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Shoshone journal. [volume] (Shoshone, Idaho) 1884-1931, February 21, 1896, Image 2

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They Relate Some Startling
Dr Smith Teil» of the Pigmies of
Central Africa and Prof. Garner
Learns to Talk Monkey.
Ur. Donaldson Smith, the young Phil
adrlphia physician who ha» recently ex
perienced some stirring adventure» on
his expedition to Lake Rudolph, Africa,
arrived recently from England on board
the St. Louis.
est 1 » Dr Smith's discovery of many
new tribe» whose existence was previ
ously unknown. Among these i* a race
of pigmies, the fact of whose discovery
has caused something like a commotion
in -uientlHc circles. These people are
of negro type and are coal black and ab
solutely naked. Although of great
phvlcal beauty, with well formed limb*,'
they are barely removed from animats
and their code of morality Is very lax.
Later in life they settle down and mar
ry. These remarkable people are all
between four and five feet higti and
live in primitive wood huts. The only
industry Is corn-raising and the rearing
of sheep and goats. They are born
hunters. In warfare they use poisoned
arrows, the wounds inflicted by which
prove fatal within an hour.
I.arner lull,■ Uniikny.
Professor R. L. Garner, of Roanoke,
Va , who was dispatched last summer on
a second trip to the jungle.» of Africa by
the African Research Society of Chica
go, arrived on the Etruria. He went for
the purpose of completing his monkey
alphabet and learning more about the
language of monkeys. Prof. R. H. Pea
body of the University of Chicago, was
one of ttie backer* of the entcrprirc.
Prof. Garner returns, he says, with
much new information. He hu» In hi*
portfolio a photograph
gorilla man In Africa. This gorilla man
would be called in Australia a bushman
Prof. Gardner considers that his mis
sion in perfecting himself In the mon
key tongue has been largely accomplish
ed. "I am convinced that monkeys talk
to each other ; '' says he, ''and that many
a higlu-r intelligence
of them poi
and a greater fluency of language than
many of the African natives.'
Hralnrk)' Militia Heuil.v.
Frankfort, Ky., Feb 16.—The Me
Crearv guards have been called to their
arinorv and are held in readiness to res
pond to the orders of the adjutant-gener
al, Two thousand rounds of ammuni
tion have been issued to them. There
Is every reason to believe that the guards
are called out to be In readiness to res
<0 a call from the sheriff of Campbell
county in tiie event that trouble should
occur at Newport when Jackson mill
Walling, the accused murderers of 1 'carl
Bryan, art- transferred to Campbell
county for their preliminary examina
HOW (IVKK % t'Hllill.
fathrr ami Mother In Court ! 1er
W ho Oxvum II.
Boi-e, Ida., Feb. 15.—A Salmon City
case, In',which the possession of a child
I» Involved, I* to be aired In the supreme
James Downing and wife quarreled
and the wife has sought to get posses
ac»»ion of their child. Proceedings were
Instituted by Mr*. Downing in Judge
Standrod's court to compel Downing
to deliver the child to Sheriff Miller of
Lemhi county, and In case he refused to
do *0, to compel the sheriff to take the
child away by force and bring It Into
The lather refused to deliver the
court. ■
child to the sheriff, and that officer re
ported to the court. Judge Standrod
he* cited Downing and the sheriff to ap
and show cause why they should
not be punished for contempt. At this
of the proceedings Attorney
tjuarlct, representing Downing and the
Sheriff, came to Boise and applied for a
writ of prohibition against Judge Stand
rod. The writ was reluncd on the ground
that the matter of the alleged Irregular,
Ity of the order should first be presented
U> Standrod. Judge Standrod Insisted
the contempt proceeding* and Inflict
punishment on Sheriff Mltler, who was
fined and on Downing, who wa* commit
ted to jail until he produce the child
QuarSes now comes to the supreme
court for a writ of habeas corpus to se
cure for Downing his liberty.
A special term of the supreme court
•will beheld Tuesday to hear the cate.
J. H. McVlcker, the veteran tbeatrl
<al manager, suffered a stroke of paral
Government of the Islands Greatly
San Francisco, Feb.
liayne, editor of The Hawaiian, a
monthly magazine published In Honolu
lu, arrived here on the steamship "Aus
He takes a very pessimistic
view of the present government of Ha
waii, and says the Japanese are becom
ing so numerous there and so firmly
rooted that the Islands arc in danger of
becoming mere out-posts of Japan.
"The thirty gentleme
stood ae godfathers to the Infant repub
lic,'* said he, "and who find themselves
' o, in 1893
at the beginning of 1896 the only sup
port of Hawaii's provisional government
are most uneasy. I sa v 'provisional gov
ernment,' because that i>. all it is ns yet.
With the utte'r failure of the efforts to
native Hawaiian* to dis -
reconcile the
franchfsement, the suddenly aggresive
action of the Japanese resident* and the
Independent stand taken by the Chinese
agriculturists, the situation is anything
but comfortable.
"The government is like a business
house threatened by bankruptcy. The
crisis maybe delayed but not for long.
There is a monthly deficit of $40000 and
the people are rapidly losing faith in the
power of the men at the helm.
Mr. Havnc has not been much im- I
pressed by the mercy of President Dole |
arid ills associates.
tile United States show a grave misap- I
prehension of the facts as to the mag- 1
naniniltv of the rulers of Hawaii, ' he ob
"Take the so-called release and I
pardons of political prisoners for instance
The truth is that no pardons have been
.line ! I,
granted at all. Something »Im* p 'c* ic
1* h » *1 . * / I 11 , ,
English ticket-of-leave has been brought
into play. Ail the political prisoners
i.i,/ .. . . .
are ut large, having been discharged in
■ ,1 . . j «
squads, the first being let out of Jail July I
<• iiAi*r D
» 1095, and the last Jan. 6, 96. But the
oligarchy of the attorney general inform
ed every prisoner at the time of his re
lease that he was liable, withoutjnotice,
to be arrested a. the pleasure of the ex
ecutive. I quote the word. a. nearly as
Newspaper comments in Europe and
can remember.
"I consider the case of the queen like
wise. She, too, was 'pardoned,' but she
is nevertheless as much a prisoner at her
home as she was before so much mercy
was shown her. And to indicate the
spirit that animates the 'thirty tyrants,'
it should be added that they have made
Wilson her custodian the man who
. .
have »pared no pains to have circulated
, v
throughout the world the report that,
having recovered her full liberty of ac
tion she Immediately and voluntarily re
slandeorusly claimed lie was her para
mour in the days of lier power—and
lapsed Into her old-time shameful prac
Turning to the Chlnese-Japancse
question, the editor declared the prob
lem confronting Hawaii to be of the
gravest character,
they are going," lie said,
but one end -absorption- of the islands
by Japan "
"If things keep on as
there can be
( i>lli»it»ii lithe min 1 « Outrai With
Fatal ICc-»itlI«.
Cciitralla, III., Feb. 14.—Two mixed
freight and pa»senger trains on the I III
not* Central collided at Dongola, Ills.,
Ihl* morning. Five men were killed,
umong them
George Hunting, engineer.
Baggageman Armstrong.
Fireman Adams.
Urukcman McLean.
The Injured, so far as known,
Conductor O'Dun of the passenger
train, badly bruised.
Brukeman Lake of the
train, badly bruised.
Evpress messenger, name unknown I
here; »lightly cut about the head.
None of the passengers were killed,
and so far as known none were Injured,
Engineer Bale», of the freight train,
escaped by jumping, though he wa*
slightly hurt.
1 he damage to railroad property was
great 1 hree of the men killed were
buried under the wreck and their bodies
were not found for two ho -rs.
HeV. Mr«*. l,rn»r.
Wichita, Kan., Feb. 14.—Next Sunday
morning, Mrs. Mary E, Lease will make
her debut Into the ministerial profes
sion and henceforth her literary prefix
will be Rev. Instead of Col. Her recent
sickness was the cause of her mind tak
ing the divine turn.
Master that if she got well she would de
vote her life to Him.
She promised the
And she is keep
Next Sunday »he will
ing her promise
preach In the Central Church of Christ,
and It Is thought she will be offered its
pastorate, which is vacant at present.
She promises to skin the ' wolves" in
the church when she gets in and she
says there are many of them there.
The man who never praise* hi* wife
rometlmes talks very nice in church.
Should Not Delay Accepting
The Sage Advice Given by a Washing
ton Correspondent of the London
Times, and English Comments
Thereon—The Situation in France
Growing Revolutionary -Cabinet May
Dispense With the Senate.
London, Feb. 18.—The arbitration de
«te * n the house of commons yesterday
1 " nd the proposal of the Times' corres
pondent in the United States, Mr. Geo.
I W. Smalley, that Great Britain should
| appoint a commission of its
own, con
sisting of two members, which should
work in conjunction with two Aineri
cans, as a new Venezuela boundary corn
mission, not to fix the boundary, but to
ascertain the facts and report to their
governments, are the leading subjects
a joint commission is supposed to have
originated with the' cabinet at Wash
for editorial comment this afternoon,
especially as Mr. Smalley's proposal for
The Ball Mall Gazette says: "The
Atherly Jones amendment (deploring
the absence of a pronouncement in the
, . , . . .
queen's speech in favor of arbitrating
the Venezuelan dispute), could not I
good and might do a great deal of harm. |
Mr. Atherly Jones is old enough to
.• . i*" j . - c , ,
Know that the interference of the house
, . , , I
of commons in matters under diplomatic
treatment must be intolerable. The \
» , , , „
amendment, implying censure of the I,
, . , , , . . I
government, would infallibly have been I
4J . . , .. , # ,
negatived by a large majority and would
have thus defeated its own ends and j
have con veyed to the United States an
entirely fallacious impression of hostil- I
Itv. This, on the morning of the very
promising suggestion of Mr. Smalley,
, , , ° , " , J ' I
might have been a very serious calami
Fortunately no harm has been done,
I The house saw it had been on the verge
| „{ an indiscretion and
wisely began
talking of something else."
The Westminster Gazette
says it
sympathizes with the object of the
Atherlv Jones amendment,
however, "but it was clearly desirable
after Mr. Balfour's appeal and Sir Wil
, Ham Vernon Harcourt's speech, that it
, , , . ,
should not be persevered irt, for its cer
tain rejection would have been inter
preted in America as demonstrating
tiiat the House of Commons did not
favor arbitration. This would have been
a thousand pities, with the delicate nego
tiations proceeding and with everv hope
that a modus vivendi will be found."
The St. James Gazette agrees that Mr. I
Balfour's intervention in the debate yes
terday, in order to end it, was
and says:
utterances on arbitration go a great deal
further than is justified by the feeling
here. The Chronicle and Sir William
Harcourt most mischeviously declare
that the country is unanimous for arbi
"But Sir William Harcourt's' I
tration, without specifying what arbitra
Nothing but harm can come of
this mystification.
Another ambiguity
was introduced by Mr. Smalley's sugges
tion, which seems to be entirely prema
ture until some arrangement has been
affected with Venezuela that occupation
shall be the basis of settlement."
The Globe says it is not surprising to
learn that the scheme commends itself
to President Cleveland and his Minis
ters, continuing;
untenable ground and virtually ask our
"They have taken up
assistance to enable them to retire grace
fully, it is often good policy to build a
golden bridge for any adversary; but it
must not be too costly, and the cost in
the present instance is too great and it
has the fatal defect that It places the
interests of British subjects and terri
tory c | n i me< j by Venezuela absolutelyin
the hands of an unknown foreigner
This sacrifice President Cleveland has
no right to call for from us. America
has no corresponding interests to put at
stake as an equivalent, and we cannot
consent to leave the position and pro
perty of 4 0,000 Englishmen at the
mercy of a Swiss, Belgian or Scandi
navian arbitrator."
London, Feb. 19.—A Washington dis
patch to the Times warns the English
government against delay in responding
to the overtures indicated in the corres
pondent's dispatch of yesterday, which
gave an outline of a plan for a joint com
mission on the Venezuelan dispute of
British and American members, which
he said would be acceptable to the United
"The danger is," says the Times' cor
respondent, "that the public will not
support this new departure so readily as
It did President Cleveland's
But whatever reception it may receive,
the Washington government will carry
out its purpose to give full effect to its
proposal. The more quickly England
accepts the offer the more general
the approval of the American people
likely to be. It is no light thing to let
such suggestions come before the Amer
ican public without a previous assurance
of their acceptance by England."
tlAitltSM' FOB Tit KN r.YWS 1 \<
Cliar(c*-N that S. (»oodrnoiigh Mettled
on mi Indian Benervation.
Pocatello, Ida., Feb. 18.—Revana! Me
Beth, clerk of the Indian agency at Ross
Fork, appeared before Judge Hopson
yesterday and swore out a warrant for
the arrest of S. Goodenough for tres
passing and settling on Fort Hall reser
vation, thus depriving Bannock and
Shoshone Indians of their lands and vio
These Indians are
lating the treaty,
clamoring for their rights in every par
It is claimed that Goodenough
is using a portion of their land for farm
ing purposes. The case will be ttied be
Whittier as soon as witnesses can be se
In Judge Hopson's court today Harry
IIowlan was acquitted of the charge of
stealing a gold ring from Wm. Huff last
Friday night.
,,, „ „ , 0 _ . -,
El Paso, Feb. 18.—Prize fight matters
, , °
w ^ re v '-'T ( l ulet *■ av - ot more than
c " r f ,r,ra 8 ® uar 0 sportixg men are
H Tu TT, ! T V
sure that all of them will remain that
nii . * t
l° n g. Fitzsimmons went back to his
»... .
W °* T nlornin g' aud only appeared
in El Paso for a few minutes shortly
, fr . . J
before noon. He had nothing to say
4l _
regarding the situation except that he
, , , . . . 1 ...
et ° W n an WI " qU1C '^*
"' is v e'y s ore over «" »?» the
. °. money \ es er ay, am 1 e
™ T u Tu *** ^
* h * "V 8 * J" e
Fitzsimmons obtained what he considers
Fitz and Maher Hath will FuhIi
T hing«.
his right on yesterday. He laughed
when told of the
grams between Corbett and Julian, and
repeated what he had said in the early
morning about his willingness to meet
"I will fight him anywhere he likes, at
tmy time he likes, in London or in this
Ail I ask is a place where
I would
not go through again what I have been
through down here for all the champion
ships that ever were made.
Corbett and I will lick him if
can be safe from interference.
I can lick
ever we
That's all I
When I have
get in the ring together,
have to say about him
whipped Maher I will be champion of
the world by virtue of Corbett's own
action in « ivin S the championship to
Maher, and I will accommodate lim
w ' tb a chance to get his championship
a S ain - 1 won,t kee P him waiting, either."
Gov. Ahumada left Juarez this
ing for various points in the interior of
his province. He has come to the opin
ion that there will be no trouble, and
that his
presence on the border is no
longer necessary.
trri'sti'il For Douhlc Murder.
Augusta, Ky., Feb. 16.—Robert Laugh
lin has been arrested, charged with the
murder and cremation of his wife and
thirteen-year-old neice, May Jones, on
Friday last. It is said Laughlin has con
fessed but this cannot be confirmed.
Laughlin has claimed all along that rob.
bers killed his wife and neice, fired the
house and assaulted him.
believe the tragedy was the result of a
brutal assault by Laughlin upon his neice
which his wife interfered.
ICetiKion anil Home.
Monereal, Feb. 12.—Montreal excise
men have seized an illicit still at the
Trapptet Monastry at Oka. The offi
cials of the revenue department] becom
ing suspicious of the large amount of
whisky that was coming from the small
settlement of Oka sent two revenne
to the monastery to make a search
They found a fuii-fledged whisky sti
of twenty.five gallons per day atjwork in
the monastery. The superiors admitted
that it looked serious, but claimed the
whiskey was distilled without their
knowlege. Seizing this machinery, the
revenue officers returned to Montreal.
Later on tv» 1 monks called at the
nue office ire and offered to
fine for tV; illicit distillation of whiskv.
They were referred to the government
at Ottawa.
pay the
The monastary is a large concern. It
is on a farm f ;ooo acres in extent, in
which are a cheese factory, a dairy and
saw mills. The monks make considera
Last season they bought
ble wine.
eight carloads of grapes and during the
same period marketed 30,000 gallons of
wine. The matter Is now before the
John Harraens Finds $20,000
Lost Money,
It Watt Fart of *50,000 Taken From
the Well«*-Fargo Company by Itofo
tiers—Some of It Jtecovered.
Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 13.—John P.
Harmens, a tramp, 50 years old, who
by his own confession recovered over
$20,000 that was hidden by train roebers
a year ago, is locked up in the jail in
thiscity. For months lie has been liv
ing in San Francisco on the fat of the
laud from the proceeds of the money
taken from the Overland Express near
Sacramento by Jack Brady and Brown
ing over a year ago. The prisoner has
turned over to the police $2,000 which
he had in the German Saving bank in
San Francisco, $5,900 in securities, a
diamond ring and a diamond collar but
Harmens found the money hidden
under a clump of bushes near Sacra
mento, where the robbers who held up
the train had buried it. It is known
that the robbers obtained over $50,000
from Wells, Fargo & Co., but Harmens
did not find all of the plunder,
he only obtained $20,000, but it is be
lieved that these figures are under the
exact amount. This conclusion is based
on the fact that when Brady, one of the
bandits, confessed and took the officers
to the place where the money was buried
only $6000 was found. Harmens had
evidently taken the rest of the treasury
before the officers arrived.
Harmens was arested in San Francisco
Saturday and brought to this city last
night. In appearance he is a typical
tramp. Among his friends he is known
as "Dutch Charley." □ After he found
the money he went to San Francisco,
where he loaned a great deal to respon
sible business men. But he was not
miserly, as it is said that he lived a life
of luxury seldom dreamed of by the
average tramp. He bought the most
elegant clothes for himself, making a
trip to New York for the purpose; a
tramp was transformed into a regular
fashion plate.
He says
Soldiers Arrested for JFIffhtins.
Omaha, Feb. 14.—A scandal developed
at Fort Omaha yesterday when Privates
avanaugh and Murphy were arrested
for prize-fighting and 100 others who
witnessed the fight expect to be ordered-i
to the guard house today. It has been
stated and generally credited that thei
two men fought for a purse that
furnished by the officers of the fork
Ths is most emphatically denied by Co|
Bates. While he has no doubt that therl
purse in sight, he says he is surd
it was not made up by the officers. That
is another point to be investigated and
the facts will be obtained if possible,
from the prisoners when the court
tial convenes.
was a
It is stated that it need occasion
surprise if the guard-house is stored full
of prisoners in a short time.
A very de
termined effort is being made to learn
who were present at the mill, and if the
discovery be made all the soldier
tators will be arrested.
Slates intends, the commanding officer
says, to frown down
way of a prize-fight by soldiers.
The United
anything in the
New York, Feb. 15.—A special to the
World from London says: The revela
tions concerning the development of the
new photograph are multiplying at such
rate that it is difficult to keep pace with
Here are a Jfew of the latest
suits of Prof. Rontgen's disco
1 he British Medical Journal says that
the application of the new method to the
purposes diagnosis is beingl
eagerly pushed by leading members cï
the profession. Dr. Lodge, a leading
specialist, has taken a negative showing
the position of a bullet in a wrist, while
another surgeon has taken a photograph
showing plainly atrophy and changes
caused by the wearing of tight boots.
It is asserted by several correspond
ents of English scientific
have conducted
from a few inches of
papers who
experiments, that light
niagnesium ribbon
and even less intense
certain ravs which
sources evolve*
pass through opaque
bodies, such as wood, and impress them
selves on
This is without the
a photographic plate beneath.
use of any tubes.
Thns Endeth the Lesson.
Her Mother—"Bessie dear, I
to see my little girl show such a lack o'f
respect for her seniors,
bor comes to call
quietly and not speak
spoken to. You do not
am sorrv
When a neigh
on us you should sit
unless you jire
mean to be
you shKh
you are malrfng
on our neighbors, and you will try here
after, I hope, to_"
Bessie—"You'd better look out,
You'll talk yourself to death."—
Chicago Tribune.
respectful, I am sure, but
think of the impression

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