Newspaper Page Text
SCFJVEX TKOOP IN TENTS COU GORDON AND STAFF VIBIT THE SYLVaNIA ENCAMPMENT. T ji9 Closing Fxercfses of the Week’s Festivities- A Gala Day With fcriven County’s Soldiery and Citizens— CoL Gordon's Speech to tie Troopers—The Organization of gcriven's Troop. Yesterday was the closing day of the fall encampment of the gallant Troop D, Fifth Georgia cavalry, of Scrivea county. Invi tations had been extended to Col. W. W. Gordon and staff to be present to witness the final exercises of the three days,encamp ment, which was inaugurated and success fully carried through by the gallant mei composing the troop. The Morning News’ Guyton correspondent boarded the up passenger on the Central, where he fouud Col. Gordon, Maj. T. a Wvlly, Jr., and Adjt. A.. R. Lawton, Jr., who were ea route to Syivauia. On arriving at Rocky Ford, the junction, the party boarded Col. Dell’s pet project, the Sylvania railroad, and was joined by a few citizens, who wanted to see the gallant soldiers. Am rig the number vras A. J. DnneoUj one of the enterprising citizens ia and around the junction who controls large lauded interest and runs a brick yard and 6tore. The trip to Sylvania is through a wooded section interspersed witu farms and neat farm hou es. l’he flel is are white with cotton showing in unmistakable t-rms the scarcity of labor and the effects of the recent rains which have interfered with pioking. the arrival at sylvania. At the ancient but beautiful town of Syl vania the Seriven Troop was drawn up in line, and at its head was its stilwart cap tain', J. J. Brewer, a veteran of the war, whose devoted services were often recog nized by his superior officers. In size and appearance it is said by the knowing ones that Capt. Brewer clo-ely resembles the world renowned Prince Bismarck. The customary military salute was given Cel. Gordon and his associates, and horses were brought forward and mounted, ad at the signal the line ol march was taken up for the catr fl ing ground beyond the town. As the gaily dewed troopers with their handsome new helmets, worn for the first time, nea ed the Uiwu oa their splendid chargers the wel come smiles of fair maidens, lovely young ladies and grav-haired matrons greeted the soldier boys as they passed along the streets. Tbe splendid wall tents loaned to {ha corps for the occasion by Adjt. Gen. Kell were pitched in a field beyond the town, which for all purposes for drill, etc., could not be found a more desirable location. The c lonel with bis staff and the officers of the troop hastily inspected the quarters and a half hour wes spent in making the acquaint ance of the members. COMPANY D’S DRILL. At the sound of the bugle the men as lemb ed in the parade ground, and under command of Capt. Brewer, were put through tie various evolutio .a of the drill, which showed that the men had b ten thoroughly Instructed. Th" rapid ty of the movements, tbe precision with which theevolutions were eiecuted, the soldierly bearing of the men, the hmdsome emarges and neat equipments elicited many complimentary remarks, not only from the colonel but the large crowd assembled to witness the parade. Their drill and charging was superb. A: dof the morning drill and parade a short time was take i for rest when Capt. Browerdiew the troop in line and presented sabers to Col. Gordon. This seems to nave j been a hint t > the gallant colonel that a speech was next in order. Mounted on a ha ids >ma charger himself, Col. Gordon thanued the troop for the compli mentary salute, and c mpUmented it upon iti handsome and soldiery appearance, its splendid horsemanship and its proficiency in the and id. Hi also c mgratu ate tit upon the good attention to its horses and its equipments, which would compare most favorably with any company in the state. Col. G rdou took occasion to remind tho troop that its time spent in camps had amply repaid it for the loss in time other wise. He said it is well for all democratic Countries to have a well rejulated force to assist the civil authorities in the enforce ment of the laws. He expressed his regrets that the troops did not attend the Augusta encampment last summer, bu the three days of camp life which they had just ex perienced would be of incalculable benefit to it. At the conclusion of Col. Gor don s speech, which was well received by the troop and the large crowd of ladies ami g ntaemen present, the troop gave three cheers and a tiger, an i were dismissed for dinner. THE DIN'NER. This was a most interesting part of tb programme, a:noe the collation waa prepar and hy the iady friends of the corps, Mrs. Jane IP berts a most estimable matron, took oharge of the officers’ table, to the delight Bh„„a S ®.T ho pa took of tlje good things so abundantly supplied. 'i o >lock the troop assembled, and, lnv ‘ ted guest mounted, took ud the Imaof march for tne depot, At the depot which a f f w ‘ arowe, l remarks, reond ff rh n °“h 7 Ch9o;eJ - As tho trai “ airier i, bo > s gave a parting salute the sei“, rnßd t 0 CaUlp, Wbich was closed f r Btv he t .1 ay itse ' f was most auspicious; the rt;\iT COVered the oarth with golden [rj ’the f a WaS refreshing and choer- I'iuallv tcri U " Bre not d,B V '. and the me war rh P f‘ y to‘ K incsnv enience of too i t 111 the atmosphere for pleas fh V 9 ouidoor exercise waa wanting. II ‘^ZT; r r P , was organized ia fifth f£^ Bh tlie lato war as l' arc of the uIW Thi Cavalr - Vanrl was organized P_'.’ . dll ©present officers are: J, j. Brewer, tirst Lieuwnant— M. D. Lanier, jeco .and Leutenaut— VV. JJ. Hobbv t r C^° Dd LioUt ouant—J. Si. Connor. tS&SKsr* I Lieut M i ‘luar.ermaster. ■>ntlem; n L of“ er V £ obby and Connor are Keir gallant eo‘^ t 9 I^ etit if and ubl >' a3S ist Be tr op, 1 a - Kaul lu tire management of •feVaudn Wt “,' ,XpreSS9d that Ma L By m a "l the other gentlemen of the ■ -tag and and not attend. ■ Tr.e Weekly Test Alarms. H Chief Mouro reports the foi *: ;^i Ur:llS by tho firo Apartment Clot so Box No. 0 Oct nt * Box No. 14 Bf. uct -.4 and Box No. 12 I- Box No. 15 B Tf iU HI Visit ANO HAKBOK. Along the Wharves and B„ the Shipping. uJo barna rJ cleared yesterday ’cl'ta'es^fh'^ 1 £" lydo for Barcelona, B v>,,: ' pmud. f l ,‘ pland cot bon, weighing B Hit m ’. Vnlue ' l at *230,83 50 B>l, w:t- : So~ cleared yesterday f< r fttiictr 07 s ?* u Pla-d cotton, B“Uiad’uf P °, l ' Ud ß’ valu,jd ot lb .Ot>o. B: this vessel car K° clea ™i pre- B UAI “ AsU tJHjaaixa. rot the"’ W *i 0 , bas t>oen telegraph Bt ^ ^al:anr(>ad : anr(>ad a t Mac-on, fur Eufonl hlß x/ rieDdß . p * e ! caves B as chi -f i„,.u a : ;\ a -■ t° take a posi- Pia e . s of tbe Central’s agent at ■pv,i, Horßß - 9t Prices and then B -Cipol th ° ®>' e SSe ‘ h - I Bo- B ' ! Sc,laul . One Price to aU. The turning point in woman’s life brings peculiar weaknesses and ailments. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription brings relief and cure. It is a powerful, invigorating, restora tive tonic and nervine. It im parts strength to the whole sys tem in general, and to the uterine organs and appendages in partic ular. “ Run-down,” debilitated and delicate women need it. It’s a legitimate medicine purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. It’s guaranteed togivo satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. Nothing else does as much. You only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more ? Asa regulator and promoter of functional action, at that crit ical period of change from girl hood to womanhood, “ Favorite Prescription” is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. Equally effica cious and valuable in its effects when taken for those disorders and derangements incident to that later and most critical period, known as “The Change of Life.” Tbe Sunday Morning News W ill be found regularly on sale at the fol lowing plaoesi Jstill’s News Depot. Conner’s News Stand. E. J. Kioffer’s Drug Store, oorner West Broad and Stewart streets. T. A. Mullryhe & Co.’s Drug Store, West Broad and AValdtmrg streets. Hi. J. fC Y(lnge’s Drug Store, corner Whitaker arid Duffy streets. McCauley ft Co.’s Drug Store, corner New Houston and Drayton streets. W. A. Bishop’s Drug Store, corner Hall and Price streets.— Adv. Milton, Fla. This to certify that T hare been afflioted with Scrofula, or 'Blood Poison, for a number of years. The beet physicians of Mobile and this city said nothing could be done for me. I also took a large quantity of , bu: found no re lief in anything that I took. My limns were a mass of ulcers, and when I was sent to a phy sician in Mobile my entire body was a mass of sores. 1 had given up all hope, and as a last resort tried P. P. P. (.Prickly Ash, Poke Root and P* tas ititn), and after using four bottles (small size) the sores have entirely disappeared, and my general health was never better than at the present time, and people that know me think it a wonderful cure. Respectfully, — Adv. Eliza Todd. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS Executors’ Sale I STEAM TUGS, BARGES, Etc. By J. WlGLaughfi i & Son. On MONDAY, 3rd November, 1890, at 11 o'clock, at Ship Railway wharf, opposite side of the river, foot of East Broad street. Boats will be in attendance to convey parties across. We will sell at public auction at the above men tioned date, hour and place the following Steam Tugs and Barges, property of the late GEORGE F. BYRNES, viz: “STEAM TITG WINPENNY— Rebuilt in 1886. in good order. 17 ft. square cylinder, length 66 ft., breadth 14 ft;, dgavva 7)4ft. water.” “STEAMER SEMINOLE—KeeI condenser, draws 4 ft. 6 in , licensed to carry 50 passengers, with tank, in good order.” “BARGE OSCAR WlLDE—Sealed inside, suit able for carrying rice or any other freight, with a capacity of about 500 bushels.” “BARGE M\Y BELLE Sealed inside, suita ble for rice and other freight; capacity about 500 bushels.” “BARGE WARSAW Sealed inside for rice or other fre ght; capacity about 500 bush els.” TERMS CASH: purchasers to pay for titles. Ten percent, deposit required from each pur chaser on day of 6ale. Three days allowed for removal. WILLIAM I. CL’ ARY, CHARLES C. ELY, Exeoutors last will and teßtainent of George F. Byrnes, deceased, AT AUCTION"! FINE PARLOR, DINING-ROOM AND OTHER FURNITURE, AND SUNDRIES. C. H. Dorsett, Auctioneer. WILL SELL on Monday 20th, inst., at 11 A M., at 141 Cos ipress. A large lot of fine ur nlture, consisting in part, of very pretty PAR LOR SUIT in fancy shapes, one PARLOR SUIT hair, lino WALNUT FRAMES and covers, WALNUT leather covered DINING-ROOM CHAIRS, BED ROOM SUIT in oak and walnut, SITTING DESK, fine BABY CARRIAGE, cost fortv dollars. MAHOGANY M vRSLR TOP BUREAU. LOUNGE, CHILD'S COMBINATION CHAIR and CARRIAGE. 51 \HOOANY TABLE, SUNDRY SMALL TABLES SAFE, RANGES. M ATTRES -Ed, SINGLE BED SPRING. ROCK ERS. SEWING MACHINE, WALNUT RE FRIGERATOR. EXT N-ION TABLE, MAS SIVE WALNUT BEDSTEAD and SPRING, CROCKERY, REVOLVING OFFICE CHAIR. WALNUT BED-ROOM CHAIRS, RIFLES and REVOLVERS, OIL STOVE. A Fine Chance For a Fine Lot. A SPLENDID LOT AT AUCTION ON EASY TERMS. C. H. Dorsett, Auctioneer. Will sell at the court house during the usual hours of sale on TUESDAY. Nov. 4 1890 Lot No.—Gaston Ward next to the northwest corner ot Gwinnett and Montgomery streets, said lot having a front of tnlrty-two rest and a depth of 130 feet. Terms oue-thlrrt cash, one third in one year and oue-t iird in two years with Interest at seven per cent, per annum. This is one of the finest vacant lots in the western part of the city. DRUGS AMD MEDICINE. The Boss Corn Varnish CURES Corns, Warts and Bunions. No knits. No cutting. No pain. Sure cure or no pay. Sold by all druggists. J. C. MIMS& CO., Proprietors, SAVANNAH, UA. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1890—TWELVE PAGES. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENTRA WORD. AvrrpTrsKiisxrx tror<u • ** Mi " tnttrud for OSS CXST A WOHD, Com* i Advance mu* hwrWwfc Svwrybody who hat any wane to msvvty. anythin] to bay or teil, any businesmar accommodations to Knirt indsed.any wish Lo jralify, shotUd advortim tn this oolnmn. CALENDAR. OCTOBER SUNDAY O day most calm, most bright, the fruit -of this, the next world's bud.— George Herbert. SMOKE Era Osrisz Ginn e EVERY DAY. PItBSOXAL. T PHOTOGRAPHS, all styles nnd sizes, from A stamps to life size. P ine cabinets a spe cialty; price, $2 a dozen. Views taken to order in city or country. Business established June 4. iwa. J, N. WILSON. 2I Bull street. TO my friends and the public, I here started a first class liarber shop on Whitaker street. BEN GAILS, Proprietor. I PERSONAL. Anyone wishing to buy or sell real estate, stock or bonds, call on or write to R. I>. I.a ROCHE, No. 116 Bryan street. AT AUCTION—Those wishing to buy good horses, mule* and buggies can do Tuesday. Oct. 21st, in front of GUILMARTIN & MEHRTENB' stables. West Broad and South Broad. BESIDES our regular stock of imported goods wo have twelve thousand dollars’ worth of domestic goods from cheapest to the best. M LAVIN’S ESTATE. fpO THE SCHOOL CHILDREN. ~ Come and see the beautiful Sohool Tablets at M. T. TAYLOR'S, 135 York street. They are beauties. _The prettiest and cheapest In town. ON IVEN AWAY, one handsome almost life -1 sixe picture with each dozen Cabinet Photo graplw. Call and see samples. LAUNEY & GOEBEL, Savannah, Ga. THERE is everything to Interest you m the Sunday Mossing News. For sale at YONGE’S DRUG STORE, Wnitaker and Duffy streets. TTNTIL further notice, GOTTLIEB A lIOFF v MAN, 159 Broughton street, will make the best cabinet photos at S3 per dozen. Life size portraits in crayon, pastel, etc., at reduced ■ ates. N. B. The above low prices are tempor ary only. A UCTIONEERS’ SALE STABLES sell stock 41 superior aud for less money than some would-be frit-class dealers can buy for. Special sale ThuriMay, Oct. 23. C"! ALL ON McCAULEY & CO„ druggists, and J get a copy of Sunday s Morning News. OH! Is that you Mrs. Newfangle* I nm so glad. Go ng to BARBOUR’S, Price and Hall streets, I suppose? Yes! Well, we ll go together. M I.AVIN'S ESTATE are thoroughly stocked . with inverted and domestic Wines and Liquors, aad are offering bargains. \ NNTE, have yon seen the wonderful dls -41 play of gold rin rs ii FEGEAS’ window?” "No, not yet.” "You better, he bought tlum in Now York for spot cash at one-tbird their intrinsic value. Look at the prices I noticed." IF you are in need of money and want a liberal loan, at lowest rate of interest, on Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Clothing, etc.; and if you want your valuables returned In the same condition as left, patronize home enter prise and call at the Old Reliable Savannah Lie nsed Pawnbroker House, 179 Congress street. E. MUULBERG, Manager. IT'MPIRE BARGAIN CO., Corner Liberty and J Jefferson streets, has a very fine Waterloo organ at a verr low price. READ the Sunday Morning Nkws. For sale at KIEFFER'S DRUG STORE, West Broad and Stewart streets A CHOICE selection of fine curtains just re received, from 60c to #5 a pair. Call and see them. E. B. CO. REAL ESTATE—Before buying or selling consult W. K. WILKINSON, Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer. QAVANNAH, GA., Oct. 13, 1890—We, the O 51erchants of Savannah, dealers in Cloth ing, Hats, Sho s aud Gents’ Furnishings, do here agree to close our respective establ Kli ments at 7 p. m., the year around, excepting the month of December and all Saturday even ings: A. Falk & Son, B H. Levy A Bro., Appel ft Sohaul. A. S. Cohen, Globe Shoe S ore, Byck Bros, D. P. Myerson, B Hymes, Butler & Morrissey. I\ Tuberdy, Collat Bros., Kohler’s, D. S. Greenbautn, Joun F. LaFar, A. S. Nichols, L. Freid, Dry! us Bros HEU WANTED. SAWYER WANTED, will pay 84 per day to a first class man. App.y immediately to PEACOCK & PETERSON, Stuckey, (P. O.) Ga. V%7 ANTED a cook, white or colored. Apply VV Monday on .Montgomery street, 2 doors south of Anderson street. YX7 ANTED, a competent house servant. R* f- V V erences required. Appl, at 33 Charlton street. C3 OLORED boy wanted, good wages given to ) one willing to work and well recom mended. FEGEAS, 112 Broughton street. TRAVELER wanted by a wholesale house; only reliable men need apply, inclosing references. Address 1.C.E., Ne.\s office. AY J ANTED, a competent house servant at VV good wages. Apply with recommenda tions at 107 Bull street. \IT ANTED, blacksmith for saw-mill, also m 11 VV foreman, wno is a first class sawyer. Ad dress W. A EVANSi-Naylor, Ga. TITANTED, a woman to cook and wash for VV two, also a house maid. Apply at 84 Jones street. TIT ANTED, a half-grown while girl to go to VV Brunswick, Ga., to make herself useful in small family; good wages and home to right party. Address Mss. E. F. C., No. 711 Ell s street, BruDS ick, Ga. TXT ANTED, a good, honest cook for a small VV family, must havo recommendations from last employer. Apply between 2 and 6p. m. 8, E. corner Charlton and Habersham street. D, B. MORGAN. Ilf ANTED, by a Now York tea, coffee and VV spice house a first-clans salesman con trolling trade in this line. Only those giving reference and full particulars will bo noticed. Address "ENTERPRISE,’' Savannah Monung News office. ATT ANTED, four mechanics and one saw filer VV at once. Will pay good wages to first class men. Apply to PEACOCK * PETERSON, Stuckey (P. O.) Ga. TTT ANTED, a respectable white person to go VV to Marietta, as nurse for 8-year-old child; will be expected to stay in bouse at night; work not heavy; wages good, and home pieasant and comfortable. Address, with refer ences) “R,” box 68, Marietta, Ga. HELP WANTED. \\'ANTED, a competent cook. Apply to ITS ’ v Drayton street. \\' ANTED, two experienced salesladies D CttOHAN & DOONKR. INDUSTRIOUS young ladies can obtain pay lngemployment at 210 Br< uahton street \\ T ANTED, a good tailored, by 8. J. TISH ' ' LE.C ,101 Licerty strop;. Ay ANTED. a nurse and a h usemaid at once. v v Apply 84 Hall street, con er \borer*ru 1 PLASTERERS WANTED .V plv to W. T. COTTER, Tampa Bay Hotel, Tampa. Fia. BRICKLAYERS WANTED. Apply to W. T. COTTER, Tampa Bay Hotel. Tampa, 11a AT'ANTED, a middle-aged woman, white or v ’ colored, to cook. Apple is A llliam street. \I'ANTED, a good tailoress Apply Monday v v morning. A. GETZ, The Tailor. Jefferson street. \\' ANTED, a white nurse; must come well ** recommended. Address or call at 116 Taylor street. PAINTER—A first-class man wanted C* immediately. Steady work. WESTCOTT BROS,. 31 Whitaker strew. A\'ANTED, a good coat maker. Address ’ I stating salary expected, box 138, Val dosta, Ga. WANTED—A PRINTER.-A middle aged ’ v printer without family, who under stands press work and job work, can secure an easy and pleasant situation, where but little work is required, provided he is willing to work for his beard, lodging an i a small salary. Locality not tar from Savannah. He must be a temperate man. Address staling age. present residence and salary expected, “FRANKLIN" care of Morning News office, Savannah, Ga B-LJ i . . EMPLOYMENT WANTED. SITUATION WANTED—By young man as kd clerk in wholesale or retail grocery, 83 Gordon street. \y ANTED, by a young lady, a position as * book keeper or do office work. G., Nows office. SITUATION wanted by young lady as stenog O rapiier and typewriter; commercial busi ness preferred; good copyist and willing to do office work. Address WILLING, this omoe. Ay ANTED—Au experienced double entry T V bookkeeper, good penman, an expert In figures, wishes to make au engagement; refer • nces furnished upon application. Address LIGHTNING, this office Y\, r ANTED, position by a watchman; four '' years in present position. Address WATCHMAN, care this office. \XT ANTED, position us collector, well ac v quainted with city, and owns horse. Ad dress FORD, this office. \N EXPERIENCED PRESCRIPTION!ST desires a situation. Address CREOLLN E care Morning News. SITUATION WANTED.- A young German confeotioner wants a steady situation. Ap ply corner Jefferson and Bay streets, laloon. \ GOOD SOPRANO, late of Boston Con- A servatory of Music, desires charge of a choir; will guarantee fine music, well rendered at every service; will also assist in musical en tertainments for benefit of the church. Address H., News office. ROOMS IVANTED. YV' ANTED, flat of four rooms or small house !! convenient to Central depot. Address C. W. L., 41 Lincoln street. YVTANTED, two single or one double room, *v furnished. Address DeFOE, this office, stating rent and location. TWOgeatlemhn want neatly furnished room with use g sand bath, convenient to busi ness, 1. M„ Morning Now a \Y 7 ANTED, three or four rooms, furnished or I v unfurnished, for light housekeeping. Gas and water, rood location, etc. Address, stating terms, D. w. T , Marshall bouse. WANTED, by gentleman and wife, two partly furnished rooms for housekeeping in a small, quiet, private house wit in ten minutes, waik of Pulaski. No' children. Address M., News office. AST ANTED, by a young married couple from v Noy. 1, thr euufuruishedrooniß. Address, s atlug price. "E," oare of MULLRYNE’S PHARMACY, West Broad street. City. MISCELLANEOUS wants. \\7 ANTED, alt my friends to come and shave 1 v at my barb, rsh p. BEN GAILS. WANTED, two showcases, good style, must be cheap. Apply 131 Cougress street. WANTED, bank stocks, loan association stocks, and stocks of all local institutions. ROWLAND & MYERS, 122 Bryan street. \\T ISH TO BUY, rent or base at once from VV five to fifteen acres of laud with good housings within five miles of city limits. Ad dress L. F. 8., Morning News 'VATANTED, a house with yar.iroom for shed Tv for three or four horses and vehicle. UNCLE SAM, News office. Y\7'ANTED, my patrons to know that 1 shall VV continue to keep Ice Cream as well as Oysters the season through. CHURCHILL. by young man of temperate hab VV its, good standing board with piivate family Address C. Y., this office. ATOUNG GENT desires first-class table board X in vioinity of park. Addross ”J,”News office. \\ r ANTF.iI, every one to know that we antici v V pated the McKinley tariff bl 1 and bought supplias before the advance. M. LAVIN’B ES TATE. DON’T fail to get a copy of Sunday’s Issue of the .Morning News. Eor sale at BISHOP'S! DRUG STORE, corner Hall and Price streets. VAT ANTED, everybody to know that on and vV afterX3d Inst., oysters ill every style can be bad at the Forest City Ice Cream Garden. CHURCHILL ATOUNO MAN and wife want board with pri -1 vnte family. References exchanged. Ad dress L. O. G., postoffice box 115, city. VAT ANTED, everybody to secure a few gallons VV of liquor at auction price. Bargains are seldom offered like those of In. LAVIN’S ESTATE. WANTED, one hundred share* of stock each of Series A and B of the Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Company. State number of shares and price. Address SPECU LATOR, this office. ' ROOMS TO RENT. Ij9OR RENT, suite of rooms 43 York street, 1 with use of bath. (DOR RENT, pleasant rooms, furnished, at 56 X iarnard street. IDOR RENT, furnished south room, with use 1 of bath, West Broad street. fTViVO nicely furnished south rooms with use of 1 bath, 208 Bryan street. IDOR RENT, upper half of house 66 Reynolds. Enquire on premises. r pO RENT, two front rooms, one arge and A_ one small. No. 36 East Broad street. IDOR RENT, furnished south room to gentle -1 men. Apply luO President street. 1> 00313 TO RENT and boarders wanted. I Apply 189 McDonough street. TANARUS) EAUTIFUL south room, unfurnished, to I > rent. No children; reference 147 Perry street. r XO RENT, a south front Mom, nicely furn -1 is ie gas. hot and oold water; all conveni ences. 154 Jones street. IDOR RENT, flat four rooms, furnished or un furni bed, with all conveniences. 11 Broughton street. IDOR RENT, nicely furnished room for gen men. All conveniences. 219 President street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS to let en suite or separately. Apply 87 Liberty, near Aber corn street. TDOR RENT, two large furnished rooms, with 1 bath. Gentiera m only apply, 88 Broughton street. IDOR RENT, elegant rooms suitabi- for light 1 housekeeping or to gentlemen. Furnished it preferred. Pr.vate family. No. 25 McDonough street, = !■ ii STRAYEU. STRAYED. -Sterne to my place, a brlndle cow. < wner can have same by paying charges. H. THOMPSON, Randolph street. houses and stores for rent. IJV3R REOT, housi 15# Liberty street. Apply __ to I>R. BOYD, on premises. li'Oß LENT, the houso 04 Broughton street; j *ili bo painted this week. I?OR RENT, boas* 15# Taylor street. Apply •T 8. COHEN, l.wifc Broughton street. RENT, fine store and dwelling, corner of Anders >n aad West Broad ■: Trots. Apply m Hull street. L’OR KENT, dweilinsr 12 Jones street, four 1 doors west of Whitaker. l*o session Nov. 1 U. H REMBHART, 118 Bryan street. yOK RENT, eight r<>om hojse, all modern I I conveniences. 171 tlwinnett street. Apply to WM. Q, COOPER, -.8 Whitaker street. TO KENT, No. 188 New Houston street, third door from Jefferson street, containing eight rooms, bath. etc. THGB. A. FOLLIAKD. IX) RENT, a very desirable 8-story brick house, contain;ng ten rooms, outbuilding, stable, etc. No. 203 Congress street. THUS. A. F< LLIAK . *LX)K RENT, desirable residence 111 IVrrv I street, between Bull and Drayton. Posses sion once. ( HAS. K STI LTS ' fM)R RENT, store No. 1 ;tU4 < ongreHS street _ Apply to MKLNIIA RD i i;< >.S. i OQ. U'OR RENT, house. 144 Ahercorn stre *t. near I Huntington. Apply to W. F. HOGAN. 5,' Liberty street. RENT, store and dwelling southeast I corner York and Montgomery. Annie WILLIAM SHEEHAN, on premises. Xi'Oß RENT, that delightfully located three -I story brick residence No. 21 Gordon street, having every convenience; re t low; powtesalon Immediately. Apply to PETEK REILLY. Ij'OK RENT, dwelling on Duffy street, third 1 door north of Whitaker, fronting south. New house, with ail modern conveniences, in exoellent location. J. E. FULTON. EX)R RENT, Dwelling and store 85 Whitaker A St., from Nov. 15. ISitO. Apply to R 8. CLAGHORN, real estate agent, T Drayton Bt. LX)K RENT, store and dwelling, ebrner East A Broad and Harris streets. Apply 22 East Broad street. "LXIR RENT-From Oct. I, residence MM I Barnard street, facing (’hati am square. Apply to L. W. LANDERSHINE, Executor. L,X>R RENT, a comfortable hone*, No 40 Tay r lor street. Apply DAVIb BROS, or 162 Chariton street. L'OR BENT— Y THE HERMITAGE, For {larticttlars, apply to HENRY McALPIN, 10 Bay street. RF.NT, bouse corner Hull and Duffy, Newly painted, as fresh as anew house. Hot and cold water, possession at once. Apply corner New Houston and Bull. L'Dli RENT', a sinal 1 house, splendid location, I No. 55t6 York street, between Lincoln and Habersham, six (6) rooms, bath room, water throughout; lust put in good condition. Apply WM H. WALBII, 9 Floyd street. Keys at 53 York street. RENT OR LEASE, the Whitfield buihL ing; it Is a handsome new edifice, eligibly located, strongly constructed and well adapted to any class of busiue e; possusi-ion given Imme diately. Apply to JOHN SULLIVAN, Treas urer Union S oiety. FXlIt RENT, three-story brick residence Ml Broughton, now being thoroughly reno vated; rent low; possession Nov. Ist. Apply to PETER REILLY. I TOR RENT, the King residence. No. 185 Gor don street, is completed and In beautiful order; can be lease! for n t rui of years. Ap p y to R,S. CLAUIIOBN, real estate agent. No. 7 Drayton street. r PO RENT, the most choice location in Ha van- A- nab, residence 126 Gaston stroet, corner of Bnll. To an acceptable tenant tlm house will be put in good order. Apply to LEE ROY MYERF, 133 Bay street. ITOR RENT, au elegant four story building 45x80 on Bull street, with a cellar 10 feet In the clear. First story 16 feet. Becond story !4 foots third story 13 feet, fourth story 12 reet high. Plate glass front, elevator an 1 all mod ern improvements anil comenieucss now in conrse of erection. One of tbe best I bands in tbe city and would make au elegant retail dry f roods, grocery, clothi igor drug store, same be ng one-lialf of the new building to be occupied by us. The two stores divide,i by firs wall. Possession given from November 15th to De cember Ist. For cut of the building and terms apply to DAVIS BROS., Savannah, Ga. FOR REST-MISCELLANEOUS. YT'OR RENT, an Upright l’iano in exoellent J repair and tune. Apply to 151 Liberty street. OFFICE TO RENT, large, well lighted with small room attached, 108 President street, corner Drayton. TTOR RENT, a farm of 22 seres, five minutes X walk from Belt Line stables, for truck, dairy and poultry; nice six-room l ouse; high grouud well drained. Apply 152 Gaston street. r po RENT, the lurge hall in the Odd Fellows' 1 building, with nipper room and toilet room attached, suitable for germane, sociables, balls or any public gathering: heats 009. Apply to the JANIIoR, or to A. ft. FAWCETT, Market Square. ITOIt RENT, portion Latbrop warehouse. W. ’ K. WILKINSON, 143 St. Julian street. t a OR RENT, blacksmith and wheelwright; best stand in city; on West Br ad street Apply to GUILMAKTIN A MEHRTKNS’ Stables. F’Olt RENT, stalls, mule pens; accommoda dalions for auy kind of stock for rent in Rtables adjoining our Sale, Boarding ami Livery Stables. GUILMAKTIN & MEHRTEWS. ITOR RENT, offices corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Possession Sent Ist. For terms apply to Q. W OWENS, 113 Bay street. I DOR RENT, warehouse on River street, for merly oocupisd by Artesian ice Company. Apply to 7. (J. BELL, Business Office, Morning News. IDOR RENT, that large, well-lighted and con veniently situated roar office 106 Bay street, immediately adjoining the cotton ex change Po ses ion g.ven immediately. Apply to CHARLES F. PREM)ERaABT, 106 Bay street. fUKUCK FARM FOR Kl- Nr. My truck farm J at. Locust Hill, Is for rut corner of Gwinnett street and btiles avenue for one year. No place in the county is so well adap ed to vegetable culture and its accessibility to the northern steamers and the different railroads make It very valua ble to the truck grower IVlt HONE. FOR SALE. QIX SHARES Franklin Savings and Security P Company pai iup stock. Address SECRE TARY, box 116, tills offler. IDOR SALE, four mocking birJ.i of this season v (May oir!); good singers; will be sold cheap at : 31 Y irk street. I DOR SALE, fifty casks lasmp’s celebrated St. ’ Louis H er. nine dol er- per cask of tan dozen. 31. LA YIN'S Eo 1 ATE. IDOR SALE, bank st oks, loan association X’ stocks, and stocks of all local institutions, ROWLAND A MYERS, 122 Brym strait. TDOR SALE, a pair of fine working mules at X m derate figures; can be seen at Lavinia street, on the Ogeecuei road. TDOR SALE, everything in real estate. Call X an J see u arid w* will take pi ras are in talking with you. HARMON, WALKER A McHAKRIE, Real Estaic. I V, Broughton street, OKU SETTS HARNESS, ZtO'J 10J Collars, 150 Saddles. 500 Bridles, 1.900 Habere, for sals cheap At SAVANNAH HARNESS FACTORY. 160 Broughton street. fpiIREE slick young Mare Mules, pair blocky 1 young Horse Mules, just arrived; new stock, guaranteed better toan the would-be first-class stables cm get mid for Uss money. AUCTIONEERS’ SALE STABLES. W est Broad and Charlton streets. I DOR SALE, the l/eet stock term in Middle Georgia, six miles below Milledgevihe, on Oconee mule farm open—soo acres of pasture land under plank fence on the river. Terms easy. Apply to J. L. SIBLEY, Milledge vilie.ija. IDOR SALE, seventeen acres of land and good 1 cottage red ence; Und In high state of culiivatioa; on Gwinnett store it, three-quarters of a mile from West Broad street ; Hu* land ha* a fine frontage on Gwinnett street, and will largely increase in value as noon as the South Bound railroad com urnces work on Its dspot grouuds in same vicinity. C. H DORSETT. rpHE SUNDAY MORNING NEWS D on sale 1 at MCCAULEY’S DRUG STORE, New Houston aud Drayton. FOR SALE. w*<f *) \ RARE Pink and White Cameo Ring, C* V'w.vF artist looily cut. < I ELI GANT ONYX RING; neat, ele' br gant and trentleruany S‘v ‘)\ ' PINR RUBY RING; a thing too > O’) 7 \ PLAIN GOLD BAND RING, and ’ -,I 11 etiased also at the same price. scl Gt GARNET SET RING: a huuty and vLetl guaranteed solid gold. Utr FOR A FINF. SOLID SILVER RING, s•" lieautifully chased. Such tirices 1 under etaud cann .t bo duplicate 1, so first come, first served. Remember the number, 112 Brjugntmi street, at FEGEAB’. w*9f R A CLUSTER DIAMOND RINO, l •” " turquoises and pearls combined. 11 ft A SOLITAIRE DIAM >ND RING large UT l A vfvf band beautifully chase! &OA 7ff SOLITAIRE DIAMOND, beaut! I ful pearl stone without a single Haw. OUILDINO LOTS for rale on easy terms. C. I i 11.I 1 . MILLER, r. ai estate dealer. YTOK SALE, safe, at NIC MARIN. 162 Bryan A street. UTOR SALE, for thirty five hundred dollars, 1 oue half cash, balance In monthly pay ments, anew two-story residence near Haber, sham street (electric cars); contains four bed rooms. b sides parlor, dining room and kitchen. C. H, DOKBETT. wfO "L WILL BUY tbe new Davis Sewing Machine. Closing consignment C. P. MILLER, Congress street. LTOR SALE, three shares ( hatham Real 1 Estate nd Iniprovgment Compainr, series A. Name best pries. Address SHAKES, care of this office. UTOR SALE, e even acres, corner of Mont- I gomery sta- et extended aad Staley street; lots immedlaiely.across the street from this land are iKiing sold for one hundr- and dollars —Oh. C. H. DOttSKTT. 9 nir * M °f beautiful land 17 miles "s't • H from city, 1U utiles from Mcldrim, cheap. R. D, LaROCHE. SALE Thrre sliarse of .'avannsh Im provement stock. Address, Bov 58 this office. HALF,, bir and grocery in running or der. Owner wishes to change business. Apply 51 Zubly.J. M. DENMARK. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. See our list of offerings in special notice column. ROW LAND A MV ERS, 122 Bryan street. OTOCKB.—WiII sell Chatham, Excelsior, Sa t ' vannah Improvement Company and other local stocks. C. P. MILLER. SPECIAL SALE Thursday, < lei SI; host place In Savannah to buyer sell Stock, Cattle, etc.; no humbug sales. AU CTIONEEUS’ SALE BIABLES. 9 houses on Roltoe street u-iw rented it to good parties. 31 175 buy* both bouses oouie quick. H. I). LaRoCRE. [TOR KALE, about sixty lots on Hull and Whitaker street*, between Ninth and Twelfth ai reels, hating a frontage of about one thousand feet on each street (Bnll and Whita ker) and a depth of about two thousand aud fifty feet. Terms one third cash and balance In five years with interest at six per cent. C. 11. DORSETT. CTOCKB, bonds and Real Estate for sale by O RORT. H TaTLM, Bull street, optiosile Pulaski House. \T AUCTION, Tuesday 2lt. mules, horses and buvgios wiihout reserw, Iu front of GUILMARI IN & MEHRTENK' sUblea, West Broad and South Bread. I.''UKHALhI, three piecisu f land, eleven acres, X fifteen and one half aerva ami eight aud three quarter acres of land, at twenty-live dob lars per acre. Only a small flash payment w ill bn required on either of these, aud long time on tbe balance. C. H. DORSETT. SALE, horse , martM, mules, drivers and workers, just arrived; special ludueementa to buyers. At ALMONT KTAULEB, S3 Ckmgress street. IiXIH HALE, two hundr-d packages of liquor, all grades, at lowest prices. Goods were bought at auction and will be sold accordingly. M. LAVIN’M ESTATE. JJTOK SALE, the well-built, finely-located and I well arranged resldenoe oil the southwest corner of Jones and Abercorn streetn. C. H. DORSETT. UTOORIDA LANDS-Earra, timber and phoa- I phale for sale at in*Mo prlcea Call or ad dress o.l’. MILLER, Real Estate. BOILER FOR KALE, nriean borne steel boiler but little used, in (pot order. Apply to SAVANNAH SOAP WORM, IjAOR SALE, 25 acres on White Bluff road. . Will sell part it desired. U. P. MILLER, Real Estate Dealer. IjAUR SALE, desirable brick resldenoe on Gor- J don street, between Hull aud Drayton, fronting Monterey square. C. H DORSETT'. IA OK SALE, beautiful house on the northwest corner Jones and Drayton streets. This is one of the best locations In Savannah. Terms easy ROBERT U. LaROCHE, Heal Estate Dealer, No. 116 Bryan street. IDOR SALE, a good five drawer Domestic machine |3U on sixty due's time -have not used it two years, in excellent condition. AU dress or see Mrs. G.. 29 Berrlea street. tDOR SALE, two-story house aud jaf-ge lot on south side Duffy, between Barnard and Jefferson, for }2,5U0. C. H. DORSETT. IjDOR SALE—Horses, mules, mares .lust ar rived direct from the slock farms. Nicest and cheapest in Savannah. Special induce ments to wholesale buyers. GUILMAHTIN Sc 3IEHRTENB’ Sale, Boarding aud Llierv Stables, M eet Broad, foot of South Broad streets. Tele phone 251. (DOR SALE, nine acres of land o i the White X Bluff Road, about four miles from the H. DORSETT. ONE block of splendidly locs ted lot* on Montgomery -treat. Belt Line cars run ning by this pro petty, this block contains 16 lots and can be sold at very low figure. R. D. Laroche. (DOR BALE-We have one of the best X equipped Saw Mills in Georgia, which we desire to se.l. as we have other business which requires all of our time. The mill is paying handsomely, aad 5,009 acres of virgin timber gi)i-s with mill. Adaress WILBY A 31AT TH1S, Adel, Ua. YpOR SALE, for S6OO, a lot 38x62 fronting on X Habersham, Electric line just south of An derson and near ht. Mary’s Home. C. 11. DOR SETT. _ _____ r CENTS gets the Sunday ssue of the Morx i) ixg Nkws. Be sure and read it. For sale at MULLRYNE’S DRUG STORE. West Broad and Waldburg streets. IVOR SALE. West Broad corner. 102 feet front, 1 west side of the street, tietween the lines of Hall and Huntington. C. li. DORSETT. i DOR nALE, timber lands, pine and cypress, 1 for turpentine and saw mill purposes' also phosphate lands. Address LOUIS J. BRUSH & co., Jacksonville, Fia. IDOR SALE, a splendid business corner. 60x00 1 and large house, fro ting Warren square, southwest corner Congress and Habersham. C. H. DORSETT. CENTS gets the Sunday Issue of the Morn ) mo News. Be sure and read it. For sale at ML'LLKYNE’S DRUG STORE, West Broad and Waldburg streets. IDOR SALE, a lot 62x105 on New Houston 1 str et near Abercorn. C. H. DORSETT. C3OWB, cows: fresh milkers at YOUNG- J SLOVE A GOODMAN’S stables. HO A Rlll tiO. T>OARDKRS WANTED at No." 35 Broughton" J J corner of Price street. (D ENTLEMEN desiring either permanent or X table board can be accommodated at 69 Whitaker. _____ A FEW MORE boarders cAn be accommo dated at 85 Congress street, corner Aber corn. XXfANTED, a few gentlemen boarders. Good Vt board and pleasant rooms. Also table boarders, at 157 York street. JDIR3T-CLASS BOARD-For particulars ad -1 dress Mf*S JENNIES. COHEN, No. 161 Ivy street, Atlanta, Ga lost. ( OST, • black and San 3 months old, ears cut, la avsv.i rs by the name of Mao one. A liberal reward will be given U returned 68 Taylor street. I OST, one yellow cow with white back, belly J aud legs, branded Oon left hip Lost on 13th tnst. Address DOWNING, 19 East Broad. MISCELLANEOUS. AT Ben Gails' barber shop you find ft first clas shave f,,r 10 cent*. \FULL LINE of William H Ward 4Co M fine stationery at Met’AU LEY St CO.'B. f ADIKS' White Flannel teats for 25c. at It BYCE’S. 1 JIANG LESSONS, given by Miss VIRGIB 1 ASHLEY. Tr,'m; : moderate. Referenoft best in the city 156 .-viut.i Broad straet. \LL sorts Kosher sausaw-'s ~at HF.NRV? HIKKt'U'S, Macon and Drayton streets, telephone 476. CHELF OIL CLOTH at BYCK’B. ICv /’AI.IEORN'IA Peaches and Apricots: treats V slock lust received at BARBOUR'S GROCERY, Price and Ball streets. i JARTIES in vetrc'i of board can be accomo- I dated at 139Gord n street. MONEY to lend on Improved city real estate* C- P. MILLER Con. rsss tieet. IJYCK does not puff, blow or squeal; hfft J pi itme tell. V\ HLN In went of extra pieces of Furniture J” at lowest prices call, for I have them. Whitaker and Hull sue- tv BARBOUR, Price ail 1 Hall Streets, is a hue tier. He gets up before breakfast, and ha wants your trade. COE’T SOAI*. in barrels, half barrels aaj ) ’ buckets. Highest price tiaid for grease.* SAVANNAH S' >AB u< IRKS. I,''ABT Black Rib lied Hose for Chlldreo 10c. ■ • pair a; BY( 'K S. I.'il Broughton. i ’ P 'HI LI R will ai-llon Monday, < >ct. 20, eft V • 11 o'clock, nmttlngß, window shades, oil cloths, carpet*, mattreasei, etc., to oloee con sfgmoents. C AI.I. at mv stables to buy mules; when guarr anteed. It is not like some dealers, not wortft the paper it is written on; honest dealings. JOHN E. DOWLING, proprl t* r Auctioneers’ West Broad and Charlton streetA NO IDLE DAYB nor sleepless nights witfr BARBOUR. The only itarnour in the grocery Imsiues*. Prioe and Hall street a HKSISTITCHEI) Colored Bordered liandkur* chiefs wx for 23c. at HYi'k'S. at the Central market and leave youd L 7 ordsisforall kinds of marketing Kama price* as in City market. Free delivery. Telephone 476. HENRY HIHBCH, proprietor, Macon and Draytort streets. A 1’ FI- L BYCK & BRri.’S you can get a j. Y sp undid quality of Black anil Colored Hen ri ita Cloth for 2 ;(*.; olhnr stores charge toe same qualities 35c. A GOOD INVESTMENT is made when you aV put your money in au F.lcctropoise. It ift the greatest cure for disease now known. Ws have fact* to prove tins assertion. Easy terms. SOUTHERN ELECI’KOPOISE COMPANY, 149 Überty street. Savannah, Ua. Knit Undarveats at HYCK'B. \V7 HEN necessity compels you to patronlz* * ' the druggist, remember that MoCAULEW A CO., bruyton and New II uston. can furnistt you with the purest and freshest drugs at rea sonable prices. Prescriptions, etc,, under ibq supervision of an experienced graduate in phari rnocy Telephone 461. Night bull at aide en trance on Drayton street, COME pavements am <'iispicuous for their absence, but BARBOUR, Price and Hall streets, is conspicuous for liis fine stock off groceries. \ l AUTIFUL LINE of Fancy Beads a bvck b TTPHOLBTERING and Cabinet making prop l i < rly done at short ist notice and prices to suit the times. Corner of Whitaker and Hull Streets. MEN’S Teck Silk Scarfs at BYCK'B from 15cy ■ up. /CLOTHING Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired; Qar- VJ ineutsmad'i to order; charges moderates satisfaction guaranteed; the latr-st styles of fall and winter samples always on hand, a, GETZ, Tailor. 29J4 Jefferson street. r | ’HEREIs everything to interest you in the X Sunday Vohninu Nkws For sale at YONUK’S DRUG STORE, Whitaker and Duffy streets. (NSURANUE. proteoi your property against 1 fire, storms aud cyclones bee advertise ment JOUN N. JOHNSON A 00. A HANDSOME LINF. of Sateens at BYCIFi I\ for 10c. a yard. IDURNITUKE of all kin Is repaired in first-* class style by E. B. 00. BARBOUR, Price and Hall streets, want* more trade aud must have it. No uiattcf where you live, deal with Barbour OO N’T fall to get a copy of Sunday's issue oC the Momhiwg Nkws. For sale at BISHOP’S DRUG STOKE, corner Hall and l*rice streets. MATTRESSES rei best or nlntha city by Empire Bargain Cos , Liberty and Jefferson streets. - MEN’S All Wool Red Undershirts 50c. at BYCK S, tr>i Broughton street. READ the Bun lay Morning News. For sale at KIEFFER'S DRUG STOKE, Wont Broad and Stewart streets. ONLY one man pas el BARBOUR'S store. Price and Hall street!!, last week, and bit namo war ‘ Djunis," No wonder he passed. A FEW DAYS’ ADVERTISING in this oolumq will surety bring great results Try it ana be convinced. MEN’S Solid fcUck s ispendera 25c. a pair at HYOK'S. 154 Broughton street. \\ ’ HF.N you wish to buy, or even price. Wined ‘I or Liquors if will pay you to ring up tele phone 54. M. LAVIN’S ESTATE. ( UST RECEIVED, fresh venison and Koshwt ft sausages at HENRY HUNCH’S, Macon aud Diayton streets, telephoneT76. BUYERS for choice Mare Mules, no auction stock, but better than the would be fires? class stables can got. AUCTIONEERS' SALB STABLES, West. Broad and Charlton. IV’ HEN your clothing gets too bad to wear, VV and too good to throw aiay, you can have it cleaned, repaired, braided, dyed, re modeled, altered to suit your taste, at 8, WHITE'S, corner Jefferson and State streets. IDOR MONDAY ONLY, WO places fnii stand? X ard Prints sc. at BYCK’S, JM Broughton street. I UST RECEIVED at MENGE’S ARCADB ft RESTAURANT, corner Drayton and Broughton street- Blue Poluts, Kant River, New Y ork, and all kinds of Oysters fresh by st-anier every day. All kinds of Game in sea son. Everything cooked in French style Meala at all hours. Call and see bint. WILLIAM MENGE. Proprietor. MATTING, oil doth aud carpets laid; nut tresses renovated in proper style and at lowest | rices in tne city. Corner of Whitaket and Hull streets. A WELL MANAGED STORE wffi make trade J\ boom as it never boo ed befoie. BA 15 BOER, Price and Hall, gets there with his twd front fuel. JUST RECEIVED AT BYCK’S, 100 grosi Pearl Buttons at 10c. a dozen. 'XHE ELECTBOPOISE removes disease from 1 the system and restores health and strength No mjuii ms effects can possibly result from its u-e, aud its application is so simple ti at anv one can use it to advantage, Easy terms. For particulars and proof of ou# claims coll at our office in Masonic Temple, Sa, vannah. Ml* BYCK & BRO. can and will sell Dry • Goods cheaper than any other store. \UE consider our prescription de;iartmenl v V the most important part of our business and dispense nothing but drugs and chemicals of absolute purity and full strength. McCAULEY Sc CO., Drayton and New Houston. EXEI-L YOUR servant to go to BARBOUR, 1 Price and Hall streets, and get a can o| French Peas, the finest ever C? ANTON FLANNELS, Bedticks, Suiting*. / Velveteens, Plushes, all at old prices. Ng tariffju^tbeseatJJYClCfl^^^^^^^^, LEATHER GOODS. - ’ Sea Lion, Sea Lion, Sea Lioni Bull Neck, Bull Neck, For Covering Gin Rollers, Gin and Saw mill Belting. Harness. Saddles and Bridles. Neidlinger & Rabun Savannah, Ga. mi MORNING NEWS carriers reacl | every partof theoity early. Twenty fits uenta a truck pay* lor tin? IMuii 3