8 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. Bartow County’s Mineral industries Injuriously Affected by the liiter- I state Commerce Law—A Hog- at Cuth bert Living Without Eating—A Pine ville Merchant. Burned Out by Incen diaries. GKORGIA. Hon. W. D. Kelley ha-, been invited to visit Macon. S. L. Fuller, of Clarksville, had hit. thigh broken by a falling tree Friday. It J rumored that Capt S. Dalton Mitch ell will be a candidate for Chief of Police of Athens at the next election. The Cartersville Courant-American has donned a neat new dress. It is one of the best weekly papers published in the South. There is said to lx- a large pot of gold buried on a lot now being excavated on Clayton street, at Athens. If there is it will be found. „ A young gentleman of Columbus, being offered as many rip' banana.- as he could eat forfiOo., quickly put himself on the outside of thirteen large ones and feels all serene yet. R. A. Stokes lost a residence on his place, (seven miles from Dawson, in’ fire last Thurs day. It was occupied by Mat Parker (col ored), who lost everything he had. There was no iusurauce. Hartwell Sun: The Savannah News is printed on beautiful new type. It is now the handsomest daily in the State, is one of the most systematic and re.il'blo news gatherers and is always filled with choice reading. W. M. Livingston’s dry house at his saw ill, four miles north of Dawson, was de- hy fire last Friday night with 10,- feet of lumber, which would have been fcken out the following Monday. There jyas no insurance. R Blakely News: The “old reliable” Sa vannah' News is all right on the tariff. It •oesn't deal in the vagaries of protection and is free from the absurdities put forward ySy the extravagant indorsers of Sam Ran- Ipell—the renegade to the Democratic party. ■ S. Bailey, the greatfruit raiser at. Mu xeys, Hr ports bis entire first crop of strawberries lei lied by the late cold. This is quite a con Hrlerable loss, but Mr. Bailey consoles him- B’.f that he has a fine prospect, for early Hfcspberries, a crop from which Mi - . Bailey fjptalim a good profit each season, n The store house and stock of goods of Mr. .B F. Mathews, near Pinevtlle, was burned Sunday night. The general impression is odtuH the store was robbed and burned to #ver the theft. It was partially insured. is the second time Mr. Mathews has htd the misfortune of having his shire flhrned. RCamden Superior Court adjourned . Wednesday night last. Oneof the principal tried'was that of Hon. Anthony \v il- Ke. Representative from that county to the Georgia Legislature. He was charged with ■fcarrving eoncealed weapons.” His honor ’.jfcfcve him a jilaster of SSO by way of gentle pßminder. BA Hartwell gentleman says he has it from Mfcost trustworthy authority that an organ ised movement is on foot secretly among the colored people of Hart county to emi ?<4|rate en masse to Arkansas this summer, and that it is their intention to leave their ipinployers “in the suds,” as it were, with out warning. KAt Athens the Young Men's Christian As SkK'iationJhas selected a lot for the new bus Id- Hag it proposes to erect this summer. The Raw is on the northwest comer of Clayton ■fed Lumpkin streets, where Dr. Wade's aafcfth'Q now stands. The association has a lot front by 10> feet deep, with the op- Span of making it 115 feet iictq>. The pribe iß'eod upon by the parties is $3,500. On Monday tie ease of ,1. L. Hoyt against. Dougherty county, contesting the right of the County Commissioners to issue Ixinds under the' recent election for building a bridge, came up liefore the Supreme Courts On Tuesday the decision was rendered, which affirmed the judgment of the court •below. This will remove all existing re straint, and the Commissioners will, in all probability, proceed with the erection of? the proposed bridge. * Recently tlie slashers of the various cot ton Bulls of Augusta jietitioiuxi the Alanufac ttirers’ Association for an increase of wages. The presidents have declined to grant an advance at present, but ir, is thought they will voluntarily make a neat raise in the pay of their operatives—that is, just as soon as they find that the improvement in manu facturing circles is permanent. The cotton hands, however, are all in good spirit, nnd feel that they will bo acted by fairly. The colored Knights of Labor in Macon are moving in the mat ter of an improvement company of their own. There are to lie 2,000 shares at $3 a share, ami each member is required to take two or more. The first, s•'! must be paid within six months and the second shares to lie paid for at the end of twelve months. With tlie SO,OOO so raised they are to purchase 500acresof land within a few miles of Macon and divide it up in half-acre lots upon which they are to build them homes. The mail brought to Macon Friday a box from Dr. T. F. Walker, of Cochran, con taining a radish that, looked for all the world like a human hand. Accompanying tlxo freak was Die following note from the doc tor: “I send you herewith a radish raised by Mr. Butler, not, far from here, which, as you will st-\ is vegetable nature's effort to imitate animal nature in the shape of a per fect imitation of a human band, made ab normal by a gunshot wound and subsequent erysipelatous inflammation. ” At Athens Friday Fred, the 2-year-old *on of J. H Reaves, fell from the second story window of the homo on Hill street to the 'ground below. The distance was be tween lfi and lb feet, and when the little fel low was first picked up It was thought be was dead. He remained insensible for a long time, but finally rallied a little. No bones were broken, but he was severely in jured internally, us was indicated by the blood that caine from his ears and mouth. The little follow is getting on as well as can be expected. A gentleman living a few miles from Cuthbeit tolls of a hog he lias which is pv culiarly affected. There is nothing appa rently ailing it except that for three weeks or more it has refused to eat or drink, and seems to have lost its eyesight, though no Afect can be seen in tlie eyes. His little son Las been in tho habit of feeding the hog, which was kept in a pen. A little more than throe weeks ago tlie boy repoi-tcd that tho hog refused to eat corn oi drink water. Sirx'e then the only food or drink it lias taken is a drench of meal anil water given it daily. It, goes about apparently well, and has lost very little fliwo, hut walks up against fences or anything that may be in its way. The case is living watched cue fully by the owner of the hog, who promises to report final results. Aaron Collins and James Stephens, who pwn a rich manganese bank near the Rar tmy county paujier plantation, closed n trade with Charles Ha-let, of Pennsylvania, lest ’Saturday, by which he has a lease of the mine tor five yeaiu. he (laying royalty on every ton of ore raised, and u monthly rental while the mine is idle. Arrangements will be made to put a large force, at work, sufficient lo work the mine to its fullest ra pacity. Mte hlnery, engiues nnd washers will bo put in to secure toe quick handling of the ore in nil kinds of weather. The property will bo worked quite different from the other mines in this section and in the most improved order. Sir. Haslett is rep resenting a large company of unlimited means, who need the ore for their largo mills in Pennsylvania. Operations mil com me.uiT inside of ten (.lays. " • Th >re Ir some excitement among the neb tiers In the upper-part of Marlon county, ihe portion lying west of the Ueneva read nud biilwwi tlie Wall's place aqd Box Kprings, by flie disnppearnnec of cal vnt aud Hie appearem-e of a strange wild beast winch tho people of that section have not yet boon able to rapture W. B. McCrary says at least a dozen calves have been de voured by this beast during the past several months. One calf was found the second day after its disappearance, and it was al most completely destroyed. The signs on tho ground where this calf was killed show that there was a considerable scuffle and the tracks of the blast of prey showed it to lie of large size—much larger than a dog. Several parties in that neighborhood have seen it, but they were so badly frightened that they could give hut a vague idea of it. Cartersville Con rant-American: Be tween 300 and 500 hand? have been em ployed in the ore banks of Bartow county, and the money paid them in wages went considerably toward swelling our city trade. This immense amount of lalxir is now idly, all on account of-the new interstate com merce law. Mr. Woodward, of New York, who has long been identified with our min ing interests and who employed a great many hands in raising ore, telegraphed to his superintendent, Mr. Miles Dobbins, Jr., to stop operations until satisfactory rates could lie secured. The rate now to Pitts burg is nearly $1 50 more on the ton than formerly. This, Mr. Woodward states, takes off most of the profits and he does not wish to mine the ore simply to enrich the railroads. Other mines in the county have shut down and unless some reljef is had our mineral interests will surely suffer. The Cartersville Land Company have set apart fifty acres of the land, just "in the sub urbs of town, upon which is to be located the furnaces of the Etowah Iron nnd Man ganese Company, and upon which is to be concentrated every industry of said com pany. The site selected for these works is most eligibly situated along the line of the Western and Atlantic railroad. They pro pose to run railroad tracks and tramways from its furnaces and rolling mills through its mineral properties, which is near and convenient and most accessible to reach. The work on the furnaces is to begin just as soon as all the details can be completed. The Etowah Company is to take large stock in the laud company aijdare to use every effort to advance the value of the land of the com pany. TTio EMlva.li Coinpuity will bring water for the new city and tlie iron works from Stamp creek, which everyone knows to lie pure rreestoue water. Tlie young schoolmistress at Trenton, Miss Childress, is very pretty and bright and quite a* Lille.- A voting man from a neighboring village mode a desperate effort to win her favor, but she dislikes him very much. A few days ago he began to circu late damaging reports about the young la dy, which resulted in a nice bit of scandal in the little town. The stories finally came to the young lady's ears. Thoroughly enraged she borrowed a shot gun, mounted a horse aud went in quest of her traducer, whom she found in his store surrounded by a large number of his friends. Cocking both barrels of her shotgun, which was loaded with buckshot, she pointed ir at his head and said: “You villain! Acknowl edge before these gentlemen that you have lied about and slandered me, and that there is no truth in anything yon have said, or I will this instant blow out your brains!” The young man, amid the mockery of Ids com panions, promptly acknowledged all that was demanded of him. admitting that he had knowingly slandered the lady, who im mediately left, escorted by an admiring crowd. FLORIDA. The public schools of Orlando close this week. The Presbyterian church at, Orlando, burned a few days ago, is to be rebuilt. On Thursday evening Bishop Weed will held a confirmation service at the church at that place. Tlie City Council of Orlando has ordered two additional hose reels aad twelve hun dred feet more hose. Thirteen hundred dollars’ worth of money orders were paid by the Brooksville, post office Tuesday, of which S9OO worth arrived Monday night. Marion county boasts of having five news- ! apery, but Orange county supports nine -cb. Including two dailies, Orlando having xjotjt, of the nineteen. The annual council of the diocese of Flor- Inj \f ill convene in Gainesville next Wed - lip.-driy evening, for the transaction of such business ns may come before them. The diocese now has fifteen missionaries in tlie State at. a quarterly cost of $1.1:15, of winch amount SSOO is paid by the Diocese itself and sufcis by the general missionary board of ’the church. The residence of J. H. Jafvis, a miie northwest, of Gainesville, was burned at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon from a defective flue. Most of the contents were saved. Tho 10-s is $1,900, with no insurance. Mr. Jar vis was absent from borne. At Live Oak, Rev. J. B Culpepper, the evangelist. commenced a series of meetings in tho Methodist church on Wednesday. Much interest is manifested, and it; is hoped that much good is beiug ac complished. Tho church is crowded to its utmost capacity each night. Grapes will certainty he plentiful around Oakland this year. There are lots of young grapes on Mr. Winkelnmnn’s Delaware vines, and his scuppcrnongs are powdered with voting blossoms. Mr. Tilden’s vines are full also, and he will have nil abundance of grapes tins summer. He can raiso two tons ot grapes to the acre in South Apopka. Marianna Courier: Eight coaches full (near 500 t Apache Indians, guarded by United States soldiers, passed our depot Wednesday evening en route, we under stand, to Alabama. They were a rough set of customers in appearance. Lit from the pencil drawings they threw off to some of tlie citizens we find there is some artistic tulpnt among them. Hon. Samuel H. Blake, of Bangor, Me., while eu route home from Florida died bi Boston April lit from pneumonia contracted in New York only fast week, Mr. Blake wl me of the wealthiest and most promi nent citizens of Bangor, and at one time was prominent in politics of Maine. He had large interests in Florida, and had some money invested in I’alatka and Putnam county, where he has many friends. The annual meeting of the Knights of Labor of Florida will eonvence in Jackson ville or, next Monday, April 2. There are a great many assemblies in this State now, and since the meeting last year seven new assemblies have been instituted in and around Jacksonville, making in all in Jacksonville and vicinity nine as semblies. It is expected that all the assem blies of tlji’ State will tie represented and that the attendance will lie large. Next Thursday the life-saving corps of the Jacksonville Fire Department will make an excursion t<> Si. Augustine, taking their ap paratus vcith them for the purpose of giving an exhibition of its workings. Tho party will lea ve Jacksonville at 9 o clock n. in. and return at, 5 p. m. While in the Ancient City they will give an exhibition at the Ponce de Leon Hotel, where all the neces sary preparations for tho drill will be made. While at, St. Augu.il,ine tin* firemen nnd their friends will bo entertained liy tho fire department of tin* Ancient City, At Orlando two years ago J. L. Giles pur chased a piere of property at tho northwest corner of Pine and Court streets, with 100 feet frontage on Ifilio street for $3,000. Ho has sold $3,700 worth out of this place, and still retains a lot for which he has refused $3,500. A little over a year ago f>. I). Por ter purchased from Mr. Giles the corner lot, fiox3.s, (laying him 33,500. Five months later Mr. Porter sold to Messrs. Poyutz & Parromore fof S3.(KjO, and about a "month ago the Intfir getitleman sold the same piece to Messrs. Curtis it Fletcher for SI,OOO. A great religious revival has been in pro gress at. Cedar Key for ten days past. Hor vices have lxx>n held morning and evening. Rev. A, B. Curry, of Gainesville, lias con ducted the me ings, assisted by Revs. T. E. Smith, of tho Presbyterian, and J. C. I/*y, of the Methodist churches. Large number* have attended the preaching of the Word, and numbers lmvo professed conversion and united with the various churches, while others ore still seeking the way of salvation. Preaching is held fii the city ball, the largest building in the place, aud even this THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, MAY 1, ISB7---TWELVE PAGES. cannot accommodate the crowds that come out. Orlando Reporter: It may not be gener ally known that, when the owner cannot be found, all valuables found in letters or pack sent to the dead letter office at Vv ash ingtou are put up in bundles and sold to the highest bidder. One of our prominent citi zens. who was in Washington at the time, purchased a small envolojie at ono of these sales containing u gold ring. There is an inscription upon the outside in French, the translation of which is, “May he protect you.” On tlie inside of the ring is “L. B. to H. M.—F. E. V., 187 !.” It is a plain old fashioned gold ring, and its failure to reach its proper destination may have resulted in serious disappointment, both to tho sender and the intended recipient. Wednesday night six of the winter resi dents of Riverside, on theOcklawaha river, took their departure for their old homos hi Indiana. As usual on such occasions in the country, a large number of the friends and acquaintances of the departing [Dirties fathered at the lauding to say good-by. he boat, when on schedule time, reaches Riverside at 10 o’clock, but on this particu lar night the Marion was delayed, and did not arrive until 1 o’clock iu the morning. Making the best of a bad situation, a big pine knot was kindled, a violin produced, and dancing begun, which was kept upuntil the boat arrived. It was one or tho most enjoyable dances ever given in that section, and was indulged in by some forty or more of the ladies and gentlemen. PRESENTED TO THE QUEEN. An English Woman’s Experience as a Drawing-Room Debutante. An English lady who recently had tlie honor to be presented at court writes to the Pall Mall Gazette a rather interesting ac count of her experience. She says: At all ordinary parties it is fashionable to come in late; when royalty entertains it is the cor rect thing to arrive before you are invited, and therlonger you are in wait ing tlie great er ia presumed to be your loyalty. When the Queen announces her reception at 3 o’clock you ought to be already in your carriage at 1:30, sitting outside the palace until the royal door is opened. An an eager crowd of sightseers throng all approaches, it is a little trying to sit qn liour or so with a line of noses pressed against the carriage windows, while an ever-falling shower of criticisms on “’er dress” assails the ear. When further remarks about “’er ’ead” are added, one feels the criticisms are more personal than pleasant. Our moment of triumph comes, however, nt last, when the barrliis are withdrawn and the carriage dashes through the arch way, followed by eager eyes that would fain penetrate the unknown wonders bidden tie hind that dull, impassive front of palace wall. As the carriage vanishes from public view it enters an inner court, formal and cheerless, save for the bright coats of a troop of household cavalry ou guard. As we drive under the portico the royal beef eaters stand ready to open the huge doors, and a few policemen make them scire useful. The low roofed ball we enter is supported by pillared arches, but it, has a gloomy, cellar like feeling in spite of its rich decoration. Along one side runs the cloak-room, where a number of elderly and NOT VERY SMART MAIDS are ready to take our wraps and fold up our nine feet of trains into a manageable bundle to be carried afeout until required. From the hail we ascend a long, st raight staircaso to the corridor above, where officials stand in gold-embroidered raiment and require our passport to the realms of social bliss. I give u card six inches square, on which niv name is "writ large,” aud is received in deferential silence. I sweep my robes along the gallery through the ballroom, with its scarlet and gold, all deserted, and then into the flint state drawing-room, which looks out with a row of stately windows into the palace gardens. Here stand about . 100 women dressed in court attire, and fresh arrivals swell the number every minute. Between this apartment and the one in which the queen receives are four sfate-rpqmsm filled with other ladies waiting to appncfriv'ft.her majesty. Newcomers nave Mnkbq'ue'utly plenty of time before them, and, they Com pose themselves to admire and criticise the brilliant crowd. The first impression of a bevy of vrorffen in court costume is one of great, rtegaircO. The uniformity in the dressing of the hair, With ostrich plumes anil veils, gives a, special character to the scene. Young gifts pres ented for the first time look out wittLwon dering eyes from their masses of white tulle and feathers. I notice three sweet faces, all following one majestic mother and load ing tho air with the fragrance of three huge bouquets of lilies. One personage has a gown and train of blue satin, covered with a bold embroidery of gold thread, which has some how strayed away from Japanese screens. Mrs. Osborne Morgan is in red velvet. The uchess of Leeds displays of tiara of daz zling brilliants. Lady Gwendoline Ramsden wears a pretty train of gray brocade, woven with yellow flowers ami trimmed with yel low feathers. The general coloring of dresses is peculiar this year.. Tints of mauve and esthetic pink arc in a decided majority. Fabrics of woven gold and silver abound and look magnificent. Mrs. Henry Brassey a pears in one of t hese—a handsome black brocade with golden flowers. Mrs. John Holland wears a cream satin, also stiff with golden threads, and charmingly contrasted with a train of dark green velvet. Mrs. Gilford carries a splended bouquet of orchids, matching all the tints of the mauve brocade which forms her train. THE EFFECT of this is charming. Mrs. Raikes in white, with a satfron-eolored train, attracts notice. One of the pretkeSt women wears a simple gown of cream brocade and no diamonds. Several oeople asked one another her name. I heard she was Mrs. Arnold Royle. The usual hour of wating passed pleas antly. The sun showed through the tall win dows, lighting up the goklen heads and flashing jewels of the crowd, while blazing fires cheered us as doors were throwu open by the gentlemen in-arms aud we passed from room to room. These singular beings, with their brass helmets of fire-brigade pattern and tall, white plumes, seem a relic of regency dayß, and would lie more in harmony with the boon companions of the Baronet of Rurldygore than the beefeaters in their soft Tudor dress. Towards 4 o'clock we gained the room next the queen’s pres ence. “Now, my deal - , collect your miud -and hold your fan properly.” I heard a mother whisper to her daughter, who was confessing io another debutante that she felt “awfully frightened,’’ Still she Lire up. From this room we march out one by one, with train stretched far behind us, into the royal presence. The moment is not pleas ant ; there seems so much millinery and so little individuality. Tails and plumes have it all their own way, and the woman is overlooked. As one enters the throne room, the Queen stands out conspicuous in her diamond crown, the bread blue ribon of the Garter crowning her breast. Tlie clear voice of the I> ird Cliaml sir lain calls out < air’s mime, and at that instant the first courtesy should be mad". The Queen return eu each saluta tion kindly, though she looks tired. By her side stands the Princess of Wales, in gray satin, with a groat diamond star over her brow, ihio hows somewhat stifily, as if she knew her duly and was prepared to do it. I‘riir-ess Christian claims the next courtesy, and acknowledges it with scant attention. Then the ihichess of Albany iu black excites peculiar interest, as she returns sweetly our reverence. Below her stand the two young daughters of the Princess of Wales, WHISPERING G A YLY to one another, vet attentive to acknowledge salutations, while their father watches over them, nnd, cheery as ever, waves the last adieu to the disappearing train. This was the merry end of the royal Hue. The ordeal is over. Gathering up our Tobes, we hare a pie went ohat wife fnenen In the picture-gallery, where so many of the masterpieces of Dutch art waste theinaelvw on indifferent lieholderx. People look more graceful now they ore quite at cose, nnd the presence of the diplomatic light brigade adds fresh color and picturesque costumes to the itceua, The Greek uiiuriten weora a short petticoat of blui velvet, which stands out like a penwiper over large gaiters of woven gold. Such a dress must cost a fortune. The bishop of St. Albans is deftly steering about, fearful of his snowy sleeve* and chatting gaily to hi acquaintance. A girl’s dress that pleased mo fell straight from the shoulder almost without a fold, ai:d was painted with long linos or roses. A tall, graceful woman in a brocade of pink and silver thread was talking to a lovely girl in white tulle, covered with a tram of Stile golden circles The wearers anfl the dresses were alike bewitching. I noticed Lady Chelmsford, Lady Claud Hamilton and Lady Cadogan wearing plentiful diS/- monda. At the end of the picture-gallery one could see through an archway the line still I loosing into the Queen's presence, trailing their tremendous trains. Borne modistes make the underdress quite short. This is a grave mistake, as and light is visible be tween skirt and train . rJ tho effect is bod. The skirt should lie tong enough to support nnd meet the train. Two tall, handsome girls wore yellow dress** and trains of mauve, with yellow Stripes. These were well made and gracefully worn, but still I could not quite like them. Only one dross was really hideous, It was mustard yellow, covered with a royal blue train. “Makes one feel a little poorly,” was a chance re mark I caught. Among the crowd one soon learns to contrast the cool, easy manner of women who are u-**.l to breath the atmos phere of courts with the raw, wondering air of debutantes from the country and the uneasy fidgets of tho city folk. Soon after I passed the Queen she retired, wearied with the endless procession. It is now 5 o’clock, and tlie crowd is dispersing fast; already the gallery looks deserted. An irresistible longing arises for afternoon tea, and we, too. vanish down the staircase. Easily we find our cloaks, but to get one’s carriage is another matter. So we sit in the cellar-like hall iu an icy draft, hearing every carriage called but our own, and observe the ijcefentors, whose manners are aa archaic as their costume of office. Child ren of nature these, to whom the stiff habits of modern service are unknown. Unmoved by the presence of peer or peeress, two of them are discussing with unabated breath the nineteenth-century substitute for nut bflown ale. When tired of this subject I change my seat, ami my ears are then as sailed by elaborate ideas of an other stal wart servitor on an invention of his own for getting carriages up without the delays of “them perlice.” As I wait and shiver I heartily wish he had an opporttmity of showing his talents. While he warms to his subject a cracked voice bawls my name, and I am whirled away. MILLINERY. PLATSHBK’S, 1558 Brought cm Street. GREAT CONSOLIDATION SALE. TT'ACH and every article mentioned below we I j are convinced are the rarest bargains ever offered in this or any other market. We do not offer them as baits, nor limit each customer’s purchase to hire yon in. Our intention is only to show an economizing public that these ex emplify the many inducements our establish inent is crowded with. GEAND BARG AIN 1. 150 yards Cream White Egyptian Lace Eloutie ings, worked, 45 inches deep, at the remarkable price 75c. per yard. GEAND BARGAIN 2. 2ft dozen Ladies’ White HO-hone Corset, ele gant model, 5-hook reinforced clasps aud extra long, the Lest “oc. corset in the world. GEAND BARGAIN 3. !>0 dozen Children’s Extra Brilliant Lisle Ribbed Hose, black mid colored, all sizes, 35c. per pair; regular value for Vse. GRAND BARGAIN 4. 12ft dozen Ladies’!■ me White Linen Handker chiefs, size 14'..>X't<;i inches, genuine jy-inch hemstitch, only 10c each: worth fully 25c. each. GRAND BARGAIN 5. L 5 dozen Cents’ regular made Balbriggan Undervests, sizes 31 to 44, only ?2aboxtAadoz.); worth at gents' furnishers $3 GRAND BARGAIN 6. 1.000 yards elegant 27-inch wide Check Nain sooks and Novelty Lace Stripe Wliit e Goods, iV. per yard; dry goods houses ask 16c. tor same goods. GRAND BARGAIN 7. 900 White Swiss Embroidered Dress Rohes, each containing 10 yards material and 0 yards trimming, at I>o, $4; cheap at one-third more. GRAND BARGAIN 8. 40 dozen Ladies’ Muslin Chemise, handsomely trimmed with Torchon lace nnd Cambric edge; the bent 50c. article in the States. GRAND BARGAIN 9. 120 dozen liadios' Jersey-fittiug Gauze Under vesrs, the best finished goods in America, at 35c. and 50c. Give them a trial. GRAND BARGAIN 10. 300 sets Ladies' White Linen Collars and Cuffs at 15c.; conceded a bargain for 25c. GRAND BARGAIN 11. 12 pterea “-inch wide, all silk, White Block Pattern Sash Ribbons, only 50c. yard; regular ?1 value. GRAND BARGAIN 12. 200 dozen Infant's Corded and Embroidered Mull Caps, in scull and Normandy styles, at 25c., 35c., 50c. The richest novelties and grandest values in this city. Leading House for Gloves. u Ladies can tie heard on every side proclaiming tho virtues of our line of (Moves and Mitts, uni versnlly acknowledging we excel in colors, lit, and low prices. 275 pairs ti length ladies’ Tan lisle Jersey Gloves only 15c. pair. 325 pairs 6.length Ladies’ Black and Tans Brilliant Lisin Gloves only 26c. a pair; worth fully 50c. floO pairs fl leugth Todies’ Black, Tar- and Gray Pure Silk Jersey Gloves, stitched lweks. only 60c. pair; cannot be duplicated elsewhere under 75c. 500 pairs B length Ladies’ Pure Silk Lace Mitts, in all the desirable shades, only 250.; cheap even at 50c. SOO Pairs fi length extra fine Silk Jersey Mitts only 50c., in all tlie latest hues. Competitors are crying big bargain (for them) at 75c. SOO pairs t niidren’sLace and .Jersey Silk Mitt* from 25c. upwards. Elegant line of novelties in Ladies' Km broklercJ Silk Jersey Glovm. To buy gloves and not see, ours you’ll mis* it every time. Parasc! Headquarters. In our Parasol Deportment of 50 feet tong wo have clustered the largest and only complete line of these goods in Savannah. We can sup ply from the smallest child to tne most fastidi ous w oman. To look elsewhere is to waste time, for we have what others have, and more be sides. 01H PRICES GUARANTEED THE LOWEST. 100 pieces Child's 14-inch Light Pattern Sateen Parasols 85c.: cheap for 50c. 50 pieces Child's l finch fine Satlne Parasols only COc.; cheap for 75c. 86 pieces Isuliee' Pure Twilled uu* Parasols only sl. 300 pieces Ladies’ 20-incb Colored Sateen Para sols only 50c and 75c, lift Ladles' 2: inch lO rlh Satin CoacUltigsonly Si 85; all colors. 75 pieces Ladles' 20 Inch Black Satin Parasols, trimmed with 4-ineh drop silk lace, lined various colors, only S3 each. 5,000 fidfv other designs awl makes of Para sols for Ladles and Children that stand un equaled in prices and quality. • The Cheapest-Millinery. * 10,000 the latest uutrlninuwl shades in Black, White. Colored, Canton and Milans at 25c., 35c. aud 60c. 50 dozen Children's Trimmed School Huts, broad rim sailors and shapes, at 3V:. and 36c. 850 cast s Boys’ Straw Hats, every one a bar gain. at. 10c., 15c., 8.V.. Bfte.. 50c. Hundreds aad hundreds of shapes in fine leg horn. Milans and Novelty Ktraws to suit every child and lady. Prices way below others. Trimmed Millinery in G-rund Variety. Mattings at Bargain Prices. P. 8. —Send In your orders; they will receive prompt and careful nUeuUou. DRY coons. Few Words But Solid Facts SPECIAL GRAND SALE On Thursday, Friday and Saturday Next, April the 28th, 29th and 30th. Grand Combination Sale of the Following Desirable Goods: Ist, One lot of Fine hand-made Torchon and Fancy Laces, worth all the- way up from 15c. to 25c., at the uni form price of 10c. 2d. One lot of fine very wide Embroidery, regular price from 40c. up to 75c., at the uniform price of 25c. 3d. One lot comprising twenty different styles of handsome Ladies 1 Colored Border Handkerchiefs, six for 25c. 4th. One lot of Assorted Alpaca, Silk and Satin Parasols, at 39c., 49c., 98c., $1 19 and $1 95. sth. One lot of nice Corsets, no better sold anywhere at 50c., at only 33c, 6th. One lot of very fine Corsets, they are odd sizes of vari ous qualities, which we have been selling at 75c., SI, $1 25 and $1 50, we offer the entire lot at the uni form price of 50c. 7th. One combination lot of Fans, ranging in value at 15c., 20c., 25e., 35c. and 50c., at the uniform price of 9c. On Monday Next, May 2d. 5,000 yards Figured Nuns’ Veiling at - * 3c 3.500 yards Yard-Wide Sateen, worth 12 l-2c., at - 5c 5,000 yards Victoria Lawns, worth 12 l-2c., at 6 l-4c 2.500 yards Seersuckers, worth 10c., at - - 6 l-2c 2,000 yards Fancy Dress Ginghams, worth 12 l-2c., at 6 l-2c 5,000 yards Best Solid Black Calico, worth Bc., at -3 3-4 c 1,000 Marseilles Spreads, extra large & heavy, worth $3, at 98c In Addition Thereto We will sell during this entire time our entire Dress Goods Stock at positively one-half of former prices. OUR BAZAH Is brimful of New aud Choice Bargains. We especially invite you to examine the Immense Bargains we offer in Boys’ Cloth ing, Ladies’ Muslin Underwear and Jerseys at 33c., 43c., 60c., 78c. and 95c. NO HUMBUG! Our Entire Stock at Cost. F. GUTMAN, 14-1 BROUGHTON ST. No Old Goods, All New and Desirable. In order to reduce our stock before enlarging our store, and making other attractions, we must close out the entire stock. All goods are marked at cost and in plain figures. ■ -'■ 1 '■ .A. 1 . 1 . . . ... f. L'L.. . i. .. .lu TOBACCO. TBUEBLC k. tiu ebluk trueblul S. W. VENABLE & CO. S. W. VENABLE & CO. 8. W. VENABLE A CO. !N VIEW OF THE FACT THAT THERE ARE SO MANY IMITATIONS OF THE CELEBRATED HE IE CHEWING TOBACCO! On the market, we, therefore, take this method of informing the public that the very best chew the Greimine True Blue! Each plug of which is labeled with an oval blue tag with the name of Manufacturers: S. W. VENABLE & CO., Petersburg, Va. Can be had from the following well-known and Responsible Dealers: HENRY BISMKEN, BE cor. of Bay and East Broad; .John Reims, Screven Ferry dock; John H Entelmun, SE cor. Brouphtou and East Broad: Henry Fchrenkamp, SE cor President, and Reynolds; M. Entelman, Arnold and South Broad; M. Kntelman, Cleburne and Randolph; John Oefken, Reynolds and Jackson; M. McCarty. Perry and Randolph; John (irimtn. NE Wheaton and Randolph; Claus Oerkoti, Wheaton, opp. Dale, Dixon A ('•>.; Harms & Meyer, Liberty und Ran do ph; Em. Eiehhoiz, Liberty and Wheaton; Coni. Asendorf, NW Liberty and East Broad; Mrs. ('. Werner. Hull and Price; J. F. Schwiebert, 8E Price and York lane; J. H. Lange, N W Price and York lane; J. D. Helniken, NW Cborltou and East Broad: J. M. Asendorf, 8W Charlton and East Broad; A. H. Entaiman, Price and Charlton lane; Henry Precbt, Habersham and Charlton; M. W Suiter, Price and Taylor; John Kuck A (Jo., Taylor and East Broad: M. Egan. Mercer and Hun tingdon; Martin Ifelmken, NE South Broad and Rust Broad; Wm. F. Reid, Druggist, 8W South Broad and East, Broad; Fred Weasels, Huntingdon and Price; Robert Barbour, Price and Hull; J. D. Harms, llolton and C. L. R. R. Junction; P. It. Scbucneirian. Bolton and East Broad; J. H Wilder, New Houston and Lincoln; (reo. Ilenken, Bull and Andcnon; Mrs. A. Kaiser, White IJlutT road and First avenue; A. Quint A Bro.. Lovers lane, John Moyer, Lovers lane; (Jen. Dieter. Jr., Waters road, near Lovers lane; John Murken, Thnndeibolt road, beyond Tull Hate; P. Patterson, White HlutT road; P. J. Higgins, Middle (iround rood; Stepliou Manor, Middle Ground road; Henry Bleyert, White Bluif road; Heo. Witle, Montgomery and Anderson; Lubn& Garnet, Puffy and west Broad: H. F. Kramer, New Houston and West Broad: J'\ H. Haar. Bolton and West Broad; T. F. Malloy, Gwinnett and West Broad; C. It. Motisees, Huntingdon mid West Broad; A. Quint. Drayton and Perry; Win. It. D. Briellng, Jetferson and York lane: J. U. Finn & Bro.. NW Huntingdon and West Broad; Win. Die.ru, Minis and West Broad: Fred Asendorf. Minis mid Tatt nall: l' J. H. Wcet jen it Bro., Wayne and Jefferson; J. A. Frutas, Barnard und York lane; .). 11. Helmkon, Whitaker and Sontli Broad lane; Ben (Jails, Whitaker and Liberty lone: Ham .t Haar, Drayton and State; V. B. Reid, Druggist, Aliereom nod Jones; R Palmer, Bull and Broughton lane; R. Palmer. Jefferson and Duffy; John Kuek, Drayton and Jones lane; E. J. KlciTer, Drug gist, West Broad and Stewart; J. 1). Motisees, Roberts, e.car West. Broad; J. K. Lnbs, Sims und Purse; (ieo. Ncbrod.T, Little Jones and Purse; J. (J. Zeigler, Little Junes and Huerard; Frank Buhner, Sim* ami Lumber: Gdrkeu Bros., Wllßon and (Jnorurd; Hooker Bros., Little Jones mid West Broad; (Jeo. Kuek, West Broad and Perry lane. J. F. Tletjen, West Broad and New Street; tjeo. Welbroek. Walnut and Harrison; Clins. Orslek, pine and Ann; Win. Voders, Pine mid I'M mi; H Kenken. Ann und Bryan: D. Entelmmi. NW Bay and West Broad; F. H. Jaeliens, NE Bin- ami West Broad; J. P. Dally, 8W Mill and Farm: Heo. Elders, NW Mill and Farm: H. Reuben, Indian and Farm: J. M. MischolT, Kivermid Farm; Win. Brown, Brvan near Jefferson; Mrs. Duffy, Bt. Julian and Houston: J. H. Van Newton, corner Anderson and Lincoln; Philip Banders, White Bluff rood; Mrs. F. Kriote, White Bluff road. M. MENDEL & BRO., Sole Ag’ts, BULL AND BAY ST KELTS, BAVAinNAU, UA. DRY GOODS. { iflllSEt, SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos. IST BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGj, DEALERS IN FIRST-CLASS Reliable Dry Goods. The latest Novelties la Foreign'and Domestic DRESS GC^ODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. Black and Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres -—AND— Silk Warp Henriettas BLACK NUNS’ VEILING, SUITABLE FOS MOURNING VEILS. Mourning Goods a Specialty, ENGLISH CRAPES AND CRAPE VEILS. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Housekeepers’ Goods. TRISH TABLE DAMASKS, Napkins and Tow. A els of the best manufacture, and selectai especially with view to durability. Counter panes and Table Spreads, Cotton She uum Shirtings and Pillow Casings in all the best brands. HOSIERY, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS., Regularly made French and English Hosiery for Ladies and Children. Balbriggan Hosiery; Gen tlemen's and Boys' Half Hose; Ladies' Black Silk Hosiery. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Linen Handkerchiefs in a great variety of fancy prints, and full lines of hemstitched and plain hemmed White Hand kerchiefs. Gentlemen's Laimdried and Unlaundried Shirts, Boys’ Shirts, Gentlemen's Collars and Cuffs, Ladies’ Collars and Cuffs. CORSETS.-—lmported aud Domestic, in great variety, and in the most graceful and health approved shapes. VESTS.—Ladies’, Gentlemen's and Children’s Vests, in Spring and Summer weights. PARASOLS.—The latest novelties in Plain and Trimmed Parasols. ORDERS.—AII orders carefully and promptly executed, and the same care and at tention given to the smallest as to the largest commission. Samples sent free of charge, and goods guaran teed to be fully up to the quality shown in samples. Sole Agents for McCall’s Celebrated BAZAJS GLOVE-FITTING PATTERNS. Any Patterns sent post free on receipt of price aud measure. Telephone No. 401. MILLINERY. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS Caps, Caps, anil Sun Bonnets, Normandy Caps, Nurses’ Caps, / Shirred Caps, Corded Bonnets, Lace Caps, Embroidered Bonnets Embroidered Caps, Cambric Bonnets, Pique Caps, Pique Bonnets. French Caps, Ruffled Bonnets, Mull Caps, Insertion Corded, Bonnets made to order. 4.-3 Stylos to Select from. Mrs. K. Power, RAILROADS. South Florida Railroad. Central Standard Time. ON and after SUNDAY, March 30, 1887, train! will arrive and leave as follows; •Daily. tDaily except Sundays. IDaily ex cept Mondays. Leave Sanford for Tainpa and way stations *F10:30 a m and *T 4:40 p m Arrive at Tampa *j 3:40 p m aud *1! 8:50 pin Returning leave Tam pa at *5 9:30 a m and *T 8:00 p m Arrive at Sanford... *i| 2:30 p m and *3 1:00 a m Leave Sanford for Kissimmee aud way stations at + 5:00 p m Arrive at Kissimmee at t 7:00 p m Returning leave Kissimmee + 6:25* m Arrive at Sanford ...'. t 8:20 am * Steamboat Express. *V*Vest India Fast Mail Train. BARTOW BRANCH. DAILY. Lv Bartow Junction. 11:35 am, 2:10 and 7:15 p rr. Ar Bartow 13:33, 3:10 and 8:15 p m Returning Lv Bar tow. . 9:60 am, 12:50 and 5:30 p m Ar Bartow Junction 10:50 am, 1:40 and 6:30 p m PEMBERTON FERRY BRANCH. Operated by the South Florida Railroad. •Leave Bartow for Pemberton Ferry __ and way stations at 7:15 a m Arrive at Pemberton Kerry at fl: 4' a m •Ret urning leave Pemberton Ferry at.. 5:25 p m Arrive at Bartow at 8:25 p m JLeave Pemberton Ferry ' : 2? am Arrive Bartow 11:35 p m tLeave Bartow 1:10 p m Arrive Pemberton Ferry B:lspm SANFORD AND INDIAN RIVER R. R- Leave Sanford for Lake Charm and way sta tions +10:15 a mend St to pm Arrives Lake Charm.... 11:45 am and 6:4opm Returning-. Leave Lake Charm 6:00 a m and 12:30 p m Arrives at Sanford 7:40 a maud 2:10 pm SPECIAL CONNECTIONS. Connect* fit Sanford with the Sanford and Indian River Railroad for Oviedo and points Lake Jesup, with the People’s Line and Deß**"} ltaya Merchants’ Line of steamers, and J 1 .ana K. W. Ry. for Jacksonville and oU intermediate points oil the St. John's river, and with strainer* lor Indian river and the Upper St. John s. At Kissimmee with steamers for Fort* layers and Bosslngernad points on Kissimmee river. At Pemberton FeiTy with Florida Railway for all point* North and 'Vest, ana at Bartow with the Florida Southern Railway lor Fort Meade and points South. STEAMSHIP CONNECTIONS. Connect* at Tampa with steamer "Margaret for Palma Sola, Braldentown, Palmetto, Mana tee aud all points on Hillsborough and l ami Buys. ~ ...... Also, with the elegant mail steamships cotto” and•• Whitney," of the Plant Steamship Cos., for Key West and Havana. . . Through tickets sold at all regular stations point* North. East and West. Baggage checked through. , , _ Passengers for Havana can leave Saniora Limited West India Fast Mail train at (stopping only at. Orlando, Kissimmee, Bart Junction, Lakeland and Plant City). TumJ'. , Thursday and Saturday, connecting same e ing with steamer at Tam pa- f WILBUR McCOY, General Freight aigl Ticket Agent,_ HI BIMCR GOODS. RUBBER GOODS. RUBBER BED PANS. Air Cushion*, Air lows. Hot Water Bottles, lee Bag*. Rubber Clot* and Bandages, at ____ STRONG'S DRUG STORE