OCR Interpretation

The Lamar register. [volume] (Lamar, Colo.) 1889-1952, August 03, 1904, Image 6

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Newberry. S. C.—W. li. Harris.
Chief of Police, of Newberry. Bays:
**l suffered for a number of years with
kidney complaint. There was a dull
aching ucross the small of my back
that was worse at Dlgbt and
made me feel miserable all the time.
The kidney secretions were dark and
full of sediment, and lack of control
impelled me to rise a number of
times during the night. Between this
annoyance and the backache it was
Impossible for me to get much sleep
and my health was being undermined.
I tried a number of remedies, but
nothing helped me until 1 got Doan's
Kidney Pills. The use of this remedy
according to directions promptly
brought about a change tor the better.
After using two boxes the backache
all left me. the kidney secretions
cleared up and the action of the kid
neys became normal.”
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Chief Har
ris will be mailed to any part of the
United States. Address Foster-Mil
burn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Sold by all
d alers; price fifty cents per box.
Immense billboards will be used to
advertise the. World’s Fair, but small
board bills would be more efficacious.
The Albany, Denver.
Under new management. Newly
furnished. Table maintained on high*
eat plane of excellence. Popular
prices. Headquarters for mining men.
stockmen and merchants. Have your
mail addressed care of "The Albany."
Take Seventeenth street car at Union
“Is it trlie that the order requiring
Ihe Igor rotes to wear pants has been
rescinded?" "Yea, the naked truth.”
Superior quality and extra quantity
rnust win. This Is why Defiance Starch
Is taking the place of all others.
a an lunoiortAirrn e at
In New York City, Freed by a Cow
boy's Lariat.
After nearly two years imprison
ment between brick walls four stories
~.,;b and only a little more than three
Inches apart, a cat lias been rescued
by means of a lariat. The feline
dropped into the crevice when it was
only a few weeks old and has been
there ever since—fed and cared for by
families residing in the buildings.
The prison which it occupied so
long is botween two buildings in East
Fourth street. The crevice Is closed
front and back, and even closed partly
on the top by tin roofing.
Efforts which the kitten made again
and again during the early days of its
Imprisonment, to climb up these slip
pery walls, only to fall back, were
watched with sympathy by the neigh
bors and they became divided into fac
tions—those who thought that the kit
ten ought to be killed and relieved of
Hs misery, and those who held that
while there was life there was hope.
The latter fed the eat and gave it
water by means of a long string. Dis
contented neighbor* many times threw
1 chunks of poisoned liver, but the
animal never touched it. Meanwhile
the cat grew ami every effort was
made to release it. but without suc
A few days ago the story became
generally known and came to the no
tice of an ex cowboy who. with an old
lariat, soon dragged the cat from its
prison, thus removing a source of
much worry to the Society for Preven
tion of Cruelty to Animals.
Coffee Has a Curious Way of Finally
Attacking Some Organ.
Ails that come from coffee are
cumulative, that is, unless the coffee
Is taken away new troubles are con
tinually appearing and the old ones
get worse.
"To begin with,” says a Kansan. ”1 !
was a slave to coffee Just as thou
sands of others to-day; thought I
could not livo without drinking strong
coffee every morning for breakfast
ami I bad sick headaches that kept
ine in hod several days every month.
Could hardly keep my food on my
stomach hut would vomit as long as
I could throw anything up and when
I could get hot coffee to stay on my
stomach I thought 1 was better.
"Well, two years ago this spring I |
was that sick with rheumatism I j
cou4d not use my right arm to do any- I
thing, had heart trouble, was nerv
ous. My nerves were all unstrung i
and my finger nails and tips were i
blue as if 1 had a chill all the time
and my face and hands yellow as a
pumpkin. My doctor said It was heart
dlsaase and rheumatism and my
neighbors said I had Bright’s disease
and was going to dlo.
"Well. I did not know what on
earth was the matter and every morn
ing would drag myself out of bed and
go to breakfast, not to eat anything,
but to force down some more coffee.
Then In a little while I would be so
nervous, my heart would beat like
"Finally one morning I told my hus
band I believed coffee was the cause
of this trouble and that I thought I
would try Postum which I had seen
advertised. He said ’All right’ so we
got Postum and although 1 did not
like It at first I got right down to
.business and made It according to
directions, then it was fine and the
whole family got to using it and 1
tell you It has worked wonders for
me. Thanks to Postum in place of the
poison, coffee. I now enjoy good
health, have not been In bed with sick
headache for two years although I had
It for 30 years before I began Postum
and my nerves are now strong and I
have no trouble from my heart or
from the rheumatism.
"I consider Postum a necessary ar
ticle of food on my table. My friends
who come here and taste my Postum
say It is delicious." Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Oct the book, "The Poad to Well*
villo" In each pkg.
John Had No Desire to Return to
Loving Spouse.
"Spiritualism." said Gov. Aycock of
North Carolina, "is a marvelous thing.
I used to know a widow who thought
she would look into it a little. She
visited a medium, and the man greed
for $5 to give her some conversation
wjth her dead husband.
"He put the lights out and fell Into
a trance, and suddenly a dim. pale
shape appeared In the furthest, black
est corner of the room.
"’Are you my husband? Are you
John?’ the widow whispered, tremu
“’I am John,’ a bass voice an
"For a moment, awe-stricken, the
widow was silent. Then she said:
"‘Do you forgive me for my ill
treatment of you in life?’
" *1 forgive all.’ replied the voice.
‘ ‘Are you happier than you were
when you were living?’
" ’Much happier.’
“ ’Have you no desire to return
to earth?’
“ ‘None whatever.’
' ‘Where are you. John?’
“ ‘ln Hades,’ said the spirit.”
First Briton in India.
The fiist Englishman who is known
for certain to have gone out to India
was. according to a recent correspon
dent in an Indian paper, a certain
Thomas Stephens, a member of a well
to-do Wiltshire family and an Oxonian,
who landed somewhere near Goa about
the year 1579. and spent forty years in
Jesuit missionary work in Goa and the
neighborhood. Stephens not only suc
t ceeded in mastering Marathi and Kon
j kani, which were the languages spoken
by the majority of the people on the
west coast, but left behind him among
other works in Marathi of literary
I merit the "Purana,” an epic; and it is
| in his capacity as the author of this
that Stephens’ name is best known
among the West Coast inhabitants.
| The poem contains over 11,000
strophes of four lines each. It nar
rates in a lofty style the events that
led up to the establishment of the
Christian religion, and from the crea
tion to the ascension of our Lord, who
figures as the hero of the epic. A
new edition of the "Purana” is to be
i published in Mangalore, no printed
copy of the work being now available
—The Athenaeum.
Consider Himself Dead.
Mr. L., a good-natured German, was
the proprietor of a clothing business in
a country town. He had In his em
| ploy one John S., whom he bail ad
vanced from cash boy to head clerk.
| Since his promotion John had several
times asked for an increase of salary,
' and each time his request had been
I granted. One morning he again ap
peared at the old merchant's desk
with another request for an increase
of $lO a month.
I ''Vy, shon.” said ■ Mr. I*. “[ dink I
bays you pooty veil alretty; vat for I
bays you any more?”
j "Well." replied John, confidently, "I
am your principal help here. I know
ever}' detail of the business, and, in
deed. I think that you could not get
along without me.”
j "Is dot so? Vy, Shon. vot would I
. do suppose you vas to die?"
j "Well, suppose that you would have
j to get along without me then.”
The old Teuton took several whiffs
from his big pipe and finally said:
"Veil, Shon. I guess you petter gon
slder yourself dead.” —Youth's Con>
The Czar a Book Lover.
Here is quite a delightful confession
from the Czar of all the Russias,
whose heart must now be sorely trou
bled by the disasters of the present
“I love traveling, but only when I
can do It in my own way. I never
travel otherwise than at night, and
spend my day visiting museums and
quaint old streets, bazars when I am
in the East, antiquarian shops when I
am in the North. I am more of an
Asiatic than a European In my tastes,
and I have not only a vast collection
of Indian curios and quite an army
of Buddhas large and small, but also
a library composed of books treating
of Indiana subjects alone, and another
of hooks dealing with Egyptian lore. t
Were I not —well, what I am—l should
he the greatest bookworm in the
The Outdoor Christian.
God, forgive me for an upatart
That I do not plead for grace.
Nor bask within purring praises
In the radiance of thy face.
I am so busy living. Lord.
And loving, night ami day.
I cannot always find the time
To kneel me down and pray.
God. forgive me for a bungler.
That I cannot tune by chime
To the anthem and the chantry
Of the dressy Sabbath time.
I know the word of sea and sky.
The note of dell and nook.
But cannot seem to entch the air
Of olden altar book.
God. forgive me that T love the®
As the flowers love the light.
With a seething, silent rapture.
With a dear but dumb delight.
You bred my faith so stanch and
My creed so brave an 1 gav.
I dare to love and praise thee In
Mine own nntrammeled way!
Eleanor Abbott In Llpplncott'a.
Spain to Grow Cotton.
There fs now a bill before the
Spanish Cortes, proposed by the min
ister of finance, to encourage the cul
tivation of cotton. All land devoted
to the raising of cotton will lie ex
empt for three years from all tax.
both on land and on all improvements
made, and all live stock used on the
land; nnd for the next ten years the
tax will only be the same as before
the improvements were made. This
exemption only applies while the lnnd
is planted in cotton. Money prizes
will be paid to those who obtain tho
b?st results.
Present Day Amber Is Resin.
According to the best modern au
thorities the so-called amber found in
Syria, India and Madagascar is not
amber at all, but a resin, nearly al
lied to copal, which is the product of
leaf-bearing trees growing at the pres
ent day. True amber is the resin of
aclcular trees long since extinct, ami
there is a good deal of conflict among
scientists as to which geological per
iod It belongs to.
Flight Through Frozen North.
The Lapland limited is perhaps the
most curious of through express trains
*n that it carries fewer passengers
and runs over a longer distance than
any other train. This flyer leaves
Stockholm, Sweden, once a week dur
ing the summer months and runs
straight through to Narvik, a Norwe
gian harbor, within the Arctic zone.
The distance is 1,336 miles.
Pension Consumptives’ Families.
In Germany, when a person breaks
down with consumption, he is sent
to a government sanatorium, where
he is kept until he recovers or dies.
In the meantime his family receives
a weekly pension from a fund to
which the patient himself contributed
when he was in good health. By this
means the risk of spreading the dis
ease is avoided.
Perfume and Moth Preventive.
A pleasant perfume and moth pre
ventive Is made of cloves, caraway
seeds, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon and
Tonka beans—an ounce of each. Add
as much Florentine orris root as will
equal the total amount of the other
Ingredients. Put together, grind into
a powder and put In little bags among
your clothes.
Time of Lighting Flash.
F. H. Glew of London has calculated
the lime of a lightning flash to bo one
nineteenth of a second. He obtained
this result by means of a photograph
made with a vlgrating lens, which In
dicated the multiple image taken and
the rate of vibration of the lens.
Stamps Not Historically Correct.
On some of the postage stamps of
St. Kltts-Nevls. England, the authori
ties have depicted Columbus gazing
intently through a big telescope. As
a matter of fnet, telescopes were not
invented till over 100 years after
Columbus was born.
Peat Supply of Sweden.
Sweden’s supply of peat seems In
exhaustible. In the province of Norr
botten alone there are 8,6-18,000 acres
of moss land, and the total quantity
of peat is estimated to equal a supply
for two centuries of the present coal
Import to Sweden.
Enterprising English Barber.
Owing to the war of rates on At
lantic steamship lines a barber to
Dover, England, has the following ad
vertisement: “From the Toilet
Saloon to New York for £2. Shave
included. Trains pass the door.”
Value of an Aspiration.
An aspiration is a Joy forever, a
possession as solid as a landed estate,
n fortune which we can never exhaust,
and which gives us year by year a
revenue of pleasurable activity.—Rob
ert Louis Stevenson.
First Big Expositions.
The first exposition was In Paris in
1798: the first in England in 1828. and
In America In New York, in 1853.
These were not international like the
World’s Fair. The first of these was
in London In 1851.
Why They Hiss.
In West Africa the natives hiss
when they arc astonished; in the New
Hebrides when they see anything
beautiful. The Basutos applaud a pop
ular orator In the assemblies by hiss
ing him.
Tamalpals Is Spanish for "The Ta
mal country.” The mountain cf that
name was so called because It is In
the country that was at one time occu
pied by the Tamal Indians.
English Is Optional Study.
English is in the future to he an
optional subject in all public schools
In Saxony on the ground that it Is
“the most widely used civilized lan
guage in the world.
Advertising Thread.
As an advertisement of Its thread
a well-known firm has. after several
attempts, connected Europe and Asia
across the Bosphorus with 1.250 yards
of cotton.
Swimming Harder Than Climbing.
An Austrian physician. Dr. F. Muel
ler. has made experiments which dem
onstrate that swimming, is harder
work than mountain climbing.
Bronchitis Most Fatal Disease.
Bronchitis is the most fatal disease
in England, next consumption, and
then heart disease, pneumonia and
Japanese Adieu.
The Japanese word of parting is
not “So long” or "See you later.” but
"Sayonaro"—"if it must be so.”
Dogs in Funeral Cortege.
At the burial of a South London
man his six dogs, drapeu *u black, fol
lowed the cortege.
Germ of Good Cheer.
Tact is the art of adjusting the
relationships between ourselves and
othc rs.
Italian Joan of Are.
The Italian sculptor Ettore Fer
raria has completed a relief portrait
of "the Italian Jeanne d’Arc.’’ Signora
Stamura. for Ancona, which she
helped to defend during the siege by
Barbarossa. She inspired courage in
the citizens by her exhortations, and
during a sally applied the torches
with her own hands to the German
siege towers, according to tradition.
She was a widow.
Condemns Flannels.
Dr. 1./'onard Williams, in an article
In the l»ndon Practitioner, declares
lhat flannel underclothing Is a fraud.
“Dry flannel," he says, "is practically
unabsorbent, whereas linen, cotten
and silk are. In different degrees, very
absorbent.” He concludes that "wool
en underclothing is. of all others, the
best calculated to induce a relaxed
and unresponsive condition of the
Cheerfulness and Grumbling.
How many people in real life there
are who are a perpetual drain on the
sympathies of their more cheerful
friends and neighbors! They like to
be comforted with, strong, uplifting
words; they appreciate cheerfulness
—ln others. It does not occur to
them that it Is a cultivable quality,
just as grumbling is.
Corn Birds Will Not Bother.
A well known farmer says he wets
his seed corn with coal oil before
planting it. and as a result the birds
and insects do not bother It before It
comes up. The oil does not injure
the germ and keep it from sprouting.
This has been proved by experience,
as he has never had to replant.—Fil
more (Mo.) Lever.
Training of Japanese Wrestlers.
In the place of training to remove
superfluous flesh, as do the athletes
of other lands, the wrestlers of Japan
eat to put It on. Great size and
weight do not appear to interfere
with their agility. Instead it is ote
of the principal means of overcon*
lng an adversary.
Oldest Tree.
The oldest tree in the world Is on
the Island of Kos. lying off the coast
of Asia Minor. The trunk is thirty
feet In circumference. A wall of
masonry surrounds it and supports
the two main branches. It is believed
to be more than 2,000 years old.
Hood’s NarroW Escape.
How near the ridiculous may come
to the sublime would have been aptiy
Illustrated, if tradition speaks true
as to the title which Hood first de
vised for the poem by which he is
iie3t known. He Is said to have called
It "The Tale of a Shirt.”
Where False Hair Comes From.
Most of the black hair used in wigs
ard "switches" comes from the con
vents of Italy and Spain, while the
fair and red hair comes mainly from
the heads of Russian, Swedish, Ger
man and Danish peasant girls.
Chairman Made a "Bull.”
The chairman of a well-known
South African gold-mining company
greatly amused the shareholders at a
meeting by announcing that a certain
resolution was "carried unanimously
with one dissent.”
Algerian Footwear.
leather shoes are seldom worn In
Algeria by the natives of Arabian de
scent. Their footwear consists of
pieces of camel's hide bound on the
feet with thongs, or of sandals of
braided twine.
Tree Provides Illumination.
The “tallow tree” of Malabar yields
from the seeds of Its fruit by boiling
an excellent tallow, which serves as a
valuable illuminant. both as oil and
by candles which are made from It.
Diet That Kills Babies.
Babies are often fed. or rather
starved, said Miss May Yates to the
British Women’s Temperance associ
ation. on cheese, fried fish, tinned
salmon, pickles, gin and beer.
Use Liner for Hotel.
One of the Hamburg liners was
used as a hotel ship in the harbor of
Kiel during the recent races. The
rates for meals and lodging were
from $5 to $lO a day.
Fogs Increase Mortality.
The mortality curves in Ix>ndon rise
In proportion to the density of the
fogs and consequent exclusion of sun
light. which is the deadly foe of dis
ease germs.
Abandon Socialistic Colony.
Nineteen Boers, who organized 8
colony on socialistic teetotal lines ir
Java, had to abandon the enterpris#
after three months.
Greeting of Tibetans.
A sign of politeness In Tibet or
meeting a person in Tibet Is to hole
tip the clenched hand and stick ou’
the tongue.
Warmth in Plant Roots.
The roots of plants are found tc
have a higher temperature than the
soil, but only while growing.
Coal Dear in South Africa.
Coal is dearer In South Africa than
In any other part of the world. It h
cheapest In China.
Old Map of Jerusalem.
A map of Jerusalem in mosaic over
1.500 years old has been found in
[ No chromos or cheap premiums. but
& better quality and one-third mors
Df Defiance Starch for the same price
Df other starches.
When a Kill l« nnkeil to "ho
can't she always explains that she has
a cold.
Dliss Nellie HolmesT
of the Young Woman’s Temper
ance Association of Buffalo, N.Y.,
strongly advises all suffering
women to rely, as she did, up
on Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vege
table Compound.
“ Dear Mrs. Pinkhaii : Your med
icine is indeed an ideal woman’s medi
cine, and by far the best I know to
restore lost health and strength. I
suffered misery for several years, being
troubled with menorrhagia. My back
ached, I had bearing-down pains and
frequent headaches. I would often
wake from restful sleep, and in such
pain that I suffered for hours before I
could go to sleep again. I dreaded the
long nights as much as the weary days.
I consulted two different physicians,
hoping to get relief but, finding that
their medicine did not seem to cure me.
I tried your Vegetable Compound
on the recommendation of a friend
from the East who was visiting me.
“ I am glad that 1 followed her ad
vice, for every ache and pain is gone,
and not only this, but my general
health is much improved. I have a
fine appetite and have gained in flesh.
My earnest advice to suffering women
is to put aside all other medicines and
to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound.” Miss Nelli*
Holmes, r>4o No. Division St., Buffalo,
N. Y. ssoooforfeit If original of about Ittttr pro
em* oenelntnrsM cannot 6* produced-
waive HESTER
Jl-?** 8 t * ie thoroughly modem and scientific system of load
ing and the use of only the best materials which make
nc h eB ter Factory Loaded “New Rival” Shells give bet-
TahTßW*"* ,er P attern » penetration and more uniform results gener
l\M ully than any other shells. The special paper and the Win-
Chester patent corrugated head used in making “New
MM Rival” shells give them strength to withstand reloading.
will report !„ or out Denver, on onn.l- Ss!Sn,l*“S?nJ oS A'iUK
cation by telenhone or telegraph. Q r telegraph.
Of Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Banking, Etc.
It b the purest cleanest starch made.
It is free of injurious chemicals.
It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid
to use starch of any kind.
That’s Defiance. Your grocer sells it
BIST QUALITY BINDER **** *' WualiliißUiD, D. C. ’
oreAjmarCraAß always reliable ! •
lour Jobber or direct from Factory, i’oorla m
CURES catarrh ot the stomach.
Denver Directory
A $4O Saddle for
A - $25 c.o.d.
For a abort time only ws
offer this
born, double
leather-covered slir
I i rups. warranted In ever?
m MMmm I reepeot. end equal to sal
I I dies sold for MO ever
I I where. Catalog free.
I [W* I The Frod Mueller
I &J I SaddlefeHnrnessCo.
A H I 141X-UL9 Larimer Bt,
"I fIV Denver Colorado
Write for Catalogue. UHb Blake Streets,
nrivtl'i; REPAIRS of every known make of
PULLEN, 13M LaVrSnOeVt* Denve-. pbons7jj
..Oxford Hotel..
Denver. On* M Fireproof
,n,u.c ttA.MK U f take order* lorColorad..
AbtNIO grown tieee ard plante. CMih paid week
ly. International Nurseries. North Denver. < »10.
The Colorado Tent 4 Awning Co.
lawn Swlmrs Camp Furniture. largest Cotton
&ck Housflnthe West. Write for Illustrated
Catalogue. Denver. Colo.
Made of heavy drill. Fine Madras. Fan
cy Percale and Plain and Fancy Flan
nels. Large In body, long sleeves, made
right in every way. If your denier
cannot furnish this brand, write to us.
Denser. Colo.
llbllOlUll Washington, D.( .
B 3 yrs tu civil war. 15 adjudicating claims, atty ainoe.
Safe, quick, economical method ac
quiring government land.
Howard E. Burton ‘" d
Specimen prices, Hold Silver, Lea<L|l; Gold Hit.
ver. 75c: Cold, 80c; Zinc or copper. 41. Cyanide ie<w.
Railing envelopes and full price list soot on appli
cation. Control and Umpire work solicite d L lad
*lll®. Colo. Reference CarhonateNat’l Bank.
W. N. U.—DENVER.—NO. 32—190 L
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention Thi* Paper.

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