■) J. H. ESTIIX. Editor and Proprietor, i
RIGHTS of the smacks.
Republican Objections Based Upon a
Claim That it Was Irregularly
Negotiated and Also Upon the
Na'.uro of Its Provisions A Neat
point Raised by the Minority.
Washington, May 10.—The Senate has
p,, , v ,‘,l tbo injunction of secrecy from tho
report of the Committee on Foreign Rela
tions upon the fisheries treaty. Tho ma
jority states that “it has had said proposed
treaty under careful ana deliberate con
sideration, and that it returns herewith the
resolution in ordinary form for its ratifica
tion, w ith an expression of its opinion that
uid' resolution ought not to bo adopted.”
The report quotes the retaliation act of
March, 1887, and says:
* So far as is known by the committee, no step
whatever was taken by tho President to put
this law into execution, but negotiations wore
Initiated and continued, to tho apparent end of
jccomplishing what Congress had thought It
milt to undertake in such, a way. an adjustment
cf ihose difficulties by the diplomatic course of
f'iiring part of the American rights at the ex
pense of yielding other and most fundamental
parts of them.
appointment of the commission.
These negotiations culminated in the ap
pointment by the President, during the recess
5 the senate, on the And of November, only
ten days before the meeting of Congress, of
three "plenipotentiaries" to consider with
like "plenipotentiaries" appointed by her
majesty, the whole subject, with a view of coin
ing to a solution thereof. These "plenipotenti
aries,” thus created, began their real
work at Washington, while both Houses
of Congress were Hitting, and without any com
munication by the President in his annual mes
eage on the meeting of Congress, or otherwise,
of the fact that such important and extraordi
nary operations were in progress, or that very
grave interests of the United States had been
placed iu custody of gentlemen whose names
had not even been communicated to it.
These “plenipotentiaries" came to the con
clusion of their labors on Feb. IS, 1888, and the
office of the “plenipotentiaries" terminated,
and the result was reached without the advice
and consent Af the Senate having been asked or
taken concerning the selection of these public
ministers, and without any communication to
either house of Congress concerning this most
important subject. It is not difficult to see
ti at, in evil times, when the President of the
United States may be under the intluence of
toreign and adverse interests, such a course of
procedure might result in great disaster
to the interests and even safety of
oar government and people. The
committee thinks it due to the Senate to state
that, contrary las it believes) to the universal
I'lC'tice of the Executive in connection with the
consideration of treaties, when the Senate has
askel for all the papers and information in
detail concerning tlie progress of negotiations,
the Executive has not t bought it for the “pub
lic interest" in this instance to com
municate all such papers and such
detailed information to tho Senate, although
the Senate requested it; and it was stated in
the reply to the resolution of request that the
deliberations of the “plenipotentiaries” were in
confluence, and that only the results should be
announced and such matters as the joint pro
tocolists should sign under direction of the
‘■plenipotentiaries. ”
The committee devotes over twenty
pages to a detailed discussion of the pro
visions of tiie treaty, and formulates fifteen
suggestions adverse to the wisdom of rati
fying this treaty, and says others might
readily be made, but the committee thinks
it unnecessary to go into them.
The committee cannot but hope, that if these
ill-advised negotiations, which, as is known to
all the world, cannot properly commit the
United States in any degree until they
shall have received the constitutional as
sent of the Senate, shall fail to meet
the approval of this body, her majesty’s gov
ernment will take measures to secure justice
and fair treatment in her North American
dominions to American vessels, and American
citizens, in all respects and under nil circum-
Mances, and that that government will see the
justn-e and propriety of according to American
vessels engaged in the business of lishing all
the commercial rights and facilities to her
North American ports that are so freely and
cheerfully accorded to her own in the ports of
tec United States, and that this friendly and
fee mg. which ought to exist between
neighboring nations, may be finally established
and secured.
Tho minority saytt:
Two objections to this treaty were stated in
tne committee: ill That it baa boon negotiated
an l signed by persons who were not duly em
powered, under the constitution and laws of the
■‘■ted states, to conduct and conclude a treaty;
h Unit the treaty ou its merits should not bo
ratified by the Senate To meet the first ob
jection the members of the minority of the com
mittee Introduced the following resolution:
"Fes, ,/t td, That the treaty signed by Thomas
r. bayard. William L. Putnam, and James b.
Angell. as plenipntentaries of the United Mates,
m conjunct ion with the British plonipotentanes,
on Feb, 15, 1388, and sent to the Senate by tho
1 resident as a treaty duly negotiated for tho
Consideration and action of the Senate, is
properly authenticated as a treaty made by the
President of the United States, ’acting within
constitutional powers, and is lawful and
valid as a negotiation.”
The purpose of this resolution was to bring
ueiore tue Senate, in distinct form, tiie recom
mendation of the committee as to the merits of
uie treaty, apart from any collateral matter
plating to the negotiation of the instrument,
!? committee. This resolution was laid upon
metallic, and thereby any recommendation as
■■ Hie question it presents, in answer to tiie
iJ-: objection to the treaty, as above stated,
avoided. The minority of the com
mittee held that it is entirely competent
o r the majority in the Senate to declare that
treaty has been negotiated anil signed iu a
proper manner, and by persons duly qualified,
or ni i;eii wise to return it to the President as a
P ‘P'-i- that does not call into exercise the power
m jurisdiction of the Senate upon the question
i! , ' ratification by them, and if the majority
, ,|, orr ue shall declare that, the treaty is
■ni to the Senate by the President, and is "duly
ii authenticated, or if no objection to
", t |iu t ground is made, then the subject
erof the treaty is in order and should be
•mouldered by the Senate.
kiJ? ' s n °t disputed, or, so far as the uniler
. * are informed, doubted, by any one. that
~, ,‘usie may accept and ratify, on the part
| .* 1 udeil states, any treaty that the l’resi
p,, ‘ , s made with a foreign government that
■ to tlie Senate for consideration, and
, naive any informality attending its ueg0i,,,,,.”’
i,,,,,.”’- n accepting tiie paper sent to tne
the President as a treaty, and by ro
ta. •m-**nie to Its committee, tiie Senate
„ 'U'tually waived auy informality, if there is
In negotiation and signing of the in
tbs •j I 'V am * ttl " undersigned conceive that,
siiler i* ,1,1, y °f the committee was tocon-
Tuei i rt ’P o,r upon the merits of the treaty.
rr„„ , 1 1 uvfsigned believe that it is bettor for our
„ev that f* le treaty should be ratified, and
of our e<liml| y convinced I hat the entire class
N "i, PC"pi" who are actively engaged in our
b, i,: 1 •'■■untie fishing industry'wiil be benefited
y lts ratification.
“e minority then enters upon historical
„. 1 ur 8umuntative consideration of theiish
,,,-’._ < l’"-‘ st ton from tho treaty of 1818, and
Mlid i K ei * , ‘ rr d statement of tlm situation
ini/ 1 las t’BU’ilted from a niisunderstnnd
-1&“ 1° the true meaning of tho treaty of
„ : refers to the efforts of our iliplo
tioh Bl ° Cotn P°*6 the troublesome ques
f , , 1 ?i l j rovv ing out of article lof tho treaty
1 ■“■B, and says:
nearer approach to sucb an un
tlf.•**•>* true and mutually accepta-
Wiil , ' ucti'in of the first article of the treaty,
BifnJ,, Ter Wnoe of opinion and more deter-
, uiii> m .^t? n i e P tl ‘J a have characterized too
utacy of both treaty powers. We seem
fpie Moinim Ifltfto#*
now to have reached the point where we must
seek to allay tiie growing bitterness of these
differences by friendly, sincere and mutually re
spectful consideration of the position assumed
by each government, or else we must enforce
our views by vigorous measures of retaliation.
* * * * * * *
It is quite clear that, until we are free from the
obligations of the treaty 1818—they are a part
of our supreme law, which no department of
our own government can violate without vio
lating our constitution, as the treaty is per
petual in renunciation of our right of common
fishery, partitioned to use as an appendage of
the country whose independence we established
—we cannot, by any means short qf successful
war. reinstate the United States by our own
acts in the enjoyment of the right that was so
The undersigned "do not find it necessary to
answer ill detail the various objections urged in
the committee by the Senators opposed to the
ratification of this treaty, because no amend
ment was offered to indicate that the
treaty could be so improved as
to gain the support of _any member
of the majority of the committee. The under
signed understand that- the dissent from this
negotiation is directed to it as an entirety. This
dissont is based, in part, upon the opinion of
some members of the majority that the Presi
dent should not have entered upon any negotia
tion, in view of the resolution adopted by the
Senate on Feb. 3,1386, and the opinion of Con
gress as it was expressed in the non-intercourse
act, approved March 3,1387."
Under the misunderstanding of the past, the
report says: “We have on both sides sent fleets
to these waters to protect our fishermen against
each other, and against the unfriendly conduct
of the local governments; fleets to enforce
agreements that the governments con
cerned could not expound by mutual
understanding. If these questions are
left open, and commercial war is inaugurated
through measures of retaliation, how many
ships and guns is it supposed will be needed to
keep peace between our fishermen on the coasts
of Labrador and New Foundland? The danger
in this direction does not come from the desire
of either government to promote war, but from
their inability to prevent its initiation through
personal hostilities of men associated in the use
of common rights and privileges, and stimu
lated by rivalries which are encouraged bv laws
of retaliation enacted by their respective gov
ernments. These are some of the dangers
against which this treaty wisely makes safe
The minority report concludes:
The treaty is a just and fair settlement. There
is no fault in the manner of its negotiation, and
the President has not in any way exceeded his
constitutional powers, or withheld auy courtesy
due to the Senate in respect of the agents se
lected by him to conduct the negotiation, or in
the time or place of negotiating or concluding
the treaty.
An Adjournment Until Monday—The
Fisheries tilt.
Washington, May 10.—Upon motion of
Mr. Sherman, the Senate to-day proceeded
to consideration of the Hoar resolution
providing for the presence of ait official
reporter during the discussion of the fisher
ies treaty, and on motion of Mr. Edmunds,
seconded by Mr. Hoar, the galleries were
cleared and the doors closed, the Senate
being in secret legislative session. The
doors were re-opened at 4 o’clock and a
number of bills of a local and private char
acter were passed.
Tho Senate, in secret session, did not
reach any conclusion either upon the Rid
dleberger resolution for open discussion of
the fisheries treaty, or the Hoar resolution
providing that the debate be stonograpb
ically taken down for future publication.
The subject was di-cussed sometime, but
went over until next week, and the body
wont into executine session without opening
the doors.
The conference report on the House bill
authorizing the President of the United
States to arrange a conference for tho pur
pose of promoting arbitration and recipro
cal commercial relations with the Central
and South American States and Mexico
and Brazil was presented and agreed to,
and the Senate, at 5 o’clock, adjourned till
Only a Favored Few to be Heard by
the Committee.
Washington, May 10. —The Senate Com
mittee on Commerce took up the river and
harbor bill to day, aud informally discussed
tho plan of procedure in regard to it. It
was made known that some thirty or forty
members of the House have asked to be
heard in advocacy of appropriations which
they failed to get into the tuoasuc > when it
was before that body. It was suggested
that inasmuch as the House had tint bill
in its hands for three months,
allowing no Senators to mako arguments
before its committee, and had finally passed
it under a suspension of tho rules, it would
be only right and fair for the Ho,iso to ro,-.t
satisfied with what tho Senate does in the
It was also made known that delegates
from many cities had asked for hearings iu
respect to the need of works in their locali
ties. Tho committee concluded that to
grant all the hearings asked would seriously
embarrass and delay tiie committee’s work,
and it was therefore determined not to
grant any hearings, either to Congressmen
or delegations, except to one or two delega
tions for which arrangements have already
been made. Tho committee will begin
active work on the bill next Saturday
The Aggregate of Yesterday’s Offers
Washington, May 10.—The offers for
tho sale of bonds to the government re
ceived at tho Treasury Department to-day
aggregated $4,457,500 in lots ns follows:
4s, coupons: $750,000 at 127% and $20,000 at
127; 4s, n g stored, SI,OOO,OOOat 127, $500,000
at 127%, $2,000,000at 127 and $20,000 at 127;
4%5, coupons: $40,000 at 107%, $15,000 at
107, $875 find $2,oo() at 107% ;4%5, registered:
*40,000 at 107%, $5,000 at 107% $105,000 at
107% , SSOO at 107%, and $.50,000 at 108.
T lie Secretary if toe Treasury this after
noon accepted $20,500 4%s registered bonds
at 107%.
Cincinnati’s Coming Exposition.
Washington, May 10.—In the Senate
to-day Mr. Allison, from the Committee) on
Appropriations, reported back the pension
appropriation bill and tho bill making ap
propriations to enable the executive de
partments to participate iu the centennial
exposition of the Ohio Volley and Central
States, in Cincinnati, from July to October,
1888, and gave notice that lie would ask
the .Semite to consider those bills next
Confirmations by the Sonata.
Washington, May 10.—The seal of
■Heresy na-, been removed by the M mute
from the confirmations of several hundred
nominations of postmasters, army and civil
officials in tho North and West. The only
ones local to the South are |thoso of H. If.
Koln, Collector of Customs at Vioksb rg.
Miss., and Edwin I’hillips, Postmaster at
Newport News, Va.
Printing tho New Monoy.
Washington, May 10.—The Bureau of
Engraving and Printing, is engaged night
and dav in printing $1 and $1 silver cer
tificates, and to date bu* finished $20,1X10,000
mi ones and $17,000,000 in twos.
Their Party Criticised for its Failure to
Formulate a Tariff BUI for This
Session Mr. Clem ents Points the
Disaster Sure to Follow Continuance
of the Present High Tariff.
Washington, May 10.—Tho House to
day went into committee oftthe whole, with
Mr. Springer, of Illinois, in the chair, on
the tariff bill.
Mr. Turner, of Georgia, criticised the
Republican side for not having formulated
some bill to revise the tariff in tiie interests
of tho people, and for having contented
itself with an effort to attaint the Mills bill
and attaint those who were its reputed
authors, and an effort to defend tho general
policy of protection. The Democrats were
asked to dofend the bill against a charge of
infamy. The question, therefore, was be
tween the pendiug bill and that abomina
tion of errors, known as tho tariff act of
1883. It was not decent, it was not be
coming the manhood of the gentlemen on
the other side to complain that the Demo
cratic members of the Ways and Means
Committee chose to retire among them
selves, aud formulate a bill which they
might regard as being in accordance with
the recommendations of the chief execu
tive, and in accordance with the verdict of
the people who elected him to that high
office. The minority of the Ways and
Means Committee had given themselves up
to the policy of non-action.
He had nothing to apologize for, and
nothing to condone iu tne action of the
Committee on Ways and Means in refusing
Jo give public hearings to outside parties.
It had refused to hear spoeches, and, for
one, lie took his share of the responsibility
for that refusal. “If that is treason! make
the most of it 1” It had been said thut gen
tlemen coming from the old slave States
were not capable of dealing with a question
which involved the wages of labor. If
they were unfit, on account of their
incidental relations with slavery, to
consider public questions affecting the
burden of taxation, why should it not be
said with equal propriety thut those who
brought Africans over on New England
ships could not be intrusted with the task
of revising tjia privileges of freemen? Mr.
Turner impeached protection of high
crimes and misdemeanors; denied that pro
tection had raised the wages iu this coun
try, and attributed the difference in tho
rate of wages here and abroad to tho Demo
cratic policy.
Referring to the devastated condition of
tho Southern States after tho war, he said
that the South had begun to emerge from
a scene of wreck and ruin, and begun to
feel that the desolation was behind it.
It was not anew South added to anew
Union, but it was the old South rehabilitate and
added to the Union of our fathers. [Ap
plause.] In the new era, in this better era,
which was now near at hand, as one of tho
representatives of the South, ho did not ask
tho government to help her. Far from it.
But it asked Congress and tne government
in God’s name to take its hands off her and
let her ambition soar.
Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, denied that the
tariff features of the Mills bill would reduce
the revenues one cent. History showed that
as duties were lowered the revenue was in
creased. The bill had been constructed with
the principle in view of letting into the
country, duty free, such articles as were
produced in this country, and taxing such
as could not be produced here. He nevor
could be accused of aspiring to be a leader,
but he was willing to hang on the walls a
banner bearing the inscription “Twenty
four millions off internal revenue, seven
teen millions off tobacco and seven millions
off special licenses,” and under that write
“Free sugar and a bounty of 2c. a pound.”
That was all that was needed to reduce tho
revenues $85,000,001). He called for volun
teers from the Democratic side, but there
was no response.
Mr. Wilkinson, of Louisiana, said ho
could not agree with the speaker, who had
held that an industry which required pro
tection to bring it into existence was not
worthy of cultivation. While the bill had
not been framed to suit his views or those
of his constituents, he would say to tho
friends of honest reduction in taxation that
his people would not shrink from boaring
their share in tiie reduction of taxes now
imposed on the people.
Sir. iirumm, of Pennsylvania, said that
Grover Cleveland, acting President of the
U nitod Htates, had solemnly proclaimed a
doetrino which was the spawn of the cotton
combine of Wall street sharks and of the
Kentucky whisky ring. By protection only
could fair, remunerative wages be paid for
labor. He as ttiereforo for protection and
against class legislation in the interest of
cotton, whisky an i Great Britain. Mr.
tirumin denounced tho “gall” of Southern
Democrats who set up the plea of great
regard for labor. That same element had
reduced its laborers to more abject slavery
than they ever were before the war. Then
they named them slaves; to-day they added
insult to injury by calling them freemen
and disgracing them by placing them side
by side with convicts, aud shooting them
like dogs if they dared to protest.
Mr. Clements, of Georgia, deprecated the
unbusinesslike treatment which the propo
sition to revise tiie tariff —a business mut
ter —had received from the Republican
side of tue House. Tho present condition
would loud to certain financial panic and
disaster. (Should tho House go on and
quibble over who was to do the work of
tariff revision—the Democratic or Republi
can House—in the face of the groat fieri! I
Would it not be well to do this thing at
once and together as Americans? Ho asked
what protection wus doing for labor. Tho
American Ironmaster got his labor ns
cheaply as ho could, even if he ha 1
to go to other countries for it;
even if ho hud to employ Pinkerton
detectives to keep tho latsiririg men of
America from revolting against him. That
whs a practical illustration of tho great
sympathy felt for labor. The talk about
organized labor boing pent!iar to the North
and not to the South, was meaningless.
There had risen up in the South to-day
groat organizations or federations of farm
ers. There were labor unions of one kind
or the other, too. All of them were tho
outgrowth of the condition in which the
Am rican poonle were placed to-day
under the system of taxation. They wore
not peculiar to one section or another; they
wore |x culiar to the distressing conditions
which surrounded the laboring men of this
entire country, and were only an indication
that they were seeking in tins way and iu
that, in every way tobetter their condition.
He adjured too gentleman o t other side
to abandon their discussion of the Confed
erate constitution and of slavery and to
deal with this vital question, which con
cerned the peop'e of the whole country.
At the conclusion of Mr. Clements’sfieoch,
the committee rose and the House, at 6:80
o’clock, took a recess till 8 o'clock, tho
evening session to be for debate on the
tariff bill.
At the evoning session of the House Mr.
lie!den, of No* York, addressed the House
in opposition to the tariff bill, directing lus
remarks principally against the sugar and
rice clauses, which he held did not go far
enough in the redaction of duties.
Mr. Atkinson, of Pennsylvania, declared
himself as wholly in favor of the protective
Mr. Gardlev, of Pennsylvania, entered a
strong protest against the passage of tho
Mr. Tracy, of New York, declared that
his people wanted a large reduction of im
port duties. lie took up and denied in de
tail, with the aid of quotations from
messages and documents, tho assertions that
Andrew Jackson, Samuel Tilden, and
Grover Cleveland had been high protec
Mr. Dargan, of South Carolina, thought
it was singular that twenty-live years after
the war issues had been settled those ques
tions should bo rovive>i and renovated for
use in a light against tariff reform They
were historical, not political issues. But
thoy seemed to be like the Swiss troops—
subject to engagement for or agamst any
Mr. Newton, of Louisiana, in a few brief
remarks, expressed his general approval of
the bill.
Mr. Candler, of Georgia, while denounc
ing the internal revenue and tariff systems
as iniquitous, held that the great accumula
tion of money in the treasury was a greater
evil. To avert those evils compromise and
concession were necessary. Toe dan
ger oould bo overcome by lowering
taxes; if the tariff could not
be reduced, the internal reveuuo taxes
should bo removed. If neither could be
done entirely, something might be dona in
each direction by mutual concession. This
was statesmanship; this was the spirit of
republicanism. Though tho revenue feat
ures of this bill did not moot his views, ho
would accept them and tho eatiro bill in u
true spirit of concession.
Tho House at 11 o’clock adjourned.
Even the Randallites Apt to Fall in
With the Party.
Washington, May 10.—-Chairman Mills
and the other revenue reformers are de
lighted with tho Democratic conference lust
night. The largo attendance, the harmony
displayod and the prompt adoption of the
scheme to satisfactorily dispose of the
Democratic amendments to the tariff bill,
all tended to show that the bill is stronger
even than they Inal supposed. One of them
said to-day that Mr. Randall’s presence in
the conference last night was not merely
formal or perfunctory. It is an indication
that ho meant to act with his party and
support the Mills bill. “You seem sur
prised,” he said, but Mr. Randall is not
beyond the reach of the pooplo, and
the people are beginning to make them
selves heard here. The news from Ohio,
the ranomination of Messrs. Outh waite and
Yoder, outspoken tariff and the
defeat yesterday of Mr. Wilkins, a protec
tionist, with the coming defeat of Mr.
Koran, the only out-and-out Randallite in
Ohio, are full of significance, a significance
which is appreciated by Mr. Randall and
his followers. You will find them all good
Do "ocrats before we come to vole on tho
tariff bill. They will try to amend it, of
course, to suit their peculiar views, and
failing thut, will turn and support the bill
ns a party measure, reserving their private
opinions about it.”
The revenue reform members of tho
Ways and Means Committee have not as
yet favorably considered the amendments
submitted in tho conference last night.
Their action can bo safely predicted, how
ever. They will rejoet every amendment
that makes a material change in the bill.
They must preserve its integrity, and too
only way to do so is to resist ail attempts
upon it, but minor and unimportant amend
ments may be reported favorably to tho
conference. Of course, the action of tho
committee or of the conference upon the
amendments will not preclude members
from offering them in the House, hut it will
give expression to tho party opinion about
them, and indicate the altitude of tho
party to thorn should they be subsequently
presented in the House. The effect will be
to greatly diminish the number of amend
ments presented in the House, and so to
decrease the time required to consider the
bill by paragraphs under the five-minuto
There is some talk about the eapitol of a
possibleoxtonsion of tho tariff debate in tho
House until Saturday week. Tuis extension
is said to be necessitated by the fact that a
number of members who still desire to
speak upon tho bill cannot secure an op
portunity in tho time already allotted for
tho purpose. The matter was broached in
the caucus last night, and Mr. Springer,
who is chairman of the committee of the
whole, represented the necessity for pro
longation of the debate, but no action was
The Senate Passes the Forfeiture Bill
as Amended.
Washington, May 10. —In the Senjito to
day the rui I road land grant forfeiture bill
was again taken up, the question being on
Mr. Call’s motion to reconsider tho vote by
which the bill was passed. There seemed
to lie some question as to the amendment
offered yesterday by Mr. Georg) and agreed
to, whether it elfoc ed tne purpose which
be intended, the protection of the rights of
homo tend and pre-emption claimants.
Mr. Kjiooner explained the difficulty and
favored reconsideration of tho vo:o s i as to
have it corrected, but Mr. Plumb moved to
lay the motion to reconsider on the table.
This lat er motion was disagreed to by a
vote of :?i yens to .'!! nays. The vote on the
passage of the bill was then reconsidered
and the bill was again brougdt before the
Tho necessary amendment to protect pre
emption and homestead claimants, was then
offered by Mr. Spooner, and was agreed to.
Mr. Call offered an amendment continu
ing the titles of tho purchasers of certain
railroad lands in rlorida, lying adjacent to
parts of railroud ii k c instructed within
the time limited in the granting act.
Mr. George explained that there were
doubts entertained by the courts and law
yers in Florida whether, whan the entiio
line of a railroad was not constructed
within the time limited, or was not con
struct**! at all, lands along the completed
parts were not forfeited. The object of tho
amendment was to remove that doubt.
Mr. Plumb moved to amen i the amend
ment by adding a proviso thst a mortgage
or pledgeol land by any railroadoojnpaalas
should he considered as a sale.
Mr. Call accepted the proviso.
Mr. Gail s amendment was agreed to and
tho bill passed.
I)ota PodroOut of Danger.
Milan, May 10.—The Kinperor of Brazil,
who iia-> been suffering from pleurisy and
other muladios, it now out of danger.
Unnecessary Taxation Declared Un
just Taxation—The Alabama Plat
form Favors Tariff Reform—Kansas
Declares for Blaine Tennessee
Adopts Resolutions Indorsing the
President and Tariff Roform.
Baltimore, May Id. —Tiie Maryland
Democratic Convention met at noon to day
at Ford's Opera House. Over two hours
were consumed by tho Committee on Cre
dent fids iu discussing tho claims of two con
testing delegations from Anno Arundel
county. The committee finally reported in
favor of seating the delegation favored by
the German element.
Col. H. Kyd Douglas wus elected chair
man of the convention.
The Committee on Platform, after a few
moments’ deliberation, reported tho follow
ing. resolutions:
It is fitting at the close of the third year of the
lirenidential term of Grover Cleveland, to ac
:now'll' igJ our sense of the services which he
has rendered to the people of tho United States
An adverse majority in the Senate has prevented
his carrying into effect those legislative reforms
to which ho was pledged, and which he
has so earnestly desired to acheive,
but ho has made compensation to
the people for this loss by his wise, honest ami
capable administration of his duties as Presi
dent. He lias restored to tho people large por
tions of t hat public domain which ought always
to have remained their heritage. We will owe
to his well-ordered pur|>OHe the construction of
a navy sufficient for the protection of our in
terests at home or abroad He lias, uliove alt
brought tiie public service to the highest stand
urd of efficiency, not only by rule and
precept, but by the example of his
own untiring and unselfish administration of
public affairs. Tho people, acting through
their respective Legislatures, will tiring the
Senate to his support. With full souse of his
personal and political merits and pmver ‘for
future Influence, wo declare our prol reneo for
Urover Cleveland as his own successor iu Hie
office of President of the U nitod Slat es, and we
instruct our delegates to the convention at St
Louis to cast their unanimous vote for
him as tho Democratic candidate for Prow
dent, and to vote as a . unit in all
matters which pertain to tiie business of
tli it convention. National taxation might to
bo limited to tho aggregate annual sum needed
for tho following purposes: Interest on the
public debt, with adequate provision for tho
liayinent of its principal at maturity: the pay
liiont of the pensions granted hv the United
States, and to provide means for all the noees
sury ex|>eitsos of an economically administered
government. Unnecessary taxation is unjust
taxation, and ought, not to tie longer tolerated. in great (sditical contests cannot is*
achieved without effort, and this convention re
quests all of those whom it represents to begin
at an early day the work of complete organiza
tion for tiie coming oainjialgn.
The platform was unanimously adopted.
Tho following delegates at large were
elect and: A. P. Gorman, Gordon H. limit,
L. V. Baughman anil John B. Brown.
The delegates from the six Congressional
districts are as follows: First, William-S.
Wilson and Thomas Humphreys; Second,
N. C. Burko and James R. Whltfnrd;
Third, Albert Ritchie and Frank A. Furst;
Fourth, ‘William T. Hialbor and Albert
Crane; Fifth, R. H. EdeltnandT. H. Hunt;
Sixth, Daniel Annan and Buchanan Schleit.
Tho President and His Message En
thusiastically Indorsed.
NASHVILLE, May 10.—The Democratic
State Convention reassembled at S) o’clock
this morning, with W. C. Houston iu the
A resolution was introduced criticising
President Cleveland for allowing tho Re
publicans to remain in office, which was
promptly tabled.
On motion of ex-Oongrossman Cu-toy
Young, of Memphis, cheers were given for
President Cleveland with a will.
The convention wont into the election of
four delegates from tho Stale at large to
the national convention at St. Louis. Hon.
A. M. Looney and (’apt. John K. Goodwin
wore declared elected.
Tiie committee appointed to draw up a
plat for no made their report, in which they
heartily indorsed President Cleveland’s ad
ministration, his recent message to Congress
and the management of affairs iu Tennes
see during the past two years. Tho report
was adopted antid great enthusiasm.
The additional delegates at largo to tho
National Convention ate H. H. Ingcrsoll
and Ex-Governor John C. Brown. Tho
Convention adjourned at 12 o’clock to-night
after the sixth ballot for Governor without
President Cleveland and His Policy In
Montgomery, Ala., May 10.— The State
Democratic convention this morning
adopted a platform unanimous)y, and after
transacting other business, adjourned sine
die. Tho platform says:
Tiie Democratic party of tho State of
Alahama, in convention assembled, de
]. That the firmness, ability and states
manship displayed by President Cleveland
in the administration "f bis high office on
title him to tiie confidence anil support of
Ids fellow-citizens; that we indorse and ap
prove liisadministration, and especially his
action and efforts fij secure reform and re
duction of tho tariff, anil wo believe that
the interests of the country demand his
re-election; and to that end our delegate)
to the national convention arc hereby in
structed to vote for Ids reuomiiiatiou.
2. That we an unalterably opposed to tho war tariff. We demand reform of
tho tariff and reduction of the surplus in
the by a reduction of tariff taxa
Tito delegates to the national convention
are: From the 8 ate at large, E. VV. Pettits,
G. B. Clark, W. F. Foster and H. C. Tomp
kins; and front the Congressional districts:
I). P. B stor, J. C. Webb, Torment Izinist,
J. K. Htu lings, J. H. G. Martin, B. M.
Htoveri-., A. K. ColDst, C. W. Hoop, r, H. G.
Wilkinson, P. A. iluyck, L. B. Milsgrovo,
i/owia Stone, John li. Caldwell, Thomas 8.
Plowman, K. C. Hunt and Henderson
Cleveland Eulogized and a State Ticket
Montpelier, Vt. , May 10. —The Demo
cratic State Convention was organized this
forenoon, with Patrick M. Meld on, of Rut
land, as permanent chairman. Mr. Moldon
addressxl the convention. His appr/ving
references to President Cleveland’s aJtnfni--
tration, were greeted with gr at enthusi
asm. lie spoke of tho oppression of the
poor, resulting from high prices due to pro
tection, and presented a glowing picture of
President Cleveland as the great champion
of reform in this regard. He said: "Wo
have but one candidate, but lie
is worth more than all tiie others
put together. Tho Republicans want to
elect the bloody shirt per-on died; wo want
a set of priuciples personified in Grover
Cleveland. [Great applause.] After the
appointment of tne Committee on Reeoiu :
firm's, nominations wore in order, and tho
following wore made by a rising vote:
Governor—B. ( . Shurtloff, of Montpelier.
L'eutonant Governor—T. C. Sullivan, of
Bu. lington.
Treasurer—W. K. Peck, of Barnet.
'I lie delegates at large to the national
convention were appointed, and Presi
dential electors selected. The platform
heartily indorsed President Cleveland's ad
ministration, and urges his re-election;
favors such tariff revision as will reduce
taxation to the needs of the government
economically administered, and reassert* the
party’s belief that property should bo tho
principal subject of taxation.
Tbo Man Who Will Probably Make the
Speech at St. Louis.
Washington, May 10. —New York will
of course present the name of Grover Cleve
land to the Ht. Louis Convention for re
nomiuation to tho Presidency, but it is not
known yet who will bo selected to perform
this olHce, Daniel M. Lock wood, who
nominated President Cleveland for Mayor
of Buffalo, for Governor of New York, and
for President of tha United States, is now
United States District Attorney for the
Northern District of New York, end so can
not go as a delegate to tho convention. It
is understood that lie would willingly re
sign liis olfloo in order to nominate Presi
dent Cleveland again, but lie w ill probably
not bo permitted to make this sacritlce,
It is now wall understood here that Gov.
David B. Hill will be one of the delegates at
large from New York. Ho will have very
fow followers in the State convention, but
the friends of tho national administration
will see that ho is elected. It is understood
that he would willingly present President
Cleveland's name to the convention as the
choice of New York, but lie may not be
allowed to do so. Mayor Ilewltt may go as
a delegate at largo, and he is also spoken of
as desirous to put President Cleveland in
tiik probable man.
A well-informed New Yorker said to-day,
however, that ho thought Daniel Dougherty,
formerly of Philadelphia, now of New
York, would be elected a delegate to Ht.
Louis, and would be allowed to present the
President’s naino to the convention. Mr.
Dougherty’s speech at Cincinnati in 1850,
nominating Gen. Hancock, is still regarded
as one of the best efforts of tho sort, Col.
John it. Fellows, who did the talking for
Secretary Manning in the Chicago conven
tion of IHH4, will lie again a delegate, and so
will Repro.cntaUvo William Bourke
Cochran, who, with Thomas F. Grady, did
tho talking for John Kelly, but Mr. Grady
will not be there, and Mr. Cochran will be
there for Cleveland.
For Blaine to tho Bitter End.
Richmond, Va., May JO. —A special dis
patch from Raleigh, N. C., says: “The
Republican Convention of the Ninth Con
gressional district met at Asheville to-day.
Delegates wore elected to the national con
vention. All are for Blame, and have no
second choice. Every mention of Blaine’s
name was enthusiastically cheered. W. H.
MaJone was indorsed for Associate Justice
of the Supreme Court.”
Kansas Favors Blaine.
Wichita, Kan.. May 10.—The Republi
can State convention to nominate delegates
to Chicago was held here yosterday. Reso
lutions indorsing Senators Plumb and In
galls were adopled, and Messrs. Strong.
( Kliorno, Hallovvoll and Griliiu were selected
as delegates to Chicago. Thu sentiment of
the convention was decidedly in favor of
Two Votes for Blaine.
Staunton, Va., May 10.—At tho Repub
lican convention for the Tenth district, held
nt, Lexington to-day, J. A. Frazier and
Henry Williams were elected delegates to
the Chicago convention. They are uuin
structed, but favor Ulaine.
Blaine Their Preference.
New York, May 10. —Four Congressional
districts in Brooklyn to-ni ht selected dele
gates to the Republican Nutional Conven
tion. Their preference is for Blaine.
Tho House Passes a Bill Covering Sev
eral Government Shortages.
Washington, May 10.—In the House to
day Mr, Bayers, of Texas, called up the bill
making an appropjiation of $450,000 to sup
ply the deficiency in the • appropriation for
tile exfiensos of collecting tho revenue from
customs for the fiscal year ending June TiO,
1888. There is a clause in tiie bill rep aling
tho permanent appropriation for tho collec
tion of customs.
On motion of Mr. Bayer, an amendment
woh adopted appropriating (3,900,000 to
supply the deficiency in the appropriation
for the payment of army uudnavy pensions
to invalid widows, minor children anil de
pendent relatives, and survivors of tho war
of 1818,
On motion of Mr. Sayers, an amendment
wns adopted providing that the appropria
tion of $11(0,000 made by tho act of March
3, 1887, for heating apparatus to bo fur
nfshed before June 30, 1888, to certain
public buildings, shall c outline available to
• nahlo the Bee rotary of the Treasury to
fulfill contracts entered into prior to June
30 1888.
The bill was then passed as amended.
Hubscqu-titly Mr. Reed, of Muino, statod
that ho had been Informed thuttlio bill con
tained a clause repealing the permanent ap
propriation for the colleptiou of customs,
and lie desired an opportunity to oppose
that clause, but objection was made.
The Conference Report On the Joint
Resolution Adopted.
Washington, Muy 10.—In tbo House,
to-day, Mr. McCreary, of Kentucky, sub
mitted ttio conference report on tho joint
resolution authorizing the President to ar
range a conference for the purpose of pro
moting arbitration and encouraging re
ciprocal commercial relations betweeu tho
United Stales of America uud the Republics
of Mexic i and Central and Mouth America
and the Empire of Brazil. It wus adopted.
The explanatory report of tho House con
ferees state that the only Important change
in the resolution is that the ten delegates,
on behalf of tho United States, shall lie ap
pointo Iby tho President. In the resolu
tion, us it pas-ed originally, the President
of tue K-nsto and the Hpoaker of the House
were authorized to appoint two members of
their respective bodies to act as delegates,
and the appointment of Hie other six dele
gates was vested in the President.
Government Lands in Florida.
Washington, May 10.—In tho Senate to
day, Mr, Call introduced a hill to withdraw
all public lauds in Florida from entry, ex
cept under the pre-emption and homestead
laws. It was referred.
Gold to Go to Europe.
New York, May 10.—August Belmont &
Cos. ordered $‘450,000 in gold to-day for ship
ment to Europe.
Tho Doors of tho Sanctuary Blown
From Their Hinges by the Force Of
the Explosion The Total Loss
$1150,000 anl the Insurance Only
Bubfalo, N. Y., May 10 —Tliis morn
ing was a decidedly sensational and dis
astrous one in Buffalo. A number of ex
plosions of natural gas occurred almost
simultaneously;caused, it is supposed, by
over pressure—and caused widespread ex
citement, besides destroying the finest
church in Buffalo and doing other damage.
Ht. Paul’s Cathedral, tho pride and glory
of Buffalo, is in ruins. The entire interior
is burned out and the roof gone, but the
strong stone walls and graceful spire re
first appearance of the flames.
At 9:20 o’clock flames wore seen bursting
out of the flue stained glass windows of the
church, at the junction of Maui and Erie
streets, and instantaneously most of the
interior was a mass of flames. The ex
plosion had occurred in the basement. The
furnace was supplied with natural gas, and
tho force was so great as to tear off and
blow out tho heavy doors on tiie Erie and
Pearl street sides. People ran to see
what was the matter, and a few entered the
vestibule of tho church only to be driven
out by the flames.
rally of the firefiohtkrs.
An alarm was at once turned in, to which
tho tire department quickly responded, but
when they arrived nothing could bo done
to save the interior of the stately edifice,
as llames were bursting from every win
dow. Btreatns were quickly brought to
bear, with tiut little effect, and the fire in a
fow inomouts had reached tho heavily tim
bered roof. A great crowd gathered anil
gazed, awe-stricken, at ti e spectacle, while
exclamations of sorrow were heard on
every hand.til he Are burned with especial
fury on the Erie street sido, where it at
tacked tho line Hood & Hastings organ in
the choir loft.
In half an hour from the time of dis
covery the interior of the noble church was
completely destroyed, but it was evident
that the massive wails and tower would
stand. W. H. Walker, one of tho wardens,
and several other officers of the church,
were early on tiie scene, and Rev. Dr.
Brown, tho rector, who retires next month
to assume the rectorship of St. Thomas'
church at New York, soon arrived.
story of the sexton.
Roliert Wilkinson, the sexton, says he
was in ths building tiro or three times this
morning, and tiie la-4 time previous to the
fire wus twenty minutes before it broke
out. He hail been in the guild house and
was returning to tiie church, and badulmnst
reached the sidewalk next to the church,
when he heard a roaring noise and saw the
large doors blown from their hinges out on
to the stone stairway that led up to them.
Immediately there came rushing and belch
ing through the doorways a huge volume
of smoke and flame, aud in less time than
it takes to tell it tho whole inside of the
building was burning. When asked os to
the origin of tho fire, he said ho was satisfied
that it wus natural gas that iiad caused it.
came with a rush.
A. E. I'errin says ho happoned to be look
ing directly at the church, and was amazed
at seeing the doors blown almost into the
street. Up to this time, Mr. Perrin says,
there hail iieen no smoke. The blowing
open of tiie doors scorned to have caused
sufficient draft and vent to give tho cla
mant full play, and almost at once flames
burst through the doors and windows, and
a minute or two later the handsome
windows were cracking and bulging with
heat. Tho church was valued at about
$29(1,000. The insurance on tho building is
$9n,000, $2,000 on the memorial windows,
übout SO,OOO on the organ aud SI,OOO on the
Charleston, H. C., May 10.—Fire at
Georgetown this morning burned six brick
stores with adjoining warehouses. The loss
is about $30,000.
Cotton Planting Backward —Winter
Whoat a Little Off.
Washington, May 10.—Tho report of
tho Department of Agriculture says: “Low
temperature and deficient rainfall, with
drying winds and some frost, have reduced
tho condition of winter wheat in the Cen
tral Btatcs. It has also been cool on the
Atlantic coast anil not favorable to im
provement, and yet the plant has nearly
held its own in this region. On the Pacific
coast only medium development is reported.
In the Southern Htutes the changes are
slight, several averages being the same as
last month. Pennsylvania shows a decline
of 4 points, New York of 16, Ohio of 12,
Michigan of 12, Indiana of 6, Illinois of 7,
Missouri of 2 and Kansasof3. The general
average is reduced !) points, from 82 to 73.
liast year the condition was reduced from
88 in April to 88 in May.
state averages.
The State averages of winter wheat In
the principal States are reported as follows:
New York, 7ti; Pennsylvania, 87; Virgiula,
90; Ohio, Oil; Michigan, 64; Indiana, 59; Illi
nois 57; Missouri, 80; Kansas, 94; Texas, 90.
Bpring plowing is not quite so well ad
vanced os usual. It is relatively later in
the more Northern States of the Atlantic
coast, slightly later than usual in the Mid
dle Btatcs, and scarcely up to a full average
in the Houth. Its progress is an average in
the Ohio valley, but late in the Northwest,
especially in Dakota.
Cotton planting was delayed by an excess
of moisture in February and low tempera
ture in March, the soil not being in condi
tion for early planting. The delay was
greatest in Texas and Louisiana. In Ark
ansas, Tennessee and North Carolina, from
4 to tl per cent, less than usual was planted
on May l. In the States on the coast, from
Houth Carolina to Mississippi, planting is
nearly up to its average ailvancemoot.
The investigation of the rate of wages of
agricultural labor snows that no material
change has occurred since tiie iast previous
inquiry, in Muy, 1885. There is a slight in
crease in New England, in the northern
tier of Htutes from Michigan westward,
and in some of tbo Southern States. There
is no appreciable change in tho Central
States. Next mouth’s report will give th
rates by States.
Winter rye remains very nearly as in
April, the average being 92.9, instead of
The condition of winter barley is 88.3,
promising a medium crop.
Boulanger Repudiates a Placard.
Paris, May 10.—Gen. Boulanger re
pudiated the electoral placard circulated in
bis behalf in the department of Isare, ask
ing the suffrages of the people. Ho says
he is not a candidate and threatens to
prosecute persons using bis uams as suck.