Newspaper Page Text
FBID AT. .1.'. ". -J?ECEMWt JOURNAL BUILDINGST LOCUST STREET, BETWEEN FIBST AND WATER, a 1 COMME O IL L.. J HARDWARE. LINIMENT. Council Proceedings. Satckdat Evening, Dec. 5, 1863. The Council met Present, Ills Houor ; the Mavor, and Couacilmeti Dean, Kilt-i ott, Newman, Schmutte, Overell, Hoel- s scher, Cook and Mills. The Minutes of the last meeting were j read and approved. On motion, bills as follows were al lowed, viz.: .' The Street Commissioner's two weekly bills for work done on street. 1101.25; Chester 0. Davis, three weeks' salary as Wharfmaster ancL Policeman, $31.50; Anthony TeaToorde, salary as Tblice man, $42; Wb. Baker, monthly salary as Mayor. 12d; a. rtattltn, monthly salary as Clerk, $70.83; H. Nelsoi, monthly salary as Marshal, $45.83; J. Vogel, monthly salary as Street Commis sioner, $'y.58 ; C. Newman, monthly salary as Lamplighter, $22.25: William Johnson, hauling dead animals out of corporation, $9; Henry Noble, taxes re funded, $5.40 ; Thomas Bullen, hauling rocks, $5; do., carting dirt off of Main street, $5; M. Steinraetz, carrying coal to office, to cts. ; W. M. Aikman, for 300 feet of gunnels, $12; F. S. Znm stein, for painting nnd lettering lower scales, $3; John Mclnerney ftSr repairs on Main street bridge, $1.56: do., for making box under sidewalk on First street, above Gum, $1.50; a bill for cart ing and labor on Main street, $28.25; A. T. Whittlesey, salary for nine days' services, $45; Matthew Dalzell, bill for nails and spikes for use of streets, $35. 96; Sheriff Wolfiin, three ninths' bill for feeding city prisfljters, $4p90. Ordered, that a cash order for $1,300 be allowed to the Evansville Branch Bank-, in pjiymDnt l lo-irci school house notes, due December 1, 1863. Ordered, that $200 be allowed to John Dannettell, for constructing bridges over the canal at Walnut street and Second avenue, and it was further ordered that Councilmen Dean and Newman be ap pointed a committee to examine said bridges, to determine if they were built according to contract, and report by Sat urday next Ordered, That Terry W. Witt be re funded $15.00, the tares on $2,000.00 personal property, being over-asssessed with that amount. John Rice was allowed, for 2 days' carting on the wharf, $5 00. On motion; the following appropria tions were then made, viz. : $5 00 to Mrs. Sanders and two chil dren; $5 00 to W. Hi Gay; $5 00 to a woman, name unknown; $5 00 to Mrs. Springfield, all of whom were left at this port destitute of- any means, and the above appropriations were made to en able them to proceed on their journey Appropriations as follows were then made to some of the poor of this city viz.: $3 00 worth of wood, to Mary Simpson; $3 00 worth of wood to Susan Mall; $5 00 to Mrs. Roberson. An application for relief for Mrs, Vickery was referred to Councilmen Dean and Overell for investigation. , The sexton of Oak Hill Cemetery re ports 24 interments in the month of No vember. Revenue received from Upper Market ior o weeus enaing uecemoer oth, 1S63, u OU. ' - "To T- ar r - i Revenue received from Central Mar ket, as above, $3 15. Revenue received from City Wharf, irom midnignt, Aov. lytn to midnight, govern oer u. trb. Revenue received from City Wharf in the month of November, 1863, $330 16. The Street Commissioner reports the public cisterns in good condition. The Marshal was instructed to have the obstructions on Ann street, in front of Brinsineyer's premises, removed. Councilmen De;m and Elliott were ap pointed a committee to examine the pub lic cisterns lately constructed by J. Stocks, and report Bedford and Allen, contractors for the construction of Locust street sewer, were granted an extension of time on their contract The Committee on Ordinances was allowed another week's time to draft an ordinance relative to the measure of wood and weighing of coal. Councilman Overell moved that the " ordinance preventing hogs from running at large be laid on the table. The ayes and noes being called for on the motion, were as follows, viz : Ayes Newman, Overell, Hoelscher, Cook and Mills. Noes Dean, Elliott, and Schmntte, So the motion was agreed to. On motion of Councilman Mills, the Street Commissioner was instructed to take down the structure over the well on the corner of Cherry and Ninth streets and cover it with two inch planks. On motion of Councilman Schmutte, a crossing was ordered to be laid down on the south corner of Fulton Avenue and Third Street John Mdneraey was allowed for lay ing plankwalka as follows: viz: for a plankwalk on the North side of Hamil ton street, between Washington street and Corporation line, $27.75. Do. On the Southeast side of Mulberry between 2d and 3d streets $23.22. Do. On the West side of Goodsell street between 2d and 3d streets $20.00. Do. On the East side of Fourth Avenue between 7th and 8th streets $33.50. Do. On the East side of Goodsell street between 2d and 3d streets $22.24. On motion of Councilman Newman, seconded by Councilman Elliott, it was ordered that a bounty of one hundred dollars be paid to every volunteer who may enlist from Pigeon Township from and after this date. Councilman Overell moved to lay said motion on the table. The Ayes and Noes being called for on-Councilman Overell' s motion, were as follows, viz: Ayes: Councilman Schmutte, OverelL Noes: Councilman Dean, Elliott, New men, Hoelscher, Cook and Mills. Whereupon Councilman Newman's motion was agreed to, and the Mayor and Councilman Dean were authorized to pay said bounty. Adjourned. Cincinnati Markets. CiscixxATt, Dec. 10 r FLOVR dull aud nominally ucchaug-d. WHEAT qulatand not much.doue, at 95c fori new. . mm. BARLEY fira, at SI 5-Vlt 55 for Spring, and-i 51 U ' :; 1 r Fall ; but eparinglyat these rat.- j f OATS held afSTk-, buyers at 78e. WHISKY declin. d 5c and closed dnll at SOc. H' His firm at 87 25 far COO Iba average, and $T 3C7 SOf r heavier average. Receipt 8.0DS. PROVISIONS unchanged: 1200 bblt hew city Keu Pork sold at Sit, 50 700 oh Ifie spot and 500,1 for too nrst of Januarv elivry. LARD 600 tierce brought 12c ; 100 cleaj short mid.ll. brought GRKEN HAMS sold at 7c, and old bacon shoul ders U. GROCERIES unchanged and dull. . GOLIMsc. Silver 4 EXCHANGE steady. HARDWARE AT LOW PEICES. M-t Cutters and Sausage 9tuf- fcrs ; Patent Meat Cuttars and Staf fers, (combined) ; N'CW Tork Market. Nsw Yoaa, December 10. COTTON unchanged at FLOL'R : etttr. at ?7 3.'...: 45 for extra R. H O., and 87 50(9 SO for trade brands, closing very firm. WULSKY a slia l" firmer and in lair demand at J 8Ta90c, win demand at SI 4! BAULKY EAT l2a higher and iu bettor I Co for winter rati Western. a shade firmer, at f 1 oogt So lor Western. CORK firm, r and in fail demand at SI :21&1 25. OATS lc better, at 96c MONEY at 6Vs:a7c. STEALING decidedly liraser. at 64aC5c for first clam bills. - GOLD irrrgutar, unsettled and firm, opening at 4S-:. declinin,' to 4a' ... and closing firm at 50 Slc. uoviKMitM sun-is nrm. Axe. llppfticivtt's, and T.meyck s ; , White's Axe Handles and Wedges; Wood, Hand and Ripping Saw of Spear and Jackson, viss ton'fl and other; Cross Cut Saws, patent; ,;Jj i common and Mill Saws, Rowland's, tc. Butcher's Razors : Files, Chisels and Table and Pocket Cutlery ; Shears and Scissors ; Tea and Table Spoens ; DRUGGISTS. BR0UGHT0N & "WOODS. CRESCENT CITY DRUG STORE. Tea and Counter Scales; Scale Beams; Butcher Knires and Saws ; Wilson's Steels; Cleavers and Choppers ; Molasses Gates and Cedar k- oats; -.r,;)l:i .uwBsS julay aad Strnw Knirar; L Grain and Coal Shorel ; I Shorels and Apadat ; Chains Log, Trace and Halter ; Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnish, I geiros and Bat Traps ; Brashes and Carry Corns ; !.? Ijoeks, Hinges and Screws Window Glass, Sand Paper, Perfumery, Soaps, Coal Oil, Lamps, Jt lr-4 Seali 1 Fruit Jars, ng W Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs. 0 t'lutr 2 Chain Pumps ; i Ohio Tool Co. Truss Hoops ; Planus and Barton's Cooper TjoIs ; Cabinet Hardware ; ( -Shovo!, Tongs and Stands ; Steel Fir Setts. For sale by i JACOB 8TRACB & SOU. o o -t ar r o 4 n a DB. J. WOODRUFF'S ENGLISH HORSE LINIMENT, Manufactured by LEICK & CARLSTEBT, Wholesale Druggists, evanIbville, ind. THIS LIN1MKST HAS BEES PRESCRIBED by DR. JOSEPH WOODRUFF ia a practice of some twenty years for Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprans, Ulcerous Sores, Scratches, Wounds, Cracked Heels, Founders, &c, With the most unparalleled success, effecting cures in a number of cases where other remedies utterly failed. It it also the best Liniment for the human body erer discoved, having cured per sons who have been coBfinod to their beds by the most agonizing pains of Rheumatism, Ac, in some casts as long as three year. Wo do not propose, like so many proprietors of Patent Medicine to giin the favor of the public by publishing the certiiicites of persons who perhaps never have .existed or whose resi dences are thousands ofc miles distant from the manufacturer, but fuel confident tlx Liniment will speak for itself. We would refer to the fol lowing well known citizens and others, who havo used the Liniment and are acquainted with its virtif-s : Setehell Bowles, Ed. Degsrmo, Mrs. Degarmo, Solomon Kah, Henry Dodenhoff, Ronald Fiher, Joseph Kahn, Capt. Robinson, Mrs. Ed. Bowles, Col. Bheinlander. John Hewson, We could add hundred of others, but believe the above io be sufficient. The money will bo refunded in all eases where the Liniment does not give satismTtion. Price 25 cents per bottle. For sale by LE1CH i. CAULSTEDT, novl9 :im 34 Main Street R 1 1 LB 0 .11) RECIb K. &, C. K. R. 9:5 x. M. .1 'X ( ....5:24 r. Tit. ....0:40 r. ic. ) imrnra D E,P ARTS: Way, Freight and AcTommodatton Mail ARRIVES: Accommodation Mail m .r.alt.'i. T. H. &. R. R. R. DEPARTS FROM T. H. Day Cxprea. Snsfc fc. Accommodation teflfcat m. Night Express 12:50 v ARRIVE AT T. H. Day Express .'. 12:25 r. m"J sccommwMnoD o. i" a. .n. Night Express i-VA.-B- These two roads make food connections at Terrs Haute. U REGULAR PACESTS. I A " I I T" . X , "' Cinciutati and Hemphis PACKET COMPANY. BOOTS AND SHOES. COLLECTOR'S SALE. For JIvansville, Henderson, Mount Vtrrion,' Phawneetown, Smitliland, Paductih, Cairo. Columbus, Hickman and Menibnia. and all wav-points on the Ohio f and Mississippi Mirers, compri'inK the followiug pe,w light-draught passenger packets : o 2 GROCERIES. River News. NOSMAV, ' Capt. Batchelor. PRINCESS. ; Cnptan Maxiitta. JEWESS, i aj.fain Frarier. W..C. MA'NN, Captain Shunk. rient, St. Louis. Rob Roy, Cincinnati. City Belle, Cairo. Idahoa, Nashville. ARRIVALS. EllaFaber, Loui.v. Larinia Loflan. Lou. Liberty No. 2, Lou. Tarascon, Lou. u. s DEPARTURES. Pitisburg EllaFaber, Nash Orient D. B. Campbell, G Rir Kob Koy, LOU13V City Belle. Louisv Idahoe. Cin'ti Armada, Cairo . Lavitiia Logan, Nash Liberty No. 2, Pud James dray, Noah Tarascon, Lou The Evnnsville ic Louisville ASK r LIncCo's. Splendid fd-JllL, Passenger 3 "3? IE1 JtL. TMC IE. SI " BIG " GREY EAGLE, Capt. BUNCE... I. A. LUSK, Clerk. "STAR" GREY EAGLE, Oapt. A. Bali.a, i- - F. Basksmith, Clerk, here, with fair pros- TEW HAMS 2,000 lb sugar -cured Hsms just ll received at WM. CALDWELL'S, nov25 No. 9 First street. FRUITS 20 bx Lager Rasins, new crop ; 15;bx" " -25 bxs " H 6 cases Leghorn Citron ; 2 canks Zaote Currants ; , 10 drums Sultana Hasina. For sale at No. 9 FIRST STREET. HARDWARE. Sole Agents for Whit field's Pile Cure. family n im WM. E. HALLOCK, Druggist and Apothecary, NO. 10, FIRST STREET, NEAR POST OFFICE, Has just received another large and splendid as sortment of ' , Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Brashes, Medicines, Pancy Articles, Pomades, Combs. Toilet Articles, ''"aps, Flavoring Ex trusts, &c, &c Brandies, and Wines, lor Medical Purposes. All the Approved Patent Medicines kept con tautly on band and for sale at Murth American sricos, tSParticularattention paid to the compounding I prescriptions at ail nonrs. WM. E. HALLOCh., No. lo South First Street, near Post OMce, nov27 CvansvHssvIndc CLOTHING. UNITlED states Wholesale Clothing AND FURNISHING HOUSE. Clothing for the Million! L. LOEWENTHAL & CO., gain in the market, at stand the old wall known Cor. Main and First Sts., (Which has keen rebuilt and enlarged,) with the largest ana best solecteil stock of FALL AND WIN GEO. S. WIG & CO., Jobbers and Importers. Hardware and Cutlery T" A.XPELTON COFFEE XJ 4 cases Daadelion Coffee ; .'1 2V B cans Ground Rio Coffee. Jnst rvcei.ed at No. 9 FIRST STREET. F SAVORING EXTRACTS 10 do Extract Lemon ; lOdos do VanilU; 10 doz do 10 doz do ' 10 doa do 10 doz do 10 doz do 8 doz do 5 doz do Just received at Cochineal ; lose; Almond; Cellerjr ; Peach; , Strawberry ; Raspberry. No. u FIRST STREET, One oi the above" Boats will pass Evansville Weekly for Cairo. ColrwiboB, Hickman, and Mem phis. AlRo, weekly for Cincinnati. For freight or passage enquire of COX HUMFHRfiy, sep9dtf Xgnts. L0TITSVILLE AND HENDERSON D ULY LINE, (SUNDAY'S EXCEPTED. The river is falling slowly cloudy, damp weather, with ( pect of rain. Latest reports from Louisville repre sent the river at a stand atlcthat point, with 4 feet in the canal. Most of the boats now arriving arc in the Government service, and the pack ets, in consequence of the restrictions on trade, are not doing a heavy business. The Armada came in yesterday morn ing with a light freight list, bat a goodly number of passaengers. 8he returned to Cairo last evening with a fair trip. The be&nttful Tarascon arrived at 4i o'clock last evening full of people, but with little freight She . sits most firace- fully on the water, and is destined to become extremely popular. With such accomplished officers, she could not be otherwise. She returned to Louisville early last night The awift Liberty Xa 2 passed down yesterday for Padueah, to go on the ways. She made a quick trip to LouW ville and back, having left here on Tues day at noon, and. discharged a large amount of freight The D. B. Campbell got off yesterday morning with a magnificent trip for Qreen River. TARASCON, Chpt. J. Br.NCE Geo. S. Williams, Clerk, Compose the Line, and will leavu Evansville for Louisville as follows : Mpaday's, STAR GREY EAGLE, at 12 o'clock tfaeedav'a, TARASCON, at 5 o'clock r. If. Wedmaday's, " BIG " 6REY EAGLE, at 6 o'clock Thursday's, ' STAR'' GREY EAGLE, at S o'clock r. m. .' ' Friday's, TARASCON, at 5 o'clock r. n. 31 ar.uij's, "BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock RETURNING: IAUAS' ijK, .U-ityes Lunisvilie Monday's and Fhncadsi.a. UIO" flREY EAOLE'leavea Louisville Tues day's and Friday's, TAR" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Wed jieeday' aiid; fiatarday's. Pnnctually at f. o'clock P, si. For" comfort andspood the above ateamera an trhsurpassed. COX A HUMPHREY. decia MACHINISTS. 0 U 0 H i' 0 U 0 d 0 A S m o w H O H w A S3 tri O O n W PS o u o o m o m H O A P o - 4 w W EH a 15 M M o o rH GO H OD W PQ 0 g o d o c s 0 0 o 2 o V w o QQ M o o NOTICE IS IIE1SK y Gl Vt THAT I, WIL LIAM G. BiEPPLE, Collector of the City f Evansville, betweda Ihe hours of 9 and 18 o'clock A. M and Sand 5 o'clock P. M., on MONDAY. THE Sth OF DECEMBER, A. D. 1863, wfll sell al Public Autlion, at the doer of the Court Hobs in the City ot Evansville, Indiana, the following Lots, parts ot Lots and parcels of Real Estate, aid I mpTOvements f &satwsed 4i,r tb payasewt of City Taxes for the year 1863. and delinquent taxes due' upon, said lots for the yean lSdit, I860, lstll, and 1862, due from the owners thereof to the City of Evansville said Taxes being now due and nrfpaid and fast the costs of said sale ; nnd that said sale will be qpntinued on the next day thereafter, tiz : on Tueedav, tbe 23th day of IX-couiber, hiSti, at St'o'cldck P. M., ht the door of the Conrt House ia Evansville, for the purpose of M-tiinj; soeh property '.as mar bare 3 en sold on the day first above mentioned and no. j aid for : - GREEK'S 'EKLABGEMEKT. Allls, Benry D lot ko. 1. Work Ko. 1 .M... do ...-do-. ...Jo 3 do do .do 4..... .do.... do . ..rdc, 5 do do do 6 do..., do .ile 7 do 8 do.... -.-do .d 9 do.... do do 10 io.. -do ...11 jto.. do do 1 ... 1 . ... 9 S42 ..125 72 ... 9 K S .4 "OOT NEW SHOE STORE. & .1 ..15 W .i.L ,.. 7 87 ....1 7 Si .t T 1 7 88 I . 7 87 an !w Evansville Union Furniture Co , let 1 blk 5. 8 68 do: do .lot 2 blk 5 3 8 do do......Jot t 'k S..25 81 do do ...lot t hlk 5 3 86 do do. lot t Hlk 5 3 87 dp do lot 6 but 5 18 69 do de lot 7 blk 5 3 14 do do lot 8 blk 5 8 U do do .lot 9 blk 5 3 IS -do, do lot 1 blk 8 1 10 1 do do lot8 blk 6 2 10 do;. i da lot 9 blk 6 t8 Greek, John, lot No. 13, block No. 1 78 do; do....:.14...; I 5 82 .16.. do do 16... do do 17. do do 18... do do.... 1LS An, 2 do. .Mac Jo, do... , sM mj do do ... do do -do. do do 1 . ..jttouat , do 1 . ......d.v.9. 2 . do 3 .do..-..'' de...... .: do .2 do..... 5., Jl. 2 .do.. 8... 2 do,.,,2 8 Jo... TINWARE. J . B . MESKER, . i5mU.2vI 9fiirtt;0T0''is yd sn Onr Fall Stock being very large and complete, we can offer to our Customers and the Trade, Goods that can not fail to please in Style, Quality and Price. Our Stock is now bought for Cash, and prices reduced. We offer the following in large quant ites: 4 -ilT iJltij nMl "il tnotfi. ALMONDS AND FILBERTS -4 bbU soft shell Almonds ; 2 bbls Filberts. For sale cheap at No. 9 FIBST STKKET. STER1NE LARD 4 boxes for sale at WM. CALDWELL'S, nov25 . So. 9 First street. SADDLERY. TABLE CUTLERY, English. TABLE CVTLEBT, American. TABLE CVTLEBT, English. TABLE CVTLEHT, American. H XX POCKET CVTLEBT POCKET CVTLEBT POCKET CUTLERY. POCKET CVTLEBY. CBOPPjm AXES. CROPPING AXES. CHOPPING AXES. CBOPPINO AXES. SHEARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS ANB 8CISS0BS TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TEE CLOTHING AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Good Ever Opened in this Market. rTTR OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE TRADE V generally are respectfully Invited to call and 4 examine our Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel assured we can offer superior inducements to CAAH tuyers. One "f our Ann resides In Now York, and has had many years experience in buying and manu facturing, and devotes bis whole time to Purchasing and Superintending the Manufacturing Department, And as we buy exclusively for CASH, we can and will sell as low to the trade as any House East or West. sepll HILL AND CUT SAWS MILL AND X CUT SAWS WOOD AND HAND SAWS. WOOD AND HAND SAWS Cliaxles Babcock, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Coach and Saddlery Hardware, m MAIN STREET, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. HA VINO COM rLETBD MY AURA MGR. ments with European and American manu facturers for a direct supply of all goods in my line I am enabled to offer inducements that can not tail to be to the interest of all engaged in the business to (ire me a trial. I nan ia part : Axles, Springs made oft ne best Sue I ; Bands, enameled aid all kinds of Leathe. Cloths, Linings for Carriages , Varnishes, Castings of all kinds ; Saddle Trees, English Bridle Leathers ', Bits, Stirrups, Spurs, Hames, fine Silver Hames of all kinds ; Joony Liud Gig Treat ; Self-adjusting Pads ; Taylor's Patent Humes; Fly Nets ; Shoe Threads ; Horse Blankets ; Londou Girth Webs, American Girth and Rein Webs, both cotton and worsted ; Lon don Welt Skins, a superior article ; Ivory ; Gutta Percha and Braes lined Martengai Rings; superior Kerseys for Horse Covers , the best quality ef Carriage Bolts ; Patent Gig Trees, Ac., Ac., tc, Ac. I keep in fact everything appertaining to either branch of the business, and understanding btb tranches thoroughly, we would respectfully invite onr attention before purchasing elsewhere. I am also Agent for Ward's Patent Spring 8a e9MVw No. 72 MAIN STREET, . . M rtiV.tfc ni US c iJin'dl sit1 Would inform his numerous onsto mers and the public in general that he is going out of business on the 1st of next January. In order to do so, he intends to offer his entire Stock, consisting in part of STOVES, TINW A BE . I . .It e .-r-,r CRESCENT FQUY EVANSVILLE, IND., j ri Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS, AXD ,( u'i'j d: w. r. COEWIN. THE NEW FIRM. W1 BUILDER'S. HARDWARE. MECHANICS TOOLS. BUILDER'S HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS. GUNS AND PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS. GUNS ATD PISTOLS. CARTBIDGES AND GUN CAPS GROCERIES. "10TTON TARNS 25 BAGS Ci TAR CANDLES 100 xr22 "ilNN.VWON-iOO MATS Fun SALE LOW TO oegg . t . I"BESH FIGfr-aj just received by MAYSVTT.T.K 6J0'a.and Goo's ; for sale by - 8. E. GILBERT CO,, No. 4 Sycamoro Street. TXTKA FLOOR 10U BBLS. ON CONSIGN J J ment; for sale at . E. CTLBERT CO., e22 So. A Swftmnr,, Sfr.., BOXIK: vriR sr.v S. E. GILBERT A CO.. Eo. i Sycamore Street. - ' No. 4 Sycamore Street trams very choice quality 8. E. GILBERT A CO. 10RN BROOMS 160 dozen just received and Ull-BJCBT & CO., SALE OP CITY LOTS. FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED City L. ts and timber land : . Part or Lot Vf-, with honsa, fronting 40 feat on Third and 80 feet on Sycamore streets. This ia a choice let, one sqOaie from tbe Court House, now occupied by Joha Gi iess and Fred Wahnsied ler. Lots 5, 6,0 and 10,. in Seminary tract, the two former on Main street, opposite the Railroad De pot. the latter, two immediately back of the fur - mer, on Sycamore street. Free of city taxes. House and Lot No. IT, Block 10, Rowleyvlile, one square from the Railroad Depot. Also Lot 10 iu Rowkyvjlle. Lots 3 and 4, in Block 3, in Sullivan Enlarge ment. Two 40 acre tracts in Perry Township, good timlier land, three ami tour miles from the city. Also I'' acres in Union Township, heavy tim bered, aeveu miles from, the-city. This is all good property, and for sale on rea sonable terms, by deeo-ini CHRISTIAN DECKER. REWARD. for sale by 8. E. No. 4 Sycamore Street. STRVPS 125 whole and half barrels for sale low by S. . GILBERT A CO , No. 4 Sycamore Street. f ' OVERNM BNT NORTRERN PITCH 10 bbla J for sale by S. E. GILBERT A CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. WCLL BUCKETSoiidoseBforleby 8. E. GILBERT A CO., No. 4 Sycamore Street. COTTON BATTING 50 bales for salu low bv 8. E. GILBERT & CO., Ne. 4 Sycamoro Street. One Hundred Dollars Reward ! STOLEN PROM MY STABLE, on the night of the 2fith of November last, a DARK BAT HORSE, (almost brown), eleven years obi, about sixteen bands high ; moves a little stiff; has a short black mane and black tail ; shows signs of being a bnggy horse, and fs knowvi over in Ken. tueky by the name of "Faithful Charier " Also a DARK BROWN MARE MULE, six years old; about fifteen hands high; had been trimmed and rooclied, but had erown out son..-' what when takem. Also an old half worn flat Saddle and Bridle with country mado bit, black head stall, roughly made; rod (English tan; reins, broke and tied at the bit on one side, and also tied in the middle. I will give fhe aboe reward to nay one return ing me said Horse and Hule, or SoO for either of them, or 3i for information so that I can get tbeoi. J- 8. COLEMAN. It k a v Ik Dam, Ohio County, Ky. . duO-it TLA Tt'OBM AKi COUNTER SCALES. PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. SCALE- SEAMS AND STEELYARDS geo. si. so:vm T AO dfc CO., No. IO Main Street. NURSERIES. GEORGJE D. BOWEN HAVING rURCHASSD TBE ENTIRE tack of Nurseries of C. Baker A Co., wishes to inform the public that he has on hands a large assorted stock of Fruit- Trees, ornamental and Evergreens. Also, a good selected stock of hardy Remontant Roses, which I will sell at low prices. Also, a large assortmenf of Shade Cages for side walk planting. All Demons win!g te ha" a quick shade and not Im to plant from year to year, will do well 6Jr g&Wug good trees that have been transplanted. Catalogue seat en application, either by letter or person. GEO. D. BOWEN, Crescent City Nurseries, ec28 Evansville, Ind. THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHOLESALE manufacturers of Saddles, Bridles. Collars. Harness, Ac, desire to inform the public that we have largely increased our stock on hand, and by close application onrselves and the employment of good workman in our shops, we are able to fur nish on short notice any and all kinds and quanti ties of work to suit tho trade. Those who wiH favor us with a call, can satisfy themselves, that they can procure, at lower prices, good substan tial, fancy and durable work of us than they can anywhere else, (and far -better than the Eastern hop-work.) Tho members of the firm being practical work men themselves, attending personally to ali orders with promptness, care and dispatch, deter mined that none shall excel in style of finish or quality of work, give better satisfaction to those patronizing us ; feel confident it will be to the interest of all to come and see for themselves be fore purchasing elsewhere. Stere on Locust Btreet, above the Sherwood House, between First and Second Streets, No. 25. N. B. Guarantee all we sell. aep2 W. F. COBWIN A CO. REMOVAL. Brittana - "W axo CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Of the most Approved Pattern. ALSO f tela?:' mi - t- AU kinds of Machinery appertain ing to Railroads, Steamboats, rijf I "at f -' fc Vn. i Distilleries, flouring Hills. SUGAR MILLS, of all sixes with the latest Improve ments attached ; Tobacco Screws, Portable Engines, a n n OtC. CCC czc. lit -aa Ud Stl'n l.Vif m1ruV .4W1 House Fronts, Grates, Rail ing, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. F. M. SELLMAjN Has just received, at No. 35 MAIN STREET A large and cftrefally select ttock of - BOOTS, SHOES, OUTERS, SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S WEAR, OF THE.LATKST STYLES, WHICH HB IS selling as low as any house in the city. The public are invited to call nnd examine Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. He warrants his goods to give satisfaction. No trouble to show geods. Mending done FRKU 0 CHARGE, should they prematurely give way. V. M. BELLMAN, Evansville, Sept. 15, Im-s. :t Main Street. No. 15 MAIN STREET. oris 'In AND JAPANNED-WARE, &c., At 0ot for Gash Only, Without any Respect of Persons Whatever, NOW IS THE TIMS TO PROCURE BAR GAINS in my line of,, business. Those who call first wffl harve Hie best sfock to selc-1 from. J. B. MKSKXR. N. B Ali those owing me aro respectfully In vited to call. and settle their bills at once without delay. iV" ' oct21-2m ".'1 fori ,Hn DEALERS IN Steam Gauges, Gum Belting, Fire Brick. Wrought Iron Pipe, Bolting iif Cloth, &c., at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. 9 .do....9 do .10 jdo 2 .'. do 4 do 3 d jdo...3 .. .. de 6 .da.....J , do -8 do 12 do 3 de 13 do 3 do 3 do do .15 do Jt do hr. 1C. o... 3 j. do do 17 do S .....:do .do do 3 ,io.i do ii. 6 do .do .jlo I....w-jiO 4 . , do:... . . do. A 9... .do 4 do.. do 10 do 4 .:.du .do...... do ..11.. ..4 . . .,,do...,s d.,....4 . do 4 do 4 do......4 .Jo..-4 .4 SS 5 81 . 6 81 . 5 81 . i 48 . S f .. 6 4S . 5 47 . 6 48 .. B 17 .6 3? .. 4 1 .. 4 61 . l .. 8 40 ..13 20 .. 9 00 ..10 90 .. 4 80 .. 4 80 .. 4 80 .. 4 80 .. 4 80 . . 4 .. 4 SO .. 4 80 ..17 99 ... 9 90 .21 89 ...15 51 -...14 48 ...10 95 9 80 8 M 8 10 8 18 15 45 t I'' . 6 19 do n... .jdo......loi 14, jlo St 1ft .do. do.. ..16... Jo do 17... do .18 do. do 1SU. Jo. 4 6 U9 do do SO... do 4 5 99 -do do 21 do 4 6 .. do 22 do....4 fi 00 do do 23 do 4 5 99 do do 2..; do...4 5 99 do do 26..;. do. 4 .. 00 do .do...ST. .do...4 19 24 do do .24 do 4 , & w Page Wai T, do l....? . 4 .-..11 40 Jo do...... 2, do .4 8 8 o . do S do 4 39 90 .do do.. 4.. Ao 4 9 89 , .o do 5 do.,....4 ...J0 92 do 28., do. ........dp.' 29.. .Jo ,4lci 30... do do 31.. do do..:...32. -do....4 4 , do 4 do 4 , dec4-td WILLIAM a. 7 87 7 88 7 87 7 88 7 87 BiKPLK, Collector. MEDICAL. How to Keep in Good Health, AXI WHAT IS THE CAFSE OF DISEASE THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF EVERT TJI8 caw that flesh is heir to ia imnuritv of TURNER & GWATHMEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I'BALBBS BOOTS AND SHOES, MARBLE WORKS- UHLH0RH & BRINKMAN, (Successor to H. A. Lawrence,) Dealers in AMERICAN -ND ITALIAN MARBLE. Main Street Wear Court House. CVANSVI1LR, - - - INDIANA Monuments, M ties. Tombs, Vases, and all inds of Furniture W neatly and promptly ex cnted in the latest an 1 'est styles. deel NOTICE. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. " or ' Tallow, Lard, G rease & Oils. ? "We undersigned pay their Particular Attention To the sale of the above articles, and SOAP STOCKS GEXERALLY. Consignments sent to them will he PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF and VAM i. j Quick Returns Made on very advanced terms. We. mall oar Weekly pr"mi nding their a,ldress to ABRA9I K.MGUT SOXa. iyiOdJ3 WRt" ? City, THB UNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVE BE nioved their Saddlery establishment to the Corner of Main and Second Street, in the room oe ceaied by Fred. Krone, deceased. C. WOLFF tOTKROEPSCH, M ANITA CTUMRS Of AND DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, COLLARS, &C., &c., Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store formerly ocenppied bv Fred Krone.) S,A11 orders attended to with dispatch. Work warranted. novlS-ly HOLIDAMPRESENTS. Ho! for the Holidays. I HAVE ON HAND AND I AM CONSTANT LY receiving a large and splendid assortment of Gift Books, Photographic Albums, xiiuivgiauiu JJiuico, Gift Annuals, Poetical "Works, Rosewood Work Boxes, W.I TTT "U T) JUituogaity vv uia iiUAcn, itt:j.: T-l vv riiiug xies&s, Ladles' Leallier and Wire Pertmou iea in great variety. rrE Also a large variety et Juvenile Toys and Toy Books, of every description and style, which I will sell cheap for cash. .- oTfl Please call and examine my stock before pur. chasing elsewhere. .1. HEALY, dec! No. 24, Cor. Main and First Sta. Just Received, Direct from the Quarries, the The Finest Stock of Marble Ever brought te this market, and for salo at STREET & YOUNG'S American and Italian Marble Manufactory, WARE AMD SALES ROOM MTO. 84 MAIN STREET, Near the Canal -Jtoutni n b!tboo3 oitii tnvbotini H Eepairing done at short notice. Workmen lent to all parts to-at up work and repair Boilers & Machinery .lull i'I a n . tat-stl .: 111 orders will receive onr individual atten tion and will be promptly filled on tho most reasonable terms. Office and Foundry on the Canal, corner of Ingle Street. mhl7-ly DRY GOODS. Hoods and Comforts for the Million. WE IIAVK JUST OPENED tho largest stock of Hoods, Comforts, Ac., evr brought to the citv, and will sell them cheap at wholesale or re tail. SCUAPKER Je BUSSING, it No. 40 Main Street. Cloaks and Shawls. TTAVING IIBCKIYED AN0THEB LOT OF T I X Cloaks hud Phavcls of every slvle and price, wecaVi nowsufiply the wholesale aud retail trade to tlu ir ciitire satwf iction. ;hapker & BUSSING, No. 4'J Main rrreat. DENTIST. AND Hats & Caps, No. 15 Main Street. EVANSVILLEJ DIANA TV. n. WALKER. DE C. EVANS. WALKER & EVANS, Retail Dealers Exclusively In Onr facilities for furnishing those wishing HOMUMEMTfl, GRAVESTONES, TOMBS, MA NTL.ES, r anything else iu our line, are unsurpassed in he West Onr Stock of Marble is complete, having been el acted with great care at the Quarries. itiyiMiw NOTICE. THE FIRM OK J. H. M AGHEB CO:WA8 dissolved on the 27th of September last by the death of John H. Maghee. Tie huaiueas will be settled np by the surviving partner. 6. MAOHEE. November2, 18G3. NEW FIRM. THE URDE RStGNHD WILL CONTINUE the wholesale Dry Goods business BMaT the etyle of G. Maghee & Co., at the old at.ui j on First street. GILLTSON MAGHEE, NICHOLAS M. G0ODLETT. 1) 1 . HAAS, l LY THlKirvni. mr n,uw i k' rcoervxddnrlnf' the past fonr years, ana oeinit wrmitnent resident of tbisctty, destres all perso, (whether tbejr need his profes sional services or n t ) to visit bia rooms and seethe Vailoni Style ot work Manufactured Improvements and Inventioxti Are ling made, and everything that win subserve the Interests of his patients is secured by him. II 1 Establishment and Facilitl 8 Afe ennal to any in BASTERN CITIKS. He has Several Anaesthetics roa A 11c viatlng Pain wlien Kxtractinn Teetn. Cheeks that are sunken can be restored to nearly heir original contour. All desirable styles of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, made anywhere in the United States, are made by him. lrrespilarities of Children's Teeth snccess fally corrected. Those haprlag, DECAYED TEETH Should either have them Extracted or Filled (the latter if possible.) The health of the parties and the remaining Teeth-demand it. -NEURALGIC AFFLICTIONS TREATED ALSO CLEFT PALAT Office OA First St , Near Post Office. BLmrTkmmmTk " SSSBMTaBsT "BBSBSrl ""' " i BOOTS&SHOES No. 81 MAIN STREE1, Evansville, Ind. the blood. The blood becomes impure froia manv cauKn. Impure air ox change of aealkai, un wholesome food and exposure, are among theprin otil causes of impurity of the blood. The ayap. to:r are giddiness, headache, confused thoughts, eyes dull aad !n-ayy, drowsiBess, coBstlpatton of the bowels, bad tasto in the month., foal tongue, 'liver complaints, aaias'io the sack aad legs, loss of appetite, sleepless nights, cotic, cramp, pain and tightness of the chest, heartburn, gout and rheumatism, puking and purging, chilis and fe vers more or less accompany these, aad a iotur traio of tixaiWssuaie aad daugerons affections, all or which may be psxTeated and cared by Itakrug a frw doses DR. STRICKLAND'S V1XJETABLR PURIFYING ANTI-BILIOUS i-iui-s; uny win purity tiie blood and not Stomach, Rowi ls and Liver in a asatlk They are particularly suitable for acvery kml) supply ef these eond Da) Clironic sud Nervons DIk and every soldier should keep Pi!.;, and mnv dlseasev are obviated trr their t They are a mild aud safe medicine, and east be ta ken at any time without danger of taking cold. Sold by all Druggtuls or seat to any mart of the country on receipt of 2-5 cents, and a stamped en velope, addressed to Dot. STRICKLAND, Mo. East Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0. COUGH NO MORE. Try Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam. niMUS IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST REM- X cdy for Coughs, Olds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Vhwiping Cough and Consumption. Every body who has tried tlirs excellent Balsam enthusiasti cally recommends it. Mrs. Mitchell, Barr street, nays she has been a fearful suffsrer with Courh for many years; so bad as not to be able to walk up , taint ; she took one bottle of this Balsam, and has been better ever ever sines, aad advises all who have Coughs, Colds and Asthma, to try this raluside Cough Balsam. Fifty cents per bottle. S lil by all Druggists, aud iaenunuared at No. a last Fourth street, Cincinnati, O. KKLLKK A WHITE, General Agents. Trade supplied at Cash prices. deci MACHINEST. CHRISTIAN EBATX. WM. HBILMA a, KRATZ & HEILSVSAN, City loiAJxtiry, Manufacturers and- Builders of Steam Engines and Boilers. Saw ana Grist Mill Ma chinery, Tobacco Screws, Gumming Machines, Chinese Sugar Cane MilS. THRESHING MACHINES, &c, KVANSVILUCiSD. THE PR0PBIKT0B8 OF THE CTTT FOUND ry beg '.save to inform their friends aud the pnblic in .general, that thej are prepared to do all kinds of Macnine & PinisningWork And everything appertaining to" the Foundry baa laeas. They are manufacturing Steam Kagines ind Boilers of any sin and power required. Saw Mill Machinery and Mill Gearing of any sin; Dis tillery and Mining Machinery, Tohaece Screws, Gumming Machines, Threshing Machines, Malt Mills, Horsepowers, Cora Shelters, Machinery of all kinds n. vle and repaired ; Iron and Brass Cast ings of every description, I roa House Fronts, Cel lar Grates, ic. Cooking aad HeatiagStovee of the latest ' Improved patterns ; Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, Ac. Brewers, Distillers, Rectifiers, 4ke. upplied with every description of Ooorar ul iheet Iron Work, Brewing kettles, Refrigerators, Aiirniporaiors, apareus, aiuineaos and Worms oa DODB ettlss. Refrigerators. an improved principle. Columns for Alcohol Stills, Teast Jugs, Cans, Sypheaa, tc. ; Copper, Lead aad Irow Pipe; Copper. Brass and Iron Pumps of every variety, for I'er, Spirits, Oil, Ac. Brass Cocks and Valves, Steam Whistles, Ac. Workmen sent to all parti to fit up work aad da repairs on toaai Boilers, Copper and Sheet Iroi. Work, Ac. Old Metals Bought. They are dealing In and selling Allen's ImpreV- 1,1 I kiasm, 6t; ed Steam Guago, Wrought Iron Welded Pipes aad inooing, niram uopKins- Imorovtd Bmnt Wa. .? "loar Separators, Oarmaa Hol,nf , VlZ2. aSfS ."'"S. Pcking, - ' ' u , x tnmaie Mack Brick Tin, Pig Iron, Babit P brx I T r I Tt Metal, Spelter, Firs They have every facility of the beat Machinery ami workmen, ,nd Will give alTwork eatrnsted to tbem, their individual attention, filling orders promptly, warranting thairwork, and are satisfied with rejisonabss prices. " sTM-otfice and Sale Rooms, Foundry, Bofler-yard Machine shop on Pine stseet, between First and scond streets. Evansville. IndT dooT PUBLIC AUCTION. Te devote onr whole lime and attention to the Boot and Shoe Trade Exclusively Consequently can give you better bargains than those who are " dabbling " in Boots and Shoes iu counectiun with other business. City and County Orders , taken par for Goods.' fop5-ly Sale of Choice City Property. fN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15th, AT HALF V-T past l o'crortrr: w , TireclseTv. I wrf) sell at puhUc auction, at Umi door of the Court Honaa. th. following Lot-: TT', Lou 6, 7, 8 aud 9, iu Block No. 108, In Lamaa co, now JCvaiHtsiUe, Iwiag direstly at the foot of Clark stmet, and rnaniug throng a. trom Market street to tba Canal. " Lots i and 4. ia Bloct 6, in StockwsU's Xa larjreThcnt ot tfre -City of Kvajasville belne to tween the Central Market aad Clark-Street rua" ning through from Market street to the Caaal and nearly opposite J. Janch's Brewery Lots 1 aud 2. in Block It. in tk. v. -.i. allettmAnrtiTsaterforPCT nifnt of a W. I r nisnai Hen by Gcmbrets, Anct'r. iectM i'