OCR Interpretation

The Bemidji daily pioneer. [volume] (Bemidji, Minn.) 1904-1971, March 02, 1907, Image 4

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063381/1907-03-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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May Locate Here.
O. E. Dickinson, a prominent
business man of Verndale, Minn.,
has been in the city during the
past two days looking over the
business situation here, with
reference to securing a location
for establishing a mercantile es
tablishment. He is well pleased
with Bemidji and may decide to
locate here.
I he larim Historian.
Neither at the Saturdny Review din
ners nor in the companies In which 1
have met Freeman at Wells did he of
ten show himself a genial companion.
His taste for snubbing amounted to a
craze. His tendency to contradiction
on every possible opportunity altogeth
er exceeded that even of Bob Lowe,
Lord Sherbrooke, himself. Freeman
was more agreeable to encounter In the
open air than at a dinner table. In
the Mendlp district whenever I heard
a horse's hoofs pelting along some
piece of turf by the roadside and a
voice singing the refrain of some old
cavalier song I knew that if I looked
round I should see the historian pound
ing along on a sturdy nag which, ac
cording to tradition, in a burst of gen
erosity he once offered to Carlyle as
a giftChambers' Journal.
Cut Out by Water.
"The popular idea that earthquakes
and volcanic explosions played a part
In forming the Grand Canyon of the
Colorado river," says Professor A. R.
Crook, "is without foundation. It
was cut out entirely by the water of
the river, and the most effective tool
employed was the quartz sand brought
down from the sources of the river in
the mountains. This sand is harder
than any of the constituents of the
rock strata in which the canyon has
been carved. Hurled by the swift wa
ter against the sides and the bed of
the stream, it cuts the rock as easily
as a file cuts soft iron."
"Temperance" Intemperance.
Always mitigate your tendency to
excessive tea or excessive coffee
There Is a very bad kind of drunken
ness of both, whose symptoms are dys
pepsia, unrest and visions. Excess Is
here as a possibility, Just as It is a pos
sibility with alcohol. Alcoholic excess
leads to the police court now and then.
Excess as to tea and coffee has no
aftermath of lapse of respectability,
but has most certainly a direct per
sonal aftermath of nerves and disas
trous healthDr. Dabbs In C. B. Fry'g
Followed Directions Strictly.
"A young widow was consulting a
tombstone maker about her husband's
tomb," said a clergyman. "She ended
the discussion with:
'And I want it to say, "To My Hus-
band," in an appropriate place, Mr.
'All right, ma'am,' Slab answered.
"And the tombstone when it was put
up said: 'To My Husband. In an Appropri
ate Place.'"
No Use.
GuestThese eggs are rather flavory.
Pretty WaitressTearcawfy? Guest
These eggsthey're not quite Pretty
Waitress (to another pretty waitress
who is passing)Dick was in last
night He asked after you. (To guest)
Did you say tearcawfy? Guest (gloom
ily)Coffee.New Orleans Times-Dem
In Doubt.
"Her husband left her a fortune on
condition that she shouldn't marry
again, and you say she isn't satisfied?"
'No. She can't make out whether it
means Jealousy or revenge."Detroit
The Modesty of Women
Naturally makes them shrink from the
Indelicate questions, the obnoxious ex
aminations, and unpleasant local treat
ments, which some physicians consider
essential in the treatment of diseases of
women. Yet, if help can be had, it is
better to submit to this ordeal than let
the disease grow and spread. The trouble
Is that so often the woman undergoes all
the annoyance and shame for nothing.
Thonsandsxrf women who have been
cured ov Dr. Bterce's Favorite Piescrip
tlon write. In inpreciatlo of the cure
which disiMl!sSsfch the examinations
and local treatmentsfr^There la no Qtfher
medicine so_sur and aafa for d*"^
itojnen as"^y
cures debilitating drains, irregularity and
female weakness. It always helps. It
almost always cures. It is strictly non
alcoholic, non secret, all Its ingredients
being printed on its bottle-wrapper con
tains no deleterious or habit-forming
drugs, and every native medicinal root
entering into its composition has the full
endorsement of those most eminent in the
several schools of medical practice. Some
of these numerous and strongest of pro
fessional endorsements of its ingredients,
will be found in a pamphlet wrapped
around the bottle, also in a booklet mailed
free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of
jRatfalo, N. Y. These professional en
tdftsements should have far more weight
&an any amount of the ordinary lay, or
igm-professional testimonials.
The most intelllgenfrwomen now-a-days
llWtot on knowing what they take as med
icine instead of opening their mouths like
a lot of young birds and gulping down
whatever is offered them. "Favorite Pre
scription" iS Of KNOWN COMPOSITION. It
makes weak women strong and sick
women well.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent free
per-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound.
If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge
by letter. All such communications are
held sacredly confidential.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate
and regulate stomach, liver and bowels.
"sT" Vf?
New Boats Will Make Trip Pram New
York In Two Days.
New York, March 2.The Tribune
Bays that according to private cable
advices received here from Havana
Charles W. Morse, who is now in
Cuba, has become enthusiastic over
the development of the island and
promises to build up a great passen
ger and freight service between New
York, Havana and other Cuban ports
He hopes to put into service within a
year two fast turbine steamers, which
will make the trip between New York
and Havana in two days, which is
one-half the time now consumed.
Aside from the traffic improvements
Mr. Morse will take up building In
Havana a hotel which he says will
equal any resort In the world.
"I am confident after my brief visit
here," Mr Morse said in Havana,
"that better facilities for docking
must be made. The inconvenience
and expense necessitated by the light
erage of freight might be endured by
the company, but passengers will not*
submit to things where they are per
sonally inconvenienced. I Intend to
construct wharves where steamers
can land their passengers, and in time
I promise that Cuba will be the real
Mecca for tourists."
Before returning to New York Mr.
Morse and his party will go to Mexico
and visit several of the ports where
his steamers touch.
Rock Island Train Derailed.
Enid, Okla., March 2Northbound
Rock Island passenger train No. 12
ran into an open switch here and was
derailed. Fireman William Davis of
Chickasha, I. T, was killed and sev
eral passengers were Injured, none
Chicago, March 2The hunt for
the man who stole $173,000 from the
Chicago sub-treasury continues.
John E. Wilkle, chief of the United
States secret service, who arrived
here Thursday and took personal
charge of the case, strongly Intimates
that suspicions have concentrated on
one man, whose name has already
been mentioned in connection with the
gigantic theft, but the officials were
not yet ready for an arrest.
Chief Wilkie said this suspected
man might have had one or several
accomplices, who expected to profit by
the theft, but his theory was that one
man had taken the money.
Four men were put through a
searching examination by Chief Wil
kie in the office of Captain Thomas I.
Porter, chief of the local secret serv
ice bureau. The men questioned were
Arthur R. Boal, currency clerk and a
nephew of Cashier Frank C. Russell
Henry S. Lock, assistant assorting
teller, who has succeeded George W.
Fitzgerald as assorting teller John
M. Rogers, paying teller, and Frank
J. Walsh, currency clerk.
With the exception of George W.
Fitzgerald, the assorting teller from
whose cage the money disappeared,
these four men are believed to be in a
better position than any other em
ployes or officials of the sub-treasury
to throw light on the manner In which
the thief could have secured the
money. They were nearest the Fitz
gerald cage. Fitzgerald, who is being
kept under surveillance, will be ex
amined later.
California Legislature Curtails Prop
erty Rights of Aliens.
Sacramento, Cal., March 2.The
lower house in California has taken
action on the Oriental question. It
has passed a bill introduced by As
semblyman Drew of Fresno.
The bill is known as the "anti-alien
property holding bill. It is aimed at
the Japanese and Chinese property
owners in this state and is intended
to prevent them from acquiring and
owning property for a longer period
than five years.
The bill provides that any alien who
does not become a citizen of the Unit
ed States shall not acquire and hold
title to lands in this state for more
than five years. If within that time
the alien does not become a citizen
the district attorney shall compel the
sale of his lands or houses.
Japanese and Chinese are not spe
cifically named, but as they cannot
become citizens the bill is aimed di
rectly at them.
The measure also provides that no
contract, agreement or lease of real
estate for a longer period than one
year shall be made by any alien.
Storm Levels Telegraph Wires.
La Crosse, Wis., March 2.A heavy
storm of sleet, raging for twelve hours,
ha* broken down the telegraph wires
of the railways centering here. East
and north of La Crosse freight traffic
has been suspended, while passenger
trains are being operated slowly and
with difficulty In the yards the tracks
are under water, adding a further ele
ment of danger to the fast trains.
Steamer Corona Ashore.
San Francisco, March 2.The Mer
chants' Exchange has received a mes
sage from Eureka to the effect that
the steamer Corona, which left here
Thursday, is ashore at the entrance
of Humboldt bay. The Corona was
commanded by Captain Boyd and took
ninety-five passengers from here.
's & ?te&UBF$-&.<s iM^^^
New York, March 2.District At
torney Jeiome's intention of applying
for a commission in lunacy to exam
ine Harry K. Thaw seemed to be defi
nitely established during the continu
ance of his cross-examination of Dr.
B. D. Evans, the principal medical ex
pert for the defense.
Mr. Jerome during his examination
constantly referred to the subject of
paranoia, but was unable to secure
from the witness any admission that
would tend to show Thaw a paranoic.
By this line of questioning it seems
probable that the prosecution will at
tempt to show that instead of being
afflicted with the insanity of adoles
oence Thaw is actually a paranoic.
During the course of his cross-ex
amination by Mr. Jerome Dr. Evans
definitely stated that at the time
Thaw shot and killed Stanford White
he was insane, suffering an explosive
outbreak of adolescent insanity. Dr.
Evans said cases of adolescent insan
ity had been known to clear up over
Dr. Evans declared various out
breaks did not suggest paranoia in
that they all differ. In writing the
will Thaw seemed to fear for his life
at other times he indicated simple
melancholia and at last there was the
explosive outbreak on the Madison
Square Roof Garden. These vari
ances, the expert asserted, were in
dicative of insanity of the adolescent
period, but there was no fixed form as
in paranoia.
During the morning session Thaw
asked and received permission to
leave the courtroom. When he got
into the prisoner's pen it is said he
told his guard that he merely wanted
to stretch himself and get some exer
cise. He waved his arms somewhat
violently and walked rapidly up and
down. District Attorney Jerome was
informed of what had occurred.
Thaw's Latest Act of Value to the
New York, March 2.What effect
will the statement JuBt issued by
Harry K. Thaw have on his trial?
This is the question which is calling
forth much speculation on the part of
followers of the case. It is said that
Thaw's lawyers did their best to con
vince him that it was bad policy to
issue the statement and only consent
ed when he insisted that he be al
lowed to do so.
Now the question is, what will the
district attorney do about it? There
are many who believe that Mr. Je
rome will seek to put this statement
la evidence and use it to show that
Thaw is still insane. Whether he will
attempt to put it before the jury and.
If he does, whether he will be able to
get it in, are questions which can only
be answered in the future. The indi
cations, however, are that Mr. Jerome
will overlook no chanoe to show that
Thaw is now insane so as to take the
ease from the jury and send Thaw to
the asylum for the criminally insane
at Matteawan.
In the statement, which he gave to
the newspaper men in court, Thaw
accused District Attorney Jerome of
having made unprofessional remarks
in court, asserted that his wife's testi
mony was absolutely true and in con
clusion declared that Mrs. Thaw's
"natural and real goodness" was above
the comprehension of the prosecuting
Swindlers Secure Nioe Sum by 8imple
Minneapolis, March 2.Swindlers
mulcted the Hennepin County Savings
bank of $2,500 by a clever, yet simple
Michael J. Shelley, vice president of
the Crystal Lake Ice company, had a
deposit of several thousands of dol
lars in the bank. Some one tele
phoned the bank, representing that he
was Mr. Shelley, saying he would send
a boy with a check for $2,500 and ask
ing that the check be cashed in bills
of large denomination. Shortly after
ward a boy appeared with the check
and was handed $2,500.
Mr. Shelley says the check is a
forgery and that he never telephoned
any message about it to the bank.
Cenvleted of Distributing Immoral
Chicago, March 2.Attorney Will
lam J. Oby of Cleveland has been sen
tenced by Judge Landis in the United
States district court to one year in
the house of correction.
Oby was formerly connected with
the Canton Rubber company of Can
ton, O. Last December he was in
dicted on a charge of distributing im
moral literature through the mails.
Edwin Davis and Robert O. Bradley,
officers of the rubber company, were
last December given the same sen
tence as that meted out to Oby,r's?
Get Your Office Supplies at the Bemidji Pioneer Office
Most Complete Stock West of Duluth
Blank Books, Ledgers, Journals, Etc., Stationery, Christinas Stickers, 1907 Diaries, Typewriter Paper, Scrap Books, Lead Pencils, Pens, Holders, Ink Wells, Etc. Rubber Stamps and Pads, Fountain Pens, Letter Copy Books, Paper Clips and Fasteners, Rubber Bands, Letter Files, Invoices, Typewriter Supplies, Postal Scales,
Legal flanks, Copy Holders, Calendar Pads, Document Files, Note Books, Time Books, Scale Report Books, Trial Balanoe Books, Rulers, Erasers, Kneaded Rubber Squares, Township Plats in book form, Fine quality colored Blotters, Letter Copy Presses, Waste Paper Baskets, Rubber Type Outfits, Staplers, Paper Knives, &o
Shaw and Hitchcock Say Farewell to
Cabinet Associates.
Washington, March 2.The day's
cabinet meeting was in the nature of
a farewell to two of its members,
who, on next Monday, retire to private
life, they being Secretary of the Treas
ury Shaw and Secretary of the In
terior Hitchcock. The former will be
succeeded by Postmaster General
Cortelyou and the latter by Commis
sioner of Corporations Garfield. This
was the last meeting of the cabinet
as at present constituted. Another
addition: to the cabinet will be former
Ambassador to Russia George Von L.
Meyer, who succeeds to the postmas
ter generalship.
With the retirement of Secretary
Hitchcock Secretary Wilson of the de
partment of agriculture will be the
only member of the late President
McKlnley's cabinet who has remained
consecutively in that of the present
chief executive. Secretary of State
Root was a member of President Mc
Klnley's cabinet, but he retired Jan.
31, 1904, after having served two
years in Mr. Roosevelt's first cabinet.
Washington, Ark., Swept by Destruc
tive Tornado.
Hope, Ark., March 2.A destructive
tornado struck the town of Washing
ton and almost literally wiped it out
of existence. Two negroes are report
ed killed and several persons were in
jured. Among the buildings destroyed
were the Presbyterian church, Epis
copal church, Judge W. Y. Ritter's
residence, T. W. Williams' store, the
residence of Sheriff Wilson and other
structures. All wires are down.
Chicago, March 2.Arbitration was
offered during the day by the railroad
managers as a means to avert a great
strike in the event of an unfavorable
vote by the trainmen and conductors
on the proposition made by the rail
Whether this plan will ultimately
be accepted by the employes involved
none of the officers of the organiza
tion would say. It is declared by the
latter to be practically certain, how
ever, that the wage proposition of the
railways will not be accepted by the
men and that the strike vote will be
carried by a large majority.
The railway magnates now call it a
trap through an understanding which
was reached when the negotiations
opened. It is claimed that the men
on one system cannot accept any set
tlement until the questions involved
are disposed of satisfactorily to the
men on the forty-two systems which
took part in the conference.
Street Car Men Get More Pay but No
Shorter Hours,
San Francisco, March 2.The board
of arbitration of the differences be
tween the United Railroads and its
employes has made public its decision.
There are two opinions. The major
ity opinion, signed by Chief Justice
Beatty of the state supreme court and
Major McLaughlin, who was named as
a member of the board by the United
Railroads, finds that the car men are
entitled to an increase of wages
amounting to about 20 per cent, but
refuses the men's demand for an
eight-hour day. Electrical workers,
stationary firemen and construction
workers were given practically the in
creases that were asked and a reduc
tion in hours.
Rev. P. C. Yorke, who represented
the employes, made a minority report
favoring an eight-hour day for the car
Former Killed in Effort to Save His
Chicago, March 2.In an attempt
to save the life of his son Michael,
eight years old, John Nolls, forty
eight years old, a teamster, was killed
by a passenger train.
The boy was standing on the track
as the train approached. His father
ran to him and had just grasped his
son's arm when the train struck them.
Nolls was thrown on top of his son
and the train passed over them.
When railroad employes reached
them they were unconscious. The
father died on the way to a hospital.
The son is said by physicians to be in
a serious condition.
Dutch Mail Steamer Ashore.
Flushing, Holland, March 2.The
Dutch mail steamer Koningen Wilhel
mina, from Queensborough, Eng., went
ashore during a thick fog on a dyke
eastward of the entrance of the har
bor. The passengers and mails were
landed and the vessel is expected to
float at high water. There were ninety
passengers on board.
Fine School Building Destroyed.
Pittsburg, March 2.One fireman
was seriously injured and five others
slightly hurt at a fire in Allegheny
which completely destroyed the Fifth
ward school building, a three-story
structure valued at $150,000. The
school building was one of the finest
in Allegheny and was attended by
1,500 pupils.
OF 154 TO 161.
Washington, March 2.The house
defeated the compromise ship subsidy
bill by a vote of 154 to 161 after dis
posing of numerous amendments. The
provisions for subsidizing fast steam
er lines from San Francisco and Pu
get sound to the Orient were first
stricken out. The provision for a line
from the Gulf ports to the isthmus of
Panama met the same fate, as did the
clause providing for a line from the
Pacific coast via Hawaii and the Sa
moan islands to Australasia. An
amendment offered by Mr. Fordney of
Michigan, reducing the subsidy for a
mail service from the Atlantic coast
to Buenos Ayres from $400,000 to
$266,000, was defeated by a vote of
114 to 140.
Ten minutes before the hour of 3
was reached, at which time a final
vote was to be taken on the bill, the
Republicans, under the lead of Mr.
Littauer and Mr Payne of New York,
began a filibuster order to prevent
Mr. Fordney of Michigan offering a
substitute bill based on tonnage sub
sidy. The filibuster was successful
and the vote on the passage of the bill
was taken.
Harriman May Not Be Compelled to
Answer Questions.
New York, March 2-E. H. Harri
man, the chief witness at the inter
state commerce commission hearing
held here this week, has gone out of
town for a vacation. Mr. Harriman
has gone to Virginia, but for just how
long coaid not be learned.
Several of the interstate commerce
commissioners, now that the inquiry
into the Harriman railroad properties
has closed, have returned to Washing
ton There will be a conference in
Washington in a few days to decide
whether the supreme court will be
asked to compel Mr. Harriman to
answer some of the questions to which
he refused to reply. Some of the com
missioners, however, are of the opin
ion that this is not necessary and that
the testimony as given was ample.
Messrs. Kellogg and Severance,
counsel for the government in the in
quiry, will join members of the com
mission in Washington to confer about
the report to be made. They declined
to give any statement as to what they
regarded the most important revela
tion in the inquiry.
Another Serious Wreck on the Balti
more and Ohio.
Connellsville, Pa., March 2.Balti-
more and Ohio train No. 49, west
bound, running eighteen minutes late
and forty miles an hour, was wrecked
near Indian Creek.
The entire train, consisting of a
combination smoking and baggage car,
two day coaches and the private car
of Robert J. Finney, superintendent of
the Pittsburg division of the road,
left the rails and after running 200
feet along the ties was thrown into a
ditch at the foot of the mountains,
where the wreckage was completely
The engineer was burned to death,
the fireman fatally Injured and the
baggage master, express messenger,
conductor and six passengers were
seriously injured. About thirty pas
sengers were more or less cut and
South Dakota Senators Reach Agree
ment on Matter.
Washington, March 2.The South
Dakota senators have reached an
agreement concerning the nomination
of J. D. Elliott to be United States
attorney for the district of South Da
kota. The nomination was reported
adversely from the committee on ju
diciary because of opposition from
Senator Kittredge, but he has agreed
not to press the adverse report to the
point of having the nomination reject
ed in the event assurance is given
that President Roosevelt will not give
Mr. Elliott a recess appointment after
March 4. That assurance has been
Senate Passes Alcohol Bill.
Washington, March 2.A vote of 47
to 16 defeated the committee amend
ment to the denatured alcohol bill re
quiring the presence of a government
agent during the process of manufac
ture in the senate. The bill then
passed by a vote of 65 to 1. The neg
ative vote was cast by Senator Pettus.
Regarding Congo Concessions.
Washington, March 2.Senator
Morgan has reported favorably from
the committee on foreign relations
his resolution calling on the president
for information as to any concessions
Americans may have received from
King Leopold for the gathering of in
diarubber in the Congo Free State.
Oliver Iron Company Directors Adopt
Duluth, March 2T F. Cole, pres
ident of the Oliver Iron Mining com
pany, has returned from New York
and it is learned that as a result of
the united efforts of the officers of
the Steel corporation located in the
Northwest the finance committee of
the United States Steel corporation
on Feb. 19 unanimously adopted the
following resolution.
"Resolved, That it Is the sense of
this committee that a substantial
plant for manufacture of iron and
steel be constructed and operated in
the vicinity of Duluth, provided it i
practical and will be reasonably profit
able and
"Resolved, further, That the sub
ject matter be referred to a special
committee consisting of Messrs. Gary,
Corey, Perkins and Frick to make an
exhaustive study of the question and
to report facts at their earliest con
venience to this committee."
The special committee has appoint
ed experts to visit Duluth and make
thorough examination of the whole
subject and they are expected here
early next week.
Grandson of Minnesota's War Gov
ernor the Lucky Man.
St Joseph, Mo, March 2.Miss
Berenice Wyeth, reputed to be the
richest girl of this city, and Alexan
der Ramsey Furness, a railroad clerk,
who formerlv lived in St Paul, Minn,
were married here The bride is a
granddaughter of the late William M.
Wyeth, founder of the Wveth Hard
ware and Manufacturing company of
St Joseph and is a niece of Huston
Wyeth, present head of that institu
tion Her grandfather left her a large
fortune in her own right and she will
inheiit a fortune from her grand
mother Miss Wyeth's wealth is esti
mated at from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000
Mr. Furness came here a few months
ago and obtained a position in the
offices of the Chicago Great Western.
He is a grandson of Alexander Ram
sey, Minnesota's former war governor.
Pleads Guilty to Embezzlement.
Washington, March 2Charles W
McWhorters, formerly assistant cash
ier in the city pos*office in this city,
indicted for embezzlement in the sum
of $10,000, entered a plea of guilty in
the criminal court He was sentenced
to one year and one day in the peni
Charles Bortram, one of the best
known conjurers in Europe, is dead in
The Indiana supreme court has de
clared unconstitutional the employers'
liability act except wherein it applies
to railroads
Orson Munn, head of Munn &
Co, publishers of the Scientific Amer
ican, is dead in New York city, aged
The Hardman Rubber company's
plant at Belleville, N. was de
stroyed by fire Fi iday, Involving "an
estimated loss of $250,000.
Wilhelm Rapp, editor-in-chief of the
Illinois Staats Zeitung and said to be
the oldest German editor in the Unit
ed States, is dead at Chicago
Work shortly will be begun at the
West Milwaukee shops of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway
on 3,000 steel under frame box cars
to be built at a cost of something
over $3,000,000.
Rosina Brandram, who was prin
cipal contralto of the Savoy theater in
London, is dead Miss Brandram cre
ated all the more notable contralto
parts since the Gilbert and Sullivan
series after "Iolanthe
The Y. M. C. A building at Utica,
N. Y., was completely destroyed by
fire Friday. The loss will be upwards
of $150,000 A clothing store, music
store and plumbing establishment lo
cated on the ground floor were also
Minneapolis Wheat.
Minneapolis, March 1.Wheat
May, 78%@78"%c July, 79%c Sept.,
77%c. On trackNo. 1 hard, 80%
81%o No. 1 Northern, 79%@80%c
No. 2 Northern, 77%@77%c No. 3
Northern, 74@75c.
St. Paul Union Stock Yards.
St. Paul, March 1.CattleGood to
choice steers, $5 50@6 25 common to
good, [email protected] good to choice cows
and heifers, $3.50@4 75 veals, $4 50
5.75. Hogs$6 65 6 75. SheepWeth
ers, [email protected] good to prime lambs,
$6.50@7 20.
Duluth Wheat and Flax.
Duluth, March 1.WheatTo arrive
and on trackNo. 1 hard, 80%c No.
I Northern, 79%c, No. 2 Northern,
i*7%c May, 79%c July, 80%c, Sept.,
78c. FlaxTo arrive and on track,
$1.20% May. $1.21% July, $122%
Oct., $1.1S%.
Chicago Grain and Provisions.
Chicago, March 1.WheatMay,
76%c July, 77%c. CornMay, 47%
@47%c July, 46%c. OatsMay, 12%
@42%c July, 37%@37%c. Pork
May, $16.35 July, $16.47%. Butter
Creameries, 22@31%c dairies, 20@
30c. Eggs20@20%c PoultryTur
keys, 10c chickens and springs, lie.
Chicago Union Stock Yards.
'^Chicago, March 1CattleBeeves,
[email protected] cows and heifers, $1 60@
5.25 stockers and feeders, $2.55@
4,8& Texans, [email protected] calves, $6.00
@7.50. HogsMixed and butchers,
$6.807.02% good heavy, $6.97%@
7.05 rough heavy, [email protected] light,
[email protected] pigs, [email protected]. Sheep,
$3.60(8)6.00 lambs, [email protected].|g
Washington, March 2.Official ad
vices leceived by the state depart
ment are to the effect that the -fight
ing in Central America has become
more general, with Nicaragua bearing
the brunt of a three cornered conflict.
There has been constant fighting be
tween the forces of Nicaragua and
Honduras, in which Nicaragua is
stated to have won the preliminary
Great public enthusiasm and confi
dence exists in Nicaragua, particu
larly on account of the aggressions of
Salvador, which is lending aid to Hon
duras Nicaragua is preparing to re
sist this interference, which is taken
here to mean that an Invasion of Sal
vador is in prospect.
Lowest Bidder for Canal Contract
Threatens Legal Action.
Washington, March 2.William J.
Oliver, Jr of Knoxville, Tenn., called
at the office of the isthmian canal
commission and received from Mr.
Rogers, the commission's counsel, the
certified check for $200,000 which was
submitted at the time Mr. Oliver pre
sented his bid for constructing the
Panama canal on a percentage basis.
Mr. Oliver left the building without
making any complaint or lodging any
protest against the action of the pres
ident in rejecting the proposals for
constructing the canal. He stated that
pending the arrival Washington of
his counsel, Judge Morgan J. O'Brien
of New York, who is now on his way
here, he would withhold from publica
tion the statement that he intended
to give out He also intimated it was
possible that he would find some way
of bringing legal action against the
government to recompense him for
the loss he has sustained in connec
tion with the preparation of his bids.
Western Railroad Attorneys Hold Con
ference at Chicago.
Chicago, March 2.The Western
railroads have determined to fight in
the courts all state laws making 2
cents a mile the maximum passenger
rate. Attorneys of several of the larg
est roads held a conference here with
a view to ha\ms| all roads pursue the
same policy as to litigation over the
2 cents a mile rate.
The plan now generally favored is
to ask the courts to restrain the en
forcement of the law on the ground
that a rate of 2 cents a mile would
cause the railroads a heavy loss and
in many cases would require them to
run trains at less than the actual op
erating expenses, regardless of the
fixed charges, taxes and other obliga
tions of the roads, of which they
claim the passenger traffic should as
sume a share
Denounce Texas Senator in Strongest
Austin, Tex., March 2.The after
math of the premature ending of the
investigation of charges against Unit
ed States Senator Joseph W. Bailey
occurred in the house of representa
tives during the afternoon. Represen
tative after representative arose to de
nounce Bailey for the language he had
used in addressing himself to men
who had voted against him.
Senator Bailey's assertions were de
nounced as lies and his language as
indecent and abusive.
In consequence of Senator Bailey's
speech Lieutenant Governor Davidson
and a majority of the minority mem
bership in the house have announced
their candidacy at the next election
and defy Bailey to defeat them.
Germany Offers No Objection to Its
Berlin, March 2.The Associated
Press has been semi-officially informed
that Germany has not offered any ob
jection to the purpose of Great Britain,
to propose that the question of the*
limitation of armaments s^au be~~
placed on the programme of the next
peace conference at The Hague. As
a result of the exchanges of opinions
which have taken place among the.
cabinets on the subject it is further^
understood that no power will oppose
the intention of the British govern
ment in this matter, but it cannot beT:T
forecasted how the several powers^
will treat the subject in the confer-*
ence and it is not yet officially dis-r'
closed in what form Great Britain^
will make her proposal.
Many Killed or Injured.
Los Angeles, Cal., March 2.In th
wreck of a construction train on the
Salt Lake railroad near Leith, Nov-Jf^l^
one man was killed, two were fatally^f^Ji^^
tejured and died later and about fortr^
were seriously hurt. The dead are
Oreek laborers.

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