Newspaper Page Text
nk/ SEWS FROM NEAR BY Doily Doings of Some of Otttilmw&'B Close Neighbors. PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL •everything From lorom Birth* to the I'liUoaoplilcal ObRervatlon orsageot Are Chronicled by the Courier's/ Special Correipouaenta, CHAIMTOM. Chariton, Sept. 26.—Lizzie Marshall, who has been spending the summer in Chariton, has departed for St. Louis, where she will enter an art" school. a Chas. B. Lewis, who was. called here si by the death of his mother, has re turned to Trinidad, Colo., where he will resume his duties in' the hank at that place.: .••••• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ambelang and children were over Sunday visitors with friends at Creston. Kv ,', The first quarterly meeting of the conference year Was held ab the M. E. church on Saturday evening and Sun day morning.' Jtev. W. JJ. Thompsou, the presiding elder, conducted the ser vices, and holy, com.'munion was ob served by a larte1 fecmg'rega'tion. Both sermons were scholtirly appropriate ef- vv... forts and werewell received by those \S''--'present. i? Kov. Munn, of the U. P. church, oon duoted services-at the county farm Sunday afternoon. Owing to the rain A-lot the day there were not many peo f/fi}-jle from -towii 'present 'but the sermon was greatly enjoyed by the inmates of the farm, Mr. and, Sirs.' L. Maple left Sun day for Ottumwa, Mrs. Maple will fj -spend some time.visiting relatives and •.«r$BVr. Maple expects,to purchase his holi r.-day stock while there. The old Commercial hotel building, which has been a land mark in Chariton for years, and which stood on the northeast'corner'of'the square, has 7 been torn'down.' 'Mr. Mallory will :'i erect four-new' store buildings, 80x80 i. leet, of wood, covered with sheet iron, In its place Thesfe'burldings will be a de j. 'cided improvement to 'tfie city. l/, J. Finch and'family have moved Into the house--recently erected .by -.Slv'John Lyons, in the 'southeast part of town. .i-.v. k: Charitoii S^pt. 27.—'Tuesday was the first or entry Say of the Lucas county 11 fair, and the. entries in all depart ments were'exceptionally large. All the pens apd. barpji are full of live stocK, and the floral hall is filled with V, flowers, fr.ui.ts and' fancy work. One Mj,!-»{ the interesting features-is th'e dis jplay of amateuy 1 1 'fall. Miss Anna Wigern and aunt have de ,v ..f parted for Chicago for the benefit of -"'7 Miss Anna's health, f-\ Mrs. 0. A. Bartholomew' has returned jft-'tfrom Minneapolis, where she has been _j spending the summer months. r" Monday evening was the coldest bieht of the season, the thermometer Peaching as low as 2 degrees below freezing. There was a heavy, killing -frost, that will destroy a great deal of late oorn. i_ C. H. Kirkhart consummated a deal Monday whereby Pat Aiken traded Us town property ,for the, J. M. Mc Manotna farm, nortMeast of Chariton. f... Carl Westllng has accepted a posi Won as sight clerk at the Bates House ticVr.'and entered upon his duties. v. Bev C. P. Sanderson, of the Christian "church of this place, moke the words that united the Kvee of Wm. Mullenix A '. and Miss Ruby Davis. The ceremony :1wae performed Sunday morning at the home of the bride's parents and was witnessed by only a few relatives and intimate friends. Aoth young people i|V&jkre models of manhood and woman ,v' hood %nd' well suited for the joys of married' life. Owing to the. overtaxed capacity of c, the four large school houses in this jicity, the board of directors held a I special meeting' Monday and decided 1 to add one more pritnary room and ..•*. 'SfMPOBseUdttte the mxih aid. seventh grades. There ate now ffl6 pupifs in Kpf ihe public schools, and In car ry out their plans they were ^compelled to rent two rooms over the old post office building and hire two additional 4eachers1malon'g now twenty-one teach -v.v. ers.- Miss Nellie BanUn and Miss Alice Powell were chosen as teachers and they will enter upoja their duties about pot. 10. Chariton, Septr.js'.—Fred tVooda, a former resident of'this place, but now ,i proprietor of a.barfer phop at Garden ,y Grove, is in the ,'eifj visiting friends i' i°T few days ,a'jj4. taking. 4n the fair. S. H. Mallory. .is, giving, three ,,, brick buildings on th^ north side of the square occupied by' tie Savings bank, Bellor's meat i^arliet and Mrs. Goldsberry's millinery store a n^w coat of paint which adds greatly to their appearance. ,u Mr. and Mrs. W. ,A\ M^irfprd, of Mel jse, were calling ,^n pld f^nds and foing some shopping in thi* ,olty Wed .nesday. ros doi A feature of.,the, .Lypas ctounty fair Is the special prj?e^ otfBr^diby.tb^ mer chants for the fefst'loaf bre^d baked from their variqi^ grades of fliur. The award' is to be niiftQ,today and Is .creat- Jng quite a stip.ajai?pg the, ladies, over ,800 loaVes of tjrM^-beiqg on exhibition, 100 for one gttf^e alone. T^e special prizes offered py the merchants aggre gate thirty-five. WCks of flour., running .front one to ft^^o^ for' best mt e-ii-.u'VA iw,, W photographic work ""by the mefafters )f the ^harlton Cam fva club. Some fast Worses are entered in the, spied "list and Wdmerous special -attractions'are oti th'c ground. A fea tore of the speed ring win be a match Friday, between. the pacing horses -JjS|V'"--j-'3n»pti,tt and 'Sail for WW, in which 1 Incoptia is to beat Sail six straight heatsj .. A quiet little' weddin" took place at the hOme'of the bride on Monday even ing, when Alonzo Williams and Mrs. 'Amelia Dimtley were made man and -v, wife. Both people, are, well known and respected by a ftopt of'Chariton people, who wish them all the joy and happi I nees possible. i- Ed Holmes is now. sole proprietor of the Bentloy blacksmith '^hop, having '.•.'•'•iipurchased the interest of Win. Hemp- bread besides the regular prizes offered by the association. J. A. Carlson, living west of town a, short way, is suffering from a very sore face, the result of poisoning caused by a slight scratch received in cutting corn. Messrs. Walton & Co., after giving it a full and fair* trial for over a year have decided that the public do not appreciate the advantages of their messenger call box services and have come out with a circular discontinuing the use of it from now on. While a great many of the citizens availed themselves of the convenience of the system, yet a greater number have telephones and telephone dnd messen ger service cannot exist in the same town. Word has been received from Des Moines that Frank Buflington, Frank Schaffier and Geo. Timmbns, three Chariton young boys, have enlisted in •the United States army and have been assigned to 'the Thirty-Eighth United States volunteer regiment which will be stationed at Jefferson barracks, Jef ferson City, Mo. They have already departed for the city and are now fully started'on their duties as soldiers. The Christian church people, now that they have secured a regular min ister, are piaking arrangements for better music and figuring with Miss Edith Brant, the efficient musical in structor of the public schbols, to in duce her to take charge of the music, select choir and drill it for church services. Miss Brant had charge of the choir once before and the Congre gation had the best music in the his tory of the church. Mrs. E. S. Jones is enjoying a visit from her brother, of Bussell, who is here attending the fair." Sirs. Flora W. Marshall has resigned her position ns local editor for the Chariton Patriot, and will depart in a short time for Hiteman, where her husband has employment. Chas. Barber, of liberty county, was in town Wednesday visiting friends and taking in the fair. Miss Gpldie Edwards is filling the place behind the counter of Jos. Myer's sto?e made vacant for a time by the a'bsence of Gladys Miller, who. is ab sent on a visit. Wednesday was the first- real day of the, Lucas county fair and everything went off in ship shape form. The weather aside from a heavy wind which interfered with fast time for the horses, was ideal. The exhibits were fine and numerous. About 500 tickets were sold at the gate aside from the admissions on membership tickets, and all present report them selves as more than pleased with the line racing. The regular ?ard is one of exceptional merit. After the regular card had been finished there were several match races of a disgrace ful character, nearly ail of which were ".fixed" or "plugged" to catch the mon ey of those who were best on the "in side." The 2:18 pace for a purse of 7230 was a iine horse race and the time 15% in witOiin %of a, second of the iraek record. _•* Summaries of races: .. 3:18 pace— Conno W......... 1 1 1 Jack Patton .'... 2 Heaver. 6 3 3 iob Bowser 3 5 5 Time, 2:15%, 2:17, 2:18%. "Incopite, Tarkio, Nellie B, McTowsh also started. The one-half mile and repeat was now in straight heats by Ben Bay, owned by'Stone and Lush, of Chariton, Mickey second, and Anthe E third. Time 57%, 51%. The one-half mile dash was won by Fearless, Irish Girl second, and Mattie M, third. Time 52 seconds. SIOODRNBY. SSffiSfeil Sigourney, Sept. 26.—E. B. Kossi ter and family, of Moulton, will locate here this week, occupying the 01. Brown property. Mr. Kossiter will work in the interests of .the New York LifesInsurance company. Mr. Bossiter is now here and Mrs. Bossiter and the two children will arrive Friday or Sat urday, coming from Ohio, where they have been visiting relatives. Charley Breneman, living south of town, has sold his farm of 171 acres to Dave Patterson at $50 per acre. The Dunerly Sisters have consolidat ed their two restaurants and are now occupying the Valerius building. Dave Beatity left yesterday morning for St. Louis where he will resume his medical studies. B. E. Timmons left last evening for Minneapolis in the interest of the Minneapolis Threshing Machine com pany. A marriage license was issued yes terday to William S. Messenger and Miss Mabel Wheeler. The democrats have made arrange ments with William Jennings Bryan to make a speech in Sigourney ofie week from next Saturday, Oct. 7., He will arrive abut 4 o'clock p. m. and the speech will be made immediately.. A large crowd is expected. Sigourney, Sept. 27.—-Marriage li censes were issued yesterday to Wil liam R. Kuby and Emily J. Smithart, and to George W. Osborne and Nellie Hardenbroolc. Miss Zella Quimby returned yester day to her home in Des Moines after haying had a pleasant summer's visit at the parental C. G. Johnston home. Mrs. A1 Bower, of Harper, visited yesterday at the Ed Bower homee. Gill Utterback is remodelling his house preparatory to building an ad dition, thereto. When completed it will make a very neat residence. Mrs. Nona Blamer and baby are vis iting at the parental Phelps home. The board of supervisors met yes terday and made the tax levy and also appointed the judges and clerks of .election. Those for Sigourney are Wm. Beatty, A. M. Neas, Geo. W. Pfaff. Clerks—Joe H. Esox and D. D. Moore. Ed. Johnston has gone to Chicago to take a course in the Hahnemann medi cal college. Psalm 132, led by Bev. J. W. Stark. The lesson was read from First Corin thians, third chapter, by Bev. H. C. Ethel. Extemporary addresses were made by Bev. 0. W. Pool, of West Grove, Rev. H. C. Millice, Hon. W. H. Taylor, J. Welch, D. H. Payne, Uriah Rominger and Rev. W. R. Jeffrey, of Moulton. This closed the pro gram at the old church. At the new church founda tion the historical records, including the first organization, first members, list oif pastors, etc., was read by Jos eph McCarty. The list of articles de posited in the crypt of the corner stone was read by D. H. Payne, after which Rev. ,T. B. Hughes placed the box con taining the articles in the crypt. The corner stone was then placed by David Marshall, superintendent of the mason work. The services closed with a ben ediction by Rev. J. A. Shepard. George Rokey and Will Barker and •wife started for Moulton Monday mor ning, where Mr. Rokey has purchased a restaurant, which Mr. and Mrs. Bar ker will manage for the present. U. S. Miller, of Stiles, a leading sheep raiser of Davis county, was a business visitor on Monday. Miss Campbell, of Moulton, who is visiting her uncle, John Lane, is very ill with typhoid fever. H. B. Osterhoudt and Alex Cramer' returned Sunday night from a trip through the west with stereopticon views of the Spanish war. Rev. T. B. Hughes, Rev. H. C. Ethel, D. H. Payne and Uriah Rominger leave Tuesday to attend the Methodist con ference at Burlington. Bev. H. C. Ethel, who retired from the ministry, has re-entered conference and will ap ply for a charge. The children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Wash Corrick, to the number of forty-seven gathered at the homestead Sunday to celebrate the sixty-third birthday of Mrs. Corrick. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lester and daughter, Eva, Ben Colvin, wife and family, Ed Goode, wife and family, Henry Galpin'and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ward and family, Mrs. Maggie Bottin and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wray and family, and al so several sons with their families. This is an anniversary celebrated every year and is a source of great pleasure to all concerned. Bloomfield, Sept. 28.—A. L. McCann and wife attended the street fair in Ot tumwa on Wednesday. Chas. R. Wilkinson is in Lee county this week attending to business in con nection' with his large farm. Mrs. Charley Wilson, who has been very sick for the past week, is improv ing slowly. Hon. Wm. J. Bryan is announced to speak in Bloomfield Saturday, Oct. 9, at 9 o'clock in the morning. W. W. Harris has sold his restaurant on the north side to Ezra Whistler. Mr. Harris will seek a new location. Cards are out for the marriage of Ruth Estellg Dunn and F. Elmer Weiny, of Elmo, Mo., Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the First M. E. church, corner Jefferson and Columbia streets. Miss Antoinette Hamilton, who has been very sick for some time, is slowly, improving. EL. DON. Eldon, Sept. 28.—E. Lucas is attend ing the Ottumwa. Street Fair this week. Mrs. Laseur is visiting relatives at Centerville. Mrs. S. H. Sawyers is visiting her parents in Centerville. John Owens made a business trip to Mt. Pleasant Tuesday. Seneca Cornell, of Ottumwa, was an Bldon visitor Tuesday. Prof. H. B. Knight, of Fairfield, was in our city Tuesday. Mrs. B. Stahl and children left last niglit for Washington to'visit with her parents. Mrs. TSd. Sawyers is an Ottumwa vis itor this week. The Eldon Silver band left yesterday for Ottumwa to play during the street fair. Mrs. Robt. Thomas is visiting friends in Ottumwa. I. C. McCrary and wife left yesterday for Keosauqua to visit. Miss Mayme O'Connell .was an Ot tumwa passenger yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Crow and daugh ter, Mrs. Geo. Whistler left yesterday for Centerville to spend the week. Misses Mabel and Edna' Hartman are visiting friends in Ottumwa. Mrs. Ed Hamlet and sister left Tues day for Stafford, Kan. Miss Anna Forrest was an Ottumwa visitor Tuesday. Messrs. Gill Cook and Scott were in town Wednesday on railroad business. H. R. Baker left last night for Kan sas City. Fish Commissioner Johnson had three men arrested Tuesday for illegal fishing. Dr. Bilby and wife left yesterday for Yates City, Kan.. where the doctor will probably locate. Bev. Porter and wife, of Selma, pass ed through our city this morning on their way to Colfax where Rev. Porter has accepted a charge. M. P. Duffield, of Ottumwa, is visit ing in our city today. Frank Shane, of Selma, has accepted a position in Phelps & Shore's drug store. ALBIA. Albia, Sept. 28.—The democrats of this county are making great prepara tions for celebrating Bryan's virit to the city on the evening of October 9. They have leased a large tent and will have the gentleman speak from it. The tent will probably be located near the Burlington depot. The Albia Canning eompany has commenced to can pumpkins and squash. They pay $1.50 per ton, or an increase over last year of twenty-five cents per ton. Rev. E. L. Schreiner, pastor of the Methodist church, left this morning for Mt. Pleasant, where he will at tend conference. This-year will close the pastorate of Rev. Schreiner at this place, and wherever he may be sent he will have the best wishes of all Albia people. r*f BI/OORIVIEID. Bloomfield, Sept. 26.—The corner stone of the new Methodist church was laid Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The ceremony was preceded by a short service at the old church. Bev. T. B. Hughes read an introductory address from M. E. Discipline, followed by music by the choir, prayer by Bev. H. C. Miilice, and responsive reading of BAT A VI A. Batavift, Sept. 27.—What might have proved a serious accident happened last Tuesday evening. Mrs, E. L. Humi ble and Mrs. Gay and little child were driving home from Mrs. Humble's THE OTTTTMWA COURIER: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1899. from Alabama Saturday. ^.daughter's, and in driving on a bridge Willie Bunch returned Monday to ,. one of the horse's feet Went into a work at the Daggett dairy in Ottumwa. hole, throwing it down, and in its Willie began work there some time ago struggles to regain its feet it rolled but A number of Keb people attended the circus in OtlumWa Saturday. Miss Anna Soekerson, of Ottumwa, spent Sunday at her home in Keb. Mrs. James Ncren is visiting in Illi nois. Miss Mary Spears, of Ottumwa, spent Sunday with her parents in Keb. Mrs. John Daniels and daughter Liz zie are visiting in Hiteman. KEOSAUQUA. Keosauqua, Sept, 27.—Mr. and Mrs. Newton Guernsey, of Milton, visited over Sunday at the home of T.' W. Haney. Granville Hunter, a former Keosau qua boy, but now of Sherman, Tex., spent a few days here last week. Rev. J. W. Cheney and wife returned Saturday from a two weeks' vifeit to Minneapolis and Burlington. ton. u'rom there they go to the Iowa an(j cd. rl Humble, \s these were a fine team not enough to seriously injure any of inh'tched blacks. thin". Dr. and Mrs. Gabbart were Ottumwa visitors Saturdny. COMPICTINK. Mrs. Gay left. Friday morning for a! Competine, Sept. 28.—Mr. and Mrs. visit with friends in Chicago. ,8. J. Smith were callers here Sunday. Lawrence Shaw, of Burlington, was John Phillips, Jr., of Crawford, Neb., an over Sunday visitor in Batavia. ''ere visiting relatives and friends. Dr. Baldriflge was ealled in consul-! Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook, of Rutljven, tation in Ottumwa Saturday. visited at S. M. Dickens' last week. Mr. Miller and wife, of Elilon, are Wm. Hawthorne has been visiting in visiting their sisters, Mrs. Alfred and Missouri the past two weeks. Mrs. Lu'ti. I Mr. Oliver, of Packwooil, was a busi- Rev. Thornlee leaves this week for ness caller here Monday. Mt, Pleasant to attend conference. His The party at D. Smith's Friday night many friends hope he will be returned: was attended by a number of-young to Baitavia. .. people of this vicinity. Keb, Sept. 26.—John Davis returned Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wnrton are -visit-! Harrison family ing in Rochester, .Vt., and other east-j The'djSeu2SS Market ^T' cleared $8. It is now a regular Sat- °f Rev. C. E. Perkins spent several days to quit work on account of a I joff the bridge and wnS killed. Though felon on lii3 thumo. drag-firing the other horse with him, it This week is proving a week of gen- i, escaped without injury. How both uine fall weather, rather cool mornings women escaped without" harm is almost and evenings, but pleasant through the a miracle. This is quite a loss to Mr. day. There has been some frost, but: KEB Mr. Spidle, of Mt. Pleasant, .was tran6ucti"S business here last week, LEBANON. Lebanon, Sept. 28.—M. O. Chetsum, of Keosauqua, was here Tuesday of, last week, and called on Mrs. Slater' and Miss McComb, old acquaintances, Mrs. T. L. Hughes, wife of Rev. Hughes, and little son Eugene and Mrs. T. H. Jennings, of Cantril, Were visit ors at the Snider home Tuesday of last week and were calling on other friends, Mrs. Joseph Beeler and Hazen went In Leando Tuesday of last week to vis it among relatives. The sale by D. A. Robison and G. J. WilBon, at the home of the former Monday was well attended and every thing brought good prices. Iza Warner went to Pulaski last week where she will be for some time. Miss Estella Humphrey is at Bethel. Mrs. Atanie Wilson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, of Ottumwa, and Mr. and Mrs. (Thomas Hales are Daniel and Nathan Wilson, of this making an extended visit in the Da-! place, last Wednesday. kotas. Willis Aldridge, of Pulaski, is here Mrs. Eliza Malcolm, .of Fort Madison, spending a week with friends, is a guest at the home of Hon. Edwin Mr. and Mrs Holtsclaw and daugh Manning. ter, of Illinois, are here visiting the Mrs, CIaflin eru points. .[Troy last week in poor health, but is Howard Paschal, of Chicago spent Association of Congregational church-1 Frank Wilson and wife, of North es. He also preached yesterday in Prairie, attended service here Sunday. Keokuk for Rev. Byera. I V. L. Wilson, of Ottumwa, was here The houses Mrs. lino is building for! Sunday visiting friends. Mr. Streeter and'Mr. French are a-p-J Miss May Seamster, of West Che proaching completion and are very at-1 quest, is here with Mrs. Wiggens for tractive residences, An elegant veranda is now being built around two sides of the Hotel Manning. Miss Alma Ileorne and Mrs. Julia Mc Kibbin will attend the Methodist con ference at Mt., Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Walker go to Mt. (jair- conference at Mt. Pleasant^. and later to the Keokuk street fair, driving home WILLAI1D. from there. The Methodist people ex-1 Wlllard, Sept. 27.—Mrs. Graves, & pect Rev. Patterson to be returned as!Dakota, a sister of Swan Anderson, has their pastor, and It is the sincere wish been visiting relatives in this' city the of all, both in and out of the church. past week. Mrs. Graves returned home The spire of the Methodist church is Friday, accompanied by Mr. Anderson, .... HIGHLAND CKN'TER. Highland Center, Sept. 28.—Phil Gar ner, northwest of town, unloaded two cars of cattle here Thursday, taking them to his farm. Mrs. Geo. Mullenix was a guest of Mrs. H. A. Cross Thursday. Dr.Baker, of Ottumwa, has moved his family to Highland Center. Dr. Anthony is packing his effects preparatory to rnpving to Ottumwa. Bev. Milton Byran, pastpr of the regular Baptist church at this place, died at his home in Fremont Thursday and the interment, took place Friday in the Fremont cenietery. A number of tjie members of the I. 0. 0. F. attended Lfaramie lodge Friday evening. Mrs. Vaughn ,Js visiting with her sister in Chicago„at present. A. C. Butler is visiting relatives in Cass county. C. H. JPayton made a flying trip to Illinois the first of the week. Chas. Stevens is spending a few days in the vicinity of Washington. W. R. Mullenix, of West Highland, was married Sunday, Sept. 24, to Miss Rulgr Davis, at the home of the bride's parents near Chariton. Monday a re ception was given them at the family residence of Mr. Mullenix attended by the relatives and friends. Miss Maggie Cross was an Oskaloosa caller Wednesday'. Onr town was practically deserted Saturday, the inhabitants going to Ot tumwa. KIKKVIliLK. Kirkville, Sept. 27.—Arthur E. Brown has returned from a week's trip to Sandwich, 111., where he attended the county fair" in-'the interest oj tl»e Janney people. Mr. Brown had charge of a corn busker and, shredder on ex hibition at the fair. Little Lulu Ellsworth is ill with the typhoid fever, but her condition is not serious, and it is hoped she will by good care soon be uip again. Hugh Brown, of Ottumwa,, was visit in" his brother, Thomas Brown, and family last week. Frank Stoke, of Bloomfield, was a business caller in this vicinity this week. He returned home Wednes day. Married, at the parsonage, Tuesday evening, Sept. 26, by Rev. J. C. Caugh lan, Albert Hirst, and Miss Gracc Kirk patrlck. Their many friends extend congratulations to t-.ese most excellent young people. Mr. Hirst is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hirst and a young man of excellent character. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kirkpatrick, and has been reared here from ^.hildhoO'l and iB highly esteemed by all returned home from improTing since ^return. L^=Vfv^e main a few weeks longer, until Mr., ^^Mrf SerLtn^Mr. and C,ff^ E" urday feature on our business street) home for a short visit and will go from and. is well patronized by the house-! £re. !easa wives. Craig- Johnston went to Kilbourne Sample, are at the Sample s'"nl»y lasft week in Denmark attending the' f°r his little brother, Earl, 10 has been there visiting. an indefinite time. T. H. Jennings, of Cantril, accompa ned Rev. Hughes here and to Home Prairie where he preached his last ser mons for this conference year. They left Mt. Pleasant Monday morning to1 attend the annual conference. Perry Keller, of North Prairie, was Pleasant today a'Wd will be guests of here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson during Ed. Peacock went to Burlington Sat the conference. urday on business. Rev. and Mrs. Patterson started this' George Green, of Troy, was a guest mornir- to drive overland to Burling-!of his sister Mra. Nathan roof and floor finish-j who intends making his home in North who know her. Dakota. Miss. Grace Gariinghouse visited Hickory school Monday. Many of our peonle attended the show at Ottumwa the 23d. Sander Pierson, wife and baby visit ed relatives Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Houdyshelt visited at Nels. Hall's the past week. Miss Lilia Money is staying at her uncle's. Mr. Dougherty, attending her brother, Charles, who is ill. Chas. Monfy, who lately had his leg crushed in the coal mines, is slowly re covering. rr 'BELKNAP. Belknap, Sept. 26.—Isaiah Ware was called to Bonaparte last Wednesday morning bj^ the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Harrop, who was a little better at last report. Mrs. Allen Wilbur, of Lindburg, Kansas, arrived last Tuesday night for a visit with relatives and friends here. Gilbert Hancock came home Tuesday from Yates Center, Kansas, where he had been looking at the country for the Inst two weeks. He reports the families that moved there from this neighborhood well satisfied. G. Hancock had five calves run over and killed by the passenger train a few days ago, on the crossing by P. H. Burns'. Mrs. Mary Sharon purchased the ten acre lot joining Belknap on the east, of hr father, J. A. Allen, last Tuesday, and expects to take possession soon. Mrs. A. J. Nicholson and children left last Friday night via the Bock Is land for LaCrosse, Wis., going by way of Davenport where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bell for a few' diys. Mrs. Henry Bachman is able to be around again after an illness of three weeks. Mrs. Henry Bachman is able to be around again after an illness of three weeks. H. C. Rankin and family attended the tabernacle meeting near Lancaster, Mo., the first, part of last week. G. H. Hughes met with what might have been a serious accident last Thursday by falling out of a wagon on his head and face, while assisting in moving S. Richardson's goods. He es caped with a badly scratched face and bruised shoulder. He also had a very severe attaok of rheumatism of the heart Saturday nighit but is getting better. M. C. Rominger and wife attended church near West Grove Sunday, with relative* and old friends. Mrs. R. J. Harbour has been serious ly ill for the past week, but her health is slightly improved. Mrs. John Riley has been quite ill for the last few days, but is getting THE sM Wilson, Sun- ills of women overshadow their whole lives. Some women are corstantly getting medical treat* ment and are never well. "A wdraan best understands women's ills,' and the women who consult Mrs. Pinkham find in her counsel practical assistance. Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn. Mass. MRS. MABEL GOOD, Corfectionville, la., tells how Mrs. Pinkham saved her life. She says: I canr it thank you enough for what your medicine has clone for me, I can recommend it as one of the best medicines on earth for all women's ills. I suffered for two years with female weakness and at last became bedfast. Three of our best doctors did me no good so I concluded to try I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. After taking a fey bottles of your medicine, I was able to-do all my house* work. I know that your medicine raised me from a bed of sickness and perhtps death, and am very thankful for what it has done for me. I hope that,. every suffering woman may be per* some better. Her mother, Mrs. Beck ley from Coatesville, Mo., caiqe up and took care of her for awhile. left Rev. W. E. Sauerman, of Cincinnati, was unable to preach his farewell ser mon at the Congregational Ahurch Sunday evening owing to the rainy weather. Services were held in the morning. This closes Rev. Sauerman's second years' work here. He expects to leave soon for Carrier, Oklahoma, where he has accepted a pastorate. His friends join. in wishing him success in his new 'field of work. J. E. DeVault was quite ill Saturday but was able to resume his school du ties here Monday. Samuel McConnell and wife moved into their new property Monday. Several of our people attended the show in Ottumwa Saturday. Mrs. Maron Galpin, of West Grove, visited relatives here last week. The Wednesday evening prayer .meeting this week will be held on Thursday night on account of the lec| ture to be given here on that night by. Prof. Howe, of Bloomfield. Mrs. Myra Morris and daughter Al lie and Mrs. Joel McGee. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Dickeson, of Bloom field last Wednesday. Mrs. Louie Wage, of Cedar Rapids, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lee Mo Cormick. Mrs. Wage is on her way! to Milwaukee, Wis., to make her future home. FLOHIS. Floris, Sept. 27.—Charles Parker and wife are visiting relatives in Missouri. Jacob Connor and wife and little daughter fclva visited at the home of their brother, J. E. Crist, last Monday. Miss Kate Crumerine, of Eldon, is visiting with her parents in this city. Mrs. David Jay and Mrs. Nannie Hudson left Thursday for Brakesville, to visit' Mrs. Jones, daughter of Mrs. Hprmon. Mrs. P. T. Davies left Wednesday for Keokuk and will visit Chicago before returning home. Ben Heady and wife and Miss Clara Buchanan returned from Indiana Tues day. Eldon Ramey and wife, of Abingdon, are spending a few days at the home of S. S. McClures. John Carpenter is hauling lumber from Joe Rouch's with which te erect a new house. J. E. Crist and wife, Ot Crist, Miss Corda Brooks, George MoVey and Miss Lillie Crist spent Sunday at William Kinney's, five miles east of Bloomfield. Greene Snell, living two and a half miles northwest of here, died a torn days ago. Rev. Pedi.t preaohtd at the Christian church Sunday. •/. BLAKKSBCHO. V.# Blakesburg, Sept. 28.—Nonstable Tiusley was out Monday and arrested William Lefiler on a warrant sworn out by his wife. Mr. Leffler was taken before 'Squire Stuart Tuesday and ad judged not guilty. Our lineal demo-pop! are very muoh agitated over tbn jirun')" of a sp here Saturday, Oct. 7, by Wfii. J. Bry an. Milton Hadley and Wife returned lost Thursday from a week's visit with friends and relatives at Richland. S. L. Cohagan left Thursday evening for Mt. Pleasant, where he will attend the annual M. E. conference held there. Jacob Peterson sold his live stock and farm machinery at public auction luat Saturday. Mr. Peterson and his win will take an extended trip through the western states. Ernest lUnaey is building a new hquse on his faim south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olney, of Dud ley, visited relatives near here last Sat urday and* Sunday. Died, on Wednesday, Sept. 20, the in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson. HILTS!). Milten, Sept, 28.—Bev. C. B. McKay, of Bennett, has been appointed by the Iowa conference for the coming year to preach for the Methodist Protestant circuit. He preached his first sermon last Sunday night at this place. Milton will have preaching every (Sunday night till further announcements. Mrs. Adams last Tuesday evening PRACTICAL HELP FOR SUFFERING WOMEN Suaded to try your medicine." Get Mrs. Pinkham's advice as soon as you begin, to be puzzled. The sick headache! and dragging sensation corns from a curable cause. Write for help as soon as they ap. pear. MRS. DOLE STANLEV, Campbellsburg, Ind., Writes: "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM—I was troubled with sick headache and was so weak and nervous, I could hardly go. A friend called .upon me one evening and recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, saying that she knew that it would cure me. I then sent for your medicine and after taking five bottles of it, I was entirely cured. I cannot praise it enough." where refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Adams departed on Wednes day morning for their new home In Missouri. We had a good rain last Sunday ev ening. Mrs. McDaniel is on the sick list, also Mr*. M. M. Freelove. A good many of the Milton people attended the Bloomfield fair. Mrs. John Jack is havlng a severe at tack of rheumatism. The Aid Society met at the home of Davey Thompson, with his family, moved to Laddsdale last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Miller are re joicing over.their first born, a boy. Grandma Archer has been very. ill. Wm. MoManis and wife, F. M. Smith and family all went to the country last Sunday. Henry McMullen, from South Prai rie, has moved into Frank Clendennin's house in the west end of town. Sam McCdmbs will move back to town this fall.' M. M. Frtelove ha* moved into MM/" Thompson's houso near the Christian church.'. '"v CHBQinBBT. Cheques^ Sept. 27-.—J. A. Erlcksori has just completed a new cave for J. E. Shaffer. George Zachan is building a new fees* idence on his farm. Last Friday* evening there was a very pleasant social given at the home of F. S. Harryman, to quite a number of the young people, in honor of their cousin, Miss-Myrtle Johnson, of Mil ton, who has been he$e on an extend ed visit, but returned to her home on Saturday. The evening was spent in music and games. Refreshments were served. The company departed at a late hour. .Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rambo are absent for a few days, the guests of friends at Mystic. W. H. Harryman and wife spent Sun-, day with' C.. C. Rodgers and family, near Selma... E. E. Hanshaw and family1 visited Sunday at the home of Clem Steele. John Sapus and family spent Sunday with Rev. Murray and wife. Frank Nelson and wife were guest* at the parental home of Mrs. Nelson last Sabbath. Waldo Harryman made a flying trip to Milton last Saturday and called on friends there. Lizgle Koontz is slowly recovering from her recent injuries. There were several men from here attended the Shreave sale near Troy last Wednesday, and a number from here attended the soldiers' reunion' at Eldon. Francip Harryipair and family spent Sunday with, friends and relatives at Milton, Clark CrandaU will soon move into Mrs. Farmer's old hbme. Rev. Acres filled his regular appoint ment at Providence church last Sun day. It was voted by the members ot the church ait the morning services to repair the church to the amount of $100. Lee Bro. an! J. A. firlckson began work on Fred Plowman's new dWelfing Monday. 1 'iTodt hafe held off in. this section re markably well and the fall pasture is looking fine. BENCH Bunch, Sept. 27.—Harlan Scott has bought a farm at Jacksonville, Mo., where he will move in the near fu ture. John Stufflebeam and Mary Whistle* were united in marriage last Wednes day by Elder S. B. Downing. There will b» a farewell social given by I*. E. Jones and wife next Tuesday evening, before moving to their. new home, south of Drakcsville. Bev. Hastings, who is holding a ser ies of meetings at the Elm Grove school house, emerged a number of converts last Sunday. James Zlgler has returned from Oklahoma, phere he spent the sum mer Stella Hoover visited ,wiih Mis* Mamie Adams last Sunday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Knott died last Monday, and the fun. era! services were conducted Tuesday [Continued du page 8,]