Newspaper Page Text
t! —jyan SSI! p-i fMi® P"? bjj ~mwm$w Y7'n THURSDAY, May 3, 19OT. XmSQCfQ ©O© Q©© GO© ISSUE THIRTY-SIX DAN CUPID PLIED HI8 VOCATION STEADILY DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL Bale of Marriage Certificates Reached Three Dozen Mark—Some Swains May Be Waiting for the Merry June Time to Arrive. Thirty-six matches Was the harvest Of Dan Cupid during the month just passed. The diminutive love God •worked comparatively steady through out the month, beginning his labors on the first week day, April 2. He con tinued plying his vocation until Satur day, April 28. The result of the many "love fests" Sunday night failed to dissolve into anything matrimonially up to the present time, but it may be that the forlorn ones are deferring their debut into nuptialville until mar riageable June rolls around. April 26 was the busiest day with County Clerk Edwin Dungan the past month. April 2 and 24 came next. The following is a complete list of the licenses issued during the month of April: April 2—Wilton A. Murray and Miss Carrie McCoy Elmer Weber and Miss Velua Hazel Sheffer Fred Sauer and Miss Ella Rellford Gus William Hackenson and Miss Ethel Allie Scouce. I -.A nrll„3—Walter Pefk.fuid Miss Mar novel gtocker W. T. Rati iff atKV'Miss V. Morrow. ijl 4—orville C. Cowan and Mrs. Hannah Jenkins. April 5—Rhea H. Robinson and Miss Jennie Sampson C. L. Walton and Miss Achsa Grant. April 7—James B. Bryant and Mrs. Lena Eyre. April 9—Felix Santens and Mrs. Mary Fredrick John E. Amos and Mrs. Mary E. Smith S. R. Burns and Miss Ethel Hughes. April 10—Robert E. Lee Houdysbell and Miss Clara E. Snyder. April 14—Charles Murray and Mrs. Sarah Bush. April 16—Georgia W. Funkhouser and Mrs. Bessie Jones. April 18—Clarence C. Benning and Miss Margaret Ferguson Guy R. Ber ridge and Miss Annie Sheridan J. L. Goss&ge and Miss Lydia M. Johnson. April 21—Charlie Prevulsky and Miss Belle Rosenbaum. April 23—William P. Bartholow and 'Miss Emma E. Acton Fred J. Silvers and Miss Helen A. Murphy John P. Murphy and Miss Anna Louise Bar bour. April 24—Allen O. McFarling and Miss Olive I. Koontz William R. Airy and Mrs. Eola M. Rossen Frank O. Larson and Miss Julia Josephine Nel son Franklin B. Smart and Miss Katherine Schaub. April 25—Roy R. Rush and Miss Jennie M. Baldwin Elmer C. Crane and Miss Edith Jameson Lee E. Swanson and Miss Lena A. House K/THOUX It's ten to one, those teeth you admire so much were filled or crowned at our "Parlors," and isn't it preferable to^go modern dental office' than to the old fashioned Chamber of Horrors? New System Dmtists Open Sun ys and Even- "'•s Suti^l ,•*£ hflrnfrefo SSCS93SSS3SS9SSSSCSS3SS33S3SSS3SS3SSSSSS The finest selection of Boys' and Children's Caps in the city. Peach &Cresswell, Sellers of Goo Clothes, 207 E. Main Street.- Merritt- Townsend and Miss Bessie Cottrell Amos B. Pherlgo and Miss Catherine Barker Frank h. Huey and Miss Katherine MoOre. April 27—Harry ^l. Schafer and Miss Lora V. Hadley. April 28—Charles B. Parrott and Miss Edith Ethel Kibler Benjamin D, Howell and Miss Jennie Judson. PLEASANT HOME. Pleasant Home, May 2.-—The semir annual meeting of the Pleasant Home Telephone company was held Satur day night. Rev. Randolph preached the funeral of Wm. T)verturf of near Belknap Sun day morning. Adolph Schoeck of Golden City, Col,, is visiting his brother, Walter Schoeck. Clara Lathrop lefl the Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday evening. Miss Sadie Daly spent Sunday at her home in Ottumwa. Several young people spent Sunday at John Bachman's. Herman Dixon and wife visited Sunday at Mrs. U. L. Harlan's. Ed. Lames was baling hay in this vicinity last week. Frank Lathrop spent Sunday at Fred Jones'. Clem Millard and family spent Sun day at John McCoy's. SALEM. Salem, May 2.—Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Randolph entertained last week Mr. Randolph's brother, D. W. Randolph, and wife, who were enroute from Cali fornia to their home at Aurora, 111. Granville Almond is adding a new kitchen to his town residence. John Marshall, of Eldon, arrived Monday for a few days' visit with friends. Mrs. J. Bunker and son returned to their home near Keokuk Monday. Charles Gough is at home after an extended stay in Kansas. Mrs. J. W. Hawkins was quite ill last week with tonsilltis. Elmer Miller, of Vermont, 111., is vis iting at the home of his father, Mason M®ler. Last week Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moon enjoyed a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Kenworthy, and her husband, from Mt. Pleasant. Thursday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fjriend, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Adeline, to Clyde Hux ley. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. J. Jones in the presence of the immediate relatives of the con tractlng parties. Mrs. May Hoggatt, sister of the bride, played the wed ding march. Congraulations, a deli cious supper and social conversation followed. O. A. Garretson has gone on a busi ness trip to New Mexico. Mrs. Arthur Hammer and daughter have arrived from North Dakota. They will make an extended visit at the home of Mrs. Hammer's father, Alfred Trueblood, and other relatives. Dr. Rawhouser went to Keokuk Sat urday and returned Monday. A. S. Craig, of Kansas City, Mo., is a guest at the home of his brother in-law, A. C. Pidgeon, and family. An excellent program of music, rec itations, discussion on the football subject, dialogue, etc., was well ren dered by the Whittier college stud ents, at the college building Friday evening. Miss Beatrice Arnold, of Mt. Pleas ant, spent from Saturday until Wed nesday with her brother, Bion. Quite a number are expecting to at tend the tenth district Christian En deavor convention to be held at Mt. Pheasant May 4, 5 and 6. 'Home Missions Among Foreigners in America" was the topic at Chris tian Endeavor meeting at the Congre gational church Sunday evening. The drama, "East Lynne," is billed for the Salem opera house tonight. Mrs. Etta Dilts, of Primrose, is vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Triplett. Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Smith visited relatives at Denova last week. The funeral of Cora May, aged 1 year 4 months and 23 days, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hobson, was held from the Chestnut Hill church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The remains were laid to rest in the Friends cemetery at Salem. Mrs. Melvin Smith and Mrs. Gough drove to Chestnut Hill Thursday and attended the funeral of Cora May Hobson. Mrs. D. S. Keller entertained at din ner Wednesday Mrs. J. T. Ingrin, Mrs. Tomes, Mrs. O. H. Tyner, Mrs. J. M Evans, Mrs. H. Slack of Belle Plaine, Mrs. Clifton Cook of Sioux City was the guest of honor. A Salem troupe gave "Heroic Dutch man of '76" at St. Paul Saturday ev. ening. Mrs. B. G. Hankins and little Mi riam returned Saturday after visit ing relatives at Fairfield. Mrs. Sue Pickering will depart Sat urday for Galena, Kansas, where she il •I- 1 Other Boys Are Wearing a New Spring Suit Why Not Yowtf? A new suit makes the boy feei better and look better.? Our line of Xtra Good Clothes for Boys is the largest and most complete we have ever shown. We don't handle the 98c kind, but it will be to your inter est to let us show you what we give for $2, $3, $4, $5 and $6. GOOD clotse/ FOR BOW "will visit with relatives and friends before she returns to her home at Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Clifton Cook and two children went to Keokuk Saturday. While theye they are the guests of Mrs. Clif ton's sisters, Mrs. Harry Reeves and Mrs. Fred Garretsoo. STOCKPORT. Stockport, May 2.—A ,J. Douglas was called to Kirksville, Mo., Tuesday by telegram announcing the serious illness of his son, Willis. On reach ing his bedside he found his son in a dying condition, and 1-e passed away shortly after Mr. Douglas arrived. His remains were brought back here and intered Friday in the Spencer cemetery, east of Stockport. G. L. Lyon arrived home from Canada Tuesday. He is highly pleased with that country. E. EG. Hall wh ac companied him bought 320 acres of land and will remain there. O. W. Allen and John Crawford came back from Panhandel. Texas, Tuesday. Mr. Crawford purchased 640 acres of land. A. J. Jacobs an old anr respected resident of Cedar township died Thurs day morning and was buried Sunday^ in the Hillsboro cemetery. A large amount of fruit trees have been delivered in Stockport the past week. Farmers are putting out all kinds of fruit and beautifying their homes by planting shrubbery and making cement walks. Will Mickelweight of Hillsboro was in the city Thursday looking after some real estate. KILBOURNE. Kilbourne, May 2.—Conductor Dins more preached at this place last Wednesday night. The church was crowded, there being quite a number from Douds, Leando, Mt- Zion, and al so from the other preaching points, some distance in the country. AU seemed to enjoy his talk very much, and felt that he was truly a man of God. The M. E. church at this place has been without a minister for some time, but Rev. Williams.has been sent for the remainder of the conference year, and will preach his first sermon next Sunday evening. The school is progressing nicely with Ethel Cornell of Keosauqua, as teach er. Mrs. C. W. Gilbert is seriously sick with Intermittent fever.* BONAPARTE. Bonaparte, May 2.—Twelve men are employed here on the bridge, which is to be erected over Honey Creek by the Rock Island railroad. About a month will be required to finish the work. The Union Telephone company have rented the upper rooms in the Cresap building on the corner of Washington and Second streets, and will move the telephone board up this week. Georgia Troutman and Florence Haynes will have charge of the office. Mrs. U. G. Brown has returned from her visit in Tucson, Arizona, and will reside with her daughter, Mrs: A. Mc Donald. Miss Sophia Simmons is visiting relatives in Fairfield. Geo. P. Chapman returned to his home at Sanborn, Minn., on Monday. The Schroeder family have moved into the- Bushell property in East Bonaparte. Wayne Kerr spent Monday in Keo sauqua with his sister, Mrs. Fred Rigsby. Mrs. D. T. Sherman and grandchil dren have gone to their new home in Chicago. Mrs. Alford of Albia, is visiting at the home of her son, W. A, Alford and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chapman and little niece of St. Louis, are visiting relatives here. Dorothy Ryland entertained a num ber of friends at her home on Tuesday evening. W. E. Smith is visiting in Canton, 111., with Chas. Sandford and family. Jas. A'. Davis is visiting friends and relatives in Topeka, Kansas. Chapter A. B.t P. E. O. was enter tained by Mrs. J. L. Haynes Monday afternoon. FAIRFIELD. Fairfield, May 2.—The republican county convention to select delegates to the congressional and judicial con ventions will be held Thursday, May 10, a call to this effect being published today. The primaries will be held next Tuesday. Another convention will be held at a latter date to select delegates to the state convention, this being con sidered best because of the fight over the governorship. An attempt to enter the residence of Huph Carmichael on West Burlington street was made Monday night about 1:30, but the supposed burglars were frightened away before they effected an entrance. This is the first burglary or attempted burglary in Fairfield for some time. The junior class of Parsons college have issued invitations to the annual junior banquet for Friday, May 11. The grand jur" was in session yes terday about ten minutes after con vening. Finding nothing before them they adjourned at once. Willard Boyd, who has been night clerk at the Leggett house for some months, has resigned his position and jaone to Lake City, Minn., where he *ill take up day work in a large hotel there. THE O N 52 Thomas will entertain the Roscoe -Iff i&UW OTTVMWA COUUIBB seniors of the college and their friends at a six o'clock dinner Thursday even ing. A reception will be given Rev. W. F. Jones, the new pastor of the Presby terian church, at the church tomorrow evening CHARITON. Chariton, May 2.—Mr. and Mrs. John Welch left on No. 6 Tuesday for Valley City, being called there by the illness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hlmmelrich, of St. Joe, were in the city yesterday for a brief visit with their many friends. Mrs. Boynton and daughter, Helene, went to Indianola last evening to attend a musical concert. From there they will go on to Des Moines for a few days' visit. Mrs. C. Bodkin and children, of St. Joe, are visiting in the city with friends. Mrs. Lafe Miller returned last even ing from Reglna, Canada, where she was visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Decker. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox, of Shenandoah, who have been visiting with relatives near Columbia, re turned home Tuesday. Messrs. A. M. Savely and Silas Bur ley, two of the successful farmers of Wayne county, were in the city yester day. Dr. J. C. Bell, of Lucas, and Dr. George Croston, of Cleveland, were in the city Tuesday on business. RAILROAD NOTES. CONSODINE INJURED. Milwaukee Machinist Is- Knocked Senseless With Sledge Hammer. John C. Consodine, a machinist at the Milwaukee round house, was se verely injured yesterday morning. He was employed with another wprkman in driving a bolt out of a frame, when the sledge hammer, with which the bolt was being driven out, caromed off the chisel that he held and struck him on the right brow and cheek. Mr. Corrsodine was unconsckrtis for a short time as a result of the blow. However, when examined by Dr. S. A. Spilmin, it was found there was no serious injury, the accident being con fined to a slight cut on both cheek and brow and severe bruises. Mr. Conso dine will be unable to work for several days as the result of his injuries. Hayes Leaves Burlington. Albert J. Hayes, who.has been su perintendent of bridges arid building on the Creston division of the Bur lington, has resigned and has accepted a position with the New York Central system. He will be succeeded by W. H. Gentle, who has been foreman of bridges on the Creston division. The Creston Advertiser-Gazette has the fol lowing to say of this change: "Albert J. Hayes, who has been su perlntendent of bridges and buildings of this division, with headquarters in this city, has resigned his position with the company in order to accept a position of a great deal more re sponsibility and higher compensation with the New York Central system, with headquarters at Hammond, Ind. Mr. Hayes' resignation takes place at once and he will leave this evening for his new home, at which place he will become engineer of maintenance of way, having charge of what is known as the Chicago & Indiana Har bor line from Chicago south to Streator, 111., and of the Three I's sys tem from Clinton to St. Joseph, Mich., and the Outer Belt system, which encircles Chicago. Mr. Hayes will he succeeded at this point as superintend ent of bridges and building b/ W. H. Gentle, who has been promoted to the place from foreman of bridges. In the loss of Albert Hayes, the Burlington loses another of the valuable men who have followed W. C. Brown to the New York Central lines, and have bettered themselves by going east to receive recognition for their abilities in a new field of operation. Mr. Hayes com menced work for the company sixteen years ago in the capacity of water boy at Fairfield, where his father had been in the bridge department for a num ber of years. Is Made Superintendent. "He steadily advanced to the position of bridge carpenter, then to bridge foreman and on the recognition of Zach Taylor was made superintendent of bridges at this point. In every posi tion in which he found himself Mr. Hayes has been found a valuable man, and in all the line of employes for the company there has been no man who has commanded to a larger extent the respect and affection of his fellow em ployes and his men than Albert Hayes. He is as true as-a needle to the £ole to the interests which command' his services, but at the same time is one of those whole souled men who make friends among all with whom they come in contact. While sorry to lose hi? as a companion and as an associ ate, yet his fellow employes rejoice with him in the deserved promotion which has eome to him, and are con fident that the position simply offers him a stepping stone to higher places in the railroad world, and those who •have learned to admire Mr. Hayes in this city will rejoice at any news of continued advancement which may be his lot. W, H. Gentle Appointed. "W. H. Gentle, who succeeds Mr. Hayes as superintendent of bridges and buildings, is an old employe of the railroad company, having come to the system in 1880, and being therefore thirty-six years with the company. Since 1890 Mr. Gentle has been fore man of bridges and is recognized as thoroughly familiar with the work and competent to meet any emergency that may arise. He is a married man and with his family has lived in this city since the early days of the city, and the promotion comes to him as a rec ognition of his fidelty to his trust. It is pleasing to the Burlington employes that the succession has fallen into the hands of an old employe who has de served the place, and in Mr. Gentle the company secures the services of unusual talents for the position to which he has been appointed." J. W. Bottorff, of Chicago, traveling mmiimmrniiim THIRTEEN .' ALARMS FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONDS TO "HOODOO" NUMBER DURING MONTH OF APRIL One Was False—Flames In Ottumwa During Past Thirty Days Caused But Little Damage—Chief E. E. Living ston Makes Report. Thirteen alarms of fire were re sponded to during the month of April by the Ottumwa fire department. Twelve of these resulted in damage, and one proved false. The depart ment in almost every case was not compelled to resort to water power in order to extinguish the fires, the chemical being sufficient to do the work. The monthly report of Chief E. E. Livingston is complete as fol lows April 1—Telephone alarm at 10:30 a. m. Fire in one-story frame located at the corner of Center avenue and Ash streets, occupied and owned by Samuel Peirce. Loss on house and contents $90. Insurance on house and contents $750. Fire caused by gasoline. Extinguished with the chem ical. April 4—Telephone alarm at 11:80 p. m. Fire in second story of two1 story brick. located at 317 East Main street. Owned by J. D. Murphy and occupied on second floor by William Wagner. Loss on building $25. In surance on building $2,500. Loss on furniture, $80. Insurance on furni ture $500. Cause of fire unknown. Blaze was extinguished' with the chemical. April 5—Verbal alarm at 4 p. m. Fire in grass and weeds near Leo street. There was no damage and the fire was extinguished with chemicals. April 16—Telephone alarfin at 6:30 p. m. Fire in two story brick on South Wapello street, known as old starch factory. The cause of the fire is unknown. There was no loss and the fire was extinguished with the chemical. April 17—Telephone alarm at 1:30 m. Fire in one story frame, located on West Samantha street, occupied by Peter Swenning. The total damage was about $150. The origin of the fire is unknown. April 18—Verbal alarm at 12 p. m. Fire at Market street bridge. No loss. Extinguished with chemicals April 19—Telephone alarm at 5:40 a. m. Fire in basement of brick locat ed at 235 West Main street, owned by C. W. Brown. Loss on building $39.46. Loss on furniture of occupants of base ment none. Fire caused by gasoline stove. Extinguished with buokets. April 19—Telephone alarm at 6:30 Fire reported a,t 416 North Wapello street. False alarm. April 20—Telephone aterm at 4 p. m. Fire in small frame woodshed located in rear of 215 North McLean street. Loss $25. Fire caused by bonfire. Extinguished with water. April 23—Telephone alarm in one and one half story frame house located on East Mill street. House owned by James Conifers-and occupied by Lewis Croc®. Loss on house $50. No in surance. No loss on the furniture. April 25—Telephone alarm at 8:30 a. m. Fire in the rear of Ot tumwa Gas company's office, located on south Green street. Building a two story brick owned by Mrs. A. W. Johnson. Loss on building $50. In surance $10,000. Caused by burning papers in alley. Extinguished with water and the chemical. April 25—Telephone alarm at 1:30 p. m. Fire at Union depot. Loss $10, fully covered by insurance. Fire caused by spark from engine. Blaze extinguished by the chemical. April 26—Telephone alarm at 10:15 a Fire in one and one-half story' building located at 222 South Willard street. Owned and occupied A. Schenk. Loss on house and by contents none. Fire caused by leak in gas pipe and was extinguished with buckets. freight agent for the Nashville Chat tanooga & St. Louis railroad, was in the city today on business. Elder J. Olson, of Chicago, traveling freight agent, for the Canadian Pa cific, was in the city foday on busi ness. HAZEL DELL, Hazel Dell, May 2.—Delia Smith and Inez Truitt visited Dora Overturf south of here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Bohe of South Ottumwa were the guests of T. B. Gep hart and wife Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Souers is on the sick list this week. Flora Cockerill spent Sunday at the Carlson home. I,, l. Dexter was the guest of his son, F. L. Dexter, last Thursday night and Friday. Geo. Kater and wife attended the funeral of the late Wm. Overturf, which was conducted at Sherman chapel, south of here, Sunday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. H- E. Swenson of Ot tumwa, spent a pleasant day Wednes day with Mrs. Swenson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Workman. Mrs. Ada Baum and children visited Sunday at the M. Baum home. Mrs. Wm. Rose of Ottumwa spent a few days last week at the J. G. Krueg er home. Mrs? Hiram Bortz of Ottumwa, vis ited last week at the home of her father, John Yahn. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smith from near Bladensburg were guests at the W. G. Smith home Saturday night and Sun day. Mrs. Fannie Gephart of South Ot tumwa visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hollingsworth. W. D. Ramsey from south of this .place, took dinner with O. G. Truitt and family Sunday. I Regena McHugh visited the latter part of last week with her sister, Mrs. E. z. Pixiey. of ottumwa. Dale Truitt and sister Inez spent Saturday evening at the W. G. Smith home. J, P. Hollingsworth and family, spent 1 sk it is" •M iud _L 18c covered Pails at eadh Tin, copper bottom Coffee Pot, each 15c Egg Beater and Cream Whip 3 quart Round Dinner Pails, each Mrs. Potts' Nickle Plated Irons 19c Milk Pails, with covers, only .., Four 9 inch Jelly Tins 19c Wash Basins for The regular preaching services will be conducted at the Zion M. E. church bv Rev. John Hunt Sunday, at 3 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMaster and lit tle daughter Vera spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Headman of Agency. Born, April 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Skinner, a daughter- Our Great Smashing Sale I We are positively going to close out our stock of Merchandise apd it must be done before AUGUST 1st. Fancy China Going at Rock Bottom Prices Dinner Sets Rosebud design, regular price 100 piece set $19.50, Smashing price Royal Austrian China tEe kind that fires, regular price 100 piece set $19.00. Smashing price These are sold by the Set or Piece. White Cups and Saucers, by the set 35c White Plates to match, by the set.v. ,35c ...8c 15c 10c 10c 10c 75c 15c 26c Miners' Square Dipner Pail Granite Ware 10c MQULTON. Moulton, May 2.—Velma and Guy Elam departed last evening for Stock ton, Cal., to visit with their sister, Mrs. Jessie Edwards. The latter was in the earthaHake but escaped unin Jured. Ed. Piatt, who lives south of town, is very low with consumption. G. W. Bryain was in Centerville op business Saturday. Prof. George, of Albia, was in town on business yesterday. Will Kimball, Jr., came in the first of the week to spend the summer on his father's farm, Mrs- Kimball will soon come from her former home at Qshkosh, Wis., arid also spend the summer here. Mrs. Sarah Sneed depaj/ted Satur day evening for Ogden, Utah, to visit her son, Gilbert Sneed. She was ac companied as far as Omaha by J. Br Speed. Olney Wingard and Jaeie Smith, who were married, last evening, de parted on the midnight train,. They •wiMif" fP08SS9*Pfi**?n 1 Brass Door Keys, A Smashing Sale and Smashing Prices TINWARE 10c Four 8 inch Pie -t A Tins tor PC Cuff buttons, ijL 6 tor 4 inch wire Hooks 1A and Staples 10c Fish Scales, each Window Stops, 13 for 4 inch wire Hasps and Stops, 3 for 9 inch Tin Pot Cover lUC Six quart Milk Pans, retinned Four quart Tin Sauce Pan 8 inch Tin Pot Cover 10c 10c ...8c ..4c ..4c Four quart retinned heavy Milk Pans ... 10 inch tin Pot Cover 11 inch Tin Pot Cover iOc Box Soap for ... Everything Going at COST A. M. Stewart & Co. 116 East Bain Street, 'A Satisfying Dinner & is one that is cooked right and served right. Our dinners are always right. So are our breakfasts and our suppers. We serve you with what you want and we cook it In the very best way. We make a separate order of every individual meal apd cook it like the custom er wants it. That's the reason why we do the grater portion of the restau rant business in Ottumwa, Sunday at the C. C. Cockerill home. Mr. and Mrs. John Krueger from near Chillicothe, Mrs. Muller and Miss Dora Krueger of Ottumwa, visited Sunday at the parental J. G. Krueger home. The Monohon saw mill on the J. A. Kennedy place began work last Mon day, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hartman of South Ottumwa,,spent Sunday with F. L. Dexter and family. Mrs. J. P. Hollingsworth and little daughter Maye and Anna Myers vis ited with Mrs. Susanna Mendenhall Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Haines and chil dren of South Ottumwa, were Sunday visitors at the F. P. Salter home. McElroy's Restaurant.' £1' 4 -ft Hi! 8 15,00 -'\v SCRUBBING BRUSHE8. All our Gx Fibre Scrubbing Brushes, regular prices, 26c, iQo, 16c, smashing prices, .lie if .....10c .5c ... 4C 6 quart ]Wilk Pans, plain 4c «..t Tv ......7c Doper Egg Beaters at ..ft 13c 25c Milk Strain ?5c Flat Files, 15c or two for 15c Flat Files, for 2§C 10c 25c will probably make their home ai Montpelier, Ohio, iwhere Mr, Wlngari a is in business. John Goode and son Frank passed through here Monday for Norvilla s Montana, to visit for a few months, Big preparations are being made foi the debate between Moulton and Cen-» terville here Friday evening. The Centerville students will have a special train" to accommodate them as about?r 150 or more intend to be present.' The)9 question for discussion is "Resolvedr that the present system of eiectlnsP United States senators is preferable toil electing them by a direet vote of th#e people." Moulton has the affirmative'" and Centerville the negative. It is a good topic and will Interest ail, Itjd will be a hard fought battle for. hot sides will probably be well lnjortned. kt The Old Fiddlers contest the Woodman hall yesterday evening was very amusing to »U and a gooi time resulted. LANCASTER. riu Lancaster. May 2.—Zena "fhomad and George Schwenke finished a very. successful term of school here last isr Friday. Mrs. Gaunder and her daughter Xelle of Keota, are spending a few 'v days with Mrs. Geo. .S$cwenke. I A large erowd attended the picnic hi and program at the school houefe lafct Friday. Mrs. McPhearson is on the aiek list at the present time. Miss Ethel Jacobs of HayesviHe, 14 spending this week with her coUsip Wrs. Frank Jacobs. MRS. PHOENIX CHO$iSl.j' Re-elected President at Convention of Daughters of Revolution,, Philadelphia, May 2.—The natkm&t convention of tjie daughters of the Revolution' whip}) closed today re-fleet ed Mrs. D| Phoenix of Ingrah{«n, New York president,