OCR Interpretation

The Delta independent. [volume] (Delta, Colo.) 1886-19??, May 24, 1907, Image 3

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"What makes Peck look so wor
ried?" “He has been contesting his
wlfe'a will." “Why. I didn’t know his
wife was dead.** “That’s It —she Isn't.**
Denver Directory
$22 C. 0. D. You take^tto
tie** from uat
•vtrywhrr* for $27 00 Send for our free cat*
aloguv ut nnddtea and lini neve prlcee
In the U. S The Fred Mueller Saddle & Har-
DrM Co., lilli-ll* Larimer St.. Deotrr. Colo.
UAVU ODD TKOLT Pl.IKh t*W your dealer.
Athletic fcnpplleo. Tackle 'I lie W hit IIOT
Sporting OiiihIi(.»..»C |7tli St.Opp. Peuver Club
lory School Denmr Duniih'u Collage. AMI Oietiurm.
as/. I'aiucuiai• from 11 Tnogood. 1*14 Arapahoe$4
The Acme (joeiity LTd* 1BJ) hlake 8L. Denver.
Flat* end W ind*rw Qlu* irji 1.1ak» *»i . Denver.
RflU I I nnv Deelere o ail kmde of m-rrhae*
Dun I. LUUA die# Maniriioth . aUlog mallei
tree t'oroer •'I'.muIIi end blake. Denver
beT supplies
Colorado Honey I*rodurere' Aee'u. Denver.
Aak your dealer for them Take no other.
Aajr hotel in the Weet American plan
Koropreo I* I an. SI AO and Coward.
CTHl/C rtrPAin** »>*r» Vn«ven make
« I v f t of Move. furnace or nnr* «ieo. K.
Fallen. 1SSI laerrorr. Denver. Phone Ttfc
Cl flDIQT Floral Oeeitfne tor l.rl/M and Sin-
I LUnlO I eraAa.rut floeere |«iked a’id eh.pped
•o abort notice Till II I.HMITII.
Telephone Main S3HG 3ft«l U«rent e HU
faring*. etc. 1VC edition; rhaheover.ll, i)ol<1flel4
dtaCrtrt, Mac ; ManhattaA. H, U m.ter. flbi I Loo*
Map Co.. Common wwaltta »Udg Deover
DIAMOND srrrms end erTTP.K.* of I’FfriODS
STONES AU ei»rll dooe on prem.eee Viet to Pa
Welcome A. P.IVehrleCu. I»tl*l /.’I Idth Ah
Made In Howe Allen A Knoll Factory.
Denver If yoer dealer ha* on got tlreiu. erita u*
The NAIimiitt m i ll CO Denver.Cole.
We Solicit Your Mail Order Trade
KetehlUhrd to Colorado 1VA. Semple* t>>- mail of
tiptrn will recetv r prompt and <arrlul •< .ration
Soil ASiltei Bullion
CoRcentrition Tests ' 00, S , t „ o ; 1 t „V. l “^. UK *
JTJe-ITSS Law rear* St.. Denver. Colo*
soon or fifty
Wrrdi and mualc aent F*HKK <»n re
ceipt of your narr.a and addrea* with
nan e of one nr more persona thinking
of buying a Plano. Organ or Talking
S1S-r.2l Nliteeath «tr.. Denver. Coir*.
lar|r« ranvaa gnnde Imnaa In the IVerL
Writ* for llluetrated . a'al.ig
|||« Lawrence Bt Denver. Colas
WT . nreod PrLre -A. » <w» I«WML \ "
Maiumiiliirrrv of llie World e (liealeit
fit* rerlmtee Mva eoinviate make* of ptanne
Capita 1 ll.ailJIUBl llnv from llie mnmif.t. tnrere
the Aaalere do Aih'raee UtJO Callfot me 8t . Ihmver
• Buy nrr
Your DLL
And ah tJaak**p«r«‘ 8upptlea from tha
old raliabla
Colorado Seed House
1625 16TH ST., OENVER.
Aak for I limit rn ted f'ntnlngue "CL"
Wt aa*t you money utul freight
Hend your name with
thi. f.M Her (in.
■ V 1 ft ntn
■ I LP\I " can* ft.MU
V* »'p Clever
nil A/1 Ta I'laime >uu l .• piuv.-il
hi up
InatMiMi.-nla nr
Vi7ill <•» nta to viiit
I hover Victor talking
I . .tililn.- ni
II l" he a on rnrv
i e i St v
ilfilliBBBk l1 111 Wife f<>r ratal. >ir oi
>" .PT.-ient I It * t Ml
WanLibid imp KNifiiiT-
TilMHI cAMPimi.i. Hi sic
JwBMrlit.l ('on pan*,
aSSSSfi -.11 California si.
WfHHV Denver, Colo.
f Py a It life teela hlnlllttR .t.«rlnpea Mild
atafarence. tailtotiaie Nailuitnl iimdk.
Judgment for the Plaintiff
(Copyright, by Dally Story Pub. Co.)
“As I said before, I don't definitely
refuge you.” she said gently. “I like
you, and —”
"If you like me. Cora, that's enough
for me!” he exclaimed, his face light
ing up as he seized her hand.
"No, it is not enough. To he quite
frank —not to say rude.” she said, al
lowing him to keep her hand. "I ad
mire you; hut, you are a lawyer- -a
member of a learned profession, and I
am sick of members of learned pro
fessions, particularly lawyers. Now,
don’t Interrupt! Despite that offense.
I —l like you You tire also too ’cor
rect.' Still. I like you. If you had. in
stead. the virtues of roughness, gruff
ness, or anything else* not so hopeless
ly drawing-roomy, as your habitual
manners, and had you done something
I—well. 1 might grant you leave to
appeal, as papa would say."
”1 rather fancied in my vanity that
I f had done a little something.” re
| turned Jerrith very quietly.
“Oh. don't start to tel! me'” she |n-
I terrupted. "Papa has spread your vir
tues and accomplishments all over the
i dining table time and again. You’re
the youngest counsel at the bar. and
your Principles of the Common haw'
is n great work. But ull tills is only
an aggravation of your offense If you
had been one of the bar's failures and
drifted into penny journalism, or be
come a cowboy, or anything like that,
and got a little of your beautiful pol
ish off. I —l might have loved you.
"If you were what you are not; if
you had any other side to your char
acter. disposition or temperament. I
should like you much better. But 1
have lived my life with a lawyer, and
I was cradled beside an embryonic
lawyer. Papa is a dear. Robert is the
best of brothers, you are the nicest of
drawing-room men. but 1 am not
going to marry you just ut present. I
could not bear the stultifying monot
on> —”
"Oh. come"*
"Let me finish' The stultifying mo
notony of knowing how you would
take every incident of our married
life; the cold. Judicial and common
sense way you would treat everything
You may laugh: you're a man. but any
woman would understand me!”
I'm sorry I'm too stupid to com
prebend.” he said, softly. "Yet 1 he
lleve I do comprehend in one part leu
1 lar. and I would suggest that no man
. in the world is carved In solid mahog
j any. as you seem to think; there is nl
wavs a S|>ot of veneer somewhere
about him and under the veneer art'
' flaw's of jKitential pnssi bill ties for good
or ill. 1 love my profession, and be
cause I love It I have risen to some
1 heights in it; I love you t.-n thousand
! times more, and I should rise to great
I cr heights for you ”
: ”1 wish I could remove the spot of
veneer In your case." she said, sud
denly turning to hint.
- Perhaps voud find what lay behind
was common deal.” he said, smiling
iuto her eyes.
"Or oak!” she returned quickly
' Hut I must go' Please take me back
to Aunt Clara. I will reserve Judg
ment itt the case. Mr Jerrith; I must
consider your locus standi, and you
may make an application to me in
chambers at some future date."
"I submit to your honor." he re
plied. gravely, "that the affidavits I
have filed In my suit, proving that 1
love you, clearly establish my locus
"The court adjourns. Mr Jerrith.
and grants Itself an Injunction re
straining you from mentioning love.”
"An interim Injunction. Miss Ken
drick?” he said, bowing over her
Tly the way,'Cora, have you seen
or heard anything of Jerrith lately?”
She stopped with the door knob In
her hand, and looked back across the
room towards where her father sat in
the glow of a shaded floor lamp.
"I've heard that he's touting, father
"Oh. nothing, only I wondered why
we had seen nothing of him I
• It is hardly likely ho would look
for us in a little deserted place like
this. Is It?" Front tho first she had
opposed tho. Judge's idea of spending
tho vacation away from his country
Plnco and in a small, somniferous sea
side villngc. "It was a cruel thing to
bring a nice girl in the bloom of her
youth to die of ennui in a plnco like
this. Thank goodness wo shall soon
bo in town again!"
"To toll you tho truth. I thought we
should have so6n a good deal of Jer
rith,'’ returned her father mildly, "i
lot him know wo should be here, and
I thought that would bo sufficient in
As Cora crossed tho hall, sho saw
tho moonlight, and impulsively she
went and opened tho front door and
stood on tho steps, bathed in tho sil
ver beams. She could not see tho
sea. but sho could hoar tho waves
as they rolled up tho boacli and drop
ped heavily on tho shingly beach. It
Impelled her to put on a hat and
go out. all hough tho hour Has lute.
Sho paused near a groyne and looked
about at tho moonlit scene. Tho only
figuro on tho forushoro tc keep her
company was that of a fisherman, who
vas slowly, rhythmically, bailing out
a broad beamed boat on tho margin
of tho recoding sen.
Presently, however, out of the cor*
Tiers of her eyes she caught sight of a
white figure advancing quickly—run
ning towards her. It was that of a
man, and he came forward so rapidly
that she soon discovered that he was
coatless and hat less, and that bis
flannels clung dankiy to him. He ran
with evident fatigue, and his whole
appearance was so eloquent of (iis
tresH that almost involuntarily she
hurried towards him, and she uttered
a cry of surprise when she was near
! enough to see his white lace and rec
’ ognized Jerrith.
“You!” she exclaimed, her heart
rising in alarm. "What has hap
"The Luscombs!" he answered,
gasping for breath and pointing to
[the sea. "Their little yacht out
on the rocks there, out beyond the
Point: stove in. she is. and filling,
with her propeller gone. They were
bringing me round from Falmouth
'to see you. Hi. there.” he cried,
running to the fisherman, who was
still bailing out his boat.
(’ora ran after him. not caring that
she lost her hat.
"It's dangerous work rounding that
Point on the ebb tide, mister.” said
; the fisherman, when J»*rrith repeated
I his news. I shall have to call up
some mates, an
"There's not a minute to lose.” cried
Jerrith. "I was half an hour swim
ming to shore-. It may be too lato
even now
“This boat s no good—leaks like a
sieve, she does, an' the other boats is
oil pulled up—"
"We must bail her." cried Jerrith.
"I tell ver it ain't no good." per
sisted the fisherman, angrily. "We'd
never get th«ue in her.”
"Then well sink in the effort,"
••aid Jerrith, fiercely. • Man. there are
three wym«-n on board that yacht!
Are you goiug to be such a coward
as to dally about. when every
moment* a precious? Get in with you,
you land lubber!
■ Put Mr. Jerrith.” protested Cora,
whose eyes had caught the glint of
light in the boat where a moonbeam
struck the water in the bottom.
"Silence, Miss Kendrick'" cried Jer
rith. turning angrily on her. Instead
of standing there looking picturesque
and backing up this lubber in his
iowardice. you should be speeding
round the village l , calling the men to
get out another boat! Put u will into
it man! Shove her! Shove her!
She goes. In with you. now. IT
we're toe late the country shall ring
with your name as—”
"Stow it. mister." growled the fish
'Milan, tumbling into the boat. "Ain’t
I coinin’?" and lie picked up a pad
dle and dug it viciously into the wa
;er and sand, while Jerrith shoved off
with another.
Cora stood spellbound, white to the
lips with anger, her eyes dilating
with amazement nt Jerrith's insult
In ten minutes she was in the vil
lage and rousing out of their cozy
kitchens the fishermen within imme
diate call. In u few words she told
them the nows.
’ It's them'll want saving, miss, ‘.n
Sam's old tub!" exclaimed one of
the men. as the party passed her and
hurried down to the beach. Cora fal
lowed hotfoot.
Jerrith's boat was out of sight he
fore the second was got down, ant
as Cora stood and vainly searched
the distant waters for if. she began
to think of Jerrith in a different light
lie was a new Jerrith. and a revela
tion to her —a man of action and hot
Mood. Her mind went back to tho
» vening when he had quietly proposed
to her. and she remembered his words
about man not being carved in solid
mahogany and the voice of her heart
had a now ring, for she realized that
behind the satin wood veneer of Jer
rith of the drawing room was a warm
blooded, masterful man
She was one of the first to see
something moving towards the shore
from the direction of the Point, and
her heart rose painfully high in her
bosom while her strained eves dis
tinguished its shape. Slowly the
single object evolved itself Into three
boats, and as they drew nearer she
raw’ that two were filled with passen
gers and fishermen, while in the third
boat, which wns being towed, sat
Jerrith and Snm the fisherman,
steadily, methodically bailing.
She did not run with the little crowd
of cheering villagers ns tho boats
grounded, but walked forward thought
fully, and thus, as Jerrith's boat
swung round on the tow-line and he
lenpqd ashore, they found themselves
side by side.
"Miss Kendrick, will you accept my
most humble apology— '*
“Oh. you were fine.” sho said,
half shyly, glancing into his face, and
then turning away and looking at
nothing in particular.
“1 know tho moments were mo
ments of life or death, and I could
not have pulled out In tlmo alone.
Judge my position—”
"This Is no tlmo for Judgment, **
cho anßwored quickly. "You may ap
ply to mo in chambers to-morrow, if
you wish.”
"Cora,” ho said, snatching at her
Hut sho slipped past him ac. 4
joined tho throng around the ne l
Judgment for tho plaintil*.
I Mr*. Winslow'* Soothing Syrup.
, Porchlldr*:; »often* tbs (turai, redac** tß> ,
UmtnaUoi- »..*>■• pulu, cure* wind colic. 2Sc*botUa.
J It Is curious how a modest actress
will appear In a threadbare play?
; more go*. L, per package, than others, and
the col- are brighter and taster.
j A pre tr girl Is as fond of drawing
■attentlr . as a political officeholder Is
of drav ::g a salary.
| The greatest cause of worry on
'ironing day can be removed by using
| Defiant .Starch, which will not stick
to the .:ou. Sold everywhere, 10 oz
| for 10c.
I The : n and women nurses in the
j Paris h -pitals have issued a notice
I deman<; g better pay and treatment,
'and ln< uting that they will strike
If their u ■ mauds are not met.
It is a • . !.»• ill! Take Garfield Tea,
ihe lax-* ' . »-uited to the needs of
men, v • n ;.nd children; it is made
I wholly I::.-; it purities the blood,
jiradicat- io> ervoniea constipation,
prings < i Liealth.
Life, misfortune, abandonment, pov
?rty ar the fields of battle which
have t: r heroes —obscure heroes
who a sometimes grander than
'.hose v win renown —Victor Hugo
With a smooth iron and Defiance
Starch. ;>u an launder your shirt- i
waist ' as well at home as the
iteam airy cun: it will have the
oroper ffness and finish, there will
oe less wear and tear of the goods,
ind it v,. 1 be a positive pleasure to
use a S'a:< h that does not stick to the
Would Grew Tobacco in Ireland.
An ef* is being bade under direc
tion of William Redmond to repeal
the law which prohibits the growing
of toba >in Ireland. It is held that
soil an; limatic conditions in Ireland
are fa- able to the production of a
.good c . :•> of tobacco, and that its
1 cultiv&'.-un can be made profitable.
Kite Control.
Kite control within certain pre
scribed '..mils has been accomplished
in Fra »» by means of a "deviator,”
and th.- makes the kite available for
| life sa :r.g purposes. A severe test
was gHen to the device some time ago
: at Roy an. on the east coast of France,
and w ad-Tful things were accom
, plisbed
thin all ; put t *na uut.: the lut
trw year- ■ •»*■<! i • t-« ln.-ur*b * 1 r»*rr al •
! many re*--* • r- ;-r>n- uitrrd it * lu<-«| lt-c*-*- and
■ rr**crw » r--E. an t t y . ii»:»ut y f»l log
t -cure* . treatment pr« u-uocra it incurable.
• bclaaee 1. • • «ea Catarrh uHw • c»D*tltailoul dll
r»»* u>: • -«• require* < .-n-t t .. • t.a::rratnient.
| Haifa C* ' -re manufactured i v K. J.t timer
' & CO..T Mthf-rn’ti D»t‘tut‘- t;al cure on
the mar, It » taken In'erna r to d<>*c* fnm 10
Crop* to .. -nT .I. !r art* d r-ct'r .-a the '-'OKI
1 end Blue - • .rf are* of the *y»tern. thry Her ni
Luudied -« I r arr ca-e It l*’.» t« cure. Send
for circa - »n.l tc«- • o» * *
Addre* F. J. * lit >LI &CO Toledo, Otlo.
Sold by *t» :v
Take li • k amllj I’Ll* for rontt’paUoe.
• v The Eternal Feminine.
The sons of men rule the world, but
the daughters of men govern it
through their. It is woman who founds
soci- :y in its artificial aspects. It is
wor -in who creates class distinctions
I and .nsists on maintaining them. It
|is uiian w) * imbues man with de
sir* :o erauia who instils into him
soc ! ambit; ri that inevitably brings
in s train the restless fever of ac
! qui ion, th*- madness of greed, the
am' ion for power through financial
! sue ss. It is woman who is at once
the octal bulwark, the autocrat and
! the snob.—Woman's Life.
V P [/flf Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of \ > «4 j
yBP/ fOr this competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate \
The Well Informed of the World.
/M A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement erf the \
\ s 'lf highest excellence in any held of human effort. A
fi A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl- J
J edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health - aSjwi
14 when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Synip Jt jd
y of Figs and Flixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an
K ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and
Jj gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of Vjff\ 7/
Jr Known Qußlity, Known Excellence and Known om P ,I/ '
Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the W ell Informed of the i y .Wjja&RX
world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the hrst j\ // J j
X best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made.
la This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known m\l
under the name of —Syrup of Figs and has attained to world- Jktcfi
wide acceptance ns the most excellent family laxative. As its pure
laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians 'JK&i
and the Well Informed of tlie world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of —Syrup of Figs and Jr
tllxir of Senna — as moie fully descriptive of the remedy, TXH l .
V but doubtless it w ill always be called for by the shorter j « 1 \ ylßpWßjffi
name of— Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial iffl \ V iy f
t\'effects, always note, when purchasing the full Ijji \ \\ ' l| (1 y
name of the Company California Fig Syrup Jr 1 1 u\ \'\ ■ WV- "Bi\
Co. printed on the front of every package, ml I\A V\\ jS\A ']l |l\V V®
whether you call for— Syrup of Figs jjj ; \ % (
” rig! ‘La 1 EbTa *nf |
P Louisville, kv. new voRK,NYJr
Remarkable Typewriting Feats.
A woman In a typewriting contest
In Paris recently won a victory' over
more than 150 competitors by writing
10,500 words in four hours. A mun
wrote 17,000 words, but he made so
many mistakes that he was ruled out.
An American woman has surpassed
the French woman s record, for in
the ordinary course of business she
once wrote 10,500 words in two and a
half hours, and made three copies as
Bhe went along.—Youth's Companion.
Important to Mother*.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA,
a eafe and pure remedy for infants and children,
and see that it
•SET- GiyjtfZSZ
la L'so For Over 30 Years.
The kind You Have Always Bought.
As daylight can be seen through
very small holes, so little things will
illustrate a person's character. In
deed, character consists In little acta
well and honorably performed, daily
life being the quarry from which we
build it up, and round-hew the habits
which form it. —Iti*«kin.
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen'® Foot-Ka-ie. It cure-* p unful>wollen,
MnarlniiT. -wea: .iii» feet. Makes re" shoes
>old by all and >?io.»
I)«•»!‘t accept is. . *ub-’ itute. Sample Kit KE.
Address A. s. Olmsted, Le itoy, .N. Y.
He who is always hearing and an
swering the call of life to be thought
ful. and brave and self-sacrificing—he
aione can safely hear the other cry of
life, tempting him to be happy and
enjoy.—Phillips Brooks.
\// . In this nineteenth century to keep
y \M up with the march of progress every
/ rjSgyOP p? \ power of woman is strained to its
- \ utmost, and the tax upon her physi
'CjK* . \ cal system is far greater than ever.
j \ In the pood old-fashioned days of
/ 1 our grandmothers few drups were
1 / 1 used in medicines. They relied upon
/ roots and herbs to cure weaknesses
\ J and disease, and their knowledge of
W>v/ roots and herbs was far greater
. V r];|| V' lil/ / than that of women todav.
J\ \ | / j It was in this study of roots and
IL v. \ V?\*QjY ’ \ s' herbs that Lydia E. Pink ham, of
/* rs." >V\ Lynn, Mass , 'discovered and pave
( J to the women of the world a remedy
/ m<>re potent and etlieacious than
MRS. C-E. FINK any combination of drups.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value.
This medicine made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics
orother harmful drups and today holds the record for the largest number
of actual cures of female diseases of any medicine the world has ever
known, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on tile in the
laboratory at Lynn. Mass., which testify to its wonderful value.
Mrs. C. K. Fink, of Carnegie. Pa., writes: —Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— “I
wish every suflferinp woman would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vepetable
Compound and write to you for advice. It has done me a world of pood
and what it has accomplished for me I know it will do for others.”
When women are troubled with Irregularities, Displacements. Ulcer
ation. 1 n-lamination. Backache, Nervous Prostration, they should re
member there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness r.re invited to
write Mrs. pinkham. at Lynn. Mass. Out of her vast volume of ex
perience she probably has the very knowledge that will help your case.
Send 4 Cents in Stamps for Aluminum Combined Comb and Paper Cutter to
6heer white goods, in fact, any flnA
wash goods when new, owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered, this being done In a
manner to enhance their textile beab
ty. Home laundering would be eqnak
ly satisfactory if proper attention was
given to starching, the first essential
being good Starch, which has sufficient
strength to stiffen, without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will be pleasantly surprised at the
improved appearance of your work.
The deepest sympathy man can
show to man Is to help him do hia
ptrem •
"SSwirulUf Thompson’s Eye Water
W*. N. U.. DENVER. NO. 18. 1907.

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