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The Lamar register. [volume] (Lamar, Colo.) 1889-1952, December 01, 1909, Image 4

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Published Weekly by
Editor end Proprietor
•OMf ot taw PwtiWw at Lamar,
IMraA oo —an*-daw mat tar.
December 1, 1909.
Oeo. Idler left on important busi
oesa for Kansas City. Sunday.
Harry Noble and Mr. Decker are
rial tors from Granada this week.
B. H. Gerecke made a business
trip to Pueblo last Wednesday.
Verne Oolladay made a business
trip to Eads. Colorado, last Friday
D. C. Polhemua left for Kansas
City Monday, on business.
Morton Strain left for Kansas
City on No. 10 Sunday afternoon.
A. B. Bent and C. C. Goodale
left for Chicago Monday afternoon
Smith, the popular clerk at Hunt
Bros, store, has a new patent on a
coffee potf
M. L. Conwell spent part of last
week with his family in Colorado
Springs .
Frank VanGundy of the Register
force spent Thanksgiving in Fowler.
J. M. Williams arrived home from
a business trip in eastern Kansas
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leavitt ol
Las Animas spent a few days with
the Friedman’s.
Fred E. Cooper and bride re
turned from their honeymoon on
No. 10, Tuesday.
Mr. Miles was down from Rocky
Ford attending to business along
the automobile line.
Rev. Henry Pingree of the M. E
Church left for Fowler, Colorado tc
attend the district conference .
James K. Dye of Rocky Ford is
•pending a few days in Lamar look
ing after his business interests.
Mrs. C. P. Adams of Freeport.
Kansas, Is spending a few days
with her friend Mrs. Chas. Gamble.
J. W. Albright, who has been
rial ting his son for the past two
weeks left for California, Monday.
Albert Hagerman returned from
a week's vacation in Baca, County.
Albert said "he likes the country
lifb flae."T
J. B. Todd was down from Rocky
Ford, and was employed as an at
torney in the case ofOrlswold vs
Mias Jane Grabeli who has been
visiting the family of J. 8. Shover
left for her home laMonte Vista
last Friday.
Representative John A. Martin
was down from Pueblo attending tt
business and shaking hands with hit
old friends.
Mr. Ivan Lewis was In from
Prowers attending the foot-bal.
game and eating a good Thanks
giving dinner.
Mr. Frank Sayler is suffering
from a broken rib, which he receiv
ed in the game between Lamar and
Wiley Thanksgiving.
Rev. Thomas of the Wiley Meth
odist church was in town this morn
ing and is on his way to the dis
trict conference at Fowler.
D. B. Nowles returned from Chi
cago, Monday, and reports that
the only thing talked about there
in the irrigation Congress.
Mr. Rea Bennett arrived horn*
last Thursday from lowa, where h<-
was called on the account of the
sickness of his grand mother.
Mrs. B. B. Pike spent several
days in Denver last week visiting
her son Lee Koonsman, who 1b
attending the Denver University.
County Court will convene next
week with a full docket of criminal
and civil suits, a regular Jury
has boon summoned for this court.
Mrs. Dora McKitrlck, daughter
of J. R. Pollard, and children laft
on No. 9 Monday for Riverside, Cal
ifornia where they will spend the
Lynn Amos, the popular mechani*
who la employed at the Davis &
Davis Oarage, spent s few days
With his parents in Rocky Ford
last week.
City Engineer Beardsley reports
that Lamar people will soon be
anting water from the new system
if everything Is kept going in the
W. J. Linville arrived from Ster
ling, Kansas, and will go down
and spend the winter with his
sons who have contract work on
the Two Button.
Wrn. Anderson who la drilling the
hast oil well near Lstmar left for
his home in Bartlesville, Oklahoma,
whore he will visit a few weeks
With relatives and friends.
Chan. Thompson sold his farm
on the north aide, known as the
Vinegar Hill Ranch, for f 16.000
Charley has made s pretty good
Slake in Prowers County, and he
will rwwlT. tb. baat wUhe. from
fcl, frlrad, tor hi* pro»j>erou» busl
,.m tutan.
A. E. Bent Bpent several days
in Lamar attending to local bußi
ness matters.
Miss Pearl Lay spent a few
days last week with parents and
friends in Lamar.
Thomas Berry arrived from Cali
fornia last week and will spend a
few days in Lamar.
Mr. Chas. Dickinson of Leadville,
Colorado, is visiting his brother,
Wm. Dickinson and family.
Wm. Simpson, one of Holly’s busi
ness men was attending to business
in town the first of the week.
A. N. Parrish spent Thanksgiv
ing day with his son, Juddoa, who
is attending school at Boulder.
Mr. Thomas Kagan returned to
Minturn, Colorado, after spending
Thanksgiving with his children.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Lee left for
Pueblo, after a very pleasant vis
it with their son, C. M. I*ee.
J. B. Traxler left for Denver on
important business, in connection
with the Bent & Prowers Canal.
Chas. Maxwell manager of th:
Lamar mill left for a two week’s
trip in New Mexico and Arizona.
D. H. Bane of the D. H. Bant
Land Co., and wife left for Chlcagc
he re they will spend several weeks
Mrs. Henry Starr and son Theo
lore left for their home in Tulsa
iklahoma, after a weeks stay I
Mrs. Hardy Pllloud and siste:
ire up from the Two B. ttes dis
trict spending a few days with their
Mr. Roil Goodale arrived horn
.rom Denver last week to spent,
tils vacation days with his parents
ind friends.
Mrs. Frank Streams returned
home on No. 8 Tuesday after a
very pleasant visit with J. O. Strean
and family.
Mrs. S. V. Gandy, who stopped
here to visit her son, Harry Rob
inson, resumed her journey to Kan
sas last Friday.
Bryant Newly of Longmont, lb
spending several days in Lamar and
vicinity looking over the alfalfa in
.his community.
Judge Henry M. Hunter and Dis
trict Attorney A. W. McHendrk
spent Thanksgiving with their fam
ilies at Trinidad.
E. J. Sewell arrived home las.
week from Nevada, Missouri, wher«
ne was called on the account of the
sickness of his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnston of
Las Animas spent Thanksgiving In
Lamar, with their old friends, Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Cooper.
The snow and rain of the past
few days is doing the range con
siderable good, and the green grast
will tell the tale next spring.
The jurymen who have been on
the two most Important trials at
this term of district court have
been able to hold over Sunday.
T. J. Sayler left for Kansas City
Tuesday afternoon, while there,
he will go and visit with his
daughter. Miss Florence, at Des
Moines, lowa.
Senior Garcia official interpreter
of the District Court at Trinidad
was here interpreting at the
Benevldez trial. Mr. Garcia is a
son-in-law of Senator Barela.
T. J. Brockway, of Alva, Okla
homa, and W. Albright of Fard
land, Missouri, were in Lamar last
week looking over the different
land projects in our county.
Higli School Athletics.
The following statement shows a
mount of money raised for the high
school athletics and amount spent
to date:
Total collections $353 50
Gate receipts:
Ft. Lyon game .. 39 79
Las Animas .. ..34 86
La Junta 46 45
Rocky Ford .. .. 59 65
Centennial .. ..248 50
429 25
Balance last season 18 90
Received Colo. Springs . . 80 00
Total receipts SBBI 65
General supplies sll2 75
Ft. Lyon team . . 28 50
Las Animas . . . . 28 60
Holly 4 95
La Junta 43 50
Referee 3 90
To Bd. mtg .... 400
To Ft. Lyon .... 15 40
To Colo. Sps . . . . 104 00
Rocky Ford .... 38 25
St. car fare .... 1 30
Pueblo team .... 70 50
Wiley team .... 8 60
351 30
Hotel expenses:
Rocky Ford . . . . 18 35
Las Animas . . . . 15 25
Colo. Springs .... 72 60
106 10
Coach 121 25
League membership 7 60
Incidentals 4 60
To Rocky Ford team . . . . 25 00
To Centennial team 82 60
Total sBll 00
Balance .. • « .»•• 70 65
G. M. Dyo of the Commercial
Studio spent a few days last week
in the east end of the county on
Miss Fay Martin was in from
the Chivlngton school district and
will spend the holidays with her
Miss Hazel Ralston is up from
Carlton spending a few- days witli
her grand parents during the school
Mrs. Peter Hoffman of Carlton
passed through Lamar on the stub
Tuesday morning for La Junta, Dr.
Bartelt accompanied her from l*a
mar and it is feared that an oper
ation will be necessary .
Earl Jelley and Ralph Foensfeldt
of Kansas City were in Lamar last
week. Mr. Jelley is traveling in
spector for the American Telephon
and Telegraph Company, and a
friend of Mrs. Mills Bartholomew.
The I.adies Aid society of the
Christian church was entertained
>y Mrs. Chas. Maxwell at her resi
ienco on 409 Olive street. Every -
mdy enjoyed themselves and a
.nost pleasant afternoon was spent.
M s. W. L. Morehouse and daught
•r. Miss Corine, left Saturday for
Long Beach, California. Mrs.
Morehouse aud daughter will re—
ide their permanently and the
(immunity will miss them very
much .
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bell held a
reunion of the Bell family,there be
-ng present, Frank, John, Edward
and Mrs. John Bell. The family
was entertained Thursday noon
jy a very fine dinner at the home
of E. C. Bell.
Read Wlmt Your Druggist Sa>>
About Oil of Wintergreen
Druggist W. A. Zimmer submits
the following to the readers of the
For several years we have annouu
ced, with our recommendation, that
we had found a positive cure for ec
zema; a simple skin wash.oll of win
tergreen compounded with other
sealing ingredients.
Yet we know there are people
right in this town who have eczema,
and still have never tried this rem
We have therefore arranged with
the D. D. D. Laboratories of Chica
go for a special offer of a trial bot
tle at 25 cents instead of the sl.ou
bottle as regularly sotd.
We offer this trial bottle with
our recommendation aud assurance
ihta Just as soon as the patient
that Just as soon as tue patieu.
washes his itching skin, this mile
duuld will take ua* itch away in
The Up-to-Date Drug Company.
Asre««l)le to ilia provisions of sn ac.
>l me .Ninth geuerui ussemoly ol the
»i*l« i>l Cuiorauu, entitle*! 'ad act to
reKulute the procuring ot books, slation
-1/ SHU supplies lor county oil tier. t*>
•ne boarus -n county commissioners In
‘i*e counties of Uas slate, noilce i»
nereby given mat me boaiU of county
Hinimssioners ot i'rowen, county, Cui
•ruuo. wm receive m their oil Ice in
• uar up to noon ot January 3. lt»lu. »eui
<-a proposals to turntsh I‘rowvrs «.ou«.iy
witn such of tue articles herein luiineu
wnu Uescilbed as may be result eu
**!<l county during the year ivio.
t-.ignt quire tneuium plain record, use
mg eiilier Byron and Weston's ur L U
Brown's ledger paper, weighing not less
>.ian 3b pounds medium Uux.'J In. ) bonu
extra us loiiowrs. to-wit: bull ttussia.
sheep panels, spring back, gilt letter
ing on back, co«era to oe rnaue ol me
*>»V»t quality of liavy tar board, book*
to be paged regular with full two
column index using gothic tabs.
Bidder will be required to name price
lor tue above described record with
ordinary old style binding, and extra
lor ila I -opening binding, naming and
describing potent.
Light quire medium record. printed
iieauing. bound extra, paper, etc., same
us above described.
Light quire medium record, full page
prlnteu form, standard, bound extra, pap
er. etc., same as above described.
Six quire record, same paper and
same binding as above described.
•*dx quire record, same paper as
above described, bound ends and bands,
lull sheep with Russia ends and bands,
in all other respects same as record
tlrst herein described.
Canvas covers made of ox. canvas
and Russia coven*, lettered on back
same as book.
All other books not herein described,
which the county may need during the
year. 1910. to be furnished by the suc
cess! ul bidder, to be made of same
kind and quality of material as same
kind of book already In use by the
county, at a price not greater than has
neretoiore been pal a by the county for
such books.
Bidder will quote price at which all
standard Colorado tdanks will be furnish
ed. quoting prices In dozen anj hundred
lots as follows, to-w-lt:
Tenth sheet cap. eight sheet cap, sixth
sheet cap. quarter sheet cap. third sheet
cap. half sheet cap, full sheet cap. half
■MM folio, full .-sheet folio.
Legal cap. 10 lbs. numbered lines, per
ream. Legal cap 2b lbs, numbered
lines, per ream, same quality and weight
olpaper, plain, per ream.
better heads, note heads, letter heads
memo size, of good quality of linen or
cream laid puper, in 500 lots.
Lnvelopes. .Non. 0 1-3 and 10. white
wove, XX and Manilla 4X 12. per
••Oil lots.
Inks—Arnold's writing fluid, per dux.
quarts. Sanford's or Carter's writing
nuid, per dozen quarts, Sanford’s black.
2 ui. bottles.
lead Pencils—Faber's Na 2 hexagon,
per dozen and per gross. Faber's HH
iiitilil hexagon, per dozen. Dixon No.
- or other standard grades and num
bers per dozen and per gross.
Pens—Spencerian, per gross. Ester--
brook's Glucinum. per gross.
Mucilage—Sanford's Royal Crown, per
quart, 3 oz. bottles with tin cover and
brush, per dozen.
Rubber bands—variegated, assorted per
thousand In box. No. u 0 I*4 per quarter
Letter files—Star or other standard
makes, per dozen.
Ink stands—Saftey, per dozen.
Blotters—Size 4 1-2x12 Inches. 500 lots.
Flection Supplies and Blanks as re
quired by county of the fourth class.
All copy for printed records, blanks,
etc., to be furnished by the County-
Clerk or other officials making the or
All other supplies which would proper
ly come under the above head. not
herein enumerated and described, to be
furnished by the successful bidder at a
price not greater than the prices hereto
fore paid byr the county for like sup
The right being reserved to reject any
and all or to accept a part of any bid,
rejecting the balance thereof.
All proposals to be sealed and mark
ed •'Stationery Proposals.” and directed
to Clias. F. Hoag. County Clerk, Lamar,
By order of the board of County Com
County Clerk.
Dated at Lamar, Colorado, Dec am bar
1* I*3.
Notice Is hare'-y given that a petition
liaa been filed the County Court In *
and for the r ’o aty of Prowers. In the j
State of Colors to, by the undersigned, i
Guardian of the estate of David Bene- i
diet Hottel. Mary Harriot Uotlel. nnd I
Agnes Edna Hottel. minors, for the rale ;
of the interests of said minors In ond to
the following desciibed property, which
said interests consist of an undivided
one-half Interest in and to rcHl e-tate
described ns rol: »ws. to-wit:—Lot 5 In
Block 128 i t th* City of Fort Collins.
County of Lurlnie.- nnd State of Col ira
do the Interest Herein of each of said
minors being an undivided one-sixth.
Hearing will be had upon the said pe
tition before the said County Court at 1
the City of Lamar. In the County of
Prowers, In the State of Colorado, on
Monday, the 6tli day of Dec., A. D. 1909.
at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on aald
Dated this 20th day of October. 1909.
Guardian of the Estate of David P.ene
dict Hottel, Mary Harriot Hottel.
and Agnes Edna Hottel, Minors.
Sealed bids will be received by the
Board of Trustees of the Town of La
mar. Colorado, at the oftice of the
oierk of said town, until 8 o clock p
m., on i , x .
tension of the collecting gallerle., o.
-ue Lamar water works system, a dis
tance of from five liundreu to i. ...j.
Hundred feet. Said extension gui rles
c f ®W‘i cte<l of f “ leen inch pel for
med vitrified ..ling.
A certified check for 11000 must nr
company each hid as u guaranty of Ir
eerily. A deposit of five dollars will I
required on plans to g 'Brantee reL.rii
of same. Plans and specifications tor
said work are on file in the office ol
me engineer of said town.
By order of the Board of Trustees ol
tne ‘lown of Lamar, Colorado.
AND t-~ -
Irrigation Exposition
Nov. 20 to Dec. 4
" r *
• i
* ' i
For this occasion Lhe SANTE FE will tell round
trip tickets at the rate of
Sellingdabes—Nov. 14, 19, 27, 28, 29 and 30;
Dec 4 and 5. Final return limit. December 13.
Santa Fe All the Way
Through chair and sle ping cart. Finest, equip
ment in the west., and Harvey meals.
You Can’t Beat that Combination
G J. Garvin,Agt.
Lamar, Colorado
Dealers \u Meats
Contractors Cement Work
Notice of Redemption
Office of Counity Treasurer.
Prower* County. Colo.
Nov. 17, 1909.
Notice la hereby given that I will
redeem at my office in Lamar. Prow
era County. Colorado, all School Ord
era numbered aa follows:
Amount of
No. Onto of Issuo Order
School District No. f, Spools!.
592 May 21, 1909 ...9 68 30
591 May 21, 1909 40 SO
5*9 May 21, 1909 170 o
596 Juno 14. 1909 3 10
597 June 30. 1909 170 Oo
599 June 30. 1909 51 0b
«9 Aug. 27. 19*»8 6 lo
6uo July 14, 1909 19 65
599 July 2. 1909 2 45
601 July 14, 1909 2 10
602 July 27. 1909 49 09
603 July 29 1909 39 72
604 July 29. 1909 1 0..
606 July 31, 1909 170 0
605 July 30, 1909 17 *
607 July 31. 1909 51 0
60* Aug. 31. 1909 170 00
«0* Aug. 31. 1909 35 o
613 Aug. 31. 1909 16
610 Aug. 31. 1909 10 2u
611 Aug. 31. 1909 82 7*
612 Aug. 31. 1909 3 0
«}» Sept. 7, 1909 2 SO
61« Sept. 7. 1909 46 4i
«1« Sept. 2. 1909 * 0,.
61* Sept. 20. 1909 6 30
631 Sept. 30, 1909 52 67
«2l Sept. 80. 1909 170 00
Sept. 3*. 1909 6 40
Oct. 14, 1908 2 65
628 Sept. 30. 1909 71 40
629 Sept 30. 1909 76 60
«25 Sept. 30, 1909 66 30
®23 Sept. 30. 1909 S 6 70
«26 Sept. 20, 1909 81 20
<27 Sept. 30, 1909 71 40
620 Sept. 27. 1909 23 36
630 Sept. 30. 1909 38 s*.
«22 Sept. 30. 1909 10 30
School District No. 13, General
<9 Juno 33, UN N N
Warm Weather or 6old Weather j
36 Oct. 9. IMS 45 00
35 Oct. 9. 1909 95 Ow
School District No. 14 Osnsral.
3020 Sept 11, 1909 150 00
3034 Oct 1. 1909 150 00
3037 Oct 1. 1909 133 2J
303* Oct 1, 1909 100 0o
3039 Oct 1. 1909 90 00
30*0 Oct 1. 1909 >5 0"
3011 Oct 1. 1909 *5 00
30*3 Oct 1. 1909 *0 00
30*3 Oct 1, 1909 “0 0o
301* Oct 1. 1909 65 Oo
30*5 Oct 1, 1909 65 uo
30*6 Oct 1, 1909 65 00
3047 Oct 1. 1909 65 00
3018 Oct 1. 1909 65 00
3019 Oct 1. 1909 65 Ov
3050 Oct 1, 1909 63 0
3051 Oct 1. 1909 45 00
3052 Oct 1. 1909 65 0u
3053 Oct 1. 1909 65 On
305* Oct 1. 1909 65 00
305# Oct 1, 1909 65 0v
3056 Oct 1. 1909 65 00
3076 Oct 29. 1909 150 <X»
3077 Oct 29. 1909 122 22
School District No. 24 Special.
3*o June 14. 1909 150 00
School District No. 30 Osnsral.
* Feb 20. 1909 50 00
School District No. 31 Spsclal.
96 May 2*. 1909 135 00
School District No. 34 Special.
21 Auk 31. 1908 60 00
22 Auk 31. 1908 jo u.
High School No. 1.
1 Oct 1. 1909 100 00
29 May 14. 1909 125 00
Interest will cease oa the above
named School Orders after Dec. 17,
'VwntT T>ssi'irsr
All persons disposing of daad an
imals, decaying vegetables, etc„ must
bury the same. The city garbage
ground being Bast of wagon bridge
In river bod.
•y ardor of the Beard of HoaNto
Hardware, Furniture,
Tinware, Harness, etc
We carry the largest rto*k in our line ever carried
iu eastern Colorado and cho well to yon at lowent
price* ever known in the Arkansas vaPev
Real Estate, Loan &&
InsiirHnee Aeren?
Sunlight After Dark
truly describes the brilliancy of this
new Tungsten lamp for electric light
With the tame amount of electric I
current it* wire filament radiates from
two to three time* a* much light a*
the ordinary carbon incande*cent
Use Tungsten Lamps in
Your Home
They will cut your light bill in two,
or, double your illumination without
extra cost Try a G.E. 40-watt
lamp at first It consumes one-fifth
less electric current and is twice as
brilliant as the 16 candle power
carbon lamp you now use.
The W.M.Dickinsoo Lumber Co.
Yellow and White Pine Finish
Sash. Doors and Mouldings
Lime, Oe ment and Brick

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