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'tA t'- :. vfr-: A DES MOINES FIRE Frafikel Bros.' Department Store Heaviest Loser. DOOMED BEFORE DEPARTMENT COMES I Biaze Originated in the Basement and Was Discovered by a Patrolman— Destruction of Property Was Com plete—List of the Heaviest Losers. Des Moines, Jan. 29.—Fire, which broke out at 3 o'clock this morning in Frankel Bros.' department store, de stroyed over half a million dollars •worth of property. The fire was first discovered by Patrolman Pierce in the basement, but the structure was doomed before the arriyal of the fire department. Their attention was largely devoted to saving adjoining structures, several of which caught fire. By 6 o'clock every wall of the six-story Frankel building had fallen. The destruction of the property is complete. Destruction of eleptric, tel ephone and telegraph wires' by fire caused temporary abandonment of the street-car service and the operation of many factories dependent upon the wires for power. No Theory as to Origin. Des Moines, Jan. 29.—(Special)— Fire early this morning destroyed Frankel's department store with the entire stock. The fire damaged the Good block on the east, the Utica building and stock across Sixth street on the west, and the buildings across the street to the south of Walnut. Physicians in the second story of the Utica and in the upper stories of the Good block and the buildings on the south side of Walnut across from the Frankel building were heavy losers. The fire was discovered i« Frankel's at 3:05 o'clock this morning by Pa trolman Pierce. It had gained con siderable headway when discovered and no theory as to its origin hae yet been formulated. The Losses. The Frankel's Incorporated (stock) $250,000 The Frankel Improvement •company (building) 125,000 Marcus and Herman Younker the old Younker building oc cupied by the Frankels.... 35,000 A. & I. Friedlich (stock) 35,000 Marcus Younker (part of Good block) 10,000 Utica Building company 10,500 Rothwell estate (Seeley build- ln&) 5,000 C. H. Seeley (stock) 10,000 Des Moines National Bank (building) 2,500 Marx building 2,500 Sheer building 2,500 Dr. McGorrisk building 1,000 Henry Plumb (stock) 2,500 Monnett Green company (stock) 2,500 J. H. Cownie Glove Co. (stock) 2,000 Lawyer & Beeks (stock) 2,500 Chase Shissler company (stock) 2,000 C. W. Rogg company (stock). 10,000 Chase Bros, (stock) 1,000 Webb Souers (stock) 2,000 Dr. W. L. Garretson, McGor risk building 500 Dr. A. L. Hass, 514 Walnut... 500 Dr. Halloway, 514 Walnut...., 1,000 Dr. Thomas, 516 Walnut.... 500 Dr. A. R. Begun 1,000 Dr. L. D. Rood 500 Iowa Telephone company 7,500 Des Moines City Railway com pany, 2,5*00 C. W. Johnston, Good block (library, etc.)' 600 Armour & Co. (office fixtures) 500 Younker & Dillie'(law library) 3,000 Furniture, fixtures, instru ments and libraries of phy sicians in the TJtica building 14,500 M. Goldstein, tailoring stock, in Good block 2,500 ff Total $553,500 Loss is $682,000. Des Moines, Jan. 29.—A detailed ac count of the insurance and estimates on the loss by fire were given out this afternoon and place the total loss at $682,000, \irith $600,000 insurance. •Frankel's loss is $450,000, insurance $300,000. INFECTED MAN FOUND. {Quarantine Breaker From Appleton Is Taken Into Custody. Appleton, Wis., Jan. 2.—The police late last night received a telegram Terre Haute, Ind., saying that. Dr. Rodermund was identified and ar rested in thai city yesterday, and the police wanted to know what to do •with him. The authorities do not know whether Rodermund can be ex tradited for breaking quarantine or not. SOUND SLEEP 8&, tXftks from a sweet stomach, pure lood, 6trong nerves and hearty health. The surest way to acquire these is by an honest use of this famous medicine, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. For fifty -years it has never failed to cure stom ach disorders, beginning with consti pation and ending with kidney or Mver trouble. See that a Private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Beware of Imitations. •3 it?? IP*^* W ijwin.umnud ARMOUR BEQUESTS Amount disposed of in will $15,000,000 Amount given in life to' Armour Institute and Mission 4,500,000 To other public institu tions and to charity.. .3,500,000 To relatives and friends 25,000,000 Estimated value of es tate if it had been hoarded 50,000,000 Gifts in life to A. W. Armour (brother) 3,000,000 *. Gifts in life to S. B. Armour (brother) ...3,000,000 Gifts in life to P. D. Armour, Jr 8,000,000 Gifts in life to J. Ogden Armour 8,000,000 Gifts in life to K. B. Armour (nephew)... 200,000 Gifts in life to Charles Armour (nephew)... 200,000 Probate fees under will 15,000 State inheritance tax 299,600 Federal tax on estate.. 350,000 THIRTY YEARS. The Murderers of Jennie Bosschieter Are Sentenced. Paterson, N. J., Jan. 29.—Walter C. McAlister, William A. Death and An drew J. Campbell, found guilty of murder in the second degree for the killing of Jennie Bosschieter on Octo ber 18, by the administration of chloral, and subsequent rape, were to day sentenced to thirty years impris onment at hard labor. George J. Kerr, who pleaded non-vult contendre to the charge of rape, was sentenced to fif teen years' imprisonment at hard la bor. The sentences of all the men is the extreme penalty. MORE EMPIRE. United States Gets Two More Islands From Poor Spain. Madrid, Jan. 29.—The cession of Sibutu and Cagayan de Jolp islands to the United States has been gazetted. On This Side. Washington, Jan. 29.—The presi dent today sent a message to congress recommending th appropriation of $100,000 for the payment' of the claim of Spain for the Sibutu and Cagayan islands in the Philippine archipelago. CONCILIATE THE DUTCH. New Legal Adviser for the Transvaal Colony Administration. Cape Town, Jan. 29.—R. Solomon, attorney-general of the late Schreiner ministry, has been appointed legal ad viser to the Transvaal colony adminis tration. His appointment is commend ed as demonstrating the desire of the imperial government to conciliaet wiiu the Dutch. LAUDANUM AiID A RAZOR. Suicide Wanted to Make no Mistake— Use- Both. Albert City, Jan. 29.—T. A. Barnes, a farmer living near this place com mitted suicide Sunday by taking two ounces of laudanum and then cutting his throat with a razor. He died in half an hour after taking the poison. The cause of his rash act Is not known. Barnes was well known in this vicinity and leaves a wife andtwo small children. He was 35 years old. PYTHIAN OFFICER RESIGNS. John A.' Hinsey Quits Endowment Rank, Knights of Pythias. Chicago, Jan. 29.—John A. Hinsey, president of the board of control, En dowment Rank, Knights of Pythias, has resigned. C. F. S. Neal, of Le banon, Indiana, was elected president. The resignation of Hinsey was due to a resolution adopted by the board re quiring the president to devote his en tire time to the office. This Hinsey was unwilling to do. MRS. NATION SEES GOVERNOR. She Succeeds in Making That Gentle man Very Angry. Topeka, Kan., Jan. 29.—Mrs. Carrie Nation, the saloon wrecker, yesterday invaed the office of Governor Stanley in the Capitol building, and for an hour harangued the executive for his failure to close the saloons of Kansas. Then she visited the offices of Attor ney General Goddard, County Attor ney Nichols, and Sheriff Porter, and demanded each of them that they close the saloons. She succeeded in making all the gentlemen named very angry. That was all ehe accom plished. ASLEEP AT HIS POST. Drowsy Engineer Responsible for the Death of Five Men. Parkersburg, W. Va., Jan. 29—Five persons dead and one severely wound ed, two engines and ten loaded cars wrecked is the result of a mistake of a train crew yesterday between Petro leum and Volcano Junction on the Bal timore & Ohio railroad. The engineer went to sleep at his post, and mistak ing the first section of a passing train for the second pulled his train onto the main track and was seriously in jured in the resulting wreck. SUSTAINS THE LAW. Michigan Supreme Court Says Inherit ance Tax Law is Legal. Lansing, Mich., Jan. i».—In an unan imous opinion handed down today the supreme court sustained the constitu nality of the law fixing inheritances. An order was also granted in answer to former Governor Pingree's applica tion directing the Ingham county cir cuit court to show cause why a writ should not issue prohibiting it from proceding with the contempt case now pending against Pingree. SAY LI IS ILL. Alleged That the Chinaman's Life is Dispaired Of. Shanghai, Jan. 29.—A dispatch to th,e North China Daily News of this city from Peking says that Li Hung Chang is suffering from fever and is delirious, his life being despaired of. Work on the waterworks at Greene is progressing slowly on account of the rocto.bed. M' A QUEER SITUATION Prohibitionists Oppose Work of Anti-Saloon League. METHODS ARE HOT HARSH ENOUGH Des Moines Girl Is a Stowaway on Battleship Indiana Enroute to Unit ed States—Elopment at Creston— Girl Eleven Years of Age Suicides. Sioux City. Tlie Anti-Saloon league in Wood bury county has run up against oppo sition for which it was not looking. The ultra-prohibitionists do not look with entire approval upon the work of the league. It involves too much of a compromise with the saloon inter ests to suit them. C. W. Griffin, county chairman of the prohibition party, is one of those who will not affiliate himself with the league. He says: "We believe the Martin law is an abomination and that a prohibition ist has no business saying to saloon men that they may go ahead and sell under it. We demand that the damn able places be closed entirely, and be cause of such attitude we can hardly join the league." In the membership of the league there are many prohibi tionists as ardent as Mr. Griffin, but they believe in taking half a loaf when the entire loaf is not forthcoming. Creston. Yesterday afternoon Squire Maxwell had just finished tying the knot which joined together Roy Tedford and Miss Matilda Nichols, both residents of Ringgold county when the boy's fath er telephoned from Shannon City to stop the marriage, stating that his son was under age. The ceremony had been performed, however, and when the father was informed of that fact he withdrew his objections over the wire and told the couple to come home. Des Moines. Miss Margaret Tittmore, a well known young lady of this city, is a stowaway on the battleship Indiana enroute from Nagaski, Japan and Ma nila to the United States. The young woman left this country to join her lover with the woman who was to be her mother-in-law. Tiring of her com pany the girl desired to return to the United States but there seemed no available way. Finally she hit upon the plan of stowing herself in the hold of the big battleship, it is said, and will arrive in the United States in due time. Sioux City. Dr. J. M. Kilborne, of this city, has announced his candidacy for the of fice of head physician for the M. W. A. of Iowa and is making a vigorous can vass for it. Burlington. Burlington saloonkeepers are at the head of a crusade to do away alto gether with the "free lunch counter" in Iowa. The project was fully des cussed at a meeting of the saloon keepers, and it was decided to spread the reform wave over the entire state. One of the first movements will be to make a general agreement in the state to stop serving free lunch with each drink. Saloonkeepers here contend that their customers are no more en titled to free meals than the patrons of a shoe store are entitled to a free pair of shoes, or the purchasers of a sack of flour to a free beefsteak. Spencer. Local parties may make an effort to induce eastern capitalists to build an electric car line from Rossie, on the Gowrie and Northwestern rail road, in this county, to Spencer and thence north to Lake Okoboji and Spirit Lake. Ft. Dodge. Dr. J. W. Kime, of this city, has ac cepted the plans for his new sanitar ium which will be built on his four teen-acre tract north of the city. It will be built especially for the treat ment of cases of tuberculosis by means of the rays of the sun, which will be directed from a huge reflector patent ed by the doctor. The patients will be treated in the open air as much as possible. Two roof gardens will be added. The building will cost $12,000. Davenport. Candidates for department com mander of the Iowa Grand Army af the Republic are appearing now that the date for the department encamp ment has been set. George H. Metz ger of this place, formerly custodian of the capitol in Des Moines and a prominent Second district politician, is a candidate and is being indorsed by a number of posts. Clinton. Clinton has a distinguished guest in the person of Isaac R. Wells, known as the king of the gypsies,who has been here dqring the larger por tion of the winter. He is arranging for the second annual convention of gyp sies of the United States. The first convention of tne kind ever held in this country took place last summer in Newburg, N. Y. The gypsies head ed by Mr. Wells, arrived in that city the first of June and were in session for a number of days. The second convention will be held in Minneapolis next summer and preparations for the event, Mr. Wells says, are well under way. He says the first week in June will see hundreds of bands of gypsies from all parts of the country enroute to Minneapolis to attend the conven tion, which is looked forward to as an important event in the gypsy world. The convention will be a singular one but doubtless of importance in its wr.y. Keota. Farmers in LaFayette and Liberty townships, about six miles north of this place in what is called Scotland neighborhood, have made extensive plans for a mutual telephone company The farmers plan to build a telephone line eight or nine miles long, which will connect Keota and South English. It will be used by abqut 100 farmers who will put in 'phones and will cover north part of LaFayette township and the southern part of Liberty township with a perfect network of telephone wires. It is likely that the line will be built in the spring. Dubuque. Some days since It was announced that Frances Quinn, residing at Elk aderA had been accidentally shot and •^7 ••'•'•T*jjasi?».« .-'^». l".',*, ««»••..-H m• •TUB OTTUMWA CUURIEK: THUBSJANUAHY 31. l»oj. SIX-YEAR-OLD A SUICIDE. Chippewa Falls, Wis., Jan. 29.— This town has produced the youngest suicide on record. The victim was a boy of six years, Carl Smith, an inmate of the home for feeble-minded. For several days past he had been acting in a strange manner, but no particular attention was paid to him. Last evening, when the attention of the -nurse was attracted elsewhere, the child rushed into the medicine room, seized a bottle of carbolic acid and swallowed the contents. He died a short time later in fear- ful agony, in spite of prompt at tention. His last words were that he was glad he was going to die. killed. A special from Elkader receiv ed here states that the girl's name was Frances Clift and that she com mitted suicide. This fact is establish ed by a letter to a playmate, Dora El vidge, wherein the deceased bade her friend goodby stating that she would never see her more. She had also written on the fly-leaf of several of her books the date of her birth, "Dec. 28,. 1890," and "Died Jan. 22 1901," the latter date being the exact date of her death. She had also told many of her little playmates of her inten tions, but they pain no attention to it until after her death. Frances was, according to Prof. Webb, one of his brightest and most ambitious pupils, and in her examinations stood very near at the head of her class. She had complained to her parents that it was hard for her to keep on with her studies at school. She was only 11 years old and her home had always been pleasant. IOWANS HAVE NO CHOICE. Ottumwa Delegates to National D. A. R., Meeting Haven't Decided. There is much talk at present in Daughters of the American Revolu tion circles regarding the national meeting to be held in Washington, D. C., February 20-22 and everywhere the ladies are discussing their choice for president of the society. The New Jersey members are sending broadcast circulars calling attention to the good qualities of Mrs. Washington Augus tus Roebling, who is a candidate for the presidency. Mrs. Roebling has served as vice president of the D. A. R. and she is said to be a very popular member of the organization. The delegates from the Ottumwa branch of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution will leave for Wash ington about February 15. They are Mrs. T. J. Devin, Mrs. A. G. Harrow and Mrs. J. D. Ferree. It is under stood that these ladles have not for mulated a choice as to a presidential candidate, and also that so far as they know no candidate has been de cided upon by the Iowa society mem bers. Mrs. Roebling h&s many friends among the Ottumwa members FARMERS ARE INDEPENDENT. Have Constructed Telephone Lines and Won't Sell Out. Washington, Jan. 29.—The farmers of Washington and Mahaska counties, who have constructed about 100 miles of rural telephone lines at a cost of $6,000 and connect more than 200 farmhouses, have unceremoniously re jected an offer from the People's Tele phone company to take over their lines and connect them with the ex changes in Keota and other towns. These farmers now have seven lines centering in South English and are given free communication with Web ster, Keswick, White Pigeon, North English, Green Valley, Kinross, Nira, Wellman and Harper, and they pro pose extending their rural lines on to Iowa City, Sigourney and What Cheer. These groups of rural telephone lines are now quite common in Iowa 'and ef forts are being made in all parts of the state to bring them under control of the organized companies in towns and cities. ADDS FOUR TO POPULATION. Illinois Woman Gives Birth to Two Boys and Two Girls. Nashville, 111, Jan. 29.—Mrs. Alice Gains, wife of Thomas Gains, living fourteen miles northwest of this city, gave birth today to four children, two boys and two girls. Both the mother and babies are doing well and are ex pected to live. Mr. and Mrs. Gains are both under thirty years of age and the children are the first born to the couple. REGAIN8 VOICE AFTER YEARS. Warsaw, Ind., Woman Suddenly Re covers Her Lost Faculty, Warsaw, Ind., Jan. 29.—Mrs. Scott D. Junkin, of Warsaw, wife of the clerk of the Kosciusko circuit court, lost her oice suddenly while attending a prayer meeting four years ago and djiring tha't time had been unable to utter a sound. Her voice, however, has just as suddenly returned after she had given up all hope of regaining it. MINISTER KILLED BY CARS Both Legs and One Arm Were Cut Off. Redwood Falls, Minn., Jan. 29. Rev. Samuel Andrews, a Presbyterian minister at Wabasso, was killed by the cars today. Both legs and his left arm were severed. That Rock Island Extension. Albuquerque, N. M., Jan. 29.—A member of the firm of railroad grad ing contractors who has been award ed the contract for the building of the roadbed for the southwest extension of the Rock Island road to El Paso, Texas, was here last 'last Thursday making the final arrangements for shipping the grading outfit to this city. From here they will start on the overland trip for the scene of opera tions, which is only a trifle more than 100 milee distant. The gentleman will employ about 300 men, and all will start from here in a short time to be gin work on the new road* »P CARNEGIE'S GIFTS. mm- I V' Steel Man Endows Institutions to Extent of $13,640,865. OTIOMWA IS INCLUDED IB THE LIST •n Makes Good Headway in Getting Rid of Fortune—Still Has $200/100,000 Left—Educational Institutions and Libraries Are Principal Beneficiaries New York, Jan. 29.—Andrew Car negie, who has said that "To die rich is to die disgraced," has already done considerable to save himself that hu miliation, yet he is still thought to be worth at least $200,000,000. From an authentic source a table of Mr. Car negie's gifts has been prepared and a summary of it makes the following showing: Educational Institutions in America $6,605,000 Carnegie libraries in 69 American cities 5,266,100 Libraries and schools in Great Britain 1,241,665 Miscellaneous gifts .... .. 428,200 •Total $13,540,965 Library applications under advisement 1,000,000 During the last three days Mr. Car negie has given $510,000 to three in stitutions—$200,000 for a public li brary at Syracuse, $200,000 for Ober lin college, and $50,000 for a library at Lewiston, Me. The detailed list of Mr. Carnegie's gifts of libraries to cities of the Unit ed States follows: Allegheny, Pa $530,000 Braddock Pa 500,000 Homestead, Pa 500,000 Washington, D. 350,000 Duquesne, Pa 350,000 Carnegie, Pa 230,00$) Syracuse, N. 200,000 Seattle, Wash 200,000 Louisville, Ky 125,000 Atlanta, Ga 125,000 Lincoln, Neb 75,000 Duluth, Minn 75,000 Johnstown, Pa 60^000 Oil City, Pa 50,500 Steubenville, 0 50,000 East Liverpool, O 50,000 Uniontown, Pa 50,000 Davenport, Iowa 50,000 Houston, Texas 50,000 Sedalia, Mo 50,000 Lewiston, Me 50,000 Sandusky, 0 50!000 McKeesport, Pa 50,000 Dallas, Texas 50,000 Tyrone, Pa 50,000 Connelsville, Pa 50,000 Fort Worth, Tex ..., 50I000 San Diego, Cal 50^000 Oakland, Cal 50 000 Beaver, Pa 50,000 Bearer Falls, Pa 50,000 Greensburg, Pa 50,000 Grove City, Pa 50,000 Cheyenne, Wyoming 50 000 Ottumwa,. Iowa .. 50,000 York, Pa... 50,000 E. Orange, N. 50,000 Dubuque, la 50,000 Aurora, 111 50,000 San Antonio, Tex. 50 000 Wilkinsburg, Pa 50)500 Fairfax, Pa 40,000 Covington, Ky 40,000 Grove City, Pa 30,000 Emporia, Kas 30,000 Sioux Falls, la 25 000 Bradford, Pa 25,000 Leavenworth, Kas 25,000 Oakmont, Pa 25,000 Oklahoma City 25,000 Chillicothe, Mo 25,000 Tucson, Ariz 25^000 Jefferson City, Mo 25 000 Newport, Ky 20,000 Tuskegee, Ala 20,000 Blairsville, Pa. 15,000 Knoxville, Pa 15,000 Goshen, Ind 15,000 Alameda, Cal 10,000 Clarion, Pa loiooo G. Junction, Colo 8,000 Erie, Pa. 7^00 New York City 6,000 Butler, Pa 5,000 Greenwich, Conn 5,000 Pittsburg, Tex 5,000 Havana, 111 5,000 Hazelwood, Pa 4,000 Gardiner, Me 2,500 Seab'rd Air Line 2,000 Gutnrie, Ok 1,000 Total .. .••••• $5,266,100 Gifts to Institutions. The following is a list of Mr. Car negie's cash donations to various in stitutions of learning thruout the country: Carnegie Institute and branches, Pittsburg $3,870,000 Technical school and endow ment, Pittsburg .... 2,000,000 Cooper Union, New York City 300,000 Oberlin college, Ohio 200,000 Pennsylvania state College, Bellefonte, Pa 100,000 Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J. .. .. 50,000 Bellville medical college, New York City 50,000 Upper Iowa University, Fay ette, la :s 25,000 Ginter's Mechanics' Institute Richmond, Va 10,000 Total $6,605,000 /.Gifts for Various Objects. Following is a list of the notable do nations made by Mr. Carnegie for pub lic benefits: Subscribed to public benefits. .$250,000 Organs for sixty poor churches 75,000 New York botanical gardens. 30,000 Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, New York.... 25,000 Memorial funds 20,000 Allegheny (Pa) observatory.. 20,000 Young Men's Hebrew associa tion, New York 5,000 Women's club, Denison, Tex 1,700 Butler (Pa) hospital 1,500 Total $428,200 Carnegie Libraries Abroad. In addition to his many libraries in this country, Mr. Carnegie has estab lished or aided similar institutions in England and Scotland at the following places. Edinburg, Scot 250,000 Birmingham, Eng 250,000 Dunfermilen, Lib ...... 100,000 Durifenpilen bath 100,000 Dunferibilen Sch 60,000 Aberdeen, Scot 54,000 Ayr. Scot 50,000 Dumfriesj Scot 150,000 4 1 TO BE EXTRA SESSION. WASHINGTON, Jan.30.—When Senator Cullom left the White House yesterday, after a long chat with the president, he stat ed very positively thattherewould be an extra session of congress. Mr. Cullom declined to say wheth er the president so stated to him, but as he is very cautious about talking of his policies unless he has good ground for what he says it can be put down as reasonably certain that he received an Intl mation from Mr. McKinlry Keighley, Eng 50,000 Hawick, Scot 50,000 Dunblane, Scot 50,000 Greenock, Scot 40,000 Stirling, Scot 30,000 Wick, Scot 19,615 Lockerbie, Scot 10,000 Jedburg, Scot 10,000 Skibolest, Scot 10,000 Llthgow, Scot 9,000 Iverness, Scot 8,750 Bonar Bridge, Scot 7,500 Grangem'th, Scot 5,500 Peterhead, Scot 6,000 Banff, Scot 5,000 Bandridge, Ire 5,000 P. Mahamock, Scot 3,000 Falkirk, Scot 2,500 Total $1,241,665 FOR BUFFALO FAIR. Railways Provide for Reduced Rates From Chicago Points. New York, Jan. 30.—The represent atives of passenger departments of railroads operating between Chicago and New York at their conference on special rates for the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo agreed upon a series of reduced rates which will be submitted to the Trunk Line asso ciation and the Central Passenger committee for ratification. An experimental half rate fare be tween New York and Buffalo will be tried in May, with round trip tickets at $9 each. A regular round trip rate, to hold good thruout the entire exposi tion, was agreed upon as follows: From New York to Buffalo and re turn, $17 by the standard lines and $16 by the differential lines from Chi cago to Buffalo and return, $21.60 by the standard lines and $19.20 by the differential lines: A fifteen day limit ticket from Chi sago to Buffalo and return will be sold at $18 over standard lines and $16 over the differential lines. A special rate of about one cent a mile from dif ferent points in Chicago territory was agreed upon for the three-day popular coach excursions. THISTLES STALL A TRAIN. Collect in the Cuts and Effectually Stop Progress. Sioux City, Jan. 29.—Trainmen and passengers on South Dakota trains on the way to Pierre, the state capital, report the rare experience off buck ing great piles of drifts of Russian thistles. The thistles collect in the cuts and form an interwoven mass which stops the train and interferes sadly with passenger service. Prob ably the engines would be able to force their way thru the drifts if it were not for the fact that the smooth, tough fiber and oily seeds of the Rus sian thistle make the rails so slippery that the wheels of the locomotive go round in vain, even after a liberal ap plication of sand has been used. At times the only way for the train to get thru is for the crew to go ahead and clear the track of the bothersome weeds. CRAZY ON RELIGION.1 Stores, 8chools and Homes Closed During a Tremendous Revival. Hiawatha, Kan., Jan 30.—The mer chants, saloonmen, and all in the staid, poetical, old town of Hiawatha have gone crazy on the subject of re ligion. There are thirteen churches in the city and revivals are being held in ten of them. Stores are closed on alternate afternoons that proprietors and clerks may attend. R. M. Wil liams, a southerner, came to town two weeks ago and started a revival. Now he cannot stop it. Everybody but the Catholics and Episcopalians are in it. SILK ROBBER GUILTY. Crook Who Robbed Quincy Store Says He Did It. Quincy, Jan. 30.—George Heisse, one of the men indicted with several others, including "Bloomington Red," charged with robbing Kespohl & Moh renstecher's store of several thous and dollars worth of silk Chistrmas eve, entered a plea of guilty to the charge yesterday. Under the law he will go t6 the penitentiary for g,n inde terminate period and if he can guar antee that he will be honestly em ployed, he will be released at the end of a year under parole. Bloomington Red, who is said to be the chief of the gang, declares that he will never plead guilty. 'v Burned Burned to Death. Sioux City, Jan. 29.—The two-monthg old baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlottmann, who live near Jefferson, S. D., a few miles from Sioux City, was burned to death while sleeping in its crib. The father and mother had gone to the barn to water a horse. On the |table at the side of the crib stood a lighted lamp. The cat was playing with a ball of yarn near by. It is supposed that the cat pulled the tablecloth or brushed against the lamp. The lamp was knocked over on the sleeping babe. The flames at tracted the father and mother to the house. Schlottmann rushed in and -gathered the burning baby in his arms and ran with her to a tub of water where he extinguished the flames. He was badly burned. The baby died shortly afterwards. The house was burned to the ground. Twenty Horses Burned. Gothenburg, Neb., Jan. 29.—Twenty horses' were burned to death in a fire that did $14,000 damage in the heart of Gothenburg yesterday. The flre is the most destructive that has visit ed the thriving little city since its or ganization. SECY HAY TALKS Says Foreigners Are Adopting Our Methods. uii INTRODUCING AMERICAN MACHINERY Will Use Our Own Weapons In the Race for Trade—For This American Manufacturers Should Prepared. be Fully --5-*% Washington, Jan. 29.—The most important and interesting summary of what has been achieved by the United States in the direction of open ing up and extending our markets abroad, is printed in a letter from Sec retary Hay, who laid it before con gress today accompanying the annual publication known as the "Commer cial Relations of the United States with Foreign Countries." After calling attention to improve ment in the consular service and the practical character of the information obtained by our consuls, the secretary says: Americans Supreme. "The general conclusion to be drawn from a survey of conditions in foreign countries, as described in the reports herewith printed, is that the United States is approaching, even more swiftly that expected, a position of eminence in the world's markets, aue to saperior quality and greater cheapness 111 many lines of its manu factures, which must w.ork great econ-i omic changes and may result in shift ing the center, ont only of the indus trial, but of the commercial activity and money power of the world" to our market. Indications Are Marked. Trade indications of American su« premacy during the past year are so marked that many foreign industries according to the reports of our con suls in Europe, are introducing Amer ican machinery and labor saving ap pliances. They are remodeling their factory methods, and we may expect, in the near future, more strenous com petition for which it is important we should prepare ourselves. Wants the Books Printed. ii As an aid to such equipment the study of the mass of information as to foreign industries and trade con ditions which are to be found in two volumes of commercal relations, will obviously prove useful to our manu facturers and exporters, and I there fore recommend that congress be re quested to authorize the printing of a' special edition of 10,000 copies of the Review of the Worlds Commerce, and 5,000 copies of the "Commercial Rela tions. A Lively Tilt. Washington, Jan. 29.—When the house met today Stephens, of Texas, arose to a question of privilege in con nection with the exchange which took place between himself and Flynn, the delegate from Oklahoma, just prior to adjournment yesterday, when the dk rect lie was almost passed. Stephens read the language used by Flynn, in which the latter charged that Steph ens had surreptitiously inserted in i-a bill to ratify the agreement with the Kiowa and Comanche Indians, which became a law June 6, a clauso giving the white settlers the right to take up such of these Indian lands as contained minerals. Stephens in dignantly repelled the insinuation to which Flynn had given utterance. Flynn Won't Let Up. Flynn declared in even' more spe« ciflc language than he used yesterday when the bill passed that no one on the floor except Stephens knew that the section was in the. bill. After some further bepted and personal coli loquy between the two gentlemen the speaker cut short the incident by rul ing that the matter was getting be yond the limits of a question of priv ilege. Congressman Hull, of Iowa, called up the conference report upon the ar my re-organization bill, and moved that the bill be sent back to the con ference, which was adopted. The house then went into a committee ot the whole and took up the agricultur al appropriation bill, which carries $4,377,220, being an increase of $353,^ 750 over the amount under the cur rent law. rirSi^%} VtSSSsmS-: National Shooting Tournament. Hot Springs, Ark., Jan 29.—Pro grams were sent out yesterday for the Fourth Annual National Shooting Tournament, to be given under the management of Capt. H. O. Price, at Whittington Park in this city, Febru ary 18 to 23. The shooting will last six days during the first four of which target events will. make up the program. The last two days will be live bird days. This is a big event and will attract shooters from all oyer the country. The purses are large, and $1,000 is added. The events are open to the. world. The three tourna ments preceding this one have been very successful. ii mi Good Advice. The most miserable beings in tha world are thope suffering from dyspep sia and liver complaint. More than seventy-five per ceut of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects such as sour stomach, sick headache, habitual costiveness, palpitation of the heart, heart-burn, waterbrash, gnaw ing and burning pains at the pit of thei stomach, yellow skin, coated tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, etc. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents.. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's Prize Almanac, For sale by W. L. Sargent. An effort is being made to get saloon petition passed in Grundy county. 'M