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Ottumwa tri-weekly courier. [volume] (Ottumwa, Iowa) 1903-1916, October 25, 1906, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

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42 THURSDAY, October 25, 1908.
Tells of What the Republican Organi
zation Has Accomplished as a Party
In Legislation—What the Protective
Tariff Has Done.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Major John F. Lacey, congressman
from the Sixth district and candidate
to succeed himself, delivered a politi
cal address last evening at the Fry
opera house in South Ottumwa. The
audience was a large and enthuslas
tic one, filling to its capacity the large
auditorium, and according the speak
er generous applause.
Previous to the beginning of the
meeting the Fifty-fourth regiment
band paraded the streets of both the
north and south sides. At 8 o'clock
the gathering was called to order by
County Chairman E. K. Dougherty,
who introduced J. A. Ballard as chair
Chairman BaHard took his place
and addressed the convention briefly,
closing by introducing as the first
speaker of the evening Major Lacey.
Mr. Lacey said in part:
"Mr. Chairman, Ladle and Gentle
men: For a good many years It has
been my custom to speak on the
South Side. I' always like to speak
on this side of the river and it has
come to be an established thing that
I should do so, once during each cam
"As I came into the hall this even
lng and looked over these front rows
here, for a moment I thought I had
gotten into a post meeting, I saw so
many of the grand army boys here.
It has been a pleasure to me to look
after the business of the old soldiers
of this district. There are on record
something like 10,000 pension cases
that I have looked up. That seems
rather large doesn't It? for there are
not 10,000 old soldiers In this district,
but I have not confined myself to this
district, and wherever an old soldier
has written to me about his pension, I
have tried to look It up.
"The old soldiers of this country do
not need much information or instruc
tion concerning what has been done
by the political party that is In power
today, and has been during the great
&r~i>art. of the time in the last fifty
"However for the benefit of the
others here tonight I want to gather
up a few of the tangled skeins of his
tory so that they may get an idea of
the conditions that existed at the time
of the formative period of the republi
can party.
"In 1852 both the democratic party
and the whig party declared for the
fugitive slave law. In 1854 it came in
the shape of the new republican party.
In 1856 under the oaks at Jackson,
Mich., John C. Fremont was nominat
ed as the first republican candidate
for president."
After speaking of John Brown's
wild and reckless raid into Virginia
and his defense of the old engine
house at Harper's Ferry the speaker
continued. "The man who led the Vir
ginia troops in the attack on the en
gine house was Thomas J. Jackson,
later known to fame as 'Stonewall'
Jackson. The man who led the feder
al troops was Robert E. Lee then un
known outside of army circles.
Brown was defeated, captured and
sentenced to be hanged. As he was
led out to his execution he saw In the
crowd a colored woman with a little
colored baby and he motioned to her
to bring the baby to him, and took the
child in his arms and kissed it. Then
he went olf to die, to die for men as
certain as did ever any man die for
men in this world. His death warrant
was signed by Henry A. Wise, then
governor of Virginia.
"Now let us turn to April 9, 1865, at
Appomattox. The name of Stonewall
Jackson had flashed across the sky of
fame with all the brilliance of a me
teor and he had taken his place as a
soldier along side of Napoleon. At
Chancellorsville he had laid down his
life. Robert E. Lee was In command
of the army of Virginia and hence
"Henry A. Wise, now a major gene
ral, also surrendered and Grant re
turned his horse to him as he did to
all the mounted confederate officers
and soldiers telling them to take them
home to raise grain with. When Wise
returned to his home he found it deso
late and in ruins and his house was
being used for a negro school. And'
who do you think was teaching that
negro school in Henry A. Wise's
house? None other than a daughter
of old John Brown of Ossawatomie.
"Think of it, what a wonderful
chain of events we are thus permitted
to outline in few words. Think of the
changes that the space of a few
short years had brought. This was
the formative period of the party con
cerning which I am to speak to you
"In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was
elected as the first republican presi
dent of the United States. When the
war commenced the loyal democrats
rallied to his support. When the war
closed it closed upon an united people.
"From this point on I want to out
line some of the salient features of
the progress of the republican party.
The first matter to confront the party
was the payment of the enormous ob
ligations assumed to meet the ex
penses of the civil war. The constitu
tion was bo amended that none of the
obligations of the Confederate states
$ should ever be assumed but that the
gg, debts incurred by the national gov.
eminent should be sacred. The re
publican party stood for the payment
of these, dollor for dollar, In gold or
Its equivalent, though some had been
contracted during toe time of a de
based currency."
In speaking of the selling of the
Panama canal bonds recently Issued
and the wonderful success which the
government met with in disposing of
them, the speaker continued: "Thus
was the ration rewarded. The credit
thus sustained in the dark hour of
trial now enables us to borrow enor
mous sums of money at a less rate
than eny other country on earth.
"Then came the qu'estlon of the re
sumption of specie payments. The
republican party said that the pay
ment of specie should be resumed.
The Issue was fought out and the re
sumption came. Instead of contract
ing the currency of the country as It
was claimed It would do, It expanded
it and the hard times predictions did
not come true. In 1896 financial is
sues again came before the people of
the country. The republican party
said, 'stick to the gold standard.'
Again was the Issue fought out and
the republican party won.
"What is the result? Again the
currency of the country has been en
larged, and where there were In 1896
¥22 per capita, now there are $32 per
Our party was founded on the
ruins of the whig party. When the re
publican party came into power the
whig party died. That party's princi
pal platform was the stand for the
principle of a protective tariff Under
the oaks at Jackson, Mich., when the
the principle of opposition to human
slavery, the protective tariff policy was
incorporated into its platform, and it
remained there. However, the matter
did not become a live issue for many
years as the enormous debts incurred
during the civil war necessitated for
their paj'ment a tariff high enough to
be protective in Its operation.
"The. first campaign in which the
tariff was the issue Was that of 1888.
This campaign, which was my first by
the way, was the one between Benja
min Harrison and Grover Cleveland.
Harrison won. The tariff was revised.
It had to be. Under the then existing
schedules there were enormous sur
pluses every year. The McKlnley law
was passed and five weeks later the
republican party was organized on
the country. During the last two years
of his administration Harrison had
deal with a hostile congress that
thwarted his every move.
"Two years later the same issue
came up and this time Cleveland won.
Then we had trouble. My good friend,
who is opposing me, says that the re
peal of the McKinley law did not come
until 1904 while the panic began in
1903, ergo, the repeal of the bill had
nothing to do with the panic. Let me
tell you why. In 1892 the democrats
had a majority In the house of repre
sentatives. In 1893 it was seen that
they would have a majority in the sen
ate. That meant that the McKinley
law was to be repealed. What was
the result? The manufacturers began
at once to reduce their output and to
manufacture on orders. The Working
men having less employment, con
sumed less and soon the panic was on
In full force.
"In 1S94 the Wilson law was passed
which ran until 1897. You know what
the conditions were during those years.
The other day Bryan went down into
North Carolina to make a speech.
They shut up the stores and the shops
and made a holiday for him. Bryan,
in 1894, was on the ways and means
committee and helped to form the Wil
son bill and gave the country a holi
day which continued for four years.
"In L896 both sides promised prosper
ity. Bryan presented a silver rainbow
of promise and said open the mints to
the free and unlimited coinage of sil
ver. McKinley presented a golden
rainbow of promise and said open the
mills and not the mints.
Coming of Prosperity.
"McKinley was elected by a major
ity of half a million. He called con
gress together and they repealed the
Wilson law and enacted the Dingley
law. But still prosperity did not come.
My good friend Hamilton says that
prosperity did not come as a result of
the enactment of the Dingley law, be
cause it was some time after its en
actment before the return of the pros
perity. Why Because when it be
came certain that the Wilson law
would be repealed, every importer in
the country began to stock up and it
took time to work these goods off.
"But prosperity did come. That was
nine years ago and the nine years that
have passed since then have been un
equaled in the history of the "United
States or in the world. The net bal
ance of trade In the 111 years up to
1897 was $283,000,000. In the nine
years that have elapsed since then the
balance of trade has been $4,898,000,
"My friend Hamilton explains all
this. He says it is not the tariff but
the climate and the soil that we have
In this country. Why, bless my soul,
didn't we have the same climate and
the 3ame soil during Cleveland's ad
ministration? I think we did. The
complaint then was over production.
This year we have the biggest corn
crop that ever grew out of the ground
in Iowa but you haven't yet heard any
body say. 'Yes, but we will not get
anything for it.'
Change in Laws.
"Abraham Lincoln once said in sub
stance that 'every country consists of
its land, Its people and its laws. The
land and the people stay there but the
laws change. We had the soil and
the people in 1893-7 it was the laws
that were at fault. The farmers of
this country have found out that it is
the employed workman that is most
profitable of all markets. The home
market is within our reach, where we
can control it, and when we throw it
away like we did then, we have to
fight for the foreign market just the
Major Lacey then dwelt at length on
the coming Jamestown exposition
which Is to be held commemorating the
landing of the first English colony in
the American continent. He spoke of
the mouth of the James as the historic
center of the United States and re
lated the very many things of historic
interest which could be viewed in this
art of the country.
"There," he continued, "you will
also see celebrated the fact that there
is no longer a north or a south, the
obliteration of the Mason and Dixon
line. There you will see evidences
a new industrial south. The whole
country has blossomed like a rose un
der the fostering Impulse of the pro
tective tariff. All over the south in
dustry Is progressing. The protective
tariff of the republican party protects
the whole country. There is no north
nor south in a republican tariff now.
Bryan's New Issue.
"Col. Bryan has come home with a
new paramount issue. That Is the
ownership of all the railroads either
by the national or the state govern
ment. The trunk lines by the nation
and the short lines by the state. Roose
velt hat! stood for the curbing and
controlling of the railroads. His pro
position is to so regulate the roads that
the abuses that have crept into their
management will not be allowed. But
Mr. Bryan, together with Mr. Hearst
of New York says, 'buy them and own
"There are many objections to this.
In the first place there is the great
cost. The national and state govern
ments would have to assume obliga
tions to the amount of $12,000,000,000
to $15,000,1)00,000 to purchase these
lines. They could not be confiscated.
They must be paid for in cash or obli
gations. Another result would be that
it would do away with the taxation
of the roads. Last year the roads paid
in taxes in the United States $54,000,
000, $2,000,000 of which was paid here
In Iowa.
"If tha roads become state or nation
al property, they can not be taxed
any more than you can tax the court
house. Again the one and a half mil
lion employes of the railroads of this
country would pass under the control
and management of a commission, and
that a political one. Would that be a
good thing? I do not think so. I would
trust no politician or political organiza
tion with-the charge of such organized
political force. I think too, of the im
mensity of the thing. Look at the Rock
Island railroad with 18,0?0 miles under
one management. There you can see
the results. You know that thre is
much complaint on the management of
this road. No doubt but it will improve
in time but compare to the proposition
of 18,000 miles, that of 225,000 miles
under one management and that a po
litical one.
Tried and Failed.
"And the best of all reasons against
this plan Js because it has been tried
and it has failed. Wherever it has been
tried it is not successful, excepting
perhaps in Switzerland and Belgium
two little countries whose smallnese
makes it feasible.
"In Russia, Germany and the other
large countries where the plan of
governmental ownership is in opera
tion, the rates are higher, connections
are not as good, and the general ser
vice less satisfactory than in the Uni
ted States. There is nothing in such
a proposition for a vast country like
"We have also state questions this
year. In 1856 the republican party
came into power in Iowa and has re
mained so ever since with the short
exception of Governor Boies' two
terms. We have had good government
and have been well managed begin
ning with the time of James W.
Grimes and continuing on down to the
administration of Albert B. Cummin-!.
At no time has this management been
any better than during the last five
Worthy of a United Vote.
"This year you have a good ticket
from Governor Cummins on down to
your candidate for coroner, worthy
of a straight and united vote," Major
Lacey then urged the importance of
the election of Senator Harper and E.
J. Moore to the state legislature that
they might vote for a republican sena
tor. He stated it Was not a question
of who the voter liked but of how he
wished to cast hos vote on the great
political issues that will confront the
natural senate. The speaker said the
same thing applied to the election for
governor, that the voter must consider
what kind of a senator, democratic or
republican, the man for whom he
cast his vote foi^governor, would ap
point In case of a vacancy in the sen
Speaking along the same line In re
gard to the congressional ticket he
said: "Do the people of the sixth dis
trict want to vote for a tariff for reve
nue only? If they do theyshould vote
for Mr. Hamilton. But if you want
the vote of the district to be recorded
as It has been then you must vote the
republican ticket. You know by fif
teen years' experience just what I
will do. You have honored me beyond
my deserts, and in a way in which no
man in Iowa has ever been honored.
You have given me ten consecutive
nominations by acclamation and I
would be an ingrate if I did not ap
preciate it. I have tried to deserve it
by standing up for the party and by
fighting for it, and by not apologizing
for it. Recently in answer to an in
quiry of two democratic friends of
mine, who asked me if I would prom
ise the continuation of the present
conditions I replied, 'That Is a pflstty
big thing you ask of me, but I will
promise you this, that by no act of
mine shall the present industrial pros
perity and conditions be disturbed.'"
Notable Legislation.
Major Lacey then dwelt upon the
legislation passed during the session
of 'The fifty-ninth congress, known as
the congress of achievement. After
telling of the various measures which
had been enalpted by this congress Mr.
Lacey spoke of the President which
this congress had so ably supported.
He said: "The President of the Uni
ted States deserves well of this coun
try. My opponent, Mr. Hamilton, said
recently in a speech that if elected he
would stand by Roosevelt. What a
magnificent endorsement of a republi
can President. That same President
recently wrote a letter to Representa
tive James E. Watson of Indiana, ask
ing that the people of the country re
turn to him a sixtieth congress like
unto what the fifty-ninth has been. He
asKs that, and he has a right to ask It
He knew what has been the experi
ence of past presidents,who have been
fettered during the last, two years of
their term with a hostile congress.
Ottumwa Is Interested.
"The city of Ottumwa and particu
larly the south side of it, as the manu
facturing district, is vitally interested
In the continuance of the protective
policy ol the republican party. Oi
tumwa was built by such a policy of
the republican party. Ottumwa was
built by such a policy. It was para^
lyzed for four years by the, opposite
policy. Take the miners for instance.
The Waterloo platform declares for
free coal. What does that mean. It
mean3 that coal will be shipped into
the seaport towns free of duty. That
it seems would not have much effect
on the Iowa miner. But there is this
to be considered. For every ton that
is shipped Into the eastern cities, one
less ton of coal from Pennsylvania is
sold. 'Thus the miners from the east
ern mines are driven west and you
have them thrown in your faces here."
Major Lacey contrasted the condi
tions that he found now in the min
ers' meetings and those he had found
ten.or fifteen years ago He gave the
credit for the improvement to the
republican government, which during
the last nine years had given steady
employment and had aided in securing
higher wages for the miners and to
organization which bad brought about
better conditions and the eight, hour
Following Major Lacey, E. J. Moore
candidate for representative, made a
few brief remarks, and he was in turn
followed by W. B. Moore, candidate
for treasurer Edwin Dungan, candi
date for Clerk, and J. D. Stephens,con
didate for sheriff.
The closing address of the evening
was made by Senator S. H. Harper,
who spoke chiefly of state matters and
gave a report of his services in the
state senate. The speaker brought
forth considerable applause with 'the
following words,delivered in the midst
of his address:
"I trust that on the night of Novem
ber 6, there will go over the telegraph
wire3 throughout this nation the intel
ligence that Iowa has again gone re
publican, that it has elected its entire
republican ticket and has returned to
congress a solid republican delega
Hiteman Citizens Wants to Know
Whereabouts of a 16-year Old Girl.
The Courier is in receipt of the fol
lowing communication:
Hiteman, la., Oct. 22,1906.
To the Ottumwa Courier—
Please Insert the following notice
Girl Gone.
Anna Napier, 16 years of age, left
home Oct. 18. Has black eyes dark
complexion, round face, small nose
and small mouth and is heavy set. She
wore No. 5 patent leather shoes, a
light short coat, green waist and
green or black skirt. The end of the
first finger on the right hand is off
A reward will be paid for news as to
the whereabouts of this girl. Any per
son keeping her will be prosecuted
according to law. Address all commu
nications to Walter Napier, P. O. Box
91, Hiteman, la.
Sigourney, Oct. 23.—A. W. Kadll and
family of Keokuk were visitors in the
city with relatives and friends last
U. S. McBride of Keswick was look
ing after business matters in the city
Judge W. C. Clements of Oskaloosa
was visiting in the city a few hours
last Friday morning. leaving here about
noon on the passenger for Oskaloosa.
J. C. Bee mwas a caller in the city
Friday and Saturday.
J. C. Randall of Delta was transact
ing business in town Friday.
R. L. Crawford of Keswick was a
caller in the city Saturday morning, on
his way home from Hedrick.
Robert Adams made a business trip
to Adel last Friday evening and re
turned Saturday morning.
John Barker, the insane patient who
escaped from the county Yarm here the
early part of last April, has been lo
cated In Baltimore, Maryland. It Is
supposed that he walked a greater .part
of the distance. The authorities there
have him in charge.
A game of basket ball was played :t
the Ball park last Saturday afternoon
between the South English team and
the home team. The game was inter
esting throughout and was watched by
a1 fair sized crowd, though the wind
made it a little disagreeable to be out.
The score resulted 6 te 3 in favor of
the visitors. The visitors impressed
the people here as nice young women,
and a team that have skill and under
stand the rules of the game.
Mrs. G. G. Shanafelt drove to South
English Saturday afternoon to visit
relatives and friends.
Tom Klrkpatrick of the Keokuk
County State bank, went to Hedrick
Saturday evening to spend Sunday
with his parents.
Mrs. H. G. Brown entertained at her
beautiful home in the southeastern part
of the city last Friday afternoon and
evening. The afternoon was given to
the elderly women, while the evening
was for the amusement of the younger
people. An orchestra from Ottumwa
furnished music throughout the entire
time, and the guests say it was a most
enjoyable and pleasant affair.
A sermon to the old people waB
preached in the Methodist Episcopal
church last Sunday morning by the
pastor. Rev. C.N. Pace. The Epworth
League furnished conveyances and
brought those who cared to attend. A
-good crowd was present. In the even
ing the pastor preached his first ser
mon to young men on the subject "Is
the Young Man Safe,?" to a good audi
Misses Gladys and Audrie Eastburn
went to Hedrick Friday evening where
they visited friends until Monday.
Mrs. W. Melville will leave here the
coming Wednesday for Columbus, O..
where she will visit relatives and
friends.- This is her birth place and
she has not been there for fifty years,
A case of scarlet fever has develop
ed in the Thomas W. Beall family in
the southeastern part of the city, and
they are under quarantine.
County Clerk Edwin Dungan sold a
Large Number of Them Last Week.
County Clerk Edwin Dungp.n has is
sued marriage licenses to the follow
ing during the week just paused: Ep
person D. Wrrd and Miss Grace Ada
Burns O. R. Collier and Mfss Stella
C. Urey Isaac DoFcrd and Miss Nora
Hull CLarles V. Chattln and Miss
Maude M. Graves I. M. Tennebon and
Miss Hannah Colin Charles A. Mc
Coy and Miss Hn-riet Thayer Dixon
R. F. Shai'in and Mis.s G. B. Mc
Combs Cyrus G. Wilbanks and Miss
Amanda F. Snowo Perry E. Johnson
and Mrs. Jane Mungcreon Walter Mc
Gee and Miss Mabel M. Ripiiy M. J,
Mungovcn and Mies Maggie
No Report Ever Filed by William Dag
gett—Say One Submitted by Calvin
Mannlrig Is Insufficient and Incom
7. M. Hunter, administrator of the
estate of the late Charles F. Blake and
P. S. Wl&on and William Wilson, cred
itors, have filed exceptions to the re
port of Caivln Manning, assignee, and
ask that the district judge refuse to
approve the report.
According to the bill of exceptions,
Charles F. Blake made the assignment
of all his property, subject to execu
tion, to Calvin Manning and William
Daggett, for the benefit of all of his
creditors, Nov. 2, 1898, and the as
signees Immediately took possession
of the property.
It is set forth that William Daggett
never made a report and died Febru
ary 26, 1900, and that Calvin Manning
filed a report in February, 1905, but
without notice to the creditors. It Is
to this report that the exceptions are
filed with the general allegation that
it is incomplete, insufficient and unsat
isfactory. Some of the objections
more particularly set forth are as fol
Objections Set Forth.
That there was assigned !,300 acres
of land, the estimated rental value of
which was $31,436, and that the as
signee has charged himself with only
$6,008.90 rents received.
That there were 226 town lots, the
report of the rental of which Is Indef
That control was gained through a
sheriff's deed to thirty lots January 3,
1897, of which no showing is made as
to the disposition.
That five lots were purchased, and
there is nothing to show why they
were purchased nor how much was
That there were conveyances of
much of the land by sale, with unsta
isfactory leports thereof.
That hay, grain, etc., to the esti
mated vnlue of $3,092 was turned over
and only $94.80 Is charged to the as
signee for this property.
That there were notes to the amount
of $5,425 assigned, and that the report
as to these is unsatisfactory.
That there was bank stock to the
amount of $6,485 and no report is
made as to the disposition of it.
That there was corporation stock
In the Ottumwa Cutlery company, the
Ottumwa Electric company, the Ot
tumwa Land company and the Wapel
lo County Agricultural Society and
Fair Association, to the amount of
$45,350, to which no reference is made
in the report.
That money was borrowed at a high
rate of interest and na reason is given
for the borrowing thereof.
That the Interest was not pild pro
portionately to the creditors.
That reports are made of the pay
ments of dues on building and loan
stock, without reference to what dis
position was made of 3uch stock.
Farmlngton, Oct. 23.—Misses Flor
ence Bracey and Mae Medatis, who are
teaching school in Missouri, were over
Stinday visitors at their he'spective
homes here.
Mrs. W. H. Gentner left Saturday
for St. Louis to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. U. B. Hayes.
Henry Knott was: called to Kansas
City Saturday by the serious illness of
his daughter. Mrs, Mamie Vandruff,
who is suffering from an attack of ap
Mrs. James Knapp of Allerton is a
guest at the home of her sister, Mrs,
LeGrand Merrick.
Mrs. Alice Folker of Oklahoma, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Brabham.
Miss Lottie Ponte was hostess to
quite a number of her friends Satur
day night in honor of her fourteenth
birthday. Refreshments were served
and a general good time was enjoy
Mrs. George Sterling is visiting rel
atives in Franklin and Ft. Madison.
Rev. S. E. Wilkin occupied the pulpit
at Orchard chapel Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Carl Freshwater is home from
an extedned visit with -relatives at
Vandalia. Mo.
Frank Marmion has gone to New
Mexico to look at several pieces of
Chariton, Oct. 23—The bank at Cam
bria, a town twenty miles southwest
of here, was broken into Friday night
by unknown parties, who have not leen
caught as yet. They blew open the
vault door but Were scared away by a
dog in the adjoining room. They had
stolen some tools out of a blacksmith
shop to work with. So far there is no
clue. Cashier Will
was in
Chariton Friday on business. There
was almost $12,-000 in the bank.
Rev. and MrB. Nathan Evans gave a
reception last evening at the parsonage
to the members of the church and their
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reibel attended
the firemen's ball at Lucas last even
Mr. and Mrs. Logan .Field of Des
Moines spent Sunday with Mr. Field's
parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Field.
The Lucas County Farmers' Mutual
Insurance company held their 20th .an
nual meeting in this city Saturday.
Last year was the best year in the his
tory of the company, as they have only
paid out $800 in losses.
Mrs. Harry Hooper returned Monday
to her home In Nebraska, after a pleas
ant visit with relatives.
Wm. Waywick got caught in a belt
at the waterworks well Sunday after
noon and had his arm badly bruised.
The house on the farm of Warren
Williams in Warren township burned
to the ground Saturday afternoon. Mr.
and Mrs. G. F. Pribble lived there and
lost everything that was in the house,
as both of them were in the field at the
time of the fire. They had no insur
ance. Mr. Williams' loss is $1,000, with
jS600 insurance.
"J» ijHuU-i'HHiuwuy
8ays Land of the Midnight Sun a
Great Place f6r Young Man Seeking
Opportunities—Life Reads Like a
Facing the terrible, rigid winters of
an Arctic climate, traveling many
miles on foot over snow and ice-clad,
tractless waste, experiencing the un
told hardships connected with the
search for gold, are some of the exper
iences of F. Umphrey, late from Ralr
banks, Alaska, who is now visiting at
the home of his uncle and aunt Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Clinkenbeard, 124
North Ward street.
Mr. Umphrey came the long dis
tance to Ottumwa from the Land of
the Midnight Sun to be present at the
wedding of his sister Miss Ida to
Thomas Berry, which occurred In this
city recently.
/The travel and episodeB that Mr.
Umphrey has experienced since he
left the quietness of his home ten
years ago, would If chronicled fill a
book of stirring adventure.
In recounting his experiences since
leaving Ottumwa the young man said:
"Ten years ago I left this city for
Little Rock. Arkansas, where I fe
mained for a short time and then went
to San Francisco, Cal. Arriving In
the city of the Golden Gate, I shipped
aboard the United States Transport
Grant, as a barber. She was running
between the Philippine Islands and
Chinese ports and I made seven round
trips in this vessel.
Sees Battle of Tien Tsln.
"It was while on this vessel that
I made a trip to China and while there
I saw the battle of Tien Tsln. Our
party watched the fight from an old
Chinese arsenal. It was one of the ex
periences of a life time, to be able to
see that great struggle.
Goes to Cape Nome.
"Coming back to ihe United StateB
in the fall of 1900 I landed in San
Francisco once more and took pas
sage in a large passenger ship for
Cape Nome. Alaska. It was my inten
tion to go to that country because I
had heard so much about it that I
wanted to see It.
"Arriving In Cape Nome, I joined a
party of five which wap about to start
for the gold fields In that part of the
country known as the Artie, in the
Fairhaven district on the Seward Pe
"This trip which was one of 350
miles over a tractless waste of coun
try was a most hazardous one, and a
journey that I shall never forget. The
country was extremely barren, with
nothing growing in it with the excep
tion, of small willows which we would
gather for fire wood. We 'sledded' it
with dogs over the snow and ice and
slept in sleeping bags when night
Three Men Freeze.
"The suffering our little p&rty un
derwent on this eventful trip were
frightful. With the thermometer, very
low, we encountered terrible blizzards,
the wind driving the snow "unmerciful
ly in blinding swirls and clouds. One
of the nights we were in camp, three
of our party were frozen to death. One
of the poor fellows left camp to gather
fire wood during a heavy storm. He
had taken off his gloves and had lost
them. While searching for them in
the blinding gale, he froze to death
and we found him the next morning
buried in the snow with only one
hand visible above a drift.
"It was '.~hile we were on this trip
that our party discovered the Emach
auch and Panell rivers. Along these
rivers we found plenty of gold, but it
was what we miners call a 'hydraulic
proposition.' That is it woul have
taken heavy machinery to work it.
Starts Barber Shop.
"Leaving the little party that I had
shared so many hardships with,
made my way dowa to Cape Nome
and opened a barber shop in that city
I remained in Cape Nome until the
fall of 1904 and then went to Val Des.
down in the southeastern part t.f
"The trip to Val Des consisted of a
distance of 350 miles which had to Le
made on foot, and I started out haul
ing a handsledge. After I had covered
nineteen miles of the trip I was caught
,ix- a large blizzard at a place they call
the Summit. I was at thjls place for
three days and three nifehts in one
of the worst blizzards .thjat I had ever
Teeth filled, Crowned or Extract
ed by our Palnleae Method.
The New System Dental Parlors
Dr. w. L. Dunning,' Opposite Ballingall
That Old Furniture can be
made to look like new. We work
the transformation. Let us show
you that we know how. Our
charges are very low and we
guarantee satisfaction.
Henry W. SuechtJtig
Third Street, Opposite Postoffice,
seen. There was nothing to eat except
raw bacon and dried fruit which was,
frozen as hard as rocks. At night ij
would roll up in my sleeping bag a&o!
pass the night within, with the fearfu'j
storm raging without. However,
finished the remainder of the journey!
and got to Val Des safe and sound.
Arrives at Fairbanks.
"I did not stop long at Val Des,
purchased five dogs and left for Coops*
Center, where I went up the Cooper^,'
river and then dropped down to tha\
-head of the Delta river and from therfl
went to Fairbanks. This trip was "un
eventful and I arrived In Fairbanks
on Christmas day, 1904. I located at a|
point 9 miles from Fairbanks on Fox
Gulf where I became interested in
mining Interests and remained there
until September 8, of this year, when
Alaska a Great Country,|^,
Alaska Is one of the greatest coun
tries on earth and as I. have been in
many, I know what I Am speaking of,
It la a great country for the young'
man, as there are so many opportuni
ties for the man with ambition. The
man who have no ambition or who re- I
fuse to go to work are dealt wtih!
severely. They get what Is called fa:
'blue ticket' which is a request /la'
make themselves scarce in that coJil
The wages are very high in Alaska'
nnd in these days with such good facil
ities for getting provisions in the coun
try, living is comparatively cheap. Wfi,
a man cannot make money Cln that:|
country he cannot make It anywhere
The cities today are very modern.-ji
considering the newness fthe comfc'f
try and the long distance they are-g
from the United States. It wilL bef
years before the country is thoroughh|
prospected and in a gerat many plaoeT
heavy machinery is'needed to get thi
gold. The faster the facilities for get|
ting in and out of the country grbv
the more the country will grow an
the outlook at present is for~a gre
future for Alaska."
.V'' M,
In wearing artifilclal teeth that
are properly constructed. We are
expert makers of artificial plates
I ilates that are right in appearance
and satisfactory in use.
23.—Marriage license
Albia, Oct.
were granted Monday to Edward
O'Bryan, ager 28, of Lovilia, anT Mat
garet Dougherty, aged 29, of Lovlli: fo,
and to John J. Gill. aged. 27, Hltemarjf
and Addle Evans, aged 30, Lucas.
Henry Davenport, the colored mail
who was charged with disturbing thfi
peace and who resisted the officer whj
arrested him. Was given thirty dayf
In jail at hard labor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bell left Mondajl
evening on No. 13 for Seattle, WaBltri.
lngton, and other Pacific coast points!
Mrs. Elizabeth Scoles died SundajT'
morning at the home of her son, J. Off
Scoles In the first ward, aged 56 years..
The funeral services were held yester
day afternoon from the home, Rev,
Perkins of the Christian church offi
ciating. .- f!
J. C. CofCern of Burlington was at Al-f
bia Monday on business.- it
The infant daughter-of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Allen died Sunday and was buried
in Oak View cemetery Monday after
Mrs. N. J. Levine of Bedford, Mrs. C.
Carrlsh of Osceola, and Ml^es Lillle
Leisenvlng of Mt. Pleasarit and Carrie
Carrie A. Johnson of Woodburn were
in Albia Wednesday enroute to attend
a meeting of the Order of the Eastern
Star at Mason City.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hynes of Avery
were business visitors in Albia Mon-v
J. H. Cook of Russell visited yester
day with his son-in-law, W. E. Mitch
C. L. Hunt and J. S. Baker of Des,
Moines were in Albia on business yes?:
A light shower fell in the vicinity
of Albia yesterday morning, the first,
rainfall for many-days.
William Craig of Guilford townships
was looking after business matters here'
T. C. Hammond transacted busineaj
at Ottumwa terday.
Charles Colberg. a native of Sweden,
and Thomas Harris, a native of Wales,
applied for naturalization papers at
the office at the clerk of the district
court yesterday. According to the new
law, application for naturalization pa
pers must be filed at least three months
before the first papers are granted.
Ed .Young, who resides four miles
north of Albia, is buJLlding a pew barn
on his place.

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