OCR Interpretation

The Lamar register. [volume] (Lamar, Colo.) 1889-1952, February 04, 1903, Image 8

Image and text provided by History Colorado

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063147/1903-02-04/ed-1/seq-8/

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A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol does for the stomßoh that
which it ia unable to do for itself, even
when but slightly disordered or over*
loaded. Kodol supplies the natural
juicee of digestion and does the work of
the stomach, relaxing the nervous ten*
aion, while the inflamed muscles of that
organ are allowed to rest and heal. Ko
dol digests what you eat and enables
the stomach and digestive organs to
transform all food into rich, red blood.
1. H. Myers.
"The nicest and pleasantest medicine
I have used for indigestion and constipa
tion is Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv
er Tablets,” says Melard F. Craig, of
Midd(egrove, N. Y. "They work like a
charm and dp not gripe or have any un
pleasant etlect.” All druggists.
Tried to Conceal It.
It’s the old etory of “murder will out”
only in this| case there’s no crime. A
woman feels run down, has backache or
dyspepsia and thinks its nothing and
triee to hide it until she finally breaks
down. Don’t deceive yourself. Take
Electric Bitters at once. It has u repu
tation for curing Stomach, Liver and
Kidney troubles and will revivify your
whole system. The worst forms of
those maladies will .quickly yield to the
curative power of Electric Bitters. O nly
00c, and Guaranteed by Myers' Pharina
Stockholders Meeting.
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Bent County Town Company will bo
held at Granada, Prowers county, Colo
rado, Tuesday, February 10,1903, for the
election of directors and the transaction
of such other business us may legally
come bejore the meeting.
A. G. Lewis,
General Agent.
Dr. A. W. Seabury, physician and
surgeon. Offices on second floor of
Irwin building, East Main street.
O. B. Thoman has the best line of
fire insurance. Ue writes farm risks
Ik you are troubled with impure
blood, indicated by sores, pimples, hoad
ache, etc., we would recommend Acker’s
Blood Elixir, which we sell under a pos
itive guarantee. It will always cure
Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons and all
blood diseases, 00 eta, und SI.OO. I. H.
Myers. 2
The crowned heads of every nation,
The rich men, poor men and misers
All join in paying tribue t
Dewitt’s Little Early Risers.
H. Williams, San Antonio, Tex., writes
Little Early Riser Pills are the best 1
ever used in my family. I unhesitat
ing recommend them to every body.
They cure oonßtipation, billious, sick
headache. Torpiu liver, jaundice, ma
laria and all other liver troubles. I. H.
Wonderful Nerve.
Is displayed by many a man enduring
pains of accidental Cute, Wounds,
Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff
joints. But there’s no need for it.
Buoklen’s Aanica Salve will kill the
Sain and cure the trouble. It’s the best
•lve on earth for Piles, too. 25c, at
Myers’ Pharmacy.
WANTED —Good heavy work horses.
Must be serviceably sound. Call at
Golladay’e barn.
Chah. S. Smith.
Dr. A. W. Seabury, physician and
surgeon. Offices on second floor of
Irwin building, East Main street.
For Rent. —Five room house. In
quire of P. S. Lynch.
Gvery Bottle of Chamberlain’s
Cough Cure Warranted.
We guprantee every bottle of Caam
berlain's Cough Cure and will refund
the money to anyone who is not satisfied
after using two-thirds of the contents.
This is the beet remedy in the world for
la (grippe, coughs, colds, croup and
whooping .cougq and is pleasant and
safe to tahe. It prevents any tendency
of a cold to result in pneumonia. All
Unconclous From Croup.
During a sudden and terrible attack
of croup our little girl was unooncious
from strangulation, says A. L. Spafford,
postmaster, fChester, Mich., and a dose
of One Minute Cough Cure was admin
istered and repeated often. It reduced
the swelling and inflammation, cut the
mucus and shortly the child was rest
ing easy and speedily recovered. It
cures coughs, colds, L a Grippe, and all
throat and lung troubles. One Minute
Cough Cure lingers in the throat and
ohest and enables the lungs to contrib
ute pure, health-hiving oxygen to the
bloop. Myers’ Pharmacy.
A Marvelous Invention.
Wonders never cease. A machine hus
been invented that will out, paste and
hang wall paper. The field of inventions
and discoveries seems to be unlimited.
Notable among great discoveries is Dr.
King’s New Discovery for Cousump
tion. It has done u world of good for
weak lungs and saved many a life.
Thousands have used it and conquered
Osip, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Con
sumption. Their genera) verdict is: ’‘lt’s
the beet and moßt reliable medicine for
throat and lung troubles. Every 50c
and SI.OO bottle is guaranteed by Myers’
Pharmacy. Trial bottles free.
$112500 for a Prescription.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Fran
cisco, Ang. 30, 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and
«ras paid by a party of business men for
a specific for Bright’s Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They commenced the serious investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. ' 1 he proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap
plication. Address John J. Fulton
company, 420 Montgomery St. San Fran
gisoo, Cal.
The peculiar cough which indicates
croup, is usually well known to the
mothery of croupy children. No time
should be lost in the treatment of it, and
for this purpose no medicine has receiv
ed more universal upproval than Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy. Do not
waste valuable time in experimenting
with untried remedies, no matter how
highiy they may be recoommended, but
gut .give this medicine us directed nud
all symptoms of croup will disappear.
For sale by all druggists.
i» the cause of more discomfort than any other
uilmont. If you eat the thin*# that you want,
and that are good for you, you aro distressed.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will make your di
gestion perfect and prevent Dyspepsia and its
attendant disagreeable symptoms. You can
safely eut anything, at any tune, if you take ono
of tlieso Tablets afterwad. Sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee. 25 cts. Money
refunded if you are not satisfied. Send to us
for a free sample. W. ii. Hooker St Co., Huifalo,
N. Y. I. H. Myers. 2
For a bad taste in the mouth take a
fow doses of Chamberlain,s Stomach
and Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents.
Warranted to cure. For sale by all
Domestic Troubles.
It is exceptional to tind a family
where there ure no domestic ruptures
occasionally, but these can be lessened
by having Ur. King's New Life Pills
around. Much trouble they save by
their groat work in Stomach and Liver
troubles. They not only relieve you,
but cure- 15c, at Myers' Pharmacy,
One Hundred Dollars a Box.
in the value H. A. Tisdale, Summerton,
S, C. places on DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Halve, lie says: ‘1 had the piles for
20 years. I tried many doctors and
medicines, but ull failed except De-
Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It cured
me.” It is a combination of the heuling
properties of Witch Hazel with untisept
icb and emollients; relieves and perma
nently cures, blind, bleeding, itching and
protruding piles, sores, cuts, brcises, ec
zema, salt rheum and all Bkin diseases.
I. 11. Myers.
The Sure Way
to prevent Pneumonia and Consumption in to
euro your cold when it first appears. Acker’s
Knglish Remedy will stun the cough in a night,
•ind drive the cold out of your system. Always a
quick and sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and
all throat and lung t roubles. If it does not satis
fy you tho druggist will refund your money.
Write to ub for froo Bample. W. H. Hooker St
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. I. H. Myers. 2
Mrs. Laura S. Webb, 1
Nortbm OWoT 1
"1 dreaded the change of life which I
was fast approaching. I noticed Wine I
of Cardui, and decided to try a hot- I
tie. I experienced some relief the
first month, so I kept on taking It for
three months and now I menstruate
with no pain and I shall take It off and
on now until I have passed the climax.”
Female weakness, disordered
menses, falling of the womb, and
ovarian troubles do not wear off.
They follow a woman to the change
of life. Do not wait but take Wine
of Cardui now and avoid the trou
ble. Wine of Cardui never fails
to benefit a suffering woman of
any age. Wine of Caraui relieved f
Mrs. Webb when she was in dan- ff
per. When you come to the change m
of life Mrs. Webb's letter wul I
mean more to you than it does I
now. But you may now avoid the ■
suffering she endured. Druggists 1
sell (1 bottles of Wine of Cardui. |
J. W. MACE, Prop.
First-class accommodations for regu
lay boarders and transcients.
Thousands Saved By
This wonderful medioine posi
tively cures Consumption, Coughs
Colds, Bronohitis, Asthma, Pneu
monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La-
Grippe, Hoarseness, Bore Throat,
Croup and Whooping Cough.
Every bottle guaranteed. No
Cure. No Pay. Price 50c. &sl.
Trial bottle free.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Thi9 preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. Is
unequalled for the stomach. Child
ren with weak stomachs thrive on it.
First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary.
Cures all stomaoh troubles
Prepared only by E. O. DeW itt A Oo., Chicago
lb* Si. bottle contains3H times tbeMc. ala*
Notice of Redemption
of School Orders.
Office of County Treasurer, )
Prowers County, Colo. f
January 20, 1903.
Notioe is hereby given that I will
redeem at my office in Prowers
county, all school orders numbered
as follows:
SOS Dm 8 1802 85 70
DMT. MO. 1, aro’L
179 Jan 87 1900 SS 00
185 Not 1•• 590
16 Peb - 1902 3 05
DisT. no. 8, sfbc’l.
216 July 6 1901 400
227 MarS 1902 19 75
282 July 10 “ 1 96
285 Not 1 “ 15 75
884 Not 1 " 14 15
289 Dm 80 ** 200
242 Jan 7•• 28 28
DMT. NO. 6. QIl'L.
40 Not 10 1000 SO 00
49 Jan 18 - 50 00
50 Febß “ 70 00
51 Peb 19 •* 50 00
Mar 19 50 00
55 Apr 4 4 * 60 00
61 May 4 44 50 00
dmt. mo. 6, arac.L.
42 Not 16 1900 15 58
47 Jan 4 1901 255
52 Peb 18 ** 560
60 8 80
62 May 10 1901 68 SO
64 Jan 11 “ 800
65 Ao« 5 5 00
71 Sept 88 *• 197 60
66 Sept 19 44 18 85
98 Sept 15 " 9 95
Bept 25 “ 1 75
74 Oct 4 '* 1 00
76 Oct 14 •* 21 00
77 Oct 26 “ 109 84
12 Sept 27 1901 55 00
18 Sept 87 44 45 00
18 Oct 86 44 55 00
19 Oct 86 M 45 00
dmt. mo. 8, arac'L.
408 Sept 80 1899 11 00
417 Dec 8 *• 8 81
446 Oct 8 1900 12 55
456 Dm 1 12 14
DMT. MO. 9, DU'L.
16 Apr 24 1902 45 00
18 May 80 “ 45 00
dmt. mo. 9, sfbc’l.
44 Peb 2 1901 45 00
2 Apr 29 •• 900
20 July 5 *' 80 00
DMT. MO. 11, arBO'D.
Jane 7 1902 97 50
DMT. MO. 12, OBM'L.
6 Oct 7 1902 56 00
11 Jane IS 1901 107 60
7 Oct 86 44 55 00
8 Dm 12 •• 55 00
9 Dm 28 ** 780
DIST. HO. 18, OBM'D.
118 Not 16 1900 40 00
128 Peb 18 1901 40 00
DIST. MO. 14, OBS 4 !..
10S9 Sept 28 1901 80 00
1118 Oct 26 “ 50 00
1114 ** “ ** 50 U 0
1115 “ ** •* 60 00
1116 “ M “ 60 00
1112 “ *. “ 60 00
1117 50 00
1109 “ *• ” 60 00
1141 Not 88 M 125 00
1148 55 00
1144 * 50 00
1145 50 00
1146 50 00
1147 50 00
1148 50 00
1149 “ ” “ 60 00
1160 SO 00
1148 - 60 00
1159 Dm 80 m 60 00
1158 44 M M 185 00
1160 “ “ ** 86 00
1161 *• 44 44 60 00
1168 50 00
1168 50 00
1164 * 50 50
1166 *• ** “ 50 00
1166 SO 00
1177 Peb 1 1902 125 00
1179 *• ** “ 60 00
1180 M “ “ 50 00
1181 “ •* ‘* 50 00
1188 “ " “ 50 00
1184 44 ** " 60 00
1185 50 00
1178 *. “ “ 60 00
1198 Mar 1 “ 185 00
1194 44 ' “ 60 00
1195 “ M “ 60 00
1196 ' “ •* 50 00
1197 “ M •• 50 00
1198 60 00
1199 60 00
1200 4 60 00
1208 Mar 18 •* 12 50
1201 50 00
1218 Mar 29 ** 125 00
1214 80 00
1216 44 44 44 50 00
1217 44 ** “ 50 00
1218 44 “ " 50 00
1219 50 00
1220 60 00
1221 87 60
1229 Apr 27 •* 125 00
1830 4 60 00
1288 44 44 44 60 00
1288 •* *• *• 60 00
1284 44 •* 44 50 00
1285 44 •• *• 60 00
1288 .. ' 60 00
1246 May 28 44 125 00
1847 44 44 44 60 00
1848 •* ,* M 60 00
1849 44 44 44 60 00
1854 44 44 44 50 00
1868 *• 44 •* 50 00
1253 4 67 50
1216 Mar 29] •• 60 00
1231 Apr 86 ' 44 60 00
1251 May 28 44 60 00
1237 Apr 26 44 50 00
1260 May 23 44 50 00
1871 Sept 86 “ 188 80
1278 * 44 44 70 00
127 5 44 44 *• 60 00
1276 4 60 00
1278 44 44 44 60 00
!879 44 44 44 60 00
1280 44 44 44 60 00
1281 44 44 44 00 00
v 2Ji *.! 8000
1277 60 00
1293 Oct 84 44 138 80
1294 44 44 *• 70 00
1296 44 44 44 60 00
1297 44 \ 44 00 00
1800 4 44 44 00 00
1801 44 44 44 00 00
1808 44 44 “ 60 00
1296 44 44 44 60 00
1296 44 44 44 60 00
1299 44 44 44 60 00
1812 Not 22 44 00 00
1318 0) 00
1815 * 44 M 00 00
1316 4 60 00
1320 44 44 44 60 00
1881 ~...» 75 00
1828 44 44 44 188 80
1817 44 4 * 44 00 00
1818 44 44 44 00 00
1819 4 . 44 44 00 00
1322 J 44 44 10 00
1388 Dm 19 44 188 80
1384 44 44 44 75 00
1885 44 44 *. 00 09
1336 4 00 00
1887 00 00
1388 00 00
1889 44 44 44 00 00
1840 44 44 44 60 00
1841 44 44 44 00 00
1342 44 44 44 00 00
20 600 00
2K6 Feb 4 1899 800
DIST. NO. 16, SFBC 4 !,.
64 Mar 1 1902 48 26
f 8 Mar 1 . 44 9 96
57 Mar 29 44 48 00
68 Mai 81 44 21 10
60 Apr 5 4 * 10 00
59 Apr 6 4100
61 Aosß6 44 800
62 SeptlO 44 18 69
DIRT. NO. 16 bpbc’l, continued
64 Oct 21 “ 1& 00
68 Dec 8 44 *5 00
OUT. NO. 18. ONN’L.
86 Not 23 1899 40 00
89 Dec 801899 40 00
DIRT. NO. 19, tU'l,
64 Not 17 1890 42 00
DIRT. NO. 19, BOND*.
1 Mar 1 1891 100 00
2 100 00
8 100 00
4 100 00
6 44 •* ** 100 00
DIRT. NO. 20, OBN’L.
5 40 00
6 Fab 16 1901 40 00
9 Mar 16 44 40 00
10 Apr 10 44 40 00
40 Jan 15 1901 6 24
DIRT. Ro. 28, RFBC'L.
53 Dae 20 1901 50 00
84 Dae 28 1901 4 00
85 Jan 11 1902 2 00
87 Jan 17 " SO 00
88 Feb 15 44 B 0 00
39 Feb 15 44 80 00
Mar 14 44 SO 00
Mar 24 '* 20 00
Apr O'* 25 00
DIRT. NO. 28. OBN’L.
128 Mar 23 1900 40 00
127 May 19 1900 40 00
157 Jan 4 1902 12 05
161 Feb 20 " 4 50
168 Sept IS •* 800
170 Sept 17 M 890
169 Sept 16 44 10 80
178 Out 4 *• 735
167 Sept 3 “ 250
172 Sept 30 44 45 00
165 Apr 17 *‘ 1 20
174 Oct 12 *• 8 50
171 Bept 27 *• 5 56
176 Not 29 44 17 00
178 Dec 16 44 2 45
189 Feb 8 1901 46 00
140 Mar 7 1902 45 00
144 May 8 1902 12 00
146 Sept 2 1903 26 50
150 Not 18 190 2 47 11
DIRT. NO. 87, OBN’L.
76 Jan 27 1902 40 00
80 Mar 1 44 40 00
84 Ear 22 “ 80 00
85 Mar 22 “ 40 00
90 Apr 80 " 40 00
91 Apr 80 “ 40 00
28 Feb 14 1899 10 00
81 Mar 1 106 00
27 Feb 24 44 80 00
89 Not 8 86 00
85 Jan 80 1900 10 00
52 Jan 18 1902 40 00
60 Mar 9 “ 40 00
64 Jnly 12 44 40 00
71 Oct 81 ** 45 00
72 Oct 81 “ 40 00
54 Jan 9 1902 12 40
58 Jan 9 44 62 75
56 Jan 25 44 88 84
56 Feb 4 ** IS 80
67 Feb 7 *' 400
61 Mar 16 44 25 50
58 Feb 11 44 10 00
62 Jnne 18 *• 84 Bo
63 June 18 44 10 Ou
66 Jnly 12 44 40 00
66 July 12 “ 40 00
67 JulA 12 “ 40 00
68 Sept 1 100 00
69 Oct 16 r ‘ 6 00
74 Not 18 *’ 87 00
74 Not 1 “ I 9 60
70 Oct 20 ’* 12 75
12 Feb 21 1902 26 00
DIRT. NO, 80, OBN’L.
8 Not 27 1902 40 00
27 6 00
DIRT. NO. 81. OBN'L,
56 Oct 25 1901 40 00
57 Not 22 44 40 00
68 Dec 20 M 40 00
68 Oct 7 1901 900
64 Oct 7 4 50
55 Oct 16 44 80 15
•0 Dec 80 44 lpOt
61 Feb 25 1902 6 00
62 Feb 25 44 800
67 May 6 ? 660
64 ’* “ V 10 30
66 26 00
69 25 00
72 Junes 44 100 00
71 June 4 44 200
66 Apr 24 44 4 75
DIRT. NO. 82, OBN’L.
29 Not 28 1901 40 00
50 Dec 20 1901 44 00
9 Dec 6 1900 15 15
14 Feb 19 1901 86 76
14 Feb 23 1901 27 76
10 Dec 18 1900 9 00
16 1 60
20 May 6 1901 17 50
21 May 18 44 500
22 June 4 44 87 60
19 May 9 “ 6Ou
28 July 26 44 6 00
28 Auy 31 44 26 50
26 Sept 16 8 60
28 Dec 8 44 900
84 Dec 21 44 485
31 Dec 20 44 200
33 Dec 20 “ 10 00
85 Jan 15 1902 6 00
48 June 17 1902 97 50
88 Adt 28 ’• 400
40 May 6 44 800
44 Any 6 44 10 00
45 Aus 14 44 82 55
46 Sept 6 48 85
51 Not 26 “ 40 00
7 Jan 28 1901 1 60
11 Mar 10 1901 6 10
DIRT. NO. 35, OBN’L.
15 May 16 1902 40 00
8 Dec 80 1901 79 14
4 Dec 80 1901 70 75
6 Jan 2 1902 266
6 Jan 2 44 640
35 Jan 2 44 885
9 Jan 27 44 840
DIRT. NO. 87, OBN'L.
18 Oct 31 1902 45 00
IS Not 29 1902 45 00
Interest will cease on above orders
after February 28, 1903.
County Treasurer.
H. L. CONWELL, Prop.
Ebtatb ob Mast I. Matbbw Deceased.
f Tha undersigned, having boen appointed Ad
ministrator of tho estate of Mary I. Mayhew
late of the County of Prowers, State of Colo
rado, deceased, hereby give* notice that he will
appear before the County Court of said
Prowers County, at the court house in
Lamar, in said county, at tho Decem
ber term. 1902, on the last Monday in February
next, at which time all persons having claims
against said estate are uotilled ami requested
to attend for the purpose of having tho same
adjusted. All persons iudebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment to
the undersigded.
Dated at Lamar, Colo., this 3rd day of Jan
uary, A. D. 1902.
Jambs K. Doughty, Administrator,
Estate or Lbmubl G. Stubbs Dbcbasbd.
The undersigned, having been appointed Ad
ministratrix of the estate of Lemuel G. Stubbs,
late of the Coonty of Prowers, in the State of
Colorado, deceased, hereby gives notice that
she will appear before the County Court of said
Prowers County, at the Court House in Lamar,
in said County, at the Term 1902, on
the last Monday in February next, at which
time all persona having claims against said es
tate are notified and requested to attend for
the purpose of having the same adjusted. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment to the undersign
Dated at Lamar. Colo.,thia 5th day of Janu
ary. A. D. 1901. Fannie E. Stubbs.
J. K. Doughty, Attorney. Administratrix.
U. 8. Land Office, Lamab Colo. I
Deo. 22. 1902. f
NOTICE is hereby given that the follow ing
** named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register or Receiver at Lamar, Colorado on
Wednesday. Feby., 18, 1902, vis: Lewis J. Brad
shaw, H. E. No. 4947, for the uc, 1 * Sec 33 Twp 21
S, Rag 48, W.flth P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis;
J. B. Rowe, L. Rowe, M. F. Ralston and W.
F. Ralston, all of Lamar. Colo.
dll-fll John A. Williams, Register.
U. 8, Land Offiob, Lamab, Colo. ?
Dec. 29, 1902 )
STOTICE is hereby given that the following-
JN named settler has tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the Reg
ster and Receiver at Lamar, Colorado, on Thurs
day, Feby., 5th. 1903, vis: Oscar T. Mann, H. E.
No. 4006, for the n eSi, see 29, Twp 22, 8 Rng 48,
W.. 6 P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, via:
J. L. Cook, L. P. Mapes, J. P. O'Donnell and
J. C. Horn, all of Lamar, Celo.
dSl-f4 John A. Williams, Register.
Unitbd Statbs Land Office, )
Lamab, Colo.. Nov. 29 1902.)
VfOTICE is hereby given that the fullowing-
II named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will bo made before the
Clerk of the District Court at Las Animas, Colo,
on Friday, February 6th, 1903. vis: LisaieCrane
widow of Mark D. Crane deceased, H. E. No.
4661 for the swk ne.H», seii nw w, ne<4 swK and
nwX se>4, sec 10 twp 27 S range 48 W, 6 p. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis:
Benigo Han teste van, John Heinon, John
O'Neill and William Purvis, all of Las Animas,
d31f4 John A. Williams, Register.
U. 8. Land Office Lamab Colo. )
Jan. 8th, 1908. J
NOTICE is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his claim,
that said proof will be made before tho Regis
ter and Receiver at Lamar, Colorado, on Thurs
day Feby. 19th, 1903, vis: Bell O'Donnell, form
erly Bell Ludlow, H. E. No. 4613. for the se!t,
see 20, twp 22 s, rng 48 w 6th p. m.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, vis:
O. T. Mann, B. T. McClave, H. G. Fulkerson
Carl E. Carlson, all of Lamar, Colo.
J14-fl8 John A. Williams, Register.
Cries Sales in all parts of the county.
Satisfaction given. Terms reasonable
Lamar* Colorado,
j InSS iMIiuliiiidiliidll iBSnlltli .IN
■■■theDenver :
Republican ;
I» Clean,
Truthful, i
Reliable and |
Progreaaive .
It prints more news than |
any other paper in Colorado.
; It stands for the best inter
ests of the state and enjoys t
the confidence and esteem of |
all intelligent readers. ;
It has the
Biggest and Best
At Home and
i t
As an advertising medium |
i CAN is superior to any other c
j paper in Denver, because its >
readers are prosperous and t
: progressive.
Postpaid, Per Month,
WEEKLY—Postpaid, Per Y«r, .
• - ■ - :
A. T. & 8. F.Timi Card.
Daily, Lamar. Colorado Dally.
WbitBoomd. East Bound.
No. 1 1 02 a.m No. 2 12 01a.m.
No. S 1 11 a.m. No. 6 3 06 a. m.
No. 7 5 23 a. m. No. 8 1 26 p. m.
No. 83-Frt 0 50 a.m. No. 84-Frt 12 26p. m.
No. 1 is California express and makes local
stops between Lamar and La Junta.
No. 5 is Donver express, stops on flair at Las
Animas. Carries free chair car and Pullmans.
No. 7 is the Mexico and California express.
No. 1 and No. 7 both carry tourist and Pullman
sleepers. No. 7 connects at LaJuuta for Pueblo
Colorado Springs and Denver.
Train No. 63 runs to La Junta and will accom
modate passengers for intermediate points.
No. 2 is through California express and con
nects at La Junta with a train from Denver car
ries passenger through to Chicago without
change. Has Pullman and tourist sleepers.
No. 6 is Deuver express and runs through to
Chicago without change. Carries free chair
car and Pullman slooper.
No. 8 is local passengor and makes all stop-..
Carries chair car and Pullman sleeper. Ruus
through to Chicago without change of cars.
Inquiries solicited and promptly and cheor
fully answered. Descriptive literature and
time tables folders free by applying to
G. J. Garvik. Agen.t
North Side «
Barber Shop
All work flrBt-claas.
Good bath outfit in
First Door North of Depot
C3-. kc. rmoEiTE.
Second Floor Foley-Bent Block
Lamar, Colorado
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Lamar, Colorado.
Second Floor Goodale Building.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Lamar, Colorado.
OITloe In Bont Bill., East Main St.
Office in Land Office Bldg.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Lamar, Colorado.
OfTleetn LandOfTIceBulldlna.
2d Floor Blodfl'ett Buildina
Will reoeive a limited number of med
ical, surgical, gynecological and
obstetrical cases.
DR. FEWKE8 Suet.
J. S. HASTY, D-,
On Second Floor of the Good
ale Block.
Offices in east rooms on second
floor of Irwin Bnilding
Office in N. E. Corner Union Hotel. Honrs • to
12 a. m. and 1:30 to 6 p. m. Graduate A. T.
Still School, Kirkville, Mo. Examination
and consultation free.
When in need of
which is right in Quality, Variety
add Price, see or write to
3". O.
Lamar, Colo.
For Colds and La Grippe
Boyd’s Up-to-date Drug Store

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