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11111*1 8T' fr r* V' MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 22 1918. PERSONALS AND *'& NEWSY NOTES ^^nii Red CroBfl auction sale May 4. 418tf Don't forget .the Red Cross auction ?May 4, -418t $50,000 io loan on" iarms. Dean Land Co. c^ltt Have something to sell, 'g"'auction May 4. Pure white lead and" house paint for sale by at Walker matters. "S" Red Cross 418tf linseed oil P. Barnell 1 mo 429life Mrs. Olive Martin of Turtle River "spent the week-end with friends in -Bemidji. Dr. .J Warnipger spent Saturday Mrs. Hattie Ostrander of -Turtle River visited with Bemidji friends Saturday. One of these nice days you' ought to go to Hakkerup's and have your picture taken. 14tf friends in the city Saturday Quality first profit on our photo Studio. Phone 570-W Mrs. 0. Borden ana Mrs. A. C. ^Rogers of Wilton were among the -out-of-town shoppers in Bemidji Sat urday. Mrs. Eva-Kaiser and family of Northern have gone to Hibbing where they will make their future home. Mrs. John Ziegler and daughter, ^Dorothy, have gone to Tomahawk, Wis., where they were called by the illness of a relative. Mrs. C. L. Hagadon and Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Strand of Tenstrike mo -tored to Bemidji Saturday and spent the day with friends. Mrs. Louis Larson of Isanti, Minn., arrived in the city Saturday and is the uest of her daughter, Mrs. John Hedeen, for a few days. Mrs. C. A. Sprague, Mrs. Anton Schroeder and Mrs. Hattie Daniels of Becida autoed to Bemidji Satur day and spent the day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McLaughlin* Mrs. C. C. Sheperd and, daughter, Lillian, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Black burn of Big Lake spent yesterday at ^he dam. Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Warner, Mrs. Minnie Warner and Miss Mavis Warner of Puposky autoed to Be midji Saturday and attendedto bus! ness matters. _, Roland Fellows, Roland Fellows, Jr., and Misses Aileen Fellows an Florence Schulke of Tenslrike au^ toed to Bemidji yesterday and. at tended the, movies. Mrs. J. H. Laney of Turtle River came to Bemidji- Saturday to meet her daughter, Mrs. Rufus McDonald of Deer Rivtfr,' who will spend the next two weeks at the Laney home. BLUE WBBON EABL tr WILLIAMS DOROTHY KELLY -An "THE MAELSTROM" Who was the Woman? Why did she send the man into the trapt What did the detectives do? Here is mystery for you. ADDED ATTRACTION First Episode of "TheWoman In theWeb"\ A Wonderful Story by Cyrus Townsend Brady, Famous ClergymanAuthor. LADIES FREE] Excepting War Tax 2 Children 10cMen 20 GRAND TONIGHT 7:30 and 9:00 &mmmom a ti 0 attending to (business Miss Alice Huntosh and Misa Eliza at-the Grand theater? tonight. Earje Boobar, teachers at Becida, called on Williams and Dorothy Kelly-are tha -rvs^i- toMVaJfa '-"i 2& i 1 ASS W. R. MaoKentle, formerly of Be midji, now ofi Minneapolis/-is spend ing the day in Bemidji on 'busimesj. Mr. MacKenzie' was the first secre tary and one of the organizers of the Northern Minnesota Development as sociation. -AT THE IHEATERS .ELKO TONIGHT Ip her Jatest Paramount photo play, "Mrs*. Dane's" Dtefense," Pauline Frederick's portrayal of a woman hunted to the last stand, straining every nerve to hide the deceit of her and finally succumbing in a most human way, is a masterpiece and entirely up to her usual high stand ard. "Mrs. Dane's'^ Defense," with a chapter in "The Son of Democracy" .Abraham Lincoln, storyare at ns showing at the Elko thea terC tonight and: tomorrow, Tuesday. GUAM TONIGHT" T)ie chances thai: motion picture actors takeTn attaining realistic ef fects for a .play are graphically il lustrated in "The VMaelstorm,'* the lustrated' in '"Mfe ^Maelstrom," the Greater Vitagraph Blue Ribbon feature which will be the attraction "stars of the piece. An added attraction will be a two-^ then only reasonable reel episode of "The Woman in the Rich Web." Ladies.are to he admitted free, "except payment of the required war tax of two -cents^each. work 29 10th St. 26-430 Can you beat it? A twenty dollar 'two-piece suit made to order for ten dollars. Hoganson Bros., 309 3d st 412tf Jig T^wim^^mwmi)iE& ftptoorrdw and Wednesday, mat inees and evening, thf famous juven ile- entertainers, "TH:e"G*and Winnipeg the theaterKid dies," appeal?/ at'c The'first arrangement was for Tues day only, butHbe management suc ceeded in getting agree to play here Weile8day also', that ev eryone should have^ttfe" opportunity to see these wlihaerfully7 ing cihiltl artists. "entertain REX TONIGHT "The Public Be Damned" is an exceptionally strong'' presentation of, one of the most vital problems of the day and concerns not only everyr individual householder and" person in this country, but also the milliodl of nearly starving peoples on thf. other side of the Great Pond Her bert Hoover, now chief administra-, tor of the food supply of the* United States and head of the American Commission for Belgian Relief, has exposed befpre the United' States Senate the conditions which are the subject of the photoplay. "The Pub lic Be Damned", is coming to the Rex theater tonight. A splendid Christie comedy will also be shown. Norma Talmadee. "By Right of Purchase," Norma Talmadge's current Select Star Series release, which presents her in an emotional society drama of to day, will !be shown here at the Rex theater tomorrow, matinee and eve ning.: To-support Miss Ttalmadge, under the able direction JD{ Charles Miller, who Was with her 1% the pro duction ,o&"Ghbsts of. Yesterday," air unusually high grade cast was as sembled. VBy Right of Purchase'* deals with the most exclusive fashionable life of New York, and Miss Talmadge portrays the role of a society butter* fly who marries a millionaire solely 1 i 7 rrij I "f.ilrfi "f.' ^Bawmr'fr0* for his money, but later comes to, realize bis love for her and to cher ish real affection for him, too. ____ Another Bier Sneotacle.., i A mighty Zeppelin plunging to earth from aloftt. flaming and smok ing like a giant meteor, forms a tre mendous climax in the latest Thomas H. Ince spectacle, "The Zeppelin's Last Raid," to be shown at the Rex theater Thursday and Friday. This production is the initial release of the recently organized U. S. Exhibit ors* Booking Corporation and has oc casioned widespread comment throughout the picture world for its unuBual scenic-effects. S, 8. WORKERS MEETING mer, and the program is as follows SoloMiss Carrie Brown. "'Alcohol, Its Use and Abuse" InternalDr. E. H. Smith. ExternalDr. E. A. Shannon. InfernalRev. A. M. Whitby. SoloMiss Marguerite Johnson. Business session presided over toy T. Carlson. THE BEMIDJI DAILY PIONEER Th^re will be a Sunday school Workers meeting at the residence of A. T. Caflg-tt'tonight from 8 Uo 9 o'clock, at which the program wiJI be devoted to a discussion of the use'received and abuse of alcohol Th deyp* ana aDuse oi aiconoi. xne qevo*' .'Staled oa^^unfinished gatments, all tioaal will be led by Mrs. G. M.^Pllr Mn?* SdcondA Trtist Agreement must be "drawn stating exactly how this fund is'to be administered and tQwh-bmand how the income and principal are to be paid. *The pbUtifes theiiiselves alid the Trust Agreement may be deposited with this Company for safekeeping. Just tell our Trust Officer what you want your -insurance money to accomplish and he will suggest a form of Trust Agreement suited to your needs. consult him will give you a better idea of the extent tb whieh your insurance money can be safe guarded. (Showing for the first time on the screen a Zep bombardment and revealing the ewets of the v(ire% of th clouds) TT IS RdUSIf^THE NATION RED CROSS NOTES Salvage Headquarters. -DitKEYTR0bH 5T," ST ANI 2 N See what thfe Zeppelins do in Thomas H. Ince's great spectacle "Th Zeppelin's Last Raid MINNEAPOUS The salvage drive for the Red Cross will commence Monday, April 29, and continue throughout the week, closing Saturday night. The ladies have secured the- vacant store next to Baker's jewelry store on Third street, which will be head quarters for the week and where all salvage^ or junk that can ,be sold, will be taken. "r V-"-/ Auto trucks will make the rounds of the city on days and routes yet to' tbevarranged* and will gather all junk that is available.. It is urged that right now household 'salvage that can be spared be made ready for collection. Notide to WorkeW...t Mrs. A. Lord wishes all who have yarn from'her to return all an TOO LATEF Tuesday & ADDII 0 0 9 4 Wednesday *IIIL LU Lr The Famous Tfie Talented The Most Entertaining Tfdinpiel)f JtfVenile Performfets in Existtence Many New FeaturesSeme New Faces Special Matinee 4 p. m. PRICES ."-,,SS_rBr&^!S,"eTuesday&WED. RESERVE AT N-^TZER'S *orte*ed knittin n'eenles by" Tuesday. M00SEHEABT MEETING The Women of Mooseheart Legion will have its regular meeting Wednesday- evening Sn'd all members are urged to bVpresent ce a Trusteeship detail overeating an ^nlfrF'siniple pint The 6*iily change necessary in ei^StiAg glideslis that they must be ihMe to provide for the pay- tilent:''df your insurance money directly to the Trust Company Trustee. is ex- Go. iWE.SOUT. THURSDAY & FRIDAY TUES mmmmmmmtm It must be a cougK remedy that can be relied upon fbr'all the "different cbugns tKat are so preYaleijt. While^ ti^ Ca^sfea of all coughs are primarily the same, yetthe ton|[ition of the.patient is what makes the difference infcheinature of the^ough.itselfc Coughs of healthy persons are easier to cure than the coughs or invalids. The powerful convulsive cough of a large man is harder to cure than the cough of a bab^r. Tf^yWj^a^^j^pedy that willcure a large man's"cough and yet not be too powerful for the baby, you have a good cough remedy. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is Just this kind of remedy. It is good for any member of jhe family. It relieves coughs of all kinds. It is the product of much thought arid study to produce an ideal cough remedy.- It is com- posed of things which cure easily and sootfu^ly without harm- ing the most delicate tissues of the throat. Itacts as easily and safely on the young as on the old, and is the ideal remedy for coughs, colds, croup, influenza, whooping cough and bronchitis. ELKO I rami Tan_iisPliffM-n DWIGHT D. MILLER INSURANCE SPECIALIST I Can Insure ANYTHINGANYWHERE Sec. Bank Bldg. Bemidji. Minn. P. O. Box 204 tbNICHT & TUESDAY In Paramount Picture ii MAS. DANES DEFENSE" Miss. Fredrick has taken a story th at created a furore when presented on the stage and re-created it into a pict ure that seems to breathe- Its emotional moments, its tense scenes, and vital plot have never been equalled on the screen. ALSJ O N THE PROGRAM BEN.). CHAPIN in "SON OF DEMOCRACY" Chapter Four"MY FIRST JURY"Abraham Lin coln Story. SEVEN REELS PARAMOUNT PICTURES USUAL PRICES 10c-20c PHOTOGRAPHS For the Boys in France Sittings tyade Day or Night HAKKERUP STUDIO "The Public Be Damned" (Six Act Feature) Endorsed by National Housewives League The National Housewives Leagu e, an organization of vast influence throughout the country, through its president, Mrs Julian Heath, has endorsed the film drama, "The Public Damned." IN SIX REX TONIGHTPARTS A expose of the food situation and its causes. CHARLES RICHMAN and MAY FULLER 10-20 CENTS- 7:10-9 o'clock Also Side Splitting Christie Comedy TUESDAY'S PROGRAM A loveless marriage transformed into genuine love under fire "OVER THERE." NORMA TALMADGE IN "BY RIGHT OF PURCHASE" A thrilling photoplay of mode rn society. "THE ZEPPELIN'S LAST RAID" (THOMAS H. INOE SPEOTAOLE) At the REX Thursday & Friday tl',? THREE" jhA ttm ems,