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PO Pi Ml PAGE TWO ^EECinS 1 4 1 Si* 9i 'J. i (Continued from page 1) of the highway department in St. Paul and included the following ten tative results: nearly $175,000, he said and are all badly needed on the trunk system. Some steel structures are also plan ned, he explained, to keep costs down and to avoid unnecessary ob struction pi streams. The list of new bridges proposed for early con struction: $. H. No. 1Over Straight river in Owatqnna, 120-foot concrete bridgeTrrspans" 24-7oot roaTway and one ,8-foofr sidewalk. T. ff. No. 5Over Minnesota river at LeSueur, 400-ft. sttel bridge with creo-^ted wooa block uovx, to be pushed to completion. T. H. No. 5Over Swan River at FARM WOMEN ARE ASKED TO FARM BUREAU MEET (Continued from page 1) *P!FHtfW$ *JW 9*V# NEARBY PROJECTS ARE I CREAMERIES WILL OPEN AMONG STATE AWARDS SUPPLY DEPARTMENT T. H- No- 4North of Park Bap ids nine miles, Schmit Construction Co., Brainerd at $12,052. T. H. NO.A8Grand Rapids-Black berry, Wik miles, Nortnern Road Con struction Co., Minneapolis, at $17,- 935. T. H. No. 8Southeast of Bemidji, 6 miles gravel, to Schmit Construc tion Co., Brainerd, at $7,523, clay to Hike Barrett, St. Cloud, at $4,088- T. H. No. 8East of Bagley, 3 miles, Schm|t Construction Co., Brainerd, at $7,633. T. H. No. ti5Bagley-Clear brook, 13 miles, Peter Mortenson, Hibbing, at $21,844. Awards are to be made final, highway officials said, on the lowest and best* bids on each project. The' first exclusive c?ll for bids on important bridge improvements un der the Babcock plan was made pub lic by J. T. Ellison, assistant high way commissioner and chief bndge "engineer. The six concrete and three (Continued page 1) steel bridges are estimated to cost *t bJ M^s^ppi Junction, lo-ioot steel Viat and unuer bridge with 20-toot road-, T! H. NO. 8Over Mississippi Riv-1 usly hew homage to Ameri- er between Bemidji and Cass Lake, 225-foot bridge of'three sp*ns, 20-, a Speakers will week. Home-Makers' be J. W. Coverdale, national secre-, FORTY-FOUR EXAMINED tary Mrs. Vera Schuttler of Mis r_souri, nationally known woman leader in Farm Bureau work and, in all ^probability, Henry Waiiace, aec retaiy^ot Agriculture. Mr. Wallace OW$tt attend if he can arrange other eiBSftgen/nts so as to permit the trip ,mk seebnd day will be given over ^toreportsof" toe' various" Farm" Bur- t attention a* committees, department heads Unci persons directing the grain, live- P5l Irtock, wool and dairy products ter- the annual business session and elec tion of officers for the coming year. for the round trip has been arranged YEOMEN LODGE TO HOLD "MEETING THURSDAY NIGHT The Bemidji Homestead of the Brotherhood of American Yeomen will meet in regular session at the Moose hall Thursady evening at 8 o'clock and a large attendance of members is requested. ALL WORN OUT Does morning find you with a lame, st.ff and aching back? Are you tired the small of my back. When I got up in the morn ing I felt tired and worn-out. My back gave out quite easily. Then, too, my kidneys weren't acting prop-J er-y and between these symptoms, Ii qftt.. ,ho- knew I needed attention! Looking! ^STLS^ J^ for a reliable kidney medicine to rid f8 me of this! trouble before it got any 1 further, I remembered what I had seen of Doan's Kidney Pills, so I bought a box at Barker's Drug Store. Faithful use of Doan's cured me. I took several boxes and havej hog has no rival. had no return of the trouble since." 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn I O^Mftt., Buffalo, N. Y^Adv. jaW? Wfc -'*y' ~M^,m7effl?^^:^^ v* (Continued from page 1) have been obtained in the Central Warehouse, St. Paul. "We long have realized the need for such a department," says Mr. McGuire. "Thus far, without trying to push that phase of the association, we have handled more than $70,000 worth of machinery ^Jj[$fr*J "We know that fhf department will save 20 per cent on the average purchasesprobably more^ If our supply house bandies all the business of member creameries,,' which it should, the annual saving will be a round $200,000k Thi8 money will go directly into the^pocketa of farmers patronizing co-operative creameries, because the various companies will be able to pay that much more for butterfat, by reason of the lower operating cost." CLEMENCEAU TO LEAVE CASE DP TO U. & PUBLIC Armyfrom Wa College and Be n*?^ i ^f, assured in Europe if America stanas oy France, Georges o^e^M ce?u declared in a speech before leading officers ofd the United States army at the war colleges here todf before an audiencwaJthat com- a Wii 0 a in interesting one with plenty of ad ditional work to be done. The board is required to re-district the county at least six months before the next ^eneial election, but it 13 expected that some definite action will be started at the next session when the hearing is held. wh ^minal marketing agencies witti which medical and surgical. Since only ^the Bureau is co-operating. 1 I tnos The Farm Bureau's Agricultural t*nble applied for examination, all program for Minnesota in 1923 will were be up for adoption. results obtained.f Those charge The closing day will be devoted to AT CHEST CLINIC HERE Out of the 44 persons examined at the chest clinic held Tuesday all day at the offices of Drs- Garlock & Gar lock, in charge of Dr R. L. Laney, assisted by Miss Beth MacGregor, Red Cross Community nurse, three were found to be in need of immed andeawte the willr go next week \4f^:i WiWFtfV o^ersjhere ss ak He will then go to. Mount Vernon to pay homage to George Washington. Tonight he will deliver his message to the south in a speech to the South ern Society. (By United Press) (By A. L. Bradford) Washington, Dec. 6"Peare can a n. le a **&* nwas hl A addre \orm in os dev0 I for lasting th A snortn*tim"e pre- peacel.d !f i 1 nkno /paid 1 th wreat foot roadway 'gr,at white maHble ampitheatre at T. H. No. 10East, of Maple Plain A"*- 10x6 foot box culvert on timber pil ing. T. No. 11Over Baudete Riv er, between Baude'cte and Spooner, 4100-foot steel bridge of 5 deck truss spans, 20-foot roaclvwaj, 5-ioot walk.' Re-districting of Beltrami county T. H. No. 11Near Encksburg, i RE-DISTRICTING COUNTY WILL BE GIVEN HEARING &t 15-foot pile trestle, 20-foot roadway, topics of the day, and although no T. H. No. 16Over Des Momes action will be taken with reference River and boA*M*annel improvements en are being mpde under the highway Routine business, constitutes tne policy to distribute betterments ,bulk of the present session of the widely to benefit all sections and to board, which convened here Tuesday I Use money as fast as it becomes but the next meeting, which will also available for public service through be the annual session, is sure to be good roads. the present time one of the big Wmdom, J,J county c'msion at tms meeting oi 120-ioot cojre^fee?$ridi5G of 3 deck|thd court: commissionerc, the board girder spans, sad 50-foot concrete l3 deck girder, ea^h with 24-foot road- held at the next regular meeting, way and twoff-foot sidewalks- which will be held on January 2, to T. T. No. lfl|South of Marshall,' consider the matter of re-districting |t double 20-fodt concrete slab span Beltrami county as the result of the with 20 foot roadway. division of the county and the noTth ft All the foregoing announce that E nearing will be becoming the Lake of the Woods. other cases Sanatorium Lake Julia for care TheT treatment was fdvised,* both showed symptoms of lung wh cared for Tuesday, and better it one the mostm success ful clinics held "*U the tinle^find work a burden? "Have you suspected your kidneys? Bemidji people endorse Doan's Kid ney Pills. Ask your neighbor! You can rely on their statements. Herman Milbred, West Hotel, Be- fehed the only member of the family midji, says: "About three years ago who had witnessed the proceedings: my back seemed to give out on me, caused by trouble I had with my kid neys. I was doing some plumbing work at the time when I felt a dull, steady ache across4 New Use for Typewriter Cases. A new use has been found for the carrying case of a widely known make of portable typewriter. The owner, who is* very enthusiastic about her machine, recently was planning a week-end trip. When she began to pack she found that another member of the family had borrowed her trav eling bag. She was at her wit's end to solve the difficulty. She must either Abandon the visit or turn borrower herself and there was little time left In which to do the latter. Then she had a brilliant Idea, a*d the typewriter was removed from its case, set away on the piano and the necessities for the week-end visit were packed. As the young woman started for the train, case in hand, she admon- "And don't tel^ any of the rest that I have my clothes In this. Let them think It is the typewriter I am taking, or the next time I won't even have the ase to fajl back on." ,?f or DrodQC w, Smn Prodll ce 0Ifl Litters rea, O .-n -,.....d we abou i, ttan 8 er ,Itter tIme- te scantily fe at Consumer of By-Products. As a consumer of by-products the DESER GOL *3s mtfff SEAJNtE GREY COPYIMAMT ANf MOTHS* O (finftlnqr trnyt U lre "How do the Taquis llvejjf she asked. Belding could not reply to that, but hope revived in him. He had faith In his wife, though he could not in the least understand what he imag ined was something mystic in her. "Years ago when I was searching for gay father I learned many things about this country," said Mrs. Beld ing. "You can never tell how long a man may live in the desert. The fiercest, most terrible and inaccessible places often have their hidden oasis. In his later years my father became a prospector. That was strange -to me, for he never cared for gold or money. 1 learned that he was^ often gone in the desert for weeks, once for months. Then the time came when he never came back. That was years before I reached the southwest border and heard of him. Even then I did not for long give up hope of his com ing back. I know nowsomething tells me^Indeed, it seems his spirit tells mehe was lost. But I don't have that feeling for Yaqui and his party. Yaqui has given Rojass the slip or1*- has ambushed him in some trap. Probably that took time and a long journey into Sonora. The Indian Is too wise 0 start back now over dry trails. He'll curb the rangers he'll wait. I seem to "know this, dear Nell, so be brave, patient Dick Gale will come back to jou." That talk w^th the strong mother worked a change in Nell and in Beld ing. Nell, who had done little but brood and watch the west and take violent rides, seemed to settle into a waiting patience that was sad, yet serene. Belding, who had been break ing under the strain of worry, recov ered himself so that to outward ap pearance he was his old self. He alone knew, however, that his humor wa forced, and that the slow burning wrath he felt for the Chases was flam ing into hate. Belding argued with himself that if Ben Chase and his son, Radford, had turned out to be big men in other ways than in the power to carry on great enterprises he might have be come reconciled to trfem. But the father was greedy, grasping, hard, cold the son added to those traits an overbearing disposition to rule, and he showed a fondness for drink and cards. These men were developing the valley, to be sure, and a horde of poor Mexicans and many Americans were benefiting from that develop ment nevertheless, these Chases were operating in a way which proved they cared only for themselves. Belding went to Casita with a num ber of his white thoroughbreds and shipped them to ranchers and horse breeders in Texas. Then, being near the railroad, and having time, he went up to Tucson. There he learned some interesting particulars about the Chases. They had an office in the city influential friends In the cap itol. They were powerful men in the rapidly growing finance of the West. They had interested the Southern Pa cific railroad, and in the near future a branch line was to be constructed from San Felipe to Forlorn River. These details of the Chase develop ment were Insignificant when com pared to a matter striking close home to Belding. His responsibility, had been subtly attacked. A doubt had been cast upon his capability of exe cuting the duties of immigration in spector to the best advantage of the state. Belding divined that this was only an entering wedge. The Chasv were bent upon driving him out of Forlorn River but, perhaps to serve better their own ends, they were pro ceeding at leisure. Belding returned home consumed by rage. But he con trolled it. For the first time in his life he was afraid of himself. He had his wife and Nell to think of and the old law of the West had gone for ever. "Dad, there's another Rojas round these diggings," was Nell's remark, after the greetings were over and the usual questions and answers passed. v" Belding's exclamation was cut short by, Nell's laugh. She was serious with a kind of amused contempt^, "Mr. Badford Chase!" i "Now Nell, what the" roared Beld ing. "Hush, Dadl Don't swear," inter rupted NelL "I only meant to tease you." "Nell, you may as well tell him and have it over," said Mrs. Belding, j-, quietly. "Well, if you weren't "such a good old blind dad you'd have seen long ago the way Mr. Radford Chase rau round after me. At first It was only annoying, and I did not want to add to your worries. Brt- taese two weeks you've been goro I've been more than annoyed. After that time I struck Mr. Chase v\ Ith my quirt he made all pos sible efforts to meet me. He did meet me wherever I went. He sent me. let- THE BEMIDJI DAILY PIONEER ^m^li^^a^ 4 Riders of thePfcrjjla Sage, WULftre. Etc. Illustration* fey ters till I got tired of sending" them "backl^He followed me until it was 'less embarrassing for me to let him walk with me and talk his head off. Be made'love to me. He begged me to marry him. I told him I was al ready in love and engaged to be mar ried. He said that didn't make any difference. Then I called him a fool "Next time he saw me he said he must explain. He meant I was being true to a man who, everybody on the border knew, had been lost in the desert- Thatthat hurt. Majbe maybe it's true. Sometimes it seems terribly true. Since then, of course I have stayed in the house to avoid being hurt again. I feel like a poor little rabbit holed by a hound. And I daren't peep out." Somehow the thing struck Belding as funny, and he laughed. He had not had a laugh for so long that it made him feel good. He stopped onl* at s'ght of Nell's surprise and pain Then he put his arms around her. "Never mind, dear. I'm an old bear Nell, it's only the old story. The fel lows fall In love with you. It's youi "Never Mind, Dear. I'm an Old Bear." good looks, Nell. What a price worn en like you and Mercedes have to paj for beauty I'd a d good deal rather be ugly as a mud fence. Well, the first time I catch this locoed Romeo sneaking round here I'll I'lf-" "Dad, you promised." "Confound it, Nell, I promised not to pack a gun. That's all. I'll onl shoo this fellow off the place, gently mind you, gently. I'll leave the res) for Dick Gale I? April grew apace, and soon gav way to May One morning Be^dln was Called from some garden work bj the whirring of an automobile and "Holloa!" He saw an elderly, sallow faced, rather frail-appearing man wh( was nn entire stranger to him a hand some dark-eyed woman whose bait showed white through her veil and superbly built girl, whose face mad Belding at oncp think of Dick Gale. "Is this Mr Tom Belding, inspectoi of immigration?" inquired the gentle man, courteously. "I'm Beldln?, and I know who yoi nie," replied Belding in hearty amaze as he stretched for his big hand "You're Dick Gale's dadthe gover nor, Dick used'to saj I'm sure gla( to ireet von (Continued in Naxt FHU* THOS. STQREY Expert Taxidermist DULUTH, MINN. Prices and Catalogue on request 611, 6th Ave. E. Mips GH 1 Quick! Sure! i tfirs irsl tcaspocvftd rec 'essc*atcv.,,cc.! SHEEP-KILLING DOG IS MENACE Control by Legislation Is Urged by United States Department of Agriculture. MICHIGAN LAW IS FAVORED Gqod Point* of Measure Would Be "Valuable to Other States Not So Well Protected, Authority Asserts. (Prepared by the United State* Department of Agriculture.) The sheep-killing dog is one of the greatest menaces to tlv shecpraising industry in the farming regions, says the United States Department of Agriculture, In Farmers' Bulletin 1268, Sheep-Killing Dogs, by M. W. Coll, Just off the press. All but five of the 29 pages are devoted to a discussion of the control of dogs ivy legislation and to digests of dog lws of the 48 states. Special attention is given to the Michigan law, which is thought to have many good po'nts that might well be adopted by other btates. More Dog Law Njeded. The sheep industry in this country has had many ups aad downs the last 50 years, and in 1922 there were He Should Be Protected. miy 36,000,0C0 sheep in the country as compared with 64,000,000 i- 1903. This is a decrease of 43.7 per cent during a period when the population increased steadily. It is hardly prob able that flogs ar responsible for ^uch a redftction, but, in the opinion of the author, there would be many Tiore sheep in a great many farming secti-sns if there were more good dog laws backed up by public opinion. The possibility of producing early-matur .ng lambs from a maximum of pastur ige and inexpensive roughages, and the coun*ry's need for an increased 3Ui*ply oi. meat and wool, he cites as reasons why sheep production should oe one Of the most profitable enter prises (t the farm. rs tits?feel ing your tl 1 o=.. P^ilsgm loos- n%infiair.edt:s3uecarcsootaed. Fellow the tre. ,o-.o on t'12 hc.Jie. Gti-h weicocr.3 rcl-rfrfi Your tougn c^ses your coid breaks up. Ko vrot when it's Senousask ou druggist for Bft.lfHG'S V. SVEW ~asfiupforcoiighs&crtds DODDER WILL HARM rf Bulletin Is Available. In aSdition to the discussion of laws, the bulletin devotes soma at -entioivtd the habits of sheep killers, co do -proof and wolf-proof fences, nd suggests how dog lovers may aid 1 preserving the reputation of the respectable members of the species. The bulletin may be obtained free by addressing the Department of Agrl cultr-re, Washington, D. C. INTEREST IN BETTER STOCK Bttrebred-Sire Movement Is Making Rapid Growth Enrollment Passes 8,000 Mark. With the growing understanding fit 'i\e utility value of purebred live stotfc fd especially purebred sires, the list t persons enrolled in the "Better \lresBetter Stock" campaign is ra|i- !*ly increasing. The middle of Au gust it passed the 8,000 mark, signify ing that many peisons have filed statements with the United States De- 1 partment of Agriculture that their live-stock breeding operations will le conducted henceforth on a purebred-1 sire, basis. This includes all classes of domestic live stock, including poultry. In some counties of limited area the I lumber of farms is relatively small Gordon B. Nance, county agent of Oldham county, Kentucky, points out, however, that although his county ^ias only 1,086 farms, 10 per cent of the farmers have signed enrollment blanks, which signifies active partici pation In systematic live-stock im provement work. Other counties in which 10 per cent or more of the farmers are using purebred sires* ex clusively are: Pulaski county, Vir ginia, 52 per cent Kittitas county, Washington, 18 per cent Greene coun ty, Ohio, 13 per cent and Orange county, Virginia, 10 per cent. In this onnection the bureau of animal in dustry points out that the proportions are for all farms and that the per centages for farms in which live stock the principal market product prob ably would be muw higher. ALFAIF/ Where Farmer Is Planning ft^ Crop Stand for Seed It Is Wi to Look for Weeds. If you are planning to let alfalfa tan for seed look your field over for lodder. Once Ts n*ot enough. It should done several times before cutting. Vlfnlfa seed containing dodder seed is msalable In some states and is dis riminated against in all markets. It impossible by any known method to ree alfalfa seed of the large-seeded 'odders. The onlv practical procedure 1 to see that the field is free from tiiis rest. wJBSCBIBB FOR THE PIONEEB TODAY'S ANNIVERSARIES 1822Charles E. Anton, noted num& israatist, whose collection of coins was one of the most valuable in America, bom in New York City. Died there. June 7, 1883. 1833Col. John Singleton' Mosby, famous Confederate cavalry chief tain, born in Powhatan county, Va. Died in Washington, D. C, May 80, 1916. 1847Jefferson Davis became U nited States senator from Missi tfsiippi. 1 1 1 v 1855Anselm Mayer Rothschild, founder of the great financial house of Rothschilds, died at Frankfort, Germany. Born there," June 12. 1773 1857British force" under Sir Colin Campbell defeated the rebels at Campcre, 1862Claiborne Jackson, thir teenth governor of Missoun, died at Litle Rock, Ark. Born HI Flem ing county, Ky., April 4, 1807. 1886Joyce Kilmer, noted poet, horn at New Brunswick, N. J. Killed in battle in France- July 30, 1918. Your Child *,t WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC- 6. 19221 1918Pope Benedict called for pub lic prayers for the guidance by Providence of the coming Peaqe ^Conference. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE PIONEER GILBERT BROS. Auto Painting Oo. Let ua paint or refinuh your car. We do first class auto mobile painting, perfect strip ing and monogram work. We guarantee all first cla work.' We make old cava new. Give us a trial and be convinced 507 Third St. J. B. Gilbert-A. L. Gilbert Proprietors The Bemidji Daily Pioneer the yeay 'round gift Here's a gift that will prove inter esting every day of the yearan an nual subscription to The Daily Pioneer It's a gift that never gets tiresome for it tells a different story every twen ty-four hours. And it will be welcome by every member of your family or your friend's families, for all of them have an interest in it some way or other.* Call our circulation department and we'll attend to the rest of it. You may have a $1,000 accident insurance policy for 75 if you subscribe. Daily Pioneer, by mail, 6 months $2.50 Daily Pioneer, by carrier, 6 months 3.00 at least a quart of Koors Pasteurized Milk every day in the week. Ask your doctor about the economy and value of plenty of good milk for growing children.1 DRS. Larson& Larson SPECIALISTS EXAMINING EYES FITTING GLASSES Office, First Floor 213 Third St. Office Phone 131 Res. 310 KOORS BROTHERS CO. Phone 175 OR W C. HARDING, PHNE 389 1 4t l'IW IIO 1 6tesa