Newspaper Page Text
TOE EYMSYILLE JOURNAL. PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAHES II. McXEELY, ' FRANK. M. THAYER, JOHN II. McXEELT, TJNDER THK FIRM NAM'S OP !Di9 Evans ville Journal Company. ifo. 6 locust Street, Evansville, Ind. ' SUBSCRIPTION TERMS. IN ADVANCE. Daily Journal. One year, by mall ftio o Six months, by mail .. 5 50 Three months, by mail.. 3 00 My we ween, payable to carrier 83 V- Trl-Weekly Journal, :'! wneyear-.TO................... 9 7 00 . fits months ., . 4 OO . Weekly Jonrna!. One copy, one year ...... g 2 00 f ive copies, one year H 75 Ten copies, one year ...................... 15 OO Oar New Dress. The Journal, in an entirely new iress, shaped in the latest and most approved style, greets its , readers this morning, with , its ; profoundest bow. We need not say that no expense has been spared to "make the paper, in . ita present form, a representative .of the progress, intelligence and good lasts of our citizens. ' The paper tells that by ita very appearance. Sohie of our renders may cli?ulie the quarto form because they are un accustomed to it., -We think, how evervth&t all will in time agree with xs that it Is not only the neatest in appearance, but the most convenient aaanner in which a daily paper can be ."made up." We have several reasons for adopting the. quarto form. ;It is the most fashionable. Have we a lady reader who can not appreciate the potency of that reason? By pub lishing reading matter on every page advertisers esptr!-.nce the benefit of a glance over their advertisements by - very f reader of the paper "every , morning. ' Their ability and will ingness to 4 sell their goods cheap is ' kept "before the people" in a - way that can never be done in the old felanket sheet style Of making up pa jrL', Again,' under our1 present ar rangement, we can discard the "hand hill" or "poster " style of newspa pers which nearly all the Dailies of second class cities' have ' adopted. Nothing is' more unpleasant to the reader of a newspaper than the glar ing display of poster type in a paper that he takes ;up to findtbe news. Our observation and experience, have laught us that in exact proportion as fcewspapcrs prostitute themselves ' to the whims and wishes of every adver tiser as to he size of the type in jflbich his advertisement shall be pub lished, they lose their - value as ad vertising mediums. The papers which have the largest advertising patron age, such as the New York Herald, and Cincinnati Commercial, are those who-': .discarded tjie.'.old man-nf'- 'op displaying their advertise-; mentJ Besides, where every adter-j tiser, is permitted to put his advertise-! isent in big type, relatively, adrtise e3 are no more conspicuous' than where they are all neatly displayed in xnall tyt- We stilt retain a few ad vertisements whose contracts are nearly expired. Ilsreafter, no large cuts will be received, nof will unusually large type he used in displaying advertisements. We are confident every reader will in--orse'the wisdom of this resolution i We have purposely selected a type With bold clear face, both for tie reading4 matter " and fadvertisementsJ This, too, we- apprehend will give sat--isfd.ction to all our subscribers. . For a time some of our readers may experience difficulty in knowing; where to look for what they want, and we will, therefore, specify our intended manner ,fcf naking up 1 the paperQjLjQjyrst ise we will put the telegraph, and per haps some late news selections. On our second page will always be found com munications, i seleetions, &c. On the -third page ; a column, .at least, of poetry, sentiment, or something of,, that sort may :. he r antic ipated. The fourth page will he set 'apart for editorial. 'The sixth page will contain local and State news; ,the seventh page, .commercial and river Intelligence, and the eighth page, late Jocal and river news. In a day or two are hope to have our advertisements classified ; that every, reader will ' know exactly on which page to look foi a particular hranch of business or trade. This will be of convenience to ihe readers and valuable to the adver-'iitftB.v-fi'' Si - :i i " ?We have no very extensive promises to make as to future improvements. Our readers fill, give us credit, we j 1 THE ' ESITAX SVIL.L.E DAILY JOUMNAIi,: WEDNESDAY, think, for doing all in our power wit' the means at our command to present them with a readable and acceptable paper; , We think our paper will com pare favorably with any Daily in the United States published in a city of no larger population than our own We shall endeavor to make of the Journal a newspaper in every sense of the "word. We shall devote mor than ordinary attention to the loca department, and trust that we shall in this particular make our paper reflect as from a mirror, all that transpires in the city, of public interest. We have no complaints, to make as to our patronage in the past. We on ly trust that our friends will, in the future, exert themselves in our be half in proportion to our efforts to please and inform them. 1 MIIXIIIERXGOOBS. TO THE MILLINERS. T" TY STOCK of Millinery Goods for the Spring Trade, f Is "now ready. " Those wishing to lay in their Hnrinir Minnlv uVirtulil cm.II ennn mil see tlie stock and learn the new prices. s TO THE LA DIRS of KVANSVILLE AND VICINITY. Mv Stock of Millinery for the Spring trade, is now complete and ready for in speetLou, a Mrs. Itaum slt't-ted the Goi hersHf. and ban not spared time nor monev to eel the latest noveltie 01 Purl? and New York. I have, also, the choicest of Spring OIoak Basques Baiuini-. ready made, and M ill make them to ord-r at the short est notice, as I have a full assortment of Sprmg Cloths and Black Silks, and Trim mings for same.- Also, Dress Trimmings, Iacett Embroidery, Corsets. Nets for the Hair, the new style of Hair Coils, Kid Gloves, Lace Mitis, Hojerv, nnd an end less 3 it of Also, Hair in Switches, Curl! and Front Pieces in good supply and at the lowest maraei prices. i. IJAUM, . . ' No. ri Main. Street. I . s. No busmen transacted on Satur "aV mai-21-3m NEW CLOAK DRESSMAKING E.STABII S II 31 E S T of, .:, . ; MUG ' T ., irt PECK, Firsst Street, near fij eaiH4re. V !FIRE Ti AXSOrvCE TO THK L: . jies of tliis city, that I have dis solved partnership with Mrs. Fchtefer, and am now carrying on the business of Cloak and DressniHkinic by inyelf. The latest and most stVli-h njitteriin have been procured to accommodate the taste of the Ladies, and the work will be exe cuted in a manner as fine as can be found elsewhere in thin place. Also, Children's dresses are made at reas onable prices, and according to order. Iphall be happy to receive orders nt the well-known French Millinery Establish ment of Mrs. Klingelhoiter, on First street. mar29dlm. mar MBS. SIIA13FEW , - WISHES TO INFORM THE LADIES OF Kvansville and vicinity that she still con tinues 'her Willineiy business, on Third street, between Main and Sycamore, hav ing received a new supply of Spring Goods : al-o, Press and Cloak patterns. Havine secured the services of a first class Iress and Cloak 'Maker,' Is confident of giving the most decided sat isfaction. She feels thankful for past fa vor., and continues to solicit their future "patronage-. She has also the A steney or the eelfln-atecr OROVKR & BAKER, . Sewing. Maeliincv The Grover & Baker is the most simple, durable, and perfect Sewing Machine be fore the publicff It makes the celebrated Mastic louble Jock-Stitch, which will not break even on a bias, and needs no fasten ing at the ends of the seams It not only doe every other kind of sewing in a most perfect manner, but does the most beunti ful embroidery. f An assortment of Machines on hand and for Kale. Full instructions, will be given with each niiichine ly an experienced 00 erator. CAKOUNE HqHJEFER. mar2kllm . 1 WOOL FACTORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL THOSE H AVING, A SELF-ACTING. he '21 nvi- o o ax That we are prepared to furnish them, on short notice, Wakps for Weaving Jkans, of the best filial ity, ready to weave, as low as can -be 'bought- anywhere. Orders will be promptly attended to. Send on your beams. JOHN W. GRUEN & CO., Corner Bond street and Canal; EvansTille Wool Factor) : The TJndersIgned respectfully announce i iue j-uoiic in general, Dut most especial ly to the Farmers- that thev are nrermretl to take in Wool for manufacturing into the following Goods, viz. : Jeans, Bt-ankkts, Covkrlets, Plain and ri-All) r LAiI bl.NSKYS, ATI- , NETS & STOCK1NU YABN. On the most reasonable terms and short notice. We have also a good supply of the above Goods on hand for sale or exchange nwi, ma.! jwiMjiw living at a dis tance, who bring or sendlheir W7ool early can have their goods right off. Price 1M ior niatiuiuciunng will ue sent on applica non. umce anti r actory corner Bond street nm anai. jun, yy , WiiUUiJN & CO. ap6-6m . Horse-Slioes. BEST HAMMERED HORSE 1 AND MULE SHOES, HORSE-SHOE N A ILS, " t ' I F'ull assortment on hand and for sale by " SHOENBERGER & CO., No. 15, Public Lariding, CINCINNATI, O. aprii d3m. BOOTS AND SHOES. WM. H. WALKER & CO., 83 MAIN STREET, 88 Opposite Ihe Washington House, ' A RE XOW OPEMXti. A OFFER Jj at the lowest figures, a superior arri- cle of LADIES '' KID, GO A T, ' - ; GLOVE-CALF and B A L 31 O R A L tS, JPoIiMli Iloofs, 9 LASTING CONGRESS GAITERS, GLOVE-CALF CONGRESS GAITERS, Glove-Call' Button Balmoral Kid and Lstin,n Slippers, Mines' La-tins;, Glove-C ioat boots ilf, Kid, and Misses' Congress Gaiters, of every variety. Children's Cloth, Kid, Goat, and Calf Shoes, Men's Last ing ( 'ongresn Gaiters, Glove-Calf Lasting Broaus Latiiicr, Glove-Cnlf. and I'd tent Leather Oxlorus, FINK CALF BOOTH, ... . I Fine Call' Scotch Boots, Kip Boots, and Ilrogans, ROYS' BOOTS, iCalf and Kip,) Congress, Lasting, and Glove-Calf Gaiters. tilf and EutT Balmorals, Together with a general assortment Shoes, Boots, a nd Brogans. , of - I0- "ATS aitiil CAPW' of the latest styles. We are i-egularly receiving the latest iind iuosl upproveu K'Kls in our line, at the and examine our stock. W-M. J i. W A LKER & CO. mar7 m TVw House. NO. S MAIM ; STREET. (j. . L. ; D I X 0 N, Wholesale Dealer in BOOTS -and HATS and I am now receiving & large stock of the best qualities ot Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Caps ever offered to the trade, which have been purchased for cash, anrf win i.Y at a very small advance above coist. " vaii ana examine my stock, and prove the above assertion.- " P.S. I have secured i,ht inrvimc r.e R.S. Tennev. late with i Rmnnin .i. ' wishes his old friends to call and exa'mine "Dry stocic. No trouble to chow goode, Evansville, Dec. 12, li&5. iiiee, uiki expect, to Keep np with the market in respect to quality and price. lersons purchysiug are respecttnlfv in vited to call at No. h:i miv ti."i.vt BOOTS AND SHOES. J. S. BICKER & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots siikI hoes Have on hand, and are receiving daily, a large and varied stock of the best goods made in this country, among which may ' be found J" Men's Fine Seweg Calf Boots, made to ordtlrand WsvTm th w t the market. MEN'S SEWED CONGRESS GAITERS, i n Calf, Glove Calf, Lasting, and Glove Kid. ,,-yPEGOED CALF CONGRESS GAITER-S and BAhMOKALS. which we have had made to order, and which we warrant. .' M'EJ"S' OXFORD TIES, STR P HOE" (Bui-,kle Strap.) and M A L K O F Fs all new siyies acu nne goofls. LfuXicH'. G niters. in Lasting. Glove Kid, Morocco; and a fine French Kid, and FRKXCII LANTt.Vft G4ITER, sold by ITS ONLY the fnet Boot ever Known nere. Whses" Galei, in every style and 'quality. X .TOYS' CONGRESS BOOTS, CALF BOOTS, BALMORALS, and eve.rv style of Shoe. CHILDREN'S SHOES in our u-ual great variety and extremely low prices. . We have florae elegant goods for Child ren, suh as cannot be tound elsewhere west of New York. rWe have made arrangements with two commission houses in Boston through whom we shftll be able to get many styles of goods lower than the manufacturers' prices, and shall always have BARGAINS FOR ALL! We are having all our best goods made to order, and can sell the best goods as low as any wholesale dealer in town can sell com mon goods; and of course anv one can un derstand why we can sell so much lower than any pther retail dealers. J. S. BICKER & CO., eUJIM WAS R SKCON1) (STREET. H u P.: .C; !P' M "9 M Q ai o H o .t t b H . Q h CO - i '0 0 72 Q 0 U s s 9 e CI 0 . 0 "W 6 X b 0 0 a J . o N APRIL -1 4 Mm. BOOTS & SHOES. ISOOTB and fMOlSS -AT- W H OLESALE! IV o. Si jVLAUsT STREET. A LARftK AKSOR-rfftEXT t.VXIAHI JUL and Goods arriving almost daily. The Trade is respectfully invited to ex amine my Stock, with the assurance that they will find as Good Gocds and as Low Prices AS ANY HOUSE IN THE WEST. ' Thankful to old customers for tast, fn.vnrs I would respectfully solicit a continuance oi me same. jUly 13 HARDT7ARE. Geo. fioimtag Co., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE and CUTLERY, -AND No. 31. No. 31, MA.IjST street, EYANILLE, INDIANA. i8:e g: XIX : JFTir-Kt: Street SIGN OF THE big padlock:! WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., IMPOB.vERfl ANDWHOI.E.SALEPEAL ' ER8 IN HAR BWARE AND OUTtBR Y ! 1STO. 13 JEflUST STREET, (8IOM OF THE BIO PADLOCK.) CARPETS. Just What is Needled. "W-A.H E H O XT SE ' ' , AND. '-''-. T House Furnishing Establishm't IIEADQVA IlTEXl H OF SUPPLIES FOR Families, Steamboats & Hotels. VELVET CARPETS, THREE-PLY CARPETS, TWO-PLY CARPETS, INGRAIN CARPETS, VENETIAN CARPETS, COTTAGE CARPETS, LISTING CARPETS, RAG CARPETS, ; HEMP CAP.ITS. ' WOOL PP.UGGETS, CHINESE MATTING, MANILLA MATTING, COCOA MATTING, ; VELVET Iki'GS, ' BRUSSELS 1UTGS, ' OIL CLOTI? RL'GS. ' VELVET fATTS, RUBBER .MATTS, COCOA MAI TS, ADELAIP MATTS, WINDOW SHAPES, SHADE FIXTURES, WOOL DAMASK, WINDOW HOLLANDS, LACE CUI iTAINS, GILT CORNICES, . PICTURE TASSFL. CURTAIN HOOKS, 4 1-4 r m H o M 2 O 'A IS m 3D" 0, M H O o STAIR LINEN AND OIL CLOTH, SILVEll-PLATED STAIR RODS, PAPIER MACHK STAIR RODS, POLISHED BRASS STAIR RODS, TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS, LINEN AND COTTON, SHEETINGS, 1 LINEN AND COTTON PILLOW CASING, RUBBER SHEETING (Water' Proof,) WOOL and RUBBER PIANO COVERS, C VELVET and BRUSSELS FOOT STOOLS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, Ac. , . Experienced Paper Hangers and Uphol sters will be furnished when required; Car pets cut and made -to orders Oil Cloths fitted arid put down. Cornices mounted and put tip. Window Shades hung. . Win dow Valences, of elegant styles and new designs, made up and furnished xm short notice. All work warranted. Prices guar anteed as low as in any similar establish ment in the United States. Giye psa call.; WM. E. FREXC1I fc CO.. So. 10 Fir!l Street, UP-STAIRS. ; 1 '. i l..- 1 . DRY GOODS. 1ST i : W Wholesale House! CARPENTER, WHITE & BASES, WHOLESALE DKAI.KR!KIN , " y. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, -wnd i FANCY GOODS, FiiisT sthi:i:t. (.'orner Sycamore, KVANsVIl.i.E. Hoop-Skirts, Corsets, and Nets j We make a specialty, and are not under sold in, or out of, New Y ork. aprlS' A , i