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NOTICE! All letter* for this department must be addrestsd: Courier Junior, [VOL. X, NO. 18 Ottumwa, Iowa. THE COURIER JUNIOR Published by THE COURIER PRINTING CO. Ottumwa, Iowa MATILDA OEVEREAUX EDITOR Hope All 1914 Prize Winners Will loin Christmas Stocking Club "Dear Juniors: We hope that the names of all the Juniors to whom prizes have been awarded during the past year will be enrolled on the membership of the 1914 Christmas 'Stocking chib. We are happy to say that many, many Ottumwa Juniors who belonged to the 1913 Christmas Stocking club are members of the 11914 club, too. In the enrollment are iaine Chicago Juniors, two Little Rock, iArk., JunioTs, two Eau Claire, Wis., utmioes, one La Farge, Wis., Junior, tone Ft. Madison Junior, one Des j&foines Junior, one Valley Falls, Kas., (junior, besides Juniors from Eldon, fselma and the many rural routes. To show how the club has grown •we will publish below the figures of the last eight years, taken from our files, showing the number of pairs of stockings distributed each year: Years. ABOUT PRIZES. If the Courier Juniors have ever failed to receive prizes when the win ners' names were published we want to be told about it right away. We 'also want all of our prizes acknowl edged. We send out prizes within "two weeks. If any Junior has ever failed to re ceive a prize after his or her name 'appeared in this paper, it is because the wrong address has been given us. I [When we say wrong address we es pecially refer to incomplete addresses. All city Juniors should put their street number and all Juniors living in the country should put their box number, rbr failing to have a box send in their sparents' names. SEVEN RULES FOR THE JUNIORS. 1. Use one side of the paper only. 2. Write neatly and legibly, using ,Jnk or sharp lead pencil. 3. Always sign your name in full fend state your age. 4. Do not copy stories and poetry lend send us as your own work. 5. Number your pages. ..f 6. Always state choice of a prize ton a separate piece of paper, with name and address in full. 7. Address envelope to The Cour ier Junior. SARAH WRITES TO SANTA CLAUS TELLS OF ALL THE FAMILY. Dear Santa Clouas: We want you to try and come to our house. We were very glad you came last Christmas. I have three sisters. Their names are Bertha age seven, Gladys age fifteen and Wilemna age nine. Then I have two brothers named Joe si ah and Al bert. Bertha said she would like to have some candy and nuts. You may bring me what every you like. Papa hasn't any money to give you, because he is not able to work. Papa said not to look for you, but I cant help looking for you anyway. You will have no trouble finding the house the dog will not hurt you because he likes you. he saw you last Christmas we will not lock the door and you can come in. maybe you will find my stocking on a line over the stove. We will all be asleep for we know you do not like us to see you. We go to bed about six. We have never got to see you but we have seen your picture. Well you come to our house. I will have to close as my letter is getting long and there are so many letters that you can't read them all before Christmas. Goodbye, from Sarah Suesanna Kiblen, age 12 618 North Ferry street Dear Ila: Pair» [i 1906 I 1907 J®® S 1908 200 I5 1909 225 1910 270 1911 389 1912 540 1913 933 CHRISTMAS STORIES. This year we want all the Juniors who have passed their fourteenth birthday to write a Christmas story. We will give a special prize for these older Juniors. We want all the Juniors who have not passed their fourteenth birthday to write on one of the following sub- 3eWHY THE CHRISTIAN WORLD CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS. THE MAGI. The prize will be either a doll, pair of skates, a book, a beautiful picture, a box of candy or a Christmas tree. The contest closes Monday, Dec. 21. The Juniors whose letters or stories have been- appearing in the Junior the past week weeks will receive post cards Christmas week. We will not have room to publish the many splen did letters, compositions and stories received until after Christmas. How ever, we want all the Juniors to work in the Christmas contest. 'yyfWW«W|WWl$' f'*».14••"•',^"*'-1*?•'!'SI- Pauline Wilson Writes to Her Friend Da (Concluded.) On November 9, Daddy was out in a field and saw wild strawberries in bloom and green ones on the vines. Can Iowa heat that? In the summer time is the time for you to come up here. We would go to see the Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Toronto and all the other points of interest. It certainly is a wonderful sight to see Niagara Falls. I presume you have read about it? Have you any pets? We still have Teddy, our little dog and also have the dearest little Maltese kitten. We call her Beauty, because she is so pretty. She and Teddy play all day long together. Have you any pictures of yourself? If you have please send me one and I will send you one of mine. John is singing bass in a choir of thirty-two trained voices. A week ago he got a cornet and began taking les sons. He has taken two lessons and is advancing rapidly. Tonight he came in and played "It's a Long Way to Tip perary." and played it real nice. Do you play any instrument? I play the piano. Are there many people that still live on Wabash avenue now that lived there when we did? I see by the paper that you got the prize for the best letter and I offer my congratula tions. I belong to a-'branch of the W. C. T. U., called the L. T. L„ which stands for "Loyal Temperance Legion." I am the secretary of it. There are 186 members. We are now practicing for a concert which we expect to give on the 27th of this month. Well, Ila, I can't think of anything else to tell you this time, but there will be more news ready for the next time. I hope to get an immediate an swer, either by mail or through the Junior page as I am anxious to get news from home. Please write a long letter in return. I remain, SANTA CLAUS LETTERS FROM LITTLE JUNIORS Dear Santa Claus: The little letters written to you are just like the Juniors sent them in. We did not make any corrections. RUTH BELGER WANTS A ROCK ING CHAIR. Dear Santa Clause I will rite a few lines this week I would like to have a doll and a rocking chair I go to school every day my teachers name is Miss Ganz I like her very much I go to Sun day school to I like to go Sunday school I am in the third grade in School from Ruth Belger age 8 Albia, Iowa, LAWRENCE BELGER'S FIRST LET TER WRITES SANTA. Dear Santa I would like to have some things this Christmas this is my first letter 1 ever rote I would like a train and a sled and a tricycle 1 do like to ride on a sled in the snow I go to School I like my teacher her name is Miss Ridhesons I will close good by from Lawrence Belger age 6 Albia, Iowa. HAROLD'S LIST OF PRESENTS IN CLUDES A DOLL. Ottumwa, December 5, 1914. Dear Santa please bring me a doll and doll buggy and a doll bed, new dress, apron, and a ribbon and a chair and table and a tea set and thats all goodbye for this time. Harold Stevens, age 11 346 South Moore St. MARION WHITE TELLS SANTA ABOUT BROTHER AND SISTER.. Hedrick, Iowa, Dec. 7, 1914. Dear Santa:— I am a little boy seven years old. My home is one mile north of Farson. I have a brother Donald, five years old and a baby sister, Ella. I would like you to bring me a gun, a printing outfit, a game and some candy and nuts. My brother wants a sled, a game and some candy and please leave a doll for sister. If you haven't these whatever you want to bring will be all right. Your little boy, Marion White, Hedrick, Iowa, Route 2. RUSSELL PETERSON'S SISTER IS FOUR. Dear Santa Claus. I am a little boy ten years old. I go to school every day, I will tell you what I want for Christ mas. I want a pair of skates and some good books. I have a little sister foiv year old. Her name is Alice. She would like to have a doll and some blocks. If you please we would like to have some candy and nuts. That will be all. Good-bye Dear Santa. Russell Peterson, Frederic, Iowa, R. No.l. ELSA FUGATE REMINDS SANTA OF HER BROTHER. Dear Santa—Please send me a doll and doll buggy. I have a little brother two years old, will you bring him a book that he cant tare. From Elva Fugate, age 6. 3&0 S. Moore St. The Courier Letters to Santa Claus FLORENCE REMEMBERS HER BROTHER. Fairfield Iowa Dec 6, 1914 Dear Santa Claus: I would like a doll buggy for Christ mas. and I thir.k my brother would like a train and we would like some apples & nuts if you have any to spare. And I think my sister would like to have a knife and also a story book. And I would like a story book to. And I think my brother would like a funny book. And I would like a funny book to. Florence Johnson, Fairfield, la., R. No. 8. ISABELLE WATTS TELLS SANTA TO REMEMBER ALL HER FAMILY. Dear Santa Claus: My name is Isabelle Watts I am 8 years old, I want to tell you what I want for Christmas I want a go-cart and Candy & Nuts and lots of other things. I have two Sisters and one brother. My oldest Sister's Name is Laiia she is 13 yrs of age and my oth er sisters Name is Maggie she is 11 yrs of age and my little brother's Name is Francis Watts, he is 5 yrs old they will tell you what they want Isabelle Watts age 8 Ottumwa, la., R. No. 7 Box 48. INEZ BELGER WANTS DOLL BUGGY. Dear Santa Clause I will rite as my first time riting to Juniors please dont forget us I have two brothers and one sister my Brothers names is Laurence and Elbert I would like to have a doll and buggy and sc«me dishes my baby Bro Elbert is age 4 but he has been so afflicted he cant tell what he wants but I will tell what I think he likes it is a little wagon and a teddy Bear I will close for this time from Inez Belger age 10 Albia, Iowa. JUNE JACKSON WANTS SOME HAIRPINS. Dear Santa Claus: Will you please bring me some nice hair pins. And a story book. I guess that will be all Santa, unless you bring me some candy and nuts, if you have any to spare. Good bye Santa, June Jackson, age 11. P. S. Please put my name on the Christmas Stocking club list. IBWIN FUGATE WANTS A SLED AND AN AIR GUN. Dear Santa—I will write and tell you what. I want for Christmas. I want a sled and a airgun my little brother wants a train and my sister wants a doll and please bring us some candy and nuts. This is all I want for this time. Goodbye Santa, From Irwin Fugate, age 8. 3505 S. Moore St. EDNA PARSONS WANTS A RED CANE. Santa Claus North pole. Dear Santa.— As it is getting near Christmas I will write and tell you what I want for Christmas. I would like to have a candy red and white cane, and money safe, and a lit tle white muff and some candy and nuts. I hope I wil get all this. Good-bye From Edna Parsons, Douds-Leando, la., R. No. 1. Phones, New 167 & 44, Old 44 The Club Membership Up To 10 A.M. Was 235 O a a 2 2 3 A:-.' 'f OTTUMWA, WAPELLO COUNTY, IOWA 7 I Telephone Your Name Now OKLAHOMA JUNIOR WRITES TO SANTA. Miami, Okla., Dec. 4, 1914. Dear Juniors—I will write you a let ter and tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a dolly and a carri age. My aunt is here she is going to stay till after Christmas. She brought me a pair of beads and give my mama a nice big powder rag. I have been going to school every day. We are go ing to have a Christmas tree Xmas night. Well I havent much to say. My age is 10 years and my name is Rena Miford and my address is Miami, Okla. Dear Courier Junior: I will write you a letter and tell you what I want for my Christmas present. I want a doll and bed. and a sack of candy. My aunt is here. I have a nice pair of beeas my aunt gave them to me. 1 havent much to say about Xmas and 1 will close my name is GeralDine Mi ford, age 9 years old, and will close. CECIL SIMMERS WANTS 6 PAIRS OF SOX. Dear Editor: I am writing this letter to let Santa Claus know what I want. I am only 9 years old. This is what I want Doll and Cart top that will spin poodle dog that will bark rocking horse a toy lantern nuts candy rubber doll chewing gum rattle box for baby 6 eelliloid collars for neck 6 new pairs of sox as these are worn out and an A B, A book and dictionary as I am going to school someday. Hoping to receive all that I ask for Cecil Simmers, Riverview add. CLARENCE WANTS A BALL AND BAT. Dear Santa—Santa will you bring me a ball and ball bat airgun cap new shoes story book a train Are wakon toy automobile cat and dog a set of tools that is all goodbye Clarence Brooks, age 11. 422 S. Moore St. FRANCIS WATTS ASKS FOR A HOBBY HORSE. Dear Santa Claus— I am a little boy age 5 yrs old My Name is Francis Watts. I Will tell You What I want for Christmas I Want a ball, a hobby-horse And some candy, Nuts & banana's, I guess that will do for this time Good-bye F*rom Your little boy Francis Watts Age 5, Ottumwa, la., R. 7, Box 48. To Santa Claus. PAUL SHAFFER WANTS A HAY WAGON. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am a little boy five years old and I want you to bring me a little Hay wagon and an automobile, and some cocosvnut or mouse candy. Be sure to 6ome and don't forget. I will go to bed at 8 o'clock and shut my eyes and will not look. Your little boy Paul Shaffer, Floris, la., R. No. 3. The 1913 Christmas Stocking club gave out 933 pairs of stockings to 933 needy little children. This year we want the membership to reach 1,000. The Courier Junior has many new readers, so we will tell them something of the club. The Coprier Junior was the first Christmas club in Iowa, or any of the nearby states and was planned right here in this office, December, 1906. Its purpose is to make little children very happy at Christmas time. Then again if we wish to give presents at Christ mas time and do not want our friends to know from whom the wifts come, Santa Claus will deliver them for us if we ask him. You all know that Santa Claus does not always give useful pre sents, such as stockings, mittens, so the members of the Christmas Stock ing club can supply these needs. All one has to do to become a member of the club is to give a nice pair of well filled stockings. HERE IS THE WAY TO FILL A STOCKING: Into one stocking put some candy and nuts, also a toy, an orange, a pair of mittens, an apple and the other stocking. Many of the Juniors fill both stockings. On the card with the donor's name put the age of the child for whom the stockings are intended. We will publish the names of the members of the club every day until Christmas. We dc not want the stock ings until the Monday before Christ mas but we will be glad to have the names of the children and grownups, who care to belong to the club right away. Juniors and grownusp living at a distance can send a pair of stockings also a sum of money sufficient to buy the candy, toys and mittens. We are so glad to have the grown ups interested in the club. These gifts may seem small but they bring untold pleasure to many needy little children. The stockings will be left just as the donors bring them in, and will be dis tributed Christmas eve direct from this office, among little children whose parents are unable to provide any Christmas cheer and to little ones be reft of their parents. The club membership up to 10 a. m. follows: IN MEMORY OF MAMIE LEE, WHO DIED JUNE 8, 1914. BESSIE LEE. BEULAH BINKS. WAYNE EDWARD SONGER. PAUL CLIFFORD PICKETT. FULTON NIMOCKS EVERTA CECIL KING. WILLIAM JAMES KING. RUTH ELEANOR GILLEN. T. ARTHUR REIFSNYDER. MILDRED RILEY. WARREN JOSEPH GREGORY. MYRTLE ARLENE WHIPPLE. VILETTA LOUISE WHIPPLE. PAUL RAY LEACH. DONA CARMEN LEACH. GRETCHEN GROTZ. CHARLES ROBERT GROTZ. LOIS RUTH GI0SON. GEORGE HAMILTON GIBSON. ESTHER FERN GIBSON. ROBERT THEODORE GIBSON. MARY CATHERINE WALSH. MARY M'ALOON. ELIZABETH M'ALOON. MARGARET M'ALOON. DOROTHY ELOISE MICHAEL. CAROLINE FRANCES OVERMAN. DOROTHY FRANCES WAYLAND. EDITH ROSE DONALDSON. HOWARD KEITH DONALDSON. MRS. C. A. WALSH. DOROTHY MAY MAC MANUS. GEORGE DONALD PICKETT. LAURA LEE. BILLY HARPER. MARY GERTRUDE LAMB. IN MEMORY OF FLORENCE AN DREW. LUCIUS A. ANDREW, JR. THOMAS MARSHALL KESTER. W. T. KESTER, JR. SAMUEL HARPER II. RAYNER HARPER. WALLACE HARPER. GRETCHEN VON SCHRADER. THEKLA VON SCHRADER. ROBERT POWELL. JACK POWELL. BILLY C. POWELL. BILLY J. POWELL. NATALIE HARROW SMITH. STEPHEN HARROW SMITH. HOLMAN FAUST. DUDLEY FAUST. ELBERT FAUST. JEAN FAUST. CAROLINE FAUST. JOHN CANNY. MARGARET CANNY. MARY CANNY. EDWARD CANNY. ROBERT CANNY. VIRGINIA E. ELLIOTT. SARAH AGNES BONWILL. MARY MARGARET BONWILL. DORIS BRIGGS TOWER. BERNARD HUSTON. MARY CATHERINE HUSTON. FLORENCE M'MICHAEL. ROBERT M'MICHAEL. PAUL M'MICHAEL. WILLIAM T. HARPER III. BERNICE HARPER. MARY WANETA M'CARTY. THOMAS MATHEWS MIER. CHAUNCY FAY. vBOBBIE FAY. WILLIAM M'NETT. GARNER M'NETT. IRENE MAY JACKSON. MARTHA PAULINE PROCTOR. DONALD IRVIN WALKER. VIRGINIA ELIZABETH STEVENS. MARION GILMORE. FRANCES GILMORE. WILLIAM CLIFFORD BROWN. GORDON THOMAS GRAHAM. ROBERT SECOR GRAHAM. CHARLES AUSTIN GRAHAM. JOHN EDWARD CHAMBERS. ROBERT GRAY CHAMBERS. JAMES HERBERT DENNIS. ELIZABETH WILKINSON. LOIS MAXINE SOUTHARD. JOHN GLENDON SOUTHARD. FRANK M'INT' POLLARD. RICHARD R/ ,"R. RUTH CHRISTIE. GERTRUDE FERGUSON COWLES. ELSIE MERRILL COWLES. JOHN NASH COWLES. RUTH ELIZABETH WALL. RUSSELL EDWIN WRIGHT. MILDRED SHAW. JACOB WILLIAM ONSTOTT. JOE HUNTER HARDSOCG. JOHN WILLIAM RIGGLE. HELEN ROSE RIGGLE. WILLIAM O'BRIEN. JAMES LLOY.D STEWART. KATHALEEN "ELIZABETH STEWART. MARY MADELINE STEWART. EDWIN WINF1ELD MUSGROVE. DOROTHY EMMALINE HANS- MANN. LOIS WILHELMINA HANSMANN. ARDITH LORENE MEADER. MILDRED LOUISE LINTON. MARGARET ELIZABETH CAMP BELL. ROBERT MACCLAIN RAY. ROBERT LENROAT EATON. ARTHUR GEORGE EATON. IDA MAY TOMLIN. GORDON CARLSON HOSEN. DOROTHY ALTA HOWARD. WILLIAM JOHN SWEENEY. RUTH HALL SHANAHAN. EMMETT J. SHANAHAN. PAUL OLIVER GEERY. GAYLORD BOYD LEE WINIFRED ELIZABETH BYRNES, (Des Moines.) BUD GRAY. ARDERY JAY HUGHES. JOHN RICHARD FREDRICKSON. FRANCIS CLIFFORD FREDRICK- SON. MOLLIE MAY FREDRICKSON. HOWARD STEPHEN JOHNSON. IN MEMORY OF RUTH ELJZAr BETH KENT. HAROLD SIDNEY KENT. HELEN DUKE. BUSTER DUKE. MARTHA ALBERT. BARBARA ALBERT JANE HENGEN. KATHERINE HENGEN. ROSMA HENGEN. All letters for this department vnusl be addressed: Courier Junior, NELL. 1 $ NOTICei Ottumwa, Iowa. FOR THE CHILDREN IN MEMORY OF MARGARET ISA. BELLE R08C0E. LOUISE ROSCOE. JOHN HARVEY NICHOLS. MAXWELL WARD STENTZ. JORDON M. WORK. JUNE JACKSON. LINUS NEIMYER, JR. BOB FUNK. JR. RUSSELL WISE. LYDIA TRAUL. RAYMOND OLDHAI1. MARIAN WILSON. BILLY WIL'SON. DOROTHY ABELL. BILLY ABELL. VERA LOUISE M'KEE. RUTH ANNA W'KEE. KATHEL MAUD KARR (La Farge, Wisconsin). DOROTHY MARIE LEGG. KENNETH HAROLD WILEY. GWENDOLYN REATHA E. COR GERA,LDEAN COOKSTON COR NELL. DELPHINE OPAL CORNELL. BILLY RHINEHART. PAUL ARTHUR MOOREHOUSE. MARTHA MARY WELCH. IN MEMORY OF MARJORIE FRANCES WILSON. WOODROW WILSON. DONALD WILSON. ALBERTINA PARK. ROSEBUD PARK. KATHARINE MARVIS ROWUN- SON, SIOUX FALLS, S. D. JAMES EDWARD PECK II. VEDA MARJORIE PECK. LEORA MAE DAWSON, (Valley Falls, Kan.) "'Z'"T* SIDNEY JOHN HUGHES. BETTY C. BOWIE. CHRISSIE F. BOWIE. IN MEMORY OF AGNES MAY WIN- INGER. MARJORIE LOUISE WININGER. MARGARET ELIZABETH WININ GER. LOUIS EDWARD WININGER. JACK HUEY. PHILIP BERNHARDT HOFMANN. DOROTHY FRANCES HALL. JEAN LUCILLE HALL. DOROTHY ELIZABETH LEWIS. MARTHA JOSEPHINE GUSTASON. LUCILE MORROW MOFFITT. ELIZABETH WARREN. HOBART SIMMONS WHITMORE. LOIS SAPP. GEORGE LLOYD OVERTURF. WILLIAM NORRIS CRAMBLIT, JR. GERALDINE DELLA CRAMBLIT. CLARA ALICE KERNS. AUBREY LEE LEWIS. CHARLESHEUSTON. HELEN HEUSTON. FERN HEUSTON. MILDRED HEUSTON, WILLIAM H. COOPER II. LAVINA MERRICK. ROBERT DANIEL WOOD. LOUISE MATILDA WOOD. SAMUEL HOMER BURTON. VERNON EUGENE BRUMLEY, KENNETH DALE STOCKER. SIDNEY MA.RGARET SCOTT. MARIAN WILSON SCOTT. (ROBERT BUCHANAN SCOTT. HAZEL PAULINE M'CUNE. MARY ELIZABETH M'CUNE. DOROTHY ADELE LAWSON. ROBERT THOMPSON FOSTER. HENRY SHELBY CARSON. (Chariton) EUNICE P. WHITTON. THOS. WESLEY RIDDLE. REGINA C. ROBERTSON. ROSALIE G. ROBERTSON. LORETTO AGNES ROBERTSdNk THELMA E. BROOKS. (Snowbelt, Mont.) PHILIP EDMUNDS PRATT. (Ft. Madison) ALICE LOREINE M'ELROY. KATHERINE MAURINE REEVE. NANCY LUCILLE GENTRY. PHOEBE LORENE GENTRY, CLEO KARR (Bloomfield.]. ti4 l» 1 .( a