PAGE TWO t Ternn very Tlra -g*t Jfe &*- ps. "ft Name PfS'^l^^WK^ BEMIDJI DAILY PIONEER VVBXiZSKZS STOSY ASTBBNOO* EXCEPT SUWDAY TKX BEMIDJI 7Z0HSBX JTOBJUMHXHO CO. O. CAW* TEX.BPHOKE 9S3 Entered at the postoffice at Bemidji, Minn., as second-class matter under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. No attention paid to annonymous contributions^fA? b Known to the editor, but not necessarily for publication. CoSSmSnicatlonrfor' the Weekly Pioneer_ must.reach this oie nott later than Tuesday of each week to insure publication in the current issue. SUBSCRIPTION SATES war cABBZBX ta.7. _.f^r^f.. f.oo One year *400 lfeS^Sw?i":::::::::::::: "J* montt* 2.00 SSfwS**1!.'.'.'. ini, ~~m*mi*tn tk renunairy of the news of the week. Published nunOaV iffijafpoMftpl to sy address, for, in advance 1.50. onrxouA ooran AHE CITT BBOOEBOZVOS BEMIDJI HUMANITARIANS ARE CHAGRINED. Bemidji patriots, many of them, feel not a little chagrined over the situation at Cloquet, where many of Bemidji's ener- getic citizens have taken a personal active part in the relief of the plague stricken victims now in the school house, which has been turned into an improvised hospital, the building being spared by the flames. With the break of the terrible holocaust, Bemidji rose to the spirit of the cry and immediately gathered, grouped and packed one of the most complete shipments of clothing for men, women, children and infants, all of the highest class and asked for shippirig orders. The answer was to wait. Presently, about a week after, printed instructions were received which in- cluded the unpacking of the shipment, disinfecting etc etc.News. 'And the shipment is still here. The Bemidji hospital corps of the twenty-first home guard battalion and battlion members were the first to go to Cloquet when the epidemic broke. The men of the corps attended to even the care and needs of the women and children patients in the improvided hospital. Volunteer nurses later left for the scene. Heroic&tty the corps worked as the patients mounted. They attended to every want and need. Clothing for the sick was as scarce as Portuguese bibles in the Sahara desert and in several instances was improvised. Towels, even a cloth and other necessaries, were as scarce. Sick bed attire was lack- ing. Of course the situation could not be met a minute, but the boxes of clean wholesome attire and bed equipment still holds its place in a vacant store room of Bemidji, waiting to do its share when needed in an emergency. We place no credit for this condition. Bemidji stands ready to go to the rescue for this condition. Bemidji stood ready to go to the rescue of these unfortunates. But the supply of red tape still held out. 0 BEMIDJI VOTERS SHOW RIGHT SPIRIT. Beltrami county nobly supported the state candidates who wear the stamp of loyalty, and Burnquist found a hearty in- dorsement of his past administration. Congresman Knutson also received the seal of approval of the voters of Beltrami county and so did State Senator L. H. Nord, both of whom deserved their re-election. Ed. Rako was given strong indorsement by his Bemidji friends and caried the city handsomely. In the county commisionership, of which Bemidji is the major portion, Ed. Paulson won. The loyal candidates of the state all received substantial majorities and on the "wet" and "dry" amendment, Bemidji voted heavily in favor of its adoption. -0 COUNTING OF BALLOTS TEDIOUS OPERATION. Bemidji's precinct count dragged throughout election night and far into the next day. Some of the pdecincts started the count on the state ticket and some on the county. The polls closed at 9 o'clock and the lunch hour also occupied its space of time. It was a slow process on account of the number of candidates and the state and county ballots. The county precincts commenced to report during the morning following the election and over half the county was in by evening, with more following today, a hard task being well done. Add horror of war: The price of singing canaries has advanced from about two or three dollars to ten and twelve dollars each.. However, when you have once bought your little songster you do not have to pay any war tax to listen to his music. The most distressing incident of the county election was that Editor "Bill" Noonan of the Baudette Region was confined to his room with the Spanish "flu." Election time and election day is Editor Noonan's greatest pastiming. The people who have been seeking for years to reduce ought to be very much obliged to Mr. Hoover for each succes- sive set of his rules. Reducing is now an involuntary rather than a voluntary matter. o Politics may have been adjourned for the duration of the war, but this is not true of statemanship. Congress please take notice. Special Ma Coupon Bemidji Pioneer Pub. Co. Bemidji, Minn. Gentlemen: Enclosed find $2.50 to pay for the Daily Pioneer for six months and 32 cents for which send me one oi your latest State, United States and War Zone maps, a combination of "three in one" map hangers. Address. feJ*Oi mUS 1 8 nam BEAU** '.'.'.::Y.tV. Three moatlu 1.00 vmm WEBtauT PIOKBEX DELIGHTED JN HIS FREEDOM Youngster's Chief Enjoyment of Va cation Came From Hi* Defiance of All Conventionalities. The best sort of vacation and the only kind that really is a benefit to the one toking It, according to Lewis Weisenberger, is the one on which all conventional rules of conduct are broken. To enjoy a vacation one must do absolutely as he pleases, Mr. Wei senberger continues. In proof of this contention Mr. Wel Benberger tells the following story on a young lad with whom he hibernated In the wilds of Michigan fqr several weeks this summer. The campers had taken a Targe sup ply of towels with them, as bathing vra* expected to feature the holiday events. On arrival at camp each mem ber of the received his apportionment of the towels and the lad was duly Included In the division. On the second day of the vacation week Mr. Weisenberger was surprised to find the young lad's supply of towels packed securely away in one corner of the cottage, thus far un touched. He Immediately summoned the lad and inquired whose towels he had been using, since his own sup ply was undiminished.' He was not a little taken back by the lad's reply: "Aw, I didn't wash my face yester- day." Even with face unwashed and tow els untouched, the young barbarian probably enjoyed the vacation trip more than did any other member of the party, Mr. Weisenberger says. And the reason for the lad's enjoy ment, he believes, }s the fact that he violated all rules of personal etiqnette and lived one entire day with his face innocent of ablutions.Indianapolis Ancient jCamf Sold. THE BEMIDJI DAILY PIONEER A" Probably executed for that patron oi the arts, the Roman emperor Hadrian, a superb cameo of the head of Medusa, wonderfully carved from a boss oi translucent chalcedony, was sold al auction here, recently, bringing 1.75C guineas (about $8,760). It was a classic reminder of a classic sale, for it form ed part of the incomparable Slarl borough gems which realized, en bloc, 35.000 guineas in June, 1875, passing to the late David Bromilow, 'of Battles den Park. The collection was formed by George, third duke of Marlborough and comprised gems which had belong ed to such famous connoisseurs as Thomas Howard, earl of Arundel Wil liam, second earl of Besborough, and Philip Dormer, eurl of Chesterfield.' London Telegraph. Aerial Compasses. Many difficulties had to be over come in the production of a satisfac tory compass for aerial work. .Chief among these was that of neutralizing the magnetism of the engine (and in particular the magneto), and of pre venting the effect of centrifugal force, which caused the card or dial Inside the compass to swing in a direction quite independent of north when the airplane was banking on a turn. How *ver, a truly excellent compass is now in use. STATmtBMT or TJUB CONDITION OF Security State Bank of Bemidji At close of buslhess on October 19, Resources Loans and discounts Overdrafts Bonds and securities Banking: home, funiture and fixtures Other real estate J. Iu from banks .$40!,448^8 Cash on hand 10.661 77 Total cash assets Checks and cash Hems Checks and drafts in transit Revenue stampi Total 1918 $183, 1,212 16 602 52 27 961 79 14 16,945 387 09 15 100 55 348 30 599 57 14755 $291,195 69 Liabilities Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits, net Notes rediscounted and bills payable, including certifi cates for money borrowed deposits subject to check $144.850 17 Certified checks 150 46 Cashier's checks 3.193 73 Due to banks 10.72412 Total immediate liabilities $158,918 48 Savings deposits and time certifi- cates 86,042 12 Total deposits 244,960 60 Total $291,295 69 Amount of reserve on hand $51,100 55 Amount of reserve required by law 22,370 00 State of Minnesota, County of Bel trami, as We, Geo 13. Stubbins, president, and Baer. cashier, of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief GKO E STUBBINS. President C. BAER, Cashier Correct attent, two directors E TV Stubbins. C. A. Stubbins. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of November, 1918 CLIFTON CRAVENS. (Seal) Notary Public Beltrami County, Minn My commission expires Aug 17, 1925 Adlera-ka HelpsrHer! "After using Adjer-i-ka my wife is able to do her own housework and did all housecleaning. The soreness and-pain in her side disappeared." {Signed) W. M. Brubaker, Salina, Pa. Adler-i-ka expels ALL gas. and sourness, stopping stomach distress INSTANTLY. EmptieB BOTH upper and loweJ bowel, flushing ENTIRE alimentary canal. Removes ALL foul matter which poisons system. Often CURES constipation. Prevents ap pendicitis. We have sold Adler-i-ka many years. It is a mixture of buck thorn, caacara, glycerine and nine other simple drugs. City Drug Store. WANT AD DEFT. FOR SALE FOR SALECheap, good two cyl inder engine Inquire 916 Beout midji Ave 6dlll2 FOR SALEFine young pigs, eight weeks old, ?5 each. Fred West phal, Bemidji, Minn, Box 81. Phone 30-F-4. 6dllll FOR SALEMinneapolis steam en gine, 22 h. return flue, in good running order straw or wood burner right thing for sawmill. Bargain if taken at once. Helmer Bergh, Trail, Minn. 4dll8 FOR SALETen pure bred York shire sows, between 4 and 5 months old. Fifteen dollars each. Phone 920. 4tll7 FOR SALE40-horse boiler, and 35- hdrse power engine. All in first class condition. Address W. F., care Pioneer. 10tll7 WANTED WANTEDWoman to take care of children Mrs. A. E. Nelson, 1122 Dewey Ave Phone 797 ldll7 WANTEDOdd jobs around town Address Geo Thompson. Box 582. Bemidji, Minn., 2tll8 WANTEDGirl for general house work. Mrs Thomas Hughes, 703 Bemidji Ave. Phone 433. 117tf WANTEDCompetent girl for gen eral housework. Apply Mrs. Kaplan, Kaplan block *17tf WANTEDGirl for general house work 29 10th St. Phone 570-W. 3dll9 WANTEDTo buy one or two gold fish Fan tails preferred. Call 672-J 3dll8 WANTEDWood cutters for good jackpine timber at once. Inquire Chas Schroeder. Phone 41-F-4. 5tll9 WANTEDCompetent girl. Mrs E. W. Johnson, 1213 Lake Blvd Tele phone 11-R. H4tf WANTEDGirl for general house work. Mrs. Phil Gill, 608 Bemidji Ave. Phone 159. H2tf WANTEDAt once woman to help with work or housekeeper 821 Minnesota vAe 4tll7 F0K RENT FOR RENTOne large office room, in Security Bank bldg Also small house Baer 117tf FOR RENTSix room house. 311 Bemidji Ave A. Klein 3dll9 FOR RENT3 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 807 Missis sippi Ave 3dll8 FOR RENT9 room house, in good condition 415 Minnesota Ave. Phone 148, Mrs A Thompson, 404 Minnesota Ave Bemidji, Minn I030tf FOR HIRETen teams of heavy horses for logging, can ship any time Write or phone Goe. Skechan, Niagara, N 9tll7 Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it Jou must take an internal remody Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on tlra mucous surfaces of the system Hall Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for jears. It is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some, of the best blood ?he $30,000 4 1 00 500 00 835 09 10 000 00 iuriflers The perfect combination of ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. CHENEY & CO Props Toledo, O. All Druggists. 76c Hall's Family Pills for constipation. IF BACKACHY OR KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat Less Meat, Also Take Glass of Salts Before Elat ing Breakfast Uric acid in meat excites the kid neys, they become overworked get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three tames during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheuraatfc twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fam ous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activ ity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weak ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot injure makes a delightful efferves cent Kthia-water drink which every one should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Drug gists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in over coming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. N6 organs of the human body are so important to headth and long life as the kidneys. When they slow up and commence to lag in their duties, look out! Danger is in sight. Find out what the trouble iswith delay. Whenever you feel nervous, weak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness, or have pains in the back or difficulty in passing urine wake up at once. Your kidneys need help. These are signs to warn you that your kidneys are not perform ing their functions properly They are only half doing their work and are allowing impurities to accumulate and be converted into uric acid and other poisons, which are causing you distress and will destroy you unless AMBBGre-IHfffijb' SHINOIA THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1918 THE MOST DANGEROUS DISEASE THE UNIVERSAL CAft If you use "bogus" or counterfeit parts for replacements and repairs to your Ford car, you can't expect satis factory nor durable service from your car. It's not fair to the car to repair with poor quality parts. Stick to the genuine Ford mateybr rials and havef your UU Let Men Who Know DolII they are driven from your system. Get the GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules at once. They are an old, tried preparation used all over the world for centuries. They con tain only old-fashioned, soothing oils combined with strength-giving and system-cleaning herbs, well known and used by physicians in their daily practice. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are imported direct from the labratories in Holland. They are convenient to take, and will either give prompt relief or your money will be refunded. Ask for them f*t any drug store, but be sure to get the original imported GOLD MED \L brand. Accept no substitutes. Three sizes. care(* ca men who know Ford mechanism and how to best keep the car in working order. Bring your Ford car to our shop where you're sure of the square deal sure of Ford materials and sure of Ford low prices. Keep your Ford car running full standard. C. W, JEWETT CO., INC. SH0E POLISH We have complied with the Governments request to be satisfied with a reasonable profit and to keep the quality up to standard. Sam Same Qualit ^**KJ^*^ Size Box Tfe Sam PriceTea Cents Our increased volume of sales, foresight in buying and rigid economy in manufacture, enable you to buy ft te* The AtThe Same Price As AlwaysTen Cents 50 Good Shines to the Box Good for Leather Makes Shoes wear longer and look better Black -Tan -White Red Brown Defective