OCR Interpretation

The Lamar register. [volume] (Lamar, Colo.) 1889-1952, October 19, 1904, Image 7

Image and text provided by History Colorado

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Pretty Girt Suffered From Nervousness and
Pelvic Catarrh—Found Quick Reliel
In a Few Days.
Miss Sadie Robinson, 4 Rand street,
Malden, Mass., writes:
“I’ernna was recommended to me
al>out a year ago as an excellent remedy
for the troubles peculiar to our sex, and
as I fonnd that al\ that was said of this
medicine was true, I am pleased to en
dorse it.
«*/ began to use It about seven months
ago for weakness and nervousness,
caused from overwork and sleepless
ness, and found that In a few daya I
began to grow strong, my appetite In
creased and I began to sleep better,
consequently my nervousness passed
away and the weakness In the pelvic
organa ao-tn disappeared and / have
been well and strong ever since. ”
Address Dr. S. I*. Hartman, President
of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
0., for free medical advice. All corre*
pondenee strictly confidential.
A girl may not be able to keep a se
cret, but she can keep a young man
We want you to have the
money, you know, if you
don’t like Schilling’s Best.
Y«ur grocer returns jrour nn»/ it you dWt liia
The mnn who does hla level best
doesn't go down hill.
Mnrino Eye Remedy curee sore eyes,
makes weak eyes strong. All druggists, 50c.
Beauty and the Babies.
As a guardian of children, no hu
man being ever surpassed “Beauty/*
an Irish setter dog. says Daniel Leo
of 830 South Fifteenth street, her
owner. Lee has trained his dog to
take care of the little plckinlnnles
which call him pap. He says that
the dog is better than a nurse to
keep the children from harm and
would willingly sacriflco her life to
save that of his children. Lee has
one little girl who likes to play in the
street. She occasionally tries to do
this, although her mother has strict
ly forbidden It.
“Beauty knows that the children
should not go out of their own yard,”
said Lee yesterday, “and whenever
my little girl tries to go through the
gate she has a rough and tumble
fight with Beauty. Beauty will run
in front of her and If she refuses to
stop grasps her dress and pulls her
back. She holds on in spite of any
efforts phe makes to get away. Some
times the child in her Innocence re
sents the dogs actions and cufTs and
kicks her. When she hurts her the
dog whines -pitifully, but still holds on.
The other day the child In her rage
took hold of the dog’s ear with her
teeth and bit It. The dog howled in
pain, but did not offer to do her in
• Beauty is a very valuable dog and
has a faultless pedigree. Some time
since she gave birth to twelve little
beauties and Is not out of the yard
much now, as she has children of her
own to care for. —Denver Republican.
When a man begins to take whisky
as a medicine he soon becomes a
chronic invalid.
In Any Time of Trouble Is Grape-Nuts.
Food to rebuild the strength and
that is pre-digested must be selected
when one is convalescent. At this
time' there is nothing so valuable as
Grape-Nuts, for the reason that this
food is all nourishment and is also all
digestible nourishment. A woman who
used It says:
“Some time ago I was very 111 with
typhoid fever, so ill everyone thought
I would die, even myself. It left mo
so weak I could not properly digest
food of any kind and I also had much
bowel trouble which left mo a weak,
helpless wreck.
“I needed nourishment as badly as
anyone could, but none of the tonics
helped me until I finally tried Grape-
Nuts food morning and evening. This
not. only supplied food that I thought
delicious as could be, but it also made
me perfectly well and strong again
so I can do all my housework, sleep
well, can eat anything without any
trace of bowel trouble and for that
reason alone Grape-Nuts food Is worth
wcijht In gold.” Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Typhoid fever, like some other dis
eases. atteks the bowels and frequent
ly sets up bleeding and makes them
for months Incapable of digesting the
starches and therefore pre-digested
Grape-Nuts Is invaluable for the well
known reason that In Grape-Nuts all
the starches have been transformed
into grape sugar. This means that the
■first stage of digestion has been me
chanically accomplished In Grape-Nuts
food at the factories and therefore
anyone, no matter how weak the stom
ach, can handle it and grow strong, for
all the nourishment is still there.
There’s a sound reason and 10 days’
trial proves.
May Have to Leave Mukden.—Corres
pondents Ordered Back to Harbin.
—Kuropatkin’s Report.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 17. —3:45 p. m.—
The official veil was lifted to-day from
the ghastly tragedy around Shakhe,
but even the official account, supple
mented by numerous press dispatches,
leaves much uncertainty as to the sit
uation. Out of the fiagmeiitary muss
of information at hand it is possible
only to conclude that the costly with- I
druwai and retreat from Liao Yang is
being duplicated on an even grander !
scale, after more desperate fighting and
heavier loeses.
.General Kuropatkin’s story leaves
the Russians still tenaciously holding .
the noith hank of the Sh-khe river,!
but general belief L<* th-’ is Is only
the desperate finale < e of the great
est military drama: History, and that
the Russian army as a whole is retir
ing toward Mukden, having suffered at
the most conservative estimate a loss of
over 30,000.
Of the left flank, which was one of
the most important points in the line of
battle, absolutely nothing is heard,
which leaves the Inference that it is
not in a position to communicate with
the remainder of the army. All the
wounded are being carried to Harbin,
further north. It js understood that
the correspondents also have been or
dered to Harhiu, which indicates that
the retreat will not even stop at Tie
All hopes of the world-heralded ad
vance to Port Arthur have been aban
doned. The weather conditions are
even worse than during the retreat
from Liao Yang. Streams are bank
high and fords are impassable, but it is
Impossible to say how this will affect
the final situation. It may prove Rus
sian salvation by preventing a Japanese
pursuit. On the other hand, however,
if the Russians are on the wrong sidd. I
the flooded rivers may only emphasize’ 1
the completeness of the disaster.
Accident to a Denver Omnibus Party
Near Golden.
Denver. Oct. IC.—A Golden dispatch
last night says: A bad accident oc
curred about four miles north of Golden
at 5:15 o’clock this afternoon, in which
David C. Ring and Miss Vera G. Daw
son, teachers In the East Denver high
school, and Joseph Dennis, a Golden
liveryman, were badly injured.
This morning a party of teachers
from the East Denver high school came
up to Golden to enjoy a day’s outing.
During the forenoon they visited the
School of Mines and State Industrial
■School, and about 11 o’clock convey
ances were procured from Dennis &
Cunningham’s livery stable to take the
party out to the Glencoe stone quarries,
about five miles noith of towu, where a
picnic dinner was enjoyed.
When the start for home was made.
Professor and Mrs. Garvin, Mr. and
Mrs. Ring. Mlssess Daw-on, Canon and
Wallace, Mr. Potter and Mr. Reed rode
In the large bus. Misses Dawson and
Wallace occupying the high outside
seat with the driver. Joseph Dennis,
one of the proprietors of the stable
from which the teams were obtained.
After driving about a mile, at a
sharp turn In the road, one of the
wheels struck a rock. Mr. Dennis and
the two ladies were thrown to the
ground. The team became frightened
and ran away. Being without a driver,
the bus was overturned before going
fifty feet The tongue broke and the
horses got loose from the vehicle, which
probably averted serious injury to the
entire party.
Miss Dawson was the most seriously
injured, two wheels of the heavy ve
hicle having passed o\pr her body. Her
Injuries are internal and are consid
ered dangerous.
Mr. Ring, who had both legs broken
above the knee, was trying to get out
of the vehlele when It fell on him, pin
ning him down.
Joseph Dennis, the driver, was also
run over. His right shoulder and arm
are badly lacerated and bruised, but no
bones were broken and he will probably
be out In a few days.
The other members of the party, who
were In the vehicle, were all more or
less Injured.
The escape of Miss Edith Wallace
frdm serious Injury seems almost mir
aculous. The high seat on which she
and Miss Dawson weie sitting was
about eight or ten feet from the ground,
but fortunately Miss Wallace fell far
enough from the vehicle so that
the wheels did not touch her.
Mr. Dennis is considered a most care
ful driver and this Ls the first accident
he has ever had. although he has been
in the livery business here for fourteen
An ambulance from Denver came up
after Miss Dawson and Mr. Ring, the
other injured members of the party be
ing able to go home on the cars.
Mr. Ring died in the Homeopathic
hospital shortly after midnight.
Pan-American Railway.
Mexico City, Oct. 17. —The Pan
American railway has passed Into the
hands of a St. Louis Syndicate, the
new shareholders being nearly all
railroad men. David H. Doak of St.
Ijouls Is the new president and J. J.
Neean, formerly general manager, has
been promoted to the vice presidency
of the road. Among the shareholders
is Howard EJliott, president of the
Northern Pacific.
Christian Church Service.
SL Louis, Oct. 16. —The only gather
ing to-day of the delegates attending
the conventions of the several mis
sionary societies of the Christian
Church took place at the Coliseum,
where a union communion service was
The congregation was the largest
that has ever gathered for communion
in the history of the world. It was
stated by Dr. Garrison, on opening the
When the services were opened
there were 12,000 persons seated and
standing in the Coliseum.
To-night many of the ministers of
the Christian Church who are attend
ing the conventions occupied pulpits
of St. Louis churches, their sermons
being on missionary matters.
Shelling Russian Fleet.
Tokio, Oct, 17. 9:30 a. m.—'lt is re
ported authoritatively that the Russian
fleet at Port Arthur is suffering se
verely from the fire of the Japanese
land batteries.
Reports of a recent attempt by the
fleet to sortie are unfounded, as Is the
reported capture of another blockade
Russian Prisoners Say Emperor Or
dered Attack.—Regiments Badly
Depleted in Numbers.
Tokio. Sept. 16. —8 p. m. —According
to statements made by Russian pris
oners, General Kuropatkin was ordered
by Emperor Nicholas to make a stand
at Mukden and to assume the aggres
sive as speedily as possible, in order to
relieve the Port Arthus garrison.
This order, the prisoners say,
reached Mukden on September 27th,
and General Kuropatkin. in obedience
to it, began his disastrous southern ad
vance movement. An extended report
dealing with the statements of these
prisoners Is as follows:
"According to statements made to of
ficers of the center army by Russian
prisoners whom they had captuied, the
enemy had received information that
the strength of the garrison at Port
Arthur was being daily reduced and
•that the garrison was in a disastrous
condition. Fiesh Russian reinforce
ments w«s» constantly arriving at
Manchria from Europe and the strength
of the forces under General Kuropatkin
in the neighborhood of Mukden had
reached to over nine army corps.
“Thereupon, the prisoners said, the
Russian Emperor on Septemb 27th or
dered Kuropatkin not to retire a step
beyond Mukden and directed him, cir
cumstances permitting, to assume the
offensive as quickly as possible and to
drive the Japanese out of southern
Manchuria, in order to rescue the Port
Arthur garrison.
“The prisoners declared that the war
would continue for a long time because
the Russians had decided to attain a
final victory, regardless of the losses
which might be involved, as otherwise
a defeat would mean a general revolu
tion and the disintegration of Russian
“During one engagement the Thlrty
sevonth division, especially the First
brigade, sustained extraordinary losses.
The first company of the One Hundred
and Forty-fifth regiment was annihilated
on SankuaihU mountain and many line
officers were, killed, wounded or cap
tured. The Third Sibeiian reserve di
vision sustained the greatest loss.
“At the beginning of the war the
Russian regiments numbered 4,000 men
each. After the battle of Liao Yang
each of the regiments was reduced to a
strength of about 2,500, with the excep
tion of the Twelfth regiment, which as
a result of this battle was reduced to
800. This regiment, after the battle,
was commanded by a captain, the bat
talions bein£ in command of sub-lieu
tenants. ;while the older privates di
rected the operations of Its companies."
D. & R. G. Head-On Collision.
Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 16.—Nineteen
people were Injured, several seriously,
In a head-on collision between oast
bound passenger train No. 6 and west
bound freight train No. 63, on the Rio
Grande road at a point about three
miles east of Florence, about 6:20
yesterday morning. The most seri
ously Injured, their homes, and the
places to which they were removed,
are as follows:
Engineer Fred Booslnger, Pueblo, of
freight train. Jaw fractured, arm
broken and internal Injuries. Taken
to D. & It. G. hospital at Sallda.
Conductor A. G. Moulton. Denver,
train No. 6, had gash on head. Salida
Fireman O. M. Smith, Pueblo, ef
train No. 63, broken left arm. Sallda
Carl Pitcock, fireman of No. 6.
broken arm, leg bruised badly and
probably Internally Injured. Sent to
Salida hospital.
Engineer August Gleyre , Pueblo,
train No. 6, fractured aukle and
| broken arm. Sent to Salida hospital,
i Mrs. F. P. Cunningham, wife of the
! D. & R. G. agent at Texas creek, back
severely Injured: also received a num
ber of bruises. St. Mary's hospital,
A Salida dispatch says: Fireman
' Carl Pitcock died soon after reaching
I the hospital and Engineer Fred Boos
*inger of Pueblo is near death. He has
not regained consciousness and is not
expected to live through the night.
His skull is broken and he Is suffering
from concussion of the brain. Both
arms are crushed and his recovery is
considered impossible by the hospital
President Discharges Inspectors.
Washington, Oct. 16.—The report of
the United States commission of In
vestigation on the disaster to thq
steamer General Slocum was made
public to-day. In connection with the
Important findings of the commission,
presented in the report. President
Roosevelt, to whom the report was
submitted, has written a letter to Sec
retary Metcalf of the Department of
Commerce and I>abor. briefly summar
izing the report and directing him to
carry into effect the recommendations
of the commission. He also directs
that Robert S. Rodie. supervising in
spector of the Second district, steam
boat inspection service, and James A.
Dumont and Thomas 11. Barrett, local
inspectors in charge of the port of
New York, be discharged from the
service, the commission holding them
directly responsible for the laxity of
the steamboat inspection to which the
Slocum disaster was directly attrib
The President also directs an exam
ination and the weeding out of all in
competent Inspectors.
Against Changing Divorce Canon.
Boston. Oct. 16.—The house of
deputies of the Episcopal general con
vention at the close of four days’ de
bate, rejected an amendment to thi
divorce canon, which amendment
sought to prevent the remarriage of
divorced persons by clergymen of the
denomination. While the house of
bishops may yet act on the matter. It
Is certain that no change will be made
by the present convention.
The present" law of the church,
which has been in operation since
1859, allows the remarriage of the in
nocent party to a divorce granted for
Condition of the Injured.
Sallda, Colo.. Oct. 16.—At 9 o’clock
to-night Engineer Booslnger. who was
seriously injured in the collision on
the Denver & Rio Grande near Flor
ence yesterday, was still In an uncon
scious condition. When asked if 800
singer would recover the surgeon re
plied that there was little hope for
him. The remains of Fireman Earl Pit
cock were shipped to-day to relatives
in Burlington. Missouri. The other six
injured in the hospital are resting easy
to-night and are said to be past all dan
Man and Boy Killed at Yellowstone
Lake Hotel.—Campers and Private
Conveyances in Danger.
A Cody. Wyoming, dispatch says that
a man and boy employed in the Yel
lowston National park were recently
killed by bears. The i.ames cannot be
obtained, but the victims were In the
employ of the Lake hotel, on Yellow
stone lake. The author it ion endeavored
to keep the matter from the public, but
the news was brought out by campers.
The authorities say the man and boy
were tensing the beai: and were to
blame, but the campers tell u different
story, as follows:
One day the door of the meat house
at the hotel was left open and the man
and boy were sent to close It. When
they reached the small building they
heard a commotion inside. Before they
could escape the were attacked by two
huge cinnamon bears. The boy was
killed instantly and tin man so badly
injured he died.
The park officials ar< alleged to have
done much to cover up the details or
the affair and have left, the impression
that death did not oc< ur. They now
admit that the two men were killed,
but say they were to blame.
The time is not fnr distant when it
will be Impossible for the poorer class
of people to visit the Yellowstone park
owing to the constantly increasing
number of bears. Many parties en
route home from a visit to the park say
that the journey through the wonder
land was most dangerous.
It is alleged that the park transport
ation company and the hotel proprie
tors are doing everything possible to
discourage campers and private con
veyances from making the trip.
The hears have become so numerous
and bold that even the park guards are
frequently compelled to shoot the
beasts to save their own lives.
Recently a freighter from Gardner in
parsing through the park was attacked
by hears and he shot one of them. A
mounted police Immediately placed
the freighter under arrest, despite
the fact that the hear climbed onto
the wagon. The major In command re
leased the freighter.
A formal protest will be made to
President Roosevelt, who will be asked
to decrease the number of bears In the
park, have them confined in an In
elosure, or make arrangements for the
better protection of tourists.
Cites a Colorado Drum Corps.
The New York Times, in a recent
editorial took up the study briefly or
civic pride. It does not believe the
merchants and business men of New
York city are doing all they should for
the municipality; It considers New
York self-satisfied and says so. In
summing up Its discontent with the
attitude of New York merchants in
general the Times pays the following
tribute to Denver:
"It is well enough, ail these things.
But why stop at this? Why not drink
In Borne of the spirit of any Western
city—for example, Denver. That city
sent a famous drum corps to Boston
during the G. A. R. reunion. The hun
dred or so lads beat the drums and
sang the praises of Denver. They
wanted the (I. A. R. reunion in Denver
next year and got it,
“New York send out a drum corps?
‘lmpossible! Terrible!’ That Is what
the average merchant of New York
would say. And why? If a drum corps
will bring visitors to Now York, then
let New York get a drum corps.”
Could Get No Rest.
Freeborn, Minn., October 17 (Spe
cial) —Mr. R. E. Goward, a well-known
man here is rejoicing In the relief
from suffering he has obtained
through using Dodd’s Kidney *ills.
His experience is well worth repeating
as It should point the road to health
to many another in a similar condi
“I had an aggravating case of Kid
ney Trouble,” Bays Mr. Goward, “that
gave me no rest day or night but
using a few boxes of Dodd’s Kidney-
Pills put new life In me and I feel like
a new man.
“I am happy to state I have received
great and wonderful benefit from
Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I would heartily
recommend all sufferers from Kidney
Trouble to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a
fair trial as I have every reason to be
lieve it would never be regretted.”
Dodd’s Kidney Pills make you feel
like a new man or woman because
they cure the kidneys. Cured kidneys
mean pure blood and pure blood
means bounding health and energy in
every part of tho body.
Assistant—The politician Is coming
In to g<-t shnv»-«I. W hlch razor must
I use? Barber—The <>ne with the big
gest pull. Next!
Many Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray’s Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children’s
Home, New York, cure Summer Complaint,
Feverishness,Headache.Stomach Troubles,
Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At
all Druggists’, 25c. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Husband—What! You don’t mean to
say you are going shopping in all this
rain? Wife —Of course I am. I’vc
saved up $4 for a rainy clay, and this is
the first chance I’ve had to spend It.
Is the time for tho man who is renting,
or who Is tired of hail and alkali, rust
and long hauls to market to learn
about Komeo, where all the land l«
clone to railway, where there la no al
kali. no hall, good water rights, and
where potatoes pay 810 MONEY. Easy
terms and low prices to experienced
Colorado farmer* thin season. The Con
ejos County I .and & Investment Com
pany. CIO Majestic Building. Denver.
"Why Should we my ‘Get thee be
hind me. Satan?’ " .'inked the Sunday
school teacher. "To give us a chance
to get ahead of him." replied the bright
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and
who Is reasonably satisfied with the
old. we would suggest that a trial of
Defiance Cold Water Starch be made
at once. Not alone because It is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to any other brand, but because
each 10c package contains 16 ozs.,
while nil the other kinds contain but
12 ozs. It Is safe to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Starch will use
no other. Quality and quantity must
The test of a man's ability nowadays
is how many of his married children
he can support.
I am sure Plso's Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago.- MRS. Titos. Koiibiss,
Maple Street, Norwich. N. Y., Feb. 17, 1000.
Tommy—Paw, what Is a lummox?
Mr. Tucker—A lummox. Tommy. Is n
man who thinks he can answer all the
questions a boy can ask him.
who are in need of medical aid. Address
It. 3. Emmet, 208 Nassau block. Denver.
Twenty-five persons have subscribed
|1()0 apiece to aid in the building of a
canning factory at Loveland.
A snowball bush in bloom is an
nounced os a remarkable freak at
Greeley. Snowballs will soon be in
bloom all over the state.
The members of the Cripple Creek
Mine Owners’ association have Issued
a positive denial of the charge that
they intend to reduce wages.
A new banking institution, the
United States National bank, lias
been opened in Denver. W. A. Ho
ver, wholesale druggist, is president.
The First National liank of Meeker
has been authorized to begin business
with SIO,OOO capital. C. C. i'arks, pres
ident; R. Oldland, vice president, and
IS. E. Fordham, cashier.
F. M. Grogan of Pueblo is reported
to have found gold within or near the
city limits nnd has shown one pan
of earth containing live colors, a nug
get and several rubies.
“Minnie” Hudson, a Pueblo colored
man, known as a successful gambler
and a professional politician, died on
the 13th from the effects of wounds re
ceived in a light in Knnsas City several
years ago.
The directors of the State Fair at
Pueblo will endeavor to have the Leg
islature come to the aid of the annual
exhibition. The organization is heavily
in debt because of bad weather, which
cut down the attendance.
! Roy E. Dixon, a school boy eleven
years old, saved the Durango-Silverton
passenger train from being wrecked by
flagging it in time to prevent it from
striking a rock tilde near Durango. The
passengers made up a purse for him.
The sugar factory at Fort Collins
began operations October 10th. It
will keep at work until it has con
, verted the entire season’s crop of
I beets tributary to the factory, estl
i mated at 100,000 tons, into granula
ted sugar.
Judge Hen B. Lindsey has been re
-1 nominated county judge for the long
term by the Denver Democratic execu
tive committee. His name will also be
; on the Republican ticket. The judge's
J work in the Juvenile court is held to
; place the position outside of politics.
It is stated that Mrs. Ella Perkins,
I wife of a steel worker at Pueblo, is
one of nine heirs to an estate in Pitts
burg, Pennsylvania, valued at $18,000,-
000, left by an uucle. Colonel Jacob Ba
ker, of whom she and the other heirs
had lost sight, who died fifteen years
The bonds of Frank M. Downey, Su
perintendent Joseph F. Milson, melter
nnd refiner, and A. B. Hodgson, as
sayer of the new mint at Denver, have
been received at the Treasury Depart
ment and approved. It is expected that
the coinage of gold will begin some
time next spring.
County teat contests are being car
ried on in Eagle county and Arapahoe
county. In the former the fight is be
tween Eagle and Red Cliff, the present
county seat, and in the latter Littleton,
which become county seat when the
city and county of Denver wus formed,
lias numerous competitors.
Jackson Solomon, who broke out of
the penitentiary at Canon City Sep
tember 23rd, was captured on the 12th
Inst, at Thatcher, in Animas
county, by Dave Brighton, a Snnta Fc
switchman, who was looking for car
thieves. Before Solomon surrendered
he shot Brighton in the arm.
The roads of the Western Passenger
Association have decided to make the
Colorado common points a.i-the-year
lound points instead of summer tourist
points only. Tourist rates will apply
all the year hereafter to Denver. Colo
rado Springs and Pueblo, instead of
only during the summer months as
Laddcrmnn Frank B. Lunt died at
Denver on the 12th inst., being tho
third member of the Denver Fire De
partment to lose his life from the ef
fects of nitric acid fumes Inhaled at
the fire in the office of the Denver Post
September 20th. Lunt had been dis
charged from the hospital as cured, but
was attacked by pneumonia.
For the first time in the history of
the Colorado Springs poatofflee, the
amount of money order business for
the fiscal year ending September 30,
1904, exceeded the $1,000,000 mark.
The amount was $1,010,780.27, last
year’s figures being $908,440.05, so
that a gain for the tweleve months
past was $102,340.22.
Fred W. Kohler, a prominent Boul
der county farmer, who hud only two
years ago taken up his residence in the
city of Boulder, committed suicide on
the 13th Inst, by cutting his throat. Mr.
Kohler was seventy-two years of age
nnd in prosperous circumstances. His
family relations were also pleasant, so
that no reason is known why he should
kill himself.
George C. Bachelder, aged ninety
two years, Is believed to be the oldest
truck gardener in Colorado. During
the summer he did all the work nec
essary on his little patch in Boulder,
doing the digging, seeding, cultivu Ing
and irrigating without any assists ice.
Aside from the early vegetable* he
•has harvested a liberal supply of to
matoes and 700 head of cabbage.
The “Juvenile Court and Detention
House" exhibition, made by Judge Hen
B. Lindsey and his associates in Den
ver at the World's Fair in St. LouD,
has been awarded a gold medal. The ex
hibition consists of various charts and
pictures, the charts showing the work
of the court in its various phases; the
pictures being of the boys who have
been under Judge Lindsey's care.
The following patents have been is
sued to Colorado inventors: Edward
E. Blake. Fowler, sweep rake; George ,
A. Carpenter. Fort Morgan, device for
putting medicine into eyes' Burton J.
Downing, Manzanola, fruit picker;
John A. Ferguson, Denver, wall for
buildings, also mold for building
blocks; Silas Gleazen, Fort Collin-,
portable dam; William R. Grant, Den
ver, pneumatic hydraulic eeparator;
Frederick Mertsheimer. Denver, pres
sure retaining mechanism for fluid
pressure brakes; Frank H. Paradlce,
Denver, grease trap; Herman Weber,
Colorado Springs, truck; Frank L. Wil
liams. Florence, dental articulator.
The following officers were elected
for the coming year by the Colorado
State Dental Association at Its eight
eenth annual convention in Denver on
the 13th inst. B. A. McGee of Denver,
president; H. L. Morehouse of Colorado
Springs, vice president; H. W. Bates
of Denver, secretary; William Smedley |
of Denver, treasurer. H. F. Sutherland
of Denver, Theodore Ashley of Canon ;
City. F. S. McKay of Colorado Springs.
H. F. Hoffman of Denver and Rea I*.
McGee of Denver were elected to be
recommended to the governor as mem- ;
bers of the State Examining Board. The
governor may appoint all of them or j
only three.
The Peach State.
Georgia hns held tho lead In the pro
duction of peaches for tho Eastern
market since 1902, and It is likely to be
for years to come tho leading peach
state in the Union. The supremacy lias
been wrested from Maryland. Twelve
years ago the order < < e chief peach
producing states Maryland.
ti. 100,000 trees: 1 ...are, 4,620,000;
New Jersey, 4.3:hi, >; Georgia. 3.700,-
000. Since that time the peculiar ex
cellence of the soil and climate of parts
of Georgia for peach growing has been
established, with tho result that Geor
gia has largely increased the number
of its peach-bearing trees, while in the
other states there has been a diminu
tion in the number of trees.
In tho fall of 1901 the number of
peach trees reported in these states,
and expected to lie in good bearing in
1902, was: Georgia. 7,660,000; Mary
land, 4,016,000; New Jersey, 2,700,000;
Delaware, 2,400,000. In the following
year, accordingly, Georgia, had the
bumper crop. She had so far surpassed
all other states in number of trees that
she is likely to continue to be the
peacli state par excellence for uu in
definite time.—New York Sun.
Did you learn tea cookery?
When did you learn and
who was your teacher ? *
Are you a real tea cook ?
You nre either rich, with money In
tho hank, or In dobt and unable to pay
tho interest, accordliiK to which cam
paign text-hook you read.
Tx*wis’ " Single Binder ” straight Be cigar.
No other brand of cigars is so popular with
the smoker. He has learned to rely upon
its uniform high quality. Lewis’ Factory.
Peoria, 111.
The Chicago man who declares that
the human foot Is growing smaller Is
probably basing his opinion on obser
vations made while taking Ills vaca
tion away from Chicago.
Try me Just once and I am sure to
come again. Defiance Starch.
“Have you ever thought about John
ny's future career?” asked the hoy's
teacher. "Ife lias decided talent ns an
elocutionist." "1 know it.” replied Mr.
Upjohn, "and I’m blest If I cun decide
whether I ought to develop It or try to
whip it out of him."
“I Went Home to Ole from <irt»Tel Trouble.
!>■« tor. railed. Hr. I>a*lil Kennedy 's »■*>..rile lUint.lT
•ured Mrs. C. W. grown. I'cMnbur*, N. V.
There is a growing sentiment In the
country in favor of having the foot
ha 11 contests conducted on a peace ba
BTwo severe cases of Ovarian Trouble™
and two terrible operations avoided. Mrs.’
Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell
how they were saved by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound..
“Dbar Mrs. Ptnkitam : lam ro pleased with tlte results obtained
from Lydia E. I’lnkliain’H Vegetable Compound that I feel it a duty
and a privilege to write you about it. i
“I suffered for more than five years with ovarian troubles, caus
ing an unpleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a faintness
would come over me which no amount of medicine, diet, or exercise
seemed to correct Your Vegetable Compound found tho weak spot,
however, within a few weeks and saved me from an operation—
all my troubles had disappeared, and I found myself once more healthy
and well. Words fail to describe the real, true, grateful feeling that is
in my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering sister. Don’t
dally with medicines you know nothing about, but take Lydia E. l»fnk
liam*s Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you will be s
different woman in a short time.” Mrs. Laura Emmons, Walker
ville, Ont.
Another Case of Ovarian Trouble
Cured Without an Operation. < J
“Dear Mrs. Pixkiiam:—For several years I
was troubled with ovarian trouble anti a i>aiiiful
j and inllained condition, which kept me in lied part
y of the time. I did so a rend a surgical oj)c ration.
“ 1 tried different remedies hoping to get better.
w| but. nothing seemed to bring relief until a friena
who had lx*en c ured of ovarian trouble, through
mm the use of your compound, induced me to trtr it' I
took it faithfully for three months, and at the end
J of that time was glad to find that I was a well
l woman. Health Is nature's best gift to woman.
and if you lose it and can have it rcstorea
:'V \ through hydra E> Pinkham’s Vegetable; Oim-
T \ nound I feel that all suffering women should
I •‘"Cr’’ -v* V* ' know of this.”— Mny. I Aura Hklek Cole*
\ man, Commercial Hotel, Nashville, Tern.
It is well to such letters ns above when some druggist trie*
to get yon to buy something which he says is ** just as good ” That is impo*-
sible. as no other medicine has such a record of cures aa Lydia K.
ham’s Vegetable t'oinpotind 5 accept no other and you will be glad.
Don’t hesitate to write to Mrs. IMnkliam if there is anything
alK>tit your sickness you do not understand. She will treat yon
witli kindness and her adviec Is free. No woman ever regretted
writing her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Alao.
OCflftO FORFEIT It cannot forthwith lirMnof the original letter* an<l rivnaturcs m
ArjUuU *!*'*»» totuaouUl*, which Will prnv., (heir atxw.lut* tf.-niilr.-n.--i
VVW W L|ill» K. fliikltxni Ueiilciuu Co., L-ua, .Uau.
Wc Ilf illT VAIID ill UC and will send you prospedw
t Yf All ? I UUII HA Inc. and full particulars of NINE
Mining Companies. If you wil* send us your name and address. Mining Maps Free.
AKBUCKLE-OUODE COMMISSION CO., 325 Olive Street. SL hods. Mo.
«j£=SSlThomp*on’. Ey« Wator
* CtliEStMißi hHiS* ffl V r »a H
CURES catarrh of the stomach. "AH ™
When the Back Aches and Bladder
Troubles Set In, Get at the Cause.
Don't make tho mistake of believing
backache and bladder Ills to bo local
ailments. Get at the cause and cure
tho kidneys. Use Doan’s Kldnoy Pills.
which liftvo cured
Capt. S. D. Hun
ter, of Engine No.
14, Pittsburg. Pa..
1 Fire Department,
and residing at
2729 Wylie Ave..
“It was Hirer*
years ago that 1
used Doan’s Kid-
noy Pills for uu attack of kldnoy trou
ble that was jpostly bucUaeho, and
they fixed me up line. There, is no
mistake about that, and if I should
evir bo troubled again, I would get
them first thing, as I know what thoy
For sale by all dealers. Price 60
cents. Foster .Mi I burn Co.,
N. Y.
Family history is recorded on th*
When Your Grocer Says
he does not have Defiance Starch, yoa
may be sure he In afraid to keep It un
til his stock of 12 os. packages *r*
sold. Defiance Starch Is not only bet
ter thun any other Cold Water Starch,
but contains 16 os. to the package and
■ells for name money aa 12 oz. brands.
If the girl doesn’t know how to cook
she niuy have the money to Uir* u»a
This Is worth Investigating.
All sorts of tea grow on
the tea bush; all sorts on
the same tea bush.
To catch a fisherman In a lie It Isn’t
noeo.saury to put salt on bln tale.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of OASTORIA,
a safe end sure remedy for Infante and riilUica,
and aoe that 1
Hears the
Signature of
la UH For Over 30 Yeara.
Tbr Kind You U*** AJwaya BngM.
As society Is constituted the sera
without -in in.-omr i-wn’t come tw.

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