Newspaper Page Text
Si*sSbi r,JTv ~i'f ff I-,' |A¥ THURSDAY, July 8, 1908. RE8IGN8 AFTER LONG TERM. Miss Clara Lunbeck Leaves 8ervice I|f of 8tate aa General Agent for Institutions. Mason City, Julv 6.—After five years of service as state agent for the Soldiers' Orphans' Home and the Girls' Reform School at Mitchellville, both s.tate institutions, Mtss Clara Lranbeok of Mason City has resigned •from Tier office with the state and has returned to remain quietly at her fhome here during the summer at (least. In the fall she may take up '"#j other work but does not Intend to re C.?1 turn to the service of the state. ijjry' Miss Lunbeck begun her work for the state .at a time when she acted as agent for three of the state schools 11!S—the two reform institutions and the jpp orphans' home at Davenport. Dur I' lng her service the work has grown, |?\jand now there are three state agents one for each school. Her successor h' has not as yet been appointed. Before beginning her work for the "jf 'Btate, Miss Lunbeck was in a similar servicei with the Children's Home so ft^!1! clety during a period of 19 years. J'After such a long time in this work |j\\Miss Lunbeck Is ready to leave it 'ipj '"permanently and when she has fln -4 Ished her vacation she will seek some ,JM other vocation. FARMERS SECURE INJUNCTIONS. ./t 'Judge Clark Grants Injunction Re A (-1 straining County Officers From J,'/ f' Paying Ditchers. Concord, la., July 6.—Judge Clark •granted an injunction restraining the -county officers of Hancock county .from paying the last twenty per cent. -called for in the contract for ditch '•1 3 "work, to the contractors. The work of the contractors has ibcen approved by the proper authori ties of the county and as the 'farmers objected to this on account of their believing the work not to be up to the standard called for in the con tract They then brought the suit for an injunction. In order to withhold the last payment of twenty per cent of the contract which was as yet un paid. The eighty per cent was paid as per contract. Judge Clark decided lor the plaintiffs. BOYS' AND GIRLS' HOME SUFFER ^'County Allowance of $5,000 May be Rescinded—Action by the Supervisors. Sioux City, July 6.—Loss of a part of the $5,000 a year which it now re Icelves from the county for the care of jpublic charges will be met by the "Boys' and Girls' home, in all probabil ijtyi The board of supervisors has 'practically reached the conclusion that the sum Is larger than is warrant ed or deserved, It Is expected to rescind its action of three months ago voting the home an increase of $4,200 over the $1,200 BOARD PROCEEDINGS iHornback, James, const, elect... 5.00 Haw & Simmons, mdse. C. H... 4.35 jHalcomb Mfg. Co., mdse. C. H. 8.7fi' (Hamilton, W. N., quar. sup. ... 2.85 'Huffman & Done, quar. sup. ... 3.S0 [Hull, J. E., refund tax 17.0j (Harper Mclntire Co., mdse. C. 2.75 iHofmann, F. P., quar. sup 71.68 [Hyatt, C. A., repairs C. 25.33 [Hammond & Stephens Co 9.70 {Hughes. R. G. quar. acc't 8.00 IHunter,' Marion, trustee work .. 4.00 (Hughes, R. G.. Board of Equal.. 20.00 tHuIl, J. E., refund tax 23.90 IHall-Ekleft Furn. Co., mdse... 9.75 |Harsch, Jacob, refund tax .... 5.59 {Hand, B. A., refund tax 2.00 enry, Dr. C. A., quar. acct. .. 3.00 enry, Dr. C. A., sal. twp. phys. 20.00 ays, Sam, refund mulct tax .. 14.52 Higdon, Otis P.. insurance, C. 90.00 {Hotel Court, diet." jury 13.00 Hendrickson, A. H., twp. clerk. 4.50 Hughes, C., refund dog tax .... 1.00 'Hofjus Bros., photos 6.00 Hampton, Thomas, refund mulct tax 14.52 Hlltz. W. A., guard and tele phone 1.90 Hamilton, G. L*, assess Adams 109.37 ftawthorne, U. S. assess. Compt 114.56 Hutchison, M. B., Lumber Co., lumber 18.64 H. & F. Shoe Co., paup. mdse. .. 7.75 Karris, W. H., paup. mdse 14.00 garper lgdon, Otis P., insurance P. F. 45.00 Mclntire Co., mdse P. F. 15.85 Millis, E. E., mdse. paup 105.75 sHowk, Frank, dls. on warrant —rejected. Tarper Mclntire & Co., mdse.. IS.67 irbin, Fred, nurse, paup 12.00 layes, J. T., corn P. 252.54 lollingsworth & Rupe. mdse... 13.50 lead & Co., naup. mdse 12.00 I. & F. Shoe Store, paup. mdse. 1.25 lowk, Frank, coal P. 126.00 lHanshaw, const. J. 15.40 Hughes, Grant, wit. J. 60 Hays, W. I. mayor's fee 3.15 lHanshaw. W. R., wit. J. P.' 60 Herrick, Dr. J. F., cor. wit. .. 10.00 Hirst, W. N., wit. J. 60 Hofmann. R. C.. seed P. 12.00 Hanks. John, Juror J. 2.00 Herman, B., wit. J. .80 Hobbs, Cora, wit. J. 70 Hobbs, Lizzie! wit. J. .70 Harrison, J. M.. wit. J. 6.00 Heastrui), Ed., wit. J. .70 Hayes, Bert, wit. J. .60 Hayes, Mary, wit. J. 60 Hinkle, Arthur, wit. J. 60 Huffman. J., wit. J. 60 Hessan, Grace, wit. J. 2.00 Hedftck, H. M., juror J. 1.00 Heather, Wm., juror, J. P. ... 1.00 Harris, Mrs. A. N., wit. fee 1.20 Henehan, Tom, wit. fee .60 Huddieson. Cliff, wit. fee .60 -Hannan, Dan, wit. fee 1.20 Hull, J. E.. wit. fee so Hawks, Sam, wit. fee .6# Hobbs? J. ., wii". fee .ffl) Hackerison, Geo., wit. fee 60 larker, A. B., wit. fee 60 laller, J. J., wit. fee 60 larvie, A. A., wit. fee .60 ludson, C. N., wit. fee 60 Hastings, S. A., wit. fee 60 lall, Wm. H., wit. fee .60 lurd, Ed, wit. fee 60 luddleson, M„ wit fee .60 lortolh, Jeff, wit. fee .. .60 :nt, C. F., wit. fee .60 Ifcbbs, J. E., wit. fee .60 Hldgon, Dal, wit. fee .60 1 kV* IF S *r. AIF/J* •&8LU Jv «t 1*42* a year formerly gi\en It by the board. While the board realizes that the home is a benevolent Institution do ing great good, and, therefore, is worthy of all possible financial aid, It feels that as a board of supervisors It has not the right to give the coun ty's money to charity, and therefore It should pay the home only for tho care of such cases as are strictly county cases. KEY CHAIN RIVAL TO CUPID. Wedding Bells Will Ring for Seventh Secretary or Iowa Col lege. Mt. Ayr, July 6.—Mrs. Adolph Shane, who has been secretary co President A. B. Storms of the Iowa college for over two years, has hand ed in her resignation and will discon tinue office work August 1. Thus, the magic silver key chain will become the property of another private secre tary. Miss Lillian Storms, daughter of the president, will succeed Mrs. Shane in the office work, and come into possession of the large heavy chain to which the secretaries attach the office keys. The chain is a large one and Is usually worn around the waist. In fact, the chain Is so very large that it jingles, and Its musical notes have a great attraction for men. Already seven men have become inter ested in as many secretaries by means of the jingles. The silver key chain of the president's office iB becoming a noted rival of Cupid. MUSCATINE TO GET CONVENTION Convention of German Evangelical Young People Closed at Ft. Madison. Ft. Madison, July 6.—At the closing session of the convention of German Evangelical Young People's societies at Ft. Madison last week it was de cided that Muscatine should have the next meeting which will be held some time next summer. Rev. J. J. Jans, the pastor of the Muscatine German Evangelical church, delivered the opening address. Lincoln to Inspect Guard. Ames, la., July 6.—Capt. Charles Lincoln, son of Gen. James Rush Lin coln, of Ames, has been delegated by the war department to represent the regular army as inspector of the Iowa National Guard companies at their four encampments this rummer. The^e will be seven other regular army in spectors, but Capt. Lincoln's appoint ment Is the only one thus far com municated to Gen. Logan. Out of four army men who were asked for iv Gen. Logan, Capt. Lincoln is the only one who was favored by the depart ment. Holiness Camp in August at Bussey. Bussey, la., July 6.—Arrangements are fast being completed for a Tri- Harty, J. O.. wit. fee Halberg, Chas. wit. fee Harriss, Robert, ^vlt. fee H.edley, F. AV., wit. fee Huddieson, Sam wit. fee Hoddy, A. F., wit. fee Hastie, Hal. wit. fee Hobbs, J. A., wit. fee Hutchison, J. G., wit. fee Hobbs, .TEIS. wit. fee Hobbs, Thos. J., wit. fee Hubble, Ira, wit. fee Herzog, John G„ wit. free .. .. Hutning. Ed O., wit. fee ...... Hickman, J. H., wit. fee Haw, Geo., wit. fee Hawks, A., wit. fee Heckart, J. C., wit. fee Hopkins, E. F„ wit. fee Howell. B. W., wit. fee Harris, Susan. O., wit. fee Higdon, S., wit. fee Hlbbert, Geo. J. P. fees Hays, W. L. J. P., fee Hull, F. E., cor. wit Havenor, Dave, cor. wit Havernor, Mrs. Dave, cor. |wlt.. Havenor, Chas.,' cor. wit Harden. Louis, cor. wit Hyatt, Chas., wit. J. Hall, Berney, wit. J. Huffman, James, wit. J. Hampton, Jas. wit. J. Hampton, Thos., wit. J. Hampton, Mrs. Thos. wit. J. P. Hants. Frank, wit. J. Hampton, Myrtle, wit. J. Hartley. G. M., juror J. Hendrix, O. E., juror J. Howard, Mrs. J., wit. J. Hornbeck," B., wit. J. Hedrick, Chas. wit. J. Holly, Ben, wit. J. Harper, Russell, W., wit. J. P. Hill, Julia, wit. J. Hill, Wm., wit. J. Hill. Julia, wit. J. Hollen, John, wit. J. Iowa Telephone Co., rent Iowegian Ptg. Co., printing ... Iowa Steam Laundry, refund tax Iowa State Pen., keep of Jun klns Iowa Steam Laundry, refund tax Iowa Lumber Co., lumber Iowa Cloth. & Shoe Co., mdse... Irv.-in, C. O., wit. fee Jones, Lee and Emmett poll tax Jay, D. A., quar. acc't Johnson, C. E. twp. trustee .... Jackson & Cloyd, quar. coal .. Johnston, W. H., gopher claim Jackson, W. W„ sal. W. E. Knox .60 .60 .60 .60 ,60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60. 2.0u 5.00 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 .60 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.00 1.00 .70 .70 .60 .60 .60 .80 .80 .80 1.80 10.65 2.50 17.06 70.00 85.06 £01.17 11.00 .60 .6.00 49.50 2.00 3.50 1.00 Jones. Lee, two. trustee Johnson, Chas., refund tax ... Jackson, W. W., insane fees .. Jackson, W. AV., insane expense Jackson, AV. AAr., diet, prisoners .Tackson, AAr. AA'., postage ...... Jackson, AV. AV., criminal fees. Jackson, AV. AA'., criminal ex pense Jackson, AV. AV., civil fees !!!.! Jacksorf, AV. AV., inebriate fees Jackson, AAr. A\r., inebriate exp. Jackson, AAr. AAr., med. serv. pris. Jaques. T. J„ bridge work .... Johnson, C. E., paup. mdse.... James, T. L., paup. trans Johnson, Bell, wit. J. Jay, Lester, wit. J. James, Art. wit. J. Johnson, Frank, wit. J. P. Johnson, R. A., wit. J. Johnson, AVm., wit. Johnson, Cliff, wit. J. 166.66 4.00 2.00 24.40 18.15 878.24 30.40 969.05 349.82 269.60 15.60' 16.43 5.00 3.00 21.00 2.50 .60 2.00 1.70 .60 2.00 2.00 .60 County Holiness camp meeting (ten days) in the park in BusBey. They will have tents and those Interested will come and camr for the sessions. A boarding tent will be conducted by BuBsey ladies, several noted evange lists and special singers are expected and the occasion will be one of great interest and importance. The meet ings will be held in August. Campaign to Save the Hogs. Mason City, July 6.—Dr. P. O. Koto, state veterinarian, who- has waged such a splendid war against tubercu losis among cattle, is planning a cam paign among hogs which will be even more thorough than its predecessor. k.any swine throughout the state have died very suddenly and without appar ent cause and Dr. Koto intends to probe the matter to its limit. The campaign will be active all over Iowa and it is the intention of the investi gator to eliminate all diseased hogs as well as cattle. The instructions have gone out to a!: deputies to be on the lookout. A Home Coming Time for Oskaloosa. Oskaloosa, July 5.—Oskaloosa is go ing to have a big Labor Day celebra tion this year and a "Home Coming" celebration combined. The Oskaloosa Commercial club and the Iowa Bri gade band will have charge of the big celebration which will commence on Monday, Sept. 6, Labor Day and con tinue over until Wednesday evening, September 7. It will be one of the biggest celebrations in Iowa and Os kaloosa residents who have moved to various parts of the United States will be invited to return to Oskaloosa and spend half a week in celebration. COUNTY SHOULD NOT DONATE. Father Plante Objects to a Gift to a Certain "Home"—Others Are Not so Favored. Sioux City, July S.—Declaring that since the Roman Catholics, the Luth erans and the Jews of Sioux City and Woodbury county take care of their own unfortunates they ought not to have to pay ant taxes for care of such persons by other institutions. Father T. J. Plante of North Riverside, mild ly objected to the board of supervis ors making a donation to the Flor ence Crittenden home at a recent meeting. The priest's idea is that if dona tions are made to the various homes out of the county's money, that money comes indirectly from the pockets of the taxpayers, many of whom are Roman Catholics, Lutherans and Jews. He declared that St. Anthony's Babies' home, which he established here in May cares for all baby cases, regardless of money and regardless of religion and that it asks no help from the board, being a strictly charitable institution. Janes, Alex, wit. J. 60 Junkins, Ben., wit. J. 60 Junkins, Peter, wit. J. .60 Junkins, Annie, wit. .P 60 Janes, Alex, wit. J. .60 Junkins, Ben, wit. J. P. .60 Junkin, Peter, wit. J. .60 Junkins, Annie, wit. J. 60 Jackson, W. AAr„ wit. J. 1.20 Ja», Lester, wit. J. 2.0" Jennings, Ira, wit. fee leo Jaques, Jo R„ wit. fee 60 Johnson, AAr. A., wit. fee 60 Johnson, A. J., wit. fee 60 Jordan, J. W., wit. fee 60 Johnson. Edgar, wit. fee 60 Jacobson, C. N„ wit. fee 60 Johnson, Gus, wit. fee .60 Johnson, Frank, wit. fee .60 Judson, Edgar, wit. fee 60 Johnson, E. II., const, fees ... 6.00 Jay. Dr. D. A., cor. wit s.po Johnson, Malinda, wit. J. 3.60 Judd, Henry, wit. J. 60 Jackson, AV. AV., wit. J. 60 ICeefe Bros., repairs jail 9.35 Kreigh, F„ sal turnkey, jail .. 120.00 Kirk, M. L., J. P. salary 400.00 Kling, C. H., gopher claim 50 Kent, Dana, quar. acc't 92.85 Kaiser, John F., refund tax 14.52 Klrby, Thos. E.. twp. clerk 18.00 Keefe, Bros., repairs jail 6.40 Kitterman, J. B., bridge work .. 6.35 Kansas City Hay Press Co .75 Knemeyer, W. E., paup. mdse .. 10.35 Kepler, Dr. J. C., paup. mdse.. 75.00 Keller, Frank, wit. cor 60 Kirk, M. L., J. P. fees 16.00 Kidd, Eastern, wit. J. 1.20 Knox, AV. E., wit. J. 60 Kohl, AVm., wit. J. .60 Kaul, E. AV., wit. J. 1.20 Kent, Fred, wit. J. .60 Kessler, J. R., wit. fee .60 Kelley, L. D„ wit. fee .60 Kegat, Carl, wit. fee 60 Kelly, L. H., wit. fee 60 Kelley. Thos., wit. fee .60 ICenyon, Edgar, wit. fee 60 Kile, Bert, wit. fee .60 King, Ross, wit. fee .60 King, Ross. wit. fee 60 Kessler, J. R., wit. fee .60 Knudson, Rob., wit. cor .60 Kleinman, Clarence, wit. bor. .. .60 Kenney, O. C., wit. cor 60 King. Allen, wit. cor .60 King, Mrs. Allen, wit. cor .... .60 King, Ben, wit. cor .60 Kaul, Ernest, wit. cor .60 Kaul, E. AV., wit. J. 1.60 Kidd, Geo. wit. J. .60 Ketter, Leo, wit. J. .60 Kittner, Mrs., wit. J. .60 Knob, John, wit. J. .80 Knapp, John, wit 80 Kendall, Riley, wit. J. .60 BONAPARTE. Bonaparte—Mrs. E. C. Smith and daughter Madge returned from Sew ard, Neb., Friday where they have been visitinrr friends and relatives. James Piper a former resident of thiT place, but who has been living in South Dakota, is visiting his sister, Mrs. David Houser and family. Minor Cummings, wife and baby went over to Ft. Madison Saturday for a visit with home folks, AAr. C. Wendt and family. Joe Troyftnan and Miss Bertha Mack, two well known people of this place, were married Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack, Rev. Trennery per forming the ceremony. They will not jf* A #9 ilWua»vMt •JKLC -1 ..A, J„1 ». I •'1 O ri'UMTW A. COmilER The last chapter in one of the most remarkable death mysteries that Iowa has ever known, was finished Sunday when the remains of Miss Emilyn Miriam Kester were laid to rest in Oak View cemetery in Albia. The funeral service was held at 3 o'clock, at the Christian church. Rev. Allison of Albia preached the funeral sermon. Hundreds of friends and relatives crowded the church and ob served the services at the cemetery. The testimonial to the memory of the departed was a remarkable one, and friends from Ottumwa, Chicago, Oska loosa and St. Paul joining with the relatives in the last rites. The mystery in this young woman's death is profound. Motive after mo tive for self destruction has been eliminated, confirming in the minds of GIVEN PEOPLE OF BRITISH EAST AFRICA JEST WITH FORMER EXECU TIVE AND PARTY. Nairobi, British East Africa, July S —. Colonel Roosevelt heard his prowess as a lion killer told in song and sketch at the entertainment given on Satur day night by the "Nairobi Follies," which Mr. Roosevelt and his son, Ker mit, attended as the guests of his ex cellency, Sir F. J. Jackson, C. G„ C. M. G., acting Governor, as an evening's diversion after dining at Government House. The topical songs dealing with Mr. Roosevelt were a feature of the occasion, and at each allusion: to him self Colonel Roosevelt's laugh rang out above the nnplause and laughter of the rest of the audience. Lion Hunting Prowess. The song describing Colonel Roose velt's lion hunting was suns by Miss Shooter in the course of a sketch en titled, "A Tale of the Chase." It ran as follows: "Felis Leo." A lion lurked in his lonely, lair, As African lions do, For he liked to be where he could get a share Of a nice little buck with a slice of luck, In our wonderful nature zoo His large inside he nightly fed with zebra or harte-beest instci. "There isn't a scrap of doubt," said he, "This diet's exceedingly good for me, For I grow fat, fat, fatter AA'hat on earth does it mat, mat, mat ter, If the way that I creep on the beasts in their sleep Makes the pcor things scat, scat, scat ter? go to housekeeping at present and have not decided where their future home will be made. Mrs. Furgeson and daughter Jennie, who have been making an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. AV. Chap man, returned to their home at Bloom field Friday. J» J. Coolid^e and wife are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Vass at Hannibal, Mo. Carl Meek who is employed at Des Moines spent Sunday at the T. AV. Boyer home. AAHlliam Dateman who has been vis iting relatives here returned to his home at Seymour Friday. James Smith, wife and daughter of Canada, came Friday for a visit with Mrs. Smith's sinter Mrs. AA'm. IXuntcr. Frank Morris of Scotts Bluff, Neb is visiting his mother Mrs. Margaret Duiin. H. R. McCoy of Keokuk \as a busi-K ness visitor here Friday. A number of the citizens of this place attended the celebration at Mt. Sterling Saturday. Delbert Glasscock of Des Mfiines, spent Sunday in town with friends. Miss Gretchen .Falir who has been attending school at Council Bluffs the past year returned to her home here Friday. Mrs. Dickinson and children of La con, 111., are visiting at the S. S. Troutman home. ,• Ottumwa Girl, Victim of Tragedy, Who Was Buried atAlbia Yesterday MISS EMILYN KESTJEJR. aasss! those who have studied the afTair most closely the accident theory. Her family relations were beautiful, her engagement had the unqualified approval'of her fiance's father, and her business affairs, offer not the slightest foundation for the motive. Not a scrap of paper was left to show premeditation. But there does remain one single condition of health that physicians pronounce the most logical explanation of it all, namely brain racking headaches. Such an illness had overtaken Miss Kester the day before her death and its effect on her nervous system must have been terrible That sufferers from such in tense headaches have given way mentally is a matter of record, and is the only plausible solution. W. T. Kester of Chicago was in Ot tumwa today, and will wind up the small financial affairs of his sister. He hunted game in the moonshine bright, With never a thought of harm, But he got quite a fright when there hove in sight Another song entitled "B. E. A." (British East Africa,) recounting some of Mr. Roosevelt's experiences in the colony follows. Experiences in B. E. A. (With apologies to Kipling.) At the port of Kilindinl, llflftSi Teddy, armed to the teeth with a knife and a sheath, And a rifle beneath his arm. The Colonel plugged him with a laugh. AA'hile Kermit took his photograph Said he "Those Wall street boys would cry If they knew how near I'd been to die Oh, this country's bull, bull, bully. I've enjoyed it full, full, fully, For it euchers the best they can show in the AVest That's so wild and wool, wool, woolly." Looking eastward cros the main, We welcomed Teddy Roosevelt, As we hope to do again. And the rain it fell in torrents, And the world seemed far from gay, But we did our best to greet him in OUR way in B. E. A. He traveled up the railway, And he said the sights were GRAND. And he also said "THAT'S BULLY." As we well can understand For the game is here in thousands, And it's here we'd have him stay, Just to see uiraffes and rhinos Near the rail in *B. E. A. We heard of hand-fed lions, And of rhinos on the chain How he bravely faced all dangers, And deadly beasts has slain Still we've nothing heard BUT rumors. That's a truth we must confess We have no truthful story, for He shut out all the press. Yes. he shut out all the press. And he left them there to guess They raved and growled and grum bled, They were lef* in such a mess. )t that's a'.l passed and done with, For they were not far away. And their news is scattered broad cast Over all the world today Stil, he sent in news on Tuesday. It is nice to be polite. But the New York papers had It On the previous Sunday night. Oh. it really was a frost. And one it to his cost. Ti he tries balk the press men, He is very often lost. Colonel Roosevelt afterwards enter tained the performers at an informal supper at which other topical songs of Africa were rendered, the former Pres ident joining: in several familiar chor ouses. A NEW POSTAL CARD. Postmaster Gen. Hitchcock Authorized Better Paper, Change of Color of Ink, Etc. Washington, July 6.—-Postoffice de partment. is preparing to issue a new postal card. Postmaster General Hitchcock has called in tjie expert chemists of the department of agricul ture and has instructed them to work out a formula that will give a much better paper than can be made und*sr the contract now in lorce. He says "'ft Copyright 1901 by Hart Schaffner & Marx KEOKUKDISTRICT M.E. CONFERENCE ELDONWILL ENTERTAIN CHURCH WORKERS JULY 12, 13 AND 14. Eldon, July 6. (Special) The Keokuk district conference to be held at Eldon Methodist Episcopal church Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12. 13 and 14. A. V. Kendrick, district superin tendent. Chas. E. Coggeshall, pastor. Committee—A. V. Kendrick, D. W. Whitham, J. H. Helmer, C. E. Cogge shall. Monday Evening. 7:30—Song service, D. W. Witham. 8:00—Sermon, F. B. Tucker. Tuesday Forenoon. 8:30—Devotionals, J. A. Sinclair. 9:00—Business. 10:30—"Is Organic Union of Ameri can Methodism Desirable AV. G. Thorn. General discussion. Tuesday Afternoon. 1:30—Devotionals, \Ar. F.' T. Evans. 2:30—"Methodist Laymen's Place in Reform Movements," J. C. Calhoun. Cooper. 2:30—"Anti-saloon League," C. S. Cooper. 3:00—General discussion. 3:00—Woman's hour: W. F. M. S„ Mrs. Minnie Adams N. II. M. S., Mrs. Naoma Day Ladies' Aid, Mrs. J. W. Cheney Deaconess work, Mrs. L. G. Murphy. 4:30—"Is a Reduction in the Num ber of Districts in the Iowa Confer ence Desirable," J. AV. Carson. Tuesday Evening. 7:30—Song service, Jesse Monkman. 8:00—Address, Rev. C. E. Cogge shall. Wednesday Morning. 3:00—Devotionals, C. L. Jordan. 8:45—Closing message, district sup erintendent. 9:00—Business. 10:00—Iowa Conference, interests Graham hospital, W. S. Gardner, con ference claimants, J. C. Kendrick, Iowa Wesleyan university Pres. A. E. Schell. Wednesday Afternoon. 1:30—Devotionals, S. F. Bishop. 2:00—-Foreign missions, L. Ingram. Home* missions and church exten sion. AV. H. Perdew: Freedom's Aid, M. H. Banker Education, J. P. Cummins. 3:00 Sunday Schools. Cradle Roll, Mrs. D. C. Beaven Normal class, C. A. Field, Home Department, Miss Car rie Beardsley. 3:30—Epworth League in the Keo kuk district, J. A. Krenmyer Epworth Volunteers, Miss Iva Ingersoll Junior league, Miss Gertrude Robinson. 4:00—Closing business. Wednesday Evening. 7:30—Song service, A. T. Jones. 8:00—Methodist Brotherhood, Rev. J. W. Potter. Committees: License to Preach—C. E. Coggeshall. A. L. Jordan. H- C. Druce. Examination Local Preachers Course —J. AAr. Potter. S. F. Bishop. J. A. Krenmyer. Reception on Trial in Annual Con ferences—F. B. Tucker, N. H. Pesdew, H. F. Gilbert. Candidates for Orders—W. H. Thorn Geo. Blaag. Fairfield Mav Have Day Current. Fairfield, July 6.—(Special.)—The Fairfield Gas & Electric company will install a complete new electric equip ment within the next sixty days, this probably meaning that Fairflel^l will have a day current after struggling along until now without one. The equipment, it is stated, will be new throughout and will consist of up to date machinery. Eddyville People in California. Eddyville, July 6.—(Special.)—Word has- b sart nad his brother-in-law, T. H. Miller, formerly of this place, have purchased a large grocery store at Glendora, Calif., where they now re side. The latter is also the proprietor of a feed store next door to the groc ery store. •—*. 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT 4"A on all 7- Cravenctlcs sniffs as MM Mffr/y/tftr- the postal cards issued by this govern ment are inferior to tne product of almost every other country and that it is contemplated to make improve ments in the general style and de signs. It may be decided to change also the color of the ink and the tint of the paper. The government issues 75,000,000 postal cards' a month. T'ie present four-year contract expires De cember 31. -4 JTS. This Week. You'll have use for a Raincoat every month in 'if the year. ,. Buy Now! t.'W/ftk $25 Cravenettes at $18.75. $20 Cravenettes at $15.00. $15 Cravenettes at $11.25. 207 East Main St. Monogram China We have a line of very fine Haviland China that orders are taken for. We will gladly show, you this pattern and have some made with your initial in gold. Moderately priced. N.W.CowSes The Jeweler 1/t "Sv? Smiling In the Dentist's Chair Why not? The times when the dental chair was a seat of pain and torture are past. OUR PATIENTS KNOW that the crude work and clumsy implements of the last genera tion have given way to wonder ful improvements and that WE LEAD in up-to-date methods, scientific research and latest technique IN DENTISTRY NEW SYSTEM DNETAL PARLORS Dr. W. L. Dunning, Opposite Ballingail A Cool Kitchen in summer is longed for by every housewife. Buy a Hastings Kitchen Cabinet SAVE STEPS. Have the article you need handy'an keep cool. The Best Cabinet Made For sale by— 'k Martin Furniture &Carpet Company