Newspaper Page Text
THU-RSDAY, November 5, 190f Men's 50c black Sateen Shirts Men's $5 New Style Overcoats in AH Sizes, only $2.98. Men's $14 new style swagger Overcoats, all wool A materials. tplV Men's $25 strictly tailored new style Overcoats, fit "1 7 or a in I S Sweater Jackets FRESH HAM LARD BACON SHEEP, ETC. Yes, we will have the greatest sale 29c 39c Ladies' 50c Fleeced on S it New Salone and Directoire A Q« Belts Boys' Corduroy Knee Pants, 50c value new 50c 69c Boys' Oxford Sweater Jackets, 75c value Men's Oxford Sweater Jackets, 85c value Men's heavy ribbed Shirts and Drawers, 39c quality 0 for Heavy fleece lined Union Suits, regular price $1.25 AO only jot Heavy ribbed fleeced Union Suits, regular price Great $1.98 Shoe Sale Saturday Choice of a large new line of Ladies' and Gent's 2.50 Jail Shoes, latest styles BOILING MEAT ROASTS FRESH SHOULDERS FRESH SIDES i.98 WE BUY FOR CASH YOUR EGGS, BUTTER. WE WANT RAB BITS, QUAIL, SQUIRREL AND ALL GAME. CAN FURNISH YOU DAILY MARKETS ON HOGS, CATTLE, STELLER'S 318 East Main Street Both Phones 60 Why Worry When for a little you can have a good substantial nickel alarm clock, which will call you at any minute you may set it. It Is very easy to oversleep these elegant mornings, and, too, the darkness hangs on until late. It Is very easy to overcome the worry caused from oversleeping —this invitation is for you to come in end see what a nice line of nickel alarm clocks the leading Jewelry store of this city car ries. When down town -see the west window for a pretty display of both nickel and mission alarm clocks. N O A E A E for calling Rod returning. Just merely a reasonable charge for fix ing that clock. J. W. NEASHAM, LEADING JEWELER 120 Bast Main Men's $5 New Style Overcoats lor 2.98 Boys* $2.50 Overcoats to Fit Boys 3 to 10 Years, $1.48. Boys' long, warm and durable style 7.50 A QQ Overcoats TT»vO Boys' extra quality latest style $10 Over- FA coats •3U Boys' all wool school Suits with pair Pants to match, O A worth $5, now.. Boys' Knickerbocker School Suits, regular price JQ 2.50, to close «ttO 300 Boys' wool Suits, sizes 3 to 15, sold up to $3.48 QQ to close 1 0 10-Qr. Blankets 39c Heavy double fleeced A* cottou 58c Blankets.. Large 11-quarter $1 #Blankets 3 Extra heavy large AAa double $1.25 Blankets_y Ladies' Winter Fleece 75c Underwear... CbildsTennis Flan- Yard wide guaranteed black el it 1 a a S a is A $ 1 2 5 a it O $1.25 quality A beautiful new line of Boys' am1 Girls' School Shoes, st lis si pe Street oif 39c $1.50 Suit Cases with brass lock, 5c 9^° 9%C 12^Cc Men's $5 Suits in Winter Weights, 32 to 36 Sizes, $1.98. Men's $15 new style worsted Suits, jiew freak 0 models.. Finest $25 new style tailored Suits, best A material 1 *3 Men's Fedora, Craeco, Stiff and other style Hats, sold up to $3 for quick clearance AQ g% 1.48 and "DC Cotton Flannel Mittens 55c per doz. Choice of all our 25c and 35c Neckwear, latest pat- "1 terns, lor I 7 Men's Heavy Socks 5c Men's Astrachan, Jersey and and Velour Gloves OC/* 39c quality, oni}- 3 Leather Mittens Fleece Lined 19c Ladies' 75c Extra Size Union Suits 49c. Ladies' 25c FleeceLined Underwear 15c 69c Menter $1.25 Fleeced QQ a a on O Colgate's Best 25c Talcum Powder tor 15c Memten's Best 25c Talcum Powder for 12c CHILD SPEI.DS $11,500 A YEAR. With an Income of $40,000 Annually She Does Not Live Extrava gantly Her Father Thinks. New York, Nov. 4.—That it has cost him $11,500 a year to feed, clothe, house and educate 12 year old Carolyn. H. Dorsett, Is asserted by her father and guardian, R. Clarence Dorsett, a lawyer of this city, according to an accounting filed -y him yesterday in the surrogate's office in Newark, N. .T. The child's income is about $40,000 a year. A backnumber is anxious about the price of binding. II You Are Choice About What You Eat CHOICE ABOUT THE WAY YOUR FOOD IS PREPARED AND SERV ED, YOU SHOULD BY ALL MEANS EAT AT THE IOWA. THIS IS THE DINING PLACE OF PARTICU LAR PEOPLE. THE HARDER YOU ARE TO PLEASE AND THE MORE PARTICULAR THE MORE DESIR OUS WE ARE OF HAV ING YOU EAT HERE FOR WE PLEASE. THE IOWA Restaurant N0RDGREN & DAVIES Proprietors. 107 East Second Street OTTUMWA COUBlElv Another Great Sale Beginning Friday, November 6 PHILLIPS' BIG STORE CO. chased two large sample lines of Ladies" and Misses' Suits and Coats at one-fourth off the wholesale price. We have decided to of fer a line of the best $25.00 Suits you ever saw for $15.00 We will save you from 10 to 20 per cent on Underwear and Blankets and fully 25 per cent on Men's and Boys' Overcoats. Note the prices. Everything sold as advertised. Sale begins Friday morning Ladies' $22.50 and $25.00, new(F a S it S a a 1 3 A Beautiful Display of New Style Overcoats Newest Models at prices to suit every purse—Ask the man. 39c Men's 50c heavy Fleeced Underwear.. 75c black and colored, plain 35c Fancy Suitings for Child and fancy, Waist A O1/* ren's Dresses, 0 Silks, Saturday... Waists and Skirts.... 3 BRYAN WINS STATE BY 10.000 REPUBLICANS STILL CLAIMING LEGISLATURE—SHALLENBERG- ER RUNS AHEAD OF TICKET Lincoln, Nebr., Nov. 4.—Bryan re versed the majority of 2,000 in this city, carrying his county by a hand some plurality and will win the state by 10,000. Sheldon, representative. was defeat ed by 8,000 Shallenberger, Democrat, is running slightly ahead of Bryan. Republican state ticket has probably been defeated. The Republicans are claiming the legislature by a slender majority. Received News at Home. Mr. Bryan received at his home, "Falrvlow," the returns which early told him that for the third time he had been 'defeated in the greatest ambition of his life. Confident of victory to the last, he was not prepared to be lieve that his cause Was lost until the pluralities of his Republican opponents piled up in such proportions as to leave no room for doubt. When the early returns came in he made particular inquiries regarding the state of New York and found much encouragement in the gains he was making up state over the Democratic vote of 1904, but as the figures con tinued to be received he relied on Greater New York to offset the hcavv Taft vote above the Harlem river. Even in that he was bitterly disap pointed, and he soon realized that the state was hopelessly gone and with it his prospects of being elected. Turns to Ohio for Hope. According to the predictions of his managers he was led to believe that he would be elected without the aid of the Empire state, and he turned .his Inquiries toward Ohio and Indiana. The heavy Democratic gain In the Thir teenth Ohio district was gratifying and to him indicated that the prophesies that Ohio would go Democratic would be fulfilled. He also got much comfort out of a telegram from John E. Lamb, member of the advisory committee from Indiana, stating that the Indica tions were that Indiana was probably Democratic- After nearly three hours spent in his library, Mr. Bryan' went upstairs and talked to the newspaper men and others who had assembled in the "work room." He read some further returns, but they told the same story of defeat, and he announced that he would not have anv statement to give out that night. Mrs. Leavitt, Mr. Bryan oldest daughter, would not concede that her -A wm Ladies" new Fall Suits, Winter Coats, Overcoats and Winter Goods. We have pur 10c heavy Tennis Flannels, salt price.. All wool Flannels for skirts and Children's a 15c Ladies'25c Fleeced Underwear only Girls' $2 Long Loose Black Winter Coats, 8 to 14 Years, 98c Girls $2 Long Loose Black Winter Coats, QQ/* 6 to 14 years "Qv Children's $3.50 Long New Style Winter Coats,, rt A 6 to 14 £.40 Bearskin Coals $1.98. Infants' first quality Bear Skin Coats, in all "J QQ colors, 1 to 5 years.. ,/Q Children's Bear Skin Coals, to fit ffiris of 8, 10, A (YQ 12 and 14 years 4"»/0 7c Tennis Flannels 5c &C 25c Extra size $1.48 Tennis Gowne, for largeladies father had lost his fight and remained up until a late hour believing that mora favorable news would be forth coming. Mr. Bryan was assured early in the arfternoon thaf he had carried Llncojn and he beamed with pleasure, al though he doubted tho optimistic news. Early returns from Massachusetts, the first outside state to report, were a trifle disquieting, but Bryan kept on smiling. Nevada Gives Bryan 7,000. Reno, Nev., Nov. 4.—From incom plete returns Bryan carried Nevada by an estimated plurality of 7,000. Taft's Plurality in Maryland 163. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 4—The result in Maryland on the presidential elec tion is close. According" to tho latest figures with four counties estimated Taft has a plurality of 163. Taft's Plurality in Oregon 24,000. Portland, Ore., Nov. 4.—Returns from nearly every county In the. state indicate a plurality of 24,000 for Taft Republican Gains in Oklahoma. Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 4.—Republican gains have been general but not large enough to affect the result on the na tional ticket, congressmen and legis lature. Bryan's plurality is estimated at 25,000. California's- Plurality 75,000. San Francisco. Nov. 4.—From In complete returns Taft has carried California by a plurality of 75,000 and possible all the Republican congress men have been elected. North Dakota Governorship in Doubt. Fargo, North Dakota, Nov. 4.—Indi cations today are that tho state is safely Republican except for govern or, which is decidedly In doubt. The Legislature is Republican. Montana Elects Democratic Governor. Helena, Mont., Nov. 4.—The returns from the state are very meagre. From reports at hand Taft will carVy the state but Governor Norrls the Dem ocratic nominee will be relected. Filipinos and Everyone Happy. Manila, Nov. 4.—The news of the election of Taft Was received with greatest enthusiasm by all classes throughout the Philippines. Taft Has 15,000 in Idaho. Boise, Idaho. Nov. 4.—Taft's plural ity in Idaho may reach 15,000, Late returns Indicate the election of the en time state ticket. Legislature Repub lican on the Joint ballot. Taft's New York Vote. New York, Nov. 4.—Taft's plurality In Greater New York is 15,645. Deneen by 40,000. Chicago, Nov. 4.—Morning returns from tho state did not materially change the figures sent out last nlghl. Taft's plurality is estimated at from 170,000 to 170,000. The entire state ticket had been eledted, Deneen receiving a plurality of about 40,000. The con gr?sjslijnal -delegation will consist of mem* HP Ladies' 15c Fleeced Fast Black Hose Ladies' $5 Long New Style Winter Coats $2.98 9C Ladies' $7.50 Black Empire Coats, Latest Novelty, $4. 98 Ladies' $7.50 Black Empire Coats, latest A AQ novelty '..... Ladies' new Style half fitting at in satin trimmed U««3U The new Directoire Coat, wide reveres 1 7 CA $20.00 grade' #3\| Loose Ripple Back Coats for Stout Figures and middle aged ladies 00 CA $2.98 to All Wool Blankets $3.48 Large all wool plaid and plain $5.00 A Blankets Genuine Amaua Blankets, nothing better made, A QQ regular$6 grade.. ..4«70 98c Ladies' Tennis Gowns, 49c. Ladies' Tennis Skirts, 25c. Children's Tennis Flannel 50c Gowns. 50c plain and fancy wool A Beautiful New .Line of Suitings and plain OA/* Neck Chains, the QQ/i latest fad 25c to t/OL Batiste. latest fad 25c to. Children's Good Scbopl Hose.... 39c New Novelties in Belts and Collars. There is Satisfaction Ladies' $17.50 New Style Long Jacket Suits at $11.60. Style Ladies' $15.00 New long Jacket Suits Sale Price Wooltex and Renwick $27.50 anfl $30 tailor made Suits, latest fall models, beautiful materials in plain and elab orately trimmed 1 7 a 3 Choice of our Finest $35 and $40 New Style 07 CA Suits VI We make a Specialty of Misses' and Girls' New Style Suits. Early fall weight La dies' 50c Union Suits., Special Sale of Guaranteed $1 Gloves Ladies' 3.50 best quality el bow length Gloves, made of fine French Kid, f% QQ perfect fitting ., In knowing that you have bought a worthy article, one that gives you full value for the money you have invested in it. And it is our purpose that every buyer of our pianos shall feel that he has the best instrument that could be given hint for the price. We go beyond the consideration of profit making for ourselves, because we recognize that a-permanent business is best established by having due regard for the customer's in terests. No patron of ours is more anxious to have a satisfactory instrument than we are to give it to him no purchaser is more con cerned in economical buying than we are in helping him to select the best piano obtain able within the price he wishes to pay. That briefly expresses the'plan on which we conduct our business. Ithas proved sat isfactory to our customers and to us. Arnold ^ewelr^ nineteen Republicans, and six Demo crats. Wyomina to Taft. Cheyenne. Wyo.. Nov. 4.—The Dem ocratic state f,halrnian has conceded the state to Taft by 5,000. GlrtL ACCUSES EX-PATROLMAN, Roy J. Ballsbaugh is Held to Criminal Court on Charges of 16 Year Old Genevieve Hager. Chicago, Nov 4.—Roy J. Gallsbaugh, 22 years old. recently dismissed from arv patrolman, was held to the Crim inal court by Municipal Judge Gem mill yesterday. Ballsbaugh was arrest ed on two charges brought by Gene vieve Hager, 16 years old, 1720 Park avenue. p: i. Ssi' A beautiful'new line of Ruchings and Collars at 49c and Ladies' 39c line Cashmere Gloves... Ladies' and Girls' 15c Wool Mitts 113 East Mam Tn denying the accusations Balls baugh said he met the girl while he was employed as a street car conduct or. .J 9 9 •A **4 4k -HL IOC 10.00 Renwick $25.00 tailor made Suits, new Directoire style, extra long jackets, trimmed with satin bands and but tons, Sale price.... 15.00 ,25c 10c Mystery surrounded the arrest of" Samuel .Feinborg. a bartender held at the Harrison street police station $ charged ^'lth abducting a 15-year old girl from her home in Morris, 111. Ho -f was arrested on a warrant issued to' could not be found at that address. a a a at on is a a no of the case Men may be engaged in deep study over problems in mechanics, but quitting time they are alive to theirLt.:, surroundings. 356 #r.Ys at^jtX-.w it