OCR Interpretation

Ottumwa tri-weekly courier. [volume] (Ottumwa, Iowa) 1903-1916, May 19, 1906, Image 5

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

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SATURDAY, May 12, 190ft
WAIST SETS-rA nice. line.
CUFF PINS—Any style.
BRACELETS—Some beauties.,
HAT PINS—All styles.
RINGS—All kinds and sizes.
Call and see them.
Chas. Peck
220 E. MAIN ST.
One Door East of Globe Tea.
,:Wllllam T. Love the Inaugurator of
Proposition Whereby the Worthy
Poor of San Francisco Will Be Sup
plied With Modest Homes,
A movement that has every prospect
of developing into the provision of mo
dest though comfortable homes for the
tens of thousands of homeless victims
of the recent Pacific coast disaster has
been inaugurated by a former Ottum
wa resident, one William T. Love, who
made this city his home from 1862 to
1873. The following communication,
calling attention to the proposition and
asking for publication, has been sent
out by Mr. Love to editors of American
"Stricken San Francisco,
"(After the Fire),
"May, 1906.
"To the Editor—
"As a sequence to one of the great
est calamities ever known, and as re
quested by Mayor Schmitz of this city
(see following article) will you give
space in full, in your publications, to
the enclosed appeal, appearing in the
Oakland Tribune of May 6, so as to
help us. to get the necessary money to
house tha tens of thousands (mostly
women and children) who are now
huddled, living and sleeping on the
ground or in shelters that are wholly
inadequate to protect them from weath
er, rain or storm—a menace to the
health and strength of our people.
"The northwestern part of the city,
occupied by the well-to-do, was nearly
all saved. Thus the homes of the rich
suffered the least, while those of the
poor, as a rule, with all their posses
sions, were utterly wiped out.
"In this extraodrinary emergency, in
this dire need of tens of thousands—•
one of tho greatest ever known in our
county's history—we hope the press
will be able to realize present appal
ling conditions—at least of the worthy
poor—and so help us to the extent of
giving as much and as continued pub
licity as possible to the following ap
"Help us to help those who are will
ing to help themselves, but who now
need your help to secure publicity,
"This is a supreme duty.
"Sincqrely yours,
"William T. Love,
"Chairman of Committee in Charge."
The Oakland Tribune Story.
I-endorse the following appeal and
ask the press of the country to give it
as widespread publicity as possible.
Trie necessity is urgent and immediate.
Moneys sent to the Western National
Bank of San Francisco or to the First
National bank of Oakland, as direct
ed, will be properly accounted for,
and, in this crisis, will do unmeasur
able good. E. E. Schmitz,
Mayor of San Francisco.
San Francisco, May 3, 1906.—I
would like to tell the people of the
'United States about the most worthy
.nd self-helpful movement that has
een developed—or rather accentuat
ed—by the recent tremendous cata
clysm here a movement that may
lead the way to a great reform in the
housing and homing of the wage
earners of our land, I would tell you
/about it in extenso, if space could be
-spared for the purpose. As it is, I
Mr must confine myself to the more di
rect and limited portion of the propo
sition that deals alone with the hous
ing here of present homeless thous
To Build Homes.
An organization of working men has
been formed to build homes for its
jown members, establish stores and
industries, ail on co-operative
lines, following the Rochdale system
that has been so very successful in
Great Britain where over $400,000,000
of business is done a year, on meth
sods proven successful by twenty-eiglit
poor weavers, who were so poor that
four to six cents a week was all they
could contribute to their initial effort,
that finally achieved so grand a suc
The recent holocaust here has ac
centuated the necessity for such a
plan of self-help and home-getting for
San Francisco. Tens of thousands, in
cluding women and children, are now
living and sleeping on the ground or
in temporary shelters that are wholly
Inadequate to preserve the health,
morals or working condition of the
people. So the necessity is great and
Abundance of Work.
There fs to-be an abundance of work
in the rebuilding of the city, and this
will enable the wage-earners to pay
for their own homes. The trouble is,
in this crisis, that everything, practi
cally, must be provided in advance
the money from wages will not come
fast enough—the net savings of the
workers, above living expenses, will
not \be sufficient to promptly rehouse
and re-supply the wants of the multi
now burned out, who have lost
everything, or nearly everything.
ley will be easily obtainable by
Iters and the rich, to enable
them to rebuild the city and re-estab
lish themselves but without help, in
the way here proposed, there will be
great difficulties to be overcome by the
worthy wage-earners of this city In
their efforts to get the money to re
habilitate themselves and secure rea
sonable homes.
Ask No Charity.
This self-helpful organisation, asking
no charity except publicity, proposes to
build for themselves two, three and
four room, one story houses, to be lo
cated in the suburbs, where excessive
danger from Are will be eliminated.
These houses will cost, furnished,
about $400 to $600 each. On a ten per
cent basis, they would represent a rent
charge of $50 to $60 a year or $4.17 to
$5 per month per home. Counting out
taxes, repairs, "etc., these houses would
easily pay six per cent interest, per
annum, to those advancing the money.
Now this company of workers, called
the Co-operative Home and Industrial
association (purely a co-operative com
pany, and in no sense a building and
loan scheme, to make money for any
one), wishes to borrow the money to
buy land and build these homes for its
own members. To get this money, it
purpofees to issue ten year gold bonds,
(with privilege of repaying after five
years), secured by first mortgages on
the property. The mortgages will run
to a trustee to secure the owners of
the bonds.'
To Issue Bonds.
These bonds will be issued in denom
inations of $5, $25, $50 and $100, BO
that anyone, according to his or her
means, can help tad so participate In
the investment opportunity thus aye
ated. The bonds will draw interest at
the rate of six per cent per annum,
payable quarterly in New York ex
These loans on homes will be per
fectly safe, for they will be based on
Income earning property, with monthly
payments into a sinking fund for their
final discharge. The monthly expense
for these homes, the sinking fund pay
ment included, will be so seasonable
that no one could afford to leave them
to rent elsewhere In a city where,
owing to the destruction of so many
buildings, rent will be very high.
Now these stricken, but undaunted
and self-belpful worklngmen, the very
pick of wage earners, appeal In this
business like way for the money with
which to build these homes. All who
are willing to invest, in a large or
small way, are urged to send their
names and addresses to the under
signed, who will immediately mail
them full particulars. Or, better still,
send the money you wish to invest to
the Western National Bank of San
Francisco or to the First National bank
of Oakland, Cal., to be exchanged for
a# like amount of these six per cent
Every proper safeguard will be
placed about thpin. The titles will be
perfect and will fee guaranteed and in
sured. Promptness is much to be de
sired, for the situation demands action.
The cause is a most worthy one. Please
act promptly.
William Love, Chairman.
867 Bowth St., Sta. L„ San Francigcp.
Leon Girl Slips Away from California
Santa Monica, Cal., May 18.—Quiet
ly ellping away from their families
and friends in Los Angeles, Miss Ora
DeEtta Yaple and Oliver Cromwell
Dlvely arrived in San Bernardino and
went at once to the county clerk's of
fice where they secured a marriage li
cense and were married by Justice of
the Peace Thomas.
Miss Yaple was stylishly gowned
and attracted considerable attention
around the court house.
The bride stated that she was a na
tive of Leon,, Iowa, although she had
not been there since childhood. She
was 25 years of age. The groom said
he was born in Topeka, Kan., and was
25 years old. Both are residents of
Los" Angeles, Dlvely residing at 208
Avenue 38. They will make their home
in that cit- as the crroom is connected
with the Golden State Realty com
pany. After luncheon they left for the
Angel City.
Their romance began in a ball room
in Pasadena four years ago. "We
wished to avoid notoriety," he said,
"and it will be a big surprise to our
relatives and friends.*'
Gypsies Were About to Be Hunted
Down When Boy's Crv Was Heard.
Des Moines, May 18.—Baby Cher
dron, only one and a half years of age,
the jewel in the family of Frank Cher
dron, Thirty-flfth street and Forest
avenue, was missed at 8 o'clock Tues
day morning shortly after a gypsy
caravan had passed the house wend
ing its way westward. The father,
who is Associated Press operator at
the News office, was more than mildly
excited when a neighbor said that he
had seen the overland travelers stop
near Thirty-fifth street, and pick up
something near the sidewalk- It did
not take long to figure out that the
"something" was the jewel of Cher
dron household. The police were
called and Detective Art Brunnemer
was assigned to the case with the or
ders to rush in a telephone, call for re
serves and bloodhounds in the event
the child had really been kidnaped.
Not long after the report had been
made to the station another report
came in.
"You don't need to look longer for
that baby," was the second report.
"He is found. He was hiding in the
Mrs. Rachel Hughes-of Salem, Passes
Away Sunday.
Salem, May 18. Mrs. Rachel
Hughes, the oldest resident of thip vi
cinity, pussed away Sunday morning,
lacking but three years and a half of
rounding out a full century of a life
in this world, She was born In Can
ada, November 1,1809, making l»^r age
at the time of her death 96 years, 6
months and 13 days. She was the
mother of fourteen living children, one
daughter dying nine years ago, at the
age of 34. Mrs. Hughes was a woman
of remarkable intellect She endured
the hardships of pioneer times and
raised and educated her children, mak.
ing of them good citizens. She was
tenderly carelj for by her daughters in
her declining years. She was much
esteemed in the community and was
an active member of the Friends
church. Theft funeral services were
held at the hbme Monday evening at
6 o'clock, an* the remains were laid
to rest In the F!
those of her
riends cemetery, beside
usband and daughter.
Ten Thousand New Box Cars Also Ad
ded to the Rolling Stock of the Road
—A Fe\y Figures Concerning the Re
cent Addition
The delivery of the 250 locomotives
and ten thousand freight cars, or
dered by the Baltimore and Ohio rail
road during May of last year, has^just
been completed and are now in service
with the other equipment. This great
ly augments the company's facilities
for promptly handling the largely In
creased and enormous volumes of
freight traffic.
The magnitude of this order of rail
road equipment is almost Inconceiv
able to the general public. With an
expenditure of about $16,000,000, much
work was involved in famishing the
enormous quantity of material for the
equipment, which, when in service,
would be sure to greatly aid the earn
ing powers of the road and much
more than insure the reimbursing to
the company for the money so spent.
Such an expenditure serves to show
the necessity which existed for suffi
cient capacity to promptly and proper
ly handle the constantly increasing
traffic on the road, and also has an in
dication of the general trade prosper
ity throughout the country.
The Size of the Engines,:
The aggregate length of the 250 lo
comotives, if placed in line and cou
pled together, would stretch over a
distance of 3% miles. If placed side
by side and end to end, they would
cover an area of four acres. The' total
number of eubic feet which would be
occupied if these locomotives were
placed In a pile would be equivalent
to a mass 300 feet long, 42 feet wide
and 200 feet high. Of the number, 210
are consolidation type freight engines
measuring 68 feet 8% inches in length
from the tip of the pilot to over the
drawhead of the tender.
Thirty-five are Pacific type passen
ger locomotives 72 feet, 9 inches long,
and five are switching engines 55 feet,
4% Inches long.
Imagine the enormo"us power of
these locomotives, when the total
length of a train which could be hauled
by them, if all were coupled together,
would be 153 miles, consisting of about
21,000 loaded cars of 60,000 pounds ca
pacity, and the total weight ot tho
train would be about 929,430 tons.
10,000 Freight Cars.
Of the ten thousand freight cars, the
length of the 80,000 pound capacity
box cars, over couplers, is 43 feet, 6%
inches for the steel twin hopper gon
dola cars, 45 fqet, 2 inches for the
composite low side hopper end gondola
cars, 45 feet, 2% inches, and for the
Rodger ballast cars, 44 feet, 9% inches,
Alleged That Captain Had "Always in
the Way" Played As Dirge.
Washington, D. C., May 18.—Assist
ant Secretary Newberry of the navy
department has asked marine corps
officials fors information concerning a
story printed in many newspapers
charging that Capt. Bearss, of the ma
rine corps, who is serving on the bat
tleship Wisconsin, recently had the
popular air, "Always In the Way,"
played as a march at the funeral of
C. W. T. Lawrence, a private who was
drowned while carrying dispatches
near Olangapo, P. I.. No official ad
vices have been received about the
conduct of Capt. Bearss, whiph is said
by newspapers to have thrown sailors
and marines almost into mutiny.
Young Iowa Journalist Passes Away
While Seeking Health in West.
Washington, Iowa, May 18.—Bert
Rayan, formerly city editor of the
Washingron Journal, died Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 In Cheyenne, Wyo.,
Rayan left this city six weeks ago, to
seek a return of his health among the
mountains of the west. He was unsuc
cessful in his quest, and steadily de
clined until his demise yesterday. He
waB about 25 years of age, and his
journalistic work here promised
bright future ahead of him, which was
cut short by his early death.
Mrs. Hunter Dies Aged 80—Aunt of F.
M. Hunter, of Ottumwa.
eKokuk, May" 18.—Another of Keo
kuk's old and sturdy pioneers was
called to the great beyond when Mrs.
Elizabeth Hunter, for fifty-eight years
a resident of this city, answered the
supreme summons and peacefully
passed from this life Wednesday.
During the half a .century
and more that Mrs. Hunter
and her late husband, Robinson
Hunter, lived in Keokuk, the history
of their lives has been interwoven
with that of the city, and the death
of Mrs. -Hunter, besides bringing a
keen grief to many loving friends
marks the passing of one of the last
pf that early band of pioneers who
jatd well the foundations for the
greater Keokuk. Her nephew F.
Hunter resides In Ottumwa.
Richland, May 16—Fhiiip' Wagnor
of Ollie, was in town on business last
Miss Freda Thompson of Keota, hi
here visiting her grandmother, Mrs.
John Thompson drove over to Keota
last week to call on friends.
A1 Johhson of Woolson was a
Washington visitor last Thursday.
Oscar Hlnshaw, who is working on
John Fye's house in Ollie, spent .Sun
day With his family^
The entertainment given at the
Christian church last Wednesday
evening wag well attended. The se
lections given by Miss Gleda Hough
ton of Burlington were heartily en-
cored. A number of vocal solos and
music by the orchestra were inter
spersed and highly appreciated.
Tandy Jones is building a nice
dwelling house in the north part of
the city.
Quite a number were cleaning the
cerpetery last week.
Gene Davis and family are all slok
with the measles. Mrs. Rob Sasseen
of Pleasant Plain is taking care ot
Rev. Wall and family moved last
week into the Wm. Scbrelver proper
Mrs. Fred Smith is at home again
after several days' visit with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nelson in
Miss Sophia Hoogenakker of Pella,
returned to her home the fore part of
last week after a short visit with her
brother, H. E. Hoogenakker.
Mrs. Wm. Jones of Clay, was in
town Saturday, trading and calling on
Jas. White came over from Keota
Sunday to spend the day with rela
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Swank and Mr. and
Mrs. George Long visited Bert Wig
gins and family near Fairfield Sun
Quite a number went from here last
Friday evening to OUie to attend the
band concert.
Mrs. Jas. white and children of Ke
ota. have been visiting Mrs. White's
parents several days.
The'G. A. R.'s, are .making prepara
tions for Decoration day. Rev. Bar
nett will deliver the address.
Miss Britta Anderson came down
Monday for a visit with her friend,
Myrtle Coffman.
John Kent made a business trip to
Washington last Thursday.
Munterville, May 15.—Mr. and Mrs.
Sanders Pierson and sons Harold and
Glen and Mr. and Mrs. N- P. Pierson
and daughter Annie, and son Orville
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. William Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Hasselrooth
called at the home of their son, O. W.
Hasselrooth. last Sunday.
Rev. E. T. Llndeen held services in
the Lutheran church at Hitman last
Mrs. Charlotte Carlson gave a din
ner to Mr. and Mrs. Gust Carlson and
children and Miss Alma Carlson of Ot
tumwa last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johnson rislted
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
John Locke.
Eric Johnson of Ottumwa, spent
Sunday with his parents, M*\ and Mrs.
Gustave Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dickson visit
ed Sunday at the W. R. Smith home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larson enter
tained a large number of relatives to
a uinner at their home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Baldwell called
on Mr. and Mrs. John Kephart last
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Esther Hultman visited over
Sunday in Ottumwa with friends.
Mrs. Nels Swenson spent Sunday
afternoon with Mrs. M. F. Hokanson.
A crowd of young people from here
were entertained Sunday at the Chas!
Harlan home In Ottumwa. Among
those present from here were: Misses
Ella Harlan, Lena Anderson and Pearl
Smith. Messrs. Chas. Burnstedt,. Al
bert Burnstedt, and Frank Peterson.
O. E. Pierson of Ottumwa is visit
ing at the home of, his cousin, Sander
Samuel Johnson was calling on
friends here last Friday.
Miss Minnie Nelson of Ottumwa,
spent Sunday at the home of her pa
rents, JMr. and Mrs. Swen Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. August Burgeson
at dinner Sunday.
Mrs. j. M. Nelson and daughter
Hulda spent Thursday with F. O. Lar
Mrs. Johannes Pierson, Mrs. Gustaf
Johnson, Mrs. August Hultman called
on Mrs. E. T. Lindeen Sunday after
Oscar Hasselrooth, Chas. Anderson,
and Jacob Swenson were in Avery
Sunday morning.
Roy Pierson was a caller here Mon
Mrs. Elna Jacobson visited last Sat
urday with Mr. and Mrs. August Pe
Eddyville, May 17.—After but a few
days' Illness, Mrs. Thomas Bridges
died at her home about six miles
southwest west of town, at 9 o'clock
Tuesday evening, May 15, aged 40
years. Mrs. Bridges was taken sick
the latter part of last week. On Sun
day she suffered a stroke of apoplexy,
and another on Monday night. She
is survived by a husband and six chil
dren. Burial will be made at Albia.
The family formerly lived here, but
of late have lived near Frederic.
H. Vanderpol has repainted his
house and barn at Lawn Field.
The graduating class of the high
school had a picnic Sunday on the
Mineral Springs farm,- across the riv
er. Professor Yeager accompanied
them, and they took their dinners with
Charles Schoff and son, of Ottumwa,
were here Monday in Mr. Schoft's new
gasolene launch.
Chas. Sturgeon was in Des Moines
Monday afternoon on business.
On account of the baccalaureate ser
mon next Sunday night, there will be
no services at M. E. church. Rev.
Kemble of Oskaloosa, will preach In
the morning.
Mrs. N. W. Ward has been attend
ing the bedside of her daughter, Mrs.
D. O Clapp, at Albla.
Among the late cases of sickness re
ported are the following: Miss Edna
Kietit, Mrs. J. L. Sipes. the little son
of J. S. Oldham, Geo. W. Dashiell, two
babies of James Johnson, south of
town, and Mrs. Chas. Tangy, of Lost
Miss Sadie Cecil, of Buxton, has
been visiting at the A. L. Cecil home
this week.
M. O'Connor returned Tuesday from
a short visit in Ottumwa.
G. D. True has leased his business
block to S. A. Townsend of Oskaloosa.
Court Orders Investigation of Accusa
tion Against Former Treasurer.
Terre Haute, Ind., May 18.—Judge
Piety has instructed the grand jury
to investigate the accusation based on
a report by an auditing company that
ex-County Treasurer William Clarkp
is short $78,000.
The chairman of the citizens' com
mittee which supervised the examina
tion of the books says he has no part
in and knows nothing of the grand
jury investigation. It Ip not generally
believed there will be one.
Clarke says the auditing company's
report is incomplete and that he will
employ acountants In whom the public
has confidence to go ov": the books
...—. -%.-v
Veitch Dies.
Demise of Former Business Man Oc
curred This Morning at 10:20 o'clock
—Funeral Saturday—Allen Walker
John Bauer, an aged and highly re
spected citizen and one of the pioneers
of this city, passed away Thursday
at 10:20 p. m. at his home, 609 East
Main street. At the time of his death
Mr. Bauer was 75 years, 4 months and
20 days old. He had been a resi
dent and prominent citizen of this city
for nearly fifty years.
He is survived by his wife, two sons
and four daughters, all of whom were
present at his bedside. The daughters
are Mrs. N. L. Van Gent of this city,
Mrs. G. F. Stodghill of Salina, Colo.,
and Misses Phllomena and Cecilia
Bauer. The sons are Joseph Bauer of
Oklahoma City, O. T., and Jacob Bauer
of this city. The funeral services will
he held next Saturday, the exact time
fwhich has not been decided.
John Bauer was bom December 27,
1830, in Port Chilton, Pa. On October
18, 1853, he was married in St. Paul's
church at Cincinnati, O., to Miss Anna
Winter. Shortly after Mr. and Mrs.
Bauar moved westward and located at
Ottumwa fifty years ago this coming
During the early years of his resi
dence in this city Mr. Bauer was the
proprietor of a brick and tile works
here. After this be was connected
with one of the first Ottumwa brewer
ies. Later he was a member »of the
firm of Bauer & Kelster, plow manu
During later years, Mr. Bauer was
connected with a number of different
local breweries. In 1886 he and his
family moved to Pueblo, Col., where
he became the proprietor of a brew
ery. In 1889 they returned to this
city and have resided here since that
Mr. Bauer had been a lifelong mem
ber of the Catholic faith, and a de
voted member of the Sacred Heart
church since its erection. He was of
a kind disposition, and commended the
respect and goodwill of his fellow
men. His home life was that of
good man, being revered and loved by
his children, and ever devoted to his
wife. The death of Mr. Bauer will be
keenly felt by his innumerable friends,
all of whom will join with his sorrow
ing family In mourning his loss.
Infant Dies.
Allen Walker Veitch, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Pearl C. Veitch, died Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the age of 8
months and 16 days. The funeral
services were held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the family res
idence, 508 West Wilson street. Rev,
D. C." Smith conducted the services.
Interment was made in the Ottum
wa cemetery. The nalibearers were
Misses Crete Allen, Fay Cummings,
Hazel Chisman and Bertha Worm
Fairfield, May 16.—Hugh Hayden of
Eldon, a brakeman on the Rock Is
land, had the misfortune to have the
thumb on his right hand taken off 'n
the Rock Island yards here yesterday
morning, while, working ^a coupling
He was able to go home In the after
The annual reunion of the Jefferson
County Old Settlers' ssociation will
be held here Tuesday and Wednesday,
September 3 and 4. These reunions
have become grealt events of late
years, and it has been decided to have
a two days' celebration this year, The
reunion will be more elaborate than
in former years.
Mrs. Harrv Thorne departed last
night for Santa Fe, N. M., for an ex
tended visit with relatives.
J. S. Fisher of Ottumwa, has as
sumed the leadership of the Forest
City band of this city, and began his
work last night.
Mars Hill, May 15.—Mary and Clara
Is Awaiting You
here and at all times we are anxious
to please you. Kindly notice that at
this store no scheme Is operated to
mislead the people—one price to all
and that one the lowest.
Box of Carpet Tacks lc
Paper of Needles ..lc
Sewing Silk, spool .lc
Dozen Patent Hooks and Eyes lc
School Handkerchief lc
Bar of Toilet Soap ...lc
Pencil Tablet lc
Paper of full count Pins lc
Rubber Ball lc
Yard of Silk Ribbon lc
Patty Pan lc
5 Slate Pencils lc
Buttonhole Silk, spool lc
Pie Tin lc
Embroidery, per yard lc
$2.00 Ladles' fine low Shoes at .. $1.48
$1.50 Ladles' White low Shoes at $1.25
20c Ladles' Summer Vesta at 2 for ?gc
85c Ladies' fine Vests, extra, qual. ?4e
76c Men's Summer Underwear 48c
50c Men's Summer Underwear 39c
$3.50 Men's fine Dress Shoes $2.98
Best $2.25 Men's fine Shoes .... ,.$1.98
Boys' long-wearing $2.00 Shoes..$1.75
Misses' fine $1.50 Shoes $1.25
$2.50 extra fancy Umbrella at ,.. .$1.98
$1.00 grade in Men's Dress Shirts. .69c
Odd sizes in Men's 50c Dress Shirts 25c
Men's $2.50 Dress Pants at .......$1.98
Best 75c Tljptyrfillft 49c
The Fair
HI 118 E. Main Street
D6iters visited with Mrs, Otta Buch
oltz last Saturday.
Chas. Morgan and family of Ottum
wa are visiting at the George Delters'
home a few' days .this week.
Mrs. L. H. White called on Mrs.
Sadie E. Mowery one day this week.
Mrs- Sadie E. Mowerv gpent Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. Shank,
The frost has damaged some small
The farmers say the ground plows
up better than it has for a long time,
and they all think they will have a
nice crop.
Miss Mamie Courtney visited Mrs.
Shank Wednesday.
Hazen White was in Floria Friday
on business.
Neal Courtney spent Thursday in
Mr. and Mrs. George Deiter celebrat
ed their twenty-fifth wedding anni
versary Thursday with a nice dinner.
A few of their friends were there, and
a pleasant time was enjoyed by all.
Harry Mowery and Chas. Morgan
were visitors at the Stevens homo Fri
F. Y. White was In Floris Thursday.
Stockport, May 15.—-E. E. Hall and
family left Saturday on the morning
train. Mr. Hall has been in the drug
.busines here the past two years.
A large and enthusiastic meeting
was held in the opera house ''Friday
night in the interest of the proposed
lnterurban railroad from Keosauqua
and Fairfield. This is a much needed
enterprise and tho citizens will co
operate with the promoters of the en
Quite a number of citizens spent
Sunday on the banks of Cedar, ang
linsr for fish and gathering flowers.
There was a meeting of pitlzeps.last
night to make arrangements for a
Fourth of July celebration.
M. L. Shelman shipped a car of
hogs to Ottumwa Saturday.
Chariton, May 15.—About fifty menir
bers of the W. O. W. lodge will go to
Lucas Sunday to attend the unveiling
of a monument over the grave of
Thomas Munger. Sovereign Schlei of
Omaha, and national lecturer for the
W. O. W. lodge, will deliver the ad
Smoke Noxal Club cigars. 5c.
Joe V. Dorsey, candidate for coun
ty recorder, was in Lucas Monday,
looking after his political interests.
About thirty young friends of Marie
Bowen surprised her at her home
Monday evening, as she and her moth
er expect to leave the last of the week
for Canada, where Mr. Bowen is en*
gaged in business.
Mrs. Buzzard of Russell visited in
the city Monday.
H. W. Almack of Weller was In the
city yesterday, while enroute to Tex
as and New Mexico.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Whltcomb are
the parents of a son.
Elijah Lewis of Washington, D. C.,
is spending a few weeks with h'? rela
tives and friends.
Wants to Solve Transportation Prob
lem of Great Metropolis—Similar
Line In England in Course of Con
struction j|t Present
F. B. Behr, the Inventor of the mono
rail system of transportation, is in
New York at the present time, work
ing for the consideration of his Inven
tion as a solution of the great transit
problems that are vexing both the
authorities of that metropolis and tho
According to the inventor it would
be possible with his system, to haul
passenger cars at an average speed of
100 miles an hour, tho fastest time
made bv express trains at the present
time. Mr. Behr has maped out a com
prehensive system of rapid transit for
New York, which would bring all five
boroughs and the uttermost parts of
those boroughs into close communica
tion. Ho says, he has the capital
ready to begin the construction of the
system, provided he can get the re
quired franchises from the authori
The Routs.
to his plamJ the line
would extend from Tottenvllle through
the whole length of Staten Island to
the Narrows, under the Narrows by
tube to Fort Hamilton, thence through
Brooklyn to the Eant River near the
City Hall, under the East River by
tube to Manhattan Island, up Man
hattan Island by subway and elevat
ed to the Bronx and Kingsbrldge. Ac
cording to the inventor's plan every
point in any of the boroughB would
thus be brought within fifteen min
utes of Wall street. Of course, there
would be lateral lines and branches,
the whole system making about 46
miles of four-track road.
One of the branches would run to
Coney Island, and for this "road Mr.
Behr now has an application pending
for a franchise from the junction of
Atlantic and Flatbush avenues, in
Brooklyn, out Fourth avenue and
other streets to Coney Island. At a
recent hearing before the ralrroad
committee of the board of aldermen
Mr. Behr offered to give the city the
free use of his patents if the munici
pality would build the Coney Island
Attains High 8oeed.
The Behr "mono-rail" which has
been endorsed by engineers in this
country and Europe attains very high
speed bv the use of electricit-- for pow
er, applied to a motor car running on
ft single rail. Thie rail is laid upon
the apex of an A-shaped structure,
either on the,surface, Underground, or
as an elevated line, and the car strad
dles it as a rider does a horse. Both
sides of the car hang far below the
rail, thus lowering the center of grav
ity, so 'that it is impossible for the
car to turn over or leave the rail.
In practical operation on a trial
track three miles-' long at the Brus
sels exposition the Behr cars main
tained an average speed of ninety
miles an hour over a course of
curves and straight track and the
commission named by the British par
liament, which gave Mr. Behr a fran
chise to build one of his roads from
Liverpool to Manchester, reported
that an average speed of 1X0 miles an
hour could be made with perfect safe
ty. The Liverpool-Manchester line
Is now under construction.
JV' TW-'
Resident of West Mill Street Commit*
Rash Act Then Denies It—Physl
clan in Charge Has Doubts Of Recov
ery of Woman,
Mrs. May Roberts, 821 West Mill
street, attempted to commit suicide
Wednesday about 9 p. m. by drink
ing carbolic acid. A physician was
called and tho necessary steps taken
to obtain her recovery if possible. This
morning her condition is so favorable
as to give the physician In charge the v.
belief that her rash action will not ?.i
prove fatal. However, he stated that
there were grave doubts as to whether
It would be possible for the woman to
It was stated this morning by par
ties living in the Bame houaa, that the
deed was prompted by despondency
over domestic troubles, and her phy
sical condition, which was caused by
over work. This morning to those at
her bedside Mrs. Roberts denied hav
ing taken the acid. When asked aa to
the cause of the burns noticeable over
her mouth, she Is said to have replied:
"Well, I must have held my lips to the
stove." Mrs. Roberts has been a cook
In the different chop houses of the city
for a number of years and is well
known among the restaurant employes
and proprietors. I
_M. .m m.
Depot Men Win.-
The clerks of the Ottumwa office gf
the Burlington defeated the Burlington
office clerks Saturday at Burlington
by the scorq of 12 to 0. A Burlington
scribe has the following to say tof the
"The event.following the high school
game was one of the sightliest affairs
seen on the diamond this year. Sen
sational home-run knocking by the vis
itors won the contest. In the first
round, Lathrop landed on the leather
with a vicious whack, and drove it
skipping along the ground until It
went under the fence through a con
venient hole, with the bases full. In
the third, Shaub drove a screecher
over the left garden that landed In the
apple orchard and scored two men.
Plxley repeated the trick In the eighth
when, fortunately for the locals, no
one was on base. The five remaining
scores of the vts\fjors came In some
times legitimately a^d sometimes on
"Burlington brought in live
bunching hits in the fourth and^eighth'
but were unable to overcome/the vis
itors' lead, although playing a hard
game throughout. In fact much in
terest was added to the contest by the
strenuous life the locals lived while
in It. Their limbs, used to delicate
office work, grew weary long before
the game was over, chasing the flies
which the Ottumwans knocked out.
Considering everything, their six er
rors was a remarkable record, and
showed evidence of much agility on
The game was the first the locals
have lost In several years in this city,
and strenuous efforts will be made to
regain their lost prestige In the return
contest at Ottumwa next month, ftjjfti
"Among the 'features' which were
as thick as the pins on an old-fash
toned pin-cushion, might be mentioned
McPeek's brilliant imitation of AnniB
at short, especially when he pulled in
Lathrop's red-hot grounder In the
fifth, the good pitching of both McMil
lan and Brockman, Purdy's catching,
which was worth the price of admis
sion alone, and Plxley's home run.
The line-up:
"Burlington—Baker, 3b Humphrey,
lb Peterson, rf McPeek, ss McMil
lan, Orbln, ft) Rupe, cf Hoagland,
if Purdy, c.
"Ottumwa—Plxley, lb Miller, 2b
Other Railroad News.
M. C. Hughes, chief clerk in the of
fices of the superintendent of the Ot
tumwa division of the Burlington,
spent Sunday visiting with his family
In Burlington.
Patrick Murphy, a truckman at the
Milwaukee freight house, who haa
been ill for several days, is reported
to be improving rapidly.
Superintendent W. H. Given of the
Rock Is'.nnd route, passed through the
city yesterday afternoon in h(p private
car No. 1919 attached to Rock Island
train No 302, en route from Des
Moines to Eldon. Trainmaster Edward
Winslow and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fowler of
Des Moines, accompanied Mr. Glvin.
Adolph Sander, stenographer in the
office of the superintendent of the Ot
tumwa division of the Burlington, la
having a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Sander
have already left for Denver, Colo.
During Mr. Sander's absence his place
Is being taken by Earl Jacobson. i,-
New York Putter and Egg Market t'%w.
New York, May 18.—Butter weak,
creamerv 14@20% held, 14@17{
renovated, JO@16 factory, 11@15.
Eggs steady, unchanged.
Peoria Produce Market.
Peoria, May 18.—Corn, No. S, 49 %,
Mrs. J. E. Chandler, 288 North Mo
Lean street, left this morning on the
Rock Island for Klrkville, where she
wm yjsi£ friends.
Currier, cf Lathrop, 2b Brockman,
Sander, rf Shaub, Blount, If
WllSOn, SS. !i
"The score by Innings: dM R. H. E.
in to 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 5 4 6
Ottumwa ... 50201002 2—12 13 8
"After the game the local team en
tertained the visitors with a banquet at
the Depot dining hall. More than
thirty persons partook of the team's
y. 'tp

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