, REEiV & SHIRLEY, ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS, WHEN REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT T-JMrEMoir. EDITORS & PROPRIETORS. Volume 0.', GLASGOW, MISSOtJRI, THURSDAY, AOVIOTIIIFU 9, IS 18. - -- " . . . A-m mu iw a w wiansow ltcruiy rimes, , , The Holy city.-; :t -v ' rnnttnHKl) vnr TBtmsriAY v CLARK H. fiKEEN & PAUL SHIRLEY. - OJuxi vp stnirs, next ionr to Crtnthaw's J Mel. ... , :, .., Entrance, Water Street., , . ..,.) , ' " TEBMi OF frrjIILtCATION.' 1 ' 1 Purone vesr. If niid in sdvsnce, ' 2 00 1 If not mid before the close of the yer, 8 00 i . -V TFRMB OF ADVERTISIR0. ' - u One qroire, (13 tinei or le) One Dollar for the Brst, and SO cents tor ccn suosequem insertion. Libersl deductions msdo to Merchant and other who advertise by the year. ' ' ' inn FRUITING. ' ; ' Of every description, executed with neatne and i despatch, on reasonable term. . , . JCST1CE' BLANK AND BI.ANX DKr.DS. . Neatly executed, kept constantly on hand, and ' for aie low. ( ' Aat.nr ton ti fafsk. V. B. Talmeb, Esq., is authorized to procure Advertisement, receive Subscription, and make , Collection for the Glasgow Weekly Times, it his office in the following cities: ' Philadelphia North West Corner of Third and Chesnut streot. ; Baltimore South-East Coraer ot Baltimore tnd Calvert street. - . , . New York Tribune Buildinjs. BosTost No. &, State street. . Fayette Andrew J. Herndon. ' Huntsx-illr Wm. D. Malone, - gtoimingion Thomas G. Sharp. f. .CLAK. BIRNDON. . LAW NOTICE. JOHN B. CLARK & ANDREW J. HERN DON will continue to practice law in partner ship, in nil the courts of Howard county, except tbt County Court. All butiness entrusted to them . will receive their united attention. - iohn B. Clark will continue to attend the sever al courts as heretofore. XfZy-Office on the public square, Fayette, (Andrew J. Herndon can at all times be found t the County Clerk' office. Fayette. October 19, 1849 33 II. F. White, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , C MlROLLTbN, MUlOUri. WILL give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him, in the Court of Cnrroll and adjoining counties'. ' oct!9-32 L. D. BREWER, Attorney at Law, HCMTSVILLE, Mo. WILL wVend to any business entrusted to him in the second Judicial District. REFERENCES. 1 ' " Ebowxino & Busiikel, Quincey, Illinois. : A. W. Morrison, Esq.,) j-,-elte Cot. Jos. Davis, . AV. Picket, Benton, Mis. Col. P. H. Fountain, Pontatock, Miss. McCArPBELL & Coates, Huntsville, Mo. fljr- Office ..icCamfbell'i Buildings, Huntsville, Mo. Randolph Co . Dec. 12th, '46. 40 ly. James W. Ilarri, ' Commission and Forwarding Merchant, and Produce Dealer, WATER STBSET, GLASGOW, 110. A CARD. " ' riHE undersigned having met with much bet JL ter success in the Commission and Forward ing business than expected, would here toke occa . sion to state to Shippers and the Public generally, ' that lii arrangements for the next, season are such, as to offer ever? facility that this point af fords, for shipping Produce and Receiving Mer chandize, and hopes to receive such patronage from Ihoto who are interested in shipping at this point, s he may metit. Kespectfuliy, oct. 12 J. W. HARRIS. NEW GROCERIES. I have just received per steamer ' Amelia." and Mandan," a large addition to my former stock of Groceries, Liquors, Sic, which completes ruy fall and winter supply, to which I would in vite the attention of purchasers in need of arti cles in my lino. My stock is larger and better as sorted than any other in town, and will be offered t unusually low prices. JNO D. PERRY. Stove)! Stoves! I beg leave to call the attention of the puclic to my large assortment of Parlor, Chamber and Cooking Stoves, comprising many varieties, alt of which have been selected with care, and will be old at very low prices and rnt- pERRV Mackerel. KEGS fresh Mackerel. 10 n KITS packed this veer, just received a nd for sale by JNO. D. PERRY. Cotton Yarn. BAGS Assorted Cotton Yarn, just received and lor sale by JNO. D. PERRY. 25 Pickcl. O DOZJars Fresh Pickels. assorted, just ro- i ceived and for sale by JNO. D. PEKRY. Loaf and Crushed Sugar. JQ BARRELS Louf and Crushed Sugar. 2 BOXES Double refined Loaf " just r ceived and for sals by JNO. D. PEKliV. Cigars. Oft HArt ASSORTED Cigars, just re oU.vfvJU ceived and f'oraleby . JNO. D. PERRY. IN'caro Shoes. CASES thick Brogan shoes, just received and ifLiranm?f)D T for sale by j.vj. u- icnn r . Axes DOZ. Nason' Axes, just received and for ,vr, i nrDUV salo by ' aiv. u. i liuw , I'ew Orleans Sugar. IIUDS. Prime New Orleans Sugar just re ceived and for sule by J- D. PRRRY. 11 Rid Collie 50 BAGS Prime Bio Coffee, just reorived and for sale by, . J. v. rr.am. .,; - Wails. y KEGS "Missouri Iron" Nail just re 4 U ceived and for sale by J. D. PERRY, - Confectionary. . . ( 13 boxes assorted candies (y i kisses ' "" 1 in i, M P Raiaina . . ' 2 bac Alniouds, just received and for i gale oy ; wu "" tt'nmil ItwXt'S. f f Betts sssorted stzn, for ssle at CerrollV BV IEBA (BIITIt. ' ' JERUSALEM AS IT WAS. -i No other city in the world has had such an eventful history, or presents so many in teresting associations, as Jerusalem, V the beloved of God." It has been sacked and partially destroyed no less than seventeen times. It has been, the scene of many memorable seiges and battles by Jews, Ro mans, Saracens, and Christians. " It was the theatre of most of the interesting and all important events in the life of our Sa vior. It witnessed his death and resurrec tion, and within- its sacred enclosure are still (o be seen the holy sepulchre, the rock of Calvary, Mount Zion, and David's tomb. ';: The original name of Jerusalem was Sa lem; and it is supposed lo have been found ed about the year 2023, by Melchisedeck, its first king, who is mentioned in the four teenth chapter of Genesis, as br inging forth bread and wine to Abraham, on his return from a successful pursuit after an enemy. About fifty years after this, Salem was ta ken by the Jebusites, who gave it the name of Jerusalem, or the " vision of peace," and built what is called the upper town, on Mount Zion. The lower town still re mained in the possession of the Israelites; but they did not again become masters of the strong hold of Zion," till the time of David. David, having reigned over Judah in Hebron seven years and six months, went up to Jerusalem, vanquished the Jebusites, and took possession of the strong hold of Zion, to which he gave tho name of the city ol David. "So Uavid dwelt in the fort, and built round about him from Millo and inward." "Hiram, king of Tyre, sent messengers to David, and cedar trees, and carpenters, and masons, and they built David a house." From this lime Jerusalem became a place of importance, and rapidly increased in population, wealth and splendor; and in I he reign of Solomon, the son of David, it became one of the most noted and attrac tive cities in the world. The house which Solomon "built unto the Lord," and which is so minutely and elaborately described in Scripture, was certainly one of the most re markable and magnificent edifices ever con structed by man. Somo idea of the im mense cost of the structure may be ob tained from the number of men employed upon it, to say nothing of the richness of the materials used. Thirty thousand men were set apart to procure cedars from Lebanon, besides these there were seventy thousand "that bare burdens," and eighty thousand " hew- ers in the mountains." With all his own immense resources, aided by the rich king of Tyre, it still required seven years for Solomon to complete tho temple. After wards, Solomon erected a most magnificent palace for himself, which occupied thir teen years in building. He also embellished the city -with other splendid works, some of the ruins of which remain to this dav. Five years afier the death of Solomon, Je rusclem was plundered by one of the kings of Egypt; and afterwards by Joash, king of Israel. In the reign of Manassah it was sacked and partly destroyed by the Assyrians. In the year 3410, the city was principally destroyed, and the magnifi cent temple burnt bv Nebuchadnezzar, who carried the inhabitants into captivity to Babylon, whore they remained 70 years. After their return to Jurusalem, the tem ple was rebuilt by Zerrubbabel, Ezra and Mehemiah, and the city again restored to its former splendor. Subsequently, it was taken and sacked several timer; and at last the dissensions among the inhabitants in duced them to look to the Romans for aid, who, under Pompey, took possession of the city, . Again it was taken by Antigonus, but he was deposed and put to death by Herod the Great, during whose reign the Savior, Jesus Christ was born. The interesting and familiar history of Jeiusalem during the life of the Savior, it is not necessary to dwell upon. Open the New Testament, and read in full from the pen of inspiration. After the death of Agrippa, grandson of Herod,' Judea was nguin reduced to a Roman Province, and in the reign of Vespasian, in the sixty-ninth year of the Christian era, tho Jews revolted. and Titus, the son of Vespasian, was sent with his army to subdue them. Ha invest ed the city of Jerusalem, which endured one of the most remarkable seiges record ed in history. It lasted about three months. from the 14th of April, to the 17th of Ju ly, when the city was taken, and with its "rand ' and 1 beautiful temple, and all its splendid edifices, plundered and burnt, and the inhabitants put to the. sword. 1 hi awful scene was witnessed bv Joseohns the Jewish historian, whose account of it, therefore, may bo regarded as very authen tic. It being the Feast of the Passover, the city was uncommonly full, and the des truction of lifo was awfully great. ' Six hundred thousand fell by the Sword, and ninety-seven thousand were carried away prisoners. The Women and children were sold for slaves, and so large was the supply and so few the purchasers, that thirty might be bought for a piece of silver. Thirty- eight years before this, the Jews had cried to Pilate, " his blood be upon us and upon our children." How fearfully was the Draver answered. And when Adrnin afterwards completed the desecration of tho 'Holy city, and erected Stntues to Venus and Ju piter on Calvary, and the holy sepulchre, it new city was commenced on the site of the old, and even tho name of Jerusalem was lost for o lime from tho world. The words of Micah, the prophet, were literally ful filled, for " Zion became as a ploughed field and Jerusalem heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest." In the reign of Constantine, Jerusalem renounced paganism and became a Chris tian city. Christian temples were erected on the holy sepulchre, and other consecra ted spots, ond the Emperor's mother, Hele na, sought in person for the sacred relics of the Savior, some of which, it is said, were discovered by her pious perseverance, after they had remained buried in rubbish for ihree hundred and twenty years. In year of our Lord 613, Jerusalem was ta ken by the Persians, but was restored to the Christians again in 637, under Ilerac lius. Nine years after this, having withstood a siege of four months, it fell into the hands of the Saracens. In 1099, the Cru saders arrived in the Holy Land, rescued it from the infidels, and established a king dom which continued eighty-eight years, when Saladin, the sultan of Egypt, be seiged and sacked the city, and destroyed all the Christian churches except tho holy sepulchre, which was spared for a large ransom. The Turks took the city from the Saracens in 1217, but in 1242, it was surrendered again to the Christians. It was retaken by the Turks in 1291, and still remains in their possession. From the Model American Courier. HEMP AND FLAX CULTURE. BY J. E. SKINNER. If that encouragement and protection were given to the resources and the im provement of the various branches of do mestic industry, for which we have all the elements that a bountiful nature could be stow, we should now be enjoying, in our hemp and flax culture, a mine of untold wealth in our Western States; and the la bor of those States being diverted profita bly from the comparatively unremunera ting production of grain, would leave that as a more profitable pursuit to States not so well adapted to hemp and flax, and oth er staples. It is not merely the industrious habits of the people of New England, (derived very much from their stony land and the cold ness of their climate,) to which they owe their . universal prosperity and freedom from pecuniary embarrassment. Much of those blessings flow from the great diver sity of employments, and from their inge nuity and sagacity in the invention, and uic of labor-saving powers in various forms. It is this last which enables them to supply the money-loving German of Western Pennsylvania, full of prejudice and slow lo improve, with their axes and their hoes, their pitch-forks, and evenie handles there of. While Governor Sourcraut tells them l hat all incorporations are "odious monop olies," find all manufacturing and money- ending companies, are so many dens of hie'ves, these cuto Yankees go on combin ing their mind and money in banks and manufactories, which enables them lo bring lo the highest perfection the machinery and appliances for fashioning all raw male rials--leather iron wool cotton lim ber, into all conceivable forms, for oil con ceivable uses, and at a rate so low, that while Mynheer is smoking his pipe, and .musing over he wise sayings of the said Governor Sourcraut, he goes on sending his leather to Lynn, to be made into shoes, and his iron to Boston or Worcester, to be made into ploughs and rakes, for the very handles of which he setids away to the Yankee, who combines whenever power is to be gained by combination having been taught by his own mother wit, confirmed by experience, to practice on the French maxim, of which he may never have heard, mat " L i union Jail la force. It is union which civet strength. But to return to hemp and flax, there Is nothing which illus trates the excellence of Belgian husbandry so much as their success in iho culture of Iho latter, and from the management of which, lessons of value might be derived in the culture of grain and rice, and other ihings. We refer now particularly lo their extremely nice attention to the procure ment and preservation of the best seed for their crops. It is to this, that inquiring and observant Travellers and writers have attributed the great superiority of the Bel gian even over the Irish flax, especially for the finer description of fabrics. In the first place the whnlo system of ro lalion in Belgium is conducted on profound calculation, and oil regulated, as we are told, with ultimate reference to th5 flax crop, which comes into the circle of rota tion only once in seven years, whilst, as it approaches ihe period for lhat crop, each antecedent one is put in with a double por tion of manure. For itself, the prepara tion is most studiously and scrupiously mi nute, ihe ground is prepared rather like a flower-bed ihnn a field, and every film of a weed carefully extirpated, and the earth abundantly supplied, generally with liquid manure, fermented wilh rope-enke. The seed is then sown remarkably thick, so that the plants may not only support one anoth er, but struggling upwards lo Ihe light, may throw out few brancest and rise into a taller and more delicate stem. The weed ing is done whilst the plant is so lender and elastic, as that it muy rise again rcgularlv after ,he operation, and a remarkable illus tration of the studied tenderness with which this operation is watched, is that the wo men and children who are cmoluved to i weed it, are generally instructed to do so against the wind, in order that the breeze may lift the stems as soon as they have left them, instead of allowing them to grow crooked, by lying loo long on the ground. Again; in order to give it a healthy sup port during its growth, stakes are driven into the ground at equal distancee, from the top of which cords are extended, divi ding the whole field into minute squares, and thus preventing the plants from being laid down by any but a very severe wind. But what is perhaps most worthy of regard for American farmers, as being most sus ceptible of application to other crops more' extensively cultivated in our country, is, as we have said, the system for raising the. seed for this contributes, as all admit, to ihe exquisite fineness of the fibre of Bel gian flax, adapting it to the production of the finest laces. In the first instance, the Belgian imports his flax seed from Riga, ond which yields the first year a strong and robust plant; its produce is then preserved, and sown a second time, when it becomes more delicate in its texture, and the seed then obtained is never parted with by the farmer, but produces the finest and most valuable plant. But as litis in time will de generate, it is necessary lo keep up the stock by annual importations of Northern seed to keep tip a constant succession. As thus imported they become acclimated, re fined, and arc superseded in their turn. The sagacious Hollander thus obtains a seed for his own peculiar uses, of twice the value of lhat which he exports to Eng land. It is thus that Mr. Patterson, of Ma ryland, keeps up the excellence of his De von cattle. It is thus that farmers, when they get a wheat of the finest quality. should sow their cleanest lot expressly for seed, and take care before it deteriorates to keep up the stock, by recourse lo the same sort of grain, and the same measures by which he procured and improved it. It is wonderful how various things may be ameliorated in a short lime by change of climate and soil. The famous Rohan po ut, which some years ago sold in Philadel phia for $1 for a single tuber, was a coarse thing, apparently fit only for hogs or cattle. In one year, grown on cold, si ill", while oak land, in " the swamp" on West river, in Maryland, it was converted into n table vegetable, of the finest description of its numerous family. There are many things in heaven and earth too, Horatio! that are not dreamed of in our philosophy. But surely it needs no revelation in a dream lo convince every farmer that attention to tho improvement of the seed of his crops for his own use, ought lo be considered one of his most ob vious duties, and one which for every true minded and irue-hearled farmer will soon become an object of lively interest, as he sees his crops being improved from year to year. Planters have given premiums for the best hogshead of tobacco why not of fer a handsome one for the best crop of wheat, as to average quality as well as quantity, to be decided by the commission merchant, and to depend of course on the weight as well as quality, and the perfect cleanliness) with which it is sent to market! OHIO CITY The following letter is from a gentleman of Boston, wejl acquainted with the loca tion ond advantages of Ohio City. It will doubtless amuse, if not interest, many of our readers! Boston, Oct. 7th; 1818. Dear Sin: When 1 last met you in the West, you desired me lo communicate my views and impressions of the Mississippi Valley to you, on my return home. And you particularly desired my views in re gard to the importance of Ohio City a town recently sprung into existence nt the junction of ihe two great rivers the Mis sissippi and Ohio. In my present communication, I pro pose to confine my remarks to the impor tance of the mouth of the Ohio; and in subsequent letters, I will give you in detail,' my general impressions in regard lo the other striking feaiures of the great West. My first sensation on reaching the junc lion of ihe Ohio snd Mississippi, was utter astonishment to see the confluence of the two mightiest rivers in the world, bringing together navigable walers of 0,500 miles in extent, almost wholly unimproved. Ii seemed incredible that cities ntirnbrrind hundreds of thousands should have been built up in this country; whilst the mosi central point, in the very heart of the fer tile valley of the Mis-issippi, wilh a navi gation of over 6,500 miles centering at Up bringing the trade of eleven of the richest slates in the union together at this point; and carrying the commerce lo supply di rectly more than 5.000,000 of inhabitants should have remained nearly in a state ol nature. If there were any great physical causes to prevent tho growth of a cily, at ihe mouth or the Ohio, then H would be a different thing; but there is at least upon the Missouri side, at the present site ot Ohio City, as good ground above the reach of the highest floods as could be desired for a great town; and the country for rriotr than a hundred miles back of it, is as rich in agricultural and mineral products, as the most favored part of the great valley of the West. Besides the great extent of navigation centering at this point, you are aware that plans are on foot for constructing railroads from Chicago, Charleston, Mobile, and In dependence, all to terminate at this point. From ;he favorable disposition manifest by the last Congress, there can be littlo or no doubt, but that at the ensuing session, large i grants of pulic lands will be made for the construction of most, if not all these road. When completed, and they dic certain lo be in a very few years, this rail rond will open to this point 2,500 miles of Irade in addition to the 0500 miles of river trade now in existence. There ore 1205 steam boats and 4000 keel boats now employed in this Irade, carrying an aggrrgntc annual j tonnage of 10.252,100. The value of this tonnage is S132.651.210, nearly double the value of the whole foreign commerce of the United States. The character of the navigation changes neor the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio, which render it impossible for the larger class of boats trading from below to run any considerable portion of the year above the mouth of ihe Ohio. This will lead to the establishment of separate lines to run on ihe lower Mississippi, the Ohio, and the upper Mississippi, o mterssct ol ihe mouth of l tie Ohio. It only requires the necessary facilities for storing nml trans-shiping to concentrate tho immense irade of the great Valley of the Mississip pi at the mouth of the Ohio. In view of these fids, I regard ilie junc tion of the Ohio and Mississippi as (he most important inland point upon the American continent. That a great city must, by ihe force of circumstances, alone spring intonxistence al this point, no one can doubt who has visited it. And that the present site of Ohio City from various considerations, must be The point, I think is equally certain. As this point is never obstructed wilh ice, and as the connection with ihe Gulf is open at all seasons, it ren ders il the most proper and desirable loca tion fur the western armory. - The present site selected for the armory is shut up a part of ihe year with ice and low water, and the Government must be aware lhat it is of the utmost importance to have the armory at a point accessible at all seasons of the year. In fact, this point is the proper oh for a general depot of all United States stores to supply the interior. This should be made by the General Gov ernment the general head quarters from wich they could distribute atalltimes, with out delay or Hindrance, men, and the mu nitions of wor, to any part of the Union where they might be required. ' Truly yours. Sou.ii, Love.IIow sweet is social af fection! When the world is dark with out wo have light wilhin. When cares disturb the breast, when sorrow broods about the heart, what joy gathers in the circle we love I We forget the world, wilh all its animosities, while blessed wilh so cial kindness. That man cannot be unharx py, who has hearts that vibrate in sympathy wilh his own, who is cheered by the smiles of ofTection and the voice of tenderness. Let the world be dark and cold, let the hale and animosity of bad men gather aboat him in the place of business but when ho enters the ark of love, his own cherished circle, he forgets all these, and the cloud passes from his brow and the sorrow from his heart. The warm sympathies of his wife and children dispel every shadow, and he feels a thrill of joy in his bosom which words are not adequate to express. He who is a stranger lo the joys of social kindness has not begun to live. It is said that in 1804, according to tho besi estimate that can be obtained, there were in existence only about 4,000,000 co pics of the Bible, Now there ore rhoro than 30.000.000. In 1801 the Bible hod been published in only 48 or 49 languages) in 1848, it existed in 136. In 1504 it Was accessible in languages spoken by about 200,000 men; in 1S47 it existed in tongues spoken by 600.000,000. During the last year, 1,410,283 copies were issued by the British and Foreign Bible Socielies olone 400,000 more thon in any year before, except 1845. It is only in the warm bright period of middle life that we live for others; like tho sun, whose morning and evehing rays pass over the objects which are illutnihated by its mid day beams. In proportion as luxury increastu, the life of man was abbreviated. The seven kings of Rome reigned longer than the first twenty emperors. He is a great simpleton who imagines that the chief power of wealth is lo sup ply wants. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it creates more wants than it sup plier. There are three enquiries, the right ap plication of which constitutes the whole duty of man': Prom whence came It What is my business here? and whither do I tend? If you fall into ony great misfortune, dis engage yourself as well as you can. Creep through those bushes which have the few est briars. It is a mark of a depraved mind, to sneer at discrepit old age, or to ridicule anv who is deformed in his person or ,'acketh understanding. O bITUTRY-ELOQ UENCE. A correspondent of the Burlington Free Press has furnished lo lhat Journal the fol lowing verbal im report of a funeral dis course which he says he heard delivered in the Florida House of Representatives. The duty of making it was voluntarily as sumed, and even insisted on, by. ihe speak er, lo the no small wonder of the House-, his titter incompetency being notorious: " Mr. Speaker: Sir Our firllow. citizen Mr. Silos Hi'gins, who was lately a mem ber of this branch of the Legislature, is dead, he died yesterday in the forenoon. He had the brown crcnteis, (bronchitis ho meant 1 suppose,) and was on uncommon individual. His character was good up to the lime of hi death, and he never lost his t-nirfk II ll-nc fifl v.ciV i-onrenM r A .. laken s;ck liefrc he died at his boarding i house, where hoard cah be had nt a dollar ! and seventy-five rents a week, washing and light included, ne was an ingenious crea ture, and in the early part of his life had a father and moihcr. He was an officer in our Stale militia since the last war, and was brave and potite, and his uncle, Timothy Niggins. belonged lo the Revolutionary war. and Was commissioned as lieutenant by Gen. Washington, first Presideht and commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, who died at Mount Vernon, deeply lamented by a large circle of friends, on ihe 14ih of December, 1709 or thereabout, and was buried, soon after his death, with military honors, and sever al eon were burst in firing salutes. Sir. Mr. Speaker: General Washington presided over the great continental Sanhe drim and political meeting that formed our comjituiion t and be was indeed a great and good man. lie was first in war, first in peace, and first in the heorts of his coun trymen, and, ihongh he was in favor of a United Stale Bank, he wa a friend of ed ucation, nnd from what he said in his fare well address, I have no doubt he Would have voted for the tariff of 1946, if he had been alive and hadn't a' died some lime before hand. His death was considered at the time as rather premature, on account of its being brought on by an ordinary cold. , . - ; Now, Mr. Speaker, such being ihe char acter of General Washington, I motion, lhat we wear crape around the left arm of this Legislature-, and adjourn till to-morrow morning as an emblem of our respect for the memory of S. Higgihs, who if dead) and died of the brown trealurcs yesterd ay in Ike, forenoon.