K. H. DBNU. 8* MJMT.
Btnd at the pMtottk* t B.mldji. Wtajju f^ffl!*
5 ^Z7tr lindar Aet df ConcrMa of March I. l7t.
Aatte under Ac or Congres
|f^o attention paid to anonymous contributions.
l#Hier' name muit lw known to tna editor, but not
fmieoeaaarJly. tor publication. Communlcationa
Waak^Vioneer must reach .tola office not
gSaaoiy of each to lnayre publlcatUm *f &\
ammrent laaua.
uMorano* i
Mr oartiw i
i Mentha lrW six Month*
I8K ^Sa^.:: 3t. Three Months. l.-
WEBKL. PlONEfflSRT-Twelve pages, publlahaa
^ewea* Thuraday and sen* postage paid to any/ addraaf
tfafTiii &Y3T -V |I,M. 7'?'"'
CUOTVTY jura cxr* Mocaanntoa
To think that Scotland, of all countries, may go
dry! Scotland, where ministers of the gospel used
to get part of their salary in whisky. Scotland*
whose greatest poet was most eloquent in praise
of alcohol. Scotland whose very name, to the rest
of the world, is almost synonymous with a certain
type of khisky, as Jamaica is with rum. Scotland,
whose people, as Glasgowers have long been wont
to say, "have got to drink whisky, or the climate,
would kill"them," and who have proved their virility
by surviving alike the climate and the whisky."'.
A dry fate seems to be enveloping Scotland slowly
and surely. Long before the great war came along
and gave its impetus to temperance, Scottish re
formers were effectively at work. In 191^, a l^iw
was enacted giving Scotland local option. To soften
the blow to John Barleycorn, its Operation was set
seven years ahead. On June 1 of this year it came
into effect. Accordingly, local option elections are
going to be held on November 2 in the 1,300 voting
districts established throughout Sc*tlandfe|%?%-
There is a choice of three policies: The present
system of regulated license, a 25 per cent reduction'
of the traffic, or complete abolition of licenses.
The latter policy would, bar the sale of liquor in
the usual way, but would still permit its sale by
hotels to travelers, and its wholesale distribution for
use in the home.
It will be seen that the prospects, at their worst
or their best, as you happen to look at the matter.
are less menacing to what Burns called "guid auld
Scotch drink" than is the American type of prohibi
tion. But Scotch liberals" are genuinely worried,
just the same, and the reformers are full of Zeal
and confidence. It is recognized that a large part
off Scotland is sure to adopt the most extreme of
these three choices. And after'that-well, it is
the, experience of old John Barleycorn in recent
years that he need not expect to regain a foothold^'?'
'Once lost, and when he is once on the, run he is
jrett^ajire l!o be kept running." ix'-
r" a the face of all history and tradition, Scotland
may yet have its eighteenth 'amendment' aim its
Volstead act. ..Vr-r'- fx~:':-u
--M-+-& r^
&. new motion picture corporation known as
the Labor Film Service has been organized in New
"fcork City for the purpose of presenting labor's
viewpoint to the public by means of the screen.*
It is an enterprise definitely designed for the
St. Paul, July 27.Hundreds of
women from all parts of the coun
try were here today to talk business
They represent business and pro
fessional women of. the nation who
are out to make themselves more ef
fective in commerce and science.
Minnesota women late yesterday
completed organization of a branch
of'the national Federation of Busi
ness and Professional Women's
clubs. The federation welcomed the
Minnesotan's to their convention to
Jeanette Rankin, probably one ot
the most prominent professional wo
men in the world, will be one of the
principal speakers on the program of
the.convention. She will tell of her
xberience as a cohgresswoman from
Montanathe first cohgresswoman
Americaand will describe "Wo-
man as a citizen.'
Mrs James Porre3tal of Ilinrea.
polls, will be one of the speakers.
#~Mary Austin, one of the country's.
i best-known woman writers,- Is anoth-.
er woman who will address the con-,
rention. Her subject will be VOur
Place in the Procession."
Men will Ibe present at the annual
Banquet of the federation. WVme
members predict they will be given
a real banquet treat. They assert
much banquetted business, men. will
have a chance to: see a "real ban
quet" when' business women are in
aharge. The convention will end
YOUR BOY.' '7 \/,i
The lessons of the school year that
las just dosed will have been studied
in vain if the graduates, about to
enter upon their chosen -careers, have
flailed to learn that thrift and saving
in their proper sense are quite as
important as anything in the curri
eufum over which they have thumbed
arid labored. Many graduates and,'
/unfortunately, pupifci of younger
years are. leaving the graded schools
irtuthfe tinM? and seeking employment.
This period represents a crisis in their
livis which-leads- thCmj eithef to loose
habits or to the habit of thrift and
Ultimate prosperity. The inexorable
decree, that in the sweat of his brow
snail man earn his bread, cannot be
set -aside. Education makes a better
wojrknu& 'in.^evy fieldif but no} man
hope to enjoy the fruits of his
tbH unless he has acquired habits, ol
thj^t in his early life.
^The world owes no able-bodied
slacker a living. He must go out
along his fellows and earn it. The
rt ^ur i( 4ji ^ifl. J| i.i
for tba
later than
character of that living depends sole
ly upon the mental "and physical,
equipment with which he has been
endowed, aided arid developed by his
own' unceasing efforts. The work
slacker in peace times is as much a
menace to his country as his proto
type in times of war. He is cost
ing his country millions every year
and he it is who is pushing ever
upward the cosj of living through
reduction of output and effort. More
individual effort and more production
lfl?^ THg BEIiiWiJlAitir PIONEER
__^ L^-diJ MMiMMa^iww^^
CO. $
..v.*-. ,%-i- jjW.*: iA-, I II i V" -^*S"J
^7*'wJ P^ '^J 7
There's going to be a scarcity^^vof-jcanned sour
next winter unless every woman cans,all she.csjo.^:
0.^..- v- K0.
News* travels fast, these days. Pretty soont3o*x^
too, will know thftfhe's been nominated.\ V^fe ip.
Now that raiiroad ^ages^lire raised^ let's hop
the freight blockade will be raised, too.
Well, Jack Johnson came back.1
*sit m:.
l^lMi lS i:s tiic wcret of the wonderful writing suprcm-
tlie'^l^pMnt-P -x-^^
0flht gold is fused about the ample "iridium tip^-not
annealed. Then it is hammered, which gives it a
sjtieel-like hardness and flexibiUty. .:/if-
P^n cannot become "sprung" under severe use, nor
Other Tempoint advantages are the scientific Comb
Feed and the airtight chamber about the pen. No
balks Ojr,bio.tsr-np sweating in the pocket.
Joint styles,
rM^^pw^.^isi^jww^^ai^'Atoa-^^j yfi-i^gMMjirtj|imiin KJ yajwtg a^iftaw^wc^tfj
spreading of propaganda, but if the nictMi^ are,^
honestly made, without prejudice or dhrtortion of'
the truth, they shouldI do much good.
The first picture* which it is planned to maker
will tell the stories ot various trades union
izations, their origins and ^*o::
brought to their members^ Then there will be news^
pictures, with views of homes and working condi
tions. If there arestrikes,^e 'jneW ,pjcttt^s.:jwiU^/
cover every phase of the stride from the homes of
the strikes to experienceson''the picketlines^ :0r^
Then there will bis pictures o* Tabiwr conditions.
abroad, showing the. Working people Chin)^ Jap^^
India and other lands of Asia and Europe, in their
houses at their work. Here, as inN
Still another feature of ttie. Labor Film Service's
work will be the,! screen presentation of coffftih/^
great labor dramas such as Hauptman's VThe W^ay
erV* Zola's ^jrayatt'^ and some ''of:-:ifa.vfyj$r*fy:.
Shaw. /^^K 7V
lord cerlady!s see them an learn what a
#eaTadvance^fte l^n^int is in aU fountain pea
i construction and Conveniences,
The Perfect Pointed Pell
the pictures inde
in the United States, labor uprisings will be awilt
with in an effort to show the public a side it is
not always well informed on either^toxo)p^ ^p^gi
a labor disputi/-.v,H -'/'7#^:
f/ There is danger ini this scheme, as in any such
big propaganda attempt, of being onersided in pres- i,
entatiort of facts and so of rousing bitter aritagon-?h
isms or of alienating public interest. If 'the^tefc^*/
films can steer clear of such difficulties, )oWviBt.
they should certainly prove of genuine interest and
instruction o the 'public. y^i$^$$:0'
,vii ^'"'''Ivil^-t,.^
"Every/newspaper man has.daily evidence of theH
shortage of paper and the ever climbing cost, and
yet conpelled every morning to spend -consid
erable.time sorting out his mail andconsigning a lot.
of it to the waste basket, much of it sent by gov
ernment bureaus, of no value, but which gives hun
dreds of clerks employment at good salaries,^clogs
up the mails, and handicaps its already ^vretched
service, besides 'spoiling lots of perfectly goipd
paper, which is needed for better use. *(pionserya-|
tion and economy-should
start right in Washington.^
Ttie administration is extravagant and'wWlfullyfT
.wasteful.' -The ]Btun of its poor business manage-!
ment is. costing the people of this country ntorev,
than a million dollarsra, year."St. Cloud Joui^it^
You said so|nething,. Brother. ^'^fii^^p^^'
Democrats in Peebles, Ohio, allege that
belonging to the justice of the peace has laid an
eggs bearing the distinct letters, COX. Now i^e,,
question is whether that-egg will hatch yr
Three presidential candidates out of five are Ohio
men, and they say in Ohio that the chances of
state providing^, the next president are even better
.than that 4 4 ^Vl^,
things most talked about are leaaj nn*j^\
stood. Whb^Ior, example, can give a satisfac|q|j,Z
definition^of, ^mericanismV' .-^f. -ffl^iB
NeveiPnindthe railroads and the postoffipe-nr*
both in far 5Vorse shape in Russia than they are herej^
a hen
will bring down the cost Of living
and thereby remove distress. .Thrift
is the lever through which ^is.war-
worn world is to, be stabilized for
neither the nation ridr the individual
can get back to a rational basis so
long as the desire to indulge in reck
less spending controls it. "Work and
save" should be the slogan of-"the
rising generation, forupon the char
acter of those now entering7lKm
man's estate depends the future of
this nation. \7
f.V* .Wife
pocket, chain,
MMh%&A-. Bemidji, Minn.
5^i.ii j,.it..
Ruinm of MoCor Hmtt, Johnm
BgpkitfVnirfitr. Bmttunof,
A typical Interior Arrangement of an
A3feel Underwriter? Class Safe.
as Sunshine to
7 ^and it is
^^^For the price
& !&&:{
&- Polly ^^ttrP^ ff
is Cliff Sterrett's idea of thei a,verage
American household.,.It's a scream!
And so is your household-^-and inine/%:
too--if we could only get away back i
^and see the funny side of it occasion-
r,.- ally.1-.-.
OR fiw da^ after the
an A/isfee/Safe lay entombed in a bed of '^-'i^ifc^'f ,1^':,-
whea found and opened, ito oontejnts of Iab^
able records were wainjureoi It ^tiie^^te
AOtteel S*f foundi
cheapest tonfe earth.
a subscrip^oonto the
St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch
/Ton can, get good'dose ever^ dy in 7
7 the" week and t#i extra large dose on
^'Sunday. 7 Here 'are some of the most,
poptdar ihj^dients. ^\:l^~-$${-
a Bringing (fa Father 'IMZfM
by George McManus, is a soothing fea
turei fori those jif us who have not aMhW:s
much money we'd like Poor old
Jiggs .is in the soup all the time on ac
count oi..his darned 'wealth. *}}$:/7
7 i-
The Katzenjammet Kids
are the absolute limit. They can en
gineer more mischief in five minutfes/
than all the kids in your neighborhood
could think of in five years. Bu you
can't help laughing at their antics.
^Wefjdve With & today
a clever series of colored cartoons by J.
N. Darling, described in verse by
Grantland Ric'e, is a cure for all disorr
d|rs of the risible faculties. ^Politicians
haven't much use for this team
^they are top funny.
the humorous exponents of
life's philosophy and Qld
'friends of all chronic chucklers,
are also Bud Fisher's pet ehil-^
dren. You've met them before
m-why not invite them to yonrX
in th
tuint of thm Johnm Hopkinm fin.
(The All-Steel Store)
S//^' '*#S$fc7'
^7.7/:V #?SS^17:
opn*d, with r*n V^'.^'-''-.,:,-..
Libmrty B&nd*anhmtmji<L 7/:
Every hour of every day someone's Valu
able records are destroyed by firesimply
because of the lack of proper protection.
Don't t^e chances on losing your records.
T)m Allateel Safe has passed the fire tesK
of the Underwriters'Laboratories-a test far
more rigid than any ordinary fice. '^i
In lightest safe of its kihel made, the
Allsteelh&s a greater interior capacity
any safe of similar type. Yon can select the
size arid interior arrangement which suits
i yourexact needsY1
'77-.'- -777.7
1 '''Jt-0
7 f./^|#|f f--:'
i =.'.:,'.-i i!!fe.i.'
Let ns show you the exclusive advantages
of this handsome, modein Alteteel Safe. You
be glad to examine Allsteel desks filihg
cabinets, shelving, arid other units of cSice
furniture. It is the equipment that belongs
with success.. ..v W.^
:A-/,-7 M*L_-.,,,..