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PENT COUNTY REGISTER U . R. D-VVIlf. Stlitor. j-AMIS, COLQ., SATURDAY. MARCH 30,1859. SBSCRIPTION RATE-! per Tsv. • 5--00 s.x Months, - IThrea Months, .75 Single CQple? 06 a> the Post-Office at Lamar, Colo facto, us Second Class matter. The Legislature adjourns next Tuesday, The napie of the first station west : of Rocky Ford has been changed from Oxford to Sibley. A tramp shot sbreakmau while try ing to put him off the train through the hapd at Nepcsta Wednesday. They have been having heavy rains and washouts already this spring in Arizona, something unusual ! for this season of the year. The Governor signed the Otero j county bill Tuesday and that even- j ing La Junta jolified with h<»n fires, speeches and the firing of anvils. W. 13. Maslerson well known in Lamar and known all over the west as fiat. has just been made manger of the Palace theatre at Denver. Good order will prevail there and no mistake, Harry Montague, city marshal of \ J£l Moro was shot three times by a cowboy Wednesday and died soon after he was wounded, the cow boy was a half breed and made bis pscape from town. Governor Cooper has appointed W. C. Lathrop, D. C. Dodge ami F. B. Crocker a board of public woiks for Denver, and T. 13. Stuart and O. B. Little additional judges of the district court at Denver. TJie boomers have at last won. Oklahoma will be opened to settle ment April 22nd. Let the rush bt gin at once so the sick of the country ones will have time to get there and then reach Colorado in time to put in late crops. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa pc R. R. reduced the running time of their Vestibule Express (The fin est train in the world) three hours between Kansas City and Chicago, March -4th, making the run be tween the two places in 1G instead pf 19 hours as heretofore. The courtesy with which Governor Pooper meets his callers, and the pa tience displayed in listening to the mass of matter urged upon him for consideration, is bound to make him a yery popular man with the people, few men possess these elements of popularity so perfectly as Governor Cooper. U. H. VanOrsdale is a good man, )ie js a good citizen, we have pot a word to say against bim,|we know of nothing mean he ever done to say pf him, if we felt so disposed, but that is not the point, O. G. ILv-s it not only a good man, but he is the kind of a man we need for mayor, there is no spntimeut about this, its business. Arrangements are being made for a ditch pelebration here next month, we expect a large number of visitors, others the ipenibers of the Denver Real Estate Exchange. It will be the duty of the mayor to re peivo the visitors and extend the courteciej of the city to them. Is there a man iu Lamar more fitted for ibis duty than O. G. Hess, will not the action of the mayor on this occa sion be of peculiar advantage to us, ivhat to say, how to say it, and when to say it, is a qualification we claim for Mr. Iless. Washington, March 27. The President sent the following nomina tions to the Senate to-day: Robert T. Lincoln, of Illinois, to be Minister to Great Britain. Murat Halstead, pf Ohio, to be Minister to Germany. Allen Thorn fly ke Rice, of New York, to be Minister to Russia. I'atnpk Egan, of Nebraska, to be ItfinisUr to Cbili. Thomas Ryan, of Kansas, to be to Mexico. Johp flicks, of Wisconsin, to be Minister to Peru. George B. Loring, of Massachu #?U 8 i *9 Minister to Portugal. The people of Lamar are arranging j for a grand bai bectio at that place April IC, in honor of tho cojppletioD of one of the largest irrigating ditches in the State. Lamar is the county seat of the new county of Prowers, and in order to cultivate a closer bus iness relation and acquaintanoe with the people of Denver will give an excursion from this place on the oc casion of their barbecue. Prowers county is m a very rich and prolific section of the slate, whose trade has heretofore principally gone south, while it should come to Denver. Denver Times. O. G. Hess the people’s candidate for mayor has a soldier record that he may well be proud of. He enlist ed in the eighth Illinois cavalry in | September 18G1 when he was but j j sixteen years old, he received a bad hip wound at Culpepper Court House in the poring of 1662, he was wound ed in his right elbow at Beverly Ford, Virginia, Juno 9th 1563. After see ing a great deal of hard service all of the tune suffering from his wounds, jhe was detailed as an orderly and i while on such duty his horse fell with him and broke his wounded ! arm again and broke one of his i = ; ankles. After serving his country two years and eight months his disa -1 ability from these wounds was so j great that he was discharged from ! the service. Every acquaintance of i Mr. Hess is well aware that he is a j sufferer from his wounds, and yet no < man has ever heard him complaiu, and there are men who are not aware that his injuries were received in the service, such is a brief sketch of a boy soldier, now a man who should be honored for the service lie gave ‘ his country. The time has again come when we must choose a mayor and in doing so it behooves our people in making a choice to not only select a repre sentative man of our prominent little city, but one of recognized ability, who is particularly well adapted to fill the position not only with credit to himself but to the credit of the city, the course of particularly a young city is under the guidance and direction of the mayor. We all have to admit that the opportunities afford ed to a mayor alone to advance the city by his tact and judgement in the course of a year are many, ami in making our choice we should cast our votes as a matter of business, and vote for a man who is fitted for the position, one who can accomplish what wc want done, which is every thing possible in the interest of the city', one who is identified with us, and who cannot be influenced by out side interest in anyway. In looking over our city for such a man, and in some cases passing personal prefer ence, a number of our people decided that Mr. O. G. Hess was the man tbe city needed, a man who posscsed the qualifications in every particular so ; much desired, a gentleman who has j had experience in the management ‘of municipal affairs, a gentleman whose profession has kept him in public life for years, and one no mat ter what the emergency would be the j peer ol any mayor in tho state such a man is O. G. Hess our candidate tor mayor. Everybody is pretty well satisfied with the candidates for council, the majority on both tickets are the same men. There has been an effort made several tunes daring the week to have but one ticket next Tuesday, but all efforts in that direction failed, , and there is nothing left but to elect I O. G. Hess major. i Lawrence Sweetman came up from I the ranch Tuesday, he is an applicant ■ for the position of county commis ; sioner of Baca county and has a large ! petition recommending Lira. We understand that the principal towns of that county have united on Mr. Sweetiuau a£ their choice which should secure his appointment, he is an old settler, a large tax payer and is entitled to recognition. Mrs. S. A. Williams goes to Las Animas next Tuesday morning and will lecture there that evening. Mrs. Williams comes to this state bearing the highest recommendations as a 1 temperance lecturer, having accom plished « great work in Kansas, Mis souri, lowa and Dakota, her recom mendations and commissions insures her the attention of all workers in tho cause without further introduc tion. D. ft. Coofßß, Loan* and Jn«nr»i»e« and Netirt p ß vi £!. C. Uooiui e, Attorney-At-I-aw, ' w GOODALEA COOPEB AWPOESBYB“JI*“I»AW, Real Estate a,n.<3. Insurance -A.gen.ts MONEY TO LOAN ON FINAL PROOFS & DEEDED LAN JHZZ Practice Before the U. S. Land O/fice and in all the Courts of the Sate. Prosecute or Dej BY COXIEST CASES. ROOM 3STO. 1 XT. £3. X-i-A-ISTID OFFICE BLOCK. j H. G. Button, Man | ffAR-CH ITEC S CONTRACTORS! BUI LI ERI PLANS, Sl’Et FICATIONS AND ESTIMATE?- Kl KMsIIED Gooil bonds famished on contract. and all work guaranteed. School Houses, Court Houses and Public Buildiims a Specialty, Office m Godding Block. NEAR DEPOT UP STAIRS CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Lamar, - - Colorado. Janssen Bros k Co. —>«a i—a-DEALERS IN-S—l it— k- G-ents, Boys and Youth’s Cloteing. Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Fine Driving Gloves- * ASERTS FOB THE Celebrated Rockford Shoes and Lvon Hats. \VK HAVE SAMPLES FROM .CUSTOM TAILORS IN ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO, AND CAN HAVE A NOBBY SUIT MADE TO ORDER AT 20 PER CENT. LESS THAN LATE TAILOR PRICES, Opposite U. S. Land Office , NORTH MAX*f STREET, .... UAMAR, COLO. B " i't.~ Birip.d The Grcr.te*t_Novcltj_7"j*>J,3 i *~ ‘~'^" T ~' r ~~^y-pt^.r t. fiT^~~* {^* * eS t itg * 9 *sac i * S7ST »~'v STOCK EXCHANGE RESTAURAIT —and — LUNCH COUNTEI Wines, I_iiQ.-u.ors <Sc Cigars Robert Sweetman Prol M RSlar sS’KRIBEHf TEACHER OF INSTRUMENTAL MDSI Lessons Given on Piano or organ, either at Pupils Home or my Rooms. INSTRUMENT FOR PUPILS TO PRACTICE 01 TERMS REASONABLE. Solo Agent for the Favoite Bauer Piano which she is Pi pared to Sell at Eastern Prices. Lamar - - Colo. li D. BROWN. Prr>. WILLIS G. EMERSON Vies Pr«. 11. J. GOCnENOU*. r V‘!Ji W. u. GOULD. "Tin©— MERCHANTS’ STATE BANK OF LAMM LAMAR, COLORADO. 1 B. B. BROWN, A. H. HEBER. W. G. AMOS, R. O. WHITE. ' A. J. liOISINGTON, O. G. UE39. * C. V. DECKER. Also Colorado Oflica for (lie AMERICAN MORTGAGE TRUST COMPANY. Money to loan on Farm and City Property St l.oweat Rates, R. B- BROW‘S, Manogtr,