4 £k|Honiinqflctos Homing News Buuding, Savannah. Ga. FHII>AV. AUGUST 19* t6ST Kegisfrreti at the Pont Office in Savannah. Tb** >l* rtvrv; News i> published every •la \ :n ffce year. and is served to su’-scnbers n the city, bv newsdealers and carriers, on their own ae count at 25 cent* a week. *1 <*> a month, s*> 00 for six months at: l $lO 00 f.>r one year Mowmw News, bu mail , on*-* month. $1 0i): thre*- months, $- SO; months, s> '3O; one rear. $lO Tho Mormno News, by mail, six times a week (Without Sunday issue, three months. $2 Oh six months. $4 oi> one venr. sf* '*). The Morvtx j News. Th Weekly. Monday*. Wednesdays and Fridays. ■ r Tuesdays, Thuw davs and 'Saturdays, three months, ?1 six months. $2 50; one year. $& <* _ The Sunday News, by mail, one year. $2 The Wkjsklt News. mm\ * ne year. $1 25. Subscriptions pa van i* In advance. Remit by postal oroer. check or registered letter. Cur MCT sent by mail at rfc*k of senders Letters and telegrams shoo Id oe addressed “MnfuiiKr, News. Savannah, (ia." Adrotiamg rates mad* known on application L\Dt\ TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MEETIN<-,*=-Fulai'ki Council No 133. R. A ; Myrtle Lodge No. 6. K. P.; Landrum Lxlgv No. *! F. Jt A. M. Special Notices—To Water Takers; Choice Apples. t- Putrel. Mrsrc. Stationery. Etc. t.. &R.S. M. H Acenos Sale—Furniture, Etc., by J. Me Izuighlin A Son. Hotse roR Salk—ln Griffin. Ga Cheap Colitis Ydvkrtiskmests -Help Want ed; Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; Miscellaneous. HHSTitAHCK The New York Life Insurance Cos. Official- City Ordinance. ANNUAL SPECIAL EDITION —T THE - Savannah Morning News —AXD THE— Savannah Weekly News, , —TO BE leSI'ED ON SEPTEMBER 3d, The Annual Special Edition of the Baii.t and Weekly News will be issued Sept. 3. It will contain a complete ami comprehensive review of the trade of the city for the past year, and will show the progress th>* city has made in everything that helps to mak- up its wealth and that contributes to its prosperity. The facts relating to cotton, naval stores and the different branches of the city’s wholesale trade will be so presented as to (jive a clear idea of the city's business for the year ending Sept. 1. The business men of Savannah cannot make a better investment than by buying copies of the Mo aviso News Annual Special Edition and sending them to their friends and correspon dents. A newspaper like this Special Edition, containing an accurate account of the business of this city, is the best advertisement of the energy and activity of the people of Savannah Every citizen, whether he is a capitalist, mer chant. manufacturer, mechanic ora man of lets ie. should feel a pride in the progress the city is making, and in presenting to the world the inducements which it offers to those who are seeking homes in the South. This Special Edition will he sent to all sub acrihers of the Daily and Weekly News, and a large number of extra copies will be mailed, thoroughly core ring the territory tributary to Savannah. Advertisers will find this Special Edition of great value, ami space in its columns can be ob tained upon application to the Business Office. Will there ever be a farmers’ convention in Georgia composed of none but farmers! Over in Ireland they are saying that Mr. Blaine name in with a hop, skip and a jump, and (bat he went out the same way. Georgia was not denounced by anybody yesterday. The Republicans in the North and West were perhaps waiting to catch their wiqd_ Since January, a North Carolina tobacco firm has sold 185,088,340 cigarettes. The fact will doubtless cause pain to Represen tative H. W. J. Ham. In the choirs of the Catholic churches in Mexico no women are allowed to sing. They lav the peace that reigns in the choirs in question posses understanding. Pennsylvania encamps 8,150 volunteer soldiers, the largest body of state troops she has put in tents since the war. Georgia en •tmps her volunteers in squads—at their own expense. A son has been bom to Mr. and Mrs. George Gould. Now that Jay is a grand father he will probably think it incumbent upon him to increase his millions. It would never do to let the youngster become a pau- I* r - The managers of Connecticut railroads are showing high appreciation of newspaper men. Several prominent editors have Iwn employed by the managers as advertising agents In this way the railroads are bene fited. and. at the same time, the editors have an unlimited supply of passes. It seems that tbe Japanese mean to fol low the example set by the Chinese in the matter of taking American wives. In New Orleans, a few days ago, JokichiTakainine, an educated Japanese, married Mir* Carrie Hitch, a sweet-faced and blue-eyed belle. The marriage took place at the residence of the bride's parents. Mrs. Ann Eliza Young, the nineteenth wife of the late Brigham Young, the head of the Mormon church, is very sick with dyspepsia at Manistee, Mich. By the adviue of a physician she has entered uj>on a pro longed fast, which has continued so far nineteen days. The health of Young's other eighteen widows is said to be good. Grape culture pays in California. A San Diego citizen, said to be "above suspicion." ha* a grape vine of which he says: "I.ast year I helped pick and weigh 1,143 pounds of fruit from that vine. I saw these grapes pressed into 133 gallons of wine by a man 83 years of age, and the most of the prod uct was retailed to medical men here at t per gallon. ” Buffalo Bill intends to teach his high and mighty acquaintances in London how to get drank according to the most approved American method. He proposes to attach a typical American bar to his Wild Wert show, and has sent to Omaha for a noted bar keeper to take charge of it. It is likely that Buffalo Bill's high and mighty acquaint anecs wi<] uow thtuk turn more of a "brick” than ever. The Demands of the Magistrates. The bill now pending in the Legislature for the benefit of the Justices of the Peace for this county is a very objectionable one. If the tax-pavers of the county don't want to have their already heavy tax bunion very considerably increased they will send such a protest to their Representatives in the Leg islature against it that it will never be lieard of outside of the room of the com mittee whieh has eharge of it. The bill repeals the law governing the fees of Justices of the Peace in this county, and provides that they shall receive $7 in all felony cases and #4 in all misdemeanor cases sent by them to the Superior or City Court. Besides these fees the bill provides for a fee of 53 for writing, or witnessing and approving, a bond when an accused party is required to appear for a prelimi nary examination, or is bound over to au swpr the demands of a higher court. If this bill should liecome a law the chances are that the Justices of the Peace would do a rushing business, and the county would have its treasury relieved of cash at an alarming rate. It is doubtful if the new jail would be big enough to hold all those who would be sent to it unless the magis trates should accept “straw” bonds, which they would hardly do, in view of the fact that the payment of their fees would de;**nd upon the appearance of the accused parties at the higher courts to await the action of the grand jury in their cases. It is not stated whether or not the county is to pay the $3 bond fee, but the presump tion is that such is the intention of the bill. About every arrest would eost the county either #7 or 510, to sav nothing of the expense of supporting in jail the prisoners unable to furnish hail. Indeed the amount of the magistrate’s fees in some eases would, in all probability, lie greater than the sums stated, because the chances are that then* would he fees for two bonds instead of one —a bond for appearance liefom the magis trate, ami another for appearance before the higher court. The bill has splendid possibilities for the magistrate. If they failed to make hand some incomes out of the c* unity it would be because they did not know how to make the rmwt of their opportunities. It is not pmha ble, however, that thy would tniss a chance to make a fee. But besides the burden which the bill would impose upon the county there are other objections to it. If it were to beeome a law the magistrates, anxious to make as much as possible, would Lake notion of every little offense that could in any way be mag nified into a misdemeanor. They might even search out offenses that would not otherwise claim their attention, an*l, as they would not get any fees if they discharged the accused parties, they would be strongly influenced to hold th *in for trial in the higher courts even when the evidence did not justify them in doing so. This may seem to be an unfair reflection upon the Justices of the Peace, but it must bo re membered that changes are all the time being made in the otflies of the magistrates, and that th** men who sometimes succeed in getting into them are not entirely conscientious in the discharge of their duties. Some years ago there was a law whose pro visions were similar to those of the pending bill. The very evils which are apprehended from this bill existed tinder that law. They became so great that the law, in response to a strong popular demand, was repealed. Will the Representatives from this county, with the remerabran**** of the trouble which that law caused, and of the burdens which it implied up in the taxpayers fresh in their minds, permit a similar law to be enacted? If they do, they will not prove themselves worthy of the trust reposed in them by their constituents. The State should pay Justices of the Peace a reasonable compensation for their services in criminal cases, ami this compen sation should be promptly paid. If, how ever, it becomes necessary, for the proper administration of juati**e, that the <*ounty shall hear the cost of making preliminary examinations of charges of violations of the laws, it would be better to deprive Justices of the Peace of all criminal Jurisdiction, and to create a court having exclusive authority to make such examinations. The cost of maintaining a court of this character would be much lens than the amount of the fees which the Justices of the Peace are seeking. In fact, anything would be better for the county and the public than a law such as the Justices of the Peace want enacted. The Terrapin Bill. The bill for the protection of terrapins, which was introduced into the House by Representative Smith, and which passed the House with scarcely any opposition, was framed by Dr. Oemler, of. Wilmington Island. There is no reason to doubt that it will lie passed by the Senate. The bill pro vides that-terrapins shall not be caught before July 35, but Dr. Oemler thinks that tbe prohibition should be extended to Aug. 3t). In support of his position he says his attention was lately called to a statement respecting some terrapins which were picked up on St. Simon’s Island after July 35. They contained both mature and im mature eggs. But the pending bill will be a great pro tection to terrapins, and if it becomes a law and is rigidly enforced, there is every rea son to believe they will become plentiful again in the waters of this part of the State. Few realize who have not given attention to the matter how destructive to terrapins the prat-til's of catching them at all seasons is. A statement was lately made to Dr. Oem ler that as many as 1,000 eggs had been taken out of a terrapin pen in this vicinity in a single morning, and that one dealer has now in his pen 10.000 small, comparatively wm-thless female terrapins, nnd they will lie kept there until about Nov. 1. The pending hill will do a great deal of good if it becomes a Law. but Dr. Oemler expresses the opinion that it would do much more good if it prohibited the taking of ter rapins before Aug. 30. The outrageous conduct of Dukes, the ne gro editor of Montgomery, Ala., has not only made it necessary for him to iiee the wrath of the jieople of that city, but it has caused pronounced opposition to the pro posed State University for negroes. At a largely attended meeting, tbe other day, resolutions were adopted by the white citizen* of Montgqpiery protest ing against the location of the University within either tbe city or county. The Houston, Tex., Font says: “Talk like that indulged in by Mi-mr*. Felton and Simmons, in the Georgia Legislature, would call for a funeral or two in Texas.” In Georgia the talk was thought bait enough even with a )>eaceable ending. A funeral or two could uot possibly have caused the dis grace of it to be greater. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1887. The Fanners’ Convention. The Interstate Fanners’ Convention at Atlanta is not only well attended, but it is discussing subjects that are of very great interest to Southern fanners. It can hardly fail to be productive of beneficial results. The proceedings are quite fully rep *rted and are given wide circulation by the press. It will be strange, indeed, if some of the many valuable suggestions which crop out in the speeches and essays are not ntilize*L The agricultural interest is the great one in the South, ami yet in the last quarter of a century it has shown lees development than any other. The reason of this is. doubtless, the difficulty in breaking away from the old methods of farming, which were based upon a different kind of labor than that which exists at present. There are. however, gratifying evidences of changes, and where these changes are the most marked there the indications of prosperity are the greatest. One of the es says read before the convention dealt with diversified farming, and it is safe to say that the Southern farmers are now raising their own supplies to a greater extent than ever before. The all-cotton method, under the growing belief that de pendence upm the West for food supplies means a constant struggle with poverty, is gradually giving way to the diversified meth*i. The time may not !>* very distant when th * South will be independent of the West. Even now it is not uncommon to hear of farmers making g*xxl crops of hay in localities where a comparatively few vears ago no hav whatever was produced. Senator Colquitt, in his speech on Wednes day, sjxikea few wise words about the tariff. He made it plain that it was to the interest of the farmers that the tariff should be re duced. The government does not need all the money which the tariff produces. The present high tariff increases the cost of the necessaries 'if life, and of much of the ma chinery, ami many of the implements needed upon the farms, thus impising unnecessary burdens upon the farmers. Mr. Henderson, the Commissioner of Agriculture of this State, with whom the idea of this interstate convention ortei tinted, doubtless feds great satisfaction in trip success of the convention, and in the pros pect that much good will flow from it. The Pevce Union and the Military. The Philadelphia Pres* publishes a syn opsis of a communication from the Philadel phia Peac* Union to the Constitutional Commission, objecting to preference being given military organizations in the grand demonstration in i-onjunction with the Con stitutional Centennial celebration, in the communication, says the IVras, President Alfred 11. Love and others of the Union ask whether great injustice is not done the in dustries of the country in placing a limit to them and giving an unlimited opportunity for the exhibition of military and war like preparations They claim that “this bringing together of fighting men—warriors decked in the gaudy habiliments of their profession, with deadly weapons hung about them —is not in harmony with the spirit and purposes of the Constitution nor of the dis tinguished and beloved framers of that in strument of unity and concord.’’ It is sug gested by the Union that instead of allow ing the celebration to tie a mere display of military and other power, that it be made an occasion of some achievement of lasting benefit to the world. With the view of aiding the Commission the Union suggests a demonstration in favor of national and international arbitration, the donation of the money to be spent on the military display to a relief fund providing against calamities by fire, pestilence, famine, or any other great public calamity. President Love and his associates seem to forget that wnr was the agency by w hich indejiendenee of England was gained and the republic founded. If they remember the fact, their suggestions indicate a great lack of appreciation of military organiza tioret Arbitration as a means of settling difference between nations is to be com mended, but there are times when, to pre serve the national honor, not to mention life and property, it is necessary to fight. This being true, military organizations should be maintained. and their presence at the Constitutional celebration will be alto gether appropriate. The Washington correspondent of the New Orleans Picat/nne says that notwith standing the recent reports to the effect, that Judge Pettus, of Alabama, and not Secre tary I-amar. is to be appointed the successor to the late Justice Woods, of the Supreme Court, friends of Secretary Lamar are still confident that he will receive the appoint ment. A gentleman who is vert - close to the Secretary said recently; “There is no doubt whatever in my mind about the mat ter. Secretary launar is going to leave the Cabinet for the Supreme bench. It is tru\ perhaps, that the President has said noth ing to the Secretary on the subject, but the work has been done by the Secretary's frieiuU, and the best posted men who have tieen looking into the situation are confident that this will be the case. A few days ago the Morning News noted the fact that railroad builders in Washington Territory were about to send South for negro laborers. Commenting, the Chattanooga TTEmcs says: “Perhaps if we could manage to get rid of the whole race—Sambo, Jumbo, (Jtiitnbo, Dinah and the picaninmes, we could replace them with something a good deal more satisfactory. Whut do you say. Mornixo News, to a trial for a wholesale exodus?” The Mottx ixo News is not disposed to join in such a trial. When the negroes learn, as they are rapidly doing, that the Southern people are their best friends, it will be difficult to find a more satisfactory class of laborers than they. Mayor O'Brien, of Boston, vigorously defends his presence at a recent entertain ment given at the Boston Theatre in honor of John L. Sullivan. He says that he con sidered it his duty to see that the city ordi nanoes were not infringed upon. And then, again, he claims that a performance officially sanctioned by the Board of Aldermen is one which 0111 he properly attended by the most select citizen in Boston. Louis Boydcn, who recently died at Wor cester, Mass.. at the age of 85, had been totally blind for eighteen years, and in that time his sense of touch bail developed in a marvelous manner. He could tell the de nomination of a bill by feeling, and he planted, weeded, and cared for his large garden entirely by himself, and was never known to pull up a young plant for a weed. In filling out ndeath certificate, a Buffalo, N. Y.. physician attested that the con tributing cause of death was a croup cure, made and sold by another physician of the Mine city. Medical ethics in Buffalo have since been upside down. CURRENT COMMENT. The Taxes Must Come Down. From the I Republican (Dom.i We are opposed to "riding Randall out,” bnt if we cannot pet along with him we must pet along without him. Th** taxes must come uuwn. What It Means. From the Washington X. C.) Star •' ZVm.) a Republican knave and ex-United States Senator says he favors a ‘whirlwind campaign, ana his tk*ket is Sheridan and Fair child. That means tearing up by the roots and smashing constitutional machinery generally. The Effect of Protection From the Galveston Sews (Dem.) A protection organ. explaining the preaf emi gration from Germany, attributes it large hr to the fas? increasing stagnation of trade ana in dustries throughout the empire." If all that the pa per claims for the tariff be true, there should, as the Chicago Times suggests, be no stagnation of trade and industries in a country that ha3 all the tariff it can possibly want. The Figure Riddleberger Has Cut. From the Boston Herald (fad.) Senator Riddleberger ha* cut so coutemptible a figure in and out of the State of Virginia that if the law can be enforced and he can be com pelled to pa** a number of days in a common jail, the public credit of the Old Dominion will bo measurably augmented, and the Senator himself may receive a lesson that will be of future service to bim. No man in this country ought to be allowed to demonstrate that he is above the law. and that he can with impunity set legal restraints at defiance. BRIGHT BITS. ‘•John," said the wife of a Kentucky editor, ‘your patent <'>mbinafion pocket-knife is all rusty nil but the corkscrew part."—Washing ton Critic. teach you how to tear your pants!" said an irate parent, swinging a strap; I'll teach you." "Don't hit me, pa: I know how already. Just look at 'em’.”—Philadelphia Colt. When cigarettes their vapors blow In people's throats and choke them. It is some comfort *light*to kDow. They kill the dudes that smoke them. Washington Critic. Alarmed Pedestrian (picking up a painter at the foot of a ladder)—My poor man. are you hurt much? Pamter Only three ribs broken. But I went down with eolors flying, didn't I '—Philadelphia Call. the lawn, in th* gloaming. Mias Candid ( languisiiinglyK What would you say. Mr Jackpot, it I confessed to you that I am 4<>?" Jackpot (prompt lyV-Go you ten better.— Town Topics. Ghost—Ltat* list. 0 list! Hamlet—Which lust ' Ghost —Retired list Retires again to his prison lions* to think up another one—one of the regular soul harrow-era and blood-freezers, ari eight minute freezer? —Brooklyn Eagle. Clergyman -How is your health this summer* I trust you have been weil during the sultry went her. Undertaker—Pretty well, thank you. Clergyman.— And how is business? Undertaker—Poor, poor l haven't buried a living soul for v eeks. Lotcell Citizen. “Sis," he said, "do you know where my base ball mask is? I*ve hunted high and low for it." "I didn't know you wanted to use it to-day, Dick, said his sister, uneasily. "AVelI, I do." I'll see if I can find it for you." and *she went up stairs. She found it without much trouble. —c York Sun. Scnday ScnooL Teacher—You seem to re member what Eve was told would I*? the penalty of h**r disobedience, but I don't think you quite understand it. Now. iq a family, who is called the head of the house? Little Girl -Tli* one that does the bossing "The one who directs its affairs. Now. who does?" "Mamma.” “Well, she directs 'he servants, but who some times makes her do things she don't want to very much?" "I do."— Omaha World. "Oh, I know I can't," sobbed the woman after she returned from her husband's funeral. "I just know I can't think of anything else with fioor John in the— the—t-o-o-rn-b. and she broke down again. "There was a very large attendance at the funeral." said a Iddy friend. trying to get l*> * r woman's niimd into some other channel, "Mrs. General Parade was present." "Was Mrs. General Parade there?" "Yes." ‘ * What-wh-what did she have on*" and the poor widow burst into tears anew.— Tmkota Bell. "Hasn't been a stray young woman picked up and brought in to-day?" he inquired at police headquarters last night. "No. sir." "Any report of anybody being drowned?” "No." Anybody run over and killed?" "No. Some of your friends missing?" "Well. I agreed to meet my girl at the office of the Justice of the Peace at 10 o'clock this forenoon, and we wen 4 to be married, but she didn't show up." "That's very strange. Was she well?" "Yea. in rip-top health?" "And you are greatly disappointed, of course?" "Not so very much I kinder thought if she came around there we'd kinder get married, but I hadn't sot any hopes on it. She's the third on who has jumped me inside of two ••reeks. and I've learned not to bet my hat on anything going to happen in no such world as this. Oh— hum!"— l/eiroit Free Press. PERSONAL. Jossth Jefferson's favorite fishing ground is at Marion, a Tillage on Buzzard's Bay, Mass. The widow of Gen. Custer is one of the popu lar favorites of the guests at the Oriental Hotel, Coney Island. Mrs. James Brows Potter denies tin’ rumor that her husband will sue for a divorce. Her new play, ' Inez,” is a pronounced success. Max O'Rell is staying at Paignton, near Tor quay. where lie is correcting the proofs of his new- lunik, which is to be published at Paris early next month. A Tot NC. female cricketer of Nottingham. Kog . Miss Grace, in a cricket match of both sexes, scored 317 against the bowling of four really good men. Mas Lavish Fillmore, a cousin of the ex- Prcsident. i-eiobrated her MOth birthday at Clarence Erie county. New York, on Saturday by attending a grand temperance picnic. Auter a life-time of sepa ation F. W. New man. the atheist, and J. H. Newman, the cardi rial. met. and without a word clasped each other in their anas and were reconciled. Michael H Phelan. United States Consul- General at Halifax, N. S., is of Irish parentage. Most of his life has been spent in nt. I ouis. Mo., where h“ has a high reputation for character and ability. Gov. Fora* er seems to be somewhat super stitious. He will open the Ghio campaign at Caldwell, Nod* 7. It was at this place that Hayes op-ned the eainpHignof 1875 and Garfield the campaign of 1879. TV*: Swedish explorer Baron Schwerin has discovered, at the mouth of the Congo, the re main* of a stone pillar erected there In 1484 by tie Port ignore uavatrator Diego Cao and the German geographer Bohaim. Col. Thomas F. Rose, commander at Fort Courtro. Tex .is at Cape May. N. J. Col Rose is the man who originated the f.imous escape from Libby prison whereby forty-nine Union - ildiers regained th ir freedom on the night of Feb. 9, 1881. Mr*. Lanotrt s coachman is one of the sights at Long Branch. He is only a little more th in four feei t.i 11 .md weighs about 110 pounds What tittle hair he has is red and his face is covered with freckles. Asa foil for Ips hand some mistr -ns he Is an unqualified success. Lomoiit Trefii is authority for the statement that "31 r. Andrew Carnegie Intends to Injy na estate in Scotland, and it is invisible that he may hecorae the purchaser of Aboyne Castle, Lord Huntley s family place in Aberdeenshire, which is for sal- with the home' portion of the prop erty 1 understand that t'llS.iWO i the price asked for this lot' of the Aboyne estate." Mr*. Wilbur k Storey, widow of the late editor of the Chicago Times, has been invited to furrish'an oil (K'rlnUt of her hushund for tbe H ilts,-or Ueriruser.mtiv.-s at Washington, and witl t*s;nt it herself The litigation she is lend ing over her husband's will has alreudy lasted four years, and her lawyers' fees have amounted to $0!.l)X), and the end is probably yet some years off kjßr.tN Victoria knew nothing about Lord diaries Hereford's domestic signal at the Naval Revclw until two or thus- davs afterward Then sb< rememlN-red that she bail noticed the sig. ualing without knowing what it meant, aud even, attracted hr the signal mans adroit tua tiipnlst.on of the Hags, had called Prince* De atrial's attention tu him. and the Princess had matle a sketch of him as a subject of a future lifltltl^ TO ENCOURAGE BABIES. Gov. Hill,of New York, Raise® the Cleve land Prize sls Better. From the Baltimore American. Wasbihotos, Aug. 14.—The fair, which is to be held next mouth in the little villag ? of East Aurora, N. Y.. is attracting far more attention in all sections of the country than events of this kind usually do. The season is obvious. The President of the Association knows an adver tisement when he sees it. and he makes the most of one when he gets it. The slo* gold piece which President Cleveland contributed as a prize for the best set of triplets has l**en framed and is attracting a great deal of attention in Buffalo, where it is on exhibition in one of the show windows. The fact that the prize is of fered by the President has attracted several mothers who are the happy possessors of “three of a kind," and the indications now are that the East Aurora fair of will .draw the biggest crowd of triplets ever seen in one country be fore. One of the gentlemen interested in this unique couptry fair ts in Washington this week. He says that the color line is not to be drawn, but that special inducements are to be offered to the colore*i people of Western New York to exhibit. Governor Hill has seen Cleveland's ten and goes him fifteen better The Governor has contribu ted $23, which is to he given to the be*t pair of colored twin*sent for exhibition. It is thought that this is a shrewd move on the part of the Chief Magistrate of the Empire State to head off the prestige of the appointment of Mr Trotter as recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia by the President. Governor Hill is known to be very friendly toward the colored population of New York, and it is doubtless in the hope that he can win still more supporters among the race that he offers this prize for colored twins. This gentleman says that the indications are now that the East Aurora Fair will draw an im mense crowd of visitors from c?!l over the re gion contiguous to Western New York, as there are many men who have been prominent in the affairs of the country who were educated in that little village. The couple who are to be married on the grounds will have an excellent start in life, for besides the furniture which has leen offered as an inducement, there have since promised several tons of farm produce, besides subscriptions to various newspapers, a village cart ana $6 worth of phosphate. “DARN A WASP.” Thus Concludes a Norwich Naturalist Whom the Insects Worsted. From the Xorwich Bulletin. A Norwich naturalist who was out for birds a day or two ago became imbued with the Napo leonic idea that he could route a whole colony of wasps at a blow. He was not long in finding a stone and putting it through their paper nest; and the wasps were not long in rinding him The first tickled him right over the left eye. and so absorbed his attention that he could not tell where the rest struck him. His legs and arms worked like the bars in a threshing ma chine, and he rolled on the earth like an ant eater assailed by bees. When he thought he had rolled three miles, he felt himself drop several feet, and then ho struck a stump and stopped. For a mo ment he couldn't decide what to do He couldn't tell whether it were better to lie still or get up. < hie eye was entirely out of use. but he cautiously uncovered the other eye and viewed his surroundings. He was pocketed between an offset wall and a tree, and the wasps had not been able to follow his trail. He wes not look ing for them. He felt that home would be more congenial to him, ami went at once. But he carried an eye with him that no one looked upon with envy. The inflamed eyelid protruded like a gall upon an oak leaf, and had more fire in it than a toy pistol He hasn't had time to investigate to s**e what of the wasps. He hasn't had time, yet, t*> make that eye look respectable. But he has thought a little upon the subject of wasps, and says: “Darn a wasp! See it. but never try to go it one better! For you can't He Changed His Mind. From the World's Saratoga Letter. Mr. Ben Wood fell into the mood reminiscent last night, as h* sat on the front portico of the Gran t Union slowly smoking a good night cigar. I will never forget the first time I saw my narpt* in print/" h<* said. “I was a lad of 21. and fairly popular in the where I lived in New York. A primary was about to be held for the nomination of a police justice Tae man who had held the office a long time had earned the ill-will of a friend of mine, who asked rae to help him go* enough votes to nominate another man in the placn of the offending Magistrate. I did so, and my man received the nomination. The next morning, as I left the house, I took np the New York Herald , and in the first editorial column was a reference to the nesting of the night befiw**. and a suggestion that the change of noni nees hud been brought anout by coercion, in the form of a man named Wood, who had gone to the primary leading a gang of ruffians, who forced the re sult. I grew pale with anger. Riding down town in the stage, with a mind fully made up to cowhide Bennett. I thought l was recognized by every man that looked at me as the leader of a ruffianly gang. I reached the Herrdd office, in quired for Mr. Bennett and was noon shown into the august presence. Producing the paper. I said, quivering with rage: Did you write that ' He glano*d at the paragraph, and with oat vouchsafing a word pulled two or three bell cords. Three of his aids c*nie in. Then, turn ing to me, he said in his bnvid Scotch: Ts veur name Wood? How old are you'’ Twenty-one" eh? Only ?1? Well, sir. you ought to be the proudest young man in this big city to-day to have made yourself the subject of editorial reference in the New York Herald . I suppose you have come to thank me.' In five minutes I left the office, feeling chat I was the biggest boy in town and Bennett my warmest admirer, The old fellow was a smart oue." Pri gs in Parliament. Corrt*pondenre Xew York Times. The badger bolting instinct* of the young English gentleman” have full play here. Night alter nigat some dozen of tin**** aristo cratic dollarL> corne in alter -dinner and take their places on the front bench n* ares? to the Irishmen opposite. They are mostly iu evening dress, with rosea in their buttonhole* and an insolent, vie mis grin on their faces. The moment any Irish member gets up to speak these gentry l>egin to laugh, or jeer, or say. •Divide! divide: divide!”in unison, as rapidly as they can. They vary this from time to time by saying audibly among .the rose Ives, --What a cad!” “Who's his tail r. I w-^n'W ,, and things of that sort There is In all this only the nat ural exprssion of instincts which have been bred in these cube by generations of rat-killing, dog fighting, fox-hunting, badger-bait ing ances tors. These young fellows know nothing be yond the noble range of what thev call spirt If any one of this doicn -typesof B'Ouo—-were asked suddenly who Katkoff or Jules fVrrv was he would hx>k at von in surprise H* knows the nanv- ; and record of racing horses; h* knows the masters of the hunts, the liest cricketers, rhe owners of the crack yacht? 1W does not know what century Chaucer in. but he knows that you ma> shoot gro>ise after Vug. 12. He is in Parliament because it is the right sort of thing to do, but *>f the merits or dements of th* measure discussed he knows and cares nothing. He isarn oyed at government keeping the sesi-ion going through the snramer, while he might lie having sport in the country. He re venge's himself by badgering the Irishmen on the s-*ats opposite If h* cannot put his terriers into the rat pit he can insult Pnmelhtes. A Memory. From the rville Journal. I. I wonder if she can remember. As I do, to-night. That evening, in early September Of perftct delight. H. Together we rowed on the river. Borne on by the tide; My heart I was ready to give her. My fortune beside. hi. Jut alas’ I soon learned that another Hail raptured my Roue. So my puAsi- m l managed to smother And didn't pixqioee. IV. And it may be she doesn't n?membei That fond episode; For that evening m mrlv September She nwie—but I retired. Nautical. From tlir \nr York .Sun. ‘•Raw you swn my beautiful yacht J" ‘ Have I seen your b'auttfui wkacht ?” '•Beautiful yacht." "Beautiful whacht f "Yacht: yacht: yacht!" *H >h No, I bare uocht " "If it'* uacbf too hacht let'* tracht down to the spacbt when' I Itcey mr yacht." "I wacht that you bare riacbt itacht a yacht. Great bcacht' I know your placht. You au* ht to be *hacbt. t'll nacht atir one jacht. Your yacht 1* nothin* hut an old ftr-bn." As lowa youth wa* botdin hi* *rl In hi* lap during a thunder ato-m. Toe lightning struck and killed the >'"Uth, while the girl wa* left un harmed We hope thi* wall teach the young women that the *afet place during a tiiuoUer atorrn la la a feliow * lap. —lm ceU Cilittn. i ITEMS OF INTEREST. Acftin Blair. Jr., the hopeful offspring of Michigan's war governor, is playing base ball in the Northern league with the Big Rapids team. A 'cycler, who has returned to his home in Maplewood, N. J.. after a trip through Europe ana Africa on his tricycle, says he covered 12, wu miles at an expense of S3OO. Renova, Pa., contains a cow which can re move the bars from a fence, enter an inclosed lot and then replace the bars when she goes out. The cow is said to do this every night. Col. Cooper, who Is 8 feet 2 inches in height, and is probably the tallest man in the country, is keeping a saloon now in Buffalo. N. Y., h*v ing tired of the publicity of the show business. Senor Barxillo, Vice President of the Re public of Honduras, is devoting a fortnight to a study of Chicago, its railway system, water works, grain elevators, boodiers and other wonderful things. Annie C. Arnold, of Lynn. Mass.. has just been pardoned from Slier born prison in the Bay State. The woman was wrongfully ac cuse* 1 of theft last May, and she entered a plea of guilty in order to escape the notoriety of a public trial. Cape Charless City. Va., is the only city in America that is fenced in. It is said that the only public road leading to the place is the rail road. Why the citizens of that section do not build roads by which people can drive to Cape Charles is a mystery, for the town is growing rapidly. Gen. Ferron, envious of Gen. Boulanger's pictorial fame, had himself, on his white charger, photographed on the review ground, with his staff beoind him. He and they took up the relative positions of Napoleon I. and his Generals watching an Austrian battle in a paint ing by Meissonier. A pectliarly sad case of sunstroke recently occurred in Buffalo. The victim was a Prus sian, who had left his family and came to America to make a fortune. He had saved money enough in a year to bring them over her--*, and they were expected in Buffalo last Saturday morning. On Friday afternoon he died of sunstroke, and his wife and five children arrived to find him dead, leaving them homeless and penniless in a strange land. Forty years ago there died in Padua the physician and chemist, G. B. Massedaglia, who had succeeded in petrifying several animal bodies, which he bequeathed to the University Museum. To his will he had attached a seaied letter containing the secret of his method of netnfaction. which was onlv tg> be dividend to his legal heirs. Until recently all search for the heirs of l>r. Massedaglia remained fruitless, but they have at last been discovered, and are offered very large sums f°r the secret, which, however, they refuse to disclose for the present. Mr. Labo re here’s hints to travelers on the continent in the matter of tips are briefly ex pressed. as follows: Frenchmen generally act on the estimate that a waiter in a Parisian restaur ant ought not to have more than a sou on each franc of a bill. At hotels the chambermaids ex pect about a franc and the waiter ditto when the visitor stays one night: if longer, porter and boots expect something A fair estimate is about two francs a day divided among all the bloodsuckers. Members of the Stock Exchange generally give triple this, members of the aris tocracy half. A water bicycle was propelled across the Niagara river, below the Falls, on Sunday, with reported success by its owner. The machine is of* the catamaran order and consists of two zinc floats ten feet long, supporting a bicycle wheel, on the rim of which are a number or six by three inch paddles. A small rudder takes the place of the second wheel on the ordinary bicycle and is operated from in front of the rider, who uses a small horizontal steering wheel instead of a bar. The time was four and a half minutes and the distance about I,“*X) feet. The swift current and the chop waves did not seem to bother him. The Saratogian tells that the other evening ex-Mayor Ely. of New York, was chatting with his friends. "General and Mrs. A./' on the United States Hotel piazza The conversation becoming languid, the < Jenerai suggested to the ex-Mayor that they should look into the bar room to see who was there. “Oh, Charley claimed Mrs A. to her husband, “this is the fourth time since dinner that you have gone to see who is in the barroom " “Four times!" ejaculate! the General; then turning to his friend he said: "Ely. my dear fellow, if ever you do marry, be sure to select a woman who has never studied arithmetic. *’ Bishop Heber wrote the well-known hymn ‘ From Greenland's icy mountains" at Wrex ham to be used at a service on behalf of the So ciety for the Propagation of the Gospel. A writer in last week's Christian World says that the late Dr. Raffles, of Liverpool, was on oue occasion preaching at Wrexham when he heard th“ story of Heber s hymn. It immediately oc curred to him *hat probably on the printer s file the original manuscript might be found. Though many years hod passed. and the search looked fruitless, yet it was made. On the file, covered up and long forgotten, it was at length found, and was soon secured to enrich the valu able collection of interesting relics which Dr. Raffles possessed. • Tuere is a sort of club at a place south, in the vicinity of London who have made it a practice to discharge pistols at a card marked only with the ace of any color, to keep the hand in prac tice for dispatching, one time or another, their man One day in the course* of last week one of these bloocCs. seeing one of his comrade* often fire very wide of his mark, offered to stand a shot for a wager of 10 guineas, if his friend doubled his distance, which might have been sixteen paces. The wager was closed and the iron-headed gentleman who made the Ijet took his station, while his frien^jraversed the ground and discharged his pistol. The joke was con cluded with the lodgment of a ball in the wa gerer's right thigh. The Si.(YD sword which the people of Arizona will soon present to Gen. Miles will not b3 orna mented with gems, save a splendid amethyst at the end of the handle The scabbard will be of solid gold. One side will be left for the pr s *n fat.ton inscription#!, etc. The other side will be engraved with the following scenes: First, the agency of San Carlos on the reservation, Sh* Indians appearing in natural camp life: second *cene. companies of cavalry and infantry in pursuit of Indians; third, th** fight: fourth, the capture, and the Indians marched to Bowie Station, where a train of cars stands in waiting for their reception: and last, Geronimo’s head, with hat on. rormi.ig the foot of the scabbard. The blade is of Damascus steel, on \vb*ch will le eiigravvd the num *of Gen. Nelson A. Mibs. with scroll work. The handle or handgrip will of white shark's skin braided in gold. The Tuard will las of gold, and be emblematic of both cavalry and infantrv. At the extreme end of tii“ guard, engraved in gold. v% ill be the heat! of Natchez, the son of Cochise. Alphoxso Dapdet is telling in /> Temps the story of his creation of “Numa Roumestan." It was licli-ved fora long time that the hero was in tended as a sort of caricature of Oambetta, and lt was even said that Gaml>etta resented the liberty taken by the novelist, and had with drawn his friendship from him in consequence of ft. M. Daudcf now declares that Gambetta never for a momeut imagined that “Numa Rou mestan ' wa* meant to suggest him even re motely. that he was gre?tly amuseil to think that he had been taken f-ir the original of the portrait. Thj novelist telLs that he sat next Gambetta at a dinner some little time after the book appeared, arid Gambetta aske*l him whether the saying which he puts into the month of his hero. “When I am not speaking I never think." was original or borr lived. “Purely original, my d‘ar Gambetta.” was the answer. “Well, this v**rv rn>mitig.'' reiimed flambi'tta. “at the Cos im’.l of Ministers, one of my col leagues. a southerner like ourselves, declared that he “only thought when sneaking.* Decidedly the sentinv nt is indigenous to the aoU.” And for the lait rime." ad Is M. Daudet, “I hoard his hearty, musii*al l.r.igh.” Two remarkaoie curioeities were exhihitefl at the meeting of the American Association for the of Science on Friday. One was a votive adz mode of jade an i measuring P> 11-lfi by 6 Inches, and 4>4 inches thick, taper ing to a blunt edge. It was found in Oaxnco. Mexico, twenty years ago. and is supposed to have been wsl iu religious services, siuce out of one side is carved the features of a deity. The stone is excessively hard, resisting edged steel tools, And how it could have bi*cn carved and polished by earlv people is a mystery. The features of th' k god ore de id*tlly Mongoliir and it was suggested that it mi/ hnv,* lwwn car rie made from Jl/etc Materials, contains no Acids, Hard Grii. or injurious matter It is Pub*, Ebtissd, PBP.rECT. Kornixo Li sc It Evsb Knows. From Senator Cocire.hall.-- "I take Piena ar*'in recommendfnif Zonweis. on account of lta efficacy and purity.” From Mrs. Urn. I.otran’s Demist, Dr. E. S. l arrolt, Washington, c, —”1 have had Zonweiss analyzed. If ia the most perfect denti frice I ever seen.” From Hon. ( has. P. Johnson. Ex. Lt, Gov. of Mo, —‘‘Zonweiss cleanses the teeth thor. ouet.iy, is delicate, convenient, very pleasant,and leaves no after taste. Solo by all lbuoolsts. Price, 33 cents. JOHjraoif & Jomrsos, 23 Cedar St., N. T. For sate by UPPMAN BROS., LippmanV Block, Savannah. COTTON -EEDW A NTKIi. COTTON SEED WANTED THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO., CAPITAL $5, 000,000, HAS just constructed eitfht new Cotton Seed Oil Mills, locates! at the following points, each having the capacity per day indicated. Columbia, S. C., - 100 Tons. Savannah, Ga., - - 100 “ Atlanta, Ga., - - 200 M Montgomery, Ala., - 200 “ Memphis, Tenn., - 200 “ Little Rock, Ark., - 200 “ New Orleans. La, - 300 “ Houston, Texas, - 300 “ CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Address, at nearest Mill, Southern Cotton Oil Cos. AGKICT LTUKAL IMPLEMENTS. fi 1 mi Lawn Mowers, Three Sis*' Ladies’ Garden Hoes, Hand Plows, Hedge Shears, Pruninng Scissors and Knives, Garden Trowels and Weeders, Fountain Pumps, Rubber Hose and Reels, —FOR SALE BY Palmer Bros 148 and 130 Congress Street. MKI)I( AL For Both Sexes.^^3s^* When on the sultry summer's day The sun se-ins scarre a mile away: When comes Siris Ifrndarhe to oppresa And every moment brings distress. That Druggists aii can recommend. gROUS INJECTION. HYGIENIC, INFALLIBLE & PRESERVATIVE. Cur** profnr tly, wl’hout additional treatment, ill recent cr chrmic of the Urinary orjrin*. 4- F**rr, nu*-*or to Brou\ Pli rruaaen, P*m Sold by drqggutu throughout the United SUtou. CURE xißc DE AF DECK'S PATENT IMPROVED CUSHIONED I EAR DRUMS perfectlv restore the bearing and perform the work of the natural drum. In visible. comfoytable and always in position. All conversation and ere,, whispers heart distinct ly. Send for Illustrated book with testimonial* PREE Ad drew or .ail on F. HISCOX, S* Broadway. New York. Mention this paper. ADI I' r \I 411,1 WHISKY HABITS cured f I at home without pain. Book of A \ n Foi-ueular* Rout FKEE aH. WOOTOin. I)., Atlanta, Uk. Offloa U’luUi LA'm.~Lr+mm