2 FOR SALE. THE STEAMBOAT MONROE is off red for sahiofc reasonable trm. For further particulars en- omre o h r rd th boat . aVif W "COn SALE. A fln vo ing Durham Cusr calf a X lew ilays old. Few, if any, can be ttuud in Europe to excel her. dc?8-3t Apply to ANDREW EESKINE, Centre Township. For Sale or Trade. 1 WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR CITY PROP erty, 24 acres of land within two milos of ilie city, m acre? cleared, wits a good Frame How, 32x20 feet. For particular ap;.ly to Moses Ai ken, corner of Sixth and Cherry streets. lwdaw-decl JACOB. P DUSK. FOB SALE A VERY SIPERIOR ENGINE and boiler, made 1 y Raitz A llaney ; Engine, 10 inch cylinder, i feet stroke; Boiler, 12 inches il.ameter, with two flues and made of very heavy iron. Also, thre large Fores Putr;-, two of whtfli are suitabia for pumping a mine ; also, a Corn Screeu, complete, with shafting, 5 atinz aud pul leys; also, one single and one donble Bltst Fan. The whole or any portion of the aboTe property an be bought rry cheap for cash . Enquire f delo-d3w CONVERGE CLEMENT. House for SALE Cheap Situated on Third, bet. Oak Street. Clierry- and Title Perfect. M. A. LA WHENCE. decU-lwd LOT FOR SALE. I have for sale the South east or alley half of Lot No. 159, in the Do nation Enlargement of the city of Evansville. Terms one-third cash. I!-iduo on time to suit purchaser. ALEX. C. DONALD, dcl42wd Princeton, Iud. THOSE IN WANT OF GOOD WOOD CAN BE supplied by leaving their order at Charles McJohnston's Store, on Msin street, near the Ca nal. To Insure promp. delivery, leave the caah with theordsr. dect TMOS. D. SMYTH. FOR SALE A HOUSE AND LOT ON THE river bank, south of Gum street. The house Is almost new, contains 6 rooms, hall, pantry, Ac. Good stable, wood-shed, outbuildings, Ac. Lot C'V, bet front by ISO feet deep. A bargain will be given Inquire at this office, or of JNO. S. McCORELE. FOR SALE A FARM OF 40 ACBES, LO CATED abent 4 miles from the city ; in high state of cultivation ; of the best soil, FraOje Hoiue, good fences; on reasonable terms. Apply to JACOB SINZICH A SON, nov23 Water bet. Sycamore and Vine. House and Lot for Sale. OXE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE RESI DENCES In the city for sala; in complete order, containing ten Rooms with Chandalirrsand Braeketts fur Gas. two brick Cisterns, Stable, Wood, Coal and Out-ilouse, a good dry brick Cellar 18 teat square, well lighted. The House is wood heavy oak fram stands back 40 feet from the street, leaving a beautiful front yard. Coiner Lot 73 by 300 feet, enclosed with a good substantial fi nee. Corner of Oak and Water streets, above the residence of Robert Barnes. Esq. Enquire of octlO-tf CJHARLFS BABCOCK, No. 8 Main Street. LOST. LOST On Thursday or Friday last, a GOLD PEN AND PENCIL, in a chaied Gold Pen Holder the Pen al one end and the Pencil at tbe other. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office. dec21-3t FOR KENT. FOB RENT. A SMALL FARM, ABOUT two miles from Evansville, below Pigeon Greek. There is a good frame house of four rooms epon the premises. Possession given first Janu ary. There is an abundance of limestone upon the farm andakiln for burning lime. For furth er particulars enquire of O.E.LEWIS. dec22 THE LARGE BRICK BUILDINGS, CORNER of Locust and Water streets, now occupied by the Quartermaster's Department. For particulars enquire of ALEX. FOSTER, At Warehouse of Foster Gwynn A Co. deeU-dtf FOR RENT OR SALE. FOR RENT OR SALE A BEAUTIFULLY situated Residence, n.-ar the Salt Wells, with about two acres of Laud. Will trade for good eity property. Enquire of E. E. MINGST, cor. Main and First. WANTS. VI7ANTED I SI MEDIATELY, two Wheeler A VV Wilson's Sewing Machine Operatcrs. Con stant employment will he given by applying at J. Smith' Shirt Manufactory, No. 8 South Second street, Evansville, Ind. decl8-2w MONDAY " DECEMBER Ml if' J. M. THAYER,. ..Editor. M. taVERTHORS, Associate. The'Eyansville Journal gujreests among other names for the office of Lieutenant Governor, that of Conrad Baker, Esq., of Evansville. Mr. Baker would undoubtedly fill the place with honor to himself and State, but we are opposed at present to Mr. Baker, for tbe office of Lieutenant Governor, and in- favor of him for Judge of the Supreme Court. His legal attainments, sound judgment and incorruptible integrity fit him particularly for the position, and our people 7ilHnsist upon hisbeing nom inated for that above all others. We could, and would cheerfully support him for any office he might be nominated for on the State ticket, but hope he will be selected for the one above named. To eav that he would be an improvement on the present incumbent from this District (Supreme) would be a very poor compli ment, for any change would be an im provement on the present Supreme Court, but with a court composed of such men as Mr. Baker, the Supreme Court of In diana would again take the proud posi tion it occupied in the days of Blackford, Dewey and Sullivan. In connection with the Supreme Court we have also heard Wo. H. H. Terrell mentioned as the probable nominee of the Union Conven tion for the office of Clerk, and altl ouh we had previously mentioned his name in connection with the office of Secre tary of State, we believe he would come nearer tilling tlie hill for Cleric ot tue Supreme Court than any man in the Stats. His education atid long service in a Clerk's office, qualify him for the place. The present incumbent Mr. Jones declines a re-election and we know of no better man for the successorship ;than Buck Terrell. Vincennes Gazette. Col. Baker is one cf those peculiar men who fill with dignity, urbanity and efficiency, any position to which the par tiality of their friends may assign them. We are confident that his acceptance of any place on the State ticket, will be at a pecuniary sacrifice of his private inter ests; but we are equally certain the First Congressional District will regard the Union ticket as very incomplete without his name on it for some one of the more important offices. . The Supreme Court of Indiana has been the laughing stock of the more emi nent lawyers for several years past. In tellectually, it is the weakest Bench found in any loyal State. It is composed of the very smallest specimens of pot-house, cross-roads politicians nni T , ine juages ot which it is made up were elected, not be cause they were men of superior legal ability and integrity, but because they were partisans of so low a grade that they would not hesitate to prostitute their official positions to aid in sustaining and building up their party. The opinion entertained of them by those who elect ed them, in this respect, was well founded. They hava failed their party in no instance. No matter what the character of the decision required, or how repugnant it might be to truth, fair dealing or justice, it was always ready when called for. Not content with de. ciding questions in favor of their party, accidently brought before them, some of ihe members of the Bench actually al tend democratic caucuses, and have lh policy of partisan conventions predicated upon decisions they v. ould render to sus tain their action. The Vigo county Au ditor controversy, is a caae of this kind in point The salaries allowed Supreme Judges are small too small. Yet, some of the present incumbents have amassed for : tunes. They began their career poor, they will lay aside the ermine all soiled and filthy, rich. That this wealth could 1 be accumulated out of the small salaries ! allowed, is a marvel to all who have giv a I : en the matter a thought, and are chart, j . table enough to exonerate them from i ; suspicions cf having accepted bribes. Our Supreme Court needs re-organiza-j tiou and elevation. It must be lifted from the mire of politics and placed upon the rock of justice. Its reputation for impartiality and integrity must be such that the poorest in the State will have no hesitation in taking their cause I before it, and appealing to it for protec : tion against the injustice and rapacity of i the rich. As the Court is now constitu ted, that poor man is a fool who would appeal a case from the verdict of 12 jurors, however palpably wrong it might appear, if his opponent should, per chance, be a man of wealth. Wealthy corporations, apparently, have it all their own way with the present Judges, and none possessing less wealth dare put their transactions to a judicial test If the Union party can nominate and elect (they will elect if they make ju dicious nominations) a Supreme Court composed of such men as Col. Conrad Baker, a new judicial era will dawn up on our State. The Court will " assume the position," as the Gazette remarks, " it did in the days of Blackford, Dewey, and Sullivan." It will be the dwelling place of Justice, a munition of rocks to the oppressed. If Judge Baker places himself at the disposal of his fritnds in the convention, he will meet with an enthusiastic sup port, either for the position of Lieut. Governor or Supreme Judge. The Twenty-Fourth Indiana. We have received a couple of let ters from this gallant regiment which charge the Journal with neglect. Of course, we plead not guilty. we greedily lay hold of every item we see afloat, relative to the loca tion and doings of our boys, and if we do not publish as much concerning them as is their due, it is because they neglect to furnish us with information. From the letters mentioned, we learn that the 24th, in company with the 11th and 46th Indiana, is located at New Ibe ria, La. The regiments, it 13 supposed, will spend the winter there. The boys are reported to be in excellent health and exuberant spirits. They had just received the news of Gen. Grant's victo ry at Chattanooga, for which they gave their old and popular commander three rousing cheers and a tiger. The 24th is still under the command of CoL W. F. Spicely, an experienced and gallant officer. We would publish the letters received, but one of them contains severe reflec tions upon another regiment from this State. We are satisfied the writer, upon reflection, will thank us for not publish ing his letter in full. The reputation of the 24th has been achieved on many bloody fields and wearisome marches, but that reputation will not be enhanced by sneering at, or underrating the pluck of others. "Company F," we are sure, with its record at Champion Hill, is in no dauger of being eclipsed or forgotten. No, no, boys, rival each other in seeing who can inflict the most damage upon the enemies of your country. Tbe Origin and End of Christmas We clip the following history of the institution of the Christmas festival from the Missouri Democrat: The institution of the Christmas festi" val is attributed to Pope Telesphorusi who died A. D. 108, and throughout the subsequent history of the Church it has been one of the most noted of Christian solemnities. At first it was celebrated by the Eastern churches in the months of April and May; but in the fourth cen tury an investigation was made by the theologians, by order of Pope Julius I, and the 25th of December agreed upon as the nativity of Christ In the middle ages, Christmas was celebrated by gro tesque spectacles, masquerades and dra matic mysteries aad moralities. Among the revels were the so-called feasts of fools and of asses, sometimes termed " December Liberties," in which every thing serious was burlesqued, infe riors personified their superiors, and great men became frolicsome and fa miliar. The family festivals of the "Christmas Tree," now very common in this country, originated in Germany, and is there called the "Children's Fes tival." A large erergreen bough is erected in the parlor, lighted with wax taper, and hung with numerous gifts, each marked with the name of the per son for whom it is intended. The distri bution of these gifts to the assembled juveniles creates intense excitement amongst them, and unbounded joy. Christmas has always been at once a re ligious, domestic and merry-making fes tival in England, for every rank and every age. The revels used to begin on Christmas eve, and continue often until Candlemas, (February 2,) every day be ing a hohdaytill twelfth .Nightman, b.) In the houses of the nobles a "lord of mis rule," or "abbot of unreason" was ap pointed, whose office was "to make the rarest pastimes, to delight tbe beholder," and whose dominion lasted from All hallow eve (October 31) till Christmas day. The common custom of decking the houses and churches at Christmas with evergreens is derived from ancient Druid practices. Ii was an old belief that syvan spirits might flock to the ev erereens. and remain unninned bv frost m i . ' ' . - , till a milder season The hull V iTV TO- r senarv, bavs, laurel and mistletoe furn ished the favorite trimmings, which were not removed till Candlemas. In the L nited States Christmas is celebrated in 'all sorts of ways." In New England, where the old Puritans rebuked all kinds of pastimes, Christmas is not so gener ally celebrated as in the other States. In the V,rest, it is a great day for balls, weddings, hoe-downs, sleigh-rides, and other jollifications; and there is one practice (more honored in the breach than the observance,") which might well be dispensed with; and that is getting "gloriously corned" in honor of the day. JteThe great Polyorama of the War, will be exhibited at Crescent City Hall, Friday and Saturday evenings, January 1st and 2d. sd.l ! OficE Prvo. Marsha!:, IstDist Ikd. Evansville, Ind., Dec. 24th, H63. Comma Editors Journal: A3 many inquiries are made as to : whether men who volunteered from this county last summer and fall are credited I to the different townships, the following statement, furnished by CoL Conrad Bakf.i:, A. A. P. M. G., is published for the information of all concerned: On the 12th day of Sept. 1863, there i was a settlement with the Adjutant Gen- eral of the State, in which all men furn i ished by this State up to that date, were credited according to the data given by the muster-in rolls, which only showed from which Congressional District the men came. When the apportionment published by the Governor was made up, on the 23d day of October, 18i3, seven hundred and eighty-seven roiruits, ob tained in the entire State, l..,...-o ' to aau 12th day of September and the 23d of October, 1863, were also credited and the residue of the quota of this State, ap portioned. It will, therefore, do no good to seek j information as to credits prior to October 23d, 183, but it is important to see that all recruits since that time are properly given. vi nr. hynkf. Capt & Pro. Marshal. A Card. Smithi.axd, Ky., Dec 24, 18C Rditors Journal : In the Journal of the 22d inst. I no tice an article giving an account of the shooting of Mr. John Stockton, the bar keeper of the Armada, by Private Ro sins, of the 35th Kentucky Volunteers, at this post. In the article referred to, you say that "you are told that the mili tary authorities refused to arrest the sol dier who did the shooting." Permit me to say that your informa tion is not correct I was informed of the shooting very Boon after it took place, procured a physician for the wounded man myself, and ordered the immediate arrest of the offender. Capt. Baker, to whose company the soldier be longs, mounted his horse and pursued Rosins (who had fled) some four miles, but failed to overtake him ; since which time we have heard nothing of hitn. Should we succeed in arresting him, I shall turn him over to the civil authori ties, as provided by the Regulations. I should not have asked the favor of occupying your columns for this expla nation, but that ray friends in your city know I am in command here; and the article, inadvertently I am persuaded, does me great injustice. Very respectfully, W. P. Harcbave, Captain Com' ding Post, Smithland, Ky. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Evansville Encampment L 0. 0 F. No. 20, A T.L THE MEMBER-4 EVANSVILLE KK- campmont So. 20, I. O. O. F. aro reqncated to meet at their hall this (Monday) as there is businos of special importauco to be at tended to. By order of Encampment. A. J. COLBURN, Scribe. THE MEMBERS OF SCHILLER LODGE, NO. 13S, I. O. O. F., are hereby uotified that at their regular meeting, on Friday evi niug, 1st of January, 1864, there will be au election for Tnree Trustees, to serve on year. A full attendance is requested. By order of ADAM MAN, X. Q. L. Ulmo, 8ec'ry. dt-328-td ATTENTION ! Orrics FaovosT Mabshal, Fibst District, Ind. ) Kvanerille, Ind. Dec. 23. f IT HAS BEEN ORDERED BY Til K WAR DE PARTMENT, thatafterthe fith day of Janca ry, 1864, the payment of all bounties to Tolnleor-. shall cease, except the one hundred dollar bouuty provided for in the Act f Cangn-. Let every man, therefore, who thinks atout vol unteering;, do so at onee, a now in the time their service are needed, aud as the liberal bounties now paid, will so soon be stopped. There are recruiting officers iuthe District from almost every old regiment in the held, from this part of the State, a well a new regiment form lng, so that a man can have his own choice, as to where he will enter the service. Benidea all this, unless we will nil up our ipiota by volunteering it will most certainly be made up lr us by a draft Can we not avoid this? Let every man who can, come np at ouco and volunteer, au3 receive the large onu'lirs--$o02 for new recruits atid 94031 for veterans. BTYTI1E HE IJYNES, Captain A Provont Mars ill, let District. Roekport Democrat, Princeton Clarion. Vincrii oenues tjaxette and Washington Telegraph, please copy and and I ill to Capt. ULYTHE UYNKS, Provost Marshal. Evansviile, Ind. TOBACCO & SNUFF. E ST ABLISHE D 1760 PETES L0RIL1ARD. SNUFF 8l TOBACCO 16 Ac 18 I'll AMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York.) Would call the attention of Dealer to the urticles of his manufacture, viz.: BROWN SSl'FP. Macaboy, Dentito., Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia. Coarse Rappee, Kichitoches, American Gentleman. Copenhagan. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Kreh Honey Dew Scotch, Irish High Toaat, Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfoot, Attention i called to the larpe reduction in prices of fine-Cut Chewing aud Smoking Tobaccos, which will be fonnd of a Superior Quality. TOBACCO. BX0K1X4. FINK CVT I'lIKWIVl. SM0K1X0. Long, P. A. L., or plain. S. Jago No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2, Sweet Scented Orouoco, i '.master. No. 1 A 2 mixed. Tin Foiled Cavendish, Turkish. Granulated la N. B. A circular of prices will be sent on application. dec28.1y PROPOASLS. OrricB Commissary orBfjBatamfca, or. ANn Act-') rtebm'r -th, lSfi.1. J ISO Ass't QUART Kvansville, Ind., Dec a SRALED PHOPOSALS (IN DUPLICATE) fron. Ifirst hands a d from citiZ'-ne loyal to the United State Government or ly, will be received at this office, until January -Mil, 1864, at YZ oVloi-k M., lor furnishing tbe following stores for the Subsistence Department of the United States Ar my, viz ; 600 Barrel Flonr. 60,000 Pounds Polatoc. 15,0X10 Pound Beans. 50,000 Pounds Bacon . Fresh Beef for the United States troops supplied from this place, (this contract to commence on the 5th of January, 18."i4, and continue- In force uu til the 30th of April, 1804. Also, the following Quartermaster Store: 50 Tuns Loose Hay. 100 Tuns Baled Hay. 100 Cords Wood. Coal in such quautiesas the Quartermaster De partment should require to n.eet the demands of the public Service at thisj pos-:, for the period of three months. Bidders will be governed by the following speci cations : The Loose H iy mn t be deliv r d at such timos, and 3n such quantities, as the Quartermsster at this poet may direct. It must beof the beet quatiry. The Hnv will bo weighed when inspected, and ! i 'be weight so (determined, shall be tho purchase weight. The Baled Hay mUbt be seourely baled aud tight ly pressed. Proposals mu't lie enclosed in a sealed envelope, rtHft rpsssii to t be nndersi init itiirt nnifnrit.il Pr.i. ! posaisfor (name of the article). A copy of this advertisement (a s;ip from a news paper) must be attuehed to each proposal, and ac companied with two responsible name as securU ties. Paymsnt to be made in such funds as may be furnished by the Treasury Department, for that purpose. The right to reject any bids unreasonable is re served. ISBiddsrs are invited to be prtssent. at the open ing of the bids. T. H. EHRMAN. dec28 Capt. C. S. A A. A. Q. M. NOTICE. To the Ladies of Evansville and Vicinity. MRS. ROWLAND IS PREPARED TO m alltu latest styles of Embroidery and Rraid Stamping at her residence, on Second between Mulbery and Qum Streets. sep27-3in Thf Original PlctUr front Nlhlo's I Balodn. Sciv York. CTJTTINO'S MALI MOTS FOLYORAMA Of the War, Antonio Bros, it T. F. Chambers, Pro., Will open at CRESCENT CITY HALL. Two IViglits Only. Friday & Saturday, Jan. 1st & 2d. T'HIS COLOSSAL PICTURE OF TME WAR has ben exhibited Insll tbe principal citie of the Union, to the universal sat isfaction rf crowd id .in-1 delighted audience t tit. moat capac ious halls leing iumnVient to accommodate the I nmense throngs who (lock to witneis it. This gran'l pictine gives all the illustrations of the lut tle SeM ot the present ar, aud calls to Bind, with earnestness, the horrors produced by this unholy rebellion. Doors open at first scene at 7. Admissiou cts.; Uhillren locts. "-, Grand Matin-e, for families, ou Saturday a ter noon, at . .j o'clock. See Pro-Tamme. decil UNION CIRCUIT COURT. Kuoch R. James and others, Pl'tffs.'t against Highland Coal Company, J)ef U. J N WKDNESDAY, TMK 6T DAT OF JAN- uarv, 1801. at the Coal Mines in I'nioutewn, L'ni. n cjuuty, Ky., I will n-ut at public outcry said Miuea and fixtures, and the dwelling house in said town belonging to said Company, until the 1st day of December, 1364. Also tbe farm belonging to said Company, nntil the 5-t duy of January, 1SK5. Bond with ap proved security, having the fore and t fleet of re pU in bond tail he required, with interest from date. These Mine are in full operation, and a bargain may bo had. d:cl9-tjanl TITOS. CHAPMAN, Com. PAPER MILLS. EVANSVILLE PAPER MILLS, LKICH & CARLSTEDT, Agents. WE MANUFACTURE WRAPPING PAPER equal to any made, and atdnoinnatl prices. Price sent on application to the Agents, Jy lOdfim SALE OP CITY LOTS. IOR PAJtB THE FOLLOWING DKSCRIBKD 1 City Lots aud timber. land Part of Lot 159, withjhou, fronting 40 fet on Tbirc' and SO fetit u Sycamore street. ThU is a choice lot, one square from the Court House, now occupied by Johu Griess aud Fred Wahusiud Ur. LotB 5, 6, 9 and 10, in Seminary tract, the two former on Main street, opposite the Railroad De : nt the latter two immediately back of the for mer, on Sycamore street. Free of city taxes. IIone and Lot No. 17. Block 10, Rowleyville, one square from tho Railroad Depot. Also Lot 10 in Rowleyville. Lots 3 and 4, in Block 3, in Sullivan Enlarge ment. Two 40 acre tracts in Perry Township, good timber land, three and fuur miles from the city. Also 1UO acres in Union Township, heavy tim bered, seven miles from the city. This is all good property, and for sale on rea sonable term, by dec5-lm CHRISTIAN DECKKR. AUCTION SALE. Sale of Cheap Bnilding Lots. T WILL OFFER AT AUCTION, at the Court 1 House door, in the city of Evansville, n the 9th 01 Janimrr, at two o'clock, tbe following de scribed Lots, io-wit : Lots 20, 27, i8, 4'i, 44, 45, 4fi, 47, 48, 49, SO, 51, 52, 5.1, 72, 73, 78, all in Isabella Place. These lots lie east of the Kastefa lioutidary of Lamaseo, and south rf the oil Armstrong chair factory are above tho grade ; and Also Lot t. , 4, 5 an ', s in Block fi. and Lots 1, 2, n, ft, 5, 6, 7, 8. K and 17 in Block 7, and Lots 18, 19 and 20 in Bl ek 7, in Sharp's Enlargement. Also 8 and 9 In Blivk 79, Lamasco City. Also Lois 7, S, 9, 10 and II, Block 19, Eastern fcnlarprmen', being tbe building and premisei formerly orcuplt-d and used a a Barrel Factory by M'Strs. J. Otiklcy A Boct. Tho title to all t'.iij property i perfect, nd as the sale will be without reaorve, there will be bargains ha 1 by those who wish to bny cheap rcMdenro Lots. TERMS. One-third cash; balauce in six and twelro months, with interest. ASA IC.LEnEART, declG Real Eitate Agent. AMUSEMENT. SHOOTING rpnKRE WILL BE A SHOOTING MATCn I lor Turkeys at Vogal's old place, near the Oak Hill Cemetery, from Christmas to New Years, everv day. HENRY K1RCHK0FF. declD-lw NOTICE. Real Estate at Private 8ale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFKR FOR sale tbe premiee formerly occupied by the Crescent City Bank, situate on tho corner Main and Third Htreets, in the City of Evansville. The lot is 22 feet mi Main street and 90 f.-ot on Third street, and the build'ng is three stories in hight, covering the wh ile lot. AUo, a first-rate burglar-proof Safe. For terms, enquire of JOHN A. REITZ, THOS. E. GAUV1N, er notrft W B AK EK. THE RURAL AMERICAN The IJt-st Paper for Farms and Fruit Growers Eight Dollars Premium for only Twenty Subscribers. T WANT 10 000 CLUB AGENTS TO CIRCU L late, the Rcbal American, Utica, New York. Yolame VIII commences January 1st, 18G4, paper free tn clab subscribers ia December I This is de cid dlj the best and cheapest farmer1 and fruit grower- paper in existence, at only 31 a year, and every subscriber receive two of the bet GRAPE VISES known to exiat, sent free of all expense, or one ooi.lar1 worth of RUSSELL'S GREAT PROLIFIC STRAWBERRY PLANTS th largest and most productive in the world, many of which araactnally a large a hkns' sous! l2fcEvery peisutl who remit $1 will raeeive the paper fklf. to Jaaaary next, and through 1864 for ai MUliej 1 Sample copies sent free to all appli cants, with f dl details. Positively I otfer the lt terms t.i I'u.-tniasters uud other clnii agents of any oth r publisher in this country. EIGHT DOL LARS in premiums fur every clnb of twfntt sub scribers! I Tmve an immense supply of the choic est grape vines, all of which are to be rKK to my subscribers! Send for specimen copies immedi ately, and address T. B. Miner, Clinton, Oneida County, N. Y. novl9-8w DISSOLUTION. rrWE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL existing under the name and style of Combs A Gatch was this day dissolved by the withdrawal 01 W. W. Combs from the said firm, and all-tn-debtedntib of said firm will he paid by Ben. F. Gatch. WORTH3N0TON W. COMBS, BEN. F. GATCH. Evansville, Dec. 24. f dec25 E FIRM. THE rSDERSIGNKD WILL CONTINUK the Boot and Shoe business uuder the style of B. F. Gatch A Son, at the old stand. No. S Second Street. NOTICE. THE FIRM OF J. H. MAGIES A CO. WA8 dissolved on the ittk of September last by the death of John II. Maghee. The business will be nettled up by the surviving partner. G. MAGHSE. November 2. 1863. NEW FIRM. TnE UNDERSIGNED WILL CONTINUB the wholesale Dry Goods business under the style of G. Maghee A Co., at the old staad on First street. GILLISON MAGHEE, NICHOLAS M. GOODLETT. November 2, 18G3. INSURANCE AGENCY. ' HOME ' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York Office 112 and 114 Broadway With a Gash Capital all paid in of ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ASSETS JULY 1st, 18&. ..Jl.WO.OU- The Home Insurance Company insnres against Loss or Damage by Fire on Dwellings and their contents, for a term of from 1 to 5 years on the most favorable terms. Stores, Warehouses, Stocks of Merchandize, Produce, Manufactories, Machine ', sal all Insurable propsrty, at fair and equitable ' rates, and on INLAND NAVIGATION Ad Transportation, Shipments npon the Rlrors, Lakes, Canals and Railroads, as low as the nature ; of the risks will bear, with tairness to the assured I aud the Company. Adjusting all losses fairly, and pr nptly paying them. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Pre't. A. F. WILMABTH, Vice Prea't. I - J. MiLTOH Smith, Secretary. John McOir, A- ; Sec'y. Applications made to and policies issued by A. 0. BALLKCK A SON, Ag'ls, First Street, near Post Offlc. WATCHES & JEWELRY. s r. C 0 0 3 a4 . p cr o ss tr ee O EL i o t O EB tr 9 w P- OB CD OS -t o cv Ci -t 3 Cb 09 8 0 CO W H 4 CD t- " . ' "5 r, - CO Cr H-l M 0 3 o o o &5 cs o cr - CD s m a H Hi . K ST GO o Cr n w n S -t- 3 cs i-t l-t in TO CONTRACTORS. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed proposals at their store uutil the Slat dayofthe present month for brickwork, stone work and carpeuterwork necessary lor the erec tion of a Synagogue in the city of Evansville. The drawings and specifications lor said build is; can be seen at the office of Messrs. Mureiuna A Byyd, Architects. Bui will be received for the whole or for any part separate. V. IIEIMANN, dc22tt C2 Main Street. DRUGGISTS. BROUGHTON & WOOD. CRESCENT CITY 1 DRUG STORE. Lubin's Genuine and other Extracts. An Elegant Assortment of Combs and Brushes. Various Cosmetic Prepara tions. Fancy. Toilet Pomatums. Large assortment of Toilet Soaps. BOOTS & SHOES. Walker 3 i 9 Q 0 B 0 0 II! 0 0 3 w o o 5 CO - a? 31 3 a. 3 IS s o S & 3 3 e a I 9 & a 3 Cu rfc M a 2 fe3 I ? 3 Q 0 a a. W o fed 8 a 3 0 h a 8 e 3- I 0 0 0 0 C 3! 3 ft CO i 3 go i 1 a 3 i 2 Evans. NEW BOOKS. HUSKS. By Marion Harland. QUEEN MABE. By Sulla Xaransugh. LOUIS' LAST TERM. By .author of Rutledge. BREAKFAST IN BED. By Sala. TALES OF A WAYSIDE INN. By Longfellow. Frssh supply of n ANNA II THURSTON. By Bayard Taylor. ROUND ABOUT PAPEES. By Thackery. "IN WAR TIME." By Whittier. JOHN MARCHMONT'3 LEGACY. By author of Aurora Floyd. THE RUNAWAY MATCH. By Mrs. Wood, 600D SOCIETY ; Or, Coktkasts ot Cmabacteb. TALES OF THE TIME, by a celebrated authoress MAHY LINDSAY. By Lad Emily Ponsonby ONE THOUSAND GIFT BOORS, for Christmas FIVE HUNDRED VARIETIES PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PHOTOGRAPH CARTE PICTURES. Only SI 60 per dozen. All at DOBELL'S. STRAYED OR STOLEnT FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ON MONDAY ! morning, at the old Brewery, a red poney j w th double mane, white face, and is marked wi:h an anchor on hi hind quarter and on one of his ; chseks. Any one finding the sum and returning him to the old Brewery, or notifying mewhera he j may be found, will be liberally rewarded, dec! lw FRED. KROENER. I u SHOE .A W BOOTS AND SHOES. 7. " T XT KOtl AND 0USE.iF ion. m k co.. MAIN STREET, Have now in store the larg est stock of Goods of any House in the United States, and of the best makes to be found. 1 heir stock was pur chased before tho recent ad vance, at 10 per cent, less than they can now be bought, and we will sell them for less than any House in the West will ! sell the same character of goods. We sell BOOTS 8c SHOES, not " scabs." Call and ex amine our goods. MORGAN, READ & CO. P. S. No charge for Boxes. Hat & Caps 0,000 WORTH Of tho most fashionable styles of HATS and CAPS Now in store, tbat were pur chased 10 to 30 per cent, less than they can now be pur chased of the manufacturers. We are determined to make Evansville a jobbing point, and to aid in doing so will sell goods for less than any House up the river. We said it and so it shall bo. No trouble to show goods. " Quick sales and small profits " is our motto. MORGAN, READ & CO. Ladies' Hats! MOSGAN, READ & CO., 3NTr. 53 HdTrtizi. Street, Have in store a splendid as sortment of Ladies' and Misses' TrimmedHats of the latest and most approved styles, viz : Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Guerrabella; Ladies' and Misses' Felt Trimmed Coquette; Ladies' and Misseg' Felt Trimmed Eugenia; Ladies' aud Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Eugenia; Ladies' and Missos' Leghorn Trimmed Coquette; Ladies' and Misses' Leghorn Trimmed Guerrabella; Besides other Also, numerous names and styles. Children's Fancy Trimmed Hats, all of which we will sell very cheap indeed. Call and examine our stock. MORGAN, BEAD & CO. LIVERY STABLE. AMERICAN STABLE, On Third bet. Main and Locust Sts, THIS LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, WHICH is well known throughout the country, pos sesses Stable adTantages scperior to any similar establishmeut in the City, having arrangenrants for the seception of priTate horses at lirery of the most elegant and complete description, and at the lowest rates. Carriage for visiting to 1st. Coach, light wagons, aud every kind of road Tebicle to 1st. Hores sold on commission. Second hand Boggy's 'or sale at the Tery lowest prices. Passengers for warded to all parts ef the country by special son Teyance. RICHARDSON, BBITTON A CO. apis WATCHES AND CLOCKS. C. W. ERNST, atolimalsLer AND DEALER IK ; Watches, Clocks & Jewelry, First Street, Opp. Mozart Hall, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. Watches and Clocks Repaired aad Warrant? ;. C VI have now on hand a good stock of Watehes and Clocks, Fine and Plated Jewelry, Gold Fwns, Snectaeles, Ac, which I am offering as low a any other concern in the '.. deel4-lm O. W. EBS9T. CIGARS & TOBACCO. JOSEPH FENDRICH & BROS. No. 155 Forest Street, A. 49 South BALTIMORE, MD. JOEN FENDRICH & BROS., C0LUM3IA, PA., AND FEHORICH & BBOS., Evansville, Ind , Brandies of the Baltimore IlnuS) I - BLsroYA0Ttnuas or W7K ARE NOW THU MOST EXTENSIVE Manufacturers in our line, in the State. W oflVr the following Tobacco and Cigare, of our own manufactura, for sale : 2011 Boxes of Five Lump per pound 60 Cts. 2U0 Boxes of 10 Lump per pound GO Cts. 200 Boxes Frank's Orange Lstsnp ti lb. CI Cts. 800 Ruse Bud, in Caddies, pur pound 90 Cts. 300 Boxes Barow's. in Caddies. 300 Caddies Peach Leaf, per pound 60 Cts. ICM1 El Dorado, Light, per pound l 0 1 300 Caddies Pancake, Light, per pound SO Cts 100 Boxes Sun Cured Tobacco if) D 00 Cts. 4.000 lbs Home Spun Twist Tobacco ; 1,000 Barrels Smoking Tobacco ; 200 boxes Bond's Scotch SuulT; 50 Hslf Barre It Fine-Cut Chewiug loWro ; ltMl Merschaam Pipes ; 100 Gross Briar and Wood I'ipvs; iW-vxni Clay I'ipss, assorted ; 100 Gross liuhber Pipes ; 10,000 -.- rt 1 Pipe Stems ; njttt Co: ha Ciirars ; 24,0i'O Henry City Cigars, first's ; 2C,000 Henry Clay Cigars, Secoud'a ; HtOOO La Cigars ; 30,000 El Urntus Cigars ; 2uo,000 Ualf Spanish Cifars ; 200,000 Segarcets ; 2KI O0O La Salradina Cigars; 400,000 Packs Smoking Tobacco ; 5G Drums Turkish Smoking Tobacco ; 1,000 Bales Einnicauick Smoking Tobacco; AO Drums Shanghte; 2,000 Pounds Mackaboy Snuff; 2,000 French Snuff. Merchants and Store-Keepers, look to their interest ; examine our large stock. . ISo. 27 Main Street, Sales Room Factor, Cor. Locust & Water Sts. Ws mannfacture all the aboTe goods, and will sel 30 per cent, cheaper than any House in our State. We would call the attention of Merchants who deal In our lino, to bny from the manufacturers, where they ran save 38 per cent. F. FENDRICH A BROS., ap21 Evans-rille, Indiana. PUBLIC SALE. THE FOLLOWING BAGGAGE REMAINING in the baggage room of the E. A C. Railroad Depot at Evansville, Indiana, for a longer period thau one year, and numbered from 1 to 45, if un called for by the 23d day of January, 1864, will be offered for sale at aaction on SATURDAY of said date. Sale at the Freight Depot on Saturday, at 10 o'clock a. it.: KV'UtlCSi. No mark 1 box Sundries 1 do 1 box do 2 do I Trunk .! do 1 do 4 do 1 do 5 E. C. Emory, Pittsburg Handing, 1 Trunk Mrs Julia Lyant, Vincennes 1 do 7 J. DewalJ, Cincinnati 1 rt 8 No mark 1 do 9 C. M. Eraser, California I do ..10 No mark 1 do u I.F.8 eo 12 No mark 1 do 13 do 1 do 14 do 1 do 15 do 1 Spinning Wheel M Samnel Wilder, 1 box Sundries 17 No mark, 1 Hat Box 1R do I Band Box 19 do 1 do 20 do 1 Carpet Bag Jl do 1 do 22 do 1 do 23 do 1 do 24 do 1 .do .. 25 do 1 do 20 do 1 do -J7 do 1 do ..do. ..1 Bbl Glass Jars.. ..1 Carget Bag ..1 do ..1 do ..1 do ..1 do ..1 Tin Box .1 d6 ...'1 .....19 ...31 ...32 ...33 ....34 do.. d.... do.. ....do.. do... do.. do... do 1 Tin Bath Tub ... 37 M B. Bntler. Coronoa Station, DeKr.lb comity Indiana, 1 box Sundries S8 No Mark, 1 Tin Oil Can :.'J John Schneler, 1 B. er K..g 40 No mark. I.bl Conking Kurnitnre 41 do 1 ImII Spi kes 42 F. F. B , Mobils, Al., 1 Trunk 13 No mark 1 Parasol A 44 E. Jacobs, Evansville, Iul'.. 1 box Hardwnre 45 A E. MIRADKR, Freight and Ticket sgnnt PICTURES. O O 23SL jGJ "3? & AND BREAST-PX37 Pictures COPIED TO I 37" 1E3 3 X 25 33 Aad all manner of Styles ot AT Adams' PhoUgrapli Gallery, (Over Post Office.) dee COMMISSION HOUSE. W. E. Ssodst, R. S. Uowaed, New York. Losisville, Ky (Late of R. fl. Short A Co., N. Y, SNODDY & HOWARD, Commission Merchants, For the sale of i Tobacco, Cotton, Pork, Flour, &c, No. 15 BROAD STREET. X. Y. New Yo, Not. 1st, 18Ct. Mr. Wm E. Snoddy, of Louisville, Kentucky, this day beeoiate a partner in our house. He re mains in Louisville, and will make liberal ad Taaces on shipments of Produce to onr address. Communications addressed to Snoddy A How ard, Looisrille, Kentticky, in relation to ad vances en shipments, w -II have prompt attention. Messrs. Cox A Humphrey, ETinsville, Indiana, are our Agents, and will make advances on ship ments to our address. Tbankfl for tbs patronage so liberally menu eU to us, we hope a oontinuarjon w i anoaay x uowarn. Yonr otit aervsntrt. declidjm BOBT. 8. HOWARD A CO- GROCERIES. r. r.. wnrELzr. as. etms. w. j. er&a WHEELER, RIG6S & SUGG, Wholer le dealers In SALT. COTTOH YARNS Natl, Window Glass, Sash, Doors, c. So. II North First Street, Corner orSjcamore. EVASVILLK, ISDIAKA. COPARTNERSHIP - HAVE ASSOCIATED WITH US WM J Sur. lkte of Uniontown. It., in the w Wholesale Gixcrr busiuei. The style of tho Una wiu do neeur, Eiggs i !u;g. UHtELER A RIGGS. SYRUPS 40 ShU XXX Bertrand Smtp ; f k bb 50 10 gal. kegs " " fr5 bbla Excelsior ' " 40;bbU " 10 bbis Honey So " N. O. Molassss. For anle cheap by noviS WiiFKIiER, A 8U00. G LASS! OLASS W bos. s SX10 Glass, IS " 10X12 tS " 9X11 " 25 9X14 - 1? " 9X1 " K " 10X15 2n ' 10X18 1R - 10X1S - ?. " Pint Flasks; 1 1 " Quurt Flasks; 10 ' Jars; IS " gallon Jars 0 " 1 City;" On hand and for sale cheap by WHEELER, RIOOS A 8TJGO. UST RECK I YE D AND FOR SALE CHEAP SO boxes a sorted Candy ; 65 ' assorted Gam Drop ; 25 " Iozenges; 4t) 41 Fancy Candy 25 " Fire Crackers. Aud a Tailety ol Christmas Fixlns. Bv WHEELER. KTOQS x TKCITS ANT) N t'Tti F 50 boxrr Layer Kasins ; 50 " M. R. " 78 i bx Laver " loOMbx 500 lbs Garraat; - j f r, 1000 lbs Fresh Figs; ' 10 trails S. 8. Almouds ; H bbls Filberts ; 5 Cream Nuts ; 10 ' Hecans All frosh ainl for sale cheap by WHEELRK. RIGGS A Sl'GG. OUGAR O hbds cholcs N. O. Sugar : 10 ' Porto Rleo " 21 bbls ft. Coffee " 25 B. " " r 60 m Tel. " f 20 " r'd " 15 " lb - ' " Bought before the advanse, and (br sal by WnEEI.EB, S1GGS A SUGG. "-lOFFEE 110 bags prime Rio C0sa; .'0 ' Fair " 25 boxes Gronnd ,( 100 " Kssenes " On haud and and to arrivo by WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG. "1ILS AND PAINTS J : bbls Linseed Oil; 20 bbls Coal ao runs Wagon Oil, a new article ; 300 kgs Whit Lead; 1000 lbs Pntty ; 500 lbs Vouitlan Rsd. All for sale at lowest cash prises, by WHEELER, RIGGS A 8rQQ SUNDRIES 100 boxrs Soap, assortsd ; 40 " Powbsjian Pipes; 400 dozen assortsd Brooms ; 500 reams Paper; 100 boxes Washing Bin; 500 lbs Twine, substituts for Cette ; 300 lbs Urmp Twine ; lono boxes Sardines, if s ; COO " " i's; fi " 1 lb ran Orsters : 50 " 2 lb can " And a thousand thing toe numerous te men tion, for sale as cheap as the cheapest, by nov2S WHEELER, RIGGS A SUGG. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Eo! for the Holidays! CHRISTMAS PREESNTS! FOIt A NICE CHRISTMAS PRESENT GU TO kSCHLAEPFKR'S Drug Store. Where can be found the finest assortment of all tbe best brands of Handkerchief Extracts, Consisting of 107 different odors, at all price, from 10 Certs to $2 SO Also the largsst assortment of Soaps, Pomades, Hair Oils, Colognes, Tooth. Hair, Nail and tjlorh Brush's, Ladies' Wire Purses, Port:aonta, P--k.-t Books and WalleU. Also tbs laret assnrtment of Combs sver brought Wst. MEDICAL. rfA.llJ!Bl!lkfiMrMJ THIS IS A RICH AND PECTORAL BALSAM 0T TH MOST HEALING, SOFTENING, AND EXPECTORATING CU-A-LITrES . IT It 4 SAKS AID PLSASABTT XSDICIT FOB E.VFA.vrS A!V 701796 CHILDKES. IT IS A CaBTAXJf BKSIZOT TO ASTHMA,' (HOOPING COUGH, CONSUMPTION, j AND CROUP. IT IS TH BUT AHD CHSAPMT aaHSOT rOB COUGHS, CHRONIC COUGHS, COLDS, NIGHT SWEATS, & SORE THROATS, Bteading from the Lunfj, 50 CENTS FEE BOTTLE, for Sale by all Druggists, and manufactured only By DE. STBICKIiAND, CIKCIirSATI, o. For sale by KELLER A WHITE, Sole agents for ETansville, Ind. COMMISSION HOUSE. NEW nOlSE IN NEW ORLEABS. P. G. O'RILEY, (formerly of EvansviUs, Ind.,) General Commission AND PRODUCE MERCHANT. Western Consignment Solicited. NO. 18 POTDBAS STREET. CORKER OF NEW LEVEE STREET. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Reference The Great West. de7 W. H. H. T. Memphis, Tenn. 3. . WOODWARD, Formerly of St. Lools. DUDLEY & CO., Commission Merchants, NO. 3 FRONT ROW Omes np Stairs, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. Shipments or Produce respeettnlly solicited. Liberal a iranee made on shipments in store. Refer to Merchants of Memphis generally. novl'.'-lm AMUSEMENT. GRAND BALL For tbe benefit of th UNION FIRE COMPANY, At "SJS. o 25 art All On Friday, December 25th, 1863. rOTMITTEF Ceo. Wolflin, M. Mnhlhaossn, Adsm l v.r.. ' docl