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qbo. t. iiwn.ii
Manager Industrial Dept.
MMi at ita PMUffIH at umir.
aa NMM-ilaa« matter.
APRIL 5, 1011
Our Industrial Section.
The Register this week commen
ces the work of dialling out hund
reds of copies of its regular edi
tion to people throughout the Unit
ed States who have shown some In
terest In this section and made in- .
(liliries regarding our lands. The
real estate and business men arc
manifesting a great deal of inter
est in this work and we hope soon
to he sending thousands instead of
h undreds.
Thousands of families are leaving
furnished either by individuals or
these thousands are seeking homes
in the west. No where can they
ue satisfied more easily and more
to their own Interest than right
here n Prowers county. It Is only
a motion of whether they hear
about this section and its advantag
es jr not. If they hear many of
them will tome to us and purchase
We believe there is no way by
which the) cun be reached better
thau by letting them know the
facta In a truthful and accurate
manner through the local press.
This is what we are trying to do
through our “Industrial Section,"
and thu amount of good we can ac
complish will depend In the long
run on the extent of the assistance
g'ven by the people of the county
gcneral’y. There has been a very
flattering responce to our first ef
forts and as we stated before we
hope to be able soon to be seudlng
out thousands of copies to home
We have thousands of names
furnished either by individuals and
through other channels of people
who are desirous of either buying
lands or securing new homes for
themselves and all who help along
the cause can select names them
selves or allow them to be select
ed from these lists. These people
are coming west and with your help
we can bring many of them here
Everybody Boost.
The election la over and there 1*
no politics now but the good of
Prowers county and Umar Let
everybody get together and make
a united effort to aee that Prow.
Lamar Register
la in poaaeaaion of an EXTENSIVE, INCREASING
MAILING LIST to people who are believed to be
intereated in the purchaae of Property, Land and
Farma in Prowera County. The Regiater ia aent Each
Week to euch people with the complimenta of The
Lamar Commercial Club and the following Reliable
Land and Real Eatate firma:
The American Beet Sugar ()».
The D. 11. Bape Land 00.
The Morton Strain Investment 00.
The Payne Investment 00.
The Albert E. King Land 00.
Wilson Hardin (Irrigated Alfalfa Farms)
E. E. Pike (Irrigated Land and Farms)
Bell A White (Cliivftngton Lands) Brandon. I*. 0„
Kiowa County
Kirkpatrick A Bennett (BelinquiahmcaiU and deeded Land)
W. A. Brookshire A 00. (Ho meateadK, Desert and Irri
gated Lands)
John F. Curry (Real Estate and City Property)
ers county gets its share of the i
newcomers in the west. Prowers
county in the past census showed
the greatest gain of any county in
the valley but if we had four times
us muny it would still be less than
.some other Colorado counties with
less irrigated farming land Lhuu we ,
have. We should by all means
double our population in five years
and treble it by the next census,
and it can easily be done if the
people of the county will all work
together with that end in view.
Our county has the ava M able farm
ing lauds to support a population of
60,000 and the full value of our
lauds will not be reached until we
have something near that figure.
Notice la hereby given that, pursuant
to the powers granted in and by that
certain trust deed, executed by Wade
li. Powers to Herbert E. Bali, trustee,
and recorded in Book 27, at page 688.
In the office of the County Cleik and
Recorder of Bent County. Colorado,
whereby the said Wade H- Power*
conveyed to the said trustee the fol
lowing described land, at that time sit
uate in Bent County, and now situate,
lying and being In Prowers County. Col
orado, to-wit:
The Southeast Quarter of Section
Twenty-eight j28|. Township Twenty
four ( 24 t South, Range Forty-six t4t>)
West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
for the purpose of securing the promis
sory note of the said Wade. II. Pow
ers. and in which said trust deed I
have been, by the legal holder of said
note, appointed substituted trustee. I
will, at the request of the legal holder
of said note, offer said land at public
sale to the highest bidder for cash, at
the Tremont Street door of the court
house in the City of Denver. Colorado,
on Saturday, the 13th day of May. A.
p. mi, at 10 o'clock, a. ni. for the
purpose of satisfying said note, which
Is past due and unpaid, together with
accrued Interest thereon.
Dated. Denver. Colorado. March 31st.
A. D. 1.11. JOHN K. MAID.
Substituted Trustee
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant
to the powers granted In and by that
certain trust deed, executed by Thorn
ton 1- Mathews, of Bent County. Col
orado. to Herbert E. Ball, trustee,
and recorded In Book 27, at pug* 276. In
Ine office of the County Cleik and
Recorder of Bent County, Colorado,
whereby the said Thornton D. Muthew*
conveyed to the said trustee On- fol
lowing described land, at that time sit
uate in Hunt County, and now situate,
lying and being in Prowers County, Col
orado, to-wit: ....
The Southeast Quarter of Section
Ten (10). in Township Twenty-four (2D
South. ICange Forty-seven (47) West
of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
for the purpose of securing the promis
sory note of the -aid Thornton L.
Mathews, and in which said trust deed I
have been, by the legal holder of said
note, appointed substituted trust* •■. 1
wilL at the request of the legal holdei
of said note, offer said land at publl*
sale to the highest bidder for cash, at
the Tremont Street door of the court
house In the City of Denver. Colorado,
on Saturday, the 13th day of May. A
D. 1.11. at 10 o'clock, a. m. for the
purpose of satisfying said note, which
is past due and unpaid, together with
accrued Intereet thereon.
Dated, Denver. Colorado. March 31st.
A ‘ D ' ,,,1 ‘ JOHN F. MAID.
Substituted Truste.
Notice la hereby given that, pursuant
to the powers given In that
certain trust deed executed by Dauren
E. Ptlloud to Herbert K Ball, trustee
and recorded in Book 2«. at i*age »«»». In
the office of the County Cleik of Bent
County. Colorado. whereby the said
Dauren FI Ptlloud conveyed
to the said trustee the fol
lowing described land, at that time sit
uate. lying and being In Bent County
and now situate, lying and being In
Warm Weather or (Sold Weather
Prowers County. Colorado, to-wit.
The Southwest Quarter of Section
Eleven (11). Township Twenty-six <26|
South, itange Forty-seven 1 47 i West
of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
for tiie purpose of securing the prumis
sor> notes of the said lotuien lv Pll
loud, and in which trust deed 1
have been, by Hie legal holder of said
note, appointed substituted trustee, i
will, at the request of the legal bolder
of naid note, offer said land at puliiic
sale to the higheat bidder for cash, at
tire Tremont Street door of the court
house in lire City o! Denver. Colorado,
on Saturday, the 13tli day of May. A.
D. 191 l k at the hour of lo o'clock In
trie forenoon for the ourptwe of satiny
ing said notes and Hie interest, which
is past due and unpaid.
Dated at Denver. Coiotadol tills 31st
• lay of March. A. D. Dll.
Substituted Trustee
Estate of Georgs ED Manbeck, Deceased
The underelgned having been appoint
ed executrix of the Estate of George
Ell Manbeck.late of the county **f Prow
ers. In the state of Colorado, deceased,
hereby glvea notice that ohe will appear
before Ute County Court of said Prow
ere County, at the Court House in La
mar. In said County on Monday the
Bth. day of May A. D. Dll. at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day.
at which time all persons having claim*
against said estate are notified and re
quested to attend for the purpose ot
having the same adjusted. All person*
Indebted to said estate are requested to
make Iramediaie |*eyment to the under
Dated at Lamar, Colorado, this lot
day of April A. I>. Dll.
Manbeck. Deceased.
Executrix of the Estate of George EH
Manbeck. deceased.
Of County Warrants
Office of County Treasurer,
Prowers County, Colo.
April 6. 1911.
Notice Is hereby given butt I
will redeem at my office in Prow
numbered as follows:
Amount of
No. Date of Issue Warrant
Ordinary County
930 Dec. 6 1910 f 1 63
r 76 Feb. 7 DlO 2 60
876 Dec 7 1910 2 63
867 Nov 19 1910 6 60
869 Nov 19 1910 10 oO
933 Dec 6 1910 44 40
947 Dec 6 1910 2 10
892 Dec 6 1910 10 16
914 Dec 6 1910 1 00
I 789 Nov 11 1910 2 50
262 Feb 9 1910 2D'
. 899 Dec 5 1910 16 25
958 Jan 5 1911 1 60
I 957 Jan 3 Dll *6 00
' 795 Nov 11. 1910 5 00
1 833 Nov 11 1910 2 10
868 Nov 19 1910 2 20
971 Jan 3 1911 6 u 0
975 Jan 3 1911 ....... 75 "0
977 Jan 3 1911 15 00
981 Jan 3 1911 37 50
984 Jan 4 1911 5 00
985 Jan 4 1911 21 00
994 Jan 4 1911 2 10
993 Jan 4 1911 2 10
963 Jan. 3. Dll 513 20
1089 Mch 7 1911 50 00
1036 Feb 6 1911 7 65
1095 Mch 7 1911 90 00
1088 Mch 7 1911 2 50
Interest will cease on above
named warrants after May 5, 1911.
County Treasurer.
U. 8. Land Office at I-a mar, Colorado.
March 27. 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that as dir
ected by the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Office, under provisions of
Act of Congress approved June 27. 1906
(34 Stats., 617). we will offer ut public
sale, to the hlgneot bidder, at 10 o clock
A. M. on the 23rd day of May 1911.
at this office, the following described
land: El-2 of the SW1-4 Sec. 2 4. Tp.
25 S.. Rge. 47 W.. «th P. M. embraced
In application No. 08550.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above described land are ad vise* I to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale
JOHN W. BENT. Receiver.
.Suite* Is hereby given li.tti puisuaut
.u tiie po Atia given lit Hist certain
uueU ut Hurl, oxeculeu by .Nalhuniei
i. i >av idaoii iu iieibuil 1U. ituu. U uiU«,
a.■>! lecunivil ti> Hook IV. dl page —to.
ill Ihe unite ul liie Couuly Clerk and
i.ecordei ul Bant Couuly, Colorado, lhal
being me couuly where the laud was
.lien situate, whereby liie raid Nathaniel
... i >u. idtouit tom «•> eu lo llte aald
li ualee the following described laud,
at lliul lime elluale, 1> Utg and being
in lieui County, Colorado, and nowr
situate, lying and being tu I'roweie
Couuly, Colorado, to-wll.
The Southwest wuailer of Section
1 niriy i JO i Townaliiy Twenty-mice iXs;
South. Kauge Forty-three (U) Weal of
the Sixth ivllij ruminal Meridian.
l- oi the puipuee ol eecurlng the pioiu
'.lory note ol the aald Nathaniel 1- Liev
idhou, and iu which trust deed 1
.ave been, by the legal holder of aald
■ i ole, appointed substituted trustee, 1
will, at the request ot the legal hold
■ ol aald note, offer aald land at pub
lic sale to the highest bidder for cash,
at the Treniont Street door ol the
Ul In the City of Denver,
Colorado, on Saturday, the Ith day ol
April. A. D. 1VII, at ten o’clock, a. in-.
:.»i the juiipose of satisfying aald note
■Hid Intel eat. which Is past due and un
paid. and the coat of axocullng this
listed at lienver. Culm ado, this 27 th
• lay of February, A. D. 1V11.
Substituted Trustee.
First pub. Mar- 1. 1V11.
I p I* Apr S 1211.
New Mexico
- - • v .•
Use way Colonial tickets on sale
daily. March 10 to April 10, 1911.
inclusive, from
Only a (ew points shown below.
For (are* to other points and In
formation as to the liberal stop
over privileges accorded, pboue
write or sue the undersigned.
Los Angeles 126 UU
San Francisco 20.00
dan Diego 26.00
Pasadena .*•* .... •••« ~ 26.00
Redlands 26.00
Uacramento .... «••• .... 26.00
Santa Barbara 26.00
Monterey 26.60
Prescott 26.00
Phoenix 26.00
Flagstaff 26.00
Tucson 26.00
Bisbes •••• •••• «••• ,*• • 26.26
Goldfield 36.60
Tonopah 26.60
Doming 26.00
Silver City 26.00
Chihuahua 26.00
Ouaymaa 26.00
Mexico City 26.00
Through tourist sleepers to Los
Angeles and San Francisco are
electric lighted and have smoking
room for men and extra dressing
room (or* women.
Hair Dressing Shop
All of the latest Electrical Appli
ances for Hair Dressing, Shampoo
ing and Massaging Manicuring.
Shampooing and Messaging for
Call leunar 92 ffor appointments
Room II First National Bank Bldg
MlllSS Bartholomew. Manager
MUiia Bartholomew, Mgr
Farm aid City Lmis
leal Estate aid lasnrance
Will furnish Cut Flowers for all
occasions on Tuesdays and Fridays.
)v U ta li' i. .Ida i
Many varieties of potted plants
for sale. Take orders tor two and
three year old trees, roses, shrub
Pbone Junta 280. 18-20 W. 3rd
La Junta, Colo.
If you have anything salable
that you wish to dispose of call
and let me Investigate. We can
offer yoa
Many Bargains in
Second 'Hand]Good*
Come and •* us
Cast of Ismsr National Bank
I riven
tjJnn>»jgV>AT«fcCOCl*** lUUSTIM7OHS
F P)IVBR~GOLO. miiiuvtas