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AGRICULTrRAJ. DEPARTMENT. The Field, Farm and Garden. Me solicit articles for this department. The name of the writer should accompany the letter or article, not necessarily for pub lication, but as an evidence of good faith. Opium Production. Being constantly in receipt of letters from your State making inquiry regarding opium production, in which industry I am inter ested, and not being able to reply to ali ask ing information, I take the liberty of writ ing to your widely circulated journal, hoping you may see fit to give this infor mation to your readers and that I can refer subsequent inquirers to your columns for the information asked for. The poppy plant, from which opium is obtained, has a wide geographical range growing over the entire United States, bur, in some places doing better than in others California stands about first in the list- Texas, Georgia, Florida and the Gulf Stat following: then Virginia, Michigan, We ere and Northern States to Vermont. ? variety to sow is the Opium Poppy, ' "Paparer Somniferum.” Seedmen rr 0 no distinction, calling all poppies, “Or 11 Poppies,” when in fact there are 17 4®' ties of this plant. Many persons hav< jen disappointed in planting poppies, not fT n 8 the result they expected. This u owing to the seed or the time of pl‘' n K- Good seed when kept some time ’ oll!es unfertile in some climates and pbties. Fertile seed will only grow in its' 11 sea * son. It must always be the poppy is an annual, growing once a year in its own season at any g ßll pl aee . and, though there is scarce a nrfth in the year in which poppies may not 8 planted, this varies with climate, positic elevation, rainfall, etc., so that in anjf?’ ven case, when you do not know the °P® r season for your seed and locality, tb‘ >es *' thing to do is to plant a few beds evert® ll or fifteen days. Continue doing so nil such time arrives that the plants con ll P promptly within ten days after pitting. Having ascertained this you may tifl proceed upon a larger scale. The two principal variets are the Indian or Winter Seed, which issom in November or December, and the Euriean or Summer Seed. The latter is the ariety generally used here. The Indian mf be used in the South, commencing as eay as possible. By pursuing the above plan ae proper season for seed and locality mi’ become known and no disappointment erne. There can be no mot profitable crop grown than opium wher the conditions of its growth are complied nth and the same attention given it as cabhges, tomatoes or any other vegetable. Tb yield is just as sure and osrtain; the mrket open at all times; the freight mere); nominal—a com mon trunk wilt centaiuseveral thousand dollars worth. It does jot entail loss by keeping. One pound or oie thousand pounds can be just as readily sold. These are ad vantages that no other product enjoys. One thousand lollars per acre is a fair valuation for a beginner to obtain. An ex pert can do much better. This can be seen from the followng data: 16 to 20 plants yield 1 oz. opiun 16 oz., one pound, sells for $5 per lb. iny one can see how small a piece of grouid 20 plants will grow upon, and from this calculate the great number contained in an acre. The reason whyopium has not heretofore been raised in thi country was simply the cost of labor. W could not compete with the Hindoo, when 10c. per day is the wages paid; and it was ilso supposed that there was no other method for obtaining the gum from the plant excqit scarifying the capsule and scraping off the exhude. This state of affairs no longrr exists. We have dis covered a cheaper way of extracting the gum in large or small quantities, and have further discovered that the Hindoo obtained less than one-fourth of the actual amount of opium the plant contained, the mere ex hude of the capsule alone, when the fact is, every part of the plant, except the leaves, contains opium, the method I use yielding 13-16 more than was possible by the old method. My process for extracting the gum opium is the cheapest and the simplest known; the work is light, any manor woman can do all that is necessary and will find it both pleasant and profitable. I would not advise great numbers to go into this industry on the rush. It has its peculiarities and its technicalities which, to insure full success, must first be learned. Commence upon a small scale. Invest a dollar or so in seed, plant a few beds, se lecting a time when the soil is moist as after rain, attend as you would any other vege table or flower patch. Observe closely, follow directions, etc., and y r ou will then he prepared to go into the business for profit on a large scale. ITo such as are fitted and prepared to go into this industry in a bona fide manner I thall be happy to aid with all necossary in formation. I have no seed for sale, but Mr. George Reynolds, 41 E. Bay street, Jacksonville, Florida, has imported some seed for his own use from Europe; be will sell some to those desirous of proving this industry. One pound sows an acre broad cast; it takes less if carefuily sown in drills. There are no enemies to the plant in this country. It does not need a rich soil or any particular fertilizer. A light sandy soil is well adapted to it, though it will grow on the richest land. It stands cold very well. W. W. WINTHROP, M. D. City Foint, Fla. Hen Manure. Asa rule people do not sufficiently appre ciate the droppings of the hen-house as a manure for plants. Of all the manures produced on the premises this is the most valuable. But of course it does not all present the same degreo of value. The Irairie Farmer says much in this direction depends on the kind of food consumed by the fowls, though all is valuable more or less. It stands next to guano, which is the droppings of seafowls, and which has its greater value in the fact that these fowls subsist chiefly on fish. Analysis has shown that a ton of average hen-house manure has in it: tiu. . , Pounds. I anaphoric acid 40 4 few?* 1 7.7.7.'.. 1 ‘ *'. is 6 this, as must be seen, indicates a highly valuable manure. Trof. Goe&sman, writing on the subject r, f hen manure, says much depends on the (are taken of it. The excretion of fowlr., r ' n a °count of their peculiar character, un '“i goes a rapid change; a large amount of •inmonia is soon formed, which reduces materially it* tnanurial value In case it is "'■owed to escape. A liberal use of plaster ''' good loam is highly recommended for a bsorption of the ammonia. The safest * ajr ** secure the full benefit of the droD- Pgs is t' oer tbem< l uit4! fiequently, j t 0 aL j ( ectly of the previously men tioned m/k' o Or nc * en *' tbe ew England Homestf* ys vears a W° he came to the C o nc i us tbat the droppings of a hen for a year ** aut * tnixed with an equal quan tity o f‘ ter or B 5 P Bum and put into hills of coi increase the yield of that corn ,uc h 05 a hen would eat during the year jyickie says the most fertile part of ma farms is that largely occupied by p (1 /. It is true that these portions are u jnnear buildings and seldom utilized j/owing crops, but when they are so , the effects of the poultry droppings plainly observable. He says he has ■wn six good crops of corn in six years his poultry yard, the only fertilizer used ing that deposited by the fowls them- rives. “Fanny Field,” the well-known writer, treating on the same subject, says of her own farm: “The manure saved in one year from the houses where 150 fowls roosted was mixed with a ton each of plaster and road dust. This mixture was used for the corn and potato crops, and the result was such that neighboring farmers declared that our home-made fertilizer was quite as val uable as the commercial, which cost, de livered at our station, about S4O per ton." Vermin on Fowls. Mrs. Kate Griffith, of Missouri, writing in the Journal of Agriculture, says: I have received several inquiries from custom ers asking how to get rid of lice and all such pests. All kinds of poultry are more or less liable to be troubled with lice and other little mites upon their bodies. Some are blood-suckers and adhere to the skin and suck their subsistence from the fowl’s flesh and blood until they are exterminated. Some roam over the surface of the skin, mingle in swarms among the feathers and gather in swarms upon the fowls. But they are more easily shaken off or rolled out of the plumage, when the fowls can enjoy the opportunity to dust themselves every (lay. The loss of feathers about the head and neck is usually caused by these pests. They thrive and multiply wonderfully upon their bodies, and when the young chicks are first hatched these intruders quickly find their way from the mother hen’s feathers to the soft down of her young. If not attended to at once they will swarm upon the tender heads and bodies of the chickens and often destroy them before they are ten days old. This is often the cause of the young broods drooping and dying one after another, and the owners often not knowing why they are losing their nice flock of chicks. There are a great many varieties of these pests and they are legions in numbers if not iu spe cies. Whenever the appropriate means are used mites may be destroyed or prevented from accumulating. But to do this the work must not be neglected. Any of them, large or small, creepers, biters, roamers, feather eaters or suckers are bad enough; filth and neglect invite their presence. If the nests and roosting places are kept clean we will be less troubled. But we will rarely hnd a poultry yard that is entirely free of all these annoyances. Vermin may be kept under by careful watching and the use of certain remedies known to be “death” to these pests. Sulphur mixed in the dust bath, where fowls are accustomed to roll dally, will help to rid their bodies of insects. Sprinkling sulphur in the nests where the hens sit and on the back of the sitting hen is also good. Powdered tobacco leaves used in the same way as the sulphur are good. Carbolic acid or coal is sure death to them Mix either of these with lard and grease the fowls slightly. But this canuot be used about the sitting hen, for any kind of grease or oil will ruin the egg and cause them not to hatch at all. Vermin in the fowl house, on the perches, nest boxes, etc., are best destroyed by using whitewash, in which mix carbolic acid, one ounce to each gallon of the whitewash. This not only destroys them but 'eaves the bousj white and clean and destroys all bad odors. Scaly legs are caused by these minute pests. There are preparations advertised to re move these scales, but home remedies will serve to eradicate them. Mix half lard and coal oil, rub it well on the legs twicea week for two weeks, or less time, and the legs will be clean. These remedies are all useful in the poultry yard for health and cheerful uess. The Jersey Breed. According to the American Agricultur ist the Jersey breed of cattle was, ten or twelve years ago, only the fashionable cow of the rich amateur farmer, who could af ford to pay hundreds of dollars for one of these elegant animals as an ornament of his lawn or well-kept pasture, and for the sup ply of cream and butter for domestic use. Gradually It became the fashion for these wealthy persons to establish fancy dairies and to make the ohoicest quality of butter which was put in attractive forms, for sale to consumers who could well afford to pay a dollar a pound for a product which was certainly known to be clean, pure and of the most perfect flavor and appearance. It was anew department in dairying, and most beneficial in compelling the makers of butter to follow his example set in this way, or in inducing them to do so, in the hope of securing higher prices for their pro duct A wholly new business, commonly known as sancy buttermaking, has sprung up. and this has led to the expensive intro duction of winter dairying and a large va riety of improved apparatus. It is anew instance of the new improvement in agri cultural methods which has heen brought about by the use of improved stock; and just as the Ayrshire breed in Scotland, or the Dutch breed in Holland, induces a re markable change for the hotter in the pas tures and in the culture of the soil, ns well as the farm buildings; and by reflection, as it were, on the farmers themselves; so the Jersey cow has revolutionized the butter dairy, and has improved it more in the past ten years than every other influence has doue from the beginning up to that time. The Happiest Families. Waldo F. Brown, writing for the Home and Farm, says he thinks that the happiest families and the most useful citizens are found among those in moderate circum stances, and that the life of the farmer, taking farmers as a class, more nearly ful fills than any other that condition for which Agar prayed when he said “Give me neither poverty nor riches, feed me with food con venient for me.” I believe that most of us are inclined to set too high a value on wealth, and to forget there is only one man in a hundred to whom wealth is possible, for the power either to accumulate or to retain wealth is a gift or a talent possessed by the few and not the many. If the wealth of the world was equally distributed today it would bo but a tew years until it would again be in the bonds ol the few- *** nl * n ' THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1888. who received their share would in a year be worse off than if they had not this given them. Household. Ginger Cookies.—Two cups molasses, one of melted lard, one of boiling water, three teaspoonfuls ginger with flour to make stiff dough. Roll thin. Snowflake Cakes.—Half a cup each butter and lard, two cups powdered sugar, one cup milk, white of five egesand three cups flour. Flavor with vanilla and bake in small tins. Butter Scones.—Dissolve one pound sugar in half pint cold water, mix with one pound butter rubbed into three pounds flour, one teaspoon dissolved soda and two eggs. Roll out into little cakes and bake. Dressing for Salad.—Two raw eggs, one tablespoonful butter, eight tablespoon fuls vinegar, one-half teaspbonful mustard. Put in a bowl over boiling water and stir until it becomes like cream; salt and pepper to taste. Sour Milk Biscuit.—One quart flour, two cups sour milk, two level teaspoonfuls soda and two large tablespoonfuls lard. Mix with the hand as bread-dough, only not so stiff. Roll out about an inch thick; cut and bake in a moderate oven. Coffee Cake.—One cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup strong coffee, three eggs, half cup molasses, one cup water, one cup each raisins and currants, one teaspoon cloves, two teaspoons cinnamon, oue of allspice, two teaspoons baking powder and flour to make a stiff batter. Bake two hours. Tapioca Fruit Pudding.—One-half cup ful tapioca soaked over uight in one quart cold water. In the morning cover the bot tom of a baking dish with anylkind of fruit, either canned or fresh, sweeten the tapioca with one-half cupful of sugar, add a little salt and nutmeg, pour over the fruit and bake one hour. Serve with sauce. A good way to prepare eggs for break fast is to make a baked omelet. Take six eggs, three even spoonfuls flour, a little salt, and beat them well together—the more it is beaten the lighter it will be—theu add one pint of hot milk and keep on beating. Have a hot dish with some melted butter the size of an egg and put into the oven. Bake twenty minutes and eat when it comes from oveu, for it will fall soon. Peaches and GELArtNE.— A delicious dessert is made of canned peaches and gela tine in this way: Soak one half cupful of gelatine with a cup of sugar and a dozen halves from a can of peaches for one hour, then pour on a cup of boiling water ana pass all through a strainer. Be sure to stir it all over the tire until all the gelatine is dissolved. Set it aside to cool, and when ready to congeal have ready a cup of rich cream; whip the cream until light, add a pinch of soda and stir it into the gelatine quicklv, one spoonful at a time. Turn into a mold wet with cold water and set in a cold place to harden. Orange Syrup is so easily made and so convenient to have on hand for various uses that it is strange more housekeepers do not make it, especially in the season when oranges are plentiful and cheap. Ripe and thin-skinned fruit is Post lor the purpose. Squeeze the juice through a sieve and to every’ pint add a pound and a half of pow dered sugar with a little of the grated orange peel and the juice of one lemon. Boil the syrup for fifteen minutes and skim as long as any slstim rises. If it does not look clear when taken off strain it. Next bottle and seal up tight and it will keep for a long time. Two tablespoonfuls of the syrup mixed with a quarter of a pound of creamed butter makes a nice sauce for a pudding or a plea sant flavor for custards and ices. Mixed with cold water and ice it makes a delicious drink and can be safely given to invalids. Farm and Stock Notes. Turn under the weeds as soon as they ap pear. By not permitting them to grow and reed they can be entirely eradicated in a short time. Use plenty of fine manure around the rose bushes, keep down the grass and keep them properly trimmed after they have become strong and vigorous. When the milk foams and froths in the churn the probability is tiiat the tempera ture is not correct ; hence always use a ther mometer when churning. A sharp plow will save its cost in a sea son’s work. All the farm tools and imple ments should be put in proper order for spring work if not already done. Give the little girls a plot for a flower garden, provide them all the seeds and plants they desire and let them enjoy themselves with the outdoor work. It will great iy pro mote their health and also create an interest in other directions on the farm. As kerosene has been found excellent when ured in the soapsuds for washing, care should be taken not to apply such soapsuds to peach trees or sprinkle it on the ground arouud them. Kerosene is almost instantly fatal to peach trees, only' a few drops being sufficient to kill a vigorous tree. , Farmers should consider that corn is not a proper food for young stock. It will fat ten them but does not encourage growth. A young animal should be made to secure bone and heavy frame, not fat. It can be fattened after maturity. It is simply waste ful to feed corn to young stock. Milk fever is more prevalent with overfed cows than with any other. After the cow is dried off she should be given plenty of hay or allowed on the pasture. She should l ave no grain except at night, when a lim ited allowance of ground oats may be pro vided. If she becomes too fat before cal v irig the chances will be that she will have milk fever. Mr. Miller, in the Husbandman, refers to the fact that recent experiments made by the Agricultural College of Michigan showed that the Holstein calves made the largest average gain, on the least quantity of food in a given time, of all standard breeds, excelling even the Short horns, the Gateways and the Herefords. The more the good qualities of this breed of cattle are known the better they are appreciated. Do not purchase more than two colonies of bees to start with. If tho owner can manage these successfully he will have in the fail (provided it lie a good season! four good strong colonies and between 400 and 500 pounds of honey. If he should succeed his knowledge must increase in the same ratio as his bees. He must also expect re verses like the past season, which has been, with few exceptions, an entire failure all ovor this continent. The golden flowers of the dandelion are shut up every night. They are folded up so closely in their green coverings that they look like buds that have never yet been opened. There is one curious habit which the dandelion lias. When the sun is very hot it closes itself up to keep from wilting. It is in this way sheltered in its green cov ering from the sun. It sometimes, when it is very hot, shuts itself up as early as 6 o’clock in tho morning. Popular Science. More than 200,000 bird 6kins are now shown at the Natural History Museum in London. It is estimated that to collect one pound of honey from clover 62,000 heads of clover must be deprived of nectar and 3,750,000 visits front bees must be niH<le, Tho remarkable finish of American pa pers is imparted by the addition of a min eral called agalitb a silicate of magnesia somewhat resembling asbes os in texture. It is found only in the United States. A Vienna engineer has just taken out a patent for anew smoke-abating process. By means of electricity lie proposes to con dense the solid part of the smoko as it arises from the coal, the carbon thus formed fall ing back into the furnace. An automatic gas extinguisher has lately been patented by Joseph Heroux, of YaniO' chiche, Canada, which consists of a spring stopcock, whicli shuts automatically when tho gas is extinguished. The mechanism used is based on the lineal expansion of metals. 'a recent Wets on forty persons, one Dart of salieine was tasted in 12.000 parts of water: of morphine, one in 14.000; quinine, one in 16,000; quassine, one in 90,000; pi crotoxine, one in 197,060; alvine, one in 210,000, and strychnine, one in 826.0(H). Twelve tastersdetecied one part of strych nine in 1,280,000. The seedless raisin is produced by simply arresting one of tho processes or nature. When the grape is about one-half ripe the end of the vine is bent down and buried in the ground. This prevents the formation of seed and the full development of the fruit, but it ripens all the same and has a delicious flavor. A series of experiments lately made by a Freuch metallurgist are said to have proved that steel loses weight by rust twice as rap idly as cast iron when expos'd to most air. Acidulated water was found to dissolve cast iron much more rapidly than steel. From this it would seem that steel bridges are less affected by the seeds contained in the smoke of the locomotives than are iron ores. Experiments recently male at the Na tional Theater, at Munich, Germany, in re gard to the relative effects of electric light and gaslight upon the air, says the Engin eering and Mining Journal, are reported to have shown most satisfactory results in favor of the former. On the other hand, it is claimed for gas that it promotes venti lation of factories, etc., where suitable openings are provided; and the journals not interested in the electric light frequently make this point. A method of preserving the natural color of flowirs, recommended by R. Hogior, consists in dusting salicylic acid on the plants as they lie in the press, and removing it again with a brush when the flowers are dy. Red colors in particular are well pre served by this agent. Another method of applying the same preservative is to use a solution of one part of salicy lic is 14 of al cohol by means of blotting paper or cotton wool soaked in it and placed abovo and be low the flowers. Fits and Starts. The fits and starts —using these words in their literal m’eaniog—of the nervous people often st rike the beholder as ludicrous. The nerves of hearing of such unfortunates are painfully acute, and impinged by abrupt, unexpected noises, lead them sometimes to perform antics worthy of a jumping-jack. At the root ol nerv ousness, in some instances, is non assimilation of food, and consequently innutrition of tho nerves as of the other tissues of the body. This prolonged is, of course, productive of serious nervous disease. Tho remedy is Hostetter s Stomach Bitters, that invigorates the stomach and enables It to perform its functions prop erly. Soon after commencing a course of it, it will be found that the nerves grow more tran quil by day, nightly repose becomes less inter rupted. and appetite more vigorous and satisfy ing. These are the initial indications followed by the complete restoration of nervous vigor. The bitters also cure fever and ague, liver com plaint and constipation. To Holders of the Mother Goose Re ception Tickets. It is earnestly desired that those who have been entrusted with tiokets for this entertainment for use or disposal, will make their report to Messrs. Davis Bros., as re quested, by 1 o’clock p. m., Monday, April 23, in order that the management can make their report. Very few of the tickets seut out have been returned, as nearly every one recognizes the cause as a worthy ouo, and have paid for their tickets, whether unable to dispose of or to use them, for which the management return thanks. This entertainment will consist of ten beautiful tableaux, containing over sixty characters, and carefully selected from Old Mol her Goose’s rhymes, also a concert by the lead ing musical talent of tho city, viz: Profes sors Steward, Schultze, ißo6ifeld, Messrs. Rebarer, Walker, Edward Harden, Ward, Brown, W. E Bwanston, Ur. Bulloch, Mrs. Haynes, Misses Lazarou, King, t'arruthevs, Bulloch, Coburn, Wakeuisui, Dale and Ber rien. The style of the entertainment will be about as follows, viz: When the curtain rises Mother Goose, seated on her goose, and Little Boy Blue, fast asleep, ate the only occupants of tliestage, A well trained chorus beliind the scenes will sing the mel ody of tae tableau* ‘'Little Boy Blue,” which awakens him. and he by several blasts from his horn summons the guests who are to be preseut with Mother Goose on the stage during the evening, and for whose pleasure she is supposed to bo giving the entertainment. The guests will appear one by one, eacli announced by a blast from Little Boy Blue’s horn, and upon their ap pearance will be presented to Mother Go ■ e by the inimitable and indispensable Mr. Ed L. Brown, who needs no introduction to Mother Goose or to a Savannah audience. After all the guests have arrived and are grouped on the stage, Mother Goose wiil request them in turn to favor her aqd her less musical guests with piano tnd vocal solos, piano and violin duct.-, vocal duets and quartettes. After each musical rendi tion, the scenes will be drawn opart and a tableau presented, which, including the tableau and Mother Goose and her guests, who remain on the stage all during the per formance, form a dual tableau, so to speak, of surprising loveliness. Among her guests are to be reen Kings, Queens, Princes, Prin cesses, Humpty Dumpty, Brother Jons than, Paul Pry, Rip Van Winkle, Falstaff and others too numerous to mention. In this way the entertainment will lie a con tinual one. The curtain w ill not descend until the close of the last tableau, which w ill be a grouping of all the tableaux in one, making about 100 persons in costume on the stage at one time. A full rehearsal was held at the Theatre Friday afternoon, and all the characters ad parts were admirably ren dered. The patronesses, who consist of the following well-known ladies, viz: Mi s. 11. T. Botts, Mrs. William Harden, Mr3. L. E. Davis, Mrs. E. A. Weil, Mrs. W. J. Lindsay, Mrs. Georgo Hcreven, Mrs. George 8. Owens, Mrs. J. J. Dale, Mrs. David Wells, Mrs. Cecil Berrien, Mrs. J. D. Murphy, Miss Alice Bourquin, Mrs. Gray, arid the laoies of the First Presbyterian church, and the management cau safely promise to the public an entertainment second to no amateur one ever given in this city. The price of admission is only 50c.;n0 extra charge for reserve s als, which brings it in the reach of aJ). An idea seems to prevail that from the name it is an entertainment calculated to please children only, such, however, is not the case; it will be an entertainment that the severest critic and oldest theater-goer can enjoy and appreciate, The seats are oeing rapidly secured at Davis Bros.’, and a crowded house is pre dicted. Two entertainments, with a change of programme, will be presented. Tic first one on Monday night, April 22, perform ance to commence at 8 o’clock sharp. The second performance will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2:1k) o’clock; both at the Sn vannali Theater. The proceeds to apply to the organ fund of the First Presbyterian Church of this city; a worthy cause. “The Famous” Shows beautiful goods this spring and sur prisingly low prices. Buita for men as low as $7. Our $8 suit is a stunner, and you can’t buy it anywhere for le>s than 110. Wo have Men’s suits also at $lO, sl2, sl3, #l4, sls. Our sls suit we can brag on, as tho good trimmings aud making is just us good in it as a suit made to orderfor double the money. Boys’ aud Children’s .Suits, single Pants, Alpaca Conte, Dusters, in fact everything usually kept in a first-class clothing store you can find at “The Famous.” We will give you a written guarantee that our prices are lower than you can buy of anybody. No man or boy, if lie is any judge of g<iod*, will dispute the fact that “THE Famous” is the most relia ble and tha cheap'-st clothing house in Sa vannah. Where can you buy a pair of strictly all-wool Cassirnere Pants at $2 501 Only at “The Famous.” The bovs carried off in two weeks 600 poundi of marbles. That shows how p'>pular“TnK Famous" i<. We have still 3<W pounds of marbles left. Every purchaser is entitled to a grab. Come and buy a Htraw Hat cheap ana get a grub of roar riles for your boys at “The Famous,” 144 Congress street, northeast corner White oker. Savannah. Go. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CEUTA WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 fronts or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WOBV, Cash in Adoancs, each insertion. Everybody irho has any t rant to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in t/i is column. HELP WANTED. \\'ANTED, n man of temperate ami steady v habits, seeking employment, to represent, an old established house in bis own State; salary S7O to SIOO per month; referenoes exacted. RUPT. M ANUFACTURING HOUSE, ao Reade street, New York. More MEN wanted to sellourFntit and , Ornamental Stock; we give good wages anil steady work. Write for terms to E. It, RICHARDSON & CO., Nurseymen, Geneva, N Y. AGENTS WANTED. I 00A LADY AGENTS wanted immediate- I .UUU lv; grand new rubber undergarment for females: $lO a day; proof free. Mrs. H. E. LITTLE, Chicago, 111 M 1 sfE L 1-A N EOF S WA N TS. YI7ANTED, to hire a good horse for light de i I liverv wagon. Best earn taken of same. “RESPONSIBLE," News Office. TYTANTED TO RENT, next November or lie t * eember, for a term of years, a good house, well located and In perfect order, not less than nine rooms. Apply before June IMb. J. A. BATES, of L. A B. S. M. H, ROOMS TO RENT, I BURNISHED ROOMS to rent, at UK Congrm 1 street. Apply at 101 Bay street. HOUSES AN|> STORES FOR BENT. T-XtR RENT, a small Store and Dwelling, oor- I 1 nor State ami Price streets, suitable for a seamstress. Apply to F. ELnLNGEK, corner Habersham and President. IPOR RENT, No. 101 l Gordon block. G. BOURQUIN. FOR SAI.U. I COR SALE, two live-year-old cows and ytflmg 1 calves, 8 days old. TOM C. FORD, I2 Jones street. IT'OR SALE, Sail Boat. Apply at 83 Brough -1 ton street 17V |R sale, tbeschooner William F. Mareoh er, Kiieroo tons burthen, length 31 feet, beam 14 and ■i-10thsfeet.deptli4feet ami S-lOths; in good order and now plying between Blurtton and Savannah. Apply to J. 11. ESTILL, 3 Whitaker street. IT'OR SALE, a tine large Safe; one of the Imst JP made; Mosler, Buiiinunn A Cos combina tion lock; double outside doors; inside doors. Apply to C H. DORSETT, Bay street. IT'OR SALE. Laths, Snlnglee, Flooring,' eiliag, Wentherhoarding ami braining Lumbor. Office and yard Taylor and East Brood streets. Telephone No._Ul L REPPARI) St CO. IT'OR SALE, Splendid salt water river front building lots, and five acre farm lots with river privileges, at UOSEDEW; building lots in Savannah near East Broad and Sixth si roots, and in Eastland; several good farm lots near White BlulT, on shell road. Apply to Dn. FAL LIUANT, 131 South Broad street from 9 to 10 a, H. MISCELLANEOUS. I7URNITUKE stored for private sales and for safe keeping, at E. M. BARTON & BROS.', Auctioneers. RUBBER HOSE in all grades from Ro. per foot; I .awn Sprinklers cheap. NEIDLISG ER* RABUN. SALE of Household Furniture receives our special attention. E. M. BARTON & BUO., Auctioneers. (NLUBMEN, clergymen, countrymen . council or men. Congressmen, cranks, crooks, cooks, clerks, conductors, contractors, collectors, ca terers. confectioners, calculators, cavaliers, codiliers. chronoligists, counts, Christians, con claves cosmopolitans, comedians, constables. Creoles, citizens, t cetera, Cremnle Clover Club Cheroots. HARMS & JUCHTKR, Sold Agents. jiEFORKyou buy or sell proiierty consult ROBERT 11. TATUM, Real Estate liealer and Auctioneer. \VTANTED, the public to know Hint we will I I sell Trunks nnd Satchels this season cheupcr than ever before, an l 'don’t you forget it." NEIDLINGEU* RABUN. 17 RN'EST C. VILLERE, importer of Wines, j Brandies, sherries and Fancy Groceries, Clarets in cases and casks, No. 15 Carondelet street. New Orleans, La. WHOLESALE! GROCERS. Jas. E. Gkaky. Jso. C. DeLettre. Jab. E. Grauy, Jr. GRADY, DeLETTRE & CO., (Successors to HOLCOMBE, ORADY & CO.) WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IN Provisions,Corn, Hay, Feed, Etc. Old Stand, corner Hay and Alnjrcorn Kiroetn, Suvannati. Ga. Tbe oldest grocery house in the city, estab lished in by the late Col. Thomas Holcombe. Persona visiting our city for tbe purpose of buying Hoods will do well to call and examine our stock and *r*t prices l**fore making their purchases. No deception practiced In th*. sale of Roods, and ©very article guaranteed an rep resented. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN & BRO.’ —wholesale Grocers, Provision Dealers & Como Merchants, NO. 1111 BAYRT., SAVANNAH, OV O. DA Via. *. A. lIAVIB (>. DAVIS & SON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, ProvisionN, Grrain and Hay. 17011 SALK. MX) busoels Straight (’lav Peas, 1 MM bushels Mixed Cow Pea*, 200 bushels Hed Itipj * r FVav ‘JOO bushels Whlppor.vlll Peas, :tOO bushels Choirv Hlack hve Peas, AO bushels Georgia Crouper Peas. Orders by mail solituud. 1M and 10H BAY KTHKKT. GRAIN AM) PROVISIONS, SEED CORN, PEAS, BLACK-EYE, CROWDERS, ( LAY, SPECKLED AND RED RIPPERS. PEANUTS AND CABBAGE, LEMONS, AfPLES, POTATOES, Eastern ZEE ay, CORN, OATS, BRAN, EYES, ETC. Special prices on largo lots. W. D. SIMKINS & CO., ltt BAY STREET. FISH AND OYBTKIW. ESTABLISHED IH3B. M. M. SULLIVAN, Wholesale Fish and Oyster Dealer, 1W) Bryan at and 152 Bay lune. Ravannah, Ga. Fish order* for Cedar Keys received here have prompt attention. NUMBER'S . KIES LING’S White 1 ;iuff Road. TJLANTB. BOUQUETS, DEBIONB, CUT -1 Fl-OWERfi furmahed to order. leave or der* atDAVU BROS.’, corner Bull and S’,irk street*. Telephone call iMtt. mil I'' MORNING NEWS carrier* reach I I I I* every part of tho city early. Twenty A XIJU Uve cent* a week pay* for the Daily EMBROIDERIES, I,ACEB, ETC. warn (Successors to B F. McKenna & C 0.,) IS7 BROUGHTON STREET. Gentlemen's Unlaundried Shirts, 50 dozen Gentlemen's Unlaundried Shirts, from 1 ,'4s to II inches, slightly soiled bodies, made out of Utica Shirting, Bosoms and BamlH Richardson's 2100 Linen; tbe best $1 shirt in this city We will close out tbe lot ut 75c. each Wewill continue the sale of our colore t Surah Silks worth $1 a yard, for this week at 85c. a yard. Handsome silk novelties and buttons to match; all our new shades. 1 case Shear Colored Figured India Linens at 12fc0.; worth 210. In Our .Hosiery Department we are showing ex'client value in Ladies’, Misses' and Children's Unbleached, Black aud Colored Hose; Gentlemen's English, Balbrlggan and l.isteThread Half Hose iu unbleached and colored. Corset Department. In this department we are exhibiting an un usually lar*e assortment of all the popular brands of Ccrsat*. special amongst them being Thomson's (slove-Fitting in four different quali ties-K. & U's, C. F. ala Siren©, Tampico and Coral In es Misses’ Corsets in all sixes at 50c. Thomson's and R. & G.'• Nursing and Venti lating ('onsets. A full line <>f FRENCH Woven Corsets, in all sizea, from 75c. to a pair. One lot of Fine Kronen Finished Satteens at 250. a yard: new designs and shades. CALL TELEPHONE No. 401. (MlMill FOOD PRODUCTS. Forest City Mills. COW PEASJCOW PEAS. Carload Just In. 50 cars White and Mixed Corn, 30 cars White and Mixed Oats, 10 cars Wheat Bran, 40 cars Eastern and Western Hay, AT REDUCED PRICES. GRITS, MEAL, CORN EYES, STOCK FEED, FLOUR, PREPARED FLOUR. tr ALL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTION GUARNTEED. MHajK&Eta. GRAIN AND HAY. A. B. HULL, Agent Hazard Powder Cos., —■WHOLESALE DEALER IN— F_OUR. HAY,GRAiN, RICE. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. MILL STUFFS nf all kinds. Genuine TEXAS RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS. Special prices carload lots HAY and GRAIN. Prompt attention given all orders and satis faction guaranteed. i IFFIOE, 5 ABKRCORN STREET. WAREHOUSE, NO. 4 WADLBY STREET, ON _ LINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. SeedJPeas, COTTON SEED MEAL, Condimental Powders, Feed Meal, Mixed Feed for Cows, Keystone, Corn Oats and Hay. FOR SALE BY T. J. DAVIS & CO., 172 BAY ST. SUMMER GOODS. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, AT CORNAZELL & CHIPMAN’S. PRINTING, ETC. SOIJ TI I E 1 1N HEADQUARTERS FOR ACCOUNT BOOKS, PRINTING, and LITHOGRAPHING. Blank Books (bat Open Flat a Specialty. FINE BINDING- In alt Stylos, for Public and ITlvato Libraries, Turkey Morocco, Crushed Seal, or Le vant, Russia and other (Qualities. MUSIC and MAGAZINE3, IN MARBLE, PLAIN OR GILT EDGES. Morning News Steam Printing House, Printing, Lithographing and Binding, SAVANNAH, - - CiA. Corporations, fifTlolals. Merchants, and busi ness men generally who require the very iiest quality of work am Invited to favor 11s with tbeir patronage. Our Account Book* have been used hy the leading houses In the South for the post twenty years, and have stood the test for mkx.norrt, orRAaiLiTY as o woriKMAMSHii’. New concerns can (*3ll to si out promptly, ut reason able prices, with whatever supplies they require in our line. Mr-ALL ORDERS EXECUTED ON OUR OWN ITtKMDHW AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. Administrator’s Sale of Personal Property. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, I will sell at 156 Bay street, o*oo3- msncfug at 11 o'clock, on MONDAY, April 2 and, 1 >Kfl, the following personal property Be lnnging to the estate of ARABELLA V. SWEAT, deceased. for the purpose of paying debts and for distribution, to wit: PARLOR SET, WHATNOT. SIDEBOARD. EXTENSION TABLE. HATRACK, BEDSTEAD, BUREAU, WALNUT CHAIRS, ROCKERS, SEWING MACHINE. WASH-STAND, BED STEAD, MARBLE TOP TABLE. WM. PIERSON HARDEE, AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. Barton & Bro„ Auctioneers, Will sell at auction on TUESDAY, 34th, at 10:30 A. M , Charlton and West Broad streets. A largo lot of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, MATTRESSES,PILLOWS,CHAIRS, SPRINGS, full sets of BEDROOM FURNITURE: also, 18-foot EXTENSION TABLE, 1 OFFICE CLOCK. CARPETS, PICTURES, lot of BOOKB, 3 new KITCHEN SAFES, I CABINET SEWING MACHINE, 1 7 octave CHICKERtNG PIANO, BA BY CARRIAGES, I OFFICERS SWORD. Refused Freight. BY J. MCLAUGHLIN & SON, On TUESDAY, 24th April, 1888, at 11 o'clock, S. TANARUS., at Baltimore Wharf, ONE CARLOAD CORN, containing 189 SACKS MIXED CORN, “marked J. G., 84," consigned to order, “notify Julian Schley,” will be gold at auction for account of whom it may concern to pay freight and charges. Administrator's Sale. BAR AMI FIXTURRS. I. D. Laßoclie & Son. Auctioneers. By virtue of an order granted by the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, Ua., wo will sell for casn to the highest bid der, on WEDNESDAY, the B<l day of May, 1888, at 11 o'clock, on the premises: The good will, all the stock in trade, consist ing of a choice assortment of old Wines, Bran dies, Whiskies, Cordials, Cigars, Beer Apparatus, Murors, Pictures, Glasses, Decanters and every thing appertaining to a lira! -class Bar. The above Bar and Fixtures, recently occu pied by the late Mr. J. MED. HENDERSON, situated in the roar of the Custom House, has for years tunjoyed a most profitable business, and offers a splendid chance tor any one desir ing to continue same. W. P. BAILEY, Temporary Administrator Estate J. Med. Hen derson, deceased. _ HEAL ESTATE. G. H. REMSHART. Real Estate Agent, 118 Bryan Street, Rear Office. LEGAL NOTICE^ Citt Marshal s Orrtcx, I Savannah, April 11th, 1888. ( 17 XECUTIONB against, ali persons In default J for Real Estate Taxes for the year 1887. Stock in Trade, Stocks, Bonds, Machinery, Furniture, Etc., 1887, Specific Taxes, 1888. Snipping Taxes, 1887, Paving Sidewalks, 1888, Repairing Sidewalks, 1888, cleaning Privy Vaults, 1888. Have iipon placed in my hands for levy and sale of defendant's property, if not paid promptly at my office. ROBT. J. WADE, City Marshal. /~1 EORGIA, Ohatiia* County. Whereas, ' r MARGARET ROBERTSON, has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of IIETTY CONWAY, deceased. These are, therefore, to citAand admonish all whom It may concern to be and ap pear before said court to make objection (if any they have, on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN MAY NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Firxilu Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 31st day of March, 1888. FRANK K. KEILBACH, Clerk C. 0.. C. C. F' EORGIA, Chatham County.—AUGUSTA E. VI HOUSTON has applied to the Court of Ordinary for twelve months' maintenance and support for herself and minor chlid out of estate of WILLIAM F HOUSTON, deceased. Apprais ers have made return allowing same. These are therefore to cite all whom it may cone-™ to appear Is*fore said court to make objections on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN MAY NEXT, otherwise same will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Kicks rut,, Ordinary for Chatham county, this 81st day of March, 1888. FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk C. Q„ 0, C. ('EORGIA, Chatham County.—ELlZA 0. I BEE has applied to Court of Ordinary tor twelve months maintenance and support nut of Uu sstate of Barnard e. bee, deceased. Appraisers have made return allowlug same. These are therefore to cite all whom It may concern to appear tiefore s„ic, court to make ob jection on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN MAY NEXT, otherwise same will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Ferkilu Ordinary for Chatham County, this 31st day ot March, 1888. FRANK K KE.ri.BACH, Clerk tO., C. C. C a EORGIA, Chatham County.—Whereas, I BRANTLEY A. DENMARK has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administra tion and. b. n. on tbe estate of WILLIAM H. TISON, deceased. arc. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they huvel on or tiefore the FIRST MONDAY IN MAY NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Fkrhill, Ordinary for Chatham County, this the 7th day of April, 1888. FRANK E. KEILBACH, Clerk C. 0., C. C. i DeORGIa: Chatham County. Whereas, Li WILLIAM 8. TISON has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Guardianship on the estate of MARY ELLIS WALTER. CAROLINE TISON WALTER, SCOTIA TISON WALTER, WILLIAM TISON WALTER, GEORGE WAIv Tt R nnd FANNIE A. WALTER, minor children of GEORGE WALTER, late of said county, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to he and appear before said court, to make objection (if any they have) on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN MAY NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Fsbrilu Ordinary for Chatham county, this 37th day of March, A. D. 1888. FRANK E KEILBACH, Clerk 0. 0., C. C. (i EORGIA, Chatham County Notice tt J hereby given that e have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham County for order to sell lots BP, southwest corner Hab ersham and Waidburg streets; lot 87, northwest corner Habersham and Wal iburg streets; lots 40 and 41, northeast corner of Waidburg and Habersham streets; I ts 25 and 26, southeast corner of Duffy and Habersham streets; lots 49 nnd SO. southeast corner Henry and Hatiembam, together with the improvements on the said two last n med lots, and lots 8 and 4 on Gwin ii,*il Si I eel, notween I’rice amt Habersham; all of said hits being, lying and situate in the city of Savannah. In tbe county of Cuatham, in the State of Georgia, and known and described by the above named numbers on tue map or plan known as “Flan of lots known as Warlngville, property of Dr. James J. Waring, January, 1886,'’ belonging to estate of JAMES J. WA RING. deceased, for tbe payment of debts and distribution, and that said order will he granted at MAY TERM, 1888, of said court unless abjec tions are filed. Uabch 31, 1888 MARY A. WARING, Executrix, P. ALSTON WARING. Executor. By their attorneys. Chisholm ft Kkww. 3