fr itt. **&' nx J-*.?* J-- r^^y-w^wg^^j^Mjjjg g^ A Pioneer WANT AD Will Do It. VOLUME 2. NUV^iR 8G RHEUMATISM JOINTSANDMUSCLES 5W0L1EN AND STIFF A disease so painful and far-reaching in its effects upon the human system as Rheumatism, must have a deep and well-laid foundation. It originates and develops in the blood, and, like other diseases of the blood, is fre quently inherited. The poisonous acids with which the blood is charged circulate through the system, breaking down the health, irritating th.ei nervesi, settling in- joints i the acrid matter and are ren AZ~A tV-ff aa a Be i ^.1 Take the Rock Island System. Only one /nigh-J from St. Paul and Minneapolis. RockIsland System r* atwt^Hf ase and muscles, and causing the tism. I wasdlaid ufpein2bed for six months, and the sharp, cutting pains peculiar f^ wi Tti TT i ^t icme every week, and nothing they prescribed to Rheumatism. Unless the seemed to helpnme. use off thirmedi- blood is purified, iointS and l? *n/*.b xo pumicu, juuiia ami elbow joints were so swollen and painful that I muscles become coated With coul-du rnot dlscc rf, wa Swif Is the St. Louis Fair a real World's Fair? Yes, more so than any other Expo sition ever held. Why Because 50 different nations (to say nothing of 44 of our own States) will be represented because the St. Louis Fair is twice as big and cost nearly three times as much as the Columbian Exposition because it represents the latest triumphs of civilization. About getting there Tickets at offices of connecting lines or at 322 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis 6th and Robert Sts., St. Paul. W. L. HATHAWAY, Oist, Pass'r Agt., Minneapolis. Sa the of S knee and close them whennopened., I was gettinig ag-e when I bega S. S. s. but as I saw helping-me, continued, and to-day am a sound, dered stiff and sore, and the well man. nerves completely wrecked. 1355 Mt. Vernon Ave. B. H. CHAPMAN. Rheumatism, being a constitutional blood disease, requires internal treat- ment. Liniments, plasters and such things as are applied outwardly, give only temporary relief. S. S. S. is the recognized great est of all blood purifiers and tonics, and in no disease does it act so promptly and beneficially as Rheuma tism, neutralizing the acids and restoring the blood to a pure, healthy condition and invigorating and toning up the nerves and all parts of the system. It is guaranteed strictly vegetable. Write us should you desire medical advice, which will cost you nothing, SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. HENR BUENTHER Naturalist and Taxidermist 208 Second St. Postoffice Box No. 686 BEM1DJI, MINN. blRDS, WHOLE ANIMALS, FISH, FUR RUGS AND ROBES and GAME HEADS mounted to order and for sale. I carry at all times a good assortment of INDIAN RELICS and CURIOS, FUR GARMENTS made to order, repaired and remodeled FURS in season bought. 1 guarantee my work mothproof and the most lifelike of any in the state MY W O UK IS EQUALLED BY FEW,"EXCELLED BY NONE A Deposit Required on All Work YOUR TRADE SOLICITED canvas shoes Commencing TOMORRO W morning we will place on sale our en tire stock of Canvas Shoes at factory prices. Every shoe is solid throughout. Men's Canvas Shoes 98c Ladies' Canvas Shoes 75c Youths' and Misses' Canvas Shoes 69c Child's Canvas Shoes, 8, 49c Child's Canvas Shoes, S^ to 11, 59c Ladies' Canvas Oxfords 75c Child's Canvas Oxfords, S% to 11, 45c Child's Canvas Oxfords, lFL to 2, DON'T FORGET WE ARE SELLING Men's Light Weight Suits at Ladies' Suits at Wash Goods at Ladies' Bathing Suits at Ladies' Skirts at O'Leary & Bowser, Bemidfi, Minnesota^. Subscribe for the Daily PidiieeK ***a:,^*i The Bemidii 30 ,a veie attack of InflammatoryJBheuma- goJ2&- |verv They changed med- TENSION RELAXE Less Fear of a Rupture in Rela tions Between Russia and Great Britain. Russia Promises Full Reparation If She Has Committed Any Wrong. Lomlon, July 29.The tension in the Rnssn-British relations has been relaxed and no rupture is now prob able. Count Benckendorff, the Rus sian ambassador to Great Britain, in formed Lord Lansdowne during the morning that if Russia had committed a wrong she was ready and willing to make full reparation, but before any action could be taken in the Knight Commander case the Russian govern ment must have the opportunity of re ceiving the report of the commander of the Vladivostok squadron. Lord Lansdowne was not disposed to un duly press the matter and promised to wait a reasonable time. It developed during the day that the United States is depending on Great Britain to obtain compensation for the loss of the Knight Commander's cargo. It is the custom for shipowners to be responsible for cargoes and therefore the American claim is to be made to the owneis of the Knight Commander, who, of course, are British, and who in turn will make a claim to the British government. Premier Balfour's Statemeht. In the house of commons during the afternoon Premier Balfour said the acute stage ol the Red sea incidents had passed and that the Russian vol unteer fleet vessels would be with drawn. He laid down the British view that no belligerent's warship could issue from the Black sea and that the volunteer fleet vessels in issuing there from, if they took belligerent action, either had rio right to issue or no right to take such action. The strongest possible exception had been taken to the seizure of the Malacca on the above ground, the pre mier added. The Russian government has met the British contention in regard to this particular incident. As to the Knight Commander case the govern ment had earnestly protested that the sinking of that vessel was contrary to the accepted practice of nations. "There are, I am sorry to say," said the premier, "other questions not con nected with the incident at all which must cause some discussion between the two governments and, like all dis cussions between governments, there may be legitimate cause for anxiety. We hold that it is not proper that on the authority of the captain of a cruiser that goods alleged to be con traband of war would be taken from a merchant ship without trial." This statement of the premier was greeted with an outburst of cheers. RUSSIANS DESTROY TOWNS. Tatchekiao and Newchiatun Burned Before Evacuation. Washington, July 29.The follow ing cablegram has been received by the Japanese legation from Tokio: "General Oku reports that, pursuing the enemy with his forces, he ad vanced on the 2Gth inst. to the north of Tatchekiao. The enemy retreated northward, leaving Tatchekiao and Newchiatun in flames." President Leaves for Washington. Oyster Bay. L. I., July 29.President Roosevelt,(accompanied by Mrs. Roose velt, Secretary Loeb and the execu tive staff, left here during the day for Washington. The party went on a spe cial train from here to Long Island City. 7fc 1-3 off 1-2 off 1-2 off 1-2 off 1-4 off MANGLE 55c a. .|_.... A BOM St. Petersburg, July 29.Minister of the Interior von Plehve was assas sinated at 10 a. m. while driving to the Baltic station to visit the emperor at Peterhof. A bomb was thrown un der the minister's carriage, complete ly shattering it. M. von Plehve ,_was terribly mangled. The coachman was killed ami the wounded and maddened horses dashed wildly away with the front wheels of the carriage, the only portion of the vehicle remaining in tact. Immediately there ensued a scene of the wildest confusion. Po- MINISTER VON PLEHVE. lice and gendarmes hurried up from every direction and vast crowds gath ered about the spot where the man gled body of the minister lay welter ing in his blood. The Associated P?ess .eprr^sponjignt BEMIDJT, MINNESOTA, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1904. was at the scene of the tragedy within five minutes after it occurred. von Plehve's shockingly mangled body was lying in the middle of the road. It had been partially covered with a police officer's overcoat, with the left arm, the bone of which was broken off, projecting. A policeman came up and raised the overcoat in order to re arrange it, revealing for an instant the strong features of the dead minis ter, whose head was battered Almost Beyond Recognition. The roadway was strewn for a hun dred yards with the wreckage of the carriage and pieces of the red lining of the minister's oflicial overcoat. A few yards from M. von Plehve's body lay a shapeless heap of the coach man's remains. The tragedy occurred on the Zabal ansky prospect, a broad thoroughfare leading up to the Warsaw depot, whence the road turns sharply to the leftward to the Baltic railroad station. The exact spot at which the outrage occurred is just before the bridge spanning Circular canal, on the other side of which both stations are situ ated. The bomb thrower must have known perfectly weli that Minister von Plehve would pass the spot, for the minister makes his report to the em peror every Thursday. The infernal machine was thrown with deadly accuracy and the assas sin was favored by the fact that traffic here is always of the heaviest, owing to the crossing of lines of surface cars and the continuous stream of heavy trucks. M. von Plehve was al ways apprehensive of attempts upon his life and used to drive rapidly. The coachman, however, was com pelled to go slow at this point. The assassin in laying his plans evi dently foresaw this circumstance and, while the minister's coachman slowed down, threw the bomb. The Explosion Was Terrific and practically annihilated .the wood work of the carriage. The horses tore off, dragging the axle and the front wheels. The animals, though infuri ated by the wounds they had sus tained, had not galloped far before they fell, with pools of blood under them. The minister's servant, who was also on the carriage box, was badly wounded and two officers, who were driving by in a cab, were injured by flying splinters. The assassin himself was wounded in one eye. He took to flight hut was overtaken and is now under arrest. Altogether fourteen outsiders were injured by the explosion. Captain Tzentvsky of. the guards, who was driving in a cab, sustained a fracture of the skull. It has been trepanned, but the captain is not expected to re cover. The news of the tragedy spread like Wildfire throughout -the city, causing consternation everywhere. Police re serves were hurried to the scene from all parts of the city and the various departments were instantly notified. The prefect of police notified the em peror of the tr.agedy immediately upon its occurrence. The emperor, who was at the Villa Alexandria at Peterhof. was greatly affected by the news, com ing, as it did, atop of the bad tidings from the seat of war, fears of interna tional complications and the strain in cident uyon the hourly expectation of an event so close to the father's hear*". The emperor almost broke down when he was informed of the minister's murder. Senator von Plehve was appointed minister of the interior April 18, 1902, succeeding M. Sipiaguino, who was assassinated April 16, 1902. Populace Eager for Details. Von Plehve's assassination was offi cially announced at about 1 o'clock and was followed immediately by the issuance of extra editions of the pa pers. Although they contained only a few lines referring to the tragedy the newsboys were fairly mobbed by the crowds in the streets, so eager were all for details of the crime. Intense excitement reigned everywhere. Only the assassination of the emperor could have created more of a sensation, as next^ to his majesty himself Von Plehve was regarded as the most powerful personality in .the Russian government. Guarded by police the body re mained in the street until the arrival of an official corresponding with an American coroner. After this official had viewed the body it was placed in a carriage, covered by a robe and was driven "slowly to a little chapel adjoin ing the railroad station and then to the deceased's magnificent town resi dence adjoining the ministry of the interior. The carriage, surrounded by mounted gendarmes, passed through the crowded streets, the sidewalks be ing a solid mass of people. Even the cross streets were ^black with spec tators for blocks. As if by magic everybody in the city seemed to have suddenly become aware that a fright ful catastrophe had occurred and to have hurried to the scene. As the carriage passed all heads were uncov ered. The assassin, who was wounded in the abdomen by a splinter, underwent a successful operation. When throw ing the bomb he shouted "Long live freedom," with a little Russian accent. His name has not been ascertained and the prisoner told the police that he had no accomplices. It is estab lished, however, that the assassin is not a Jew, as at first reported. VON PLEHVE CORDIALLY HATED. Had More Enemies Than Any Man in Russia. London, July 29.The assassination of Von Plehve was foreshadowed some months ago, in fact ever since the truth became known regarding the Kishineff massacres. It was charged that Von Plehve was the instigator of these atrocities. He was the power behind the throne and the most influential minister in Russia. His enemies far outnumbered those of any other living man. Von Plehve had been blamed for forcing Russia into the war, but the opinion in the European.chancellories is that he was assassinated by nihilists and not by a zealot anxious to punish him for the mistakes of the war. Von Plehve was the head of all Russia's police system and he has sent thou sands to their death and to Siberia. The excitement over the news is at fever heat at Continental capitals, where the police are taking extra pre cautions. pa GAI N FOR EMPLOYERS Packers Win Incidental Victory in ^Connection With the Butcher's Strike. Event Declared by Some to be the Forerunner of a Gen oral Stampede. Chicago, July 2?.-The packers have won an important incidental victory in the big stock yards strike, the first emphatic gain of the kind that has been made since the general walkout was declared in effect Eight hundred live stock handlers threw aside their allegiance to the allied trades and be gan to handle shipments indiscrimi nately, both- for the packers in the combine and for the independent com panies. Most of these 800 men went to work Wednesday to handle the goods of the "independents" and they had worked on this basis until now. The change on the part of the han dlers was regarded by the employers as a serious loss to the cause of the strikers and by some it was even de clared to be a forerunner of a general stampede. W. E. Skinner, general agent of the Union Stock Yards and Transit com pany, said that the live stock handlers, though walking out in sympathy with the butchers and meat cutters, had been reluctant to strike, the relations between the men and the Union Stock Yards and Transit company having al ways been most amicable. Having shown their good will towards the striking unions he said the men were only too glad to have their old places back and the company was glad to re instate them. Word reached union headquarters during the afternoon that two train loads of white and colored strike breakers, gathered in Buffalo, Cleve land and Cincinnati, were stopped by strike sympathizers, who flagged the trains between Whiting and Ham mond, Ind., and that the strike break ers were driven off and scattered. During the afternoon 133 men, all members of the union deserted the strikers and returned to work at Ar mour & Co.'s plant. Beginning Monday, July 25, we will start classes in the following branches: Shorthand and Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Commer cial Geography, Business Arithmetic, Spelling. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m. 7 to 9 p. m. Conway's Commercial College, Box 744, 108 Sixth Street, between Bemidji and Beltrami Avenues. Wedding Groups Souvenirs Baby Pictures M. J. NORSE, Proprietor. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certainly to be needed in almost every home be fore the summer is over. It can always be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is especially valueable for summer disorders in children. It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt relief. Why not buy it now? It may save life. For sale by Barker's Drug store. We have decided to continue our bed sale until Saturday night July 30. All beds will be sold at cost up to and including above date. E. L. Naylor. 0 No Charge for the Little Bank It is loaned to yon Free. The first dollar you deposit is "held as a guarantee that you will return the little Bank. How ever, this dollar belongs to you, draws interest and can be with- ,**,drawn by you any time you re- 5r turn the little Bank. & ^^t^^p?p^^^p ^W?J*Mtj^^W% W**r?t??4 'W^Wt -V'^-V" 4 4* 4- io$ Deviled Ham Potted Ham Roast Beef Sliced Beef Chipped Beef Luncheon Beef 4* Boneless Turkey "..._ Boneless Chicken Hamburger Steak with Onions 4 IKJ |K] I Lakeside Studio, on Lake Front. vl/ ifc ft Shoe Bargains Men's Patent Kid Button Shoes Douglas $4.00 make now Men,s Patent Kid Oxfords, lace or button Douglas $3.50 make now Men's Vici Kid Oxfords Douglas |3.00 make now fr ..O'Leary (L Bowser.. DR. F. E. BRINKMAN, CHIROPRACTIONFR. OFFICB HOUR S: 10 a. m. to Noo n, and 1 to 5:30 p. -I realize that it is sometimes very embarassing for a lady to tell a physician about her troubles. For that reason I keep in attendance a lady at my office from 1 to 5:30 p. m. She assists (if desired) all ladies in getting ready for examinations is present (if desired) while I am giving adjustments. The cause of all female diseases is in the g spinal column (small of the back) and I find it is unnecessary to adjust 4 other than the cause for the removal of the cause always allows the diseased organs to resume their natural positions and functions. Hence I never require local examination and never give local treatment, and even so, there is no line of diseases with which I have more complete success than those which afflict womankind. JAAAAAAAikAAAAAAAAAAAXAA^^r^j 4* 4* 4* $- $ 8 44* A PICNIC Is not a success unless you have something to eat. We have just received a shipment of fresh Canned Meats andean assist in preparing your lunch. Deviled Shrimps BEMIDJ I MERCANTIL E 0. THE FAIR "U is what yoM Save, not what you Earn, that makes Wealth/* Open a Savings Bank AccountS Get ei Home Bank Free! W are now settled in our new location in the BUYER BUILDING, THIRD STREET and invite the public to call and examine our line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 1 The Fair Variety Subscribe for the Daily Pioneer &3e0*r. $2.98 2.75 2.45 Pickled Shrimps Lunch Tongue Potted Tongue Imported Sardines Mustard Sardines Canned Pork and Beans Canned Lobster CashStore.m-m* Savings Department FIRST NATIONA BANK 'tV .'~3 "-Hi "NiL ~A -a I f-* ??-Svv1f ~"tt*' Bemidji, Minn.