OCR Interpretation

The Lamar register. [volume] (Lamar, Colo.) 1889-1952, August 28, 1907, Image 8

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Utadnche and constipation diuppaar
when Dades Little Liver Pills are used.
They keep the sys’am olean, the stoni
aoh sweet. Taken occasion!/ they keep
you well. They aie I»r the entire fami
ly. Sold by The Up-to-Date Drug Co.
Piles get quick and u »rtain relief from
Dr. Shoop’s Magio ./intment. Please
note it is made alone for piles, and its
action is positive and u i tain. Itohing,
painful, protruding or blind piles disap
pear like magio bv its use. Large nick
el-capped glass jars 50 oe its. Sold by
McLean Bros.
I’ll stop your pain free. To show you
first—before you spend a penny— wliat
my Pink Pain Tablets oan do, I will mail
San free, a trial package of them—Dr.
hoop’s Headache Tablets, Neuralgia,
Headache, Toothache. Period pains, etc.,
are due alone to blood oongeetion. Dr.
Shoop’s Headache Tablets simply kill
pain by coaxing away the unnatural
blood pressure. That is all. Address
Dr. Shoop. Racine, Wis. Sold by Mo-
Lean Broe.
The bites and stings of inaeots, tan,
aunburn, cuts, burns and bruises are re
lieved at once with PineeolveOerbolired
Acta like a poultioe, and draw, out in
flammation. Try it. Price 25c. Sold
by The Up to-Uate Drug 00.
I wili mail you free, to prore merit,
aamplee or my Dr. Hhoop'e Reetor.tiT.
and my book on either Dyspepsia, lb®
Heart or The Kidneye. Address me, Dr.
Snoop Racine. Wis. Troubles of the
a* ,mach, heart or kidneys are merely
j mptoms of a deeper ailment Dont
make the common error of treating
symptoms only. Symptom treatment is
treating the result of your ailment and
not the cause. Weak stomach nerves—
the inside nerves—means stomach weak
ness, always. And the heart, and kid
neys as well, have their controlling or
inside nerves. Weaken these nerves and
you inevitably have weak vital organs.
Here is where Dr. Shoop’s Restorative
has made its fame. No other remedy
•ven olaims to treat the “inside nerves,
also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath
or complexion, use Dr. Shoop’s Restora
tive. Write for my free book now Dr.
Snoop’s Restorative sold yb McLean
If you suffer from bloating belching,
sour stomabh, indigostion or dyspepsia,
take a Kings Dyspepsia I ablet after
each meal, and overcome the disagree
able trouble. It will improve the ap
petite, and aid digestion. Sold by lbe
Up-to-Date Drug 00.
Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop’s
“Health Coffee” at our store. If real
ooffee disturbes your stomach, your
heart or kidneys, then try this olsver
ooffee imitation. Dr. Shoop has closely
matched Old Java and Mooha Coffee in
flavor and taste, yet it has not a single
grain of real ooffee in it. Dr. Shoop s
health ooffee imitation is made f r om
pure toes ted grains or oereals, with malt,
outs, etc. Made in a minute. No tedi
ous wait. You will surely like it. Sold
by Hunt Broe.
Keep the pores open aud the skin
clean when yon have a out, bum, bruise
or seretoh. DeWitt’s Oarbolized witch
heasl salve penetrates the pores and
heals quiekly. Sold by the Up-to-Date
Drug 00.
s3o*ooo just received for farm loans
No delays.
L Wist Mabeham.
W. E. Nogal, harnessmaker. Harness
and fly nets oiled while you wait.
Don't acoept a oough cure that you
may be told is just as good as Kennedys
Laxative Cough Syrup, because it isn’t
just as good—there is quite a difference.
Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup acts
gently upon the bowels and clears the
whole system of coughs and colds It
promptly relieves inflammation of the
throat and allays irritation. Sold by the
Up-to-Date Drag Co.
Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put up
in a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy
to apply right where soreness and infla
mation exists. It relieves at once blind
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Guaranteed. Price 50a Get it today.
Sold by The Up-to-Date Drug Co.
Summer soughs and ootds yield at
onoe to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup,
oontains honey and tar but no opiates.
Children like it. Pleasant to taka Its
laxative qualities recommend it to
mothers; hoarseness, soughs, croup, eta,
yield quickly. Sold by The Up-to-Date
Drug Co.
Hundreds of people yearly go through
painful operations needlessly, because
they never tried Msn Zan Pilej Remedy.
It is put up in such a form thst it oan
be applied right where the trouble lies.
It relieves the pain and inflammation.
It is for any form of -piles. Pnoe 50c.
Sold by The Up-to-Date Drug Co.
Pineulee are for the Kidneys and blad
der. They bring quiok relief to back
ache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn
out feeling. They produoe natural aot
tion of the kidneys in filtering waste
matter out os the blood. 30 days treat
ment SI.OO. Money refunded if Pineu
lea are not satisfactory. Sold by The
Up-to-Date Drug Co.
Try Carley's Cough Cure
Pineulee for the kidneys strengthen
thesr organs and assist i < drawing pois
on from the blood. Try them for rneu
matism, kidney, bladder trouble, for
lumbago and tired worn out feeling.
They bring quick relief. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Sold by The Up-to-Date
Drug Co.
Money to Loan—On farm property
No appraiaers,money paid as soon as ab
stract approved. J. S. Hasty.
Try Carlsy’* Couch Cur*
la time. Sold by drnnuu. M
Cream Vermifuge
aswAßc or laivAvieaa
Ballard-Snow Liniment Co*
A. T. & S. F. Time Card.
Dally, Lamar. Colorado Daily.
WaaTBocRD. Ka»t Boowd.
Mo. t ll®a. m. No. it 12 06 a. m
No. 2 9Ma. m. No. 4 8» a m
Mo. 6 1U a. m. No. 6 257a. m
No. 7 555 a. tn. No. 8 12 06 p. m
go. 9 922a. m. No. 10 248 p. m
No.SM 1115 a.m. No. 670 518 p. m
Mo. SS-Prt 960 a.ni No. 84-Frt 10 25 p.m
It was strange who was stealing the
wire up there on the Lehigh & Hud
son. popularly known as the Lean and
Hungry railroad,” said the old railroad
telegraph operator, who has gained a
reputation for his work in assisting
Truth to rise after she has been crush
ed to earth, according to the records
of the New York Sun. "You see, the
road is putting up a new line of wires
and they had lots of trouble losing
their equipment.
"Most of the trouble occurred up
near Sugar Loaf mountain, near the
old cemetery. Just the other side ol
Eastchoster station. They never could
seem to find out who stole the wire.
"A fellow would be sending mes
sages up the road to the different
summer resorts —'Love me and the
world is mine—and other telegrams of
the soft-boiled-egg variety —from guys
In the city to their girls In the moun
gains, but the messages never would
get to their destination.
"Whoever pinched the wires would
leave Just enough of the metal wire
hanging from the pole to reach the
ground, thereby making a circuit, and
the wire would work all right between
Eaatchester and the end of the line,
but the next morning we would get a
postal card from the summer resort
saying they lost the wire at such and
such a place. The wire thieves were
literally running the business of the
company Into the ground.
"So the management stationed a
night watchman up near the old ceme
tery U> gab the marauders and teach
'em to keep their hands off the com
pany’s property. Foy the first three or
four nights there was nothing doing
on wire thieves.
"One night, about eight o'clock, as
we regulars were sitting around the
big stove in Duff Masten’s grocery
store, talking over the general condi
tion of the onion crop, the watchman
stumbled late t|>p front door, almost
frightened to death. He allowed that
it waa ghosts from the cemetery who
were awlping the Lehigh wire#,
"Res Conk ling and all of us pooh
poohed the idea of ghosts. There were
a good many operator burled up in the
old cemetery, but they had had enough
trouble with wires during their lives
without trying to cabbage any after
"Barney Smith and three or four
more of us framed up an expedition to
find out the whys and wherefores of
this ghost business. We Journey up
there by Bugsr Loaf mountain several
nights without any result*.
"About 12 o'clock on tha fourth night
we were abo it leaving In disgust when
there was a whirring sound up behind
one of the large tombstones in the
graveyard and a large object went fly
ing over to one of the telegraph poles
and began pecking at the wire there.
“By gosh, it la spirits!” cried Charley
Crist, one of the exploring band.
“ ‘Change your brand,’ said I. I*ll
tell you what it la. It's an eagle.’
‘Td heard only a week or two be
fore about a pair of bald headed eagles
which had been seen up on Sugar Loaf
mountain. Barney Smith agreed with
me that the wire pirate was the male
eagle stealing wire to build a nest for
his mate.
“Yes, sir, cure's your born. Of
course, the wire wasn't as heavy as
the modern telegraph wires and could,
coil nicely Into a fine nest for the lady
eagle. The warm messages which had
circulated through the wires to the
summer girt would aid materially in
hateh!ng the eagle’s eggs.
“It wasn't very hard for the big,
strong male eagle to snap off a length
of wire and fly off with a coll of It
around his neck. Of course, it was
Just by accident he left enough of it
flying to stick Into the ground.
“Well. sir. the company tried Its
beat to kill that eagle, placing a boun
ty of SSO on his head. But no one
seemed to shoot straight enough to
kill him, or else he was so tough the
bullets took no effect. Even so sure a
shot as Barney Smith failed to bring
him down. The big bird was a pest,
too, for every time he wanted to add
an L to hla nest or build a new apart
ment he'd just draw on the telegraph
“The rape was at a loss as to what
to do. Finally I hit upon a scheme.
Why not put In a special brand of
barbed wire? It was obvious that If a
lady eagle was preparing to lay an egg
and aat down on a piece of barbed
wire, she’d change her mind about lay
ing the egg and say ’Prunes.’ or words
to that effect in eagle language.
“My scheme worked all right and
after the barbed wire was Installed the
depredations ceased, although many
sharp messages were sent over the
"Say,” observed the tall, cynical con
ductor. “you’ve got those nature fakers
spiked to. the switch.”
Downtrodden Husbands.
The middle class woman In England
now generally affects to be superior
to the social position she occupies;
she endeavors to dress, live, and act
up to the higher standard she has
adopted as her own. This attitude,
and Its attendant circumstances, event
ually induce the ordinary middle class
husband to regard her as socially su
perior to himself. In time, from this
cause, he becomes little better than a
footman to his own wife.—London
Metals in Sea Water.
The world's oceans hold in solution
at least 2,000,000 tons of silver. There
la also much copper and a little gold
tn sea_water.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers don't
aioken er gripe. Small pills, aaay to taka
Sold by the Up-to-Date Drug 00.
Levs, the Debtor.
“The greatest thing.” says some one,
man can do for his Heavenly Fa
ther Is to be kind to some of Hla
other children.” I wonder how it la
that we are not all kinder than we are.
How much the world needs it! How
easily it Is done! How instantaneous
ly It acts! How infallibly it la re
membered! How superabundantly It
pays itself back—for there Is no debt
or in the world so honorable, bo su
perbly honorable, u love. —Henry
In Memory of George Eliot.
In Aubury park, Warwickshire, Eng
land, the ancestral seat of the Newde
gates, a tapered pillar in gray granite
on a three-stepped pedestal has been
eri cted to perpetuate the memory of
George Eliot. Her birthplace is near
by, and her father, brother and nephew
served the Newdegate family in the of
fice of land agent. The monument la
the gift of F. A. N. Newdegate.
Ancient Writers on Poison.
Poison lore, “polson-lehre,” as It
was long called, was considered a for
bidden subject for many ages. Gaten,
in hla work “On Antidotes,” remarks
that the only authors who dare* to
write of poisons were Orpheua, Theo
logus, Morus, Mendeslua the younger,
Hellodorus, of Athens, and a few oth
ers. Unfortunately, none of their
treatises Is In existence.
Jute Sacks by the Thousand.
Immense numbers of jnte sacks are
annually uaed in the shipment of
gitrate from Chile. They come prin
cipally from Australia and the East
ladles, and are never used the aecoud
time, as the nitrate rota the fiber.
During 1906 about 20,000,000 sacks
were used, and the demand la con
stantly growing.
The Effeminate Man.
“If there la anything that makes me
feel like going out and practicing with
the dumb bells," said the mannish girl,
‘it Is to see a man going about the
street wearing pumps or very low
shoes that look like a girl's shoes,
daintily tied with wide ribbon in a
fetching bow. You’d be surprised how
many you sea of them, too.”
*The Wise Man Foreseeth the Evil."
"No, sub, thank ye.” said Alphonaa
“Ah doan* wishes to wuk all de time,
■oh- Ef Ah wux ter wuk a ]l do time,
Ah’d most likely bab nuff money tap
git married wtf, an ef Ah had nuff
money to git married wlf. mos’ likely
Ah’d git married. No, sub! Deed Ah
doan’ wishes ter wuk all de time.”
Bride's Foolish Wager.
Rome 60 years ago a native of
Penasyivp#|a undertook, for a wager
of $l5O, to remain mute for the first
month of her marriage. Her hus
band, not being in the secret, left her,
only to return later, when he was
apprised of the real reason of her
City Street Well Renamed.
Liberty street, in New York city,
has been so known since the days of
the revolution. Before that It was
Crown street, which savored entirely
too much of royalty to suit the pa
triots, so the name had to go with
kingly rule.
Devotion of Mother Stork.
The devotion of a stork to Its young
has been strikingly shown during a
fire at Basle. The nest was set on fire
by a spark from a chimney, but the
mother bird refused to leave the
fledglings, and all were burned to
Trees and Lightning.
Some trees are much more liable to
be struck by lightning than others.
Thus the oak and the elm are often
struck and destroyed; but the aah ia
rarely struck, and tha beech. It Is said,
Auto Tests.
London experimenters find that
motoring enriches the blood, and gives
good sleep. The tests were applied to
those who ride, not to the man who
geta In front of the motor.
One Drawback.
"One o’ de drawbacks of dlshere
said Uncle Eben, “la de fact dat
de call of duty don' very often sound
near as loud as 4* dinner bell ’’ —
Washington Star.
Wise Jane.
“White hose,” quoth Jane, “when
fresh and aew, are very cool and neat.
But they are not becoming to those
number 'leven feet”—Washington
Newspaper 600 Years Old.
The oldest newspaper in the world,
the King Pao, or News of the Capital,
of Pekin, will celebrate its five hun
dredth anniversary this year.
Australian Womerawa.
The womerawa la a carious stick
which the Australians use for fling
ing long arrows against anemias or
Suffrage in Japan.
In Japan every male over 25 years
of age and paying a direct tax of ten
yen ($6) Is entitled to vote.
The Human Mind.
Baa Jonson: The mind is like a
bow, the stronger for being unbent.
Good Fortune.
Henceforth I ask not good fortune—
I am good fortune—Walt Whitman.
La new tract op farming
T.„jy ? t *s, wlth ideation works completed
hist placed on sale at opening price. Water
n • a ls a 2‘* ano ? an< *P urch **« carries perpet
rig ht ? to it. We will Cultivate for two
A rears and turn over land* with crop grow.
Ing, or w» will continue to cultivate for half
18 tha crop, or you can do that and make it
■ ■ h< ?? >e - write tor full description o t this
WANTED—Men and women to sell
our teas, coffees, apices and extracts.
Tha Union Pacific Tea Co., 707 N. Main
strsst, Pueblo, Cola
MORTON MTlUlN.lProAidoot J. W. PAXTON. Vies Proa. L. P. ADA MM. Cashier
CAPITAL $30,000
We want your business, large or small, and offer every
facility consistent with safe and conservative banking
Accounts Received Snbinct to Check. Moony Orders Sold
Real Estate, Loan
Insurance Asreut
B. B. Bbowm, Prea L N. Fuana, Vice Pres. W. 0. Gould, Gash
The First National Bank
Capital 850,000 Surplus 820.00 C
B. B. Bhown. T. M. Bbowm. W. C. Gould.
M. D. Thatches. A. N. Pabbish.
Dealer in Canon City Domestic Coal, Trin
idad Furnace and Steam Coal, Ice. Feed
of all kinds. Hay and Grain. We de
liver to all parti of town. Our phone Is
Lamar 63. Call us up. We are also
agents for the Geo. H. Lee stock food and
stock remedies. Lee’s Lice Killer. A
full line of these goods will be in within
a few days.
: Fred H. Kelsey, Manager :
Dealers In Meats
All bills die is 31 days Pbose 473 Black
Coal Facts
There are a number of grades of Canon City Coal but when
you buy from us you get the BEST that is mined, beyond
question. We can also supply the cheaper grades of Trini
dad and other coals. We are always in the market for your
ALFALFA SEED, paying the highest prices.
gPgglj We’ve Got’Em!
ML ■ - If that lawn looks dead or
come and let ns fit you out
Rakes, etc., and taking care
ls\V n iinj of the lawn will be a great
The very Best Materials and the most
Expert Workmen
C. C. Huddleston
Hardware, Implements, Harness
Hardware, Furniture,
Tinware, Harness, etc.
We carry the largest stock in oar line ever carried
in eastern Colorado and can sell to yon at lowest
prices ever known in the Arkansas valley.
Dealer In
Staple and Fancy Groceries and Fresh Heats
South Sain St. 'Phon* No. Lamar 7
Register and Globe-Democrat $2
: mMk
Ely’s Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Qlvs Satisfaction.
It cleenaes, eoothee, heels, end protects the
diseased membrane. It cores Catarrh and
drives away a Cold In the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL
, Easy to use. Contains no injnrioos drags.
- Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Rise, 50 cents at Druggists or by
mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. S
No appetite, loss of strength, nerved
ness, headache, oonstipatlon, bed breath,
general debility, bout risings, end catarrh
of the stomach are all due to Indigestion.
. Kodol relieves Indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural Juices of dlgee*
, tlon aa they exist In a healthy stomach,
> combined with the greatest known tonic
» end reconstructive properties. Kodol far
’ dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion
, and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
helps all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetsalng and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ban. of Rmniwooi W. Vfc. ■>«.—
I weeVwAied wttk eeer ctocnacfc for tweaty rears.
Kodsl«nM- -dwmusuMtb-lS
Kodd Digests What Yea Bad.
Rottleo mb. Rcßevss binsiir. seer mmm*.
belchlnc of iu. etc.
Freeared hr E. a OeWITT A 00., OMIOAQO.
Sold by The Up-To-Date Drag Co.
V'.ak Women
TV weak and alltaeveeMa. there Is atlas* ana
any to help. But wtth Sat war, two twain
HanaL boa both asa bpaaot bslh uaslM
Rr. Shoals Night Omn Is the LoeaL
P>. Ehece’t ■iWomEen the OonwßatfsaaL
Tbetnwsr Dr. gli ace's Night CttrrHc a f nail
mmmm Marinas npßsrttary raaedr. while Ra
Aeon’s RtosaMve Is wholly ea iatamal Sab
fie RsMsswßve tea ghee thrsNgha* As
A Mane, and all Mood efhasaw
the “Night Cues’*. aa A mum baHadaoti
week while melee*. Reeothae core and ta jam
sdnaam surtseas, hmls * • f
iledhame. while lbs Barisratlve. mam asrsaat
■mtts— visor sad arabtthm
—l*, vteer. sad am. Tabs Dr. Sboagfi
RaeteeaMve-TUblstssr Liquid—sea saasral Mata
>a the MR i m VSreaMMvuleaalhel».maswMi
Dr. Shoop’s
Night Curt
The Novelette
You can’t forget
“Dr. U. Ess and His Patieir
For sale at all the local Drug Stores
The Beet Farm Inaoraooa
on Earth
Of New York. 53 years old. Assets
$10,384,000. Capital and Surplus
$0,435,000. Low rates. Losses
promptly paid. Insures all kinda of
farm property. Yonr business so
A. L. Beavers
Lamar, Colo.
“The Blood Is The life.”
Science has never gone beyond the
above simple statement of scripture. But
it has illuminated that statement and
lt a meaning ever broadening with
the Increasing breadth of knowledge.
When the blood is "bad" or Impure It
Is not alone the body which suffers
through disease. The brain is also
rlouded, mind and judgement arc
ißected, »nal»My an evil deed or Impure
traced to the
dnpdvityof the Foul. Impure blood
san be made pure hv the use fl t p?
Elerce I-Poldea >leqicai Diicovery ,
mrlches and mirl first the tgeregy
raring,• pimples, blotches, eruptions and
other cutaneous affections, as eczema,
tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other
manifestations of impure blood.
® ® ® ® d> •
In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en
larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old
sores, the "Golden Medical Discovery "has
performed the most marvelous cures. In
cases of old sores, or open eating uloera.
It is well to apply to the open sores Dr.
Pierce's AU-Heailng Salve, which pos
sesses wonderful healing potency when
: ftsed as an application to the sores In con
junction with the use of "Golden Medical
1 Discovery "as a blood cleansing consti
tutional treatment. If your druggist
don’t happen to have the "All-Healing
Salve” In stock, you can easily procure It
by inclosing fifty-four cents In postage
stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 663 Main St.,
Buffalo, N. Y., and It will come to you by
return post. Most druggists keep It as
well as the "Golden Medical Discovery.*
® ® ® ® ® ®
You can’t afford to accept any medicine
of unknoten composition as a substitute
for "Golden Medical Discovery," which is
a medicine or known composition,
having a complete list of Ingredients In
plain English on Its bottle-wrapper, the
same being attested as correct under oath.
MLilimjutl B.*!!* 4 " raffml ** a
Attorney end Counselor at Law
Lama., Goloeado.
•*o.nd Fleer G0.d.1. Buliema.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Lamas, Ooloeado.
Offle. In B.nt Blk., East Main St.
I Attorney ait Xjßv
Lamar, Colorado.
Office in Foley Bid#.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Office in Qoodale Block
Offices in east rooms on aaooni
floor of Irwin Building
Physician and Surgeon
Office over New York store, or
inquire at MoLaan Brae.’ drug
J*. m. KAOTY. M. D.
Rooms 1 A 3 over First National Bank
Phone Lamar 67 offloe.
Dr. J. H. Kellogg
Office on 2 floor
Land Offloe Bid.
Phones :ORr, Bed 11U. Residents Red MM
flaalrtenee RR o>h Hi.
Lamar, Colo.
Office hours •to M and t to B; hr appoiab
h“Qr* Bandars. Phone, toeldeno
Blaok 9M; ofilee Red MU.
Residence, 800 Third Street I Foln
Offloe. Ste to Bonk Block UilT, UHL
a. 3v£. LEBf
Dealer In
Water Bights, Farms
aid City Property
A email oaah payment
aeoarwa an improved
E. a STEVAU. r n* I
manufaoturer of
granite and marble
All kinds of Out Stone Trim
minge for Briok or Stone
Houses furnished on abort
Postal I
Giqar Stand I
Located in the Opera
House Barber Shop I
Haadles 91 Different Bids I
Sole sgents tor el) styles
ChuceHwi, Lawreuee hrrett, La I
CnfesiM, aid ley f e»t Qaeea, I
bit Sc Cigar ea eartk. |
Special Rates by the Box I
Also a fall line of |i
Oome in ewe ns ||
The I

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