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COTTON ADVANCING. Favorable Reports From Liverpool Make the Market Stronger. Little Business Done at the Northern Exchange on Account of the Holi day To morrow—A Good Demand for Stocks and Bonds in Savannah—A Quiet Day in the Naval Stores Trade. Rice Market Dull. savannah, May 29.—Our markets were quiet and steady to-day. The feature of the day a s ike steadiness in cotton which was influenced by the strong advices from Liver pool, and the advance in futures in New York, in the naval stores market there was a fair business doing,but quiet as compared with the last few days. The quotations in flour are somewhat lower. Other local markets are unchanged. . The holiday spirit had its effect on the New York Stock Exchange and Chicago grain mar ket The transactions in American Sugar. Burlington and Quincy, Chicago Gas and S< Paul were the most active stocks. Wheat declined 54c, as the looked for freeze did not materialize. , The following resume of the business in the ceneral markets will give the tone and the latest quotations at the cloge to-day. Cotton There was a somewhat better undertone in the spot market to-day, owing to the steadi ness in New York, and the tirm market at r i verpool. There was a good demand, all things being considered, and a fair amount of trading The total sales for the day were 318 hales On 'Change at the regular midday all at I o'clock p m . the market was bul letined steady aniunchanged. Thefollowing are the official quotations of the Cotton Ex change: Middling fair- \ Good middling ‘ 316 Middling <>’ Low middling Good ordinary 6*4 Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, exports and Stock on Hand May 29, 1894. and for the Same Time Last Year. 1893-*9l. Ij 1892- '93. Island. j r P lan<l J Is?a C nd U P laad ' Stock on hand Sept I . 1,412 9,520 1,795 7,789 Received to day 476' 819 Received previously 54,217 888,306 | 35,1C0 723,047 Total W 896,808 37,195 732.251 Exported to day Exported previously.. 53,97.5 ?'77,9C0 ; , 1?8 Total si.fl7.ij 877 9CO'! .11 VO! 701.128 Stock on hand anil on bUipt>oard this day...... j l,ti tij 20 402}] 2,904 j 21*120, DAILY COTTON MOVEMENT AT TJ. S. PORTS. Tone. Price. Rec. Sales. Stock. Galveston .Steady fi; B 125 1,3:58 22.854 N. Orleans Firm 7o 16 591 1,250 101,147 Mobile Firm 6 13-18 58 50 14,294 Savannah.. Steady 47rt 318 22,958 Charleston... Firm 6% li .. . 20,655 Wilm'gton Quiet 1 4,869 Norfolk. .. Firm 6% 286 328 13,847 Baltimore. Firm 7 3-16 220 ... 9,680 New York. Steady 754 637 1.316 222,679 Boston Quiet 7 3-16 Philad'a . .Steady 7% 9,832 Various .... 164 4,795 Total May 29. 94 2,769 4.598 446.710 Total receipts this day last year 6,019 Reretjfis for 4 days this week 6.154 Receipts 4 days same week last year... 13.912 Stocks at ail ports this day last year.. 491.895 DAILY MOVEMENT OF COTTON AT INTERIOR. Tone. Price. Rec. Sales. Stock. Augusta Quiet 75, *1 5| 9,133 Memphis.. Steady 7 65 1,400 24,306 St. Louis Firm 7 110 190 39,947 Cincinnati Quiet 7'4 1.165 . .. 1,545 Houston ..Steady 6 13-16 439 5.026 Louisville.. . Quiet 754 Atlanta Quiet 6 11-16 39 ... DArLY EXPORTS OF COTTON. Gr. Brit. Fr’nce. Cont. C'st. Norfolk 863 Baltimore j,ojo Wilmington 50 New Orleans 2.276 46* Mobile 5 Charleston ’i(B New Y’ork 1.938 .... . , Variuos 934 ... 1.050 Total this day 5.173 .... 1.063 2,578 Total thus far thisweeH- 13.C83 .... 4.348 9,171 Liverpool, May 29, noon—Cotton—Quiet: demand fair, at prices: American middling. 4d; sales 12.00 u bales; Amer ican, 10.800 bales; speculation and export. 1.909 bales; receipts 4.0j0 bales; American. 3 9*lo bales. Futures opened firm; demand fair. Futures—American middling fair, low mid ling clause: May, and; May and June. •1 oft-64d. also 3 57-64d; June and July, 3 67-64d, ONo 3 58-6d; J. ly and August, 359-64d. also 6ld; August and September. 3 60-6;d. also 3 61-64d: September and October. 3 62-64d. also Jfil-fild; October and November. 3 62-64d. also 3 Cl-64d; November and December, 3- fid also3 63-64d, December and January, 4U Tenders at to-day's clearings were hales nt w dockets ( p m.—Cotton. American middling fair, j + 'tid. good middling. 4hid, middling, 4d: low middling, 3?sd, good ordinary, 3jad; ordi nary. 3 u-ltid Futures-American middling fair, low mid clause. May, 3 5a 64@3 00 Old; May and •hine, 3 5-64@3 60-64d. June and July, 1 ' 4*. 3 60-01d; July and August, 360 64®. ' ' 'I: August and September. 3 6U4®, '2 64d, September and October. 3 OZ-fil® ■i c'-+'4d, October and November. 3 63-*:-i 1, November and December, 4@4 1-C4d ."'em er and January. 4 l-6;®4 2 64d. Fu '3res closed firm New Yora. May 29, noon —Cotton futures opened steady, as follows. June. 7 06c; July. ■ Gji , August, 7 11c; September, 714 c: Octo e"' . 29c; November, 7 25c. New York. May 29. 4 p. m Cotton futures ' need quiet, with sales of 75 400 bales, as follows: Jffne. 7 l4c; July. 7 Otc: August. * 1 c. September, 7 17c; October. 7 26c; No :.:"*r, 7 u7c; December. 7 32c, January, ‘ asi . ebruarc. 7 4 to. New Orleans. .-lay 29—Cotton futures e.osed quiet, with sales of 26,5(0 bales, .eliows: May ti ode, June 9 91c, July 6 3c, a -gust 6 92c. Beptcmoer 6 e6c. Oqtooer 6 99c. November 6 9uc, December 7 01c. January { fic. > r w Y’ork. May 29—The Sun’s cotton re " ' lv?: Cotton declined Bto 9 points and steady. Sales 74.tt0 bales. Ltve:p)ol •'O 'Uucd 3 potn sand closed-firm, .-pot ♦ I'-'tOj at hardening hut unchanged j. " 1“ Manches:er. yarns were harden " ctoihs remained quiet. New Orleans ad . ed In joints but lost some of tins later Now Orleans dispat.ties report a favor o ' crop outlook in Texas and Mississippi. :f ' Opts 2.709 hales against 3.701 bales ,*• last week, and 8.109 last year, thus , , "'eek 6 154 ba;es. against 10,726 bales , .’he same time last week. Todays kVi stronger advices from Liverpool van ,™ an 6hester: European buying anad •• in India exchange; some unfavorable .' advices, and local and southern covering .. ’ '■ an advance. The spot markets look a stronger. However, it is still a narrow ." . 11 has no outside support " 01 1 1 '' r * 1 Mav 29—Rtordan &Go 's review e-.i’i. • 8 c . ot, °h market, says: ••The set showed more strength and spirit to man it had exhibited fora long time rast. (~ ;' rmne ss in Liverpool was reflected in ,;.' ,|ltcr confidence among traders here • ■ Horn start to finish there was a notice -1 a sence of that semi hopeless feeling n■has marked all the operations of the r, , weeks past. August opened 4 nt-ther at 7 10 • ami .was pretty firm all i ;“ e "as Steady with hid for lv" temper of the market 1, n ” w . fiht'h that very few want *1 and a comparatively small of outside buying might advance it > pnsldcrably. 4he 1 e trs attribute the , iti-dav to eovafering in eonsequen e He tecDn tor ? 1 ‘ on < ' R " holiday to-morrow, out ' nni ’ lls ‘ n fls among the shorts Is it, . , growin*'. Everybody seems to k„ , r '.though prices may go lower, it is Un. fill 0 lie long than to be short of cot ihere are fears that the Juae bureau 1 report may show the effect of the recent bad weather in a more striking wav than it has hitherto been viewed by people here. ’ Rice The market was very quiet and unchanged. There was nothing doing and no sales during the day The quotations at the Board of Trade are as follows: Common , 3M), £ air . 3^4 goo* l 45®4'4 E nß “ *v&h Small job lots ! 4@Hc higher. Naval Stores. Spirits Turpentine—There was a fair amount of trading to-day. though the market was generally quiet. The sales reported at the Board of Trade amounted to 711 casks. The market at the opening call, at 11 o'clock a. m., was bulletined at 28c, the tone being tirm. At the close it was unchanged. Rosin- The market was in keeping with that of spirits turpentine Although there was a little did not amount to much in the aggregate. At the Board of Trade at the drat call, at 11 o’clock, the market was bulletined firm and unchanged, with sales of ‘-38 barrels. At the close it was un.hanged, there being no sales reported. The fol lowing are the official quotations at the Board of Trade: A.B.Cend D |1 (ft |K }2 25 E 1 10 M 240 F 125 N 270 G t 40 jw. G 2 85 H 1 70 [W. W 3 10 1 1 95 | KAVSL STORKS STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 11.634 109.977 Received yesterday 1.819 4.513 Received previously 55,737 132 926 Total 69.190 247.4 ‘6 Exported to-day ~~T Exported previously 42.085 145,342 Total 42.055 1452142 Stock on hand and on ship hoard to-day 27,105 102.074 Stock same day last year .. 20,425 97.394 Receipts same day last year.. 1,498 3.000 Price spirits turpentine same day last year 27*4 c New York. May 29.—Rosin quiet but firm; strained, common to good, 81 3 Hill 35. Tur pentineduil out steady at 30**®30‘4c. Charleston, May 29. Spirits turpentine firm at 27‘4c. receipts 32. Rosin steady; good strained II 00; receipts 117. Wilmington, N. C.. May 29.—Rosin firm: strained. 85c; good strained, 90c. Spirits turpentine Arm 2724 c. Tar firm at, $1 2>. Crude turpentine Arm; hardllOJ; soft 8170; virgin, |2 15. Financial Savannah, May 29.—Money Is easy. Domestic Exchange—The tone of the mar ket is steady. Banks are buying at par and selling at i 8 per cent, premium up to $5,000. aqd 110 of 1 per cent, for amounts of 14,000 and over. Foreign Exchange—Market firm. The fol lowing are net Savannah quotations: Sterling commercial demand. 84 88; sixty days. $4 87; ninety days. $4 86'.,; francs. Paris and Havre, sixty days. $5 18; Swiss, sixty days, $5 19H; marks, sixty days, 95 3-16. Securities—There is a fair investment busi ness doing. Electric Railway bonds are stronger in tone on account of the recent short selling. The bears seem to have been frightened out of the market for the present. The broker who bought for the Electric Railway people says he is prepared to consummate large transactions if any one wants to sell short. There are buyers in the market for all first class railway bonds at fair prices. Chatham Real Estate stock is scarce at ad vancing prices, Chatham Bank stock is being nicked up by investors around par when it is offered. State Bonds—Georgia 4*4 per cent. 1915, 11354 bifl. 11444 asked; Georgia 7 per cent. 1896, 107 bid, 10S asked; Georgia 344 percent., long dates, 98 bid. 99 asked. City Bonds—New Savannah 5 per cent, quarterly July coupons 10544 bid, 106 asked; new Savannah 5 ner cent, August coupons, lift'd bid. :054a asked Railroad Bonds—Central Railroad and Banking Company collateral, gold os. 88 bid, 90 asked; Central consolidated mortgage "per cent, coupons, January and July maturity. 1891. 115' 2 bid. 117 asked: Savannah and West ern railroad 5 per cent, trust ceruhcates 44 bid, 45 asked: Savannah, Americus and Montgomery 6 per cent. 48 bid, 50 asked; Georgia railroad 6 per cent. 1910. 107 bid. 108 asked; Georgia Southern and Florida first mortgage 6 per cent. 80 bid. 81*4 asked: Montgomery and Eufaula first mortgage 6 percent, indorsed by Central railroad, m* i bid, asked: Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7per cent.97*4 bid, 98 44 asked: Ocean Steamship 5 per cent., due in 1920, 93 asked; Columbus and Rome first mortgage bonds, indorsed by Central railroad. 41 bid. 43 asked; Columbus and Western 6 per cent., guaranteed, 94*4 bid. asked; City and Suburban railway first mortgage 7 per cent.. 82 bid. .86 asked: Savannah 'and Atlantic 5 per cent., indorsed. 30 asked: Electric railway first, mortgage 6s. 55 bid. 65 asked; South Georgia and Florida first mortgage 7 Der cent. 100 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage. 105 asked - Alabama Midlands. 88 bid. 90asked. Railroad Stocks—Central common. bid, 13 asked: Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent, guaranteed. 82 bid. 85 asked; Georgia com mon. 144' bid, 145*4 asked; Southwestern 7 per cent, guaranteed, including or der for div. 61 bid. 624-2 asked; Central 0 per cent, certificates, with order for defaulted interest, 22 hid. 23 asked; Atlanta and* West Point railroad stock. 73hid. 80asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent, certifi cates. 88 bid. 92 asked. Bank Stocks, Etc —Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. 161 bid. 165 asked; Mer chants’ National Bank. 90** hid, 91 asked; Savannah Bank and Trust Company. 101 bid. 102 asked: National Bank of Savannah, 1:29 hid. 132 asked; Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Company. 101 bid. 104 asked: Citizens' Bank. 10044 bid. 101*2 asked: Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Company. 49 bid. 50 asked; Germania Bank, 103 bid, 104 asked; Chatham Bank, 49J4 bid. 50 asked: Savannah Construction Company. 76G bid, 85 asked, Title Guarantee and Loan Com pany. 71 bid. 72 asked. New York, May 29. 4 p. m —Money on call is easv at l per cent. The last loan was at l percent., and a; the closing was offered at 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 3!4@1 per cent. Bar sliver o-c. . sterling e cchance Is firm, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4 87‘, *4 8744 for sixty days and $1 8‘ 2 ®l BA4 for demand; posted rates $4 Bi*2®4 90. Commercial bills $1 83440.187 for sixty days. Government bonds steady. State bonds dull. Railroad bonds :rm°r. Silver at the Stock Exchange to day was neglected. New York. Mav 23.—The following were the opening quotation-* a: the -Stock Exchange to-dav: Ere 13*4 Chicagoand Northwestern IOBg Lake Shore 13244 Norfolkanl Western prererral. ....... 20 Kichmondand West Point Terminal .. 10 Western Union. 8354 New York. Mav 29.—The dealings in stocks to-day amount to 137 0X) shares, against Hi. I.OJ yesterday, in to day's total. American Sugar. Burlington and Quincy. Chicago Gas and St. Paul figured for 91.300 shares, leaving only 45.532 for the remainder of the active list. Sugar went down to 9954 and rose to loj4g and closed luo?*®,loo’s. The stork is still sensitive to Washington rumors. The old stories about prospective legislation were circulated, and the stock moved up and down according to the tenor of the advices. Chi cago Gas figured fot 27.03) shares in the total sales. There were no new developments to account, for the result was generally at tributed to the efforts of a short Interest to cover stock put out when the quo warranto procesd.nts 1 rought by Attorney General Moione,, of Illinois, were considered more im portant than at present. The April state ment of Burlington showed a surplus of $40,323, against a deficit of 198,515 for the corresponding period in 1833. and had a good effect on the Grangers, and especially on the stock name 1. and proiel tope a disappointment to the shorts in the Grangers. Reading was in bet j ter request on rumors from Pniladelphia that various bondholders' committees will get together in the early future, and that 1 h s assessment on junior securities will tea small one. London bought moderately of its specialties, tn the last hour there was a reaction of **@l per cent, on realizations but , at the close there was a recovery and the j market left off firm in tone. The net show gains of '-,(&!% per cent, for the day. 'I he bond market was strong. Sales of listed stocks were 98.000 shares: unlisted 38 uio shares. 1 The quotations at the closing were as fol lows: # Amn. Cotton Oil 20* Missouri Pacific.. 27', do nref 66 Mobile & 0hi0.... 19 4ugarßefinery ... 100’, Nash..C. ASt. L.. 70 do pret 91 ■‘4, Natl. Cordage ... 23 AmericanTob'co. 81-V do do pref.. 41 do pref 99 |N. J. Central 107 Atchison.TA S.F. B*4 N. Y. Central 97‘ i Baltimore.* Ohio. 73 N. Y. &N. E *'* Canada Pacific... Bj.M|Norf.*vVest.pfd.. 20’4 THE MORNING NEW IS: WEDNESDAY, MAY 30,189 C Ches. 4 Ohio l7-. Northern Pacific. 4 Chicago* Alton. 139 do preferred.. 14*, Chicago, B. is Q . 77', Northwestern 1084* Chicago Gas 73', do preferred. 140 Del . Lack* W . ism, Pacific Mail 14*, Dis. &Ca Feed . 23’, Reading 17< East Tennessee.. 6 Richm and T mlnal. 10’, do pref 11 Rocklsiand 68 Erie 13*, St Paul S\ do pref 27 do pref ... 118*4 Ed. Geo. Ele-tric 35 Silver Certifs .. 64 IlllnolsCentral... Tenn. Coal* Iron. 17 Lake Erie *W. 14*4 do do pref 65 do wef 66‘, Texas Pacific 84k Lake Shore ... 1314 Union Pacific. .. 15w L ville* Nash 45 V Wbash. S. L.*P. 7 Louisville N. A. 7*4 do do pref 15', Manhattan 117 Western Union.. 83V Memphis&Char. 5 ;Wheeling *L. E. 10*, Michigan Central. 9n‘,! do do pref. 44 STATS BIXOi. Alabama A 101 Tenn .new set. 6s *lO5 do B 103 Tenn .new set. 5s 101 V do C 93 seu 3s. 79 La. stamped 4s HXi Virginia 6's pref 50 North Carolina is HU Va. Trust Rec’ts. 35 North Carolina 5s 121 i Va. Fund'g Debt. 60 Tennessee, olds.. 60 | GOVERNMENT BONDS. UnltedStstes 4s, r3g sterad 113*4 13, coupons II 3v United States 2s. rsgis.ered 96 •Asked. tßid. New York. May 29.—Treasury balances to day were as follows: Coin. $90,707,000; cur rency. 156.524.000. London. May 29 —The bar silver market to day has been steady, and was quoted at 28‘Xd per ounce. Miscellaneous Markets. Bacon—The market is firm. The Savan nah Board of Trade quotations are as fol lows. Smoked clear rib sides. 854 c: shoul ders. none; dry salted clear rib sides. 7*,c long, clear. 7“, c; bellies. 74,c; shoulders 7‘jc: sugar cured hams. 1254 c. Baggipg and Ties-The market steady. Jute bagging, 2* ft. #140; 2ft, s>„c; l* 4 .5 c; quotations are for job lots; small lots higher: sea island bagging. 11c. Iron ties— Large lots, 90®95c: smaller lots. II ou®sl 05. Butter—Market steady; fair demand: Gosh en, 160 gilt edge, 20e; creamery, 22c; Elgin, 24c. Cheese—Market firm, fair demand; 10*4® 13c; fancy full cream cheese. 13V@14c; 201 h average. Coffee—The market is steady: quoted at for Mocha, 2744 c: Java, 28c: Peaberry, 23c; fancy or standard No. 1, 21V4C; choice or standard No. 2. 21c: prime or standard No. 3,2614 c: good or standard No. 4. 20c: fair or standard No 5. 19‘4c; ordinary or standard No. 6. 19c; common or standard No. 7. 18c Flour-Market quiet. Extra. 13 00; family, $2 75; fancy, $3 20; patent. 13 85; straight Grain—Corn Market is strong and ad vancing. White corn, job lots, 63c; carload lots, 60c. Mixed corn, job lots. 62c; carload lots. 59c. Oats—Mixed, job lots. 51c; carload lots 48c; Texas red. rustproof. 55c. South ern seed rye. |1 *25. Bran—Job lots, 97‘4c; carload lots. 9254 c. Meal—Pearl, per barrel, 13 10; per sack. *1 40; city meal, per sack, $122‘4. Pearl grits, per barrel. $3 20; per sack. $1 45; city grits, per sack. |1 32‘4. Hay—Market steady. Western, job lots, 9854 c: carload lots, 87'4c. Lime. Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama and Georgia lime in fair demand and selling at 85c per barrel, bulk and carload lots special: calcined plaster, $1 75 per bar rel; hairl®sc. 30ai 40; Portland cement, retail, $2 50; carload lots. 12 15 Hides, Wool. Etc.—Hides, the market is steady; lair demand: receipts light; dry flint. sc: dry salt, 3c; butcher salted. 2A£c; green salted. 240 c. Wool, nominal: prime Georgia, free of sand, burry and black wools. 14c; blacks. Hie; burry, Bc. Wax. 23c. Tallow, 4'jc. Deer skins, flint, 23c; salted, 15c: damaged. 7® 12c. Iron—Market very steady. Swede, 4>4®sc; refined. 2c base. Lemons—Light demand: Messina, $2 50® $2 75. Lard—Market steady; pure, in tierces, 9c: 501 b tins. 944 c; compound, in tierces, 644 c; In 501 b tins, 8‘ 4 c. Nails—Market steady; base 60d, |1 15; 50d, II '25 : 40d. $1 40; 30d. $1 40; lid, *1 60 : 20d. |1 50; lOd. #1 65; Bd. $1 75; 6d. $1 93; 4d. #2 05 ; sd, Si 0&; 3d. 12 35 : 3d fine. $2 75. Finishing 12d. $1 80; iOd. $1 90; Bd.*2 05; 6d, $2 25; od, $2 40 ; 4d. $2 60. Wire nails. 21 60 base. Lumber—Demand. both foreign and domes tic. is very quiet, and mills are generally in quiring for orders. We quote: Easy sizes, sll 25; ordinary sizes, sll 00@J4 00; difficult sizes. sl3 00®18 00: flooring boards, sl4 50® 22 00; shlpstufts, sl6 505825 00 Fish—Mackerel, half barrel. No. 1 $8 50: N0.2. $7 50; No. 3. $6 00. Kits, No. 1. $1 25; No. 2, *1 00; No. 3.95 c. Codfish. 1-lb bricks. 65ic; 2-lb bricks. 6c. Smoked herrings, per box, 20c. Dutch herring, in kegs, $100; new mullet, half barrel. |3 75. Liquors—Market firm. High wine basis. 115; whisky, per gallon, rectified, 100 proof, $1 35@J 75; choice grades. $1 5002 50; straight, $1 45(3,3 50; blended. $2 0004 50. Wines—Do mestic. port, sherry, catawba. low grades, 60® 85c; hnr grades. $1 00®1 50; California light, muscatel and angelica. $1 36@1 75: lower proofs in proportion. Gins lc per gallon higher. Rum 2c higher. Nuts—Almonds.Tarragona. 17‘4®18c; Ivicas s*4@l6c; walnuts. French, 1244 c; Naples, 14c: pecans. 12*-c: Brazils. 9c; filberts. 10c: assorted nuts. 50!h and 251 b boxes. 12®13c per pound Onions—Crates. Bermuda, $1 75; Louisiana, bushel tags, $1 75. Oranges—Scarce; boxes, nominally $2.50® 2.75 Oils—Market steady, demand fair. Signa, 45c-50c . West Virginia, black. 9®l2e; lard, 67c: kerosene, 10lie; neatsfoot, 50®75c; tna chinery. 20®30; linseed, raw. 55c: boiled. 65c; mineral seal, !8c; homelight, Uc; goardian, 1254 C. Dried Fruit—Apples, evaporated. 15!4@16c; common. 9*4@!oe. Cabbages—Supply ample. Barrels and bar rel crates. $1 2t@sl 50. Potatoes—lrish, old, in sacks, nominally new, $3 4 1 0 Shot—Firm; drop to B. $1.20; B and larger, $1.45; buck. $1.46. Salt—The demand is fair and market steady. Carload lots, f. o. b.. Liverpool. 2o: pound sacks. 65c; Virginia. 125 pound burlap sacks 40c: ditto, 125 pound cotton sacks. 45c0 smaller lots higher. Dry Goods—The market is quiet, demand light. Prints, 4®sc; Georgia brown shirt ing. 3-4. 3.5-jC; 7-8, do. 4!4c: 4-4 brown sheeting, 544 c; white osnahurgs, 6*4.®7c; checks, 3‘,i@s‘4c: brown drilling, 554@6‘-4c. Sugars—Market steady. Quoted at cut loaf. 554 c: crushed, 555; powuered, 4*4c, XXXX powdered, s'4c: standard granulated, 144 c; cubes, tjjc; mould A. 4*4c; diamond A, 144 c; confectioners. 4Wc; white extra C. 4‘jc; extra C, 4c; golden C, S’Jc; yellows. 3*sC. Syrup—Florida and Georgia, new 3254®35c; market quiet for sugar house at 30,®40c: Cuba, straight goods, 28®30o; sugar house molasses. 15®29c. Tobacco—Market quiet and steady. Smok ing. domestic, 22(5,600; chewing, common sound. 24®27c: fair. 28®35c: good. 36 .;48,' bright. 60.5 t'sc; fine fancy. 65®80c; extra fine, $1 00® 1 15; bright navies. 25®45c. Freights. Cotton—By steam—Market dull and noml nal; moderate inquiry for room Hates arer per 100 lbs. direct; Genoa, 45c; Barce lona 48c; St. Petersourg 50c. Liver pool via New York. 42c; Havre via New York. 45c, Reval via New York 70c; Amsterdam via New York. 42c; Amster dam via Baltimore. 40c, An'werp via New York. 45c. Antwerp via Baltimore. 40c; Bre men via New York, 50c; Genoa via New Y’ork. COc: Hamburg via New Y’ork, 46c; Boston, per tale. *125: New York, per bale. $i 00; Ph.l adelphia. per bale, $100; Baltimore. SIOO. Lumber—By sail—Freights are quiet at ruling rates. Foreign business is more or less nominal. The rates from this and near by Georgia ports are quoted at 14 00® 5 00 for a range including Baltimore and Portland. Me. Railroad ties, basis 44 feet, 14c. Timber 50® il 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and Windward, nominal , to Rosario. sl2 Do®. 13 00. Buenos Ayres, or Montevideo. *lO 00®, 11 00: to Kio Janeiro. sl4 00: to Span ish and Mediterranean ports. sll 30®n 50. to United Kingdom for orders, nominal for lum ter, *‘4 5s standard. By Steam—To New York. $7.00; to Phila delphia, $7,00; to Boston, SB.OO, to Baltimore, 3500. Naval Stores—The market is steady, with good demand for spot vessels and vessels to arrive in April or summer months. Large. Cork, for orders are placed albs fid and 3s 9d; medium sized 2s 9d and 4s. South America, rosin. 7c $1 barrel of 280 pounds. Coastwise steam—to Boston, lie 100 tbs. on rosin. 90c. on spirits: to New Y'ork. rosin, 844 c. 49 100 lbs. spirits 85c: to Philadelphia rosin, 7>,c. 100 ffus. spirits. 80c: to Baltimore, rosin. 75|c. p 100 lbs; spirits. 70C. Country Produce. Market for poultry steady; fair demand; grown fowls j pair. 1107/70c; * grown. 45350 c; geese -p patr. 90c®$l 00. ducks. 65®75c. Mar ket for eggs is steady; market fullv supplied; co ntry dozen, lie Peanuts—Ample stock: demand fair; market steady; fancy hand picked Virginia. H lb. sc: hand picked p lb, Hiic; small hand-picked. P Ib, 4c. Grain. Provisions. Etc, New York. May 29 Flour dull and weak. winter wheat low grades. $1 90®2 5O; patents Hi lo®3 30; Minnesota clear 12 2632 75. Min nesota patents $3 25@4 10: low extras $1 90® 2 50: southern Hour dull and weak: common to fair extra $2 Uo®3 00: good to choice extras $3 0003 59. Wheat moderately active hut iUiLRUAOS. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. w \Y CROSS SHORT LINE—TIME CARD. GOING.-sOUTH-kEAD i' ' >. Y ixe> v . i.r'Tsji! | GOING •- < •:; i'ii Read i 5 I 15 | 21 J SI’ATITRs. j 12 j 78 j j |T 64 spm j 2 15pm. 7 56am i 43am 11. v Savannah. Ar i ucara i 9 35pm I I 7o6ntn 853 pm 4 40pm 9-earn 4 35am A r ... jesup ... Lv-If) 13am 73!pm 43 am lOttpm biigprn 10 22am 5 50am Ar ... Waveross Lv yot-nm 6 10pm . 200 am • Ispm • 50aai Ar Brunswick Lv 7 25pm 10 45am l.iam Ar ... Albany Lv 1 (Oam 356 pm 8 40pm lc3opm 8 Ar Jacksonville Lvj 7 uuaui 32;)pni . 7 00pm Ar Valdosta ... Lv 352 pm 1159 pm -39 am 1 P*“ Ar .Thornasviile Lv 2 30pm 10 32pm iJOP® Ar.. Monticello Lv .. 1130 am I'®***' 3(Wpm Ar Uambridge ... Lv 125’pra 9 15pm l 2° am 125 pm Ar Gainesville Lv 1035 am 30nm SOjam iYkj c 2ipm Ar .Ocala Lv I 9 47am 4 15pm ■ 350 am 5 10pm -OipmAr. Sanford Lv 1 16am 102 'am .. . 10>pm, 9 45pmj 55-pm Ar Turn pa Lvi 809ptr! 6 30am! ... 12 15pm 145 pm, 102opm , 35pm Ar 80l t Tampa Lvj 7 20pm 60Jim 11 40ara 4 39am , 4 35pm \r Macon Lv 11100 am 10 45pm . Warn ... 1 810 pm ,Ar .. Atlanta Lv ' 7 30am, • 3opm 0 4nam 7 00am 8 55pm ... \r Montgomery Lv! 7 30pm 718 am 2 45pm 5 20pm 112 25pmj 3 o.7am Ar Mobile Lvi l'Soam 1 O-'pm | 5 00pm| 735amj . lAr New Orleans Lv| | 7 50pm| SLEKBiNG CAK SERVICE AND CONNECTIONS. Trains 32 and 35 carry Bullman sleeping cars between New Y’ork and Port Tampa No. 23 carries Bullman sleep ng cars to Jacksonville No. 3 carries Bullman sleeping cars \\ aveross to Nashville. Louisville and Cincinnati. Train 78 carries Pullman sleopiug car Jacksonville to New Y'ork. Trams 5 and 6 carry Pullman Buffet sleeping cars between Savannah and *rala via Dupont, High springs and Juliette. Train 23 carr s Bullman sleeping cars between Savannah and Jacksonville. Passengers can enter sleeper at Savannah at 9p m. Through Pullman sleeper Waver,>ss to St. I.u iis : v in' Tickets sold to all points and sleeping car berths secured at passenger stations, and ticket office. 22 Bull street. E. A. ARM AND, City Ticket Agent R. G. FLEMING, Superintendent. \V. M. DAVIDSON, General Passenger Agent. Charleston and Savannah Railroad. Schedule In effect May 27 1394 Trains leave and arrive at Savannah bv Standard Timo. which is 30 minutes slower than city time. Time at Charleston. 7uth meridian NORTHWARD. r T~ —southward. tio I 6 I 78 I 32 | |' ',35 I 5~ | ‘gT - 1 W Ir? am 1000pm,1202pm Lv Savannah. Ar 7 36am| 6SOpinl 223 am 1042 am 539 pm ,910 am 1 JUpni.Ar Y’emasseo... Lv 600 am 441pm' 8 35am 10r>4am Ar Walterboro Lv 300pm’ 9 00pm 12 50pm 315 am j 4 30pm,'Ar Charleston Lv 5 07am! 3 Ifipmlll ?*pm' 7 I Oam I 8 10pmIAr .Augusta Lvj | | ... ~| I 0 45pm 34oam Ar Richmond LvTTTTpmI | 905am|... jlzisam 8 20am Ar Baltimore Lv 2 30pm 1 I 2 50aml j 345 am 1046 am Ar Philadelphia LvlUliami 120(5n tl I 650ami 1 23pm Ar . New York Lv 900 am! | 900pmI tTrains 9 and 10 Sunday only' There will be an accommodation train leaving Charleston 6:15 a ro dally except Sunday stopping at all stations, arriving Savannah 12:20 p m Also leaving Savannah 11:10 a m dally except Sunday, stopping at all stations, arriving Charleston 7:30 p ra Train No 35 stops only at Yemassee and Kidgeland. Train 32 stops at Y’emasSee Train 78 stops at Rldgeiand. Green Pond and Ravenel. and on signal at Montieth Hardeeville and toosawhatchie. Trains Nos 5. 6. 9 and 10 stop at all stations Train 23 stops at Ravenel Green Pond and Ridgeland Trains Nos 32. 35. 5. 23 . 78 and 6 daily. Connection for Port Royal and Augusta stations north Yemassee by train 32 daily. For Beaufort and Port Royal by (Sand 32 daily. Connection from Beaufort and Port Royal bv train No 5 daily- from Au gusta and stations north Y’emassee by accommodation train 299. arriving Savannah 12‘*0 n m daily except Sunday. v Trains Nos. 32, 35, 23 and 78 have Pullman sleepers between Savannah and New Y’ork No connection to or from Walterboro on Sunday. For tickets. Pullman car reservations and other information apply to E A. ARMAND Ticket Agent. 22 Bull street and at depot. W. M. DAVIDSON. Gen Pass Agent. C. S. GADSDEN, Superintendent. E. P. McSWINEY. Division Pass. Agent. lower, closing steady: No. 2 red in store and elevator 56' 4 c; afloat 57c; options declined Ye. rallied sfe@9c; closed steady at Yfc Yc, under yesterday, trading fair. No. 2 jred May 5614 c; June 5644 c; July 58c. Corn dull and lower; No. 2 4244 c in elevator; 13c afloat: options dull and !>c lower, without special features, closing steadv; May 42 '4c; June 43c; July 4354 c. Oats dull but find: options quiet: May 4154 c; June 3944 c; July 38" t c; No. 2 white. June IJ Ye; spot No. 2. 4154 c; No. 2 white 44c; mixed western 42*/be. white 169/. 37c, Hay in mouerate demand and steady; shipping 69®65c; good to choice SOftflOc. Beef quiet nut steadv; family sl2 00@14 0); extra mess $8 0<)®8 50. Beef hams dull at $lB 00® 18 50. Tierced beef inactive; etty extra India mess $lB 00®19 00. rut meats firm; pickled bellies6*i®u/ 4 c: pickled shoul tiers s‘iC; pickled hams lOQlu'jc: middles nominal. Lard quiet: western steam 7et c asked; city $6 25; futures nominal; refined quiet, continent $7 55; South American $7 99; compound $5 7ftt6 99. Pork steady; demand better; mess sl3 0(®I3 su; extra prime $1259 ®l3 00. Butter steady and fairly active; state dairy 12gl6‘jc; state creamery 14@17c: western dairy, 9®l2c: western creamery. 13d ®176; Elgins 17c. Molasses, foreign nominal: New Orleans open kettle, good to choice 27 (@37c. Peanuts steady: fancy hand picked 414 ®4 a i;c. Coffee- options barely steady and i t 15 points up; May 16 00®lft 20: July 14 75® 14 80; .September 13 55*14 90: December 13 2ft ®l3 30; spot Rio dull but steady . No. 7. 17c. Sugar, raw dull but steady: fair refining 2 3 c; refined quiet; hff A 3" a ®3Yc; standard A 315 IC@4 ‘,c; cut loaf 4 3 4 ®4 15-16; crushed 4!4®4 lft-16c; granulated 3 15-ie®4* 4 c. Freights to Liverpool dull Dut steady; cotton 5 64d;grain. td astted. Chicago. Mav 29—Pardridge did. some fine work on the curb to day, forcing prices down "j of a cent from last night's close, and with this loss the market opened. Most of the wheat bought on yesterday s bulge, iu expec taticn of frosts, which were predicted for some states, was for sale at the start, the looked-for freeze not materializing. The weight of these offerings caused a further drop of 54c in the space of a very few min utes. after which there was a slight recovery July wheat opened at oft qc. sold between 55? 4 ®55 , tiC ami 5554®.* ’ c. closing at 55* s c. a netloss of l /,c for the day. Cash wheat was steady. Corn—At first this market was firm on its own account. After the temper had moder ated, there was less disposition to go it alone and more to abide by the tone in wheat shown. July sold between 3854(8,37,0. closing at 38‘,c. there was a fair inquiry for cash corn. Offerings were moderate and prices held steady. Oats were independently firm, the poor crop prospects icing the sustaining factor. Ihe trade was not large on account of to morrows holiday. July closed ' B c higher than yesterday. Cash oats in good demand, prices were *4®‘ higher. Provisions-ihe dullness in product was more pronounced to-day than for sonic time past, the inactivity being accentuated by the approaching holiday. sVheat opened weak and some grades of hogs selling lower, caused an easy opening and the recovery to grain, with a later report from the yards quoting a firm close in that market, resulted in abetter tone to provisions. The close was 2*-c lower each for July pork and ribs and s@7‘ t c low er for July lard. Chicago. May 29.—Cash quotations were as follows: Flour was *vea; prices were unchanged, hut favoring huyers. Wheat- No. 2 spring 56!4@57**,c; No. 2 red 5154 c. Corn—No. 2, 37‘,c Oats—No. 2,3154 c. Mess pork, per barrel, sll :7*/4®U 89. Lard, per 199 pounds. $6 77(4(86 89. Short rib sides $6 2254®6 25 Dry saited shoulders, loxed. $5 7.'®6Uo. sides, boxed. s'! 62*i @6 8754. Whisky $1 15. Leading futures ranged as follows Opsnin,'. Closing Wheat. . . May 5154 544 duly. 5514 65*4 September .575 6754 Decemoer 69!< o* 3 Corn ... May 37‘-, 37'- July 3854 38*4 September . 38H 39 Oats ... May 3.114 34* June 33 44 ?4*„ July 33*4 31 vt September 2654 26 \ Pork May. .118254 11*0 July Il 8254 11 ' r,; * September ... 11 92 54 11 9254 Lard May 6 >0 6 80 July 6 725-4 6 75 Seotetnber. 6 77:-:. 6 82*4 Ribs. ... Mav 615 6 17!/, July 6 15 6 17*4 September 6 15 8 17'.. Baltimore. May 29.—Flour dull, unchanged; western superfine il 79® 1 9ti; western extra $2 90®2 :*0; western family $2 60®2 8.5; winter wheat pateni $3 0(. 1 2>; spring patent 3 0 @3 7-5: spring straight $3 15@3 50. Wheat uull and easy; No. 2 red, spot, 56®56*4c; -Lav 585kC bid; June 565ft'70 c; July 565*®5654 August 5754®5<54c: steamer No 2 red 52 4 ® 53c; milling, by sample. .5(.®57yc Corn steady; mixed spot 4c hid; May 44*4044y,c; July 43'<®I3‘?t; steamer mixed 42i,.®13t:: southern, by sample. 46-' > 16 1 yc; southern on grade 4 c 1 id. Oats strong and active; No 2 white western 4-5-4® T+ic: No. 2 mixed west ern 4Etc42c. Rye quiet: No. 2. 55®. 6j. Hay firm; good to choice timothy slsJ@ls OJ. Ocean freights steady; steam to Liverpool, per bushel. 3d; Cork for orders, per quarter. 2s 3d®ss fid; co ten per Lx) pounds. 18c; Hour, per 10) pounds. 6 . Provisions closed firm; mess pork, sl4 50. Bulk meats shoulders 7‘gc; short rib sides clear sides 75k*'- Sugar-cured shoulders s-.jc; hums 11 *4® 13c. Lard, reiiited 85.4 c. Butter nrm: creamery fancy. 17(jcl8c; fancy ladle lie; store packed 7®l!c, Eggs firm at 12'/,c. Coffee steau,; No. 7 16c. Sugar closed steady; gran ulated 4 5 16c. Cincinnati. May 29—Flour, spring patents s.29®s, <9; family $2 40®2 65. Wheat qu et: No. 2 red 51®52c; sample red 50c. l orn active; No. 2 mixed (0*? *: No! 2 white43c. Oats activo; So. 2 mixed 38* 4 c: No. 2 wiilte 38-5,c. i’ork mess sl2 So: family (12 00; clear family sl3 75. Lard—steam leaf, jobbing 7qc; kettle dried 7 sc: leaf 74c. Bacon steady: shoulders 6'c; short rib sides 6',c; short clear sides 7qc Whisky $1 16. St. Louts. May 29.—Flour steady: patents $2 so®s2 169: fancy $2 16(g2 *25; choice (i 90® 2 001 Wheat lower: Mav Singe mu; July 62',c asked: August 52*,e. Corn lower; May 35'„c uominul; June 3o’,c asked; July 30c bid. Oats higher: May 3654 c; July 29*4c; August 24*,c. Pork—standard mess sl2 37',; on or ders. sl2 75. Lard, prime steam quotable at $6 s(i®6 6254; choice $6 70. Dry salted meats—shoulders $5 75; longs and dear ribs $6 3t); shorts $6 45. Bacon—boxed shoulders $675®6 87',; longs $7 00®7 12*4; clear riba $7 125407 25; short ribs $7 37!,. High wines steady at $1 03. Klee. New York, May 29—Rico closed quiet | but steady; domestic fair to extra, 3 3 4 ®s*4d Japan 45,®4*' 4 c. Wool. New Y’ork. May 29.—W00l moderately active and firm; domestic ttooco 29®2fte; pulled 16®25c; Texas 9®loc. Petroleum, Oils. Etc. New York. Mav 29. -Cotton seed oil dull; crude 28e; vellow 32*/,c. New Y’ork, May 29—Petroleum closed dull; Washington. in barrels, $6 00; Wash ington, in bulk. $150; refined nominal; New Y’ork. in barrels, $5 15; Philadelphia and Baltimore In barrels. $5 10; Philadelphia and Baltimore, in bulk, $2 60ji$2 65. Fruit and Vegetable Market. New York. Mav 29.—Palmer. Hlvenburg & Cos. quote: Peaches, peentos, attd bldwell, $1.50®3 ): watermelons,2ooosc: muskmelons, $1.0U®3.03; cucumbers. Savannah $3.9®!.50; Florida. (2.00JJ3.0J; oggplant. $4.U0,a8.(10; squash. 75,®*1.25beans; green, 75c®,51.00; wax, 1 .30i@fl.00; iomaloes. sl.s'*/1.00. INTELLIGENCE. Sun Rises , 5:00 Sun Sets 7:00 High Water at Fort Pulaski 2:34am, 3:16 pm (Central Standard Timei. Wednesday, May 30. Arrived Yesterday. Steamship Dessottg. Doughty, Philadelphia —C G Anderson. Agent. Bark Carmel |NorJ. Andersen.Sandefjord— J C Andersen & Cos. Schr Hilda. O'Donnell, Philadelphia, with coal to D K Thomas & Son—Savannah Light erage and Transfer Cos. . Steamer Alpha. Daniels. Beaufort and Port Royal—C H Medlhck, Agent. Cleared Yesterday. Steamship Wm Lawrence, Foster. Balti more- John J Carolan Agent. Steamship Chattahoochee, Savage, New Y’ork—C G Anderson. Agt. Steamship Dessottg. Doughty, Philadelphia —G G Anderson, Agent. Sailed Yesterday. Steamship City of Birmingham, New York. Bark Paul [GerJ, Harburg. Departed Yesterday. Steamer Alpha. Daniels. Beaufort, with excursion Cti Medio/k, agt. Steamer Gov Salford. Floyd, Beaufort, with excursion—Master. Steamer Bellevue, Garnett. Beaufort, with excursion Master. Memoranda. Port Royal. May 29—Arrived, steamship Matthew Bedlington trom St Vincent. Georgetown. Mav 29—Arrived, schr Edgar C Ross. Quillan. Norfolk. , Cleared. Edwa and M Y'oung" Wyman. Boston Mobile. Mav -9-Arrived, schr Ware. Al bum-. Key West. Cleared, steamship Haugesund [Norl, Han sen. Bocas del Toro, schr Arthur M Gibson [Bri. Finley. Cardenas. Port Eads. May 29- Arrived, steamships El -Mar. Grant. New York: Iberia [NorJ. Havre, Bocas del loro. Whitnc v, staples. Havana. 1 John s’*ilson, Hansen. Bluetelds; schr Root Ruff. Lagua Sailed, steamships Floridian. Liverpool, : Aransas. Havana. New Orleans. May 22—-Cleared, steamships Cluvier. Liverpool, Knickerbocker and ell Sud. New York: Henry Dumols. Santa Marta: Albert Dumois. Port Llmon: Rover. Hlve.ielcs; schr barges Henry LGteqgand Regulator. Pensacola Cnarleston alay 39 Arrived, schr Annie E Reynolds. Hill. Luppahano.k river. Kittsdale May 27-Passed, steamer Mexi can Hr Alexander. Liverpool for Port Royal Philadelphia, May27—Arrived, schr Hand ,J Bienderman, Lee, Savannah. For additional shipping no .vs sec other columns. Notice to Mariuerv Pilot charts and all hydrographic informa Don will be furnished masters of vessels tree of charge in United htates Hydrographic Office in the custom house. Captains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the navy department. Passenger*. Per steamship City of Birmingham for New York—Capt J W Murphy and wife. J R Crink shank and wife. Miss W Beckman. Miss B McNamara, Mrs J Scullion. -Mrs \V T stew art, O t Dinkier. G E Dickenson, Mr Lewis and wife. D J O'Neil, I GWi 1 and wife. S J Morrison. A E llorrocks. Mrs Ctss.'l. Saul Hrant. MrsO Brant. G Brant,W L Hevsinger, (' P Wilcox an t wife. Judge 1, W (Justin. Mi- :, E M Dlssell. Miss H R Harrington. Mrs.) VV ( amp. Miss J B Ford. Miss E Young. M s . M A Spencer. Miss M Elliott Miss I. Wnilney. P A Noble and wife, J M Todd. J D i.eltner, Miss Logan. Mrs McCarter. G Baker. Maj G Robertson. Miss G Donner, Mrs A 1. Norman. Miss S -ft Rob nson, Miss C E Browne, -diss E A Loomis. Miss A "Oi.druff. Miss 1( Spiff).-er. J F. VanDoren. ft 0 Beckwith, 1 t v 8' Homan. FJ, Miss McNeill. Miss Matson. Mrs McNeil. T Nelson. H A Garwtc. E E ftcy inour and wife. Mr Gibson. Mr Hall. Mrs M A box and 2 chilaren .1 Fink and wife (; Behind, ti GiUlerty. H C West. J Dun. an, C Orce J Parker, 5V Iladley A Richards. Keeeluts, Per Charleston anil Savannah railway tin part), May 29—2 tars empty barrels, 3 t ars wood I ear brick. 3 bdls hoops. 3 boxes mdse. Per Savannah. Florida and Western rail Continued on Third Page. ___ ___ ___ RiULHaAOS^ Florida Central Peninsular Railroad Cos. (90rn MERIDIAN 3IME.) Time Tabic in Effect JC ay 10, T "?‘ n 7 I 1 J? :n | •'* f 'Train ’ ! Trala ■*;! am • • X :i> prr ‘ Lv Savannah Ar , 4 Ddk 14U ,mi 1 11 A) pn Ar Fairfax, s. C I.v .144 am JSp? -pm 12 i6 am Ar Denmark. S C I.v 302 am ill Dm -10 am Ar Columbia, sc Lv 125 am !! ll'rftpa! 810 pm Ar ..Spartano’irg. S. C... .Lv .. . 100) am 11-.Opm . Ar am Ar. n,,t springs N > , Lv "" s .8, pm *4oam Ar Char’olte v c , .t,v 1()50 pm j 9so am ,9 49 pm 8 sam Ar Sails. Air: N. 1' I.v 915 pm I km am J* P* 19 (ft am Ar .., N. C Lv 73. pm !!!!!!"’ oak am L’* am 11 45 am Ar I, an villi'. Va . . Lv s;spm .! I SH) am sffp “ m I 4 511 J.m Ar Richmond. Va Lv 12 40 pm ’’ 1 1 1 59 am - }*' am .00 pm Ar Lynchburg. \a I.v 350 pm ! 3 1 (< ’ am I'*, tmi Ar Chariot test :i!e, Va ...Lv 212 pm ' 156 -n i'a ami 830 pm Ar Washington i.v 11111 am m4l pm /,-j an ‘l U-YpmAr Halttinoro I.v i'4'am 0211 um m 1 !!.!!"';'! 655 Sm gp 623 am Ar New York Lv 1:15 an. " " 430 nS _Bjg_pmj .t 9" in: Av Boston Lv 730 | 900 Ul Tram Tiv-i. ' • '1 ■> A M )M j Train |' r TriH _ | ===r J ' S7 - J FLORIDA. I 38. | 36 525 ??| I 1?;’ P°* p savannah...' AriltSSam 9f* pm|.....T..“ 7 ■“ on ', I ®54 pxn Ar Everett Lv 935 ami 716 pm' ■ AJ,;' fr Brunswick I.v 839 am om ! _ Ar Callahan .. ...... I.v ... 434 nmi 1010 am l 935 pin xr Jacksonville Lv) 700 am 430 pm !**”!*.", IAr St. Augustine Lvi ".il .... I |Ar Pnlatka Lv) 420 am| 100 "pin n| Ar 1a: , city ....Lv .... ... 1 2,s pm 7 ,T 24a pm Ar Monticello I.v es* am !! ! 835 pm Ar Tallahassee Lv .. . . 920 am '!'!!! 512 pmj Ar Chattahoochee Lv! TJ3B am -6 15 pin: Ar ..River Junction Lv 1233 am It 00 pm! Ar. Pensacola Lv! 7 25 tmi 7 35 am —. Ar New Orleans Lvj 11 00 am 12 * P3! 1'239 am Ar Waldo . i.v a2l am iTfpia TANARUS, 104 pnij Ar Gainesville Lv! II 07 am . 5 P m Ar Cedar Key Lv 715 am " ''” 206 pml Ar Silver Springs ... Lv Pm 800 am Ar Ocala Lv 12 55 am 1213 pm 3 S r'b 425 am Ar .Wildwood. . ~Lv| 1130 pm it 10 am 3 55 pm ' |Ar...........Leeshur* Lvj.. ToInTHi 55® pmj Ar Orlando Lv 840 am 680 Dm! Ar Winter Park LV| 805 am < 35 pm|.. |Ar Lake Charm Lv 715 am 485 pmj . 603 am Ar Lacoochse Lv "~9 2d'pm — 9 58“ am TI “ •9 00 pm *6 16 ptn'Ar Tarpon Springs Lv *IOOJ am !!! •10 30 pm Ar St. Petersburg Lv *6 90 am Pm' 730 am Ar Plant City Lv 743 pm 838 am ”1! *s*) pml OOOamlAr Tampa Lv 630 pm 745 am •Noth—Dally except Sunday. Vestibuled sleepers *>n trains 37 and 38 via Richmond and Danville railroad be tween Tampa. Jacksonville and New York, connecting with Colonial express solid train Washington and Boston without change. To Florida New York sleeper on No 37 to Tampa No. 35 to Jacksonville Sleeper to New Orleans on No. 35 from Jacksonville. For full information apply to A. O. MAC DONELL, G. P. A., Jacksonville. Fl* N. S. PENNINGTON. Traffic Manager. Jacksonville. Fla. All trains arrive and depart at Central railroad depot , . I M. FLEMING, Div Pass. Agent Tickets on sale corner Hull and Bryan streets and Central railroad depot, Savannah Ot D. C. ALLEN. City Ticket Agent. THF TROPICAL, TRUNK LINE. Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Railway, JOSEPH H. DURKEE, Receiver. THE FLORIDA SOUTHERN RAILROAD CO. 1 1 / INDIAN RIVER STEAMBOAT COMPANY’. VR. H. CABLE, General Manager. / JUPITER AND LAKE WORTH RAILWAY. 1 ytf '" r "l- Tima Tahla I NfikTfcJ SI Mi. lln Effect May 14, 189. SHSZSff *52 Pth 1850 pm 9m am Lv Ucksonvllle Ar 630 am SOOpm 546 pin 10 20 pm 1 4(1 pm 1000 am Ar Green Cove Springs Lv 616 am 200 pm 415 pm 1135 pm 2 30pm 10 50 am Ar Pnlatka Lv 429 atn 103 pm 3ta pm 1 am 337 pm 32 07 pm Ar Seville Lv 303 am 1164 am 106 pm 158 am 40, pm 12 49 pm Ar DeLeon Springs Lv 223 am II 23 am 12 02 pm 350pm12 36 pn Lv. f DeLand J. Ar !i"!.!“i 11 30 aS I” " 258 am 484 pm IBBpm Ar Orange City Junction..., Lv jSO am 1056 am ! !!! ■ ■ ■ |t 7 80 pm|,, I Ar...........T1tuav111e Lv t 755 am 350 am 6in pm 200 pm Ar Sanford Lvj fl's anTTiTaO am 10 80 am t <2O pm| |Ar .Tavares Lv| t 715 am 11 it ptnlAr Siwihorae T Lvj ,189 am I 1 25 pin Ar. I Gainesville J-Lv lOSSaml • 251 pm Ar Ocala Lv 947 am . .. | 5 55 pmj Ar Pemberton Lv 7 115 am....... 1 649 pro|Ar Brooksville Lv 520 am ......... 840 ami 615 pml 3 U pmiAr TZ orlaudo.. . Cvf 1 llopm — o' l&am .. “ 949 nm| 645 pmj 366 *>mAr Kissimmee I.v 1950 pm 842 am 1950 am) 745 pmj 505 pniAr Bartow Junction Lv 918 pmj 755 am 105 pml 945 pml 955 pmjAr Tampa Lv| 890 pml 6Soam tDany except Sunday. Trains 3.1 and 32 rarrv through Pullman Buffet Sleepere dally between New York and Port Tampa, connecting at Port Tampa on Mondays ami Thursdays for Key West and Havana. INDIAN RIVER STEAMERS are appointed to perforni the following service Leave Titusville dally, except Sunday, at 5:30 a. m. for Hock lodge. Melbourne and wav landings Returning, leave Melbourne at 12:10 p. m. Leave Titusville for Jupiter Mondays and ’I hursdays at Bp. m.: due Jispiter 7 p. m. the following day. connecting with J. and L. W. R'y for Palm Beach and other points on Lako Worth. Returning, leave Jupiter Wednesdays and Sundays, sa. m.; due Titusville 6 a. ra., following morning. G. D. AOKERLY General Passenger Agent. Jacksonville. Fla. CENTRA!/ RAILROAD OF <. 1 .Oiit^lAi H. M. COMER and R. S. HAYES, Receivers. GOING Wl-JST—READ~Dv~>WNj~ ' ~"j GOING EAST —READ UP. “ No 27|No. 17 | No. 3 No. 111 fj No. 2 J No. 4I No 18 No. 28 daily dally, j dally, daily, jj (Sfafidarp^ Timk-90th || ( i u ,ly j daily. [ daily, dally • 80] izv havannari Art] ti liopai 6iJUuni 7 obpml A 45am 11 45pm 0 55amj Ar Lyons Lv .... 4 . r spm l 33am 4. *0 10pm! Ar —Mtlledgevlllo Lv;j‘HOoam . . H3opm 1145 pm Ar Albany Lv 4 !oam 31 50am . - - . 4 51pm 4 10am Ar Eufaula Lv 1 1017 pm lo U7arn • ••• Of pin . Ar ..Troy Lv ... 7 19am * IGanri ti 32pm Ar Griffin Lv Ksßain 8 25pm ti 15pm 'Ar. .. .Birmingham Lv; 8 45am j 7 65pm Ar .Montgomery. . . .Lv 7 45am 1 800 pm ...... ir M M.Lvj 7 15am i iy. jex. Sun jag. Sun| Dally. || *;t,V N AXD j Dally- jcx. Sunjcs. Sun) Dally, H 15pm 6(Kipm 2 90mi. -3 ,in I.v. Savannah . Ar 600a!m|'800aai 450pm|' 88dpm 9 17pm, 7 07pm 805 pm 9 35am; Ar Guyton ....I,v 4 sham 65taini 3 45pm' 5 23pm 1055 pm 8 oprnj 19 40an; Ar Rocky Ford . . Lv|l 3 45nm| 5 30am! i 4 09pm f-n day Sunday! n . tlv i rttHu SAVANNAH AND il r, n n_ 1 n „,,„ jsundayTsat/diy only l only ! Dally 1 Dally !| TYREE. || Dally , Dally | onI JJ on i v , 7;i6pm 630 am) 23() pm! 930 am! Lv savannah.. Arjliuopni 700 pml 900 aim! *45 pm 880 pm 780 am am Ar ivlee i.v 11 80 ami 600 pml 800 ami 845 pm ~ ♦Trains marked + run dailv except Sunday. Sleeping cars on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Savannah and Macon. Sa vannah and Atlanta. Parlor cars between Macon and Atlanta. Ticket office it' Bull street and depot. For fffrther information, and for schedules to points beyond our line apply to ticket agents or to J. C HAILE, General Passenger Agent. Savannah, Ga THKO. D. KLINE. General Superintendent. W. F SIIELLMAN. Traffic Manager. J. r SHAW Traveling Passenger Agent. “SAM ROUTE. Savannah, flmcrlcus anc, Montgomery Railway. WESi inn *|i | ~ Sflteduie ln Ef7, , i May 1894. _ EAST_ BOUNb Mixed. Mail and! j Mall and) Mixed, Daily I Express ! STATIONS. ! Express, c Daily ex. Sun.! Dally, j Dally, lex. Sun. 7 30 pm 7 10 am Lv Savannah Ar 7.10 pm 5 45 am 3 09 amjUtift amlLv ..Lyons Arj 4 45 prr.! 1 00 am 4 4ft anil942 a m I.v Mount Vernon Lv 409 pm.ll 15 pm 700 am 11 30 am.Ar Helena Lv 321 pm 900 pm 8 00 a m l 1 39 a m!Lv Helena At ! 3 21 p m 6 35 p m II 90 am 1.’23 pm Lv .. Abbeville .... . . .Lv2 27 pn,' 330 pm 11 36 am 12 35 pm I.v Krarnor ..Lv 2 16 p m 2 40 pin 12 10 pm 12 43 ptn Lv Rochelle I.v ’2 98 pml 208 pm 12 53 pm 12 ft:’, pm Lv .yitts Lv 1 57 pm 12 53 pm 3 4ft pm! 1 25 pm Ar Corde c Lv 1 25 pm 10 45 am 8 00 a m’Lv Albany Lv HOO am! j 150 pm Lv rordeie Ar! i 05 p m| 5 20 pm 2 29 pm Lv De soto Lvj 12 30 pm 925 am 6 30 pin 300 pm Ar Americas Lv 12 00 n n; 7 09 a m 845 am 310 pm Lv ... Ameri.-us. Arj 11 55 a m 5 15 pm 11 10 am 4 10 pm Lv Richland Lv,ll CO am 300 pm 12 15 pm 4 30 pm I.v Lumpkin I.v, 10 <0 am| I 40 pm 1 Oft pun 4 19 pm-t.v Louvalo Junction Lv 10 2J am! t 05 pm 157 pml 510 pm Lv .. cltnaha Lv 10 91 aml2lo pm 2 33 pm 5 31 pm i.v Pitts oro Lv, 9 41 am 11 !5 pm 3 45 pm 6 03 pm i.v llurtsboro Lv, 9 10 am 10 20 pm 7 90 pm 800 pm Ar Montgomery i.v; 7 15 am 60) a m 12 00 ni tlAr lllrmisghatn Lv 3 58 am! .... 6 40 um.Ar Nashville Lv u 15 pini 12 33 pm Ar ... Louisville I.v, 3 22 pm; 4 2>pmAr ..Cincinnati I.v II TO am Solid trains between Savannah and Mon gomerv Close conuect'ons at Montgomc. v for all points iu the west and norihwest. Also at New Ormans for all points in Te < as and the southwest CECIL GAUUETi, Ceneral Manager. C. W. CHEAR4, General Passenger Agent, Americus. Ga. iawTStHL okoiiHuo. fefU. KE HOE’S' TRON"W6RKS; IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. BLACKSMITHS AND HOILERVLAKe EKS, ENGINES. BOILERS A-ND MACHINERY, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, ETC. Special attention to Repair Work. Eslimotoi promptly lurnishod. Broughton ttroM rom Rejiiolus to Randolph stru t}. Teiephonu 263. 7