Newspaper Page Text
MONDAT DXCKUBBB 28 JOURNAL BUILDINGS, LOCUST STREET, BETWEEN FIBST AND WATER. Will's First Speech. "Hurrah!" cried William Lawrence, rushing into the house like a hurricane; " I'm on the affirmative! The boys are all as mad as March hares about it, I can tell you!" Why, what for?" said Hose, coolly, as she continued to paste her scrap book. " What for?" echoed Will, with the look of an older brother who pities a sis ter's ignorance. ;l Why, to think I'm put on the qaestiti instead of one of the rest, my dear! There hasn t a boy in our class spoke in the Lyceum yet," add ed he, jerking his sister's elbow by way of pointing the remark. " I suppose yon know that, don't you?" " I know you dou't talk grammar," re turned Hose, "and I know you have made me drop a great blot of paste on my book. See, there!" " Well, don't fussl Just reach me the big dictionary, won't you? I'm going to read up from the foundation of the world down to the battle at Island Number Ten. Where's ' Plutarch's Lives?' " " Do tell me, have you got to speak on ancient history," said Hose, looking up. "Of course not, child. Question reads: 'Resolved, That the (ear of punishment has a better effect on mankind than the hope of reward.' I argue that it has. I think exactly the reverse, mind you; but when we make speeches, we do it for the sake of argument, you see." "Do tee " laughed Hose. ' Well, I suppose the fact is, you want me to help you to write your speech that is what yon were going to say, isn't it T" "Me ?" said Will, in dignified amaze ment "Great help you would be ! You can write 'moonlight' pieces, and such nonsense, for the Lyceum paper; but what do you know nbout logic. Now, you see, this sort of thing just suits my turn of mind, Rose. I'm going off into the library, and don't you let any one dis turb me till supper time. I shall write like a teteffraph, for my mind is in the potential mood, present tense. Rose pressed her lips together just in time to prevent a provoking smile. She remembered certain " compositions " which had been wrenched out of his head like sound teeth. Will locked himself in the library, and tried to collect his thoughts. In the course of au hour, the exultant expres sion had left his face; he bejran to look puzzled. "Oh, bother this writing !" sjghed he, "I can't piece the sentences together without making an ugly ssam. If 1 could only get a start, now ! It's like a ipool of thread if you begin right it will unwind ever so easy but I can't o-i t hold of the end !" Two hours more. Will's speech, which he had intended should be an iron chain of argument, bedecked with flow ers of rhetoric, where-was it? Farther off than ever. His thoughts would not come at all: they believed in "State sovereignty, and paid no respect to the ' Federal head." " Look here, Rose," said Will, next morning, looking rather sheepish, "you girls have got the nack of fixing things np. I've got ideas enough, fact is, I've got too many. And all that plagues me is what to do with 'em. Suppose I tell you what to write, and you write it? Now that's a good girl, Rose. I'll do as much for you some time." Rpse kindly refrained from saying, "Just as I expected," and took the paper and pencil from her brother with a pleas ant smile. " Now," said Will greatly relieved to find he had not been laughed at, " I want the speech to be real sound, you know, and sort of elegant, too. I must get in something about Demosthenes, or some of these fellows, and that golden-mouth ed what s his name? Something about the settlement of America and seeinp; the Quakers. Put in that Bible verse ' Dont spare the rod, or yoa'll spoil the child, oay, its an awful thing to bnn children up to expect presents instead of whipping there s the point of the argu ment, you know, and wind off with some poetry; it wont make much dif ference what" . ' Well, William Lawrence," said Rose, In despair, " I should think your brains bad been churned f You've been chasinc some great ideas about till you are dizy that's what it is. Now, sit down, and let's talk about it awhile before we be gin. Will obeved in an humble state of mind, very much ashamed of himself for ap pealing to Rose, who wai only a girl, and did not understand logic, yet very grateful to her after all Fortunatelv, she seemed to understand his confused ideas, far better than he did, and in due time they had composed what Will regarded as a sensation speech, commencing with " Mr. President," and ending with a few lines from Milton. "Now, Rose," said Will, "that's just about the thing. But I found the ideas, didn't I? I'll learn it by heart, and see if I don't deliver it with a grand flourish? There's a great deal, you know, in the gestures. It's enough to make you ache p see how stiff some of the fellows stand when they speak ! They get seared, I Bnppose." But Will exulted too soon. People are very brave before they have ever had a tooth out, and boys are very brave be fore they have ever tried to speak in public. AVill thought he was not afraid of any thing, but when called out to speak, he felt as if the joints in his body had all turned to wood, and wouldn't bend. He supposed he was walking, but couldn't tell how he did it He heard a suppress ed titter from the little boys, and the eyes of the audience seemed to prick through his nerves like needles. Every body took a savage pleasure in his misery, that was plain. Oh! to think he should have ever laughed at bovs for bo- ingstiff, when they couldiit b?nd! He made his bow to the wrong side, and turned his back to the President ! "Mr. President" said he in a whisper, turning right about face; "Mr. President Sir,' repeated he, in a hoarse voice that sounded to him as if it came from some other boy's throat "Mr. Lawrence," replied the President smiling encouragingly. But if Will had been trying to get possession of a rainbow, or a flash ot' lightningjhe could have caught either of them as soon as one woriof his speech I Whither had it fled ? Five minutes be fore he had it by heart. "Mr. President," he began again in desperation (I will ask to be excused, thought the poor boy, and then rush out of the bouse and hide where nobody will ever set eyes on me again.) But Rose, meeting his glance, nodded with a smile that said, -"Don't give Bp, Will!" She did not seem to be ashamed of him. And Hose's friend, that wicked little Fanny Warner, was laughing and whispering to somebody, and Will was sure she was saying, " 'That's what 1 call a smart boy!" Cruel joke. Will's pride was touched in a moment. The speech would not come back to him, to be sure; but he was determined to say something. "The question is ahem Mr. Presi dent, ' Does the fear of reward have a greater effect on mankind, sir, than the hope of punishment?' I contend that it has. If I was in the army, Mr. Presi dent, I should want to bay prwaou-J, j hope, and that would help me some; but I tell you, if 1 get into a Gx, sir, as the men did at Pittsburg, and wanted to back out, the fear of being a eoward wou'd make the fight come and I wouldn't give in, no, not if I died for it! They shouldn't have it to say I run ! NoWj Mr. President, I've forgotten my speech, and if it wasn't for the fear of being laughed at, I wouldn't have said a word. You might know I didn't speak for hope of being clapped! That's all I've got to say, sir." But Will did get clapped most hear tily. And next day, when he showed his teacher the elaborate speech which never was spoken, Mr. Garland declared that, in spite of the closing verse of Milton's, he liked the off-hand speech better, be cause it was a great deal more natural, and not at all far-fetched. The Student and Schoolmate. BOOTS & SHOES. P w o Eh $ CQ n a o o PS o O n w a 85 o o if N h iH Q n H M 0 s - M 3G Eh w H O J o 3 0 m o hi - 0 0 - a 3 o u c. s 0 0 o 0 ft X) s o En M o f H w M M o o Eh GO Eh CQ W ffl NEW SHOE BOOT STORE. F. M . SELLMAN IK- - just received, at No. 35 MAIN STREET A larj? an earcfaHy irtMsMi Btock of BOOTS, SU0E8, CA1TESS, SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S WEAR, OF TI1K LATEST STYLES, WHICH HE IS Hvlting as low as any house iu tlie city. The pnMic are invited to call utid examiuu Goods and Prices liefore purchasing elsewhere. He warrauts his goods to give satisfaction. No trouble to show gaods. Meiuliug done FREE OF CHABQK, shonld they prematurely give way. F. M. SKIjLM AN, Evansvill-, Sept. 15, 18ii3. r Main Street. 1V1TV STREET. TURNER & GW&THMEY, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS 1ST BOOTS AND SHOES, AXD Hats & Caps, No. 15 Main Street. EVANSVILLE,! 'j DIANA GROCERIES. rpUKKEYS! TURKEYS ! Two hundred choice X fat Turkeys ; fr sale at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. CRANBERRIES 3 hbls CnltivaUd Crauber ri. - ; 6"0 lls prime new Currants: M Iwxes new Layer Raisens ; M quarter boxes Layer Raisens ; aK) Ids choice Genoa Citron ; t or sale at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. HO! FOR-RCCKWIIEAT CAKES .UOOlbs fresh Durkwheat just received at ELLIOTT'S FAMILY GROCERY. 1 REEJJ APPLES A splendid lot fur sale at VT Gt- - ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. P OTATOES ihj I ushels white Neshaunock Potatoes ; ELLIOTTS FAMILY GROCER. )Z4 BBI.S, TURWIPS At ELLIOTT S Family Grocery. c 11 PER Vt barrels choice Champaign Cider ; for bale at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. OHOl'LDERS AXD II A MS O 15 lbs idain City Cored Hams ; '2,000 lbs Cincinnati sugar enr d Ham, ; ln.rmn lbs Shoulders ; '- lbs dear Bacon. For a'o at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. PICKLES 5 dozen plain 1 gallon Pickles; du inis'd I do do; 10 do i gallon plain do; 10 c , do V do mixed do; Cnow Chew. For sale at ELLIOTTS Family Grocery. tiHOE BKISUE8 ; 11 Shoo Bru.lK-s at -100 doun assorted kinds of HLLIOTT'a Family flrowy, & HARDWARE. HARDWARE AT LOW PRICES. I. -at Cutters and Sausage Stuf fers : 3 rateut Moat Cutters and Stuf fers, (combined) ; Axes, Lippiueott's, and Taneyck's ; White'. Axe Handles and Wedges ; Wood, Hand and Kipping Saw of Spear and Jackson, Diss ton's and ethers ; 64 Cross Cut Saws, patent ; coir, muii and Hill Saws, Bowland's, c ; Butcher's Files, Chisels and Bason ; go SS gfj Table and Pocket Cutlery ; Shears and Scissors; Tea and Table Spoons j Tea and Counter Scales ; Scale Beams ; Bntchei Knives and Saws; Wilson's Steels ; Cleavers and Choppers; Molasses Gates and Cedar cets ; fau- r Hay and Straw Knives; Grain and Coal Shovels; Shovels and Spades; Chains Log, Trace and Halter ; Malls ; Selves and Bat Traps; Brushes and Curry Cams ; Door Locks, Hinges end Screws Chain Pumps ; 2 U I m tH a c c 1 O t? u E a" crc o s m Ohio Tool Co. Truss Hoops ; Planes and Carton's Cooper Ttols ; Cabinet Hardware ; Shovels, Tongs and ; Steel Fire Setts. For sale by JACOB 8TBATJB & SON. HARDWARE. GEO. S.SOHNT&G&CO. Jobbers and Importers. Hardware and Cutlery Our Fall Stock being very large and complete, we can offer to our Customers and the Trade, Goods that can not fail to please in Style, Quality and Price. Our Stock is now bought for Cash, and prices reduced. We offer the following in large quantites: TABLX CUTLERY, English. TABLE CUTLERY, American. TA11I.K CUTLERY, English. TABLE CUTLERY, American. POCKET CUTLERY POCKET CUTLERY POCKET CUTLUHY. POCKET CUTLERY. CHOPPIXO AXE ft. CHOPPING AXES. CHOPPING AXES. CROPPING AXES. SHEARS AND SCIHSOBS SHEARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS AND SCISSORS SHEARS ANB SCISSORS TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. TABLE AND TEA SF00N8. TABLE AND TEA SP00N8. TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. M7L L AND CUT SA WS MILL AND CUT SAWS WOOD AND HAND SAWS. WOOD AND HAND SAWS BUTLDER'S HARDWARE. KECHANICS TOOLS. BUILDER'S HARDWARES MECHANICS TOOLS. GUNS AND PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS. GUNS ATD PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES AND GUN CAPS PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. SCALE BEAMS AND STEELYARDS. GEO. S. SOXSTAG A CO., No. lO Main Street. MANTUA MAKING. CLOAK, MANTILLA AND ZD x esses Tt lacings ESTABLISHMENT. MRS. ELIZASPEI6LEBERG, IN THE OLD POST OFFICE RITILDING, ON First street, would respectfully aunounce to her friends and patrons that she will close ont the present stork, rnnelstlaj; of Talmas, Cirrlrs and Sactjue, of the beet materials and latest styles. Cloth CUuks and Dress Trimmingr and Fancy Goods; Hair Nets, H'-ad Dresses, and manv other articles too nuwepmi to mention, at greatly re duced prices, as she intends to make an entile change in her business. Persons wishing a bar gain had better give her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Xu. ELIZA SPEIG LEUERG, deoltf IS First st... bet. Main and Locust. STOVE WORKS r. W. MtlMKMKTr.K. A. HILBLIt,0 SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS. BRINKMEYER & CO., Manufacturer of stoves, Hollow Ware, Iron Railings, House, Fronts, Verandas, Balconies, Castings In General, COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, Ac Sales Room Main Street, opposite Court ' Uoiise. "Foundery Near the Mouth of Pigaou Creek EvAKSVILLE, HI). ORDERS SOLICITED.-Wt m9 DRY GOODS m 8 10 FI1ST STE3ET, Wholesale and Retail DRY GOODS. Onr second purchase this fall of everything in our line that ss New, Rich Ay D DESIRABLE, Has now arrived, among which will be found a complete assortment of Plain French Merinos, Fancy French Merinos, Fancy French Cashmers, Plain and Fancy Delains all Wool, And all the New Styles of RICH WINTER DRESS GOODS. Also a splendid line of eiegant Black Cloth Cloaks, SCARLET AND BLUE CLOAKS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. RUGS, WINDOW SHADES, Window Hollands, Curtain Damasks, LACE CURTAINS, Curtain Fixtures CURTAIN CORNICES; And almost everything in the flOHSE FURNISHING LINE my20-lr JAUUKSS &. KREHCII, No. 10 First Street, KvanavlUe. FOR GREAT BARGAINS IN an to E. A. GOOKE &, CO., Who have just completed their winter stock of; Uuods, consisting iu part ol French Merinoes, Checked and Plain Alpacas, Silk Striped Lustres, Wool and half Wool Delaines, Ladies' Misses' Hoop Skirts, Ladies' Misses' Balmoral Skirts, and Children's and Children's Hoods, Nubias and Misses' Fancy Knit Coats, Sontags and Alexandras, Lambs Wool, Merino and Bal moral Hose, And a great variety of Notions, &c. Also jost received by express A full assortment of Cloaks. All the novelties of the season, comprising Red Biding Hoods, Blue Circulars, Black Cloth Circulars aud Sacques Various Prices ; Styles to suit the most fastidious. Come and see for yourself at No. T FIRST STREET, GROCERIES. 50 dozen PINE APPLES, in bottlos; 75 doz Pine Apples, iu tin cans ; 1!K) doxeu Peach-s, .. ltsj Blackberry, " 100 ' Tomatoes. 25 " Strawbeiries, ' ' 10 " English Plums, in bottles; 8 " Quinces, in bottles ; At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. S UGAR 1 hhds fair N. 0. Sugar ; 20 bbls extra brown N. 0. Sugar; 15 bbls Clarified N. 0. Sugar ; 12bNs " N. Y.emgar; 15 bbls Powdered do ; At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. POWDER 60Qhag Blasting F K Powder; 300 kegs Sportiut; Ritlo Powder ; r lOOcases assorts! Canister Rifle Powder; At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. I FLAVORING EXTRACTS 10 dozen Essence Lemon ; M " Vauila ; 10 " Rose ; 10 " Pine Apples ; io " Peach ; At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. S AI.T 100 bbls Pomroy Sait At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. LAMPS All in want of a Lamp call At ELLIOIT'S Family Grocery. H tiRSE A N'H row FKKD-20 tons of rich country Bran jut received At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. I-R11U rm tT lOo bosheld Dried Peaches, 1J pealed j 20" bnsliel. Dried Apples At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. JQ YRLV- O 61 bbls Golden Svrirp; G blibt Honey Syrup ; 5 bbls Beetiive Syrup; 20 bbls Plantation Molasses ; 10 bbls Sorguni ; At ELLIOTT'S Famllv Groosry. rpiIK SECRET OF A CLEAN HOUSE 18 A X good Broom. They can be had at declO ELLIOTT'S Psmlly Groesry. BO AD KEGISTER E. &. C. It. II. Stti . a'l.a , .. ; ms- oir t'rttjrtrr -i DEPAB'TB: Way, Freight and Acroinm..dation 6:45 a. 11. Mail 9iiA. u. A E E I V K S : Accommodation S:24'p n. Mail 6:40 P. M. T. H. V R. R. R. DHPABTS FROM T. H. Day Express . .3:55p. it. Accommodation . .. .. ":35 a k Night Kxp5 It: 30 a. M. ARRIVE AT T. H. Day Express 12:85 p. t. AccommoJatiou 5:10 A. js. Night Kxpresa 1:25 a. k. These two roads rnaha good connections at Terre Hut. r,n .9:): River News. ARRIVALS FRIDAY Mariner, Lon Silver Moon. Cin Darting, U Fitzhue;, " Convoy, No. 2, Nash Gen. Anderson, Cairo Suniy South, Memp Nannie, Nashv Priirie Eose, Nashv DEPARTURES FRIDAY. Mariner, Kasb Silver Moon, Memp' 11. iltxhagh, " IUrline. Memphis Sunny Suuth. Cin Oen. Anderson. Cairo "Nannie, " Prairie Row.-. LO11 Convoy, No.2 , " ARRIVALS SATURDAY. Idahoe, Lou Areola, Nash Prioress, " J. B. Hind, BirO Eagle, Lon Hay Duke, C. Boweu, Cairo Cordi-lia Ann. " Emperor, Memp DEPARTURES SATURDAY. Idahoe, Nash Emporor, Ciu Princess, " Arculi. Cin BijO EaRle, Loo May Duke, ' C. Boweu, Cairo Victor, Runisey The river had declined about one foot at this point up to Saturday evening;, and was going down quite rapid'.y. The weather is again warm and cloudy, with a light drizzling rain Saturday afternoon and evening, which Dromised to srrow into a heavy rain before this moraine. Hence to Pittsburg the river is falling, with a good stage of water for the larg est class of boats at all points from Pitts burg down. The Gen. Anderson left for Paducali and Cairo at 3 o'clock on Friday, with a fair trip, and as she rounded to above the city and ran down by the landing, she fairly flew, and elicited great admiration from vast crowds upon Water street Capt Batchelor's splendid new steam er, the Darling, arrived here on Friday from Pittsburg and Cincinnati, with about 600 tons of freight, 100 of which she left at this port The Darling was built ex pressly for the Cincinnati and Memphis packe: trade, and is commanded by Capt Frank Batchelor, with George L. John son as her chief clerk, two as clever gentlemen as ever lived. We take from the Pittsburrevening Chronicle the following particulars in re gard to this fine boat: She is a noble boat, and has perhaps larger carrying capacity than any steam er of the kind ever before built for this trade. Her length on deck is 111 feet and breadth of beam 38. She has a 6 foot hold and is the loftiest, steamer be tween decks that has ever come under our notice. Thegnards, too, are unusu ally wide, and arrangements for feeding and watering stock while on board the moat complete we have ever examined. The machinery of the Darling is ex tremely powerful, and built on the most approved style. She has two engines, with cylinder twanty-two . and a half inches in diameter, aud having six and a half feet stroke. The motive power by wuicn these Hue engines are driven is ob tained from three boilers, eighteen feet long, lorty-four inches in dijimoter, and having twenty-two live-inch Hues each Her wheel, are -twentv-eight feet in di ameter, and her butkets seven and half feet in length. Though built for service, comiorr, nnu durability, ratner than extreme speed, the Darling is bound to make a fast boat. To sum up then, we will sav that in no btrat of the character ever constructed here has there been such a blending of those qualities of speed, capacity and su penonty ot accommodations, so essen tialto success in a steamer of this class; ana that sue will prove a paying specu lation for her owners, no one acquainted with the boat or her captain will for moment doubt- She left for Memphis Friday evening. The Charley Bo wen had a nice trip out on Saturday, and her cabin full of people. The Big Grey Eagle came in early Saturday afternoon with a nice trip, and returnad early to Louisville. The Big Grey, is all right now, and so are her gallant and good looking officers. The royal Armada will be the popular packet, for Paducah and Cairo to-day, and has superior accommodation for pas sengers and sets one of the finest tables extant. Capt. H. T. Dexter, old opposi tion, has the hurricane, and Perry Mc- Griff, with Zack Taylor, occupy the of fice. The superlatively elegant Tarascon, passed down to Henderson last evening. She will be the regular packet for Louis ville at 10 o'clock this morning. Tke Tarascon has won encomiums from all who have seen her. She is a most beautiful specimen of naval archi tecture, She is in command of Capt. Joseph H. Bunce, a gentleman distin guished for his many excellencies as an officer and a man. lilr. George A. Wil liams, first clerk of the Tarascon, is a noble, warm hearted gentleman, and has no superior as an accomplished officer. Mr. . WiHiam A. Cocke, as second clerk is winning a deserved popularity. The elegance of the Tarascon's cabins and staterooms, the sumptuousness of her table, the fleetness with which she walks the waters, place her in the front among the first class steamers of the West. The Tycoon, Capt. Billy Voris, passed np from Memphis on Saturday night with 69-1 bales of cotton, on private ac count for Cincinnati. Evansville, Dec. 28, 1SG4. To the shipper of Evansville and Green river : The steamer R. B. Spee.1 will leave this evening at 4 o'clock, and will make regular trips between here and Ramsey, in connection with the R. K. Dunkerson. F. Pratt, Capt SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J. SMITH'S SHIRT MANUFACTORY, jVo.3 Second St, (ia beat's block .) OHIRTS MADE TO ORDER FROM MEAS- O urment aud flt warranted. A stock o ready. made Shirts and Collars always on hand, and at prices that will suit the purchaser. Tucking usuta, etichiug Bosoms, Sic, done with neatness and despatch Thauitrui tor past ravors tne subscriber respect fully solicits a eontuauce of the patronage so liberally bestowed for the past five years. ecUd J. 8M1TH. REGULAR PACKETS. REGULAR PACKET. Greon River! rpHE FINES! K A MEE- - XT I 3. J. BATAKD Master. ill enter the Green Msct trade in connection with the B. K. Dan eerson, and form 3 regular seatl weeklv line between ETunsville ami Bi.wlingGrrn. For Freight aud Passage appiv on board, or to de2o-tf COX fc HUMPHRY, Agents. u. s. Gen. Mail Steamer Anderson Will leave EVansville for Ptidii .-all Jyt.aud Cairo at pie ?- every Tuesday s et'isely 12 o'clock m. anil r ml. iv. I.eave Cairo for Pmlncjli and Kvansville at C p. ni. every Saturday and Wednesday. She has unsnrj- ; Passene-r aecommodatinos. n.Jul.n B. Hall will receive freight nd sigu bills free of Charge for the Anderson at any time of day or niht. drc21tf Regular Evansville and Henderson Packet. rpHE STEAMER "El F FO RT, THOMAS .. Captain, Leae Evnusvills every evsuing at fef 4 u'clock. Leaves Ilenilurson every 9hiorn?iiff at t'. ielru'k. cuiiiuitinf at Evansville with the K. A C. R. R. Cincinnati and Memphis PACKET COMPANY. For Evansville, Henderson, Mount V.rnoii. Shawneetown, Smithlaud, Paducah. Cairo. Columbus. Hickman and Mem puis, and all war-points on tke Ohio 1 Misslssiunl Rivers, coniurisirm tho followine new light-draught passenger packets: NORMAN, JEWESS, Captain Fraiier. W. C. MANN, Captain Shunk. ( ant. Batchelor. PRINCESS Cnptau Mar&tta. One of thn above Bonts will pass Evansville Weekly for Cairo, Columbus, Hickman, aud Mom phis. Also, wcvkly for Cincinnati. JTor freight or passage enquire of COX A HUMPHREY, BepO.ltf Agents. LOUISVILLE AUD HENDERSON DAILY LINE, (SUNDAY'S EXCEPTED. JJJ Fnc Evansville b Louisville Lino (Vs. Splendid Passenger , " BIG " GREY EAGLE, Capt. BUKCK I J, A. LUSK, Clerk. "STAR" GREY EAGLE, Capt. A. F.ali.akd F. B.txasiiiTn, Clark, T A RXS1313N , dpt. J. Bvci Geo. S. Williams, Clerk, Compose the Line, and will Icavs Evansville tor Louisville as follows : Monday's, STAR GREY EAGLE, at 12 o'clock 3 Tuesday's, TARASCON, at 5 o'clock r M. Wednesday's, "BIG" GREY EAGLE. at 5 o'clock T Sf . 1 Thursday's, "STAR" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock r. . m Friday's, TARASCOV. at 5 o'clock r. . Saturday's, "BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock ETURNING: leaves Lnnlsville Monday's and TARASCON, yhsjssjqaj s. FIG" GRXY EAGLE leaves dav's and Friday's, LouisvllU Tues "STAB" CREY EAGLE leaves Louis ills Wed nesdny's and Saturday's. Punctually at t iVlock p. K. For comfort and sieed the above steamers are unsurpassed. COX A HUMPHREY. ducli 1 MACHINISTS. REITZ 8l HANEY, mm mil EVANSVILLE, IND., - MHiuifHctiirem of STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS, AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Of the mo3t Approved Pattern. ALSO All kinds of Machinery appertain ing to Railroads, Steamboats, Distilleries, Flouring Mills. SUGAR MILLS, of all sizes with the latest Improve mcnts attached ; Tobacco Screws, Portable Engines, &c, &c, &c. House Fronts, Grates, Rail ing, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. DEALERS IN Steam Gauges, Gum Belting, Fire Brick, Wrought Iron Pipe, Bolting Cloth, &c, at MANTJFACTUREKS' PRICES Repairing done at short notice. Workmen sent to all parts to fit up work and repair Boilers St, Machinery "A11 orders will receive our individual atten tion and will be promptly filled on the most reasonable terms. Office and Foundry on the Can corner of Ingle Street. mhl7-lj VOLUNTEERING ! $302 B 0 UNT Y For New Recruits! $402 BOUNTY For Veteran Volunteers ! MEN OF THE FIRST DISTRICT OF INDI ANA, the Governor has called for seres or more Coiupuuies of Infantry and five Com panies of Cavalry from this District Shall he have them ? I call upon vou to give the answer. My answer is, " HE SHALL." Will yon endorse itZ 1 mint you wilt. lour country needs your aerVieesln (his army, and oilers you inducements which will enable yon to leave your families i amply provided for. Any one wishing to recruit for the Regiment by raising Comtauies, or parts of Companies, will ! receive commissions for that purpose by applying to me in writing, accompanied by proper reoum 1 mendations,, directed to Viuccnnes, Indiana, Tint ; the organisation of the encampment. GEO. W. GORMAN,' Comroaiidant 1st District, j Other papers iu the Mstrtet please copy, t oct2tf I . s MONEY WANTED. GOLD! SILVER DEMAND NOTES! UNCURBENT MONEY! Wanted at the highest price at the SAVINGS BANK NO 4 FIRST STREET. COLLECTOR'S SALE. NOTIslE TS HEREBY GIVEN TH AT T. WIL LIAM G. UEPPI.E. Coll ett,r .if the City of Evansville. In-tween the hours of 9 and 12 n'lnck A. M. and S and ft o'clock r. , on MONDAY, JANUARY 11th, 18M, will atll at Pnhlic Auc tion, at th door of the Court ITouse in the City of Evansville, Indiana, the following; Lots, parts of Lots, and prrcefs of Real Estate, and Improve ments, assessed for the payment of City Tuxes f r the ysr 18W, due from the owner- thereof to the City of Evsnsvil'e said Taes hetnfr. now due end unpaid and for ths costs of said sale; and tint said sale will he enntinned on the next day there after vis : on Tuesday, January 12th, ISM, at two o'clock r. m , at ths door of the Court House in Evansville, for the purpose of tellinc enrh prop erty as msv have liecn eld on ths day first above mentioned and not paid I -r : ORIGINAL TLAN. Dunnine Paris C, 50x75 fast comer part of lot 140 B 7i Uowsen John, lot 118.... .61 30 do lxT- ft n easterly ead of lot I0..4a 38 do lot HI 48 BO do Bxl50 feet a side of lot 123 ft 7 Jones Jss G,' lot 1S9 71 55 Mayuard J,:hn,3nx7A ft nornarpart of lot 77... fo (Kl O'Mara John, 24Ux7fl feet of lot 29 13 50 Parrott Robt befrs, 48x7ft tt adj'g lot 137 15 S3 DONATION ENLARGEMENT. Geil A Beoicbof, 18x144 feet n a half of the n s half of 1st VtS 20 B Markls Jacob, n w C of s of lot 163 19 H do n woflotttO 20 25 Parrott Robt heirs, n e lot 205 25 Pritebett Amy, n w y. of lot 201 ,3o 78 Sstterly V. heirs, let 204 82 35 WevWnd II, heirs of, s w bf of n e bf of i.,i 205 .77 00 Smith Olivr heirs of, south westerly one third of lot 217 . 4 72 Jsrvis Richard, improvements on lot 181 3 38 CI'PER ENLARGEMENT. Grifnth Rachel, lot 47 ,.6fi 15 KsIIouk ! H. lot 15 subdv of out-lot 4 2 70 McDonald .lames, 4th subdv 25x56 ft of lots 71 and 72 11 48 VcDonaM James, 5th snbdr 25x9.1V, ft of lots 71 and Tt 13 R Rudd Lucy J, s w 79Vix75 ft of lot 61 33 75 do do 35x75 leet of lot 63 4 7:t Miea John. 20 feat middle of lot 4, subdv of out-lot 4 2 23 LOWER ENLARCEMENT. Hartmsn George, a w half of lot 25 18 00 do s w half of lot 26 12 15 Rocrs Samcei, fractional lot 2 149 50 Sansr Louis, m w 22x148 ft bf lot 22 17 2 Htinsou A Great house, 40x75 feet alley end of lot 5 21 tt EASTERN ENLARGEMENT. sTsslllii Charles, n e half of lot 14, blk 17... 3 .18 do ' swhfoflotis. blk 17 1 3ft Kdmonml Trancit, lot II, blk 51 12 15 Goel Loonhard, lot 16, blk 55 10 So Hall M II, lot 2. blk 1 do lot 20, blk 40 20 25 Havriurst Ar.ariah, lot 19. .lk 44 :t Oo Hel'ierd L W, lot 3, blk 47 1 09 Hnis.dmaii John, n w batroriot 19, blk 54... 7 43 K6U Henry, lot 14, blk 31 23 R Mesel Pbilipp, 18xU4 feet or In 1, blk 37. .15 53 Miller Genrwe, 1st subdv 18x75 fast of lot 4, block 37 - - 13 50 Miller Ge-go, 2nd subdv 18x75 feet of lot 4, block 37 10 80 Miller Henry, lot 8, blk 37 27 no Rogers Nancy, lot 11, blk 5 6 75 do lot 12, blk fi 12 00 Smith Valef tiae. improvements on corner hf of lot 10, blk 3L - 9 46 Smith VTm I", lot 2, blk 28 ft 40 do lots, blk 61 .. 8 10 Stephens Robt E, lot 4, blk 9 5 00 Tarnook Jos, lot 6, blk 1 26 65 BAKER'S ADDITION. Curnick Thos, lot 2, blk 2 B 90 do loi S, blk 2 10 Sullivan A O, lot 4. blk 3 7 42 do s w hairof lot 6, blk 3 1 02 Whittlesey A T A W G, lot 4, btk 2 2 16 do lot 6, blk 2 2 16 HrSTON'8 ADDITION. Roeers Samuel, lot 32... 4 do lot 33 3 80 do lot 34 3 80 do lot 35 3 90 LAMA8C0. Bicking nsnry, s o hf of lot 16, blk 83 6 60 Bolusa Thomas, improvements on lots 5 ami 6, blk 113 14 40 Carter 7. M P, n e half of lot 8, blk 76 o Cody & Road, lot 19, blk 1S1 1 .r" do 1st 20, blk 131 1 50 do lot 21, Mk 131 1 80 Epenscheid John, lot 10, blk 150 4 20 do lOtujblkUO 3 30 Gaerlng Henrr, lot 16, l5k47 I 32 Griers W C heirs of, lot 6, blk 132 1 20 Hartleln Mathew, lot 1, blk 131 6 CO Jones Catharine G, improvements on block 165 2 P Koenift W O. lot 5, blk 54 I 10 Mstenheimsr John, lot 3. blk l4...y 3 DO Reber Peter, Jot 13, Mk 52 1 do Tot 14, blk2 4 8" Renter CAD, lot 7, blk .Trsi 3 00 do lot 8, blk 100 3 00 Sorenson 8, lot 1, blk 134 - 1 50 do lot 5, blk 134 1 2" do uwofblkl64 6 78 do blk 165 4 88 Strube Henry, lot 2. blk 133 5 70 Swcsnv Patrick, Delinquency lot l.blk 1031 do do lot 2, blk 103 j do do lot 3, blk 103 do do lot 4. blk 13 do do lot 1, blk 111 do do 1 F2,blk 111 I do do lot 3, blk 111 j 27 49 Turner Wm S, lot 11. blk ltiti 3 00 FOCRTU ENLARGEMENT. Chandler, John J, lot 13, block 13 1 44 .do... lot 13 90 McKinney, E A lot 30 do. ..13 18 00 do se V lot 31 blk 13 1 fo Shes, John, lot 14 blk 1 16 20 do....lot 15 blk 10 S 30 do lot 16 blk 10 3 30 Sherwood, Marcus, lot 11 blk 18 2 10 Spillman, John, lot 2 blk 18.. 3 30 HORNBY'S ENLARGEMENT. Baner, William, improvements on Hornby's Enlargement 2 40 CRESCENT ENLARGEMENT Seeman, George, n e 25 feet of lot II blk 6... 2 70 Tobin, Michael, lot 4 block 5 l.tO do lot 5 block 5 1 50 Zschoppe, Gottlieb, t w half of lot 11 blk C 1 50 STOCRWELL'S ENLARGEMENT. Eniricb, John, lot 1 block 15 45 90 .do lot 2 do... 15 3 31 do lot 3 do... 15 3 30 do lot 4 do... 15 3 SO do lot 15 . 3 30 do lot 6 do... 15 3 30 Hanning, William, improvements on lot 10 block 8 - 2 40 Schmitt, Charles, s w of lot 5 block 20 1 2o dp lot 6 do 20 2 40 SHARP'S ENLARGEMENT. O'Reillv, Andrew I, lot 13 block 7 1 80 do lot 7 .20 70 do lot 15 -7 . 150 NORTHERN ENLARGEMENT. Csrter, Z M P, lot 5 block 8 1 80 Christ, Thomas, lot 14 block t 10 20 Johnson, M L, lot 1 do. ..2 9 IW Jones, Joshus, heirs, 9 ft west side of lot 1c, blocks i - 2 64 Jones, Joshus, heirs, 5 ft of lot 17 blk 3... 72 rtister, Fred, lot 4. block 5 5 i" Struke, Ferdiuand, lot 16, blosk 7 4 32 do lot 17 oloek 7 1 32 Sullivan, Abel, lot 1Q. block !... 5 40 do lotll do.2 17 40 do lot do-... 3 3 UO do lot 9 ao... 3 3 60 do lot 10 do ...3 2 7o de lotll do ...3 1 70 do s e i of lot 8 block 6 1 20 : do lot 9 Mock ...1 80 do. lot lo ds ... 6 .. I 10 do lot ll do. ..8 :.. I 10 .. do lot 8 do.7 180 do. lot 9. ... 7 1 90 do lot 10 do ...7 1 32 do lot 11 .do ... 7 1 32 WILLIAM G. BCETPLE, dec!8 Collector. PIANOS. TWO SPLENDID PIANpS J 1ST RECEIVED from the manutacturers, and for sale at 'WARREN 1 CONYNGTON'S, aov25 tat No. 1 Main street. COLLECTOR'S SALE. VOTK'E IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT 1. WLL-LIAM-G. BO:PPLE, Collertor of ths City of EvaiisrP.h), betwe-a ths hours of 9 snd II o'clock A-M snd a aud ." o'ssock P. M , on MONDAY. T,HK,-,'"h 0F MCKHBEK, A. D. 186S, Witt sell al Public Auction, at the door of the Court House in the City ot Evansville, Indiana, the taUowiur Lots, parts ot Lots and parcels of Real Estate, and Improvements, assessed for the payment of City Taxes for the year 183. and dsliBumnttsxes dne upon said lot far the years I860, geo 1801, aud 18G2, doe from ths owners thereof to the City cr Evansville said Taxes seine now due and unpaid and for the costs of said sale ; and that said sale will be continued on ths next day thereat. er. via; on Tuesdsv, the 29th dsv of December 1803. at 1 o'clock P. M.. at ths door of the Court House is Eransville, fer the ftarpuw of sidling such property as may have been sold on the day first above mentioned snd ns. paid for : GREEK'S ENLARGEMENT. Allis, nenry 1)., lot No. 1, bio k No. l.. $ 90 do 8 do ',,,- ;' 9 jj do 3 do 1 .ijt 7 do do 4 do... 1.1..... 9 do do 5 do.... , f 2g Jo do 0 do....a Ofl do .do 7 do .... i; 7 jt do do 8 do I y 7 a do do .9 do 1 y J7 do do .10 do... ,1 7 sjg do do. ...11 do .... 7 tT io do ....;i...,do I . .X X Evansville Union Furniture Co , lot 1 blk ... 6 99 do .do lot 1 blk f S as do de lotsbtk i M 1 do do let 4 Blk 9 s do do lot t blk 9 1 87 do do lot blk S 16 99 'lo do lot 7 blk ( I 14 do do. lot 8 blk 9 S 14 - do do let 9 blk 6 t 14 do do lot 7 blk 8 t 10 do do lots blk 8 I lo do de lot blk 1 So Greek, John, lot No. 13, block Ns. 1 . 9 71 do do 14 do 1 ....... 4 tl do do 15 do 1 a as .do do 16 da s 1 do do 17 do 1 4 do 1 t n jio a, f t do 9 t sW do 2 ( S do 2 47 do 1 5 48 , do 2 IT do do 18. do do 1. do .do 9. do .do 3. do so 4. do 5. .do .J,. 6... do do T... do do 8... .. .do do 9T. do 40.... ..10... do do....;. 4... .do do 5... de ... do do 7... do do 12 do 1 - . , 3 37 3 4 (1 do Ji ... 2 ... do S ... 4 tl ... 4 f 1 .. 3 49 .13 SO .. 9 09 ..10 20 .. 4 39 .. 4 90 4 99 ... 4 99 4 90 A ss do... de 3 - .3 ...3 ...3 ...3 ...3 ... do do .' ll do... 14 do... do do.... do do.... do do. .4. ia do. do. ..17.. .8 .... 1 do do 18. do 8 4 90 .... do 3 4 90 do 19.. , do do.. do .4 17 99 ... -do do 7 do 4 9 90 SI 99 14 81 14 48 10 99 9 do do 8 do 4 ... do do 9 de .4 ... do do In do 4 ... do do 11 do .4 do do 12 ,.do 4 do do 13 do 4 . 8 13 - do do 14 do 4 8 13 do .do 15 do 4 . 9 18 do do 16 do 4 19 49 do do ...17 do .4 3 10 do do 18 .do 4 4 19 do do 4 9 99 do do 20 do 4 ., 4 99 do do .21 Ao 4 4 99 - do do 28. do 4 9 90 do do 23 4 99 do ,do 25. do 4 3 99 do do 26 do 4 ... 9 00 do do $7 So 4 . K 94 do do 4 9 99 Page Wm T, do 1 do 4 .11 49 do do 2 do 4 t 89 do do J; ji 4 .90 to do do 4 , do 4 9 99 do do 6 do 4 90 92 - lbs-; do 28 do 4 7 87 do do 29,... do 4 7 tt do do 30 do 4 7 87 do do Jit de 4 T 88 do do 32 de. 4 7 87 WILLIAM G. BCHP M, dec4-lil Collseter. LIQUORS. -tf nolesale Zj a. r. csaa r. t. aeses IN. F CARR, Rectifiers aud Wholesale Dealers ia every des cription of Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines and Cigars, Tobaooo, S11111T, dfce., BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTENTION or the of the City of Ersssvills, Souts- rrn Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky to osi axtsn srwsautm'. It being Isrge and eomsleb , ws can oiler to , hi customers and the trade, tyiods thst rami.. 1 til ia pleas- bofll in sjaslity and price. Our m. . k having been bought for sash, before the rscsal advance, willenahls us to compete with aaj hesBSB in the West in prices, ho. we or. determined that no necessity shall exist for dealers to go either to Cincinnati, Loaisvllle, or St. Loui., to bay their Liquors. Wciudr. of yon a fair trial. Ws ars certain we csn give at ixf.wt iu when you visit oar oity. We would I..- j. leased to see you at No. 28, FIRST STREET, Vel door to nollingsworth A Bro.'s Qneenswars istore, and show yuu oar stock, oosssstiag in pari of Foreign and Domestic Brandies, Wines, Gins, Rums, &c. Of Whiskies, Best Bourbon, Rye, Monongahela, Robinson County, KimelIrish, Scotch, many other brands. Of Common Whiskies we hsve Amors, Old Vir ginia, Mountain Dew, Orange Valley, and Bally for You." Of Bitters we have Plantation, "Ba varian Siowton," Co -ktsil. c. Punch, Essence, Absinthe, Schnapps, 8moking and Chewing To bacco, Cigars, and A. S. Bonn's sun?. Rrmeniber the plsce, No. 28 First Street, four doors below Sycamore Street. novll N. F. CARR OO. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. Great Sale of Choice City Prop erty. ON TCESDAT, JANUARY 5rn, 1834, W will sell st pnMic auction, at the door of ths Court House, iu Erausville, the old snd' long ss. tablishcJ STEAM FLOURING MILL, Sitnated immediately on the bank of ths Ohio River, in the city ol Kvaasville, and well and fa vorably known as THE INDI ANA MILLS, Together with two acres of ground, Including the bauk of the river to low water mark, and the office, warehouse, and other buildings appur tenant. Th? machinory of this Mill, though st present ont of repair, is or the most superior character, having been manufactured to the order of the former proprietor, Mr. James Hewitt, with the view of making a first class MiU, and without regard to cost. ' Since it was put in, the mill, though conducted by agents, iu the absence of tbe owner, has been one of the most successful money-making estab lishments of tie, kind in Soothers Indiana. For the trnth of this, we take the liberty of refsrriag to Mr. Geo. Wolfiin, Sheriff of Vanderborg coun ty ; Mr. Newton Ross of Princeton, Gibson coun ty, and Mr. Lyman T. Daviess, now of Mt. Vernon, who hare respectively managed tbe mill for the late proprietor. This property, being centrally situated Jost at the lower line of the City Wharf, presents a rare opportunity to purchasers, either for Mill purposes, or as a most desirable investment ia real estate, which must rapidly enhance In Tains. At the same time and place we will sell 38 Lots in Mr. Richard Atkinson's Subdivision of Blocks Nos. 130 and 134, according to ths plan of La in anco City (now Evansville.) See hand bills for a plan of said subdivision. Also Lot No. 3, in Block Ns. 171. Lots Nos. 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5, in Block No. 171, and Lot No. 2, iu Block No. 174; sceordlag to the plan of Lamasco City. Also 44 feet front on Water street by 80 ftet deep, 62J4 feet front on Leet street, by 98 leet deep, parts of Lots Nos. 7 and 8, in the Lower En largement of the City of Evansville. Also 20 lots in block 41, according to ths plan of Lamasco City ; said lots being 26 by 119 lest, with a 12 foot alley in real. Also the following lots in the Southern Enlarge ment of the City of Evansville': Lots 10, 1 1, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, in Block No. 2. Lots 0, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, in Block No. 5. Lou 30, 3L 37 and 38, in Block No. 9. Lots IS and 10, iu Block No. 10. Lots 11, 12, III, 14 aud 15, in Block No. 1L Lois 13 and 14, iu Block No. 14. 'Lota 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18 and 14, la Block No. 15. Lots 4, 5, 10,11,35,36, 37 and 38, la Block No. M, This will be one of tbe largest ssltt of Evens sfBeCity projierty ever made, and will se post tire and without reserve. Great bargains will be Tbe title is pertVct, and general warrana rfcct. and ransnl wsrrsoW win 1 w given. TEKMS Y SALE The above property, Sx cept I he lots in block 44, and in tbe souther en largement will be sold for Jone-tbird cash, the balance in one sad two rears ; said last mentioned lots for oue-lburth cash, tbe I lance ia one two and three years, pnrehasers giving their notes for the defered payments with 1 uteres!, and with out relief, secured by mortgage on tbe premises. CHANDLER Ht NE8, Real Estate Agents. Hisam Nsiaesf. Aactianeer. nolT-wtcU MEDICAL. S. W. THOMPSOH, M D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Orncx Attn RsgiDMca No. 35 Waxmrr SjraaJrr (At Dr. Ronald's Old Stand.) EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. nov29-ly m