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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
Newspaper Page Text
E *?f POUR PUPOSKY EARMERS HEAR OF $***- THE GOVERNMENT'S WORK most enthusiastic loyalty meet ing waB that in the town hall in Puposky Saturday afternodal "#|Pi* -j "of the meeting of farmerg^#n^|h crowd Which filled the hH^^T pleasure of listening- to gpft best speakers in the coup^jp^i A detachment o-f the Home" was present to lend color to the war tap4cs'. H. E Reynolds, chairman of the food committee, spoke, Ser 'geant Poucault spoke and County Attorney Torrance made a splendid patriotiq address. BEMIDJI WOODMEN INITIATE LAGE CLASS AT CASS LAKE *The Modern Woodman' lodge at Cass Lake is growing, "a large class having (been initiated by..-.,%, .team from the Bemidji lodge. State Dep uty Burns of St. Paul and District Deputy Shaver of Long Pairie at tended. Local members point with pride to the $100,000 Liberty Bonds pur chased by the fraternity and pay ment of death claims of the soldiers of the order. FARMER'S BOY ILL Herman Fenske's son, age nine years, is ill in St, -Anthony's hos pital with a siege of pneumonia. Mr. Fenske resides south of. Bemidji. r~ r. ^K/?^ SAVE THIS. 1=.- JPresent 6 of these coupons consecutively numbered at the office of THE PIONEER with =5 55 98c cash and get this beautiful Flag size 4 feet ss by- 6 feet with sewed stripes, guaranteed fas 55 5= colors. 5= Realizing the need of every family in Bemidji and vicinity for an .American Flag to display on patriotic holidays, we have arranged to supply a limited number to our readers at a ridiculously small cost. All you need to do*is to clip six of the above coupons consecu tively numbered and present them at THE PIONEER office with 98c in cash and the Flag is yours. Ten cents extra for mailing if not called for. To those desiring it we will furnish 7 foot jointed pole with ball, rope and holder, all packed with the! Flag complete in a neat corrugated box for 8Pc ad- ditional. -f THE AMERICAN v*i SERGEANT HERBERT HOME ON FURLOUGH: IS FEELING FINE Sergeant "Jack". Herbert of the flyd J&tillery, in station at Camp Jdpi|^Si"'hit". Bemidji this morning ij^iailtay of ten days on furlough. -Hl^-jps taken his examination and is^aTOiting a second lieutenant's icranpssion, which is expected (o be "announced in a month or two. "Jack" went with the Twentieth engineers but transferred to the ar tillery and, says he likes it fine. He' hoping to get "over there" ere* long. OFFICIALS OF CR00KST0N COMPANY ON INSPECTION E. L." Carpenter, head of tile !shey lin interests, Hovey Clark and Jane Nichols, also officials oT the liimfcdr company, will be in Bemidji tomor row on a tour of inspection and1 a general looking over of. tfrecometgf Interests. |IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI AMERICAN FLAG 1 COUPON No. 6 I 'i^.l^+?^:i$ CHIPPEWA CHIEF DIES Odanah, Wis., April 22 3r-Adam Scott, 76 years old,.chief of the Chip pewa tribe of Indians, died here of pneumonia- His father was head chief of the Chippewas, Ka-ta-wa-ha- bay Scott. Adam Scott was well known by official. Washington* where he frequently appeared in the interests of his tribe. miliip SHOW YOUR PATRIOTISM BY DISPLAYING 4 On Decoration Day and Every Cotton Bunting. Sewed Stripes. Double S titched. Double Hem. Canvas Heading. Strong Grommets. 4 ft. wide 6 ft. long. Guaranteed fast colors to sun arid rain. These flags are well made and will last indefinitely. All you have to do is clip six consecutive coupons printed on another page of issue of the Pioneer and present them at the Pioneer office with 98 cents. Clip and save your coupons and present them at the earliest possible date so as not to be disappointed. Don't let this opportunity slip by. The small sum you pay bare- ly pays the cost of distribution. See them on display in the Show Window of O'Leary-Bowser Co. Bemidji Pioneer Pub. Co. They Play Two Days Instead of One THEFAMOUSfROUPEOF WIPEG 'KIDMES Have been Engaged to show here. Tues. & Wed. Instead of Tuesday only, at Reserve Seats at Netzer's HOME GUARD HAS 7.501 MEN IN STATE The Minnesota Home Guard- has a strength of 7,501 men, iti#ytipg 370 officers and 7,131 enlisted" men. It is organized in 18 battalions com prising '92 companies in ,58 Minne sota' tJwns r, ..'-T" i%v-^' This summary of ttf^ Hoke Guard strength' was announced by Major W. A. Ctirt'is,. chief of Adjutant Gen eral .W. F. Hhinow's staff. The fig ures, are''from a report made at the request of the\war department to as certain the' strength of Home Guard companies,,: %NQRATULATIONS ON LOAN W. L. Brooks, cnairmttn ot the Bel trami county Liberty Loan, is in rei ceipt of a message from Captain Marcuin.Jn station at Ft. Riley Kan., congratulating him on the success of the loan in Bemidji, which went over the top, and also highly praising the people of Be- SICK WIFE'S STORY SURPRISES BEMIDJI The following has surprised B6- mldji: X: business man's wife suf fered from" dyspepsia and cohstipja? tlon for years.' Although: site-dieted she was so bloated her clothes? would not fit. ONE SPOpNUFL-HcKthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed^iu A^r ler-i-ka relieved her INSTANTLY Because Adler-i-ka empties BOTH large and small Intestine it reliey^s ANY CASE constipation, sour stom ach or gas and prevents appendicitis. It has QUipKEST action of anything we ever sold. City Drug Store. Adv. vv.v. W A pile of chips on fire at the .rear of the Sentinel office .called the fire department out about i$: 30 o'clock this morning. No damage. The fire department "nivided itself about 10:3.0 o'clock last night when an alarm was.turned in for a:grass fire near the Bemidji Manufacturing company's plant. \No damage.Ii It was about the same time a call was gounded for the .Fifth, ward where a section "house was on. fire. 1 wai^ destroyed. A x&NOTHER FOR UNCLE SAM Marion Hazen leaves tonight for Ft Leavenworth, Kan., to join the Thirty-first engineers, railroai regi ment, as a conductor.' He enlisted at the local recruiting office in .charge of Sergeant Foucault. WARSAV1HGSSTAMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Buy Mow 4 For Tonight or as Long as Stock Lasts RUGS ARE GOING UP IN PRICE FROM MONTH TO MONTH BUT REGARDLESS OF THE BIG ADVANCE WE HAVE RE- DUCED OUR PRICES CONSIDERABLY FOR THE PERIOD OF THIS GREAT SALE, WE ARE OFFERING TO YOU THE FOLLOWING REMARK- ABLE RUG VALUES! LOQ THEM OVER, WE KNOW IT WILL PAY YOU! :J**V 3 ONLY 36x72 in. extra h^avy BEAlJVMS AXM1NISTER in hand- some Ratterns, worth today~$10.00, at 1 ONLY 36x72'in. heavy FERVAK AX-MINISTER- at 3 ONLY 36x63 in. M. J. Whithall ROYAL WORCESTER Wilton RugVin thenvs tiandsome patterns made S These rugs today are worth much more but we! hay a limited number handsome patterns at choice..^:..&.... ...%:&: 2 ONLY 36x72 in. HARTFORD BUSSORAHS finest Axminister a wonderful'value at .-.'....:v 1 ONLY 36x72 in. SENATOR VELVET, a big snapat.:.:^. .........K. 5 ONLY 27x54 in. HEAVY AXMINISTER RUGS in Mottley patterns, good serviceable rugs at a small price, yours 27x54 in. RAG RUGS, pretty patterns 30x6ain. RAG RUGS, various colorings. ^7x5#ih. "PERVAK A5CMINISTER,, FARMERS' & TRAPPERS^ ATTENTION We'are'buying Hides, Furs, Wool Pelts and Tallow and will pay you fyefull market prices, NORTHERN HIDE & FUR COW PAN One HalfN Blo'cK North of Union Station, BEMIDJI, MINN Buy Tonight r..........*,.....*,: jwfb4ch i................,..*.....A. -27x54 in. "BEAUVAIS AXMINISTER," bargains at| 27x54 in. "CONGRESS VELVET," bargains at. r". :.$2.70 4 ONLY 27x54 in. M. J. WhittalFs ^ANGLO-PERSIAN" and ANGLO-INDIAN RUGS, every one a beauty. 3 ONLY 27x54 in, M. T. WhittalFs '^ROYAL WORCESTER," a very high grade rug at. ..V....^ 5 ONLY 27x54 in. M. T. WhittalFs 'TEPMAC WILTON," a splendid value at.,"....... BARGAINS IN ROOM SIZED RUGS 1 ONLY 4 ft. in.x6 ft. 6 in., "BRENTMORE AXMINISTER," J& a very nigh grade parlor rug. Special $11.50 2 ONLY 6xS ft. TAPESTRY RUGS, very good quality,. $12.15 1 ONLY 6 ft. 9 in.,x9 ft AXMINISTER, a big value at. $17.95 1 ONLY 6 ft. 9 in,x9 ft. BRENTMORE AXMINISTER, a snap at $19.75 1 ONLY 6 ft. 9 in.x9 ft. HARTFORD BUSSORAH, a high grade rug at $22.50 2 ONLY 9 ft.xl2 ft. HEAVY AXMINISTER, 1st quality.... $33.75 2 0NLY9ft.xl2ft. HEAVY AXMINISTER, very serviceable $27.00 3 ONLY 9 ft.xl2 ft. TAPESTRY, a high grade at a low price. $22.00 3 ONLY 9 ft.xl2 ft. TAPESTRY, pretty and durable, yours at $20.50 HUFFMAN & O'LEARY'S Great Furniture Sale ,i ^,'^&&Ar~lftt\ T^t^i*yti i--^v^ft tjH-^Y bargains at I^IJ-^'J :,f,t"ti' $6:75 $5.40 ye can offer in SHOO Rugs,$7.65 $4.95 $2.90 $1.98 $2.48 $3.80 $4.35 $9.50 $8.00 $7.00 Defecti