLANK SIDE WALK. Nov. 21, I8G3. And now it is hereby ordered and directed by the Common Council of the City of mainiuK wai meovnerj ol all lots or parts of 1oi' f.rontlug n or adjoining tne south-east sido of Chesnat street, from Charch street, msaid City, cause the side-walks thereon to be brought to the proper grade, and that they cause a ! wlk r Class No. 2, with woodsn curb, to be laid down thereon within thirty days from tlie i publication of this order. ' A. PFAFFLIN, Clerk. Clerk's Office, Nov. 26, 1803. AMUSEMENT. MASONIC HALL, EVAHSVILLE. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! Saturday, December 12th, 1863. MADAME ANNA RI8H0P, The world -renowtSed contatri-e, has the honor io announce one 3rzc&xxX Oonoert, As above, assisted by her younger daughter. Miss LOUUA blSHOP, Vocalist ana Pianist, reoe'ntT, from Paris and Londo.i, and Mr. A SEDGWICK the popular Buffo Singer and Ooaeertiaist. ' ADMISSION OWE DOLLAR. Reserved Scat Wit horn extra Charge AW-The sale of reserved seaU will commence Friday morning, at 9 a. to.; at tho Music Store of Warren k Conyngton, whore a diagram ot tho hall may be seen. w Doom open at half past asveu. Concert com mence at eight. E. C. T0WNSEND, dec8,t Business Agent a do ml 10 do Iff do S I do UKAIHIl'AliTa-lt PitO" t, A KSllA L, 1 First Di'Trict, KvaaswiII. f . November 27, 13&J. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY CIVEN THAT AN l person enrolled in thJlrst jett to draft, m.y appr before the iollment at EraMrtUj M J ' his name stricken off the list, if he can show to the aatMketlon Of th? Board that he U not. and ','rltabl. to mlllury duty at thjr tin-od- for the draft, on account of, 1st, Allenagt , Non-residewcar-'. Unsuitableoeas ol Age, 4th, Majiifest permanou; Uisauuiiy. The Board will 1 ar cases as abo ve speci nea lila, j mi itaairrrr - wlTl be heard. - t , . t- .t. By order of the Prsvost Marshal General. BLYTHE HYSKS, Provost Marshal nov2S-td e-ad Pr-sident of BJird. MILITARY. Attention ! ORDERLY SFTttTEANT JOHN T. TRIE, CO. t, fourth Indiana Cavalry, has bern author ized te iFCsrrf rreruits for his Compaary and Regl meat. His headquarters tre at tft? plow factory of James Urie, on Eighth street. He pays th full bounty of SJU2 for veteraa volnutrers. and fSW for new recruiu. The Fourth Cavalry has always been regarded as a crack regiment, and has Jay excellent service. New recruits will not find sore pleasant com; anion ia buy regiment than in tbe Fourth Cavalry; theeefare, let them avail them -scHis of the opportunity, and give their names to JOHN T. ERIE, . BarniittBg OBIeer, Fourth Cavalry, dec3-!lw Seventy Seveath Indiana Vols. .I. VOLUNTEERING $302 BOUNTY For New Recruits! $402 BOUITY For Veteran Volunteers ! I TifEN OF THE FIRST DISTRICT OF IHD1 t iVX ANA, tbe Governor has called for seven or more Oompanres-OT Infantry and Ave uom- Col J i'.rirt iub this District ShaR be aye tbem ? I call upon yon e give tbe answer. My answer is, " HE SH ALL " Will yon endorse it? I think you v '11. Year country needs your services in the arm; , and oners you inducements which will enable yon to leave your families amply provided for. Any one wishing to recruit for tbe Reglmem by raising Cempauiea, or parts of Companies, will reo-ivo commissions lor that purpose by appkyrug to me In writing, accompanied hy proper reconi -mendattont,, directed to Vinrennea. Indiana, unt the organization c: the encampment. UKU. W. UOstMAS, Commandant 1st District. Other papers in the District please copy. oct2tf MANTUA MAKING. HEADQUARTERS FOB CLOAK, MANTILLA AND MRS. ELIZA SPEIGLEBERG, IN THE OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING, ON J-'irat Street, hasjust received trash supplies from' the East, of the richest fabrics, and Is now prepared to make up to order on the most reason able terms. Cloaks, Mantlas, Circles, and Becqnes of tbe best material and or the most beautiful styles. Her stock ts so complete, that with the assist ance of tha most competent Dress and Cloak makers in the country, she ts able to defy all com petitors in both stye and prices. Mrs. SpieKslborg also has bought a large as sortment of Silks, Head Dreasses, Bair BnJds and Curls, L illys' Pocket Handkerchiefs of evbry style and a great many other 'art iclas. for the conve n i.-ncj ol tho Ladles of Evani-ille ai.d ricini ty too numerous to mention. The best Sewing Machines of Grover 4 Baker manumctory for famriy use, for sale by Mrs. ELIZA SPIKGELBERG, . No. IS First Street bet Maia aad Second. sepS2 INSURANCE AGENCY. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hew York. Office 112 and 114 Broadway With a Cash Capital all paid in of ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ASSETS JULY 1st, 18t ..11,500,000 The Home Insurance Company Insures against I Loss or Carnage by Fire on Dsrelliugs and their euineuvs, an huuiui irum i w o jaus va iu. most favorable terms. Stores, Warehouses, Stocks of Merchandise, Produce, Manufactories, Machine n 1 a'l insurable properly, at fair aad eqalctMa rates, and on INLAND NAVIGATION And Transportation, Shipments upon the Elvers, Luke-.. Canals and Bailroads. as low as the nature of tbe risks will beat, with fairness to tbe assured and theOevapany. Adjusting all losses fairly, and pr Aptly paying them. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Pres't, A. F. WILMARTH, Vice Pres't. J. MiLToa Smitu, Secretarv. JoaHUcCm, Aas't 8ec'y. Applications made to and policies issued by A. C. HALLECK A SON, Ag'ts, rirst street, near Post Insurance Agency. ALLEN cTHALLECK, UNDERWRITER, AMD GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, ADJUSTER OK AVERAGES AMD CTART Finite He continues to issue Policies from several First Class and tnost reliable INSURANCE COMPANIES In the Coaatry, on iaiasWI and Fir Bitkt. He will also receive applications tor LIFE INSURANCE. He will attend to tbe Adjustment of Losses ot every description under policies from other agen cies, and attend to the settlement of all metiers .innecte i with TNSWAWCit, for parties interest ed. Uis long experience as an Lvsirajice Aoorr, has made him familiar with all subjects connected with Insurance. " l'Wv on First 8treet, near the Post INCORPORATED 1847. Fire Insurance Company, A-OF - -"N HARTFORD, CONN. Capita, 350,000 B. O. WATTE, Sec'y. cT B. BOWERS, Pres't. S. A. PRICE, General Agent, Residing at Chicago, Ills. CA8H CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,640. This Companv injures aninst loss and datna.-s by fire on Dwellings and. their Contents, Stares, Warehouses, Stocks of Merchandize, and all insur able property at as reasonable rates of premium as any other solvent and reliable Cotnpeay, 44anv Loam fa win and paving tasmyaieusay. Applications made to and Policies issued by A. C. HALLECK k SON., First Street, near Post Office, angzl-lyd Evansvilli, Ian. HARTFORD ' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut IWC0BP0 BATED 181 CHARTER PERPETUAL With a Successful Business Experience o FIFTY YEARS. CASH CAPITAL, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $500,900.(0 - 4890,9861 Insurance against J.oss or Damage by lire on Dwellings, Furniture, Stores, Warehouses Mer chandize, Mills, Manufactories, aad other kinds ot property, can be effected in this Companv unon as favorable terms as the nature of the riaJu mnmZ-TT rity to Policy will admit. PARTICL'LAll ATTENTION give to iiUBritgr Farm property. Consisting of n.. n and outbuildings connected, and Furnitare LKm stock, Bay, ersan, Fanning Utensflj 7' Ac contained therein, for a term of rears at TSrnrJLw. , ot premium. -- OFFICERS: T. C Allyn, See'y. JB- Huntington, Pres't. C C. Lyman . Asat SeCy. W. N. 1 cr.;iTtuary D. Alexander, Qeueral A rent far TT 7 and South Western BtSea, SoTumbus, ,cSS''" tGneral Agent for the Western and South V e'torm States, CoiLabus. OhtcT Applicatioos for Insurance but t. made in tb. undersigned, tho duly authorised Lw l! COMPr- ' A C HALLECKA K A , tOfflce on First ,tMar VLlm2. COMMISSION HOUSE. 'BWBOrSE TS JTKW ORLEANS P. G. O'BILEY, (Formerly of Evansville. Ind .a , , General Conuaission AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Wettern CenaigumesAt. Solicited. ; KO. 'OTDRASTCOHKWH 0, K,w HEW ORLKAWrla. Reference Tho Great West.