Newspaper Page Text
EVANS DAILY JOURNAL. Business card3 (5 lines or less), one year...f 12 " " lx raonths... 7 r " " " , thrw " ... 4 50 One square (10 lines or less) one Insertion 7r. " " "'res " 1 x, " " one week j 75 " " one month 5 K) IN WEEKLY. One square, ono insertion . 1 no. For each subsequent inse rtion .-tit 50 Special Notices retained on inside of rnper, will he chargid 20 tkt cent. ad'Utiocal on aMve rates. m; orning edition. VOLUME XVI. EVASViLU:, Lj).t MONhAV, DECEMBER 28 1863. ESTABLISHED, 1831 ADVERTISING KATES II DAILY VILJLE TIRMS IN ADVANCE. FOB DAILY. yr O0 eix mentis - 00 rhree Dontha 1 60 ttnppllad by carriers at 12 anU per week. FOR WEEKLY. nrse mcntbs .. .... - 8 x months a Year 1 6 FOB TBI-WKKLY. Six month S 00 One year .. - 00 WATCHES & JEWELRY. J. L. B1TTROLFF, JR., No. 1, North First Stree. An entirely now Stock of Watches and Jewelry, SILVERWARE, CL0CK3, &c. IWnULD " !' KCT 1' L" L L Y INFORM TU public that I bare opened au entirely new aud f.tshioiiablo stock of the above goods, wicfc, h:iv Ing been Taught for cash, I am prepared to sell at prices as low as the lowest, and warrant every article to be just as represented . From long tm-perii-nco in the business, I am confident of giving satisfaction, and hope to merit a share of the pub lic patronage. Personal attention paid to repairing WsMliea, Clocks and Jewelry. J. Ti. B1TTB.0LFF, Jr., octl7-lffidAw No. 1, North First Street. SOAP AND CANDLES. rliilip Xeclcei, (Successor to Decker A Kramer), Manufacturer of Lard Oil SOAP AND CANDLES. Also, an extra article el BUBNISQ, BNGINM, AND CAB OIL Dealers la Bosiu, Soda, Ashes, As. Also Pure Catawba Win Of our own raising, la quantities to suit pur chasers, US Mam Sfreef, lefwsen Fwd and leeond, Ktaxsyilu, Ixdiasx. W Terms cash, or 90 days' paper negotiable is aok. juMv NOTICE. NOTIC ETO SHIPPERS. Tallow, Lard, Grease & Oils. The undersigned pay their Particular Attention To the sale of the above articles, and SOAP STOCKS GENERALLY. Consignments sent to them will be PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF and Quick Returns Madb on Tery advanced terms. We mail our Weekly Ci rcular gratis to all sending thsir addres. to AUK A M KD1UHT & SONS, SB Water Street, N. Y. City. a yiodem DENTIST. Dr. F. HUTCHINSON, DENTIST, HAS removed from his old office on tb. eornnr of Second and Main streets, to his new rooms on Firnt st, two d ore below Main, next to the Merrentile Library, eM Maaoni Hsll. He has -.!. - no expense fur the comfort ami convenience of bis patients I avii:g enlarged mid larreajaj hit fa cilities, a lidfu-'-ured the assUtnuce of one of the best workaven in the Plate. He can now supply the wants aff those desiring his services. R. HUT! IllNSON HAVING FOR THE ronage or the citizens of Kvansville and siirreiiuil ing towus and country, would return most sincere thanks for their appreciation ef hie skill as Dentist, hoping, by nuliriug euory in secur ing for his patients all the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND INVENTIONS, to mi lit a riiliti tuiain-s of the saui. favor. Personal Atlrnllon Dlrea In Krry Case. Hi facilities for doing good work equal any HstalilUhment In the Untied Stairs. Evtry 0f Artificial Teellt made In Eastern Cities are made by hltu. Bet mwe at all times given by referring to Iiemoio now wearing the BSAUTIFU SETS OF TEETH prewired in hi otn.-e. Having had mask Wsmrl sssos iii treat went of li lee alertly of cif ll DREVS TEETH, lie would l.sve no lie.ita tioii iu savior the most Irregular Masai tan lie entirely orrnc ed ly him Caws can I" seen in this city and county entirely corrected by alas. Cleft, 1'elate or openings, in Palate succestiillv treated. S. nrvy, Nenrnlia affection and all dis ease of the mouth siicreasfully treated. Those desiring ARTIFICIAL TEETH would do well te consult him. tWT.-rmi very moderate. ftsyTho best Aueanhetics for alleviarlug pain wbeu extractiug teeth. Chloroform given when niueetod. JuueKI 1 IEKClN' V libotiit years, imi I St. HAAS, I t I Y THANKFUL TOR TUB iati.-''od received during the past four pin-4 leraiauent resident of this city, rTrei an rjEnauaec t hey need Iim prtfet sional services or o 'i )lo Tlsit his rooms aud sue the Various Style ot work Manufactured Improvements aad Invent5 on s Are being made, and everything that will ssbserve the interests of his patients is secured by him. H I Establishment aid Facliitl s Are equal to any in EASTERN CITIES. He has Several Anaesthetics " " -ron Alleviating Pain when Eitractlnt " , Teeth. Cheek's that are sunken can be restored to nearly heir original.coutour. All desirable styles of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, made any where bi the United States, are made by him. Irregularities of Children's Teeth success fully corrected. Those having DECAYED TEETH Should either have them Extracted or Filled, (the latter If posslidt.) The health of the parties aud the remaining T..-th deamnd it. NKUBALGIO AFFLICTIONS TREATED. ALSO CLEFT PALATE Office on First St , Near Post Office. DRUGS, &c. WM H. P. STODDAHD, No. 17 Main Street, EVA5SVILLE, IND. TO AKTIST8 Ambrotype and Photograph stock of erery description, including Came ras, Chemicals, Cases and Frames ; a large rariety constantly on band and for sale at reasonable prices at WSI.U. P. STODDARD'S. 17 Main strwt. &6rA A S il A N D CO XCENT K AT 1CD Lfl O for making Soap. A superior article just ro eeivedat IT MAIN 8TRBBT. H09TETTER S PLANTATION BITTERS and German Bitters," t.geth.r with a great Tariety of Patent Medicines, at 17 MAIN STREET, PTRK AND tTNADl'LTER ATKD CREAM Tarter for family nso ; also Soda snd Spices pure, at 17 MAIM STREET. COOeftHB. AMBROSIA, KATH ARION , TltT. CAPITKRorS. Zylabalsarunm, aad all the beet prr-parations far the Elairat WM. H. P. STODDARD'S. COAL OIL AND BV IN ISO 1X1 I D BY THE gallon or barrel at . 17 MAIN STREET. PRINTERS INK, BLACK AND COI.ORRD, iu small cans AYde's manufacture for sale at ; STODDARD'S, 17 Main Street. L AMPS, LAMP CHIMNEYS, fii.OBES A?D Slia.le; a large and raned ae.irtnient at 17 MAIN STICEKT. IITIZZARD OIL THE OLD ORIGINAL kind a supply jnst receieed at STOODARD'S, 17 Main Stroot. fisafels'' . , , V t: DRY GOODS. Arrival of Goods Much Needed. V-K HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT Of SHAWLS, BLANKETS. PlAltdL Linscys, 4-4 Osnaburgs and "Kerseys." For sal at KKEX A P&KSTON'B. sovai HARDWARE, &c. WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., DBALE.tS IN II 1 WARE AND CUTLERY No. 13 FIRST STREET (SION BIG DULL MAW,) Have received a complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Purchased aud Imported direct from the Manufacturers FOR C. Enabling u to offer inducements to Pnr cfcasers rarelj found in the West. We call the special attention of Dealers to our large and well selected Stock, con sisting in part of Axes All the celebrated brands, Chains Log, Trace and Halter, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shovels and Spades, Cotton arjd Wool Cards, Wheel Heads, Weaver's Reeds, Spinning Wheels, Locks, Latches, Butts and Screws, Gun Trimmings, Brass Kettles, Shot Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, Chain Pump Fixtures, Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, Gum Belting, Japanned Ware, Notions Large Stock. WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., No. 13 First Street. CLOTHING. The Best is always the Cheapest Especially is tbls true of OLOTHIN AND C2r Gents' Furnishing Good. Test it by calling J. H. CAHLIN, No. 8 FIRST STREET, KKAB PosT-orricn,) STANf YILLK, IND. TUB UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RX tamed trom the East, wlixre he has laid in one of las I tost stocks of Cloth i ig and Gen ts' Fnr nishing tioods ever brought to this City. My Cloths, Cassinifres, Vestings. Ac, were selected witli nn eye sinjlo to quality and style ; and hay ing liecome conrrrsant with the taste of oar peo ple, an aatisli'd that in this particular my Geods will siTe excellent satisfaction. Gents Fumishin Goods of erery descriptios. will also be fouud at my establishment sueh as Clones, Hosiery, Neck-Ties. Shirts. Collars. Sus- , ponaors, c. My facilities for manufactnria Clothing aro I excellent ; and as for Cutting Ga ments to ft no : satisfaction no pay I ask no one to take a mean fitting garment off my hands. Over-Coatings of every variety nd style will be I found at my stablishanat. Though it may I sound unreasonable sM k Overcoats during I the "heated term," we must remember that in "peace is the timeto- refer war," and in Summer make our preparations for the cold blasts of Winter. No better preparation can be devised than the ordering of a good reliable Ovsreoat, such as may be fonnd at No. 8 First Street. Orders for Clothing of every dessriptien will receive the personal attention of the undersigned, and will be promptly attended le. The motte at No. S is, " Premiss annetnally falnlled." Before ordering Fall or Wiater salts Genss will consult thoir own interest by examining my Goods and Prices. Ramembsr the place No. 8 First, Street, (near Poet Offloe.1 anglS J. H. CARL15, COLLECTOR'S SALE. Collector's Sale of Real Estate for the payment of the costs and expenses of Sidewalk Improve ments. TyOTICK is li KRKBT GIVEN, THAT BV li virtue of a precept issued by the Mayor of tks City of Kvansville and to rae directed, I will sell at public auction, at the door of the Court Hause in said City, Thursday, December 31, at,10'elock a m., the following Lota or parcels of Real Estate, or so much thereof as may lie necessary to pay the asapaat charged and assessed against said Lots re spectively for the costs and expenses ef makiag sidewalk improvements upon said Lots, together with the costs ot sale, and that the said sale will be continued ou the next day thereafter, rix : Friday, tlie 1st day of January, 1V64, at 10 a'cloek a. m.,at the same place for Ihe purpose of selling eueli prop erty as may have hern sold on the day above men. oued and uot paid for : BAKER'S ADDITION. Curniok Thomas, ht 2. Wk do lot 3, blk 3 Carpenter A B, lot 1st. ,k 1 do lot 11, blk 2 Whittlosey A T A W (J, lot 4, blk 5 do lot 5, 1.1k S. .. . Gosclicli riorlan, lot lot 1-, blk 2 Hull George, lot 'J, I.Ik 3 iAMASOO. . 3 SO . 3 ns . 3 . 3 fts . 3 0 . 3 S8 . 3 US . 3 AS . 4 IS . 4 16 . 4 IS . 3 W .11 t I Weaver John, lot 4, blk 94 I KoenigWG, lot 5, blk M... Brits Jacob, lots, blk M do lot 7, blk 64 Jie I Burtie John, lot ID, blk 55 I Keller DO, lot 1, blk 57 do lot 3, blk 57. .. ,. 8 98 7 8S do lot 3, blk 57.... 7 88 ! do lot 4, blk 57 7 fM do lot 5, blk 57 , S 98 i Carpenter A B, lot 12, blk 180 7 50 ! Sorensou Soren. lot 1, blk 134 , T 90 I d17 WM. Q. BCBPPLK, Oonjotor. PUBLISHED BY JAMES H. McNEELY. F. M. TUAYEB. JNO. H. MeNKKLY. chiikk im riKV or vast EvanSVille Journal ComnanV. l Journal Bnildinar?) LOCUST STREET, BKTWRBN FIRST AND W ATI R. A Copperhead Philosopher Here is a bright specimen of Copperhead logic. It from the Ft. Wayne Times of the 1 , ,1 . 1 r li.l 1 II . , 1 1th inst., and fa.rly "knocks anything of the sort nny reasoning upon "the ; cause of the war '' that has been seen lately. It is probably the most artnihi- Iniinn w; thor 1,,. v, .,,i,.,l . ... . . . J3 i in ttus country, and makes one shudder , i - J l " I. C .1. . . to xnuiK 01 ine consequences u migoi produce, if once fairly set going. Here it is, complete; " Is it not time we began to think for ourselves, and know where we are going and what we are doing? Now what shall we gain by continuing the war? Some of you will answer that we shall wipe oat slavery, and ' that was the cause of the war.' Then we mu t ttop ind think. By thinking we shall see that that state ment is a fallacy. The manner in which we dealt with slavery was the immediate cause of the war. If slavery was the cause of the war, then the negro was the cause of slavery. We must kill him. Then as God was the cause of producing the negro, wa would annihilate the Al mighty by such logic." A New Democratic Anniversary. The Sunday Enquirer ushers in the new Democratic anniversary be intro ducing the South Carolina Secession Address, thus: This day is the anni versary of Secession, and it is over three years since it was inaugurated. Our readers will thank us therefore for this opportune publication." This is a frank and complimentary es timate of the tastes and proclivities of the readers of that journal. There are three conditions which are said to be conducive to truth: infancy, idiocy and inebriation. Which was it that brought out this? It was time that the Democratic party had a new anniversary day and new fathers to celebrate. The fourth of July is too much identified with the radical spirit of liberty, for the use of that party. Jefferson is dropped for his anti-slavery literature. Jackson and the 8th of Jan uary are ignored be.cause they bring up unpleasant recollections of his course towards South Carolina Secession. And so the party was stripped of saints or days to. celebrate. Shade of Old Hickory! Imagine his expletive burst when he hears that the Democratic party celebrates the South Carolina Secession a a party birth-day, and rv-pi:Lliaht8 her secession address as a new declaration of independence. From our knowledge ot the Enquirer literature, we should think its belief that its readers will ihank it for reproducing this secession address, well founded. Anything hut secession reading would be too sudden a ehangr- i'orthe safety of its readers. A bu'.Ml of intemperato use of Die most unwholesome stimulants cannot be broken olf suddenly without danger ous prostration. The habit must be mit igated by degrees. Therefore, we sup pose this South Carolina Secession ad dress is hettsr for the readers of the Bin qttirer than a sudden change to anything wholesome, loyal or. patriotic. The Enquirer commends the address as enabling its readers "to look the truth of such a matter in the face," and as "the production of R. B. Rhctt. who is reputed to be the ablest leader of the State." This is a malignant thrust at Alexander II. Stephens, one of the ablest politicians of the South, who has given his declaration of the causes of secession, and has declared that it was not becatisejthe South, had any grievance in the Union, or any just complaint against the North, but that it was to sep arate from a nation founded on human freedom, and to fouad an empire whose corner stoue shall be human Slavery. "Old John Brown." All I'npubllslit-d . Faced Letter How Death. He The Cleveland (Ohio) Herald publishes the following letter, never before print ed, written by Captuin John Brown, who was hung at Charlestown, Virginia, four years ago last Wednesday, to a relative and old friend in Windhare, Ohio. It shows how calmly he contemplated death and clung to his opinions, even with the shadow of the gallows falling on him: Charlestown, Va., Nov. 19, 1859. Rev. Luther Humphrey: My tlear friend : Your kind letter of the 12th iust is now before me. So far as my knowl edge goes as to our mutual kindred, I suppose I am the first since the landing of Peter Brown on the Mayflower that has either been sentenced to imprison ment, or to the gallows. But, my dear okj friend, let not that fact alone grieve you. You cannot have forgotten how and where our grandfather (Captain John Brown) fell in 1776, and that he, too, might have perished on the scaffold, had circumstances been but very little differ ent The fact that a man dies under the hand of an executioner (or otherwise) has but little to do with his true charac ter, as I suppose. John Rogers perish- ( ed at the stake, a great and good man, at I suppose; bat his doing so does not prove that any other man who has died in the same way was good or otherwise. j Whether I have any reason to be of good cheer (or not) m view of my end, I can assure you that I feel so; and that I am totally blinded if I do not really exper ience that strengthing consolation you so faithfnllyiuiplore in my behalf. I neith er feel mortified, degraded, nor in the least ashamed of my imprisonment, my chain, or near prospect of death by hang- iug. 1 feel assured" that not on-5 hair shall fall from my head without the will oi my neaveniy tatner.. i also leel mat 1 have long been endeavoring to hold ex actly'snch a vast as God has chosen.' See the passage in Isaiah which you have nuoieci. !o part ot my lite has been more happily spent than that 1 have spent here, and I humbly trust that no part has been spent to better pnrppse." I would not say this boastingly but 'thanks be unto God who giveth ua the victory, through infinite grace. M 1 shpuld be sixty years old were I to live till May Hth, I860. I have enjoyed mush of life as it is, and have been re markably prosperous; having early learn- i j I MONDAY DECEMBER 28 ed to regard the welfare and prosperity of others as my own. I have never, since I can remember, required a preat amount of sleep, so that I conclude I have already enjoyed fully an average number of waking hours with thoso who reach their ' three score-years and ten.' I have not as yet been driven to the use of glasses, but can see to read and write :. ,,,r,..,.,v,l 15., t ... 1 1... u WUIIUlldUl. UlU Uillii: Lll.lll V1IAL, 1 have senerallv enioved remarkably good health I might go on to recount unnumbered and unmerited b!esingp, among vhicb would "be some very severe afflictions, and those the most needed blessings of all. And now, whan I think how easily I might be left to spoil all I have done or suffered in the cause rf Freedom, I hardly dare wish another voyage, even if I had the opportunity. It is a long time since we met; but we shall a-jun tunic LU"Clllt;rill OUT 1 BiiiPrs hou8e , jJ un feM fut tLllt we already have.' rememberin? 'we shall reap in due time it we faint not. 'Thanks be even unto God, who civeth .L . , . ... P. us lue yiciory tnrougii jesns L.'nnst our Lord.' And now, my old warm-hearttd frjnd e-oftd bve -mr i. Yonr affectionate cousin, John Bro'wn. LINIMENT. DR. J. WOODRUFF'S H0BSE LINIMENT, Manufacture.! bj LEIGH & CASLSTJ2DT, Wholesale Druggists, SVANSVILLE, IND. THIS LINIMENT FIS BTiES PRESCRIBED by DR. JOSEPH WOODRUFF iu a uraoticu of some iwouty years for Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Ulcerous Sores, Scratches, Wounds, Cracked Heels, Founders, &c, With the most unpnrallrlFit success, sfTriain euros iu a number of caf s where other ivm I " ntterly hi led. It i also the boat Liniment fo" tho human body ever discoved, having cured pet sous who have been confined to their beds by t) most aicoiiitinir pains of Rheumatism, Jrc, i, some cases as Iouk as thre years. We do not promise, like so many proprietors of Patent Medicines to the favor of the public by publishing Um certified s of perilous who rierhaps never hare exittnd or vhoo resi dences are thonsxnils of mlle ili'Mintt from the SaaSMafaerasjwr, but feel gonad I the Liniment will alt for itself. W vosdi refer to the fol lowing well known citizen and others, who havo used the Liniment and are acquainted with its virtu 1 : Vtchrll A Biwtsaj Ed. IMgarnlfe; Mrs, Deajarsaa, Solomon Kh, Henry Dodenboff, K,.imld I'iilier, Joseph Kahn, I'spt. Rohlusoi., .Mrs. U. llowlos. Col. Udrin Under. John fleWHOll, We i ould add hundreds of others, but bellevo the above to lie stlftleient. The money will ho refunded. in all casus where the Liniment does not give sstisfa tiou. Price 25 cents per bottle. For sale by LKIUH .t CRLSTK1)T, novl9-oin si Main Street SADDLERY. w. r. uokwin. 1. v.. aunts THE NEW FIRM. UrK, THE SUBSCRIBERS, WHOLESALE nianiiftetiirers of Saldle-, Bridles, Collar, Harness, Ac., desire to inform the putdic that vi have largely increased our slock on hand, and lij application ourselves and the- employment of good workman in our saops, we are able to fur nish on short notice any and all kinds and i.nautl tiosof work to euit the trade. Those who will favor us with a call, can fatisfy themselves, that they can proenre, at lower prices, good substan tial, fancy and duraM- work or us than they c anywhere else, (und far better than '.he Eastern shop-wo-k.) The members of tho Drm being practical work men themselves, attending personally to all orders with promptness, care and ilispntob, deter mined that none Khali excel in style of finish or tiality of work, give better satisfaction to tboso patronizing us; foet confident it will be to the intercut of all to come aud s.-o for themselves Iw foro purchasing elsewhero. Storo on Locust Street, above the Sherwood House, lictwoon First and Second Streets, No. 25. N. B. Guarantee aU we sell. s?l2 ' W. V. COR WIN A CO. REMOVAL. THE UNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVE RH moved their Saddlery establishment to the Corner of Main aud Second Street, in the room oc ceaied by Fred. Krone, deceases'. C. WOLFF 4V7K1101PSCH, MANrracTUSEBS or and dealers ih d til en, Harness, CO! LARS, &c, &c, Main Street, Cor. Second, (Store formerly occuppiod by Fred KroneJ flttt.All orders attended to with dispatch. Work warranted. novlS-ly TOYS & FANCY GOODS. Toys and Fancy Goods AT Wholesale and Retail. rrH". LARGKST AND BEST STOCK OF X Toys and i ancy Goods will bo found at WARREN & CONYNGTON'S, No. 1 Main Street. Having bought our stock at first bands, we will duplicate Cincinnati bills. We iuvite the trade to call and look through our establishment. Every immagiuable kind of TOYS Tin, Wood, Iron, &c DOLLS Of all sizes and kinds-Wax, Linen, China. Paper aad Wood. MACHINE TOYS Steamboats, "Monitors, Engines, Carriages, Sec. India Rubber Toys. Rocking and Spring Horses, Wagons. Carts, Sleighs, Velocipedoes and Children's Gabs. Baskets of all kinds, China Tea Sets and Figures. Beautiful Dhristmas Presents for Ladies or Gentlemen of the most ex quisite workmanship a line of goods never before offered in this place; Pearl and Silver Card Cases, New and Beautiful Portmonies, Velvet and French Kid. Steel Trimmer Bags and Wire Purses, Cornucopias, Paper Boxes, &C., for Candies ' Wax Candles and Moss for Christ mas Trees ; Musical Goods of every kind always on hand: 3E I LlWOTiJIS, MELODEONS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, MUSICAL BOXES, &c, &c. WARREN & CONYNGTON. novxl-2m EXPRESS COMPANY. l i i: Ft h Express Company. General Express Forwarders, CONNECTING: SEW YORK, CISfCIWXATI, MAIM SO Jf, LOUISVILLE, KVANSVILLE, NEW ORLEANS, CAIRO, ST. LOUIS, MEMPHIS, CORINTH, VICKLSBtTRG, PA1MJCAH, LITTLE ROCK, ARK. Win receive Kmi-jht Packages, Money and Val uables for the above and all intermediate p,dnts. W A 11 aorstms wishing to avail themselves of the facilities of this Company can obtain any de sired information in reference to the routes and details of tho business by application at oar office, on Water Street, between Main and Syca more, over the Canal tank. decl7 THY D. TIETS, Agent. GROCERIES. B UCK-WHKAT FLOUR 20 sacks Pennsyl vania Buck-wheat Flour. For sale at No. 9 FIBST STREET. PICKLES 10 dozen 1 gallon Gothic Gherkins ; 10 Gherkins ; 10 10 5 I 10 10 10 15 10 20 20 Mixed Pickles; Piccalilla: Chow Chow ; Cullitlower : Gherkius ; Mixed Piiklos; Chow Chow ; Gherkins ; Mixed Pickl.-s Gherkins ; Mtx. d Piokles ; WM. CALDWELL'S, No 9 First street. 7 CRANBEnRIES 3 Darrein, Cultivated Ex pressly for Fmily nse. Fur sale at No. it FIRST STREKT. PICK LET) I.OTiSTKRS 5 doz-u Pickled Lobsters. gallon Just roeei ve.1 at No. 11 FIRST ST It KMT. ITOMINV Barrels extra White Hssalat s a. .r sale at No 9 FIRST ST II K KT, H O08IER SYRUP 1 Barrel choic Sorguui Syrup. For sale at 'A l.DWKl.L'S Family t!r ry. MARBLE WORKS. (JHLH0RN & BR I if KM AN, (Successor to M. A. Lawitii.e,) Dealers iu 1MKBICAX tSI ITALIAN MAKHLE. Malix Street Kent- Com I lleime. VANHVILLK, . . . INDIANA SMonumeut, M tier . ToiiiIih, Vases, and all luua of Furuiluio w Vuoatij ami promptly ex cepted In the latest an 1 t styles. dec I Tixaix nocoivocl, Iirrct from t liu Qn:trr.ts, tbe The Finest Stock of Marblo Ever brought ts this market, and for sale at STREET & YOUNG'S American and Italian Marble Manufactory, WARE AND SALES ROOM No. 184 MAIN STREET, Near the Canal Oar facilities for furnishing those wishing MONUMENTS, GRAVESTONES, TOMBS, MANTLES, r anything else In oar line, are unsurpassed in he West Onr Ftoek of Marble is complete, having been si sated with great rare at the Onarries mvr.dAw SEWING MACHINES. FM. SELLMAN HAVING FITTED UP AN . efflce, No. 35 Main Street, will keep, as here tofore, a good assortment of Wheeler A Wilson's and Singers Sewing Machines and Needles, Silk Thread and oil, and everything that is connected with the business, and will repair all kind of Sew ing Machines and pnt on now improvements. jv3 V. V HKT.f.MA V. A-c't VARIETY STORE. PUSHEE'S VARIETY STORE, No. 20 Main Street, IS THE PLACE TO FIND FANCY GOODS, Combs, Brusi es. Pocket Wallets, Card Chcs, Tablets, Scissors, Knives, Watch Keys, Guard ("bains, Thimbles, Needles, Pins, Tape" Measures, Beads, Belt Clasps, Goggles, Spectacles. Ther aoinotors, French Harps, Pop Uuos, vory Rat tles, Marbles. Chessmen. HelN Corset I'Uspa, Steel Pens, Pencilcs, Games, Bobfcac Balls, Toilet Soap, Jewelry, Violin Strings, Work Bojces, Writing Deski, Feather Dustiis, Bird Cages, Childrens' Carriages, Ladjes' Fancy Work and Traveling Baskets, Ac., Ac, at wholesale and en tail, tepffl NOTICE TO FARMERS. rpHE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ; HIDES. FURS, FEATHERS, WOOL, BEANS, DRIED FRUIT, ! CLOVER SEED, FLAX SEED, GRASS SEED, BEESWAX, GLNSING, And all kinds of Country Produce by A. GUMBERTS. Orrici At L. Loewenthal A Co.'s Btore, eorner of Main and First Streets. nov5-3tn CHRISTMAS PRESENTS TD8T RECEIVED, A SPLENDID ASS0HT i MSNT of no.vly decorated French China Motto Cups aud Saucers aii sizes; Cut Glass Giit Colognes; Alabaster and Gilt Toilet Bottles ; For sale low by M. A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street. Clillclron's TOY TEA SETS. JUST RECEIVED A FINK ASSORTMENT OF tl Children's Tov Tea Sets, all sixce and patterns, and for salo cheap by H. A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street. BOHEMIAN GLASS. JUST OPENED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of rleh Cut Bohemian Glass, Consisting; of Cut D caatera, Cut Wine Bottles, Goblets. Wines, Tumblers, Cordials, Colognes, Toilet Dottles, Wine Set, Celeries, Spoon Hold ers, Card Receivers, As., Ac., and fnr sale low by M A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street PARIAN WA1JE. JUST OPENING A SPLENDID ASSORT MENT of Parian Ware, suitable for Christmas and New Year Presents, consisting of Vases, (vari ous sixes,) Pitchers, Toilet and Jewelry Boxed, As., Ac. For sale low by M. A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street 3L..A.T7" V WAKE. TCST RECKIVKD AN ASSORTMENT OF l the celehjatssj Lava Ware; consisting of Tea p i!j. Sugar and Cream B,.wl, Cui aad Saiicor' fesar stands, Tahacco Boxes, Card Receivers, Ac, Ac. rot salo low by M. A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street SILVER PLATED WARE. IUST RECEIVING 14U:K. Y FKUM THE rf manufacturers, 1 ;.iihi ; :,; ofSilver Platan1 Ware, e.vtra iTi:irr!T. and of the laasot rttyles and sftsa as, consisting of Tea anil Cofice beta, Grecian styh-s; Ci.ffi.,) Drits. Greclau style: Duiner and Brraktaat Oaatnrs, Hell Castors. Call Halls, Table and Tea Smuim, Table asH Tii rt Hooks, Soup Ladlea, Pitohare, Ac, Ac. For sale low by M. A. LAWRENCE, 18 Main Street CLOTHING. UNITED S TATES Wholesale Clothing AND FURNISHING HOUSE. 1. hi Clothing for tho Million! L. LOEWENTSAL & CO., " gain In tho market, at the old well known stand Cor. Main and First Sts., Which has keen rebuilt and enlarged,) with the largest and best selected stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Ever Opened In tula market. OUR OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE TRADE generally are respectfully invited to call and examine our Goods an t prices before purchasing elsewhere, as wo feel assured we cau offer snperiar I inducements to CASH buyers. One of our firm resides in New York, aud has I had many years exjrience in buying and manu facturing, and devotes his whole time to Purchasing and Superintending the Manufacturing Department, Aud as we buy exclusively for CASH, we can and will sell as low to the trade as any House East or West. aepll DRUGGISTS. THE FAMILY IE STOKE WM. E. HALLOCK, NO. 10, FIRST 3TREET, KXAR POST 0FFICK, HAS JCST RECEIVED nOSTETTER S Plan tation and Holland's Bittets ; also a large variety of all the Patent Medieines. COCOAINE, AMBROSIA, KATH A I RON TRI J (, and all the most celebrated pre parations for the Hair, can be found at No. in South First Street. PURE AND UNADU ITERATED CflKAM Tartar, expressly for family ue; also Soda anil Spie.-.. at IIAI.LOCK'S Drugstore. SELLER'S COnrtll CTRF UTRIKLAND and Meiliiliioue Coagh ItaNam, Cherrv rVc, Hall's Balsam, riary's Ooan'Auro and Brown's Troohee. At WM. V. H A I.L f K 'S Drnt Store. TOY PAINTS IN tvREAT YAsUMTl uT Prices, Lead Pencils, Pens, Holders, Letter Paper, Envelopes. At No. 10 First Street. PERFUMERY, SOAPS, TOILET ARTCLES, Pomades, Cosmetizes, Tooth, Nail, Flesh, Hair aud Cloth Brashes; Combs in great variety. May be found at WM. E. HALLOCK'S Drug Store. FtJRS ! FURS!! FURS!!! X7"E. ARK NOW EEGEIVING A VERY v v large and well assorted Ktock of Ladies' and Missee's fancv Furs, eempriny in part the fol lowing: Sable, Mink, Russian Fitch, Stone Mar tin Fisher, Lyns, German Fitch, SibarlU Squir rel, Ermine, Genet. Swaus Down, and fur trim -misgs of every descriptions. Gentlemen's Fur Collars and Gloves, Children's Purs, MuiT, Cutis, either separate or in sets. Having selected the goods ourselves, ciwtoiaers can rely on gettiti;; the very beat grade of good a:id at price as low as the leweet. HATS AND CAPS. Our stock or Hats and Caps for Men and Bov's, Is now couipUte, having Just been replenished with the very latest .Whiter styles, gotten up with care under oar own supervision. MISSES' FELT HATS. Latent New Yortsftyles. INFANT S HATS. Fancy and Jlain, a very lag assortment. All new styles. FANCY CAPS, Of which we are receiving a splendid assortment. YACTIKR A MARCONNIER, No. SM Main street. MEDICAL. CANCERS riATt BE PERMANENTLY CCRED WITII V, out pain, caustic eating, or the rue of the knife, by DR. W C. COUDEN. Ths Doctor has suecessfully treated Cancers many years in Cincinnati, Ohio, bnt is now located in Term Hsute, Ind.. and will visit Evansrillo ones a month. He will be found at the Washington nonse Dec. 17th and 18th, Jan. 8th and 9th. FeU. Mi aud nth, and March 11th aud Villi. All those afflicted with Cancers or anyothor rhronie dis ease, will find it to thoir advantage to call and consult with him. Consultation fro.'. HiaCancer antidote is the moat wonderful dis covery ever made in medicine. Its operation is t ruly astonishing without parallel and is the only known antidote for Cancers or cancerous af fections. It can be applied to the naked eye. or an open wound as freely as water ; by this mesns large Cancers .can be removed from the vital pai t, where no other treatment could possiblv I used. All surgical operations performed with success. Address Dr. W. C. COUDstN, Box 843 Tsrro Haute, Indiana. decs-3m STOVES, &c. irt F to -i O m tfl v c o 73 m H H i W M a d l a d M ! Q i F i Q w I I w n H ft W F O d BP O o o o fT o 0 m Cb. O Hs. SI CD f 5 05 X r r O 73 m o Q O O o B ts o B CO CLOTHING. REMOVAL GOLDMAN, BERG & CO , Wholesale Clothiers, Have removed to the corner of FIRST & SYCAMORE STREETS, (Opposite tb Grocery Store of Bsment A Yiels,) where they offer to their frieads and the trade generally a very large stock of O L O T II I N G AT vVHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY, I Every article of which being maanfactured by tnemsclvesat 30-. .Market street, Philadelphia, buyers will have Only Ono Profit to Pay. Also a full line ot Clotmn s, Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, We Sell at Eastern Prlees tvtth Trn importation suldad. WHARF BOATS. J. T. COX. T. M. Ul KPUCSV. COX & HUMPHREY, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, STEAMBOAT AGENTS 4 WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS, And Agents Louisville v Henderaon unci Kvansvill. 6i Cairo Packet Companies, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. IOR T1JE KSrUCIAL ACCOMMODATION OF P Loaieville A Memphis and t'iiiciuosfi Memphis Packets aud transient Boats, we bare just purchased another large aud com BR'alSMsi WHARf-fiiiAT, which is now at the wharf, Xsit of Sycamore street, which will give us it real sibli tioiial facilities for receiving ami forwarding goods. All fruicht r the Louisville A Cairo pack ets will be reeorvnd as usual at the apper wharf boat, aud fr all other Iniats at the one just pur chased. Freight received at all hoars, both day and night. . afceT For promptness and strict attention to business, we refer to ('apt. A. Donaily, Capt. J. H. Dunce, Lisrs. Beiu.ut A Viele, Messrs. Slier ley A Woolfolk, Capt. H. T. Dexter, Capt. F. M. Davidson, Messrs. Rratz A Heilmatt, T. M'Krwiu A Co , Capt. J. Hutsinpiller, Oapt. J. A. Lusk, Samuel Orr, Esq., Mooteuoad A Co. declC LAW CARDS. Wtf. H. WALKER, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, EVANSVILLE, IND., OSace on Third Street, octl?-lT Oppoaite Court tlouae. CHA2L ES BBNBYt Attorney Law. tfas re- red the practice of Lw. Oflrceon Third Street raid la of HaU s Bixk, np stairs. frb2 JAMES RE ID, Attorney at Law ANB C 0 LLECTING AGENT. ..,VKlCK 0n Tnird El'eet, third sjoor from Main Street, In the Crescent City Rauk Building EVANSVILLE, INDIANA ielJ5-ly ' Jas. T. Walker, JUSTICE OF TSZ PEACE AND Agent for obtaining Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty FOR DISCHARGED POLDf -AD FOB the Widows arid ot!...r legal representatives of those who die in the service of the Cnlted State Omor on the North-West side of thfrd Streot! near th,. W ashington Honae sod nearly upposito the Court Hou e. Kvansville, Indiana All Uainess entrnsted to Lira will be promptly attended to. jylS-lv SASH AND DOORS. JAMES STEELE, (Successor te A Hrxwax,) SBCOND FT., BKT. CHKSTNTTT ANDCHIRBY, BVASS TILLS, IXDIANA SASH, DOORS, WINDOW BLINDS Dressed Lumber Hoards, Laths, Ac, of erery description constantly cu hand. Packinsr Boxes of all kinds made to or srder. Sawing of every kind dono pn ths shortest BO,-lce apl8-ly W. HUNNELL, CORNER WALNUT STREET AIf CAHAL, EVANSVILLE, INB., Has on band the largest lot of Sashes, Boon, Blinds, Frames, Ac., Ir Manufactured In the West. THEY ARE OF MY OWN MAKE. I have also a fine lot 01 rniite Pine and Popular e-looring. Mould lug of all kinds madeand sawine of all descriptions done at the shortest notice HOTEL. Crescent City Hotel. Mrs. A. Webb, Proprietress OX WATER, BKT. MAIN A LOCI ST STS., (Opp. Steamboat Landing EYAKSYILLE, INDIANA. IT A watch for Steamboats kept at alLAonra. MRS. WKBB TKKS PLKASl'RE IN AN nounoiair to tha pnMic freaerally that sho has uot sohl out the Crescent Ovty Hotel, as re ported, hot Ih still carrying n at the all stand, an Water, betwnn Main and I,ocA streets, and --li., puikh a buwoi fc iepiiiuc patrou- age. nor! 1 -6m STEAM BAKERY. Bread for the Hungry! NEW STEAM BAKERY, No. IX WATER STREET, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. TXTE DESIRE TO INFORM TnE CITIZENS F v ,,f Kvansville, and tlie commnutty in geu eral, that onr NEW STEAM BAKERY, NO. 11 W A T K It. S T B. K K T, Is now ia sncoessfnl operation, and we shall keep constantly ou hand and make to ordor, oa .short notice, all articles mad at like manufactories ; such as Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Ac., ttc. Beius; supplied with all the moilnra maefainery to faciliatc us in our business, we Hatter oursolvns that we can give tho most ample sictisfaction in the quality of onr goods aad In prices. Ws will also keep ou A aud a Uric au j choice stock of Confections, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars, Ac., to which we call attention. Orders for public or private Vartim, Festivals, Ball, Ac., Ac., promptly tilled on reasonable terms. aeplStf A. WELD A CO. BOILER MAKER. JOHN P. LAURENT, Boiler, Corner or Pine and Water Streets KVANSVILLE, INDIANA. I AM PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS of Steam Boilers, stationary or portable. I have every facility for doing pxid Wrk that good machinery aad good workmen caa give, and all work entrnsted to me will be made under my per sonal supervision. stsF Workmen sent to any part of the ify and country to do rvpairiug. dec 12 DRY GOODS. Hoods and Comforts forthe Million. YETE H AVE JPST OPENED the largest stock V of Hoods, Comforts, Ac, ever brought tothe city, and wishvull thsm cheap at wholesale or re tall. SCUAPKER A nHttSO, No. 43 Main-Street. Cloaks and Shawls. HAVING RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF Croaks and fc haw Is of every sty la and price, we can now supply the wholesale and retail trade to their entire satisfaction. SCHAPKER A BTJSSINC, No. 9 Main street. EXPRESS. Bellefontaine Cotton Express ! ONLY TEN DAYS TO NEW YORK. TIME GUARANTEED ! THIS LIGHTNING EXPRESS LINE FOR the tranami'Siua ofOUon to the East, by dispatch, is now fnlly established. mW Time Bills of "Lading will be given. time through, ten days. BXT Consignments solicited. CRANE, BROWN A CO., A . -decll-dtf Evanarille. Indiana. NEW SALOON. SHAEFER'S SALOON. BILLIARD AND RESTAURANT, On Tntrd Street between Jfalu and Sycamore. EVANSVILLE, 1 N D t A N A . octw-lm CHANGE OF EXCILA NGE A NEW ARRANGEMENT. SAM GRAM MSB & IIARHT .)0lTS0 Theodore's Exchange, ARE FITTING IT UP IN EXCEL!, EN1 style for a first clasa IMUftg! SALOON an! LlKSTAl lMXT. They will keep at the lar Ihe Beat brauds o Liquors and their larders will at all times be filled with the richest dainties from the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and the waters of the vasty deep will be made to contribute of their richest tores. Especial attention -will be given to the caiwee, which will be under chargo of the must competent at tista. Their Billiard Room is large and their TABLES FIRST CLASS. The establishment will re-open on Tuesday next. A liberal share of public patreuage Is respectfully glxlted. uySudJm