OCR Interpretation

The Lamar register. [volume] (Lamar, Colo.) 1889-1952, August 01, 1906, Image 3

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Author of ** The Bank Tragedy**
Copyright. IHU2. by t.ee anil Stirpard
CHAPTER XXlV.—Continued.
Then Marks was warned to leave the
city by a special edict, and he turned
his talents to new achievements. We
all went West—Marks, Soule and l—
and we established banks in new grow
ing communities, forging our charters
and victimizing a great many people.
Mrs. Marks was dead, and I was told
by her previous to her death such facts
as she knew regarding my abduction,
and that my true name was Victo*'
Hamilton. My mother and twin broth
er, she told me, were living in Grove
dale. New Hampshire.
About this time I met Lenora Davis,
the daughter of a disreputable couple
known to Marks and Soule. She was
beautiful and virtuous, tainted by her
vicious surroundings though not more
than I, but indeed we both knew no
other life than that which we lived.
She was beautiful and true to me,
and she gave me her hand with all
the graciousness and sweetness of the
most high-bred and cultured lady. She
was very beautiful, us I have said, and
she owed much of her loveliness to
the unique color of her hair, which was
of an emerald tint, the color of the sea.
She was always beside me, and she
bore well her part in the society of
the mushroom towns where we estab
lished our banking institutions.
After a time I learned that my twin
brother, and who was said to boar a
most startling likeness to myself, was
endeavoring to find me; for what pur
pose I could not understand. I had
no desire to meet him. but kept out of
his way, and gave orders that no one
should direct him to me. 1 had no
fear of being recognized by him, as I
seldom —I may say, never—appeared
in public without being disguised, our
nefarious banking operations making
this necessary to my safety. In one
place I would be known as dark-haired,
with long whiskers; in another, as
smooth-faced, with light, curly hair; in
a third, with clcse-cropped, dark
(dyed) hair and light mustache.
An evil smile lit up his face, but he only said, “Leonora may die, she is far
from strong.”
Once or twice I got into the clutches
of the law officers, but eluded them by
clever devices of my own. I am a
mind reader, hsivlng been naturally
peculiarly gifted in this direction, and
by study of hypnotic methods in time I
exceeded, or at least equaled, the per
formances of Marks. Bishop and other
mind readers. I got clear on one occa
sion by hypnotizing the jailer and
walking off before his eyes, he believ
ing that I was the jailer and he the
At last a peculiarly aggravated swin
dle of ours in Goodwill riveted the at
tention of the whole country. Marks
and Soule succeeded in escaping to
Canada, where I hoped to meet them.
Lenora was instructed to proceed to
Quebec, while I was to join her later.
Hut I was hard pressed. There seemed
little chance of escape. I was at Port
land depot, well disguised, yet, I
knew, in imminent danger of arrest.
While there 1 saw Vane, but at first I
could not fully realize that it was my
twin brother. Sometimes in the seclu
sion of our home, at Lenora's request,
1 would dofT all disguise, and at such
times 1 was the exact likeness of the
man I saw that day.
I stared at him. I could not help It,
the resemblance was so complete.
Hut recollecting myself I walked to a
llttre distance and surveyed him less
openly, and I now observed that he
acted strangely, as if he hardly knew
what he was doing or where he was.
He looked about in a vague, puzzled
way that surprised me. But he had
observed my looks in his direction, and
after a time walked up to me and
“You appear to know me. What Is
my name?”
Like a flash came the idea of shift
ing my identity to this man until I
could make my escape. I thought no
further than this. No conception of
the unhappy complications to follow
occurred to me. I answered almost
directly, “Your name is Henry Ashley.
I know you well.”
He did not appear satisfied, but we
entered into conversation. He told me
he had suddenly forgotten his name
and home, and every event of his
past life, ”1 know nothing, absolutely
nothing of the past,” he said.
I wished him to be Ignorant for a
time, and as I feared his belongings
might contain his nnme or some date
to refresh his recollections, or be the
means of information to some person
to whom he might apply, I determined
to change traveling bags and to pos
sess myself of his notebook, or any
papers that he carried. I succeeded
i in doing so that very afternoon, but I
restored his money and gave him my
own overcoat and traveling bag to
take the place of his, which I thought
it prudent to confiscate, the better to
throw the police off their guard.
He was arrested a week later and
taken to Goodwill, where his strange
manner was believed to be a ruse on
Jiis part until his examination before
the authorities, when he was pro
nounced mentally unsound and sent
to the asylum.
Lenora, who saw in the newspapers
the statement that Henry Ashley was
arrested, went to see the prisoner,
but cried out in astonishment when
admitted. He denied that she was
his wife, but she, thinking it best for
my safety, declared that she was. Slio
saw now that I was at large, and she
know that the prisoner was the man
she had seen in Grovedale, and whom
she had for a time mistaken for my
self. She was convinced that he
could be no other than my twin broth
er who had been seeking me, but she.
of course, said nothing to any one
except to me when we met in Canada
a few weeks later.
Meanwhile, I had found the note
book and read it with interest. 1
saw that Vane was a bank cashier,
and I judged him to bo an honored
citizen. I read the confession he had
noted down—a “gold ring for Clare.”
“a writing book for Perley,” and his
wife's request to "bring himself and
let it be soon.”
There were allusions to his business
at the bank and the mill. His part
ners were named Henderson and Car
ter, whom I saw in another place
spoken of as “Uncle Carter.” Tony
O&born was the bank clerk, I learned,
and the president was It. H. Hast
ings. There was a great ileal be
sides that told much of his life, both
private and public.
In the pocket of the note book was
a key and a ring with the words “in
trust” engraved inside. I put on the
ring and determined to use the key
fot I fancied it to be the key to the
bank, and I believed I could open the
safe from the figures which I found
in another receptacle of the note
I went to Grovedale, and to the
bank, which I found without any
trouble. When I mounted the steps
to the hank a young man hailed me.
“Hullo!" he said. “Hullo!” I answer
ed, and added, "You didn’t expect me
back so soon, did you?” and after the
reply that he did not, he passed down
the street. But l was afraid he might
return and I worked hastily, opening
the vault and safe by the figures I
had found, and taking two notes of
four and five hundred each, which I
judged would be useful. But I took
no money.
In Vane’s bag I found a small box
containing some gold shirt studs, and
in his overcoat pocket a silk traveling
cap, all of which hore his initials. I
left one of the shirt studs on the desk
and then as It occurred to me that
he would be expected to visit his own
house I walked to the river bank and
tossed the cap carelessly into the
bushes and dropped the other shirt
stud on the graveled bank; not with
out some qualms of conscience, for
there arose In my mind the distress of
his wife in thinking he might be
drowned. But I rejected the thought
in a moment. He would soon be re
leased, and then it would be all right.
I reasoned. Meanwhile, it was well
for me to have the affair wrapped in
mystery for the present.
I altered the notes and presented
them at the bank. There was no
need of any hypnotic or unusual
methods to deceive Simon Low. I
looked exactly like the man he knew,
and ho recognized me as Vane Ham
ilton almost directly, paying over the
money without comment or question.
To the other bank I produced creden
tials and a letter purporting to have
been written by R. H. Hastings,
whose handwriting I imitated from a
note I found among Vane's belongings.
I afterwards wrote the letter found
under the bank president's door. I
placed it there myself when on my
way to join Lenora in Canada. In
the letter I wrote as If the cashier
wished to make it appear that he
would soon return and exonerate Os
born from suspicion in a manner to
make the affair still more dark and
After this I stayed in Quebec for a
long time, receiving letters from the
States which I was too wise to' no
tice, for I was sure they were lures.
Finally, I read in the newspapers
c.f the death, by drowning of Henry
Ashley, with an account of the whole
affair, a summary of his life, and dis
honest course, which it stated had
culminated In insanity'and death.
I was sincerely sorry for all this,
though I reasoned as he was insane,
he probably failed to realize the hor
rors of his situation. I was not hard
hearted naturally, and my wicked life
had failed to make me wholly bad.
Marks, my evil genius, was in Can
ada, and it was he who. after the
death of the supposed Ashley, whom
we knew to be Vane Hamilton, pro
posed that I return to Grovedale to
take up the position and honor* of
fmy dead twin brother: There would
be no danger at all to me, he argued,
with my peculiar gifts and talents.
I possessed in an unusual degree
the gift of mind reading, the subtle
magnetic or psychical chain which
binds one Individual to another, mak
ing them one through transmission of
the vibrations of the mind. Upon
this gift Marks declared I might de
pend, and he instructed me in the
science to which he himself had In
troduced me until I really felt myseif
possessed of an almost irresistible
powpr, and one that awed me at
I decided to go to Grovedale and
pretend I was Vane Hamilton, who
had lost his sense of identity but re
covered it. I had informed myself
of one or two similar cases when the
mind had suddenly recovered its pow
ers, and it would agree, I reasoned,
with his manner when he was on
the train, which was said to have
been unusual.
In short. I decided to do exactly as
the real Vane Hamilton would have
done had he returned after the hallu
cination had left his brain and mem
ory. It is known how the plnn suc
ceeded. but it is not known how it
was regnrded by myself.
When I stepped from the train and
walked up the street I perceived looks
of recognition from the few persons
whom I encountered, but none ad
dressed me. so I concluded they were
not personal friends of my brother
As I neared the marble shop the door
was being opened, and I saw the
monument and the name Vane Ham
ilton on it. A beautiful woman stood
looking at it, and I conjectured it
was his wife. Nay. I knew it to be
when she cried out and fainted. I
went in and bent over her and mar
veled at her beauty. As I looked a
mighty love formed in my soul for
her I cannot understand it. I only
know I loved her with an undying pas
sion. I forgot Lenora, forgot every
thing, even the part 1 was to play, as
I gazed at the beautiful statuesque
figure extended in all the pathos of
lost animation before me.
(To be continued.)
Brought Human Aid to Rescue of His
“There is a neighbor or mine,” says
one of our readers, “who keeps a big
floCk of geese, and I recently discuss
ed with him the degree of intelligence
possessed by these birds. As an :llus
tration, he told me the folio-wing
story: “That old gander came Lome
alone one morning in a great hurry.
He was evidently in great tr*;ublo
about something. He rushed up to
me and bowed several times; then he
said something which I could not un
derstand and. wheeling round, wad
dled ofT down the path by whicn he
had Just arrived. Presently he sto|>-
ped to see if I was following, and,
finding I was not. he came back and
repeated the performance. This time
I followed, to his manifest satisfac
tion. and he led me to the pond On
the bank all his geese were squatting
around the grandmother goose of the
family, and she had a rat trap secure
ly gripping her left leg. My appear
ance was hailed by shrieks of de:!ght
from the whole party, anti when I
liberated the old Indy (not much
hurt) there was a grand eliorun of
thanks. The old gander followed mo
some distance homeward, bowing his
acknowledgments all the way.’”—
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic
op Potter in Good Housekeeping.
What Becomes of Lost Vessels?
An interesting question as to what
L*(comes of ships that for one reason
or another disappear from view and
legistry lists is answered by Lloyd’s
Register, which gives annually the re
turn of shipping lost or condemned.
In the past year the waste of shipping
amounted to 807 vessels of 738,143
tons, excluding all under 100 tons,
which, it is interesting to note, is
about the yearly average, though a
substantial contribution to the list is
made on account of the naval opera
tions at Port Arthur, In the course of
which some thirty steamers were
During the year, there were 314
steamers and 403 sailing vessels lost,
of which wrecks were responsible for
more than half, while more than one
fourth the total number were broken
up and condemned, the remainder be
ing distributed between loss in colli
sion or sailing-ships abandoned at sea.
No Wonder She Didn’t Care.
The little girls were sitting on the
front porch counting "shooting” stars.
“We had something last night that
you didn't have.” tauntingly remark
ed one of the older ones looking at
10-year-old Miss Muffet.
"Bet you didn’t. What did you
have?” remarked Miss Muffet.
“Claret sody,” the tantalizer replied
with a condescending smile.
"That’s nothing," Miss Muffet
vouchsafed with supreme confidence.
"I had u chocolate sundae and five
cents’ worth of candy, and I ate all
the candy myself.”
“And when we came home,” the old
er one continued, "we had some ice
cream made in our own freezer.”
Miss Muffet paused a moment to
think. Then she added with calm
“Well, I don’t care. I had the
stummick ache anyway.”—Kansas
City Star.
To Check Unposted Mail.
As he took off his coat his wife said
to him gently:
"You remember those letters I gave
you-to post three days ago?”
“Yes. I —l remember.”
“But you didn't remember to mail
them, did you?” she said, sweetly.
“No, I didn’t. How did you find
“Because, among them was a postal
card addressed to myself. Since it
didn't reach me, I knew- you hadn’t
posted my mail. I shall always use
this scheme in future. It only costs a
cent, and it makes an excellent check
on you. Now give me rriy letters and
I’ll post them myself"
Hubby Wasn't a Prohibitionist.
Mrs. Hoyle—What a solid voice
your husband has.
Mrs. Doyle—lt’s a wender tc tr.
that it isn’t liquid.
Denver Union Stock i -The lo
cal market has beeu ra : , ii• *t and a
little dull during the w. >t passed
Receipts were about i. > for this
time of the year, but th «iity of the
c/ittle offered was not good on
the average and the ml i.., not
very strong for tho <-r grades.
Choice dry-lot beef ste< ; .1 about
steady and in good den but grass
steers, while in deman a little
lower In sympathy with . dues east.
Common grass steers a • 'lull. Good
cows were in fair deni.. but prices
even on the best dry-lot s Mile a little
lower than a week ago. mm to fair
grass cow's are weak ■> a quaretr
lower than a week ag Medium to
fair grass cows are we., a quarter
lower and common on< , hard to
dispose of even at the prices pre
vailing. Good corn-fed . ers were
scarce last week and quality of the
stuff here just fair. Bulk ,u $4.80t0
$5.10. Choice grass st. ,i,l up to
$4.70 and prices ranged largely from
this down to $4.25. Few >ws landed
above $3.40, bulk of the i . r grassers
going from this down t<> $2.50. Bulls
were about steady, bulk ringing $1.75
to $2.25, and veals lower. :<>pj, now be
ing quoted around $4.2 The feeder
and stocker trade was lirlit. Demand
was good for choice w< .1 feeders
of good weight, but ligh' onimon stuff,
of which bulk of the sir consisted,
was not wanted. Price on the best
rule about steady to a li' T :• higher, but
others are weak. Sot good Bear
River steers sold late Kti I i> at $4.30,
the high point of the •• k. but few
were good enough to lnr above $3.35
and prices ranged largi. from this
down to $2.50.
The supply of hogs w. s liberal and
demand good. Prices nil Just about
the same, with tops imw selling at
Sheep demand is vet -trong, but
ft w coining to this mail..a. Eastern
nuykets are reported considerably
lower for the week and the feeling
h< re is weak in sympat ; . but a good
strong demand holds pii" s up well.
Good spring lambs are Iling up to
$7.25. yearlings around do, wethers
at $5.10, and ewes at $ >
Comparative Receipts -
Month to July 2"th 8.011
Same period last year 8,008
Increase 54”.
Y’tar to date 100,931
Same period last year 100,529
Increase 405
The following quotations represent
the range of prices paid on this mar
ket :
Beef steers, corn-fed, good
to choice $4.75® 5.25
Beef steers, corn-fed, ’ me
dium to good 1.25® 4.75
P steers, hay-fed. good
* choice 4.501/5.00
B• i steers, hay-fed, me
dium to good 3.851/ 4.40
Cows and heifers, corn fed
good to choice 3.751/ 4.15
Cows tint! heifers, corn-fed,
medium to good 3.25® 3.75
Cows and heifers, hay-fed
good to choice 3.25(9 4.00
Cows and heifers, gruss
fed, good to choice .. .. 3.00® 3.40
Cows and heifers, grass-fed,
medium to good 2.501/3.00
Canners and cutters 1.50® 2.00
Calves, veal, good to choice 4.001/ 4.75
Calves, veal, fair to good .. 3.00 ft 4.00
Bulls 1.75(1/2.25
Stags 2.00 @3.60
Feeders, K. P. R„ good to
choice 3.00® 3.75
Feeders, F. P. R., fair to
good 2.501/3.00
Stockers, F. P. R., good to
choice 3.001/ 3.05
Stockers, F. P. R.. fair to
good 2.40® 3.00
. Hogs.
Comparative Receipts—
Month to July 27th 12.750
Same period last yi. *3 500
Decrease 750
Year to date 118,KG”
Same period last ve 124,809
Decrease 0,000
The following qu- atlons represent
the prices paid on tl market:
Choice heavy $0,551/0.45
Light and mixed packers... 0.451/0.30
Comparative Receipts—•
Month to July 27th 8,2.51
Same period last ve;i 13.45,5
Decrease 7.1 "2
Year to date. 252,241
Same period last v 130,052
Increase 122,589
The following qu- itlons represent
the prices paid on ti s market for fat
Wethers $4,801/ 5.55
Ewes 4.50® 5.00
Yearlings 5.251/5.85
Spring lambs G.751/7.55
Dressed Poultry.
Turkeys, fancy,.. .... 15
Turkeys, young Ton .... 15
Turkeys, culls 8® 9
Turkeys, old Toms .... 15
Hens, fancy, 1b.... 12V4
Hens, good
Hens, medium 11
Hens, culls .... 51/ 0
Broilers, lb .... 14® 15
Roosters 5
Geese H® 12
Ducks •••• 12® 13
Live Poultry.
Broilers, lb .... 14® 15
Hens, lb .... 114
Roosters 5
Ducks, lb 11® 12
Turkeys 13® 14
Geese, ?b
Pigeons, doz 50
Wheat, choice mi ng. per 100 lbs.,
$1.30. Rye, Colora bulk, per 100
lbs.. $1.00! Oats. bul!. Nebraska, No. 3.
white, $1.33; same in ticks, $1.10; Col
orado white, in sari $1.50. Corn, in
bulk. $1.02; in sack. $lO9. Corn chop,
sacked, sl.lO. Bran. < dorado, per 100
lbs., sl.lO.
Upland, per ton. J [email protected]; sec
ond bottom, $8.5" 9.00; timothy,
$11.00; timothy an clover. $10.00;
alfalfa, prim?. I s @9.00; straw,
$5.00® 5.50; South 1 rk wire grass,
Elgin, firm 20
Creameries, extra. (' •'» .. 23® 24
Creameries, extra. • -tern 23® 24
Creameries, firsts. Colo
rado and eastern 21
Process and r* '■a ted
goods, lb ... 18® 19
Dairy, fey single ma • . lb. 16® 17
Roll, lb. * 15® LG
Packing stock, fresh ...13V4® 14
Eggs, fresh, case count... 4.20
Eggs No. 1 5-00
Pressed Flowers Are Pleasant Sou
venirs of a Vacation—How They
May Be Preserved.
No prettier or more pleasure-giving
vacation spent at tlie seashore or in
the country could be found than a spec
imen bool; tilled with dried flowers,
leaves and seaweeds, and the work of
gathering and preparing them would
amuse the most indifferent boy or girl.
Then it is very simple, and costs lit
tlo time and trouble.
The collector should provide him
self with a tin botanical box, or, lack
ing this, with several dozen sheets of
soft, thick, unglazed wrapping paper,
and two boards for covers. The paper
and the boards should he several
inches larger than the l>ook in which
the specimens are to be preserved, ad
vises the Chicago Inter Ocean.
As each specimen is gathered, place
it between two sheets of the paper,
being careful to make It lie in a
natural position. When the collector
reaches home, he should transfer the
specimens to fresh sheets of pnper,
placing several sheets between them,'
and when they are thus placed, one on
top of the other, they should be weight
ed down with anything convenient, say
books, or heavy boards, or even
Thoy should remain thus weighted
for from 24 to 48 hours, and should
then be removed to fresh sheets of pa
per, and be packed and weighted down
as at first, allowing them to stay so
for another period of from 24 to 48
hours. The paper used in the first
packing may he dried and used again.
When the specimens nre taken from
the second pecking, they should be
mounted or fastened on separate
sheets of paper for preservation.
There nre several ways of doing this.
One way is to gum down the whole
flower or leaf, but a better way is to
fasten it in place by putting narrow
bands of paper over parts of it. By
the last method It is possible, if de
sired, to remove the specimen to a
fresh sheet of paper.
The specimens may he mounted in
a scrapbook, or the separate sheets
may bo kept In a box of proper size;
if the latter, a light weight should be
kept on them. A bit of camphor In
the box will preserve the specimens,
but better still is it to open and ex
amine them now nnd then, so that
they may get air. No specimen should
be put away until it Is perfectly dry,
or it will mold.
On each sheet containing a specimen
should be written the name of the
flower or leaf, with the place where It
was obtained, and the date.
Sponge Cake Light ns Air, a Good
Pudding, Snow Ball Trifles, Tooth
some Brown Joe Bread.
TER. —Yolks of live eggs, two cups
of powdered sugnr, vyell beaten to
gether: next three-quarters of a cup
of boiling water, two cupsful of flour,
a pinch of salt, two heaping tea
spoonfuls of baking powder and
flavoring to taste. Beat the whites
of the eggs to a froth. The cake Is
best cut with a fork.
ounces of flour, four ounces of suet,
rind and juice of lemon, tablespoon
ful of treacle, one ounce of candied
peel, one tcaspoonful milk. 801 l
three ami a quarter hours, sifted
sugar to be strewn over before serv
SNOW BALLS. One cup of sugar,
two eggs, four tablespoonfuls swe£t
milk, one heaping teaspoonful of bak
ing powder, flour sufficient to work
Into balls. Fry in lard, and when
done dip in white of egg. then in pow
dered sugar until white.
fuls of corn meal, two cupfuls of white
flour, one cupful of molasses, one cup
ful of sour milk, one teaspoonful soda.
Steam three or four hours and bake
half an hour.—N. Y. World.
African Oil Fields.
It is reported by Consul Hollis, of
Lourenco Marques, in the Daily Con
sular and Trade Reports that the new
African oil fields of Inhambar.e nre be
ing steadily exploited, and the indica
tions are that large and paying quan
tities will develop. He writes: "At
present eight companies are actively
drilling upon their various claims,
which cover an area of some 75 square
miles. Inhambane, in consequence. Is
experiencing quite a boom, and it has
been found necessary, on account of
the Influx of British subjects, to ap
point a British vice consul at that port.
There Is a French consular agent at In
hambane also. We are only represent
ed there by a few missionaries and a
few employes among the various pros
pecting parties. It is an interesting
fact that qll of the capitalists at the
heads of these different companies and
syndicates are British subjects who are
not domiciled in this province, but in
the Transvaal and In the British mari
time colonies.”
Chicken Salad.
Four pounds chicken will make sal
ad for ten or 12 persons.
Cut the light and dark meat Into
fine pieces. Use two-thirds of the
chicken to one-third of celery. Mix the
salad with the dressing, saving some
to pour over the top before using.
Salad Dressing—One tablespoon
mustard, one tablespoon sugar, a
teaspoon of salt, one cup milk, one of
vinegar, three eggs. Mix sugar, salt
and mustard together and add the
vinegar and well beaten eggs. Pour
the milk in, stirring slowly all the
time. Set in a dish of cold water and
cook as soft custard: add a piece of
butter as large as an egg and Stir In
Danger in Open Fireplaces.
*** • -- -|
In view of the astounding fact that
in one year 1.C34 London children
have died in consequence of injuries
received from open fireplaces, un ef
fort is being made to have a law
enacted to punish parents who leave
children unguarded in rooms that
have such fireplace. * A similar in
quiry mught he t.’iiilp with important
results in America, is the comment
made by the New York Observer.
Japanese Workmen Tagged.
Every workman in Japan wears on
his cap an inscription stating his
business and his employer’s name.
Gossip of Washington
Not Lese Majesty to Decline Informal Invitation to White House Din.
ners—The Big Market in Central and South America—To Maintain
the Dignity of the United States Abroad—The Summer Somnolence
of Washington.
WASHINGTON.—There were few presidents
who cared less for conventionalities than does
.Mr. Roosevelt. Whore these conventionalities
mean national dignity or have any particular
diplomatic significance Mr. Roosevelt wants to
have them observed, but lie is not a stickler for
form and in l»i.-» private life In tho White House
goes a good deal on the plan or a genuine old
fashioned American homebody. With some presi
dents an invitation to take dinner at the White
House took the form of a command much as
would a similar Invitation from one of tho
crowned heads of Europe. Anyone receiving
such an invitation would never have thought of
declining it unless prevented by sickness or some
providential interference.
Mr. Roosevelt’s invitations to dinner have
been sometimes declined, but only such us havo
been extended in a generous sort of "come and
take pot luck with us" way. Not long ago one of his old ranch comrades from
Montana called at the White House and the president asked him to take din
ner with him that night. The old cattleman declined on the ground that ho
had no evening dress and In fact hud never worn that sort of togs. Mr.
Roosevelt pressed him, but he was firm in his resolve that ho would not sit
down among lot of other folks without being dressed ns they were.
There have been others who have good-naturedly declined the president’s
Informal invitations ami their excuses have been just as good naturediy
accepted. On one occasion Speaker Cannon had un engagement to dine at a
cabinet dinner where the president was the guest of honor and he begged
off in order to attend a gridiron dinner. The matter was compromised by a
postponement of the cabinet dinner. It does not constitute lese tiiujestc to
decline un informul invitation to the White House dinners.
Secretary of State Hoot is now on a mission
that promises to be of great importance to the
United States and to all the Republicans on the
western hemisphere. It is a great departure from
long established custom for a cabinet officer to
visit neighboring countries and discuss with their
administration international affairs, but the pres
ent administration at Washington cares very lit
tle about precedents so long as the thing con
templated to bo done is for the good of the
count ry.
Mr. Root Is n man of practical Ideas and
since he became the premier of the administra
tion ho has been looking Into the matter of ex
tending United States trade to the countries to
tho south of us. He lias been impressed with tlie*
idea that there Is a big market m Central and
South America that is in danger of being monop
olized by foreign countries nnd which naturally
ought to belong to the merchants and manufacturers of this country. One
reason that the people of the United Status are not getting their share of
that market Is a prejudice that exists among the Central and South American
republics against this country.
Mr. Root has gone down on a visit to our slßter republics for the pur
pose of persuading them that we are their best friends, and that they should
look to the United States rather than to old European nations for commer
cial as well as political friendship. It will he Mr. Root's purpose also to
inquire as to whether Germany ami Great Britain are trying to make any
headway in the politics of those countries ns they are doing In their com
merce. He hopes by personal contact with members of the administration
to strengthen the old-fashioned American Monroe doctrine which denies the
right of European governments to acquire any more territory on this hemis
Now that the United States government, has
mad** a start in the direction of erecting suitable
legation nnd embassy buildings for our represen
tatives abroad It is hoped that before many years
the United States flag will fly over property that
this government owns in every prominent capita!
abroad. Tho fact that American ambassadors and
ministers have had to rent their quarters abroad .
lias been a disgrace to tho United States diplo
matic service.
The experience In Peking during the Boxer
troubles in 1900 made It imperative that this gov
ernment erect Its own legation building in that
city where a proper guard could be pluced. A
handsome ministerial residence and guardhouse
havo been provided there nnd now that the proco
dont is established, congress will be appealed to,
as it was in tills last session when an appropria
tion was made for the purchase of an ainbassa-
dorlal residence in Constantinople*. Minister John G. A. Lcishman, who has
been in Constantinople for a number of years, spent his leave of absence In
Washington, and through Senator Knox, of Pennsylvania, and Secretary limit,
had little difficulty in persuading congress that tho diplomatic post at Con
stantinople should be mftde an embassy and that a suitable residence should
he purchased for the ambassador.
The rentals that our ambassadors at Ixmdon. Paris, Berlin and other
European capitals pay for their quarters If far in excess of the salaries the
United States gives them. It is possible only for men of great wealth to till
these positions unless congress makes provision for their official homes and
for the entertaining they are compelled to do in order that the United Stutes
may not suffer in dignity in comparison with other governments.
Those who have had occasion to observe the
United States consular service in recent years
have noted a distinct Improvement in its person
nel. Now that congress lias passed a law reor
ganizing tills service still greater things are ex
pected of It. In the old days one of the standing
jokes and constant sources of amusement when
there was a change in tho administration was
afforded by the horde of politicians who came to
Washington soliciting appointments to the United
States consular service. It was almost the excep
tion to find men urged for these places who were
In any way fitted for them. The story is still told
of a man during Cleveland’s first administration
who was an applicant for a consular post of great
Importance in Germany. When Cleveland asked
him If he could speak German, he said: "No. but
I have a brother who plays tho German flute.”
The consular posts were regarded as so many plums to bo distributed
among political workers who had allied in the election of a new administra
tion. The places paid both salaries and fees and it was reckoned that a
shrewd man would be able to make a pretty good thing out of the latter even
if the salary was not very high. Then the service was also regarded as a
convenient place to dump political workers of the “has been” type who would
lie stowed away in some* far off corner of the world and forgotten. There
have been cases where men were sent to consular posts and only heard of
by an occasional report and left there for yearti ami years until their very
names almost were forgotten.
This order of things has boon changed under tho present administration
of President Roosevelt and Secretary Root. Under the operation of the new
law there will be constant changes and promotions on civil service principles
and no consular officer is likely to bo forgotten no matter how far he is away
from Washington.
In mid-summer tho groat national capital at
Washington Is .Ike an overgrown country village.
The quiet of its streets and its general somnolent
character are remarked by visitors from all parts
of the country. There is no rush, no crowd except
at very brief periods during the day. From eight
until nine o’clock in tho morning the street cars
are crowded and a good many people are seen
on the sidewalks, but they compose the army o?
25,000 government employes that is swallowed
up behind the doors of the big marble and gran
ite government buildings upon tie* stroke of nine.
Again from 4: 20 until 5:20 there is another
little bustle on the street as this ink-stained
crowd of clerks conn* out of their office buildings
and go home. That is about all the excitement
there is during tho daytime. There is a gentle
little stir later in tho evening as a few hundred
of Washington's citizens go to the wharves and
take the boat for an evening ride down tho Potomac or board the trolley cars
for a trip to the suburbs. After tills crowd has gone Washington goes to
sleep until about 11 o’clock when these evening pleasure seekers return
home. By midnight, an hour when New York Is just getting awake, Wash
ington has its shutters closed and blinds drawn and anyone found on the
street Is locked on with suspicion by the police.
On Sunday or on«a holiday the streets are so deserted that a pedestrian’s
footfall will start an echo. For three months at least Washington Is dead
socially and politically. With the return ol the cool weather in the fall the
thousands of citizens who have gone to summer homes and resorts or abroad
come back and the national capital is once more upon the map. Tho presi
dent and his official family are absent all summer with the exception of ore
or two cabinet members who remain here to represent the administratet r •
aa S’~ 'stary Taft expresses it, to ’sit upon the lid.”

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