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W- •''& •tJmW £W$ ?t^ m'. I' |i & \V Good Scf Apron 4c V, yard. LOT 1.—All' wool Plaid and Novelty Dress Skirts, manufacturers' wholesale price $3.75 each, our price each ionly ..... 1.9o 1 40 Colored Silks. Ten pieces, changeable colored Silks, worth 30c yard, 1 Kn Sale Pricei. AtlC -15 piece# fancy Taffeta Silks, 20 piecegfancy stripe, corded and plaid Taffetas, worth 1.25 tol AA 1.75 yd, choice in this sale.. A»"U Fancy plaid Taffetas, worth/f Q. '75c and 85c yard? this aale.. wl 1.00 silk face Velvets, KAft 1 i.- /'V i* aale price /-Vf V- CLEARING SALE PRICES. j|?: Linens. 56-inch Cream Linen Damask worth 35c yd, clearing sale •X Litiett J, Window Shades inch Curtain Serial, Gingham, ,-.v ,V'.' •?. at $4 CLEARING SALE PRICES. A* m. 1 Silks-Black. 27 inch Black Satin Duchess, the 34 inch Black P6au de Soie, worth 1.00 and 1.25 Black Brocaded Silka and Bating, ia this sale, 25c yard. l7^%o choice, only ................. wv 22 inch pure dye Silk Taffeta, value 1.00 liarcClearinfe*-, Sale Price............ ^.09C 19 72-inCh Cream Satin Damask read ily worth 65c yd, clearing OQft sale price ..,.i..Owt 72-inbl'ch'd Irish table linen, *7 tin the $1 grade, cl'ringss^e price 58-inch Turkey Red Damask, the 25c grade, clearing sale price *Y.v Order any of These Goods by Mailt. We In sure Prompt Attention. iwMmtiiMiinnnni I SOUTH SIDE NEWS, From Wednesday's Daily. v-', /•Miss Alice Goodall ia ill with pneu tponia. iMr. and Mrs. Swen Pierson, pf Mun teiville, were in town on business yes terday. Irwin St. Clair Peppers has returned to his home at Atalissica, after sev eral-days' visit wlth South Side rela- Mr. and Mrs. Milton White and children have returned home, after a The Only High Orads Baking Powder Offered at Med erate Price. CALUMETS NONE 90 GOOD* Mnch jancy Matelaase and Tweed worth yar^*k'•KWa S a Black Gdods. Black Silk Crepons,,"blister effects, worth 2.50 yard, in {his Genuine Mohair Crepons, QOn wdrth 1.75 yard, at i/OO All our 2.75, 3.00 and 3.50 extra fine Silk blister and plisse Cre-t QK pons, choice in this sale tl 46 inch black satin Soliel Brocades, Worth 45c yard S) choice 54 inch fine Cheviot Serges, value 1.50yard, Sale Price, 0SC CLEARING SALE PRICES. Blankets, 11-4 all Vool Blankets, wereO QQ $5.50 pair,tlearing sale price*'**'® 10-4 all wool Blankets, worthC) QQ. $4.50 pair, clearingsale price,*,•*'® 12-4 extra heavy grey mixed Blank ets worth $1.98 pair,clearing KA 'Bale price A.tIV/ 10-4 heavy grey and tan KQn Blankets worth 75c at pleakarit visit- with relatives at Or rnanville. 1 Messrs. James and George Anderson have returned to their home at Green field, after spending the holidays at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lane, who reside west of town. PI mm From Thursday's Daily. Miss 'Pearl Johnson is recovering from her recent illness. 'S/'.t'i Mr. apd Mrs. Henry Schuttelfield'ar'e very ill at their home on South Davis street.' Mrs. Ed. Morton, of Batavia, arrived last evening for a week's visit with rel atives, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.-Welch departed to day for Hot Springs, Arlc., for the ben efit of Mr. Wrich's health. Mr. Derby is in Centerville, being called there 'by a telegram announcing that his wife, who is receiving treat ment there, had a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Derby has been a great sufferer for maty years. Mrs. W. T. Elliott, of 208 South Ward Street, received a telegram last evepingNBtating that her brother, Al bert, H. llwmpson, of Spirit Lake, was very lofr' with peritonitis. Mrs. Elli ott has thaL sympathy of her many msad affliction. sw St K, MSl 10-4 Cotton v/A Blankets 50c each. pair. CLEARING SALE PRICES. Dress Goods. 44 inch silk wool Novelty Dress Goods, worth 75c vi: 1H$ £8i lT£, at »'«2! OQ^ sal^ price ..»i OVL .42 inch fancy Brocades, the"! regular 25c grade. Xt/L 48 inch all wool Covert Cloth and Home Spuns, worth 75c ...49c 36'inch fancy worsted Plaids value 25c yard, Clearing Sale Price..... .............. 2^ fintings Jackets. All our 25.00 fine Venetian Melton' and Kersey .Jackets,. •... 1 1 QQ Clearing Sale Price 7.50 and 8.50 Jackets, "all colors'and sizes, Clearing Sale .. |4^0V Novelty .1.25 \Sm & 3f &? rvVM issfiMiii LOT 2.---All wool Venetians, Homespuns and other Novelties, Bry Bros.' wholesale $ 4 5 0 on 5 ...3 50 9.00 and 10.00 Jackets, J-'i A QQ Clearing Sale Price .. $5.00 and S6.50 Kersey and Beaver Jackets, clearing^sale O sile p?iceJ Beavers, cleSxi Capes, ill Silk Plush Capes, braided, satin or silk lining, worth 5.00, Clearing Sale Price 10.00 30 inch plush Capes, trimmed in braid, jet and Thibet fur, a S a 18.00 plush Capes, 32 inches^-QQ. long. Clearing Sale Price.. 7.50,Chinctiilla Capes, fur trimmed. Clearing Sale Kfl Price -.0»U\J CLEARING SALE PRICES. Men's Furnishings. Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, the5oc kind, Clearing Sale QQn Price OVls Men's Fine Camels Hair Shirts and Drawers worth 1.50 each QQ^ Clearing Sale Price. «70L Men's all wool Cardigan Jackets,' worth $1.50 to $3, Clearing! AA Sale Price W!r LDonelan & 4VA BROTHERHOOD MEETING. January meetiug of Society of Pint III. E. Churcli. From Wednesday's Daily. The regular monthly meeting and the first meeting of the year was held by the Brotherhood of the First Meth odist Episcopal church last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Maxon, on East Fifth street. It was in the nature of an open meeting and the women were invited to attend. The January session was one of the best meetings both in point of number in attendance and entertainment ever held by the Brotherhood. The follow ing program was rendered after which refreshments were seved: Piano solo—Miss Alice Haw. Y'J'', Vocal solo—Mrs. E. C. Peirce. '. Mandolin solo and piano accompani ment—Mr. and Miss Harry Swenson. Readings, selections from Walt Whit comb—Dr. P. E. Brush. ||^te Piano solo—Miss Birdie Walker.fIS W THE OTTIJJ^A COTJBIER: THtJR8DAYv JAlSUAItY 4, 19C0 Will be Launched Friday Morning on the Expectant Public, in which Every Department in the Store will Participate. 2 Next week we take an inventory of our entire Store, but in the meantime we propose to reduce our mam moth stock by jsacrificing PROFITS and even taking some BIG LOSSES. Remember, too, that this sale will riot drag along for several weeks, but that ONE WEEK MUST SEE THE END. Thus it is imperative that you COME AT ONCE if you wish to share in this, the Most TEMPTING BARGAIN FEAST ever spread before«you. NOTICE—Our Mr. Macken bought the entire stock of Ladies* Ready-made* Dress Skirts from Bry Bothers, Cloak and Skirt manu facturers, at actually THIRTY-TWO CENTS ON THE DOLLAR including Silk and Satin ISkirts, Wool Crepon Skirts, Camel's Hair, Plaid and Novelty Skirts, some elaborately trimmed in Braid and Satin, all tailor-made garments and lined with best grades of lining. We offer the entire lot tomorrow and until sold, as follows: FOUND—A PURSE CONTAINING M0NEI. Owner Can Have Same by Calling at ST. LOUIS STORE and PROVING PROPERTY CLEARING SALE PRICES. This Sale marks the Death of Our \A/lnter Cloak Stock. It is to your interest to.toe "in at the finish." Collarettes^ Fine Electric Seal Collarettes, deep storjn collars, silk lined, were 5.00 Cfearing Sale Price, "I QQ only .,,...,...........,X'*«70 '12.66 Marten Collarettes, extra heavy satin lining, Clearing^ QQ .. -.y 6.00 Collarettea^,'' With combination Moufflon and Baltic Seal.' O QK Clearing Sale Price.. ..... $35 Badgier an^^ynx "Fur Collar dfteBj'itelesSingi^ial^ "1 Q.OO S'^.s*!'..v. MM Just one bargain in men's ulsters is all we have time to mention today. Its a heavy black Melton, and has, sold all season for $7.50. The cloth and lin ings have advanced 33 1-3 per cent, but we will sell what we have left (about 25) for $4.85. Finer overcoats go pro portionately cheap. The Model (J. B. Sax.). LOT 3.—Black Crepon Skirts, Cheviot Skirts, Storm Serge Skirts, Camel's Hair Skirts, Etc. Bry Bros.' wholesale prices from $6.50 to $6.76 each, our price only 7O W 2S'asBorted JCouaeettesi-worth from $7 to $11.50,' clearing sale A TK O Suits. $15 Homespun,' Venetian and Chev iot Suits, Clearing Sale AO Price, bhly.... «rtO lO.OO and 12.00 Suits, A QS Clearing- Sale Price....... 25.00 elegant tight fitting- or fly front Cheviot, and Venetian Suits ...12.00 CLEARING SALE PRICES. Men's Neckwear. 12 doz Men's Bow Ties, sold all over town at 25c each, Clearing 1 Sale Price. 1*C 50c Teck and Fo^in-Hand Ties, all thiB season's latent stylesQ Clearing Sale Price. SHIRTS. 5® Men's colored bosom Shirts, slightly soiled, were75c and$1.00 eachQQ-j Cleaying Sale Price OJJC The Ice Horve.u Prom Wednesday's Daily. The ice harvest in Ottumwa is well under way and if the present favorable weather will continue a sufficient length of time, this season will witness the best lot of ice ever stored from the Des Moines. Such is the opinion of one of the oldest ice men in the city. Thousands upon thousands of tons will be stored within, the next few days, the work thus required affording plenty of employment to ic^le labor. The ice above the dam is from 12 to 14 inches thick, clear as crystal, said to be the best ewr taken from this part of the river. Graln-OI Graln-O! Bemember that, name when you want a delicious,' appetizing, nourish ing food drink to take the place of cof fee. Sold by all grocers" and liked by all who have used it. Grain-0 is ,made of pure grain, it aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant, but a health builder and the children as well as the adults can drink it with great benefit. Costs about 14 as much as coffee. 15c and 25c per package. Ask your grocer for Grain-O. Dr. William H. Randall, one of the most widely known practitioners in Des Moines county, h£W£ ijj Augusta. llfc Misses Jackets Misses' Reefer Jackets, ages 4 to 14, were 4.50, Clearing Sale"! KA Price •..... Fancy mixed child's Reefers, worth up to 2.75, Clearing Sale Waists. Ladies' 1.75 Flannel braided QOn Waists vOL 2.25 all wool waists, Clear- 1 KA ing Sale price. J 3.00 prettily trimmed Flan- *1 AS nel Waists, at X**JO 5.00 Taffeta silk and satin O QQ waists, Clearing Sale price.•••'O CLEARING SALE PRICES Men's Hose. Men's wool and merino hose, were 15c pair, "I A„ Clearing Sale Price.'. Men's imported cashmere hose, were 25c pair, Clearing Sale 1 Kn Price Itlv Men's heavy Rockford socks, worth 10c pair, Clearing Sale "Vtn Price.. I 2*-' SUSPENDERS. Men's 25c and 35c fine sus- "I Qn penders in this sale XOC ww^n 7 BOARD PROCEEDINGS. Proceedings of the board of super visors, January 1, 1900. Being the first day of the January session. Board met pursuant to law, and after completing all unfinished business thev adjourned sine die. J. H. B. Spilman, a newly elected mem ber, then took tjie oath of office. The new board, consisting of H. B. Wagers, J. M. Elder and J. H. K. Spilman, was convened by the county auditor, and on motion of Elder, seconded by Spil man, H. B. Wagers was elected as chairman for the year 1900. On mo tion of Wagers, seconded by Spilman, J. M. Elder was elected superintend ent of bridges for the ensuing year. Un motion of Elder, seconded by Wa gers, J. H. B. Spilman was elected as committee on claims and official re* ports for the ensuing year. The. su pervisors then elected the Daily and Weekly courier, the Daily and Weekly Press the Eldon Forum and the Eddy ville Tribune as the official papers for publishing the board proceedings for the ensuinw year. The last two papers to receive the compensation of one paper. The official oonds of B. P. Slutts, sheriff C. C. Powell, coroner John H. Spry treasurer, were examin ed and approved. The appointment of and bond of C. J. Eckfelt, deputy treasurer, also approved, xoe board 1 •''v"w*- 11 The lot consists of 893 Skirts, all this season's latest styles and materials, LOT 4.—Silk Fancy Table Oil Cloth, 10c ...98c 1.25 children'^ t.loaks, Clear- KAft ing Sale price ..w"t Military style Misses Reefers, were 3.50, and 5.00, Clearing "J QQ Sale price..., ..... ... ...,A«uO Handsome Cape Reefers,- FZ Worth dp to 7^0, 'Sale jjrice V* .* bhildren's Eiderdown Cloak?, worth $3.50, (4.50 and $5.00, 9 AA choice now...... Caps. Children's and Misses' fancy cloth Caps, worth from 50c to 1.00,1 Clearing Sale price, choice.. J-tfl/ CLEARING SALE PRICBS Underskirts. Ladies' heavy corded underskirts, the 1.50 kind, Clearing 8ale Fancy stripe, new silk un- "I QK derskirt8f were 2.00, now.. Heavy mercerized skirts, "I QQ were3.00, at.............. A.vO $6 all pure silk taffeta skirts A Kfl Clearing Sale Price •:-v. v-t? Best Indigo Blue Prints, 5c yard/ Millinery. Choice of our 3.00 trimmed Hats to clear, them out at once, gQ Choice of 1 75 and 2.25 Hats, Clearing Sale price...: tw»: 5.00 and up to 7.50 trimmed O Kft Hats, Sale price, choiee...'. Children's trimmed Hats, were 1:50 and 2.00, Clearing Sale KArt price,.. .....................-VV Ladies' 1.00, and l.So street Qfln Hats, Sale price*..,.. j'.., .V SWJ All our 75c and' 1.00 Sailor 1 On Hats, choice at Black Ostrich Tips, (3 in a S) Kn bunch) worth 75c, Sale price Fancy Feathers, wortli up to"! A„ 35c, choice in this sale. AvL Wings, Birdsi Breasts, and fancy feather effects, worth up to "1 75c at :.... JLt/C then adjourned to meet January 2, 1900, H. B. Wagers, Chairman. -.ttest: I. H. Hammond, Deputy Auditor. Proceedings of the board of super visors, January 2, 1900, being the sec ond day of the January session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Mem bers all present. Minutes of last day's Bession read and approved. Official bond of Steven Wilkins, constable Keokuk township D. F. Skinner, con stable Green township Wm. Stuber, iustice of the 'peace, Cass township, and S. H. Hardesty, clerk, Richland township, approved. The following contracts were then entered into for medical attendance upon paupers for the ensuinc year: Dr. M. L. Davis, ,• wency township, at $50 per annum Dr. W. N. Hurst, Adams township, at $80 per annum Dr. F. W. Mills, Rich land township, at'v80 per annum. An nual reports of J. S. McClung, justice peace, Dahlonega township Joseph Parks, county superintendent, and C. T. Porter, county recorder, approved. After examination of claims the board adjourned to meet January 3. H. B. Wagers, Chairman. Attest: I. H. Hammond, Deputy Auditor. Davis Blain left yesterday for a visit with relaives and friends at Dudley, MM brocaded Skirts, Satin brocaded Skirts, Silk Crepau Skirts, plain Satin Skirts, Etc, Etc., Bry Bros.' wholesale prices from $7.50 to $9.00, our price, choice, at Good 4c yard CLEARING SALE PRICES. 1 :S Heady Made Sheets and Pillow Cases. 45x36 ready made bleached as or 1 0 a 9-4 bleached ready made Sheets, were 50c, in this 39C 90x90 ready made Sheets, KAft worth 65c, in this sale, only..*'"*-' CLEARING SALE PRICES Handkerchiefs. Mall Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled if Sent in at Once. '$*^1 '^VAXIf iU vV A AA J«VV Fleece Back Standard' Fancy Prints, Flannelettes at 7»c yard. yard. CLEARING SALE PRICES.- Muslins. -V .! Full yard wide bleached Muslina, worth 6}ic, Clearing Sale A}-ei price "2*-' Fine Sea Island unbleached sheet* ing, worth today 8J^cyard, Art Clearing Sale price........., Uli Good unbleached sheeting worth 6c yard, Clearing Sale ..... 4c price heavy bleached sheeting, worth, today 22c yard, in this 1 Ti/» §ale..... 2V 9-4 unbleached sheeting, worth 20.3 yard, in this sale, 15c The Model's January Sales are now in full blast. They are the bargain events of the year and are looked forward to by all close, shrewd buyers. Suits, overcoats, pants, boy's and child's clothings—underwear,shirts, etc., are all marked down until The Model, (J. B. Sax), is one vast bargain counter. Recruiting Officer tn T«wo From Wednesday's Daily. ,»p|i a A. P. Smith, of' the recrutlibg oft«e at Des Moines, arrived, in Ottumwa on the Rock Island this morning and hai opened up temporary headquarters at the office of Dr. A. 0. Williams for the purpose of receiving recruits in all branches of the regular United States service, including the army in the Philippines. The Volunteer ranks are full. Mr- Smith said this morning that the requirements entering the United States service are not quite as stringent as heretofore, in that a lati tude of two inches is .given in the chest measurement. 85 Cento and Tbll Coupou will entitle yon to a pair of S-oz. best overalls (men's). A new pair for any that rip. These same overalls sell ev erywhere except here, for 76 cents. (Good until Feb. 10 (J, B, 6ax.) JL 'S| •a 1- Ladies' mussed and soiled hand kerchiefs, worth 25c and 35c Kn each, Clearing Sale Price,.. Ladies' 10c and 15c Swiss H'dk'fs. a little mussed and soiled from display, Clearing Sale Price.. Regular 10c embroidered A H'dkf's., Clearing Sale Price.. Men's 35c grade all pure linen 1 n„ H'dk'fs, Clearing Sale Price A t/C