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%.? N JS •WR1" .• & ]u lyl'. 4 N fell I -V VOLUME SIXTY-NINE Indications Are That Gen. Mackensen Has Failed to Pierce Defenses RAlft INTERFERING ON BATTLE FRONTS Bucharest, Sept. 25.—Successes for the Rumanians in both Tran sylvania and Dobrudja are report ed in an official statement issued by the war office. Paris, Sept. 25.—Latest reports re garding the important campaign in the Romanian province of Dobrudja indi cate a lessening in the intensity of the struggle between the invading armies of the central powers and the Rus sians and Rumanians facing them. Field Marshal von Mackensen's in itial attempts to break the allied lines formed to defend the Constanza-Tcher naveda railroad evidently have failed, the opposing forces apparently are now virtually deadlocked along the front from the Danube to the Black sea. In their invasion of Transylvania the Rumanians report success in an attack at Hermannstadt, where 300 men and five machine guns were captured. Nearly 7,000 prisoners have been tak en by the Rumanians so far in their Transylvanian campaign. Today's official statement from Pet rograd declaring no events of import ance have occurred along the Russian or Caucasus fronts is one of the lacon ic sort customarily issued by the war office when decisive results in pend ing operations are lacking. Official reports and private dis patches Indicate that the fall rains are Interfering with the progress of hos tilities on. virtually all battle fronts. In the Alpine districts and the Cau casus cold weather and snow add to the difficulties of combatants. ENTENTE BEATEN BACK. Sofia, Bulgaria, Sept. 24.—Via Lon don, Sept. 25.—The Bulgarians have successfully defended Kaimakcalan height on the westerly side of the Macedonian battle front against re peated attacks by entente forces, the war office announced today. Succes sive assaults were delivered yesterday on the Bulgarian positions but in each case the attacking forces, although they closely approached the Bulgarian Urenches, were unable to penetrate them and fell back with heavy losses. Entente troops which attacked vil lages on the eastern bank of the Struma were forced by the Bulgarians to retreat across the stream. RUSSIANS ON OFFENSIVE. Paris, Sept. 26.—Russian troops on the western end of the Macedonian front took the offensive last night. The war office announced today that they liad captured hill 916, west of Fiorina, which had been fortified strongly by the Bulgarians. A Bulgarian counter attack was checked by French and Russian artillery and bayonets. COUNTER ATTACK FAILS. Paris, Sept. 25.—German troops made an attack on the Verdun front last night near Vaux-Chapitre wood. This afternoon's war office report says the attack failed. BELGIAN COAST RAIDED. London, Sept. 25.—British monitors and destroyers bombarded the Belgian coast Sunday between Heyst and Bruges, according to a Reuter dis patch from Flushing. Two Zeppelins Lost Berlin, Sept. 25.—Extensive fires •were observed to have been caused by the Zeppelin bombardment of London and the English midland counties on Saturday night, it was announced today In the official report on the air raid. Two of the Zeppelins were lost as a result of the fire of anti-aircraft guns in London, the statement adds. TWENTY-EIGHT KILLED. London, Sept. 25.—The Zeppelin raid on the eastern coast of England Saturday night resulted in the death of twenty-eight persons and the in jury of ninety-nine in the metropolitan district of London. Two Zeppelins were brought down by the British anti aircraft guns, Ae crew of one being burned to death in midair. The crew cf the other was taken prisoner. On the Somme in the last few days more than forty aeroplanes of the Ger mans and entente allies have come to grief. Both sides claim to have "brought down about an equal number. GREEK DIPLOMAT ARRESTED. ^Paris, Sept. 25. —Monsignor Agath jg^gelos, Greek metropolitan of Drama, was arrested on board the steamer Ohio on its arrival at Saloniki from Piraeus by order of the national de fense committee, according to a Sal oniki dispatch to the Matin. Bishop Agathangelos constantly attacked the entente in speeches and writings and ^ls also accused, the dispatch says, of acting as a spy. jv v'5 "fw -e •. ft j^r-r J**: ,• RJT'" MEDIATORS IN HALFDEADLOCK MEXICANS IN8IST ON AN EARLY WITHDRAWAL OF TROOPS WITHOUT FURTHER AOO. New London, Sept. 25. —The mem bers of the Mexican-American joint commission today began the fourth week of their investigation of border conditions in their effort to bring an adjustment of international questions. The Mexican representatives were still insistent that their army is cap able of maintaining peace in northern Mexico and that relations between the two countries would be greatly Improved by the withdrawal of the American forces. The Americans in sisted on further study of Mexico's in ternal affaire. More reports from the war depart ment supporting charges that out lawry in the state of Chihuahua is showing signs of Increase were in the hands of the Americans but the Mex icans were prepared to submit counter reports indicating the insignificance of Villa's reappearance. CHANGE MEETING PLACE. Washington, D. C., Sept. 25. —At lantic City was chosen today as the new meeting place of the Mexican American commission, now sitting at New London. The selection was made by Eliseo 'Arredondo, Mexican ambas sador designate and Assistant Secre tary Phillips of the state department. The change was decided upon be cause the hotel at which the commis sioners are making their headquarters in New London closed this week for the season. Mr. Arredondo today called on Sec retary Lansing and reiterated that no report from any source Indicated that Villa personally took part in the re cent raid on Chihuahua City. BRITISH KM 01 Wit Diplomatic Exchanges Deal With Seizure And Opening of Ameri can Mail To Neutrals. Washington, D. C., Sept. 25. —The British reply to the American mail note of May 24 protesting against the mail censorship left London Friday, the British embassy here wag Inform ed, today, and should arrive in Wash ington late this week. No advance indication of its contents was for warded. Any arrangement arrived at with ex porters, in New York by Sir Richard Crawford, the British commercial at tache, who today began Informal ne gotiations there, will be made to con form with the terms of the note. Such arrangements, it is pointed out will be entirely Informal and made theoretically without knowledge of the diplomatic authorities of the two gov ernments, who will continue to nego tiate as to the principles involved, re gardless of any modus vivendi which may be arrived at. TWO HELOJOB SWINDLE State Agents Promise Sensational Dis closures as Result of Their Investigations. Des Moines, Sept. 25.—James Ris den, special state agent, came to Des Moines today from Waterloo to take back there Harold Ward and J. W. Brown, who, according to Attorney General George Cosson, are to be charged with operating a confidence game. Ward and Brown were arrested here Saturday night, charged with having swindled John G. Huglin, a re tired farmer, out of $10,000 on a "fake" horse race. In a statement issued today, Attor ney General Cosson said that the al leged swindle of Huglin is only anoth er ramification of the swindles charg ed against Ward, Brown and F. Washington, J. W. Reeves in Davenport. State agents still are working on the case, Mr. Cos son said, and their investigations may result in sensational disclosures, it was said. According to published statements, Huglin was swindled in May, 1915, and borrowed a large portion of the $10, 000 he is alleged to have lost. SCOTLAND YARD INSPECTOR DIES London, Sept. 25. —Alfred Ward, chief inspector of Scotland Yard, died in a hospital this morning. Inspector Ward had charge of the police inves tigation into several of the most sen sational crimes of recent years. He visited the United States last May to bring back Ignatius Tribich Lincoln, the former member of parliament and self confessed German spy. Lincoln was extradited on the charge of for-, gery. WAR TO LAST YEAR YET, SAYS GENERAL *San Francisco, Sept. 25.—That the war in Europe will last at least an other year was the opinion expressed here today by Brig. Gen. U. C. N. Sellheim, who has been with the Australian forces in Europe and who is on his way to Australia to take over the organization and equipment of new troops. "The outstanding feature of the whole terrible business," he said, "has been the magnificent courage and patriotic spirit of the twentieth .vp ,-r TTVjS?'^'*' *r: EXPDRTSREAGH More Than Half a Billion Dollars Worth of Goods Shipped in a Month D. C., Sept 25.—Ameri can exports finally have passed the half billion dollars a month mark. Statistics issued today by the depart ment of commerce show that AMERICAN BANKERS HOLD CONVENTION Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 25.—Bank ers, gathered here today for the con vention of the American Bankers' as sociation, began the preliminary work of the annual gathering with meetings of commixes of the general organiza tion and of the affiliated sections and the organization of a state bank sec tion, the first of its kind in the asso ciation. Officers of the association revealed today that the convention probably would not go on record in favor of any radical changes in the present bank ing lawB. Representatives of the country banks, however, plan to continue the fight started three years ago in Bos ton for an amendment to the section of the federal reserve act relating to the present system of collecting coun try checks through the federal reserve banks, which the country banks claim is "unfair and entirely without author ity in law." An executive conference of bankers interested was held last night. PROSECUTOR OF BANKERS CHOSEN Chicago, Sept. 25. —Edwin J. Raber, prosecutor in the trial which resulted in the conviction of Charles B. Munday on chargtes of conspiracy in connection with the wrecking of the LaSalie Street Trust and Savings bank, today assumed charge of the prosecution of defaulting private bankers uncfer the direction of-State's Attorney Hoyne. The campaign against unsupervised private banks progressed today. While Mr. Raber was preparing evi dence which Is to be used against four private bankers already indicted for accepting deposits while insolvent, Mr. Hoyne prepared to lay before the grand jury evidence concerning the closing of the three Paisley bankB. At the same time the affairs of these banks and of the Dubia bank were scheduled for airing in bankruptcy proceedings before Federal Judge K. M. Landis. CHEMICAL SH.OW .ON IN NEW YORK New York, Sept. 25.—Nearly every prase of the chemical industry and most of the leading chemical concerns of the United States are represented in the exposition of chemical indus tries which opened here today with the annual conventions of the Ameri can Chemical society, American Elec tro-chemical society and the technical section of the Paper & Pulp associa tion. Today was devoted to the open ing of the exposition and displays of moving pictures illustrating technical subjects. Dr. Thomas H. Norton, agent of the department of commerce, who is at tending the meetings, said he believed the United States within the next six months will be producing enough dyes to meet a normal demand. BOMB AT MOVIE SHOW. Chicago, Sept. 25.—The explosion of what is believed to have been a timed and shrapnel filled bomb in the rear of a State street moving picture theater here early today broke scores of plate glass~windows, shook buildings for blocks around and badly damaged the show house at which the bomb was direoted. The police attribute the use of the bomb to the rivalry between different motion picture operators' unions. sM. s'• ©ri goods sent abroad In August were valued at $510,000,000, a record not only for this country but for the world. The total is $35,000,000 above the previous high record, established in May, and $45, 000,000 higher than the June figure. Imports decreased In August, the total of $199,247,391 being $47,000,000 below that of June, the record month. It was greater, however than the total for any previous August. Exports for the year ended with August aggregat ed $4,750,000 and the Imports $2,300, 000,000, both totals being far in ad vance for those for any similar periol Of the August imports, 66.5 per it entered free of duty, compared with 67.5 per cent in August a year ago. The favorable trade balance for Au gust was $311,000,000, compared with $119,000,000 in Augusta sear ago, and a balance of $19,000,000 in August, 1914, against the United States. For the twelve months ending August 31 the export balance was $2,465,000,000 as against $1,363,000,000 J*' the preced ing year and $374,000,01 two years ago. The net Inward gold movement for Aiigust was $29,000,000 and for the year $410,000,000, a record breaker. Last year the net inwarJ gold move ment was $146,000,000 and two years ago there was a net outward move ment of $95,000,000. Gold imports in August were $41,238,716 against $61, 641,191 in August, 1915, and $3,045,219 in August, 1914. :v", „'«IV .••-• *,- ,'. IOWA—Partly cloudy probably show- era east and south tonight or Tuea- day. Sun rises, 6:50 a. m.: acta, 5:53. LOCAL TEMP.—6 p. m., 77 8 a. m., 67 12 m., 80 max.. 80 mln., B7. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 25. —ChaB. E. Hughes' left here early t&day to open his campaign In Ohio at Dayton. Addresses before the National league of republican clubs at the soldiers' home and in the auditorium at night with an afternoon visit to the fair grounds were the chief activities for today. He will leave Dayton early Tuesday to continue his trip through Ohio. He expects Gov. Willis, Senator Harding, Myron T. Herrtck, James R. Garfield, and other party lenders to accompany him. Sunday Mr. Hughes was the guest of his running mate, Charles W. Fair banks, who left today on a speaking tour that will carrv him to the Pacific coast. His first speech was scheduled at Omaha Tuesday evening. TALKS TO VETERANS. Dayton. Ohio, Sept. 25.—The United Stah.i, Charles E. Must Be Ready. "I look to the United States of the future as a nation with governmental policies which will maintain general prosperity as a nation prepared for every emergency. We seek peace but we are firm in the determination that we will enforce American rights and have peace with honor and security. "We desire nothing but that to which we are justly entitled. We want the estem of all nations. W« covet nothing but my friends, the union which you fought to maintain will not long be preserved unless we maintain in this generation, firmly, the dignity of American citizenship, the honor jf the American flag. "The republican party has been the party of national honor. In our inter national relations under republican ad ministration the dignity and prestige of the United States has been of the highest." Candidate Cheered. The nominee's reiteration of his Btand for the enforcement of Ameri can rights "with regard to lives, prop erty and commerce throughout the world1' was greeted with cheers. Mr. Hughes will deliver one more address in Dayton at the auditorium tonight. BACK TO THE G. O. P. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 25.—While the election is several weeks away it is possible to draw some conclusions as to the situation in Indiana from re ports received by the organizations of both parties In the last week. Both parties are now getting reports on the sixty day poll. One conclusion seems pretty safe and that is that the amalgamation of the republicans and progressives is a thing completed. It Is admitted by well informed democrats that practl-. cally 100 per cent of the progressives who came from the republican party have gone back to it. OKLAHOMA FOR HUGHES. Tulsa, Okla., Sept. 25.—The Okla homa republicans are growing in con fidence that they will carry the state for both the national and state tick ets this fall. The remarkable state convention in Oklahoma City a few days ago, coup led with big meetings in Tulsa, Musko gee, Perry, Enid and other places has accentuated the belief that Oklahoma can no longer be classed as part of the solid south. VOTING ON PROHIBITION. Worth, Tex., Sept. 25.—Voters of this, Tarrant county, were participat ing in a local option election today by which, if prohibition is carried, ap proximately 125,000 persons would be affected? ^-v -.,-x OTTUMWA COURIER, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1916 HUGHES OPENS OHIO CAMPAIGN CANDIDATE HAS BUSY PROGRAM ENCOURAGING REPORTS FROM 8EVERAL STATES. Hughes told an audience of civil war veterans, will not idure unless each generation Btar firmly for the dignity of Ameri caA citizenship and the honor of the flag. "What I most want to see in thiv country," Mr. Hughes said, "is to have*, our young men, our middle aged men, all our men and our women, jtoo, fired with the patriotic spirit of *61. "You veterans have aided in pre serving the union at a critical time, but in a very true sense every generar tlon must preserve the union. We are still a very young country as com pared with empires of the past that have fallen from decay. We can not be preserved alone by the valor of our ancestors, but we can, Indeed, be pre served if we keep alive their spirit. Patriotism Needed. "As I look to the future and greatly desire that we should find solution for the economic problems of our coun try, I am deeply Impressed with the fact that we must have a driving power of progress, of love for our country. Whatever our race, what ever our creed, wherever we spring from, wherever our fathers.were born, we must have ap intense devotion to our country, the United States, if we are going ahead in the troublous days of the twentieth century and hold our nation where it belongs in the front rank of the nations of the world. "Surely, my friends, you must look into the future with some concern as you think of the possibilities of agi tation and disturbance In this land. We, you and I, so far as I could, lab ored in the past for the preservation of the union, hut the union of states must be typical of a union of spirit. We must have a sense of comradeship that Is very real. Labor in all its ac tivities must frfel that Its work is dig nified by justice. "i, \'.k ,. CURTIS TO BE Play and Recreation Man to Talk Thursday at Big Institute Here The Wapello county teachers' insti tute, which will be in session here Thursday and Friday, will have but one evening program and this will be on Thursday. Henry S. Curtis, a well known lec turer on play and recreation, will talk in the high school assembly room at 8 o'clock. The First Cavalry band's megaphone chorus made up of Will Hahn, James Rlggles, George Potter and Arthur Griffin, will sinfe preceding the lecture. Dr. J. W. Searson of the state agri cultural college of Kansas at Manhat tan, and Edgar S. £Jndley of Daven port, a Chautauqua and institute lec turer, together with Dr. Curtis will make up the headliners of the pro gram. All rural teachers and those in towns of the county employing less than twenty-five Instructors in their schools will attend both days' sessions. The pupils will be dismissed for the *me. With the exception of Thursday evening's lecture all meetings will be held In the court house. The superin tendent's offices on the first floor and the small court room on the third will probably be used. TO CUT SWEAR WORD OUT OF PRAYER BOOK New York, Sept. 25. —Elimination of the word "damn" from the Episco pal prayer book and the substitution of the word "condemn" is recommend ed by the commission on revision of the prayer hook, in a report to be sub mitted to the triennial convention of the Protestant Episcopal church at St. Louis next month. The commission argues that "con demn" is a more correct translation of the Greek word. The commissioners suggest that "damn" Is harsh, inter feres with the beauty of the service and that Its use in church |has a bad influence on the young. NEW YORK BAKERS BOOST BREAD PRICE New York, Sept. 25. —The largest baking company in this city announced today that the price of Its five cent loaf of bread will be advanced next Monday to six cents but that this will be accompanied by an addition to Its weight. A smaller loaf than hereto fore will be sold at five cents. Members of the national bread com mittee are here today to attend a con ference with officers of the House wives' league to consider the advis ability of a wheat embargo. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 25—Declaring that bread making materials have ad vanced in price, the most important baking companies here today announc ed higher prices as well as changes in the size of the loaf. Five cent loaves In future are to be unwrapped but the ten cent loaf will tbe wrapped. SMALL INVESTORS DODGE WAR LOAN London, Sept. 25.—Small Investors are not subscribing to the new German war loan in the same numbers as to previous issues, according to a Reuter Amsterdam dispatch quoting the Col ogne Gazette. "However important and valuable," says the Gazette, "are subscriptions by the million, our war loans would never have been a great success without small single subscriptions." The paper adds that the farmers are afraid that Germany must suffer bank ruptcy owing to the gigantic and ever increasing cost of the war. FAMOUS COMEDIAN DIES IN POVERTY Chicago, Sept. 25.—Charles B. Haw kins, a famous comedian of the civil war days, was buried today without a mourner. The veteran actor was found dying a week ago in a cheap rooming house in which he lived alone and practically in poverty. No one knew where he was 'born, nor if he had any relatives. Hawkins, at the height of his fame, was comedian in "Tennessee's Pard ner." He was about 75 years old. METHODISTS END MEET. Waterloo, Sept. 25. —At the closing session of the Upper Iowa Methodist conference, the following appoint ments were announced: Mason City, first church, J. E. Wag ner Olivet church, W. G. Rowley. Iowa City, S. E. Ellis. Clinton, first church M. J. Locke St. Lyons' church, R. C. Keagy. Davenport, Frank Cole. The presiding elders chosen were: R. F. Hurlbert, Davenport W. F. Spry, Waterloo S. R. Beatty, Cedar Rapids and A. B. Curran of Dubuque. JOE R. LANE UNDER KNIFE. Davenport, Sept. 25.—Ex-Congress man Joe R- Lane is reported to be re covering nicely today from the effects of a severe operation performed Sun day at St. Luke's hospital for gall stones. A total of 190 stones was re moved.' Six leading surgeons of this vicinity performed the operation. ., 4 r- Courier MAN HELD FOR WIFE MURDER SPECIAL GRAND JURY TO BE SWORN IN TO HEAR EVIDENCE AGAINST MISSOURIAN. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 25.—A special grand Jury will be appointed immedi ately to hear the case of Oscar D. Mc Daniel, prosecuting attorney of Bu chanan county, arrested here last night on a warrant charging him with the murder of his wife, Harriet Moss McDaniel, on the night of July 15, ac cording to Bart M. Lockwood, special prosecutor. McDaniel's arrest brought to a head investigations of many weeks' dura tion. The murder with which he Is charged greatly stirred the city, as Mrs. McDaniel came from a well known family and was prominent so cially. She was 35 years old and the mother of three children. In outlining the state's case Mr. Lockwood declared that strained do mestic relations and an alleged quar rel resulting from accusations by Mrs. McDaniel would be the line of argu ment of the state as contributory con ditions for the murder. The special prosecutor asserted his ability to prove that the telephone call which McDaniel said caused his ab sence from home during the time the murder was committed was an inven tion and part of a plan to conceal the crime. It will also be charged that the shots McDaniel claims he exchanged with the murderers on his arrival home that night were in reality fired by himself, according to Lockwood. Following his arrest, the only state ment McDaniel would make was a de nial that he was guilty. Wants Early Trial. McDaniel, who is prosecuting attor ney of this county, said today he would ask for an early trial. McDaniel is a candidate on the democratic ticket for reelection in November. "Thel people have a right to know whetheit I am innocent or guilty," he said, "and I have never denied any body an early trial." Mr. McDaniel characterized as false the statement made by Bart Lock wood, the special prosecuting attor ney, that McDaniel was guilty of the crime. "Countless false and slanderous ru mors have been circulated about me and some have tried to blacken the fair name of my wife," the accused man said. "It seemed in their sight not enough that my wife, whom JL \4 v\ I have known and loved since she was a 12 year-old girl, should be torn from me." Judge Thomas F. Ryan today direct ed the sheriff to summon a special grand jury to report in the criminal court next Wednesday to consider the case. ASSAILANT STILL FREE Hundreds of Men Spend Sunday Search For Brute Who Attacked Country School Teacher. In Grand Rapids, Minn., Sept. 25—More than 300 men all day Sunday vainly searched the woods and portions of the vast swamps in the region believ ed to shelter the man who attacked and shot Miss Olga Dahl, Round Lake school teacher, Thursday. There are hundreds of miles of swamp and forest in which he may be hiding that have not been thoroughly searched and which could not be with less than several thousand men. He may be dead, Sheriff Charles Gunder son is said to have stated., "The country in which he has taken refuge abounds In wild game," he said. "I doubt if the man we want is alive." Dr. M. M. Hursh returned here late last night after passing the day at Miss Dahl's bedside. He said she is improving hourly. The little cabin where Miss Dahl lies was thronged with visitors and her pupils yesterday. OVATION FORJRESIOENT Cheering Crowds Greet Wilson as He Rides Through Streets of Balti more to Convention Hall. Baltimore, Md., Sept 25.—President Wilson came to Baltimore today to de liver the second speech of- his cam paign for reelection. He arrived here at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon and was driven immediately to the Lyric the ater for his address before, the Na tional Grain Djealers' convention. Cheering crowds of several thousand people greeted him at the station. The president's progress through the street was marked by a continuous ovation. Four automobiles carried his immediate party. There were no bands because of Mr. Wilson's insist ence that the occasion be kept non partisan. Frequently, however, he was forced to bow in response to applause. A committee representing commer cial organizations and the Grain Deal ers' association met. As he stepped upon the platform at the theater the audience stood and clapped.. VIENNA IS SHORT ON BREAD SUPPLY Zurich, Switzerland, Sept 25—Press dispatches from Vienna say there has been a bread famine there for several days owing to transportation difficul ties. An official decree has been pub lished forbidding hotels and restaur ants of Vienna and- lower Austria to supply bread to guests, who must bring their own. Railway service has been greatly dislocated since Rumania entered terete mm TO '7.*' t? 4, FROM AUTO tn VI NUMBER Car Skids When Turhed for Passing Team and Suffer Some Injuries RECEIVE BRUISES NO BONES BBOI An automobile accident on Blue Grass road some five or miles west of the city late Sub4 afternoon caused the five occupant*^ the car to be considerably shaken and the car but slightly damaged. The party consisted of Mr. and F. P. Salter, 126 North Willard at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Salter, Queen Ann avenue, and Mrs. Ml Parker, 101 North Ward street. The latter waa perhaps the seriously Injured, having received] bruise on the left hip and her was wrenched. She spent a reatyl night and can move only with culty, Mrs. F. P. Salter received a on the head which Is black and 11 but she states that she suffers but tie from the injury although nerves are shattered and she saya seemed to suffer a nervous shock were more or less shaken up. Mrs. Russell Salter who sat lit rear seat of the car with the other'' women all of whom were thrown suffered a hipj bruise and said morning that she felt much better, though considerably shaken up. seem grateful to have escaped serious injury. The two men received mii_ bruises, Russell Salter having his 14 somewhat Bklnned but no one reaeii any broken bones in the mix up* 1 The accident was caused whfj&j P. Salter at the wheel turped Otyt, permit a team to paas on a bad str of the road. The car was going moderate speed and under full trol, but the condition of the where the turnout was made cat the rear wheels to skid and in ing the car one of the forward wL ran into a hole or deep cut ant car threatened to tip but kept upi although the jolt was sufficient throw the three women out of the chine, Mrs. Parker being beneath two companions and thus the greatest Injuries. J. R. Needham of Centervllle, was driving by at the time of the cident, picked up the injured won and brought them to their hoi The accident occurred about 6 o'cl GRAIN DEALERS IN GONVEl ^ng Baltimore, Md., Sept. 28. twentieth annual convention of Grain Dealers' National asaocll opened here this morning with an dress of welcome by Mayor James Preston. President Lee G. Metcalf of polls, 111., delivered the president's nual address and reports were by Secretary-Treasurer Charles Qui: of Toledo, Ohio, and J. W. McCofd Columbus, Ohio, for the executive mlttee. Adjournment then was taken nnf 2:80 p. m. when President W Wilson was scheduled to make an dress. Among the Important matters td discussed during ihe nex ^hr-q da Is the problem of car sHiu Is vexing middle farmei Thousands of bushels of grain said to be tied up in elevators becau there are not enough cars in ivhloh ship the grain east. FIRST LIGHTHOUSE SITE IS MAKrfft Boston, Sept. 25.—The two hll dredth anniversary of the eetablisl ment of the first lighthouse in Amerlc was commemorated here today by unveiling of a small bronze tablet Bostbn light station, at the entrant to Boston harbor. Secretary Redflelj of the department of commerce other federal, state and city offic and representatives of Boston's ool merclal, maritime and historical ganizations participated inu the eel monies. & MILK TRUST SAID TO BE UNCOVERE1 Chicago, Sept. 25.—Investigation charges that a virtual "milk trust" isted in this section of the count! was finished today by Carl Vrooi assistant secretary of agriculture, wl after consulting for an hour with trict Attorney Clyne on the result his work, departed for Washington.^ Mr. Vrooman expects to return in ten days but meanwhile will give to the publie a hint as to his ings. With Mr. Vrooman were eral aides and the invesUgatlott eluded '8t. Louis, jD$s Moiifeg, Aurora knd ChicigiD^'-^^