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TERMS IX ADVANCE. FOB DAILY. n year ' CO tlx months 3 0 three months 1 50 j Happlied by carriers at 12 cents per weak. FOB WEEKLY. nrse months . x months ne Year - 1 50 FOB TBI-WEEKLY. Six months 0" One year 4 00 ABYEBTISIXG EATfiS II lUILY Business cards (5 lines or less), one year ...$12 six months. 7 " three " 4 SO One square (10 lines or leas) one insertion- 7S three n 1 25 " one wee . j 75 " " one month . 5 M IX WEEKLY. One square, one insert ien 1 no For each subsequent insertion - mia 50 Special Notices retained on inside of paper, will be charged 20 per cent, additional on above rata. EVANS VIJL JOURNAL. jt O R K I X & EDITION. VOLUME XVI. EVANSVILLE, LVD.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 1863. ESTABLISHED, 1831 DAILY WATCHES & JEWELRY. J L BITTROLFF, JR., No. 1, North First Stree. An entirely new Stock of Watches and Jewelry, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, &c. I WOULD RKSPECTFt?t,LY INFORM TUB ' J.ofrc thst I hare opened an entirely now an ! fashionable stock of the above goods, wlicb, h tv -is : been i.-.ugbt fur cash, I am prepared to s.-l! at pri.-ei a? low as the lowest and warrant era:', article to be just ns represented. From Ionic -peritnee in the business, I am confident or giving satisfaction, and hope to merit a share of the pub lic patronage. Personal attention paid to repairing Wad;, Clocks and Jewelry. J. L. BITTROLFF, Jr., Kn. 1. North First Strent. fOAP AND CANDLES. JPliilip Decker, - (Successor to Decker 4 K ranter), Manufacturer of Lrrd Oil SOAP AND CANDLES. ALo, &:i extra article el seuti isa, EA'.r.vjt, and cab oil Dealers in Retiu, Soda, Ashes, As. Also Pure Catawba Win Of onr own raising, ) quantities to suit par chasers, 116 Maim Street, ktlvreen First and fa,.iJ, EVASSVILI k, LHMSJU. sXF" Terms cash, er AO days' paper negotiable is enk. iaii'jn-ir NOTICE. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. r Tallow, Lard, Grease & Oils. The undersigned pny thftlr Particular Attention To the sale of the above articles, and SOAP STOCKS GENERALLY. Consignments tent to them will be PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF and Quick Returns Madb on Tery advanced terms. We mail our Wcekl y Circular crratls to all us; thir aidres to AB11A If KMVHT fc SONS, Water Street, N. Y. City g iylOir,m DENTIST. f. Dr. F. HUTCHINSON, DENTIST, H AS removed from his old offire on the corner of Second and Maiu streets, to his new rooms on I irst st, two diors below Main, next to the Mercani le Library, oM Masoni -II ill. lie has snarfd no oxpens.i for the comfort and cou venience of hi" natleBts baring enlirge l and increased his fa -cHitiee. a nd.secnred the assistance of one of the hr5t Morkinrn in the State. He can now snpply the T.auU of those desiring his services. rn. iMTTnirvftfiN HAVING FOR THE seven vears received the unlimited pat ronage of the citizens of ETansville and surronud ing towns and country, would return most sincere thanks for their appreciation ef his skill as a Dentist, hiping, by untiring euory in secur ing for his patients all the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND INVENTIONS, to merit a ctfiitiuunii'-of the same faTor. Personal Attention Given In Every Case. IIU fncilftlec for doing geed work ,u ii any EatBbllshinent. In rfee t'nii.d Ktatss. Every style of Artificial Tcetlk marie In Eastern Cities are made by iiiin. !! raoto at all timea g,irca by referrlnj to persons how wearing the BEATJTIFU SET3 OF TEETH prejiarad jti h's ofloe. Having had much experi ence in treatment of irregnlartiy of CIIIIj DKEN'S TEETH, he would have no lM.:a ti. ti iM saying f?ie ni 'S. ineinlar caes can 1-e entirely cor roc -.'d by hinj. Cases car. lie seen in this city end county entirely co- r-cted by ana. Cleft, Palate or openings in Palate fiuceosriilly treated, tw-ervy, N. uralgia affections and all dis eases of Hs aKioth eficeessfuliy tr"ate.l. Those desiring ARTIFICIAL TEETH would do well to caosnit Lim. fieTenna very moderate. sSrhe best Anearthetir-s for alleviating pain whea extraeliug teeth. Chloroform given when requested. Juna 2 I Xt . H A A S s.'EKl.lNJ I liberal pat. years, -vnd iax IY THANKFUL FOR TH e received dorinK the past font s ennanent resident of this city, desires all ierso sivnal aarvit i -t Various Style (whether they need his proles 1 1 tc isit hi. r.votn-i an J seethe utwork Manufactured . ImDroveiD'Ti':; ad Invent:ODS Are IntBj qpkls", m 1 v.r :hi:u tlt will snbs rv. tie interests of his patieuia is secured by him. HI Establisbment and Faciiitl s Are equal to any in EASTERN CITIES. .F.aaLr.ii"; He has Several An .aesthetics . ". . run Alleviating. Pain when Extracting Teeth. r -cka. litaXSra ktinken can be rvtored to nearly heir vii iiutintour . AU desirable styles of ASTI?ICIAL TEETH, mvl; ar.ywliiiwTin the United StAts, are made by -brm. TTi0HtiP3 of Childrou'i Tiwth succes- iui j vitTCiait iuumi iji'iii1; .. 1.. T U DECAYED TEETH Shodld'eifher have ihem Extracted or Filled, (the latter if vrmtttb:) The health of the parties and the rej&aitUri: Teeih demand it. KKLIiALGIC AFYIJCTIONS TREATKI). ALSO CLEFT PALATK St , Near Post Office. OiBce 00 Firs 1 11 ii.iim DRUGS, &c. P. STODDARD, So. 1 f Main Street, EVASSV1LLE, I5TD. r"pO ARTISTS Ambrotype and Photograph A stock of every description, including Came ras, Chemicals, CaM and Frames : a large variety donftantly on hand and for sale at reasonable prices at VYM. H. P. STODDARD'S. 17 Main street. SODA ASH AND for maki.13 Soap, eeived at CONCENTRATED LYE A superior article just re 17 MAIN STREET. HOSTETTER'S PLANTATION BlTTKRand German Bitters, together with a great variety of Pateu: Medicines, at 17 MAIN STREET, Pure "and"ukadultebatedcream Tarter for family use ; also Soda and Spices pare, at 17 MAIN STREET. CtocQiNE. ambbsiaTk.Iiari.'trT- CAPHKROrs, Zylabalaamum, and all the best prtparali us for the Hair at WM. H. P STODDARD'S. C OATi OIL AND BUEKXHfl FLFID BY THE -, (.;. oil o. barrel tt v wsr i r t-Tfi r"r L 1( JtA Al.t Oiftr.l L BIHTB&S IKK. BLACK AND C0L0gED In small cans Wade's manufacture for sale at- STODDARD'S, 17 Main Street. T AMPS LAMP CHIXNEIS, GLOBES AND fckad"s ; a large r.nd varied assortment at 17 MAIN STREET. -IZZARD OIL THE OLD ORIGINAL hi ml ; snppiv just received at aTtilAEP'si 17 Main Street. DRY GOODS. Arrival of Goods Much Needed. yyE HATE Jl'JT RECEIVED A LOT SHAWLS, BLANKETS. Iltlca. liinsoys, 4-4 Osnaburgs and "Kerseys. For .ale at KEEN A PRESTON'S. .5, - . - - aKw-sak mm? nosril WELLS, KELLOGG & CO. 9 DKALEK3 IN U A. 1 sfc I V A. Tt E AND 0 tl T L E a Y 5 FIRST STREET (SIOS BIO MILL SAW,) Have received a complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Purcbcsed and Imported direct from the Man ufiacturera JSP Q XL O m Enabling us to offer indncementa to Pur chasers rarely found in the West Wo call the specif! attention of Dealers to our large and well selected Stock, coi sisting in part of AxesAll the celebrated brands, Chains Log, Trace and Halter, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shovels and Spades, Cotton and Wool Cards, Wheel Heads, Weaver' Reeds, Spinning Wheels, Locks, Latches, Butts and Screws, Gun Trimmings, Brass Kettles, Shot Guns. Rifles and Revolvers, Chain Pump Fixtures, Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, Jfi panned Ware, t ' NotionsLarge Stock. WELLS, KELLOGGr & CO., No. 13 First Street. CLOTHIitfO. The Best is always the Cheapast KspeelrJIy is this true of CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Good Test it by caliins en 5 J. Bf CAI1LIN, No. 8 FIRST STREET, NKAB POST-OFFICE,) KVAN8YILLT5, IKD. piJE UKDKRSIONKD HAS JfjST SI X turned from the lUst, wlsere he has laid in one of the best stocks of Clothing and Genu' Fur uiahiiiK Goods -ever brought te this City. My Cloths, Cassimeree, Te'tiugs Jte., were selected with an eye single to quality and style ; aud hav ing become conversant with the taste of oar peo ple, am satiefl'-d that in this particular my Goods will give excellent satisfaction. Gents Furnishing Goods of every desoriptioa will also be found at my establishment such as Gloves. Hosiery, Ncck-'f ies, Shirts, Collars, Sus pender., Ac. My facilities for mannfacturln Clothing; are j excellent; and as for Cutting Ga'Bients to fit no ' satisfaction no pay I ask no o.t to take a mean j fitting garment off my hands. I Orer-Coatings of every variety :nd style will ke i found at my rstablishmtt. Though it may i sound unreasonable to. k Overcoats during j the " hsated term1 we must remember that in "peace is the time to vie refer war," and in i I Saninw. wall, TrrcrrormttonS Tor the cold blasts of niter. inter. No better preparation can be devised than the ordering of a good reliable Overcoat, such as may no tonna at o. s rint street. Orders for Clothing of every description will receive the personal attention ef the undersigned, and will be : : -nptly attends! to. The ntotte at No. S is, " Premises punctually fulfilled. " Before ordering Fall or- Winter suits Gents will consult their own interest by examining ray Goods and Prices. Remember tlie place No. 8 First Street, (near Pr.t Office.') angis J. II. GARLIS. COLLECTOR'S SALE. "Collector's Sale of Real Estate for the payment of the cost-i ami KpiTHes of rii iewalk ImproTe , meets. u : 7J0TICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY I 1.1 virtue of a precept issued by the Mayor of the City of Evansville and tome directed, I will sell 1 at public anctio.i, at the door of the Coart House in said City, Thursday, December 31, at 10 o'clock ' a. m., the Pillowing Lots or parcels or Real Estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount charged and assessed against said Lots re spectively tor the costs and expenses or making 1 sidewalk improvements upon said Lots, together with the costs of salo, and that the said sale will be continued on the next day thereafter, viz : Friday, he 1st day of Jannary, 18M, at 10 o'clock a. m.,at the same place for the pay pose of selling such prop er! v as mat have been sold on tho day above men- onoa sua uia iMwor . rin BAKER'? AUDITION. I Curuick Thomas, bt 3, blk 2 3 do lotf , blk 2 3 i Carpenter A B, lot W, Mk S S do lot U, blk 3 3 Whlttbsey A T A W 0, lot 4. blk 5. 3 lo lot 5, hlk 2 3 68 I Coeelieb Flortao, lot lot 12, blk 2 3 SS I Hull tieorge. Lot , blk I -. i 68 uAMASCO. Weaver John, lot 4, V'.iJi 4 15 Koenig W G, lot 5, blk 54- 4 li ! Britz Jacob, lot 6, blk 54 4 15 01" I do lot 7, Dlk Of..,. 3 w Burtis John, lot 10, blk 55 ..21 65 Keller D C. lot 1, blk 57 8 W do lot 2, blk 57 7 8S do lot A, blk 57 . 7 88 do lot 4, blk 57 1 88 lot 5, blk 57 8 98 Carpenter A B, lot 12, blk 130 T 50 Si.rensou Sor.n. lot l.blklM .V....,T 10 "i 1, Wl v WM. 0. BlEPPLE, CotVtor decl7 PUBLISHED BY JAMES H. MeXEELY. " F. M. THAYEB. JNO. H. MeNEBLY. ithdxs mm mat or tsn Evansville Journal Company. Journal Buildings, LOCUST STREET, BETWEEN FIBST AND WATBR. From the If . T. Evening Post. The Cariosities or the English Lan snage Ingenious I'ses and Mis uses. The English language, perhaps more than any other, is capable of queer and ingenious uses, misuses, transformations and combinations. The student of the curiosities of literature is astonished at its wonderful fusceptibilitv to odd pranks in the way of orthography, syntax, pros ody, pronunciation, rhyme and transla tion. Sonus curious effects are some times produced by an ingenious arrange ment of pronunciation. A device has 'often been used in political and other partisan songs called " echo verses," in which the sounds of the last words of a line are repeated after the manner of an eeho, ike whole being so contrived as to express some significant meaning. This, though a short specimen, is a good illus tration: "What are they who pay three guiuoas To bear time at Paganini's? Echo) Pack o' uianise!" PLAY UPO!f WOBDS. Of course the whole innumerable host of puns, bad and good, which are float ing about in books and newspapers, as well as in social circles, are all predicat ed upon similarities in pronunciation. A pun that has iu it n sharp and witty meaning is a good thing; but the im mense deal of trash and of far fetched constructions that are put in circulation j by laborers after the pun, which is worth 1 nothing if it is not spontaneous, has giv ; en this kind of literature a bad reputa tion, so that few good authors will use it. The similarity of sound has given rise to such senseless productions as the follow ing, which may be queer, but are cer tainly not witty: " Mr. Popp, of Poppville, ia Popp county, fancying himself to be very pop ular with his ladylove, 'popped the ques tion' to her under the poplar tree, when she referred him to her poppy, who when asked for his consent, laboring under the influence of gin-pop, popped him out of the door to the tune of ' Pop goes the Weasel.' " Or this: "You have no business to have any business with other people's business"; but mind your own business, and that is business enough." J The following is given as a statement of fi.ct which may possibly add something to its value : , " There is a young man in the army who was born July fourth, at 4 o'clock p. m , at No. 44 on a street in this city, 1814, a fourth child, has four names, en listed into Company D, of the fourth bat t alii on, forty-fourth regiment, fourth com pany and on the 4th day of September was appointed fourth corporal, and is now going forth to defend bis country. nere is a traveler's report of ft conver sation with a backwoodsman : T WIims liansil " "Mum" "Of what !"huilt? " " Logs " '; Any neighbors?" M Frogs." ''What is the soil?" "'Bogs." "The climate?" "Fogs." "Your diet?" "Hogs, "iiow do you catch tnomr " Dogs." An original instance is given of an swering two questions at once: " Here Biddy, my darlint, whst's the time o' night, and where's the pertaty pudding." " It's eight, sir." Which may as well be followed by an account of a curious misunderstanding: " I come for the saw, sir," said an urchin. " What snncer?" " Why, the saw, sir, that you bor rowed." u I borrowed no saucer." " Sure you did, sir borrowed our saw, sir." " Be off, I never saw your saucer." " But vou did, sir there's the saw, sir, now, sir.:' "Oh ! you want the sate .' " Here is a Quaker toast that has a thought in it : "This is me and mine to thee and thine. I wish when thou and thine come to see me and mine, that me and mine will treat thee and thine as kindly as thee and thir.e have treated me and mine." This is a new version of the old com pliment, which runs somewhat after this wise : "I wish thee and thy folks loved me and rry folks as well as me and my folks love thee and th7 folks. For sure, there never was folks since folks was folks that ever loved folks half so well as me and my folks love thoe and thy folks." WORDS WITHOUT RHYMES. Poets have been often greatly puzzled to find rhvnies for particular words. It is said that there is no word in the En glish language which fairly rhymes with "step" or "mouth." Byron says that it is imrjossible to find trhvme frv-tha word "silver." Every little while some in i ,,;.;;,., .,;. nrnMnima that a nartir 1 . s ..j 1, A h 1 ular word is without a rhyme, and chal lenges the world to disprove his asser tion. Forthwith many people cudgel their brains, and sometimes do produce the desired word. Some years ago the Knickerbocker offered a brass quarter dollar to the person who could find a rhyme to the word "window." The prize was earned by the following effort, which furnishes the rhyme and has some fun in it a3 well : A cruel man a beetle caught And to tho mlL him pinned, oh ! Then said tse'. ! to the crowd, "Though lHJ(nek up I am not proud,'' And his souMHtnt out the window. Somebody Las challenged a rhyme for "carpet, " and the following was the best production elicited, styled Lines to a . Pretty Barmaid : i 3 . Bweet maul ot tneinn, Tit surely no sin To toast such a beautiful hsr pet. Believe me, my dear, Your feet would appear At home on a nobleman's carpet. A line ending with " harp it also came near to the mark. A rhyme was found for Timbuctoo, as follows: I went a bunting on the plains, The plains of Timbuctoo : I shet one buck for all my paius, And be was a slim back too. And also for " garden " : SO 8 69 j 68 69 1 Though Afric's lion be not hare In showman's stoutly barr'd den. An " Irish Lion "' you may see At large in Winter Harden. ! Hood, in his humorous poems, either originated or adopted the idea of divid ; ing words at the end of a line for the sake of rhyme. The following, which is j floating about, is a specimen of that ' kind of composition: FRIDAY ,...DKCKMBBR V, A year old to-rtav is li lie Midly I'ompinz. noi.'v. fat nod jolly : Too young too v;u;k, a"d like a pi woges.iied she p p froli cking about the !o4r, and golly 1 Wh "laugh: lly- Leonine verses are those in which the terminations rhyme with the central words. An inscription in the Chapt ' House of York Cathedra! is a beautiful specimen of this: "Ut Rosa floslorum.sic est domes ista dontcrum.' FOREIGNERS AND THE KXOSISH LASGUAGT. The English language must appear fearfully and wonderful y made to a for eigner. One of them, looking at a pic ture of a number of vessels, said, " See what a flock of ships." He was told that a flock of ships wa3 a fleet, but that a fleet of sheep wa3 called a flock. And it was added, for his guidance in mastering the intrica cies of our language, that"n flock of girls is called a bevy, that a bevy of wolves is called a pack, and a pack of j thicves is called n gang, and a gang of angels is called a host, and n host of porpoises is called a shoal, and a hoal of buffaloes is called a herd, and a herd of children is called a covey, ttnd a covey of beauties is called a galaxy, and a gal axy of thieves is called a horde, and a horde of niibish is called a heap, and a heap of oxen is oalled a drove, and a drove of blackguards is called a mob, and a mob of whales is called a school, and a school of worshipers is called a congregation, and a congregation of en gineers is called a corps, and a corps of robbers is called a band, and a band of locusts is called a swarm, and a swarm of people is called a crowd, and a crowd of gentle folks is called the elite, and the elite of the city's thieves and rascals are called the rogues, and the miscellaneous crowd of the city folks is called the com munity or the public, according as they are spoken of by the religious communi ty or secular public. Now, again, the Hudson River is fast when the ice is immovable, and then the ice disappeared very fast, for it was loose. A clock is called fast when it is quicker than time; but a man is. told to stand fast when he is dpsird'to j-emain stationary. People fast wheri they have nothing to eat, and eat fast, conseq lent ly, when opportunity offers. A story is told of a Germaa who at tempted to court in English, with the aid of a dictionary. Having obtained an in terview with an English lady who, hav ing recently lost her husband, must be open to new offers, he opened the busi ness thus : "Highborn madam, since your hus- band have kicked de bucket "Sir I" interrupted the lady, astonish ed 4nd displeased. "Oh, pardon nine, ten thousand par dons! Now 1 makt new beginning quite order beginning. Madam, since your husband have cut his stick " It may be supposed that this did not mend matters; and reading as much in the lady's countenance, he said, perspir ing with shame at having a second time missed fire : "Madame, since your husband has gone to kingdom come " This ho said beseechingly, but the lady was past propitiation by this time, and rapidly moved toward the door. Taking a last hurried look at his dictionary, the German flew after the lady, crying out in a voice of despair : "Madame, since your husband, your mnet rpnprtiH Villaining h sate KnnS1 J - 1 twig Thl8 was his aohor, mid ad this also "came home," of course the poor man was totally wrecked. It turned out that the dictionary be had used had put down the verb sterben (to die) with the following worshipful series of equiva lents: 1. To kick tho bucket 2. To cut one's stick. 3. To go to kingdom come. 4. To hop the twig; to hop off the perch into Davy's locker. A French gentleman, who was caress- ing a dog one day, remarked: "11oti- de dogs, de cats, de sheep, de pigs, in fact anything vat is beastly." Of course, we make as funny mistakes j in other languages, if we eily knew it Miss Blank, it is known, is accustomed la nay Manv very queer things iu a very queer way : Tint of all her mistakes, the absur.iest and oddest. Occurred when she called French iiioiliw1 modest." THE HUMOROUS VL'IV. An individual is told of as doing busi- j ness in one of the markets, who is down on enstomers who don't speak properly, j What's eggs this morning? says a cus- j tomer. "Eqgt, of course savs trie dealer. I mean, how do they go ? " " (Jo ; where?" "Sho I says the customer, ! eettine up his fury, " what for eggs? " "Money, money, sir! or good endorsed credit!" says the dealer. "Don't you understand the English language, sir? says the customer. " Not as you mix it and mingle it, I don't! " responded the egg merchant " What is the price per dozen for your eggs?" "Ah, now you talk," says the dealer " Six teen cents per dozen, is the price, sir ! " They traded. But it appears that anoth er customer, who, on asking, " What's eggs this morning?" was answered "eees. of course," responded, " well, I am glad of that, for the last I got of you j were half chickens." A Dutchman had two pigs a large j one and a small one. The smallest be- ! ing the oldest, he was trying to explain it to a customer, and did it in this wise: "The little pig is the piggest." Upon which his vrow, assuming to correct him, said: "You will excuse him; he no speak as good English as me; he no , moans tc Kttlo pig Is te ptggest. but te young little pig is te oldest." In a Dutch translation of Addison's i Cato, the words, " Plato, thou reasonest ! well," are rendered : " Just so you are j rerv risrht. Mynheer Plato." "The dear little things," said an old ! nurse of her mistress' twin children; ) "one looks 80 much like both, you can't i tell t'other from which!" The contradictions of pronunciation in the termination "ough' are amusingly displayed in the following lines: " Wife, make me some dnmplings of dough, i They're better than meat for my conh ; Pray let them be boiled till hot through, But not till they're neavy or rougn. Now I must be ofT to the plough, And the boys (when they've had enough) Mnstkeep the flies off with a bough, While the old marc drinks at the trough." A report of a prize-fight must be a very interesting thing for a foreigner to trans late. A very simple report of a fight, in ' which eorae " game " individual mount ed the ladder of fame from the area of i the prize-ring, by a certain number of t " rounds," tells us that the combatants trapk each other with the mawleys and bunches of fives upon the head, the nut, the cone, the conk, the canister, the i noddle, the mug, the knowledge-box, the ; nose, the sneezer, the snorer, the snuffer, '. the snuff-tray, the nozzle, the mazzard; i the eyes, the ogles, the optics, the peep- '. ers, the mouth, the kisser, the whistler, I the oration-trap; drawing the blood, the claret, Jthe ruby, the crimson, the home- '. brewed, the gravy; and in several in stances knocking the unfortunate knock-1 er off his pins, his pegs, bis stumps and his foundation, to say nothing of boring, j fibbing and sending him to grass. Who : wants the belt? So, it must be interesting to a foreign er, who relies on his dictionary, to hear the talk of " dead beats," "small-potatoes, few in a hill," " bully boys," " big , things" aud things that one " can't see." The initials " 0. K.," which meun "Oil Korrect," are at least twenty years old. IN'QUNtUS USBS OF LANGUAGE. i Let us notice some'of the ingenious things that can be done with the lan- guage. ine repetition 01 me same class of rhymes is quite omtnon, but ! the following epistles maybe readable: Madams : Most worthy of estimation, sftcr long considers- tiou And much mcditition, of the great reputation. You possess my admiration, and if su-li oblavatiou Is worthy of observation, ad can obialn consid eration. It will be agrandizatiou bryond all calculation, To the joy and exultation Of yours, Sans Dissimulation. Sib: I -rul your oration with much deliberation. And little consternation, atthe gr-a : infatuation Of your weak imagination, to show auch a venera tion On so slight a foundation ; but after examination ""pi''oii, I suppose youradmi- To display your education liy oil I enumeration Or rapid multiplication, of words of the same ter mination, Thouirh of grwit variation in each respective sig nification. Not iiaout disputation, your laborious applica- tioa To so tedious au ticrnpatiou deserves commenda tion, Aud thintin imitation a sufficient gratiucatioo, 1 am, without hesitation. Tours, Maby Moderation. Palindromes, or lines that read the same backward and forward, are fre quent iu Latin or Greek, but it is quite difficult to construct them in English. The lawyer's motto, "28 nummi itnmun is," is a good spocimen of a Latin onr. The best in English is Adam s first ob servation to Eve, "Madam I'm Adam." The one by Taylor, the water poet, "Lewd I did live and evil did I dwel, ' lacks completeness in two points. Here is a sentence of thirty-two words, which some ingenious child has con structed wi:h just the letters found in the word maiden : "Ida, a maiden, a mean man named N'ed Dean, and Media a mad dame, made me mend a die aud a dime, and mind a mine in a dim den in Maine." The following queer sr-ntence origina ted, like many other odd things, in one of our monthly magazines : "Sator arepo tenet opera rotas." L This sciella backward and forward all the same. 2 Then, taking all the first letters of each word, spells the first word. 3. Then taking all the second letters t.f each word, spells the second word. 4. Then all tho third, and so on through the fourth and fifth. 6. Then, commencing with the last letter of each word, spells the last 6. Then the next to the last of each word and, so on through. Here is the way a grammarian conju gated the increasing heat: " Hot, hotter, hottest, hottentot, hot tentotter, hottentotist ; hottentotissimo, hottcntottissiraus, hut as an oven, hot as two ovens, hot as four ovens, hot as seven ovens hot I " A gentleman who could not pronounce the letter K, was asked to read the fol lowing: " Robert gave Richard a rap in the ribs, For roaatiug the rabbit so rare. " 3e evaded tho difficulty in the following ingenious manner t ' Bobby gave Dickey a thump iu the siile, For cooking the luiuuy so little." We will close by relating a marvel in the wayjof logic dcme-Uy Granger. He ed that he was the handsomest thing in the world. He proved it thus : "The handsomest part of the world," "is Eu rope; of Europe, France; of France, Paris; of Paris, the University; of the University, the College of ; in the College of ; the handsomest room is mine; in my room I am the handsomest thing; tryo, I am the handsomost thing in the world." MARBLE WORKS. UHLHORN & BRINKMAN, (Successor to M. A. Lawrence,) Dealers in LMEUICAX .?iB ITALIAN MARBLK. MTnln Street Near Court Hoisse. EVANSVILLE, - - - INDIANA aTWMonuments, M iuds of Furniture Vf culed in the latest an ties. Tombs, Cases, and all neatly and promptly ex ! ifst.tvle. deel J"vJL5ix Hoooivod, Direct from the Quarries, the The Finest Stock of Marble Ever brought te this market, and for sale at STREET & YOUNG'S American and Italian Marble Manufactory, WARE A AID SALES ROOM KTo. 184 MAIN STREET, Near the Canal Our facilities for furnishing those wishing 5IONIMHSTS, GBAVKSTO.VES. TOMBS, MANTLES, r anything else In onr line, are nnsnppaseed In he West Onr Stock of Marble ia complete, having been si ested with great eare at the Quarries. myGdAw SEWING MACHINES. TT" M. 8ELLMAN nAVlKQ Y1TTED UP AN i " oHJce, No. 35 Main Street, will keep, as here- I tofore, a good assortment of Wheeler A Wilson's 1 and Singers Sewing Machines and Needles, Silk I Thread and oil, and everything that is connected with the business, and will repair all kind of Sew- ing Machines and put on new improvements. ts. A-ir't i-24 . M SKt.liSI a Si . VARIETY STORE. PTJSEEE S VARIETY STORE, -No. 20 Main Street, IS THE PLACE TO FIND FANCY GOODS, Combs, Brushes, Pocket Wallets, Card Cases, Tablets, Scissors, Knives, Watch Keys, Guard Chains, Thimbles, Needles, Pins, Tape Measures, Beads, Belt Clasps, Goggles, Spectacles. Ther mometnrs, French Harps, Pop Guns, Ivory Rat tles, Marbles. Chessmen, Dolls, Corset Clasps, Steel Pens, Peuclles, Games, Bubber Balls, Toilet Soap. Jewelry, Violin Strings, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Feather Dnstera, Bird Cages, Childrens' Carriages, Ladies' Fancy Work and Traveling Baskets, Ac, Ac, at wholesale and se tail. ep21 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS JUST RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT of oiiely decorated French China ; Motto Cups and Saucers all sizes ; Cut Glass Gilt Colognes ; Alabaster and Gilt Toilet Bottles ; i For sale low by M. A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street. Olillciren' TOY JUST RECKIVKD A FIMH ASSORTMENT OF Children's Toy Tea Set, all size and patterns, and for sale cheap by M. A LAWEEffCE, 18 Main Street. BOHEMIAN CLASS. JUST OPENED A 8PLENDID ASSORTMENT' of rioh Cut Bohemian Glass, Consisting of Cut Decaaters, Cut Wine Bottles, Goblets, Wines. Tumblers, Cordials, Colognes, Tuiiet Rottles. Wiue Sets, Celeries, Spoon Hold ers, Card Receivers, e., Ac, and for sale low by M. A LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street PARIAN WARE. JUST OPENING A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT of Parian Ware, suitable for Christmas and New Year Presents, consisting of Vases, (vari ous sines,) Pitchers, Toilst and Jewelry Boxes, to., ic. For sale low by M. A. LAWRENCE. 18 Main Street I. TTJST RF.CEITED AN ASSORTMENT OF I the celebrated Lava Ware; consisting of Tea pots, Sugar aud Crsaiu Bowls, Cups and Saucers' Scgar Stands, T at) at on Boxes, Card Receivers, Ac, Ac. For sals low by M. A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street SILVER PLATED WARE. TI'flT RECEIYINU HIRECT FROM THB J manufacturers, a splendid assortment of Silver Plated Ware, extra quality, and of the latest styles and patterns, consisting of Tea and Coffee Sets, 'Grecian style; Coffee Urns, Greciau style: Pinner and Breakfast Castors, Bell Castors. Call Bells, Table and Tea Spoons, Table and Desert Hooks, Soup Ladles, Pitchers, Ac, Ac. For sale low by . -.- 18 Main Street. CLOTHING. UNITED STATES E 'iiiv j ft Wholesale Clothing AND FURNISHING HOUSE. Clothing for the Million! L. LOEWENTHAL & CO., gain in the market, at the old staud well known Cor. Main and First Sts., Which has been rnbuilt and enlarged,) with the largest and best selected stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooh Ever Opened In this Market. OUR OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE TRADB generally are respect folly iuvited to call and examine onr Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel assured we can offer superier inducements to CASH brryers. One of our firm resides in New York, and has had many years experience in buying and manu facturing, and devotes his whole tlmo to Purchasluxr and Superintending the Manufacturing Department, And as we bny exclusively for CASH, we can and will sell as Mw to the trade as any House East or West. sepll DRUGGISTS. FAMILY P STORE WM. E. HAI.LOCK, i NO. 10, FIRST STREET, NEAE. POST OFFICE, HAS JUST RECEIVED HOSTETTER'S Plan tation and Holland's Bitters; also a larg varietv of all the Patent Medicines. COCOAINE, AMBBOSIA, KATHAIRON TRI eopherons, and all the most celebrated pre parations for the Hair, can be fonnd at Kb. 10 South First Street. TiURE AND UNADULTERATED CREAM I Tartar, expresslr for family use; also Beds and Spices, at HALLOtJK'S Drug Store. 'ELT.ER'S COUOn CURE, STRICKLAND m, Cherr- toral. Hall's Balsam, Brown's Troches. At Cary's Cough Cure and - WM. E. HALLOCK'S Drug Store. TOT PAINTS IN ARE AT VAKIETi D Prices, Lead Pensile, Pens, Holders, Letter Taper, Envelopes. At Ko. 10 First Street. T)ERFUMEEY, SOAPS, TOILET ARTCLES, I X Pomades, Cosmetiques, Tooth, Nail, Flesh Hair and Clot h Brashes ; Combs in great variety May be found at WM. K. HALLOCK'S Drug Store. FURS ! PURS!! PURS!!! VTTE ARE NOW RECEIVING A VEtiT j VV large and well assorted stock of Ladies' and Missee's fancr Furs, comprising iu part the M ' lowing: Sable, Mink, Russian Fitch, Stone Mar tin tisner, bins, feerman ritca, Siberian Squir rel, Ermine, Genet. Swans Down, and fur trim mings of every descriptions, Gentlemen's Fur Collars and Gloviw, Children's Purs, Muffs, C11T3, either separate or ia seta. Haviqg selected the goods ourselves, customers cs n rely on getting the Try beet grade of gvods and at prices as low .is the ioweet. HATS AST) CAPS. Onr stock of Hats sad Caps for Men and Boy's, now complete, having just been replenished sri the very latest Winter styles, gotten np with cs under our osi supervision. MISSES' FELT HATS. Latest Kew York styles. THFAHTS HATS. Fancy and plain, a very lags assortment, aew styles. All FAJTCY CAPS, Of which we are receiving a aplendid assortment. YAUTIXR A MARCOKNIEB, Ko. 3V Main Street. MEDICAL. CANCERS C AN BE PERMANENTLY CURED WITI!- put pain, caustic eating, or the use of the knife, by IR. IV C. COl'DEI. The Doctor has successfully treated Cancers many years in Cincinnati, Ohio, but is now located in Terre Haute. Itid., and will visit Erassville once a month. He win he found at the Washington House Dec. 17th and 18th, Jaa. 8th and 9ib. Feb. 5th and 6th, and March 11th and 12th. All those afflicted with Cancers or any other chronie dis ease, will find it to their advantage to ceil and consult with him Consultation free. His Cancer aatidote is the most wonderful dis covery ever made in medicine. Its operation is truly astonishing without parallel and Is the only known aoiidoto for Cancers or cancerous af fections. It can be applied to the naked eye. or an open wound as freely as water; by this means large Cancers can be removed from the vital part, where an other treatment conld possibW be used. All surgical operations perform'rl with success. Address Dr. W. C. OOUDstK, Box 549 Torre Haute, Indians. dec8'lm STOVES, &c. tre X3 3 W tt g a d Q d W M Q f t W O H W M tt H3 o -h M E o Q O o o GO H O m 9 O 9 a e ft W 4 W r? ft IT ts o o 0 J o ft a B ID B3 w o d S5P a o pi 8 0 in i & $ CB IB 81 P z H a t O o P s O 73 m H 0 CD o B o CLOTHING. REMOVAL GOLDMAN, BERG & CO., Wholesale Clothiers, Have removed to the corner of FIRST & SYCAMORE STREETS, (Opposite the Grocery 8tore of Bement A Viels,) where they offer to their friends and the trade generally a very large etoek of AT WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY, Every article of which being mannfactnred by themselves at 306 Market Si wot . Philadelphia, buyers will have Only One Profit to Pay. Also a full line of Clotnins, Gentlemen's Fnrnishing Goods, We Sell at Eastern Prices Transportation added. with WHARF BOATS. - 3. r. cox. r. v. rxi-Er. COX & HUMPHREY, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, STEAMBOAT AGENTS & WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS, And Ajrents Louisville &, Henderson and Evansville & Cairo Packet Companies, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. FOR THE ESPECIAL ACCOMMODATION OF Louisville A Memphis and Cincinnati A Memphis Packets and transient Boats, we have just purchased another larg" and commodious WHARF-BOAT, which is now at the wharf, foot ef Sycamore street, which will give us great addi tional facilities for receiving and forwarding gxxxjs. AU freight for the Louisville A Cairo pack ets will be received as usual at the upper whart j beat, and for all other boats at the ene just pur- chssed. Freight received at all hours, both day and night. tar For promptness and strict attention to business, we refer to Capt. A. Donally, Capt. J. H. Bunce, Messrs. Bement a viele, Messrs. sner ley A Woolfolk. Capt. H. T. Dexter, Capt- F. M. Davidson. Messrs. Kratz A Heilman, T. M'Erwin A Co., Capt. J. Hutsinpiller, Capt. J. A. Lusk, Samuel Orr, Esq., Moorehead A Co. declZ linimen: DR. J. WOODRUFF S ENGLFSH HOBSE LOnMENT, Wasisssai IsJljIssA STY " I LEICH & CAELST3DT, Wholesale Druggists, EVANSVILLE. IXD. THIS L1NIMFAT H ' HKV.S PRECBIBED by DR. JOShPH WOODRUFF in .ractice of some twenty years for Rheumatism, I Bruises, Sprains, ITlceroTis Sores,, Wounds. Crackad Heels, Founders, &c, With the most auparall'led success, eltsrtin cures in a number of cases where otTlfg raued le nt terly fai lei It i. also th best Linirtabi fo the human hofy ever disreed, having enrA j ie sons who have bars r mfined to their b-ds Wy ti sut agonhtinc pales ef RheumattaarFaH., tome caste as lonir three years. We do net propose, like so many pmprre'ors of Parent VuilVTno. r.m. .f .CI . . v. , : . by pnbli.hinj; tho 'jertmcites ot persons who perhaps uevr havo deuces arc tlioMaadi exisuvt or whose resi of miles distant frata the msnufsct'iror, but 1 r.nhuent tin Lia,.;: !it will spea frr itself. We w.'uld reler to the lol Iowing well knowu citixens aud nth:', vt . havo used t hi- I.iuimeut aud are acipuainted witii its virtnea : . Setchell A BokIh., Ed. De,- vreio. Mrs. D.igarmo, S,il iswn Cahj, Henry Do li nhoff, Ranald Ki .ti.-r. Joseph Kahu, Caut. tLoliusu., , Mrs. Kd. Bowies, Col. Elniul-.uder. John Hewson, We could add hundreds of others, but believe the above U bo sufficient. The saoaey will lie refanded In all cases where the Liniment does not give satisfa lion. Price -Hi ceuU wr b .ttla. For sale l.v LK1CU C BLSTBDT. novl9-.1m 34 Main Sirvt. STEAM BAKER T. Bread for the Hungry ! NEW STEAM BAKERY, INTo. XX WATER STREET, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. YETE DF.SIRE TO INFORM THE CITIZENS II of Evai eral, that our of Evansville, aud the community ia 'gen- NEW STEAM BAKERY, HO. 11 XV A T K II STREET, Ia now ia successful op -ration, aud we shall keep coostanllv oa hand and make to order, on short notice, all article, made at like usttsnfsc lories ; sack as Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers; Ac, ate. Being supplied with all the mo-iern machinery to faciliate us in our business, we flatter ohraelv. i that we can give the most ample -t i-fay .;A.. in the quality of onr goods and in prices. Wo will also keep on hand a large end efioico stock of Confections, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Ac., to whin we sail allsaMssj. 11 . ' S Orders for public or private Parties, Festivals, Balls, Ac, Ac, promptly Ulled on reasonable terms. aej.Istf A.WKLDACO. j " .. jr SADDLERY. W. F. CORWIN. j. b. Masai a THE NEW FIRM. UTK, THE SUBSCRIBERS, WIIOLJALK mannfactnrers of Saddles. Briiiles. Collara, Harness, ac, desire to inform the pnbllc that we I've largely increased onr stock on hand, aud ley close application ourselves and the eraplayrn.Mit of good workman in our sbops, we are aide LaJut nish on short notice any and all kinds and q'usxiti ties of work to suit the trade. Thoee whu will favor us tvih a call, ran satisfy tberas"lvi-, that they can procure, at lower prices. ff.d arlhstan tial, fancy an'l durable work of us than they caa anywheru else, (and far better than ihe Castern shop-work.) The members of the flrm beinj work men themselves, atteudlng personally, tm all orders with promptness, r.ire and dispatch, deter mined that none shall excel in style ef unlaw or quality of work, give lietter satisfaction to those patronising us; fed confident it will be to the interest of all U co jie au. I see for themselves I--lore purchasing elsewhere. Store on Locust Street, above the Sherwood House, between First and Second Streets, Ko. 25. H. B. Guarantee all we sell. sepi W. F. COBWIN A CO. REMOVAL. ritnE UNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVE BB- J. moved their Saddlery establisliiuont to the Corner of Main and Second Street, in the room oc eepied by Fred. Krone, deceased. C. WOLFF & J. KROEPSCH, AKtrracTrani or Attn r s .. i ; : ts Saddles, Harness, COLLARS, &c, &c, Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store formerly occTippicd by Fred. Krone.) Bsi.AII orders attended to with dispatch. Work warranted. tfovlw-lv '''assssssassssssssaxesxesssssssssssas I ip TOYS & FANCY GOODS. Toys and Fancy Goods AT Wholesale and Retail. THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK Toys and Fancy Goods will be found nt OF WARRIH & CONYNGTOITS, No 1 Main Street. Having bought our stock at first hands, ere w ill duplicate Cincinnati bills. We invite the trade to caH and look through our. establishment. Every immaginable kiud of TOYS Tin. Wood, Iron, &r J DOLLS Of all sizes and kinds Wax, Linen, China, Paper aud Wood. MACHINE TOYS Steamboat, Monitors, Engines, Carriages, &c. India Rubber Toys, Rocking and Spring Horses, Wagons, Carts, Sleighs, Velocipedoes and Children' s Gab-. Baskets of all kinds, China Tea Sets and Fignree. Beautiful Christmas Presents for Ladies or Gentlemen of the most ex quisite workmanship a line of jjtsods never before offered in this place; Pearl and Silver Card Cases, New and Beautiful Portmonies, Velvet and French Kid, Steel Trimmed Bags and Wire Purses, Cornucopias, Paper Boxes, &c, for Candies ; Wax Candles aud Moss for Christ mas Trees ; Musical Goods of every kind always on nand: MELODEONS VIOLINS, I C3-xxitctx5 , 'F'xXX.-tctE; ACCORDEONS, MUSICAL BOXES, &c, &c. WARREN & CONYNGTOJff. scv21-tm BANK ELECTION. rriHE STOCK F10LDEB3 IN THE EVANS 1 VILLE Branch of the Bank of t ie State of Indiana are hereby notified that the anneal elec tion will be held at the Banking Hone, in Eraes ville, on Tuesday, Jannary 5th, 1S1, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. nxv .for ve Directors to serve the ensneing year. -By order of the Board of Directors. no25dawtt SAM'L BAYARD, Cajhier.