Newspaper Page Text
t U EVANSVILI OTD. MONEAT , DECEMBER X, 1SG3 CITY NEWS. t&Fvr Commercial and River News ee Jowtk page. tSfWc received the following on Sat urday night, which explains itself : Indus a poms, Dec. 26. Evansville Journal: A circular has been issued announcing, for information of a!! recruiting officers and others in terested, that payment of bounties uow offered is limited to January the 5tb. j ed by music by the school, led by Mr. Reports of postponement of dratt are Tileson, all the children joining and unfounded. Any utficiency in the making delightful music in numerous State's (Jnota on January 5th, will bo fill- songs and hymns appropriate to the oc d by draft. Circulars by mail. Give j casion, interspersed with short and it publicity. By order of GOVERNOR MORTON. Laz. Noble, Adj'tGen. Indiana. if. Christmas. The great holiday so universally ob served in almost every country and by almost every race of Christianized peo" pie, has come and gone again, with all its joys and sorrows, its pleasures and, we might say, its pains, only we doubt if there are not some headaches still linger, ihg behind as we write, but they too will probably be gone before this article is read by the subscribers to, and borrowers of the Journal Preparations for Christmas were com menced early in the week and large quan tities of toys, presents and provisions were secured several days in advance. But the rush for Christmas presents and provisions culminated on CHRITMAS EVE. The different provision houses were jammed with people bearing away large baskets filled with meats, poultry, veget ables and other choice comestibles, and the stores, jewelry shops and toy shops were also crowded, and shop keepers looked tired and jaded with the unusual amount of labor they had been called on to perform. Christmas trees were in great demand and many very handsome ones were constructed by prirate fam" lies. So great was the rage for this Drnidic conception that we heard of a case where a man had trimmed a nice fir in his front yard, and gathering np tie" lopped off twigs, and, boring holes in a stright hickory cane, construct 'd a handsome imitation of a Christmas tree, which he sold for $1 50. Turkies were almost as abundant as porkers in Cincin uati.and live turkeys were carried through the street wearing a look of ho ieless res ignation as if they new their fate. Ducks ceased tcjpack out of respect prola'jly of the doctors, and chickens and quails were unceremoniously consigned to the perditions of the kitchen and the pantry The little people ran along the streets in crowds gazing with eager delight and hope and regret at the innumerable sparkling and shining toys, and Christ mss presents in the various sHow-windows, wishing that Kris Kinkle would slip this or that toy into their atoctlrijje, white they alept. Parents crowded into the toy shops, selecting for Wiliie and Harry and Fan nieand Effie and Annie and Carrie, and young men and yonng women were look ing oat rich gifts for sweet hearts and lovers. The streets were crowded with hurry ing and loitering people, and young Am erica in crowds clustered cn the corners with cigar or lucifer match in one hand a shooting cracker in the other, and a bundle of the same Chinese invention in their pockets, and pop, pop went the lit tie torpedoes on every hand, and at al most every step, timid maidens were heard to utter a merry scream as the tor. pedoes exploded at their feet The)passer by was often startled by the loud report of the mimic cannon planted on the enrb stone, and joyous greetings and curious inquiries were heard on every hand. Many of the Sabbath Schools held their levees, and gathered the rich fruits from v.. Ir handsome Christmas trees, acconnts of which, so far as we were able to gath er theWwe published in our last issue, and at an early hour the little folks tucked themselves away in their snug little'beds, to dream of the brilliant scenes they had witnessed, after strictly charg ing papa and mama to wake them early on christmas morn-iso. " : Could' aTl the scenes of joy and eager delight, and also of disappointment, too, that transpired on that beautiful morn, have been witnessed by the same per son, for what a huge and delightful vol ume they would have afforded material. How many young hearts were made glad, how many tears of disappointment were shed, must forever remain unwrit ten. ' The happy ones, we hope, were by far the most numerous, and the streets were early crowded with joyous little creatures anxious to tell their little friends what Santa Class bad sent them, and to in quire what they had received themselves, and everything looked animated and joyj ous, and the bright sun, the balmy air, the happy hearts and the rich gifts, all conspired to make this a most delightful and beautiful CHRISTMAS DAY. The usual religions services were held in several of the churches, and the usual Christmas dinners were partaken , . . , v of, the usual amount of candies and s .veet-meats devoured, the usual wishes of " merry Christmas" were ex. chmnged. The usual amount of gun- powder was burnt, and perhaps more than tWe usual amount of good and bad Yraisky and other stimulente were drank, and at a late hour at night the quiet families retired to their couches, many thanking God for the bounties, the mer cies and pleasures of the day, and ail wishing for themselves and their friends, as we do for our many thousand readers, A HAPPY NEW YEAR. A Cold Bath. A young lad fell into the riveroff Hall's wharf-boat, Saturday afternoon, but swam to shore, experi - encing nothing more, as we hope, than a sort of chilly sensation. k I (J : i f J I v f PwteBTTEBUK scsdav :kuu cusiaT UlS.-Br an odi most pleasant leniinisecace of Christmas day, to us as to hundreds of others, will be the Christ mas tree and festival of the Sabbath School connected with the Old School Presbyterian church, held on Christmas morning in the church, corner of Second and Vine street. The house was dense ly crowded with the scholars, their pa rents and their friends, and everything passed off in the most pleasant and de lightful manner. The exercises were opened by music by the choir, and the invocation of the Divine presence and blessing by the pas tor, Rev. Alex. Sterrctt. This wa3 t'ollow- pithy speeches by several little boys of the school. Addresses were then made by Rev. Mr.Sterrett, J. F. Glover, Esq., Rev. Mr. Walters of the Methodist church, and Mr. McCullousjh, of Henderson. All the speeches were excellent and ex ceedingly appropriate to the occasion. Mr. MeCullough, who is a Sunday School Missionary, and has established more schools and brought under their influence more children, perhaps, than any man in the West, was particularly felicitous in his address which was plain, simple and comprehensive, being admira bly adapted to the understanding of the children. But the most interesting and attrac tive speech of all was that made to the children by the magnificent Christmas tree, from the thousand tongues that hung from its branches or that clustered around its trunk, speaking like the clov en tongues on the Pentecostal day,plain ly understood by all, whether Jews, Greeks, r Elamites, dwellers in Mesa potamia, or elsewhere, telling of a free, enlightened and Christian people, bles sed with peace, prosperity and plenty. Of fond parents, generous friends, faith ful teachers, and happy youths, bounte ously provided for by the liberal officers and friends of the school. The Christmas tree, was the vory fin est we have seen in many years, and was, as we are informed, a present to the school, by Capt. Gus. Lemcke, the gen tlemanly Superintendent of the Evans yille and Cairo Packet Line, whose pop ularity is only equalled by his princely liberality. Tt towered from the floor to the ceil ing, rising out of a moss-covered knoT numerous artificial white rabbits clus tering around itsjbase. On the highest peak, stood a beautiful minatnre of the (ioddess of Liberty, bearing the proud emblem of our liberty, the Star Spangled Banner, with two other like emblems of our nation on either hand. The wide-spreading branches of the tree bowed beneath the weight of elegant cornucopias, filled with choice delicacies, while handsome toys were interspersed, and attractive books clustered around the towering trunk. Wreaths of evergreea, hung with gar, joined the tree to either wall, which were also decorated with the flag of beauty and of glory. The whole affair was creditable, in the highest degree, to the ladies of the school who got it up, and we never witnessed a happier throng of Sunday School schol- ! ars, as they sat beneath the rich folds of the stars and stripes, which gives them protection and hope, mingling their sweet voices in songs of joy and praise, and receiving the bountiful presents furnish ed them by their kind teachers. Two tables flanked the pulpit, groan ing beneath pyramids of cakes, nuts, and fruits,fwhich were distributed among the happy scholars, who will long remem ber the Christmas of 1863, as one of great happiness and delight. Mr. Ma ghee, the Superintendant of the School, conducted the exercises with great abil ity. Pike Coukty Hogs. James Evans, at Petersburg : 1 Hog 801 lbs nett. 10 Hogs, 10 mouths old, averaging SSB lbs nett, James Barker, I Hog, 735 lbs nett. The hogs are what is called the Ches ter Whctes, and were introduced into Evansville, by Mr. Zeba H. Cook, and into Pike county by Goodlet, Morgan. The above were packed by Goodlet Morgan, for Foster, Gwyn & Co., of this city. They are we think, exceedingly hard to beat. A Shperi! Dinner. The proprietors of the American House gave a Christmas dinner to the business men of the city, to which of course the press was invited. Though we were not present ourself, we have reason to believe it was a grand af fair, being, as we are assured, one of the most sumptuous feasts ever set in th'13 city. The air, the earth and the water gave each liberal contributions, and every guest felt it wag good to be there. We are indebted to Mr. Dobell bookseller, for a copy of Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine nnd Gazette of Fash ion for January, 18i'4. This is deserved ly one of the most popular periodicals of the age, and should be on every lady's table. ewere indebted to Mr. Brough ton on Saturrlav svpnine fnr a onntr nf 4l n- s tt- t . ! the Cincinnati Gazette. His kindness ;. was quite opportune, J Harpers Magazixe. Mr. Dobell, of ! Main Street, baa. received this excellent Magazine for January 1S64, a most ! oharmingjnumber certainly, fully sustain- ' 'ng tue enviable work. Dobell has a large supply. Fireman's Ball. The firemen's re union at Mozart Hall, on Christmas night, was a brilliant and pleasant affair. Joy and delight reigned supreme, and the happy throng chasad the glowing hours with flying feet till early dawn. Fosters will continue to pack hogs to-day and to-morrDW. ' is fast passing awav for The season tender-loins, Call to-day pigs feet, spare-ribs, 4c. and get some. i'or8,)i;3 dcrtiriiig to soud letters ' to Col. Poster's regiment, (5th,) will Please leave them at this olhce by 8 I o'clock, Tuesday morning. Thos J. Grqtbs. j Tni. Up.PlVEK Mail-Boat will , f Louisviiie hereafter on Man 1 days at 10 a.'.m. , ir stead of noon, as here j tofore. Persons having letters for up i river points on Mondays will therefore , drop them in the Post Office by 9 a. m. Take notice that letters, &c, for Louis I ville and Cairo do not go by river, but by ! railroad daily. Postmaster. 1 dec 23 lw To thb Ladies. Burnett's standard Flavoring Extracts are remarkable for their perfect purity and great strength. Their excellence has secured the reputa tion of being the best in the world. H. A. Cook has a full stock. dec3 HOME INTERESTS. Noticx to Tin Public I will nil at Auction next Thnrsday morning, December 34th, at 9o, clock, A. M., a large lat of Furniture, consisting of Wardrobe, Bureaus, Table, Mattresses, Safe, Lounges, Cine Chain, Ooaaoft Chain, Rockers, Bedsteads. Looking Ci'.asns, Stores, 4c, wbioh will I sold without rosnrve, at my A notion room JJ. COHN, Aactioneer. BS-S. D. A II. W. SMITH, sole aianursstnrers of the NEW AMERICAN ORGANS with tremol attachment, finished in Aftsca different styles ; elegantly pi.linhe.l in F.osewood for Parlor ue Also, lu Black Walnut and Oak for Church!, School, Lodges, Ac. Also. Smith's unrivslled Helodcons, warranted for fire years. For sal ty W AHREN k CONTNGTON, ort21-6ra No. 1 Main Street. 3S Da. F .eager still continues to bo the only lawful agent in thia eity for the Artificial Rubber Teeth. After furnishing r.early a hundred sets In the past fiTe years, he hat no hesitation in recoai miuding theia as the bent ana cheapest material in use, being worn in the most difficult mouths, with comfort and fllr.iancy. Tenons suffering with bad fitting mottle plates are especially re quested to call at the Rooms aext Bittrolff's, Main Street. WILLIAM REAVIS, Attorney at Law and U. 8. Claim Agent, Is authorized by tho Government to procure Pen sions, Bounty Money, Buck ray, Bouuty Land Claims fur Houses und othor Pkopkktt destroyed while in tlto service of the Government, and all claims, e,f whatever kiud or uatur against ts United Statos. Bounty for Discharged Soldiers! By an aine lulasaat to the Beunty Law, passed at the last su.ion of Congress, " All soldiers r other penons wh mtt htn y tkall hertalsr be discharged within two yuan from the date of tkir enlistment, by reason f wounds receired Id battle, shall retelre the same Bonnty as though they serred two yean." Office (S6 Main Strt, arer Keller's Gua Stera, opposite the Court House, KTansrllle, Iadiana. Correspondents must enclose stampf. lea-Good references given if required. mh53 F. S. Pension Agency. Established by Govern meut authority, for pro cnrhig PEXSIOXS for Invalid Officers and Soldien, deceased Officers' and Soldinrs' Widows or Orphau Children, De pendent Mothen or Orphun Sistors. BOUNTY .VXD ARREARS for Deceased Soldiers' Widows, Children, Vathsrs, Mothers, or Brothers and 81sters. Also for dis cbnrged Soldiers, who har served two yean, or been aincharged by reason or wounds. BOUXTY LAM) AND BACK PAY for Widows or other legal claimants of Soldin of 18V2, Mexican, and other past wars. This Agency adjusts claims for parti and sol diers of Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky, in srord auoe with the only forms aad iastraetions upon which their claims are granted at Washington, and is tho only Agency thus located, and olly and exclusively employed sssMssa writing their plainly, and eualo- sing stamp, always answered. Ornca Third street, near Main, Kvansvill Iud. JOHN TENN IS. oot!5 Pension Agent. SPECIAL NOTICES. GOLD PKNS KE-POINTKD CQUAL to new, on tho receipt of 3S cunts. Circu lars for the Johnson Pen aeut on sppllca. tlon, by Moil or otherwise. E. 8. JOHNSON, Munafacturr and 15 MAIDEN I.ANK, Now Yoik City. dscM lm TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Rov. K. A. Wilson's Remedy for Consump tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, all Throat and Luug Affections, together with a pamphlet giving tho r re-riptiei aud a short his tory of bis ease, cau be obtaiac d of MESSRS. KELLKR at WHITK, Druggists, doil gss) No. 3) Main St., KvsnsvilU. APONIFIER, Or Concentrated Lye FAMILY SOAP MAKES. WAU makes high prices : !apouiflr hop to reduce them. It makes Soap for Four ceuU a pound by Ubing yur kitcha greas. " CAUTIOlt t As sparioui an offcrod nlo, b cart-ful and ohly buy the PATKJtTaSD ar ticle put np lu IRON (SSI, all others being COUNTERFEITS. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA No. 127 Walnut street. PITTSBURG Pitt Strret and Duquesne Way. decll-'m Whoopiso Covoh oa Oitnrp, however e.vere, may be alleviated and cared by the us of JfurfasM Zatltc I'ortrr't Oswastls li.iUm. This invaluable medisir possesses the extraor dinary power of relieving immediately WSeopfng CoayA, lloarunen, IHJlculty y llraathing, Jliuii nett and Tlokliiit; In th Throat. It loosens the phlegm, nnd will be found very agreeable to the taste. It is not a violent remedy, but emollient warming, searching, and ffceiive. Can be taken by the oldest person or youngest ohild. For sale by all Druggists, at 13 ets. per bottle. decll A Svpeeior Bkmbdt. We ean cocscientionslf recommend to thos suffering from a distressing cough, Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Bal sam. It gires relief almost instantaneous, nd is withal not disagreeable to the taste. Thr is no doubt but the Mellifluous Cough Balsam is one of the best preparations in use, and is all that its proprietor claims for it. We haro tried it during the past week, and fonnd relief from a most dis tressing cough. It is prepared by Dr. Strickland, No. East Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0. From tlie Cincinnati Xaiional Union, Oct. 11. decll DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, SEMINA L Urixast add Sexual Ststcms. New and reliable treatment in Reports of the HEWARD ASSO CIATION Sent in sealed letter envelopes, fre of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. deel 3m To Consnmtlves, The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having? suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of core. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription need (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a scat curb for Cohsi'mptiom Asthma, Broscaitis Ac The only object of the advertiser In sending the prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, aud spread information which he conceive to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost thesa nothing, and may prove a blessiug. Parties wishing the prescription will please ad dress Rev. RDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, Nw York. The above remedy miJ be obtained la Evans vllloof Me srs. K"'LLER A WHITE, Druggists. Call for pamphlet, free charge. LAiVf NIGiiT'i MAIL. From Washington. Forward Movement of Meade's Army -Fighting on the Rapldau-Tht Cemtre-rllle Headquarters Plan Abandoned Congressional Com mitteemen at Washington The Tax on Petroleum. Special Dispatch to the Qtoertvati Garetie Wash i xgtok, Dec. 23. We have re ports of a considerable fight on the Rap idan to day, but no particula s have been received. The mc v aen', once contemplate 1 of occupying Uie heights at Ccnterville for the winter, has been abandoned by Gen. Mcsde, and an advance to a position for ward of that he has been holding, deter mined on. To accomplish, this, o e corps was pushed toward to the Rapids n today; which movement has undoubted ly brought on a collision with the ene my's advance guard. Some members of Congress remain here over the holidays, working in the Committer rooms. The Committee on Ways and Means are at var'ance on petroleum; a portion favoring a heavy tax while others resis. a p 3 a. n o o cr T3 ts 3 3 3 o o 3 -5 m (0 -3 9 zr (9 -1 s 5' 1 i a CI 9 a. 3 9 a 3 f 3- a. - 3 -1 5' e 3 "3 a -1 3 3' 3 5 n a o o a. S" s a CL. o S a s O ?! 5' s s OS o 3 3" 1 O a 09 or a a T3 "3 5" as m j a 3 5' D 5' w o 3 - a a m o 3 CO a 9 O s s 3 X -a o 5. -5 a. n o 3 3 o 2. g o 9-5 o' g: o a 4 & 3 m 3 m r 9 ut M V O p r o 3 o 5" 9 a e B 3 o a 3 ? 3 on r cr a 3 B -a c o o 3 i 3 a 3d 5- 3 5 g 19 on 3 LYON. 5" n 3 P 3 3 re -i o" 9 3 s) S a o 3 O -f cr re ST oq BS D 1 cr 5' D P cr o" a is t 3 re a 3 o" er p re s 5" 8 o a on C T3 re 3 V re -a p -1 re cu ys 8 3 5 to -i Oct re 3 C 3 cr cr d i o a o 5-t t- o C 8 Ja o a rs o 3 3 p Cu re p 3 P 9 3 CK1 A 3 re 3 - 4 cr U re jj 5" o O ' T 3 Q o P D a o c cr 3 a e M s B o cr cs 3 p cu re 3 "I re a o o a. 3 . s- a CI 3 5" 3 (6 OU -3 a n 5" o 3 o CL. 4 o -i a -3 C? o D a. cr ts m c o x T3 3 O 3 K a a at r-f o 5 CU ' 01 o i re 3 o re a. O a a 5 3 o 3 3 ? I 3 zr a a m r- o 3 re n p Cu 3 P 3 E3 O P CU p . re 4 3 O zr M 3 P D CU cr p rx Cu ,-aft :B. 3 o 5 as 33 p . re H a o o 3 3 Cu 3 - S re p 3. 3 re P a ob P -! o 3 81 H 3 01 p Cu r- P g cr re re 3 s o 3 re o cn o P 2. re 4 9 o' 3 CU el 2. re S 30 3 cr as p p ; A a cu a b 0 re 3 B cr a D 3 re p 3 CU e m V 5 o Ci pr o 09. O o Cu 3 O er cr P 8 Cu a 3 2. J5' c 5 -t B 31 M re CU r o s P -i 3 ? 3 3 3 CU W p" Ja P a cu i i 3 O 3 P i 3 cr p tra o o cu P cu o a r re cu Cu p er LION LYON'S COLUMN. LYON. WATCHES & JEWELRY ifif 2 23 i r;-i- 2 t 1 m i r & 5 5 H 'Z 5-5 - 5 "Jig 3 t ! iffo' Iff 3 nil isH Cu re B V i B H it 81 V B H i 0 ST n n '5 M "OBI W S" u- ? - Ji ?B H u P O 5 S'S 5' ej P o B CQ Bb SBPSt MSB Bf "2 r 3 p po s cu p b I 4 0 0 e 9 s 9 a o i is cr e -t 9 H MACHINEST. II EIKT I A X KRATI. rK. HKILMAM KRATZ &, HEILMAN, Jity lLVoxirxcli'y9 Manufacturers and Builders of Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw and Grist Mill Ma chinery, Tobacco Screws, Gumming' Machines, Chinese sugar Cane Mills, THRESHING MACHINES, &c, EVAsfdVlLLE, IND. vpHE PROPRIETORS OF THE CITV F'll'ND X ry beg leave to inform their frii'tids aud th public In general, that they are prepared to do all kinds of Machine & Finish in g Work Aud everything appcrtainlnc; to the Foundry bus iness. They are manufacturing Ukain Engines And Boilers of any size and pwer rfiiir.d. S:iu Mill Machinery aud Mill Gearing of any vt ; Die tiUcry and Mining Machinery, Tobacco Mcrew, Gnmming Machines, Threshing Machines, Malt Mills, Horsepower, Corn Shelters, Machinery ol all kiud made and repaired ; Iron and Brass Cast ings of every description, Iron Hons.1 Fronts, Cel lar Grates, Aj. Cooking and Heating Stoves of the latest improved patterns , Hollow Ware, Doc Irons, Ac. Brewers, Distillers, Rectifiers, &c. upplied with every description of Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Brewing Kettles, Refrigerators, Attomporators, Sparges, Stlllheads ana Worms od nil improved principle, Columns for Alcohol 8tilU, Yeast Jug, Cans, Syphon, Ac. ; Copper. Lead and Irofc Pipe ; Copper, Brass and Iron Pnmp of every varii-tv, for Beer. Spirits, Oil, Ac. Braa Cocks and Valves, Steam Whistles, io. Werkmeu sent to all parts to fit up work aud do repairs on Sb-ara Boilers, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Ac. Old Metals Bought. They are dealing in and selling Allen's imprev cd Steam Guage, Wrought Iron Welded Pipe and Tubbing, llirain Hopkins' Improved Smut Ka hines, Stephen Hughes' Flour Separators, German lioltiug CUth, Gum Elastic Belting, Packiug, Hose, Ac, of the best kind; Tinplate, Sheet Iron 'ilock Tin, Pig Iron, Babit Metal, Spelter, Fire Brick. They havo every facility of the best Machinery and workmen, aud will give all work entrusted to them, their individual attentien, filling orders pomptly, warranting theirwork, and are satisfied with reasonable prices. SaT'Offlce and 6ale Rooms, Foundry, Boiler-yard Machine Shop on Pine street, between First and dcoud street, Evansville, Iud. dec 7 ii I NEW SONGS. v WE'RE PASSING TnE BRIDGE, MOTHER A new and beautiful song. OCR GOOD SHIP SAILS TO-NIGHT. I'M BLIND. JENNIE, MT LOVE. KISS MS GOOD-NIGHT MOTHER. WINNIE, DARLING, I'LL BE WAITING. AK IF I LOTE THEE THE BANNER OF THE STARS. I'M LONRLT TO-NIGHT. The above songs are all new and good, aud for sale at WARREN k CONTNGTON'S, novT No. 1 Main Street, Kvansville. ESTRAY NOTICE. TAKEN CP BT H. W. JACOBS, AT TnEIIi residence, in Pigeon Township, Vanderburgh County, Indian, on the 5th day of December, 1863, a dark bay Mare Colt with black mane and tail. She is supposed to be two years old next spring; appraised at forty dollars by Edgar iiuuk and Herman Rushman, on the 21st day of December, 1863', before me. JAMES T. WALKER, Justice. A true copy of the original as the same appears on record and on file in my office. dec21 w3w LOUIS RTaHTER, Clerk V. C. C. ELECTION NOTICE. A MRETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE . a Evansville Presbyterian Church and Congre gation will be held at their usual place ot worship, corner of Second and Wslnut streets, on Wednes day evening, January 6th, 1864, at 8 o'clock, at whieh time and place five Trustees will ! elected to serve for the term of three years and until their successors are duly elected. dec24 H. T. BL0CNT, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE. I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON I TCI8DAY, Dec. 29th, 1863, at my Frm, miles from Evansville, on the Kewburg Road, all i ' my Personal Property consisting of two Horse, ne good Wagon, two Milch Coaa, all mv Farm ing Uteuails, and a lot ol Household Furniture, nine heaa of iiogs, one lot of Shear Oats, and one lot or Corn will be offered. TERMS. All sum under S5, cash. On all sums over S5, a credit or three months will be given, the purchaser giving note with approved security. de2S PHILIP HOFFMAN. 5 y : i .. 0 j r-i a t l -Are S-IS la liti ? cu o o L J re -t p- 00 mm Ins 81 O 5 -D re SJ QUEENSWAil . CHINA, ftueensware And Fancy BOHEMIAN WARES In the greatest varietv at HQLLtKGSWORTH BIOS Tfirat Stroot, BETWEEN SYCAMORE AND VIN., Comprising the Newest, Rithest and Latest FEENGH AND ENGLISH PATTERNS, .'. i AND White China Tea and Dining Sets, from 75 Cents to 325 Dollars each. OROCKS3.T From one piece to 350 Cratee. Fine Cutlery, Plated Ware, Toy Kniyes & Forks, &., &c. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS AND FailC Y ARTICLES ! FOR THK OIjI ATS! jrST RECEIVED AT THE NEW YORK STORE NEW STYLES IiadLies' Oloalcs. Prom SO to S3",. POINT LACE COLLARS, Front S'i i to $10 50. Malteice Lace Collars, r'rom 75c to $3. Hem Stitched Handkerchiefs From 35c to $1 75. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, From 80e to S3 75. Ladies' Broche Scarfs, Oil Boiled Black Silks, Sep? Mourning Silks, Solid Colored Seedy Silks, Evening Silks, Bonnet Velvets all colors, Coral & Ivory Combs, in sets, Fine Portmonies and Bags, Rich Fans in all colors, Worsted Hoods Nubies and Tippets, Fashionable Dress Goods in French Repps, Poplins, Tu rin and Empress Cloths. Ottoman Cloths, Merinoes, Plain and Plaid Alpacas. Just received lor the H OLID AYS Nos. 14 & 16 First Street, Two doors West of Post Office,) myl8 J. T. . S. A. COOLIDGE. SPECTACLES. I. RITTENBEBG, Manufacturer of the newly invented PEHISCOPIO Spectacles AND Army Field Glasses, Superior to all others now In use. GLASSES, Microscopes, OPERA GLASSES, Marine Spy Glasses, SIMPLE MICROSCOPES, Ilixnffn Glasses, And all kiuds of OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Can he had only of I- IO; -tt ontoerg, No. 67 Main Stroot. ETAXSriLLE, INDIANA. T RITTEBKRO n.VS NOW OX HANDS X. sploadid assortment of Optical Instrument, which he will d of at greatly reduced prices; his gratis being all o the Tery'latest im proTsrasnts in mannfsctnrs, consisting of a Tery larg variety of Spectacles from lhe most common to ths TWy beet, rls: The finest qnallty of Gold Spectacles, those Olassss being constructed on the most accurate adaptation of th Convex Concaro Pricoio principles. Also, Silver of throe dif ferent grade of Glasses, No. 1 being on the same principle as the Gold Spectacles. No 2 is a Peri focal Lense ; No. S being a fine Achromatic Lense, mirror shape. In addition to th above I hav a fin assort ment of Steel, of the very best quality of Lenses, th frames being grooved into the Glasses. Ths frames arsso fine as to-be scarcely vUible. No. 2 of steel is Perifocal. No. S th globules of a smoked Lnse, adapted for weak sight where strong light, snow or wind affects the vision. Thtss Spectscles are a perfect preventative by nse ing thant constantly, causing Uieeye to gain its bealthy power and ratal n it to old age. Having had vsry considerable experience also in catoract eyos, in adapting glasses t such vision, would impress on th miud of all persons need ing glasa of aay deacrlption, to apply for such only to a regular Optloian, making that hi sole tndy and business for years, he alone being able to know from the peculiar anatomy of the ev the nature of the de&ct whether ariiing from weak nof sight, flattening ef the pupil, or other misfortune occurring Kj th viaioa. Th eye be iugthe most dellcat organ, and of th most vital importance to th happiness and prosperity of man, should never be tampered with, either by the individual or by thoe who, for mere profit, take apon themselves th selling of Optical In struments, and who know nothing of the anatomy of theeys, or hew to discover the proper glass to suit the peculiarity of the different sights of those needing spectacles. Thousands have lost their vision entirely from not applying to those only qualified te know the different defect in each in dividual's sight, and how to remedy it by wearing tho proper kind of spectacles. I. Rittenbcrg, having had over twenty-five years experience as a recular practical optician, can assure tho. ..;vin him their patronage that by applying to him they can get the very right kind of glasses adapted to their case, and in almost every on secure good eve sight to old age. Near sighted persons can also obtain of blm the latest Improvement in spectacles suited to them, being a new invention. 1 have also the most recently new Field Glasses, with Astromical eye pieces, being verv snporior to the old opera glass arrangement. AH kind ot Optical Instruments repaired at the shortest no tice, aud those having purchased spectacles of me, and having had the misfortuu to break one of the lenses, can have it replaced gratuitouely by apply ing to I. RITTENBERG, 67 Main Street, Bet. Second and Third Sts., EVANSVILLE, IND. sep. 29. EXECUTOR'S SALE. Executor's Sale of Real Estate. '1MIE l'NrERSI(NED KXEt TTOR OF THE last Will and Testament of Samuel Hall, late of the county of Gibson, in the State of Indiana deceased, by virtue of power In him vested by aaid last Will and Testament, and of an order of the C ourt of Common Pleas made at th November Term, 18K!, will exioe to public sale at the Court House door, in the city of Kvansville, In the coun ty of Vanderburgh, in the State of Indiana, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13th, 18M, ss the property of said deceased, the following real estate, altnnte and being in the city of Iv ansvilh , in aaid county of Vanderburgh, to-wit: The undivided one half of oat Lot No. 15, in the subdivision of the northwest quarter of Section No. 29, in township No. 6, south, range No. 10 west, containing 4 75-100th cres;and. The undivided one half of part of out Lot No. 16, in said subdivision, being the northwest corner of said out Lot, lying north ef the Wabash aud Eri- Canal, containing one half acre. 18 4-12 feet front oa First street by 150 feet, being part of Lot fit or the old plan of the city of Kvansville, lieginning on First street tweoty feet fr.on Vine, thence along First street 18 4-12 fret ; thence to the alley; thence 18 4-12 feet towards Viue street, and thence to the beginning. Part of Lot No. 134 Gf the old plan of the city of Evansville, lwlng.lfii feet on Main street, and running back eighty reel moro or less to the linn ofthe brick beck of offices which front on Third street, being parts of tho southerly quarter of the Public Square, that is, the corner part of said quarter. Sixty-four feet more or less upon Third street by 56i feet deep, be in- the south easterlv part of the southerly quarter of the Public Square, and being the whole of the premises known as Hall's Block, ou Third street of said city. Part of Lot No. 60 of the old plan of the city or Evansville, Wing M feet by 75 feet on the uurth east or alley end of said Lot. Part of Lot No. It j of the Donation Enlarge ment or the eity or Kvansville, being fifty feet by seventy-five feet on the southwest or alley end of f ti l Lot. Lot No. 24 in Block No. 1, in Goodsell s En largement of the city of Evansville. Lot No. 25 in said Block No. 1, In said En largement. Lot ho. 2C in said Block No. largement. Lot No. 27 in said Block No largement. Lot No. 2R in said Block No. largement. 1, in said En 1, In said K 1, in said En- Lot No. 16 in Block No. 8, in Stockwell s En largement of said city. Lot No. 17 in said Block No. 8, in said En largement. Lot No. 18 in said Block No. 8, in said En largement. Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 80. 81. 82, 8.1. 81, 85, 86, 7, 88, 89, 90, 91, !2, 93, 94, 95. 9S, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101 1(, lor;, 104, 105, all in Isabella Place, in the city of Evansville. TKBMS OF SALE. A credit of twelve months will by givu j ono-bn-lfof the purchase money, and or two" years on the other half, on the pur chasers executing notes with approved security, bearing interest from date and waiving relief from valuation or appraisement laws; and also exe cuting a mortgage over the property sold to se cure the payment of said notes. JOHN B. HALL, Executor. Alex. C. Doxalo, Att'y. H. Nblsox, Auctioneer. dec9-tds VTOTICE. The undersigned Executors of the XI last Will and Testament of Samuel Hall, de ceased, will ofler for public sale at the Court House door, in ths city of Evansville, on the 13th day of Jahuary, 18T4, 185 shares or the Capital Stock oT the Evansville Insurance Company. Terms of sale, Cash. JOHN B. HALL, Evocator. Alex. C. Dosald, Att'y. dec9-tds HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Ho ! for the Holidays. I at HAVE ON HAND AND I AM CONSTANT LY receiving a large and splendid assortment Gift Books, Photographic Albums, Photographic Bibles, Gift Annuals, Poetical Works, Rosewood Work Boxes, Mahogany Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Ladies' Leather and Wire Portmon ies lu great variety. Also a lanre varietv ef .lnnii. T.n J t j Books, of every description and style, which I ! will sell cbesn for t:!. , SPY Plaaae call and examine my tock before pur. chasing elsewhere. J. HKALT, dec9 No. 24, Cor. Main and First Sts. DRAFT NOTICE. BY ORDER OF THE WAK DKPERTMENT, the time for hearing p plication a for exemp tionn, m heretofore publUh. d, has booc extended to January 5th, nnd the inrraiid bounties nw off-red will continue to bo paid for eulUt muta bth iu old and new org.inizatious, np to J i, nary 5lh, 18G4. BLTTIIE &YNKS, dec. Captain nnd BMMW Marshal, INSOLUBLE CEMENT. Great . Discovert. USEFUL and VALUABLE DISCOVERY! HILTON'S IISOLUBLE CEMEUT! Is of more arnmr1 nn. t , .-:. Applicable to the tucfnl arts. than any iOTentiou uow before tLe public. It has bssa taoronghly 11 umiuj; ine iai isro year oy practical men, and pronounced 15 SUPERIOR TO AST AdhasiTc Preparation known. Ililtons Insoluble Cement A new thing. Ts a new thing, nd tho result of years or study; its combination is on Scientific Prist i pics. Combina tion. Anil under no cirrnnsstanosa or clisuifof temperature, will it 1... come corrniU or emit any oSsnstTe imell. Boot ilOOT fe SHOK Mannfiictu.- Manufacturers, nsins; Machiaw. will find it the best article known for Omentins: the Channels, as It works without delay, is not sfWt ed by any change of temperature. Jewelers. JEWELERS ;Will6ndit suffioieatly adheaivfbr lh ' . . cu nun ie ii prcveu. It U especially adapted to Leather, And we claim a an especial merit, that it sticks Patuhtw and Linings to Boots and Shoes sr Icienllv Families. strong without stitching. IT IS THE ONLT It is a Liquid. LIQUID CEMENT Extant, that is a sure thing for inendlrg FIRSITCRE. CKOCKERT. TOYS, BONE, IVORY, And articles cf housobold use. REMEMBER Remember. Hilton's Insoluble Cemen Is in a liquid form and as ca ily applied as paste. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Is insoluble in water or oil. Hilton's Insoluble Cement Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Hanofactar era' Packages from 2 ounces to lot) e -. I1ILT0, BR08. A ('., Pbopbietobs, PROVIDENCE, B. I Fini. I 1v MEDICAL. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL I K I I C I TV 11 OP THE AGE! John Moffat & Co.'s Life Pills! AMI PHOENIX BITTERS! For Sale by all Druggists. JOHN MOPPAT & CO Proprietors, 32 EAST 17th STREET, JSbT"a7a7" For gala by BROtGHTOS fc WOOD. deel2 MEDICIAL. A Valuable Medicine FOR EVERY FAMILY. DBUGOISTS IN ALL sectioas of tb city aud country ieep on hand bay, sell and re commend sa a ton Ir, stimulant and appetizer, Boback's Stomach Bit tan. APOTHECARIES IN all sections of ths city and country keep in stock, sell and das pease as a tonic Ro back's Stomach Bitter. PHYBH'IANS in all sectioa of the city and country approve and re commend as a tonic Bo back's Stomach Bitters. GKOCERS in all sec tions of the city and country keep constantly supplied with and deal in Boback's Stomach Bitters. HOTELS in all sec tions of the city and country are suublied with and "cannot keen Hotel," withont a stock of Koliack s btomacb Bitters. HOSPITAL!" throughout the army ofthe North have fouud an indispensable f nic. and are saving, for the soldiers Boback's Stomach Bitters. SUTLEKS in every regiment ought to have and many have introduced, and highly recom mend Ro back's Stomach Bitters. LADIES, old and young, for Billiousness, Liver Complaints, Langnor, Weakness and geuersj De bility, are recommended to use Boback's Stomach Bitters. EVERYBODY who desires a good tonic for giving tone to the spirits, a healthy appetite and strength to the system generally, should not fail to nuy a bottle of Boback's Stomach Bitters. DR. C. W. ROB A OK. Proprietor, Cincinnati. Office and Manufactory Nos. 66, 68, UO aud 62 East Third Street. asaTTFor sale by all Druggists everywhere. ii '!( fc!3l2M rryj '-gyrj 1111 ii !! .U'i .'