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The Bemidji daily pioneer. [volume] (Bemidji, Minn.) 1904-1971, December 29, 1914, Image 1

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

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VOLUME 12, NO. 208.
American Press)
*M Berlin, Dec. 29.Today's /^0
reports throw little light on the g.
eral situation, although minor gains
are reported against the Russians in
Poland. There, it is stated, the Ger
man lines have been advanced at a
number of points on fhe lower Vis
tula river.
Petrograd, Dec. 29.Russian 4
4* forces, according to advices re
ceived from Galicia, have sue- -fr
ceeding In crossing the Biala riv- 4
er and in taking possession of
fr a twenty-mile strip of territory
south of Tuchow, thereby sep- -J
arating the two Austrian armies.
The forces of General Boehm
Ermolli, the Austrian com- 4
mander, are reported by the
Russians to be retreating pre
cipitatoly and the Western Aus
trian army is said to be crip
pled severely. $-
London, Dec. 29.The investment
by the Russians of the Austrian fort
ress of Cracow again has been raised,
a Petrograd dispatch says. Following
an attempt made by the Austrians to
divide the Russian forces in Galicia
the Russians retreated eastward fifty
The initiative in military operations
apparently has been left for the time
being to the airmen. Aerial raids
across the English channel to the
Lower Thames, over Freiburg, Nancy,
Metz and Sochaczew, Poland, and on
the German naval base at Cuxhaven,
inflicted considerable damage in the
Details of the Cuxhaven expedition
still are lacking and although Berlin
asserts that the British aviators ac
complished nothing it is said in Ham
burg that some damage was done. It
is evident, however, that the heavy
fog prevented the British from carry
ing out fully their plans.
Activity on land and sea apparently
is diminishing. Even in Russian Po
land the fighting is becoming less se
vere, without a decision having been
reached. Vienna admits that the Aus
trians have been compelled to give
ground before the Galician Carpathi
ans and in Berlin, it is said, the Ger
man attacks along the Bzura river,
west of Warsaw, have ceased. Petro
grad reports only artillery fire in this
North o*the~Vistula river in Poland,
where Mlawa was recaptured by the
Germans last week, the invaders seem
to have made little progress. In South
ern Poland, where the German right
wing joins the Austrian left wing,
there has been some fierce fighting,
with slight gains for the Teutonic
allies, judging from the reports com
ing from Berlin and Vienna.
Allies' Onslaught Checked.
In the western theater of the JV&T
the onslaught of the allies would seem
to have been checked by the counter
attack of the Germans. French troops
during the last three days have made
minor advances, according to the of
ficial statements given out in Paris,
but apparently not at the same rate
of speed as chronicled a fortnight ago.
With the exception of the capture of
certain Anglo-Indian trenches near
the L.ys last week, most of which the
allies claim to have recaptured, the
efforts of the Germans to send back
the allied line appear, in the opinion
of British observers, to have been gem
erally abortive.
The French official statement com
cedes the loss of a section of trenches
at a point south of Ypres, while Ber
lin advices tell of the taking of these
trenches and several dozen prisoners.
The French claim advances in Bel
gium have brought the allies to the
foot of the sand dunes west of Lom
baertzyde, on which the Germans
have established their line of resist
In the region of Lems, the French
say, 800 yards of first line trenches
were occupied. Artillery fighting in
the region of the Aisne and in Cham
pagne, particularly around Rheims and
Perthes, is chronicled. The French
claim progress on the heights of the
Meuse and the repulse of a German
counter attack to the northwest of
Steinbach, in Upper Alsace.
In the Vosges the Germans bom
barded the railroad station of St. Die.
Berlin claims repulses of attacks
northwest of Arras, southeast of Ver
dun and west of Senheim, and says
the naval bombardment of German
positions on the coast resulted in the
killing of several inhabitants of West
Mild weather is impeding the prog'
resa of heavy guns.
London, Dec. 29."The raid of Brit
ish warships and aeroplanes upon
the German naval base and the drop
ping of bombs upon Cuxhaven may be
regarded as England's answer to the
threats of Sdmiral von Tirpitz."
This was the statement of a gov
ernment official here. All England is
elated as a result of the success of
the British squadron in entering the
waters of the heretofore dreaded Hel
goland. It is generally believed that
the bombs dropped by the naval avia
tors did more damage than the Ger
mans'care to admit.
"Von Tirpitz threatened with words
to attempt to starve out England by
establishing a submarine patrol and
torpedoing, merchant ships," the offi
cial declared. "Deeds are better than
words. The raid made upon Cuxha
veil speaks for itself."
P.ead the Pioneer want ads
ttiy&4 4rf$te&&','
Kaiter's Second Son Is Being
Urged for Throne of Hungary.
The candidature of Prince Eitel
Friedrich, second son of the kaiser,
for the throne of Hungary is certainly
being -energetically pushed by Ger
many I
abo gary that the nameu Eitelu is merely
the modern form of Attila. This
naturally, according to German rea
soning, marks out the holder of the
name as hereditary claimant to the
independent throne which, it is fore
casted, will be one of the results of
this war for Hungary.
Minneapolis Independents to Meet
''Big Bemidg" on Armory Basket
ball Floor This Evening.
"Big Bemidg" will meet one of the ket conditions.
state's best basketball quints when
the Minneapolis Independents play
General Scott Reaches Agreement With
Mexican Factions.
Washington, Dec. 29.The plan pro
posed by Brigadier General Hugh L.
Scott, chief of staff United States
army, for the prevention of firing into
American territory along the Mexican
border has been agreed to by all fac
tions, according to an unofficial word
received by Secretary Bryan.
It provides that General Hill of the
Carranza forces should abandon Naco
and be permitted to go unmolested to
Agua Prieta. General Maytorena,
who has withdrawn his forces south
ward from Naco, would agree not tc
occupy Naco. Sonora would thence
forth become absolutely neutral.
Sheriff in St. Paul
Andrew Johnson, sheriff of Bel
trami county, is spending today in St.
Paul on official matters.
BornTo Mr. and Mrs. Otto John
son, last evening, a son. Mr. Johnson
is in charge of the school farm.
For motorists who smoke, a new
"-lit.' -ft, a_ Wf
Julian Peterson, Bemidji Boy, to Be
Its Cashier.
With Julian Peterson, a former Be
midji boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pet
erson, jr., as its cashier, the State
Bank of Spooner will open its doors
en the first day of January. The
bank ir organized with a capital of
$10,000, and Julian, at present with
the Spooner Security State bank,
which is moving to Baudette, is to
be the cashier of the hew institution.
He is the principal stockholder, and
his brother Garnet and .other citizens
of International Falls and a number
of Spooner citizens, also have stock
in it.
Expected That This City Will Be Rep
resented at Meeting Held to Organ
ize Potato Growers' Association.
When the University Farm confer
ence is called at St. Paul on January
7, the purpose being to organize a
State Potato Growers' association,
Bemidji will be represented, it is ex
Bueford M. Gile, the Bemidji ag
riculturist, who has been in com
munication with R. S. Mackintosh,
special committee chairman, today
received a letter in which he was
asked to name a list of Bemidji busi
ness men and farmers who are Inter
ested in the proposition that infor
mation and programs concerning the
conference might be sent them.
Potato problems will be discussed
at the meeting, and the advisability
of the organization of a growers' as
sociation, similar to the one now in
operation in Wisconsin, will be
brought up. The neighboring state
association has done much during the
past three years toward the standard
izing of the potato crop and is now
working on the establishment of
proper grades that will suit the mar-
at the Armory this evening. The
x.. the meeting.
visitors are making a tour of the
state, playing only organizations
which have claims on the cnampion^rWJFFRAGE FORCES .GATHER
ship and figure on returning to the
Mill City with the distinction of hav
ing eliminated the local boys from
the race for the national champion
Comprised entirely of players
who have university and college
reputations, the Independents will
present a formidable lineup when
they tackle the Bemidji five.
But with the championship as their
goal the local athletes will enter the
contest with a determination to win,
and if greeted by defeat it will follow
one of the hardest fought contests
ever played here.
"Big Bemidg" continues to be
mentioned as one of the nation's
leading basketball teams by twin
city papers and is regarded as pos
sessing a splendid opportunity to
land the title.
electric torch is equipped with a ci- can be made has been discovered in
gar lighter in one side. the Philippines.
the potat here is of
tindustrfarmer, the it is
urged that Bemidji be represented at
Many Prominent Women to Watch
Debate in Congress.
Washington, Dec. 29.-The fight in
behalf of the adoption by congress of
a constitutional amendment tb extend
suffrage to women took on additional
interest with the arrival here of many
prominent woman suffragists. They
plan to be on hand during the debate
in the house on the proposed amend
ment and to attend the annual meet
ing of the congressional union foi
woman suffrage on Jan. 10.
Chairman Henry of the house rules
committee plans to report a rule to
provide for discussion on a resolution
on submiasion of the proposed consti
tutional amendment to the state legis
latures within a few days.
The suffrage fight in the house is
expected to rival in interest the con
test over the prohibition constitution
al amendment.
East Grand Forks Buildings Proposed
for Saloons Are Burned.
East Grand Forks, Minn., Dec. 29.
A |90,000 fire loss was suffered here
when five buildings adjoining the prin
cipal pedestrian bridge across Red
river were destroyed. The fire was
caused by an overheated furnace.
Part of the bridge connecting Grand
Forks and East Grand Forks also was
The buildings destroyed have long
been in controversy in a local faction
al fight, the East Grand Forks cotmcil
having refused to grant saKpon' li
censes to occupants of the structures.
Brother is 111 '%t.'~.
Miss Elizabeth Murphy, deputy
register of deeds, and her brother
James, were called to Baudette by
the serious illness of their brother
John, last evening. John is a Koo
chiching county homesteader and was
taken to Baudette following a serious
attack of appendicitis. His condi
tion is critical.
Rock from which Portland cement
TO ttf tt ACRES
Auditor Iverson, in Last Official Re
port, Says Minnesota Deserves
Much Land on Federal Patent.
Have Cost $13,697,00ran Benefited
7,182,000 AcresAsks Legislature
Ta Protjde Survey.
There is no problem of the state's
development more Important than
that of drainage and the fact that
reclamation in JBeltrami county is
fitting for agriculture such a vast
number of acres, makes it doubly in
teresting here.'- According to Sam
uel G. Iverson, in his last official re
port as state auditor,. Minnesota, a
pioneer in the matter of state drain
age operations, expended $13,697,000
in the construction of 10,100 miles
of. drainage' ditches
cfor the reclama-
tion of 7,182,000 fp-es of fertile land.
After serving twelve yearsms audi
tor and eight yearji as deputy auditor
and four years asf accountant in the
office, Mr. Iverson* retires January 4,
at which time he^will complete thir
ty-four years of public service, cov
ering in addition!" to the positions
named, six years as postmaster of
Rushford and four years as deputy
state treasurer^ 3 JL,*y
Asks ^Survey.
In- his closing- message he urges
the legislature to provide a complete
survey of the lakes in the iron ranges
to obtain permanent evidence for fu
ture use to provide* that the removal
of ore under lake beds without au
thority from the state shall constitute
a crime to prohibit the draining of
any lake without-Authority from the
state to make arrangements for the
mining of ore beds under meander
ing lakes. This matteer he declares
to be of extraordinary importance,
for, in his opinion, the value of such
ore deposits will run into tens of mil
lions of dollars.
Has Bight to 65,000 Acres.
Mr. Iverson devotes considerable
space to a discussion of the swamp
land grants by the federal govern
ment. He says that according to
government records*Mtoiiesot is en
titled to federal patent^bn" "6~5,0*0b
acres. The federal government, he
further declares, erred in conveying
swamp lands to railroads and tracts
aggregating 1,156,585 acres to home
steaders. While it would be impos
sible to obtain these precise lands, he
urges that steps be taken to induce
the federal government to give other
lands in their place. Furthermore,
the state, in his opinion, is entitled
to 24,100 acres of swamp land on
the White Earth reservation and
about 25*000 acres on the Mississippi
Chippewa reservation.
The controversy between the state
and the interior department over the
possession of lands on the Indian res
ervations has been in progress for
eleven years with such success on the
part of the state that Minnesota has
obtained patents to 121,599 acres.
The remainder should be obtained
without delay, he contends.
State Receipts $22,680,208.
The total receipts of the state for
1914 were $22,680,208, of which
57,100,000 was derived from direct
taxation, $9,081,000 from gross earn
ings taxes and miscellaneous sources
and the remainder from the sale of
state lands, and timber, iron ore roy
alties and the sale of certificates of
The investments of permanent trust
funds of the state, namely, the per
manent school fund, the permanent
university fund, the swamp land
fund and the international improve
ment fund on August 1, aggregated
$30,-923,996 and are growing rapid
ly. The increase for 1914, for in
stance, was about $3,500,000.
^Although the finances of the state
are reported in excellent condition,
Mr. Iverson urges the state to lead in
economy as the figures of his office
show that not only the state but the
municipalities are- increasing their
More Cattle Will Be Sent to St. Paul
S Market By Farmers.
For the third time during the past
several weeks a car of cattle will be
sent to the St. Paul stock yards by
Bemidji farmers next Saturday
Bueford M. Gile, who superintends
the shipments, as the representative
of the Business Men's association, an
nounced this morning that there is
still room for several more head and
urges that others who desire to in
clude cattle so notify him at once.
W. 6. Schroeder will accompany the
car to St. Paul. Sales of other cars
brought the farmers more than
Great Northern Moves to Prevent the
Restoration of Duluth-Bemidji
Grand Forks Sunday Train.
of the order.
The railway and the state
ready to argue the appeal on
merits whenever the court sets
expenditures out of reasonable pro-j but beyond that it is time to pause in
portion to the increase in population erecting new buildings. We need a
or assessed valuation. He cites that rousing revival of old fashioned
Election of Officers Will Take Place
This Evening.
With election of officers and other
matters of importance up for set
tlement, it is expected that a large
attendance will be had at the meet
ing of the Bemidji Volunteer Fire
department which will be held in the
council chambers of the City hall this
evening. Because of the basketball
game, announced Scott Stewart, sec
retary of the department, the meeting
will be called to order at 7:45 sharp.
Firemen should remember that the
"ghost" walks tonight.
Assistant Attorney General Edger
yon expects that a decision will be
announced today on the motion
made by the Great Northern rail
way's counsel, M. L. Countryman
Saturday, that the order of the state
railroad and warehouse commissior
directing the restoration of Sunday
passenger service betwleen Duluth,
Bemidji and East Grand Forks, be
stayed until the case can be heard
on its merits in the regular course of
The deputy attorney general, ac
companied by Commissioners Mills,
Elmquist and Jacob3cn appeared be
fore District Judge William Leo
Kelly on the appeal of the railway
from the commissions order. Coun
selor Countryman promptly asked
that the road.be allowed to disre
gard the order as affecting last Sun
day, alleging that as the public could
not have sufficient notice for a re
storation of the service there would
be no patronage. To this the court
Then the railway through its at
torney made the formal motion that
the order be stayed until the appeal
could be decided. The state, through
the deputy attorney general, on be- With Ollie Neilson and Alden Rem-
half of the railroad board and thej'frey as soloists, the December con-
cum'plaifiahts~Tn~TJuluth^ band will be play-
and cities westward to East Grand jf,d in the City hall this evening. The
Forks argued against the holding up program as announced by Director
Read the Review.
On the last page of this issue will
be found a cartoon review of 1914.
The cartoon is the work of "Hop,"
author of the Scoop series and is
worth your inspection. Read the re
view. while in 1914 with double the as
sessed valuation, the average rate was
33.4 mills.
"Since 1866 we have expended up
to July 31, 1914, for new state build
ings the sum of $27,317,885.73. Of
that sum, $14,513,262.72, or more
than half, was expended during the
last ten years. Not parsimony but
intelligent economy is needed. Every
legitimate demand for the wards of
the state should be promptly met,
in 1902 the average rate of taxation economy and the state should lead for picking cotton which can be ear-
throughout the state was 24.3 mills, in this movement." ried on a man's back.
Scoop Is Waiting For Summer For His By
Excellent Program Arranged for
Band Entertainment Which is to
Be Given in City Hall.
Remfrey, is of much excellence and
should prove the best entertainment
its of the winter season,
a Immediately following the concert
a dance will be given, for which a
small admission charge will be made.
There is no charge for the concert
and a large number should be in at
The program follows:
1 MarchTemple of Youth....
2. Medley OvertureBits of Rem
ick's Hits, No. 14 Lampe
3. SerenadeThe Moonbeam's Pale
4. WaltzLeaves of Autumn.
5. Volcal SoloSelected
Ollie Neilson
6. IntermezzoCarnation Johnson
7. IdylIn the Alps Brandt
8 Violin soloSelected
A. Remfrey
9 OvertureThe New Era. .Heed
10. MarchStrong Arm. .Johnson
Stewart's Grocery Equipped With
Modern Vegetable Cooler.
One of the latest model Crystal
Vegetable refrigerators has just been
installed at Stewards grocery. It
is an attractive fixture, being made of
white enameled steel, with large
glass windows.-- There are five alum*
inum shelves, the top one, in which
the ice is kept, being enclosed/ Veg
etables of all kinds are placed^n the
shelves, and the cooled air, together
with the drippings of the ice, keep
the contents in an absolutely fresh
The vacuum principle is used jin a
South Carolina inventor's machine
of Speaker to
i^Wed- New Orleans Editor.
1912. by American Press Association.
The engagement of Miss Genevieve
Clark, daughter of Speaker and
Champ Clark, to James M. Thompson,
editor of the New Orleans Item, is
announced. The wedding will prob
ably take place in the spring or early
summer. Thompson was one of the
leaders in the 1912 fight to nominate
Speaker Clark for president and he
met Mtes Clerk at that time.
Bates Will Soon Be Announced and
Co-operative Movement Will Bring
All Sales During Same Period.
Will Be Given Advantage of Larger
SelectionPlan a Great Success
In Other Cities.
That Bemidji is fast coming to the
front in the retail mercantile busi
ness is evidenced by the fact that its
retail stores have during, the past
year co-operated to such an extent
that they have commanded the. at
tention of the buying public from"far
and near, and as a result are enjoy
ing the distinction of being classed,'
among the leaders in the retail busi
mss of the northwest.
To still further encourage the
confidence of the public they are
making great preparations now for
a tremendous co-operative January
clearance sale, the opening date of
v* hich is to be about January 9. That
such a movement will attract wide
attention is a certainty, and indi
cations are that hundreds of out of
town people will be attracted by an
nouncements to be made by Bemidji
During Same Period.
A January clearance sale is an
which has already been so
strongly impressed upon the public
that it is looked forward to with con
siderable interest. Now on top of
this regularly inaugurated event, our
Bemidji stores come forward with the
startling announcement that instead
of each store conducting its sale en
some certain date, all will unite, up
on a date and hold their sales during
the same period, yet conduct them
This new plan should be of vital
importance to both the consumer and
retailer, as it gives the consumer a
wider range of selection and secures
tor the- retailer a much larger qut
side patronage. The consumer is a)-
so given the advantage of compfj^fr/
tive prices during the sale pewTOv7^A
heretofore unknown and it gives
them positive assurance that Bemidji
merchants will j|o just exactly /jut^-^.
they advertise. In fact, thej^ could
not under the conditions do anything^
A Great Success.
In cities much older than Bemidjr,
where this method of semi-annual
clearance sales are conducted, the
plan has worked out beautifully and
proved advantageous to all interested,
especially the consumer. In fact,
some cities refer to these events as a
semi-annual celebration at which
time free dinners are provided visit
ors who shop at local stores and va
rious forms of entertainment given
during the sale period. The city
streets are decorated with banners
and bunting as well as the store
fronts and windows.
Welcomed by Citizens.
The suggestion of co-operative
semi-annual clearance sales was
made at the last meeting of the Mer
chants' association, but it was not
dreamed that the movement would
be begun this early and the idea will
no doubt be welcomed by our citizens.
The stores which have already sig
nified intention of entering are
O'Leary-Bowser company Schneider
Bros, company clothing store Cftll
Bros, clothing store the Bazaar
store The Leader, and Schneider
Bros, company ready-to-wear store.
Others who believe the plan a good
one are asked to co-operate, as it is
desirable that ai^.jnerchants enter
into this big, booming trading fes
tival.". A-'
Trafton Will Be Shifted From Guard:
to Center in Game
When Bemidji meets the -clever
Minneapolis Independents toiaight
the team will be without the services
of Glenn Peck, center. Peck, who
is one of the quint's most reliable
players and a hard worker, .waa.
injured in practice last evening/ nto^
ankle being sprained. Trafton will
be played at center in the game to
night, being shifted from guard, in
which position he starred in the Lit
tle Falls games of last week, while
Bell and Miller wfll alternate at
guard. It is expected that the change.,,
will not materially weaken^ the
strength of the quint, but will in
terfere with its teamwork, ^Peck
will be able to perform in the St.
Cloud games.
For copying documents a process
has been invented which makes photo
graphs directly on paper without the
use of a negative.

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