Newspaper Page Text
rr ImW W- i'' I fi r- 4 TUESDAY, October 27, 1S03. sssssssgsgsssgxassssgasss LOST. LOST—SATURDAY. A DARK GRAY, long lialred shepherd dog. Send nn.v In formation to J. O. Rclglinrd, Agency, la., and be rewarded. E8TRAYED OR STOLEN. ESTRAYKD OR STOLEN—DARK BAY mitre. weighing about 1.200 pounds has collar mark, bus few wlilte hull's. Send any Information or return to Trunk Hlte, R. P. D. No. 7 mill will pay $15. FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR TRADE—MY STALLION", LaMotor, No. 16,391 Alloy, bluek mare standard and registered:, two nek fil lies fnll sisters dam Alloy, sire La Mo tor. These liorses are nil sound and In good condition mid exceptionally good Individuals. I will sell at ti bargain for cash, approved note or exchange tot good renting properly. If you want a good paying Investment come nnd see these horses nnd we can do business. .1. N. Handel, 335 North Clay street, Ot tumwa. FOR SALE- FURNITURE, FIXTURES and lease of first class hotel. In good town, southeastern Iowa, doing good hilsiness. clearing $150 per month. Ad dress K. Iv., care Courier. MISSOURI FARM FOR SALE-410 acres lying In Putnam Co., Missouri, Im mediately adjoining town of Lemonvllle: two sets of buildings, good orchards nnd In high state of cultivation easy terms. Apply to A. Fleslunan. owner, Lem onvllle, Mo. FOB SALE-WISCONSIN LANDS. $5 TO $20 per acre. Ttuy where you are sure of good crops, good neighbors, nnd schools, will he worth double In few years. Terms easy. Excursion rates. A. P. Starr, 125 LaSalle St., Chicago. DO YOU WANT A FIRST CLASS FARM, 40 miles from Chicago, highly improved, gravel roads, rural mall delivery, beauti ful farm, worth Investigating. Frank A. Turner, Valparaiso, Indiana. RED CEDAR DUROCS, A NICE LOT of growing pigs, not a kin, und three aged sowsv that we will sell right. Phone connections. Address 3. Fulton & Son, Moravia, Iowa. B*OR SALE—FARM. 227 ACRES, ONE mile from Ottnmwa. suitable for stock or dairy purposes at a price that makes it a good investment. Call on or address S. C, Cullen & Co. BAI.INK COUNTY TOOK FIRST AT NE braskn fair. Bargnlns in farms. $.'15 to $70 pel- acre: other laud $0 and up 320 acre hnrgain In Dawson county. F. G. Johnson, University Place. Nebraska. VOR SALE—IN SOUTHEASTERN IOWA *, 200 farms In Jefferson. Keokuk. Wapello \arid Mahaska counties, fnrms ranging from- 80 to 320 acres. Send for descrip tion list or call on C. L. Dean, Hedrlck Iowa. /OR SALE-ONE MALE HOG AND brood sow at my place at Agency. Geo. E. Warner. CANADIAN LANDS OR SALE AT wholesale prices also southern Iowa lauds. If Interested write Hilliard & Bra dy, Osceola, Iowa. FOR SALE—NORTH MISSOURI IM proved farms also one snap In Oklahoma farm, write me for list. F. P. Hitch cock. Pawnee, Mo. CHOICE CORN AND WHEAT LANDS nnd first class alfalfa lands, in Republic county. Kansns, for sale by J. E. Cas well, Belleville, Kansas. I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT my residence, three miles north of Ot tumwa. lit the old Tip Randall farm, Monday, November 2d, 1903, my entire dairy stock, milk wagon, cans, Ice house, ice tools, one span mules, a number work horses, hogs, hay, and mowed oats in stack, corn In crib and field, and other ar ticles. A1 Potter. L. O. Johnson, Auc tioneer. 'pSS^!1 ?££Vvhff! What you want wlien tfou" Wa'rit It "by Advertising in the Courier Want Col umns. Other people do. The number of people that patronise the Courier "Want Columns should be convincing: to anyone of the value of Courier Want Ad.s and this is what we want you to understand thoroughlv, that Courier Want Ads are a good thine any day you buy them. They give ttood value, prompt service and thor ough satisfaction, and satisfaction is worth Something. DR. A. J. MUMMERT EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. YOU'VE GOT WHAT HE WANTS. and he's got what you want. The thing Is to find out where he is. You may have farm and would like to trade it for a city business. There Is a fellow who lias a city business and wants to exchange for a farm. By listing with me we get these traders together. All sorts of trades, land In Dakota. Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, all over the west, to exchange. Two per cent commission In ease We get you a trade you accept. Send us what you have and what 'you want. This is a big couu try and made up of many men of mauy minds. MORRIS WILLIAMS, 'SG Baker Building. INVESTMENT We can offer you an investment for Small amounts that will pay better than anything we know of. Call and investigate. Court and Second Sis. E E A I E In At! Legal Mia ters. Esi« i-illy on MarriKfte aad Divorce, Puttueiahlp. Mortjjng**, Bills ot Side, peed«, lloDils, Notes, Stoqks, Mining, lurestiiieiite, Contracts. Atfi-eeiuenu. Collection*, Damages, Claims, interest, Homestead, Wills, Estate*, etc.. etc. Correspondence /strictly confidential. Address, Legal Bureau, Dept. H. 1122 Market St., San Francisco, Oal. FOR SALE. BUY YOUR LAND NOW. REAL FOR SALE—FEED YARD AND RESI dence. Address Box 94, Fnrkershurg, Iowa. FOR SA LE—451 ACRES, 200 ACRES prairie in cultivation, balance iu fine tim ber. There are 3,000 cords of wood on the place which will sell for $4 per cord. 80 acres of the timber land Is llrst class bottom and does not overflow. This Is a tine stock or grain farm and good soil with plenty of water nnd Is the biggest bargain In Lewis county. Is located In four, miles of thriving railroad town of i000 inhabitants. I'lice $20 per acre, $3,000 down, balance duo in five years with interest at 5 per ceut If desired. Address II. C. Ewalt. Lewistown. Mo. FOR SAI.K-STOCK CIGARS AND CON fectlonery, doing good business, low price. L. L. Mackainan, Marshalltown, Iowa. EQUITY IX A GOOD LEVEL lfiO-ACRE farm on Iowa line in central Missouri, for furniture, hardware or eastern Kan sas land. Address, L. A. Flesher, Iola, Kansas. FOR SALE, FARMS—FOR SALE ONE OF the best farms in North Missouri. Must be sold in thirty days. 020 acres gently rolling prairie. Soil rk -. dark loam. Two good sets of improvements. Rents for $3.50 per acre. Price $45 per acre. Write for farm list. Clarence Evans, Paris,Mo. WANTED. WANTED—EVERY PASTOR. SUNDAY school superintendent or school teacher that wnnts a new organ for their church, Sunday school or school to call on or write us for onr plan of furnishing the best school or chapel organ made. Oscar Arnold's Jewelry & Music store, Ottum wa, Iowa. WANTED-BAKBER, AT ONCE. YOUNG man, first class only. Good wages, steady job. Address Tlieo Mohr, Iowa City, Iowa. WANTED—MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade. Our special offer to distant appli cants Includes board and tools. No limit to term. Free work, enreful In structions. Graduates earn top wages. Wr te today. Moler Barber College, Chi cago, Illinois. MISCELLANEOUS. WRITE IMMEDIATELY FOR PARTICU lars regarding free homes on government land. Personally conducted excursions on first and third Tuesdays In each month. Walter Land Co., Pierre, S. D. PERMANENT POSITION TO LADIES or gentlemen In good towns for special work also manager for branch office, Ottumwa. wanted immediately. Excep tional opportunity. Properties or busi ness handled everywhere quickly. South ern Guaranty Investment Co, Sioux City, Iown. COMECTLY GLASSES firra FREE EXAMIiUlin TOTINEj Cheapest Excursion of the Year. Next Tuesday, any point oil Rock Island system in Oklahoma, from Ottumwa, $18 round trip. Excellent time to go to sue the country. We are going. Can you go with us'.' By the way we have 40 acre farm, nice small Improvements and can sell It to you at $55 per acre. It Is well located In Wa pello county nnd Is good land. Better buy. Good mill to trude on laud. Want 'stock of merchandise on a 200 acre farm, well located. Waut 10 or 20 acres near city to trade for 00 acre farm. O W E N E & O Court Street. TO FARMERS. AVe hereby call your attention to our line prairie, meadow autl timber lands ot Min nesota. The onlv land now Is owned ly the railroad nnd sold direct to the. settlers nnd Investors.' For full Information call on our traveling aj eut. or send him a card and he will call' ou vou. Address. JOHN P. APPLEQUIST, Ottumwa, la. Office over Cullen & C'o.'s store. Will a House, Barn,Church, Store, You Build I Schoolhouse or other structure? Buy your lumber and finishing ma terial* by wholesale andsave money* time und worry. Write us about it. mtin&tterwherc you live. Bsecfceler Lumber Co., MMMHMUXMMUkllMIMttfM 94 Brunch Street, St. Louis. DIRT BY You can jjvt k«wv3 !ch eoH iu Kari scvordir.flr to #(v«rntii*htsui tUHto lije fcirtipftr State for bjr crops atnU %.» stock, by first nutkitur inquiry by maiJ.TVb have for MIP farms ana rariebea it eveiy Kag*§* county. PrieM Terthfc fcasp. Wtftous now for lflOa list. WHERE DEP6W MAKES MONEY Fifteen men, with Senator Depew of New York as a leader, have made lance prpnts in the Bagdad Mining District of California. The Sierra GranHe lies next to the Depew mines and nffers equal opportunities. See J. £. Hougbland. Eldon. Iowa, about fti U. •.. 4/**%%i •"1 !f T* Es tate, 500,000 acres. If yon want to sell yonr farm, town or city real estate, or your business, for cash, no matter where located or what it is worth, send me price and description. If interested in North Dakota or Canadian lands, write me for circulars, maps, etc. I will give you 320 acres of the best wheat and cat tle laud in the world for $1,120, one-fourth cash and balance in nine equal payments at 0 per cent. For further particulars address, Elmer Wise, Marlon, Ind. f» 1 WANTKD-TO TRADE FOIt CITY PROP erty an 80 acre farm, three uilles south of Ottumwa. Phil Watliins, Agency, Io\va. AGENTS WANTED—WI5 WANT AGENTS to sell one of the largest nnd most com plete assortment of apple, pear, peach, plum.' cherry, small fruits, etc.. In the couutry. Stock guaranteed first class and true to name. High commissions with cash premiums on weekly and monthly sales. Also grand cash premiums at end of season. Stock billed, packed and load ed Into cars in our buildings. District managers wanted. Write for terms. Al hertson & lloblis, Bridgeport, Indiana. CHANGES IN LAWS V*1' LEAGUE OF IOWA MUNICIPALI TIES ASKS FOR SPECIAL LEGISLATION. New Authority Asked for Cities and Towns in Regard to Public Improve ments and for Taxation Levies Several Resolutions Adopted. The enactment of many laws by the state legislature are called for in a number of resolutions, which were adopted at the recent meeting of the League of Iowa Municipalities at Wa terloo. Among the resolutions is one favoring an appropriation for good roads investigation and another for a reformation of the Maws in re gard to taxation levies by cities and towns. The following were among the resolutions adopted: Good Roads Investigation. "Whereas, The Iowa League of Mu nicipalities, recognizing the vitally im portant necessity for the construction of permanent roadways, pavements I and of other municipal improvements, and utilities in the state of Iowa, and of improved methods in constructing and maintaining such roadways, pave ments and other municipal improve ments and utilities, deems it advisable: '.'"l and necessary that ample and detailed nicipal activities be secured and made she available to the cities and towns of Iowa. Now therefore, be it "Resolved, That the governor and trustees of our state educational Insti tutions be and are hereby respectful ly petitioned and requested to secure and publish in bulletin, or such other form as may be deemed proper, the in formation called for herein. Be it fur ther "Resolved, That the general assem bly of the state of Iowa be and is hereby petitioned to place at the dis posal of such state educational insti tutions such an amount of money as will be necessary to make such inves tigation of practical value and assist ance to the municipalities of Iowa. To Help Cities of Second Class. "Resolved That the general assem bly of the state of Iowa, be and is hereby respectfully petitioned as fol yows: "First—To extend to cities of the second class all of the provisions of chapter 5 to the code of Iowa, grant ing authority to cities ol' the first class power to purchase, erect, extend and improve municipal waterworks plants and facilities. "Second—To extend to incorporat ed towns all of the provisions of chap ter 7 of the code of Iowa, granting to cities of the first and second class power to construct sanitary sewers and assess the cost of the same to real property abutting on, adjacent to or benefited by the construction of such sewers. "Third—TO specifically grant to cit ies and towns, including cities acting under special charier, power to con struct and maintain sewerage and gar bage disposal plants and to condeipn land upon which to construct such plants. "Fourth—That cities and towns be given power to levy and collect spe cial taxes for the purpose of construct ing city buildings. "Fifth—That cities and towns be em powered to create street improvement districts. "Sixth—That counties be required to employ counsel necessary for the resis tance of all contested appeals from as sessments by boards of review, and to pay from the county treasury all ex penses incident to such employment. "Seventh—That cites of the second class be given authority to compensate councilmen at a rate not exceeding $2 for each council meeting, and not ex ceeding a total of $100 per annum. "Eighth—To provide by proper legis lation for a system of uniform account ing by all cites and towns, and -for the annual examination of the accounts of all cities and towns by the auditor of state. "Ninth—To provide by proper legis lation that the cost of permanent side walks, constructed by any municipality may be paid for 4n installments, and that special assesment certificates, pay able in five annual installments., and bearing not more than 6 per cent inter est, may be issued, chargeable to and payable by the property so improved and benefited." Want Elkins Law Amended. The resolutions further thank the men who read papers before the league,, and the people of Waterloo for their hospitality and congratulate Wa terloo people upon the magnificent de velopment of the city. The mayors of the state in their reso- C. OSTERTAG. L. E. ROGERS. Ottumwa Real Estate Co. 114 acres nnd seven room house, good stable and cribs, a bargain at ?4"i per acre. 110 acres three miles out, good house and stable, cheap at $-'17 per acre. IK! acres, Rood house and plenty of fruit, miles from town. $2,700. If you want a farm call on us and we will Interest you. Good city property at lowest cash prices. Several small places suitable for fruit or gardening, close in on easy terms. A good house for rent, suitable for a boarding house. Let us know your wnnts and we will try and satisfy you. Taylor Uullding, corner Main and Court streets, rooms 5 nnd 6. FOR SALE. 80 acres 3 miles northeast from Ottniuwa, 100 acres 5 miles northeast iroin Ottum wa. 2UG acres !i miles noilth from Ottumwa., ill) acres miles west from Ottumwa. 80 acre* eight miles west from Ottumwa. &0 acres joins city limits, North Side. 40 lucres Joins city limits North Side. 40 acres une mile west of Klrkvllle, Iowa. Three five-acre farms hear city limits. A large lUt of good homes In Ottumwa. Vacant lots and acre property In Ot tumwa. Two vacant lots In Des SIoluos will ex change for Ottumwa property. JOHN H. SPRY, m-"A Office 101 North Court street, &Uumvta. lowa. •i*., 1 THE OTTUMWA ipTJEIEfi. lutlons call upon congresB to amend the Elkins law by defining what, under Its provisions, shall be determined as a discriminative act or unreasonable,and that the determination thus made shall be immediately operative until overrul ed by the courts. SUDDEN DEATH. Twelve-Year-Old Son of Mr. and Mr#. W. S. Goodwin Killed by Cars. While attempting to board a moving train in the Morrell stockyards, Sat urday, Guy, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Goodwin, 408 Ma bel street, missed his hold, fell beside the track and was struck and instant ly killed by the oil box on the car fol lowing. The child had been playing on the unloading platform in the stock yards and the train was being switch ed past the platform when the acci dent occurred. There were no eye witnesses to the accident, but the re mains of the unfortunate child were seen lying beside the track by Mrs. John H. Kletnert, 414 South Walnut street, who was passing through the yards. The bptly was taken to the undertaking parlors of S. A. Crowley on West Main street. The coroner's inquest will be held Monday morning. Body is Found. The train crew did not know of tile acci dent until after the body had been found. Engineer J. Jacobson was in charge of the which was pushing two cars nnd pulling three. From all luformn tiou that" could bo obtained the child grasp ed the side bars of the car Immediately be hind the engine nnd not. being able to hold on, fell to the ground, where he was struck the oil box of the ear following nnd .! by information regarding all proper mu- the tracks toward the fou,ld came upon Daily Stock and Bond Market. Furnished liy W. E. rilling, broker, rooms 18 nnd 19, heighten building, Ot tmnwii. correspondent of the Donovan Commission Co., of St. Louis. New York, Oct. 27.—Gratifying strength has been manifested by the market during: the forenoon session, and nearly every stock on the last shows an advance in price over the opening figure. The undertone in the market is noticeably stronger and some of the buying today has been very good. The strength of A. C. P. has been the feature and it served to help the rest of the list materially. Missouri Pacific acted well and B. & O. made good gains. The industrials list was firm the steels, showing a very good tone. The minor steel and iron stocks have been well held. There has been nothing in the news this morning to emphasize local conditions. The shipbuilding reports by receiv er will be made public tomorrow. The copper muddle in Montana Is likely to be adjusted through a compromise. The sharp advance in the London mar ket helped to strengthen copper In the market. n. & o. 5a4*'J 1|(' left side of the ,1 »ead wnN badly monek'il ano tho body was V),t W!mu jirs. Kieinert was walking up when Morrell plant She immediately the body. screamed and attracted the attention of five of the employes of the1 plant, who were at work nenrhy. By this time, how ever, life had left the body of the unfor tunate boy. Mother Is Grief Stricken. The young man's father Is iu the em ploye of the Burlington and is now station ed with the pile driving crew at Mt. Pleas ant. He has not yet heard of the fatality. Mrs. Goodwill, the mother of the child, is grief stricken. She 'lias the sincere sympathy of the community In her be reavement. Qets $100,000 a Year Because he has a keen, clear brain in a vigorous body. Electric Betters give both, and satisfy or no pay. Try them. 50c. F.B.Clark. A man who has the devil in his eye is pretty full of him. Avoid serious results of kidney or bladder disorder by taking Foley's Kidney Cure For sale by W. D. Elli ott, corner Main and Court streets. An honest man is not afraid to look a reporter in the face. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Coun ty. ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath _that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney fi: Co., doing business in the City of Tole do, Couuty nnd State aforesaid, and tlint said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot, be cured n.v the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of De (Seal.) cciuber, A. It., ISKtl. A. W. O LESSON. Notary Public. Ilall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimo nials, free. F. J. CHi..EY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. TODAY'S MARKETS.' 74',4 75Vi 74% 75'/4 Illinois Ccii. .. •131% 1:11% 131 KSl St. Paul IHO'/fi M0'/i 130 141) Penua 11M% 110% 1111% Rock Island ... 25 25% 25 25% Manhattan .. .raft 1341,4 13314 134% Brooklyn 33% 34% 33% 34% Steel. Com. ... 1 V"'K Steel, l'fd 58% 51% 58% 5!% Sugar .1141/, 110 114% 11514 Peo. gas 95% 04% Can. Pacific .. 120'/4 118% 110% Wall, l'fd :n.',i :!2VJ 31", 32% Southern Ry 1T% 18Vu 17% 1S% S. Pacilic 41% 42% 41% 41% 1.. & N .100% 101% 100% JJedember May 43% 43% Oats December :wi 30% May 37 37% Pyrk— Short l!Hs-- 4 "A 10.1 G. W 14% irK 14% 1-"M N. Y. Cent ... ..11 UK, lin% 113% 11014 Tex. Pacific .. 22% 22% 23 Alton 28 28 27% 28 C. & O. ...... 2it% 30 211% 20% T. C. & I. ... 211 29% 21) Copper 38% 35% 38% Leather Com. "VI T'i 7'/, 714 M. K. T. Pfd. .",li ::n O. & W 201/. 20% 20% 120% This marlcet is furnished by Weare Grain "Co., Chicago, E. C. French,Suite 38, Hofmann lmilding, Agents. Wheat— Open.- High. Low. Close December .. ... Hl% SITi 81 si'/2 May so 79Vj 7y7iBld Cofn 43% 42% Januury V2.20 May ii.57 Lard October it..-,.- fi.r7 nccpnilier 0 .VI (.."i7 January li.ij 0.7.5 44% 43 381,8 33% 36% 12.05 IL'.'liO 12.07 12.25 (!.r, 2 H..TO t.2 'j 4s 0.52 li.r)5 Ii.117 v' 7 Northwestern Receipts. Lnst Last Today week. year. Dunlin I'.H 3."l 37:1 Minneapolis 818 450 430 Chicago 7S 111 103 Chicago Receipts Today. Wheat. 78 cars corn, 302 cars: oats, 248 cars. Estimated Receipts Tomorrow. Wheat, 140 cars corn, 02(1 cars oats, 355 cars. Primary Receipts. 'v Wheat today, 1,367.000 bushels and last year 1,705.000 bushels: corn today (138,000 bushels and last year 550.000 bushels. Shipments. Wheat today 402,000 bushels and' last year 757,000 bushels corn fIS7,000 bushels anil lust year 425,000 bushels. Clearances. Wheat, 202,000 bushels corn, 210,000 bushels oats, 20,000 bushels. Visible Supply. Wheat has Increased 1X0,000 corn lias decreased 1 .(ISTT'HHl bushels has decreased 257,(KM) bushels. bushels: oats Liverpool Cables. Opening— Wheat, %c higher cot higher. Closing—Wheat, %c higher higher.-- ViC corn, %c Hog Market. Receipts today. 25.000 left over, 2,000 estimated tomorrow, 14,000: official receipts yesterday. 14,000. MARKETS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago. Oct. 20.—Cattle. 311,000 steady to 151- lower: good to prime. 5.40ig5.!)b: poor to medium, :i.(!C*?i4.00: siockcrs. 2.25 '.'J 1.1" cows, 1.35Si4.25 Tcxans. 2.75(ij3.50. Ilogs, 25,000 5010c higher: butchers, 5.15 @5.85 good to choice heavy, 5.45ff?5.75: rough heavy, 5.10(53.40 light. 5.3505.75: bulk sales, 5.40(3,5.70. Sheep, 45,000: steady to lower 2.00@4.25 lalubs, steady 3.25@5.00. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago. Oct.. 20.—Wheat. No. 2 red. 85: No. 3 red. 82ifi'SJ: No. hard, Sl(ii82: No. 3 hard, 70(i80: October. S2 December op ened, 81%flillTs: highest. 81",&: lowest, 81: closing, HI !,.j. Corn. No. 2, No. It and No. ii white, @44V4 No. 2 yellow and No. 3 yellow. 50',! SI50%: October. December opened, 44% (Ef44% highest, 44%: lowest, 43% closing, 4H4. Oats. No. 2. 35i.Mi3(!: No. 3. 35ff/!!5«,: No. 2 white, 38w:«t No. 3 white, 3nrri37i,4: No. 4 white, 35(5,31 standard, 37(c/3S: October, 30%: December opened. ,',i/i/30%: highest, 30%: lowest. 3UV&: closing. 3(i'/(. Pork, October. 11.30: .lanuary, 12.07. Lard, October, 0.52 .lanuary. 0.07. IEIbs, October. 7.75 January, 0.32. ltye, December, 50. Timothy. October, 2.00, Clover, 10.(15(330.7o. Barley, eusli, 42(/i60. I""' Flax. 91605. Chicago Butter and Egg Market. Chicago, Oct. 20.—Butter, steady cream eries, 15M»V'*1: dairies, 14(^18. Eggs, steady 18iWll)'/4. Chicago Poultry Market. Chicago. Oct. 20.—Poultry, steady: tur keys, 135/14 chickens, OtfilOc: springs, 10U ©11- New York Butter and Egg Market. New York, Oct. 20.—Butter, firm: extrn treunicry, 22 common to choice. 1Wi21io. Eggs, firm extras, 2ti thirds to seconds, 18@28: firsts, 24(5/25: refrigerated, 18rt/21VC.. New York Poultry Market. New York, Oct. 2(1.—Poultry, alive, nom inal: dresBed, weak: chickens, 12i/i fowls, 12'/i turkeys, 15JflC: Peoria Produce Market Peol'ln, Oct. 20.—Corn, lower: No. 3, 43Vi Oats, easy: No. 3 white, .''nvyr/!{(i. New York Produce Market. New York, Oct. lilt.—Wheat, December, 87%. Corn, December, 51. St. Louis Grain Market. St. Louis, Oct. 2(1.—Wheat, cash, 89j De cember, 89. Corn, cash, 41: December, 40%. Oats, cusli, 30V4 December, 30. Visible Supply. Chicago, Oct. 20.—The visible supply of crnln today nnd year ago Is ns follows: •\Vhent. 22.484.iKK3 bushels and a year ago 29,918,000 bushels: corn, 7,324.000 bushels und a year ago, 488,000 bushels: oats, 702. 200 bushels, und a year ago 7,833,000 bush els. ooooooooocoo OOOOOOOOOQOOO 8 LOCAL MARKETS ooooooooooooo oooooooooooo Aside from a one-half cent decline In the price of hens and spring chick ens, the local wholesale markets are the'same as Saturday. The retail markets show several slight .changes. WHOLESALE PRICES. Livu Stock. •liolce hogs, 120 to 150 lbs fi.OO liolcc hogs, 150 to 200 lbs 5.20 Choice hogs, over 200 lbs 5.25 Choice sows 4.23@4.75 Stags Cows, per cwt 1.5003.00 Heifers, per cwt ..2.4533.25 2.00@3.50 4.0004.75 Sheep Lauiba Open. High. Low. Close. J-.rle 27'A 27% 27 27% Reading 44% 40 44% 45% Atcli. Com. ... 05% «7'/„ «5% 07% V. 71 Vi 72% 71% 72% M. 811% m% Poultry. Hens Spring chickens CoeUs Young ncn turkeys ... Gobblers No. 2 turkeys Geese, full feathered Ducks, full feathered Staggy young roosters Grains and Hay Wheat, fnll Oats, old Oats, new Rye, .Old Rye, new Corn Hay Oats straw Timothy seed, per bushel Clover seed, per bushel 13% 14 0 Butter and Eggs. Butter, packers pay Hggs, packers pay 35 35V, Cured, No. 2 Green, No. 1 Green, No. 2 Wool. tubwasUed Medium, washed Coarse, unwastycd Fine, unwashed Beeswax Tallow. ,No. 1 ... TalloW, No. 2 ... i'/j H'/j 5% 24(325 10'/4@20 wri !)/., 17//?18 20@23 3W RETAIL PRICE8. Flour and Feed. Flour, per sack Corn meal, 10 lb sack Graham flour, 10 lb per tack ... Corn chop, per cwt Shorts, per cwt Oata, per cwt Bran, per cwl {1.30 S 15 25 :1.15 1.15 1.1." 1 1.IKI Coal and Wood. ooal and Wood. (h, not* wu Uiu^wu9.J5 4 art* y? y% tl "Mothers! Now is the time to get the lad his fall and winter outfit. Bring him to our cozy, homelike and economical Boys' Department this week." Here's what we'll have I,' special for him Young Men's fashionable "belt" Rus sian style Overcoat... .in latest fall patterns... .these will delight the most critical of young men....all sizes.... $10 to $25 "Varsity" cut "suits for the nobbtly dressed young men who desire some thing "out of the ordinary".... broad athlotic shoulders, peg or medium trousers, in latest fall and winter fab rics and patterns... .all sizes.... $10 and $14.50 {. a Boys' Norfolk and Two-Piece Suits.. styles, ages from 3 to 16 years. Blouse Suits with large flaring sailor collars, all latest beautiful color combinations... .Norfolk in Cheviots, Worsteds, Cassimeres handsomely cut and extra well made 1 Peter Thompson Reefers will be the fad overcoat for the little fellows this fall and winter....we nave them in Friezes, Cheviots and Chinhcillas in many different styles... .handsome ly trimmemd.... $4 to $8 $2 to $10 Boys' 3-piece Suits.. ..all desirable' school wear... .Cheviots, Worsteds, ages 3 to 16 years guaranteed to be on earth for the price, $3, $5, $7.50 and $10 DOTY CLOTHING CO. The Safest Investment. any man can make is to ^et a policy in the dependable :f Pacific Mutual Insurance Co. Life-Accident Health. It Protects a Man's Family, It Helps Him When Afflicted, The advice of good business men is always in favor of the best life insurance. These policies are classed as the best. The local agent will tell you anything you want to to know about it. J- a H. CORRICK, General Agent. WEALTHY FOOD SERVED AT Successor to Geo (Jriswotl 107 N. Court St. Gunpowder Japan English Breakfast Oolong Ceylon Uncolored Japan Coffee, Mocha and Java 7V4 ,,j 7 «V4 3% .% 3W Street Price. 40@d0 22(Ji 28 30ffit33 2o@30 40 40®42 5.00£7.00 3.50®4.50 1.00®1.15 4.00@4.50 Rio, roasted Golden Rio, green Sugar, cut loaf, 13@14 lbs Pulverized, 13 lbs for Granulated, 18 lbs for Extra C, 10 lbs for Dark C, 20 lbs for IMcE roy's Restaurant Special attention given the buying and serving of food for the public to eat. REGULAR MEALS are the best to be had and our Short Order service is excellent. ,, McE LROY& McCABE, 109-111 South Market Steet. wy Opei Day and Night Soft coal, lump, per ton 3.25 Wood, per cord 3.50®4.00 Tea, Coffee and Sugar. Tea, Imperial, per IT) 25, 50, 75 25, 50, 75 25, 50, 75 25. 50, 70 25, 50, 75 70 30®35 12H-®25 25 1.00 1.00 1.00 V- 1.00 1.00 Butter and Eggs. Creamery, butter, separator, Couutiy butter, per pound ISggs, per dozen Vegetables and Fruits, Potatoes, new, per peek Turnips, per peck Onions, new, per peck ltadlshcs, 2 bunches Green apples pineapples Lemons, per dozen Oranges, per dozen Bananas, per dozen New beets, per peck New cabbages, per bead Tomatoes, peck Celery, new 1 Separator butter Gathered cream butter Hides, Wool and Feathers. Hides, cured, No. 1 ft* iii 20@25 10 30 5 J0®25 -'."Q','15 30 20S«0 20025 20 5@10 25 5@7M, Mushmelotis 5@10 Egg plants .. Pineapples Concord grapes, per basket Cal. pears, per dozen Cal. peaches, per doz Sweet potatoes Slckel pears, per peck Cauliflower Onions (plelcltng) pecu Summer squash Green peppers, peck Spanish' onions, per pound Sweet pumpkins Hubbard sqmisli ,. Eastern apples ij'rauJ'crrics. per quart ulm-cs, fancy ulovcjti »»•..« .I *. 10&1D 25 35 25@30 20(g25 25 85 20(325 SO 5 25 8 1-3 5®10 10(315 35®.40 1WH2' S 1-3 75 BlOUSd Proprietors Abstracter of Titles COLD MEDAL Paa-Aaericua Exposition. SfcK-i .., iSvtttvSJi::::" 11 20@22% 1 patterns for,f Cassimeres the best Suits IMP •.-j!.' 5 It Shows he is Progressive. 1 POWDER. For the quick preparation ol a de 1 liclous drink, for making Chocolate Icing or for flavoring Ice Cream,! Lowney's«'Always Ready Sweet Chocolate Powder has no equal. »The full chocolate quality, and properties are present, unadulg terated and unimpaired, t* fr. .%•§