OCR Interpretation

The Lamar register. [volume] (Lamar, Colo.) 1889-1952, April 30, 1898, Image 7

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KAII me. Aun* Ar
cthuea!" cred out
I Mabel Wynyard, in
| a tone of well
feigned act onish
ment. *‘a blue rib
bon In your hair!”
"And new cuff
buttons, aa I live!”
echoed her twin
slater. Eflle.
Ulus Ar e t busa
Whistleton looked rather sheepish.
• Well, why shouldn't I wear blue
riboon If l’n a mind to?" she retorted.
“If* a free country. 1 hope!”
"Oh, ye*." laughed Mabel. "It * a free
country. And blue la certainly very
becoming to you. Aunt Arethusa. Is
Mr. Pouncington to be at the spelling
school this afternoon?”
"I don’t know whether he is or not.”
•aid Miss Arethusa. tartly. "Mr.
!’ inrington Is nothlnK to me."
"But he may be one of these days,”
reported mischievous Eflle. "Only
think. Mabel, what a nice thing It
would be to have a wedding in the
VouTl ask Eflle and me to be the
bridesmaids. Aunt Arethusa. won’t
yon?” said Mabel, with the utmost
’’Girt*, ain't you ashamed of your
selves?'* cried out Miss Arethusa.
s arcely knowing whether it was best
to be pleased or vexed.
And Just then the entrance of a vis
itor created a timely diversion, and
Aunt Arethusa was allowed to retreat
with her basket of turkey eggs.
Miss Arethusa Whistleton was fat.
fair and forty. She lived all by her
self. In a snug little farmhouse, alwsys
kept neatly painted, with a "poser bed**
In front, full of southernwood, mari
c dda. four oolorks. and such like old
fuhloßcd flowers, and had a neat ac
count In the Humbleton savings bank.
But. In spite of all these substantial
charms, no one had ever yet sought
to gather her from the stem of "maiden
rtt'-dHalloo fancy free."
Mr. Peter Pouncington eras a single
gentleman, nearer 50 than 40. He lived
four or flve miles away. In an ancient
r».l brick house, with a row of Lom
bardy poplars in front, and he never
had got married simply because he had
had a widowed aunt who kept bouse
for him. darned his stocking* and pre
pared his soup with exactly the right
amount of cayenne pepper in It.
'What should I marry for?" said Mr.
Pouncingtcn. "Aunt Betts understands
my likes and dislikes a great deal bet
ter than any one else could do."
But one day paralysis laid his grim
touch on Aunt Betts and the next day
•b« died.
What shall I do?” aald Mr Ponnc
ington helplessly the morning after the
"I*d get married. If I were you." said
Squire Martin.
"I don't know or any one to marry.”
sighed Peter, the Hermit.
"There ain't no smarter woman in
all the neighborhood than Arethusa
Wblatleion.” said the squire, after a
brief period of cogitation, “and she's
got a snug bit of money, too."
Thus it happened that Mr. Peter
Pounclngton turned his attentions in
the direction of Mias Arethusa. And
all this preamble will, doubtless, set
forth the exact state of things that ex
isted on that August day when Miss
Arethusa stood on the doorstep of the
Wynyards with the basket of turkey
eggs in her hand.
”1 Bay. Thusy!" called out Farmer
Wynyard. as he came in from the field,
“heard about the gang of burglars
that’s going through the village?”
“Burglars? No! ’ almost shrieked
Miss Arethusa.
“They were at cDacon Motley’s last
night, and close to tile parson’s night
afore last.” said the farmer. “I’d ad
vise you to keep your door pretty well
bolted, and it wouldn’t be amiss to let
the hired man sleep in the garret till
this disturbance is over."
“Nonsense!” said Miss Arethusa,
who had by this time recovered her
wonted self-possession. “I’m not afraid
of the burglars.”
And she went her way.
That evening there was a freshly
gathered nosegay of sweet-william,
pinks and southernwood on the shelf,
and Miss Arethusa lighted the best
lamp. Who knew but that some one
might perchance happen to drop in.
But the old clock struck 7—B—and no
one came. A quarter to 9—and Miss
Arethusa, who had nearly fallen asleep
over her newspaper, rose reluctantly
"He wont come tonight,” she told
herself, and blew out the beat lamp.
At the self-same moment the gate
latch creaked dolorously, aud Miss Ar
ethusa. all in the dark, gave a little
nervous jump.
“It’s the burglars!” cried she. “And
I meant to have oiled up the lock of
Grandfather Whistleton’s old gun!"
But Miss Arethusa was by no means
a coward. Old Obediah Whlstleton.
her grandfather, had fought, and not
[ discreditably. In the Revolution, and
■he Inherited something of his spirit.
Seizing the poker, she rushed out, fol
[ lowed by Dun. the dog.
“Sick ’em, l)an. " she cried out. ”S-s
--slck 'em. Get out! Clear! I’ll teach
j you to come disturbing folks at this
time of night! Land alive!” in a sort
lof scared sot to voice, “they’ve fell
down cellar, the whole band of ’em!”
And It was but the work of a second
for Miss Arethusa to close the yawning
trap door, and secure It by a chain and
“Now. Dan." she cried, in accents of
scarce suppressed exultation, “watch
'cm. Watch 'em. boy. till I come back!”
So saying. Miss Whlstleton set brisk
ly forth through the misty darkness —
for the sky was overcast and threaten
ed rain—toward the honse of her broth
er-in-law Wynyard.
Mrs. Wynyard had gone to bed. The j
Mias Wynyarda. Mabel and Effle. were j
yawulngly putting up their hair In curl |
papers, but the farmer was yet adding
up hla week's accounts In the kitchen
by the light of a sputtering tallow can
dle in a tin candlestick.
“Why. bless me!" cried he. opening
bis mouth as wide as a Dutch doll, ”lt’s
“Yes.” panted Arethusa, “it's me.
Come quick! Burglars.”
"No!" said the farmer.
“Yea." cried Arethusa. impatiently,
plucking at the sleeve of his coat. “Call
Jim! Get the crowbar! Load up your
pistols! They’re all down cellar, and
Dau's a-watching ’em!”
“You don't say so!” said Mr. Wyn
yard. “How many of 'em?”
“Three, at the very least!” panted
the terrified maiden. "Make haste, or
they'll beesraplug. and I wouldn't miss
the rhauce of lodging them in state
prison on any account.
So Mr Wynyard. his stout farmhand
Jim and two of the nearest neighbors,
summoned as hastily as might he. set
forth valiantly In behalf of unprotected
femininity, as represented by Miss Ar
ethusa Whlstleton.
Dan was faithfully maintaining his
post at the door of the cellar when the
little party arrived on the scene, car
rying two lanterns, and nothing but
the touch of Miss Arethusa's hand on
Ms collar could induce him to with
“Be careful now.” cautioned Miss
Arethusa. as Jim unbarred the lock
and opened the cellar door. "Only
suppose they were to rush out at you!”
“Then I calculate there'd be more
rushes than one!" ta!d Jim, with a
Still nobody appeared.
“I hope to goodness gracious they
haven’t escaped.” said Miss Arethusa.
“Come out. you!" bawled the squire;
and at that imperative summons a be
draggled figure limped slowly forward.
•‘l’ve sprained my ankle.” It faltered,
"and I've fallen into the barrel of soft
soap, and the dog has worried me, and
now, " with a little dodge, as he espied
the shining muzzle of Mr. Wynyard’s
pistol. "I suppose I'm to be shot! But
what it's all about, I don’t know."
"Why,” bawled the farmer, “It’s Mr.
“Mr. Pounclngton!” echoed Miss Ar
ethusa. And she fainted.
Mr. Wynyard took the disconsolate
swain home in his lumber wagon—but
he never came again.
“I’m not accustomed to be treated in
this sort of way when I call on a lady!”
said Mr. Pouncington.
And. when one comes to reflect on
the matter, it did seem a little inhos
CurlouM Application of X-ttay*.
A use for the detective powers of the
X-ray has been found in the silk in
dustry. Silk cocoons are divided Into
two classes, one called “masculine"
and the other “feminine,” according as
they yield a greater number of male or
female eggs. The male cocoons are the
richer In silk, but hitherto 'the only
way to distinguish them has been by
weight, the female cocoons being the
heavier. Now. it is said, a simpler and |
surer test is furnished by the X-ray.
because one end of the female cocoon
is far less transparent to the ray than
Is the male cocoon on account of a
greater accumulation of mineral salts
in the eggs.
Witty Wcn.ry Willie.
Boston Lady—lf you will spit that
pile of wood, I will give you a sand
wich. Tramp—Madam, I never split
things—not even infinitives. Boston
Lady—Oh, you lovely man! Come in
and have tea with me. —Cleveland
Anotli'r Definition.
Bobby—Papa, what’s a pessimist?
Papa—A pessimist is a person who
can’t enjoy his dinner today because he
is afraid the coffee may be muddy to
“Now. children." said the uptown
school teacher. "If you were writing a
business letter to a person with whom
you were unacquainted how would
you subscribe yourself?"
“Your unknown friend.” promptly
replied the bright girl of the clnss.—
Philadelphia North American.
t'nbuloui Wiiiltli.
The "mineral wealth” of newly
found mining regions largely run by
syndicates Is in too many instances a
fable. The products nearer home are
surer and promise more rewards. No
one will go unrewarded in the matter
of improved health who use regularly
Ifostetter's Stomach Bitters for mala
ria and dyspepsia.
No Doubt.
He—Did you know that Frlnce Al
l*ert of Belgium promises to travel
through this country Incognito?
She—lndeed ? Perhaps we can recog
nise him by bis coat.
I'lttaburg IniprooiiiMM ComplrtMt.
The improvements that the Balti
more anti Ohio Hadrond have had mi
ller way at Pittsburg for the past tif
teen mouths have been completed with
the exception of a small amount of pav
ing between the tracks, which will be
done In the spring.
Ttu* line now has splendid tcrnduals
at that point and sufficient trackage to
handle the vast amount of btisln«*sß
with not only economy, but with ce
lerity. The changes cost in the neigh-
Itorhood of s4*>O,ooo and consist of a
new yard at Gienwood tone of Pitts
burg’s suburlts). a double track trestle
nearly two miles in length, the chang
ing of the line of road leading into the
passenger station and the building of
new freight yards near tiiat i*dnt.
"What is dear little Tommy crying
about?” "1 have Just told him that he
is too big to tie paid for taking medi
beautiful I,it.- of Fit \ \> r.s F.
WILDAItD will Ik* promptly suppli<*d
to all solleltors from Denver agency.
ItcjKirt your orders every week.
CIIARLGS WKXTI.KY. general west
ern agent. (MkVdOft Klttredge building.
Denver. Colorado. Write for outfit
anil all particulars.
"I told Bobby I punished him l)e
--eausc I loved him." "How did that
impress him?” "He said he wished I
wouldn't love hlin any more.”
HMntf U Blood Deep.
Clean blood idmdi a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Caaearats.Candy Cathar
tic cleans your blood and keeps it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
E unties from the body. Begin to-day to
snlsh pimples, boila. blotches.blackheads,
and thatsickly bilious complexion by taking
CaecareU, beauty for ten cents. All drug
arists. satisfaction guaranteed. lOc.AV. 50c.
Know Matii"-.
A snow statue in the latest Idea of a French
sculptur. The statue Is made of copper ami
In the base Is n cbvml.nl preparation by
means of which the moisture is extracted
from the air and forms on the surface of
the metnl as a coating of snow In the course
of a few moments. -New York Evening
Hall's Catarrh Care
Is taken internally. Price, TTx*.
"What about that Indians woman who Is
going to kiss every man who votes for her
for mayor?" "I shnll have to »»*«• her be
fore 1 ran tell whether she Is for her party
or against it."
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lilt Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, uilto No-To-
Uac. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists. 60c. or *l. Cure guaran
teed Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Kemedy Co.. Chicago or New York.
“Do you think war will help the country V
••Yea. If there is a war tax on cigarettes.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing syrup
For children te*thlng.»ott*n> tbe to.nm.reduces inflsm-
Oistluu.sllsy■ pain, cures wind colic. Si cents a Lottie
"A lady with a child two years old wants
board In a quiet family." "Ah. quiet before
she gets there. 1 suppose she means.
Stur Tobacco Is the leading brand of
tbe world, because it Is the best.
"Why do tou recommend this collar-but
ton so highly?" "We throw In with It a
bureau that sits flat on the floor."
No-To-Bsc for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60c. 11. All druggists
"James, you onght to be ashamed of your
language." "Well, you would grumble, too.
If you had the coal-bills to pay." “Non
sense, suppose you were a warship and had
to lay In :'..00<) tons "
► '‘4 Perfect Type of the Highest Order of ,
► Excellence in Manufacture.” j
; (^Breakfast
w* i t;|v\| Absolutely Pure,
< ' Nutritious.
■! ..costs less Titan ome cemt a Cap..
* Be aure that you get the Genuine Article,
, made at DORCHESTER. MASS, by
► Kstabusiimp 17R0.
Womon aro Urged to Prepare for this Wonderful Revolution in the
Economy of Their Life Blood—Mrs. Watson
Tolls How She Was He'pod.
HAt no time is woman more liable to
ysical and mental dangers with hours
suffering than at the “Turn of Life."
The great want in woman's system is
ility to properly adjust itself to the new
nditions. The outlet, monthly, of blood
now being diminished and carried into
s body for the supply food of its later
Daughters, you can now to some extent
pay your mother's early care. She must
spared every possible exertion. You
ist help her bear her burdens and anxie
s. Thiscritical time safely over, she will
urn to renewed health and happiness.
That so many women fail to anticipate
this change thus happily, is owing not
merely to lack of care, but to igno
rance. There is, however, no excuse
for ignorance when experienced ad
vice can be yours free of all cost.
Write to Mrs. Pinkliam, at Lynn,
Mass., she has helped great numbers
of women successfully through the
Change of Life, and she will help you.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound is the best tonic for uterine
changes. It works harmoniously up
on all these overwrought organs, in
vigorates the body and drives off the
Read this letter from Mrs. Della Watsox. 524 West sth St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
*' I>k a. n Mrs. Pixkham:—l have been using Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable
Compound for some time during the change of life, and it has been a savior of
life unto me. 1 can cheerfully recommend your medicine to all women, and 1
know it will give permanent relief. I would be glad to relate my experience
to any sufferer." >
Ast Mrs. Plnktiam’4 Advice —A Woman Best Understand* a Woman’* Ills
A Missionary Medicine.
Olfanlliii'nii lirsliii within. If n man Isn't
clean Inside. Ik* Is far from Godliness. A
constipated sinner Is n steneh In the nostrils
of the deity. A man whose food sours In
Ills stomaeh. and whose liver Is leaden, can't
help looking at the world hatefully with
(nundlccd eya. and eonjarlni nparll toovflltti
n hts tortured hrnln. <'leu nil ness of person
begets cleanliness of thought. C a sea rets,
candy cathartic is the missionary medicine
which purifies men's bodies and minds.
Pure, fragrant, palatable, mild ami positive,
they clean our the Intestinal canal, stimulate
the liver and strengthen the Imiwcls. Then a
man enjoys again feeling of charity and
brotherly lore for hl» fellows and recom
mends others to take Cuscarets aud be as
happy as he.
••There are 1.800 varieties of flsh In Amer
ican waters.” "I know a man who has
caught more kinds thnn that himself.”
••There Is a theory that Inanimate objects
have a sense of humor." “Of course; look
at the bicycle and the folding-bed."
“Keyser's wife came back at the seance
last night.” “How did he know it was his
wife?" “She thumped him ,m the head with
“Ilow Is yonr InsomniaV "It's all right;
the «*ornet player next door has got a night
Job on a railway.”
Smoke Hletlgc Cigarettes, 20 for 5 eta.
I believe Plan's Cure Is the only medicine
that will cure consumption.—Anna M. Ross.
Williamsport. Pa . Nov. 12. 1805.
“Mrs. I.lghthead. what have you ever dona
for posterity?” ‘‘l’ve had my photograph
taken more thnn tlfty times.”
Educate Tonr Ilowels With Cas carets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 26c- If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money.
“flow atout Aunt Josephine Is!” “Yes;
she tells in*- she can't even skip in reading
a dull novel.”
M A tape worm ulgbCmi feet lone at
least came on the scene after my taking two
CASCARETS. This lam sure has caused my
bad health for tho past throe years. lam atifl 1
taking Cascarrts, the only cathartic worthy of 1
aotioo by sensible people.”
W. Bownss. Baird. Maas. j
m*ww '
Pleasant. Taste Good. Do
3ood. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, Itoc.aOc
ll.rlla* I'wpt?, OI«o> XMlrrtl. N«. Ter*. 113 1
MG-TO-BAC fists :
'IgPRVSS (Thompson’s EysWatsr.
nnnnun The best 11*4 Hope It Of) An IT for le.
If I |l|r INI. per sq. ft., caps anil nail. included.
IIUUt lIIU SiitwiltutM for Plaster. Rumples
free. The Fay Manilla Rooting Co.. Cia4n,3.J.
|/Vs W I WB V quick relief and cures worst
esses. Send for hook.of testimonial* ami lO days’
trastmeat Free. Ur. n.ii.uuKsrfnsoxs. AUsaia.ua.
Late Principal Examiner V . S. Pension Burcaa.
Sjrrs. is last war, liadjudicating claims, atty. slues. I
H A 1 til I O) & LAWRENCE. Wash J
■ w ■ ** tni:ton. I>. C. Send for 37« b j
I anniversary work on patents KKKR. Highest ref*r’nce*. |
ICiaffiSMS pension !
■ f ItICKKOKI). Washington. 1).C.. they ;
I mm will receive quick replies. 11. fith N. H. Vols. I
Stair soth Corps. Prosecuting Claims since 1878.
llonvor, Colorado. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money rnfnndrd. Write us for anv kind or drills
or Mining Machinery.
|9 Boat Cough Syrup* Tastes Good. Use
in tlmo. Sold by druggists. W
Denver Directory.
and awning co.
[ffrmTTvirg mcctu's patuit obc uus
1040 Arapahoe Street
HENRI’ »’. UICKINaON. 17th St.
! Denver, Colo.
Work* lt M'fg. Co,, la 18 la>wronoe rtt- P. Q, Boa U
■SILK KI.ASTIC fiiooklop mute by u*. Send for
blank. The.l. Durbin Surgical and Itental Supply
’ Company. 1508 Cures Struct, (near St James Hotel.)
Ttinniairitnrn al «**>“*• ho up. Supplies
I VIIPWriTPrN *•»«■ Dr.svaa 'imwmrtK
I jPUVTIIIUIU Ksciianok. Dourer. Colo.
2>'l> llaml Machinery, Mining, Kngtnea, llolj
era. etc. Send for prices. S. S. Machinery
I *-?o.. HOP Lawrence. Warehouse6th A Market,
OXFORD HOTEL Depot. Strictly First
Class. Popular Prices. KAPPLKR A MORSE.
I CH * O' ATV nlnuOl Ja* A. I’urlnilooACo.
I 1729 IJlrimer Street. Denver. Culaloano mailed free
KflfiAKS Priie Contest
l\UUn|\U. Circular: ending- April 10.
189 S. THKftmO OPTICA I. CO.. 1617-10
Curtin Street. Denver.
Denver Public
Sampling Works,
M. K. smith. PaaaiacMT.
public market. Denver, Colo.
Established In Colorado. IStkl. Samples by mailer
txpreaa will receive prompt and careful attention.
! Refitted. Melted and Assayed or Purchased.
Address 173 H and ITS® 1-awrenoeSt.. Denver. Onto.
Assayers' and Chemists* Scppllea.
Cameras at any price. •! to 1300.
Write for catalogue and prioo*.
, 429 Seventeenth Street, Denver.
Provided with n patent AU'IOMATIcf SAFETY
I BRAKE bolding the load nt any point, and making
tlio working of tbe UOISTKIt pertectly safo.
THE t. H. IUTIS IKON WORKS C 0„ Ilnur, Colo.
. ■
BroadGaUge-Short Line
The Midland Terminal Rij.
Free reclining chair cars and Pnllmuu
sleepers dally between Deuver and Colorado
Springs and Cripple Creek. Close conuec
tlou at Deuver and Colorado Springs for all
points east and south.
, W. K. GILLETT. 1,. R. FORD
V. P. & G. M. Q. P. A.
Denver. Cota.

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